Alkalinization of the body - the essence and basic principles. Why acid-base imbalance does not allow you to lose weight

22.04.2014 Vladimir Zuykov Save:

Hello dear readers! Today you will learn which foods alkalize the human body, and which acidify. The table below will help you understand what you need to focus on in your diet to be healthy, and what you don’t need.

First of all, you should know that if a person's diet consists mainly of acidic foods, illness and poor health are inevitable. Food that alkalizes the body suits us much better by nature and heals us.

Yes, acidifying foods can be eaten, but limitedly. If it’s completely on the scabies, NATURAL vegetables, herbs and fruits are the basis of the diet, all other products are best used as food as a supplement.

Friends, if you are tired of getting sick and treating diseases, try to increase the amount of alkaline food. And soon you will forget about joint pain, indigestion, fatigue and drowsiness for no reason. Alkaline food restores health!

Table of alkalizing and oxidizing products according to Walker

Below is a table of acidification and alkalization of the body. Look at the plate, it is very simple and understandable. Conditional explanations are given below. You can also download it to your computer.




Fresh and dried fruits, fruit juices

fresh apricots

dried apricots


ripe bananas

Bananas are green


Grape juice natural

Grape juice sweetened


Dried figs

Pickled plums

Plum compote

dried plums


Natural lemon juice

Sweetened lemon juice

Natural orange juice

Sweetened orange juice

Fruits (almost all)

Fruit boiled with sugar


Berries (any)

fresh apples

Dried apples

Vegetables, herbs, legumes

Fresh beans

dried beans

Baked beans


Peas dry

Green pea

Potato with skin

vegetable juices

fresh cucumbers

Dandelion (green)



fresh tomatoes


Fresh beets


Cereal products

White rice

Wild rice

Hominy and corn flakes

white flour

brown rice


Oat groats

Bread black

White bread

Sprouted wheat bread

Barley grits





Kefir, curdled milk

Goat cheese

Goat milk

Whole milk

Cream, butter

Soy cheese, soy milk

Whey milk

Hard cheese

Soft cheese

Nuts, vegetable oils



Corn oil

Linseed oil, flaxseed

Rapeseed oil, olive oil

sunflower seeds, sunflower oil

pumpkin seeds, pumpkin seed oil


Eggs (in general)

Eggs (protein)

Meat and meat products

Boiled lamb

Lamb stew

Bacon is greasy

Bacon skinny

Lean fresh ham


beef liver

Lean pork

Pork fat (raw)


Fish (any)

Sweets, sugar, sweeteners

White sugar, brown sugar

processed honey


fresh honey

raw sugar


Alcoholic, low alcohol drinks, beer

Mineral water / tap water

Highly carbonated water CO2

Green tea

Ginger tea

lemon water

Sweet carbonated drinks

herbal teas

Black tea


apple cider vinegar natural


  • 0 - weak oxidation or alkalization
  • 00 - medium oxidation or alkalization
  • 000 - strong oxidation or alkalization
  • 0000 - very strong oxidation or alkalization

You can download the same table in PDF format from the link below. Share this article on any social network, after which you will see a link to download the table.

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Alkalinization of the body is becoming a popular trend towards a healthy lifestyle. Its supporters talk about the need to maintain an alkaline environment in our body to ensure the optimal resource state of the body. Medicine does not mind - and this means that it is worth understanding the benefits and harms of alkalizing the body in order to use available methods to maintain the necessary energy and health in the body every day.

What is alkalization of the body

The concept of the benefits of alkalizing the body has a scientific explanation and proven facts of the effectiveness of the methods. Each food product tends to affect the internal environment of the body, alkalizing or acidifying it. Food that increases the acid background is harmful to promote the development of inflammatory processes. Phenomena such as acne, gout, slow metabolism, overweight, arthrosis, osteochondrosis and other diseases are sad examples of the harmful effects of acidification of the internal environment of our body.

The basis of the method of alkalization of the body is an increase in the use of healthy alkaline products (65 - 80%) and a decrease in acidic (20 - 35%). With this ratio, all internal systems adapt to alkalization faster, even if the former basis of nutrition was "acidifying" food.

What is useful alkalization of the body

Scientists are sure that for the most active and healthy functioning, a person needs an alkaline environment. Useful methods of alkalizing the body improve the functioning of the digestive system, cleanse the intestines. The immune system becomes stronger, cells divide at a faster rate - therefore, metabolism and regeneration take place intensively, chemical reactions proceed better and without deviations. Alkalinization of the body contributes to the removal of harmful toxins and toxins against the background of developing beneficial flora in the gastrointestinal tract.

Important! Alkalization of the body is a voluminous healing process. Therefore, before starting it, it is necessary to consult with an experienced doctor and conduct the necessary examination.

Signs of acidification of the body

What is commonly called acid-base balance is measured on the pH scale. The pH level is a measure of the concentration of hydrogen ions in body fluids.

In a healthy person, the pH value is 7.35 - 7.45: maintaining it is the principle of the body's alkalization system. If it falls below 7, then they talk about a change in the properties of the balance towards an acidic environment, which in practice is manifested by the harm of serious violations in human health.

Violations in the acid-base balance provokes, first of all:

  • malnutrition (excessive consumption of sweets, fast food, carbonated drinks);
  • "passive lifestyle;
  • bad habits (smoking, alcohol).

The presence of at least one of these factors will reflect a high likelihood of acidification of the body, which can lead to such problems:

  • erosion of tooth enamel, dry faded skin, damaged brittle hair;
  • rheumatism of the joints (inflammatory disease of the connective tissue), cramps after minor physical exertion, pain in the muscles and spine;
  • frequent aching headaches, migraines;
  • obesity, overweight;
  • unstable pressure (very high or low, constant fluctuations);
  • diabetes Ι and ΙΙ degrees;
  • the risk of developing cancer;
  • strokes.

How to check acid-base balance

If a person has any of the above habits in his life, this should be a signal to pay attention to his acid-base balance and alkalize the body. Its normal value varies slightly depending on age, hereditary traits, type of metabolism, however, its lower limit will be 7, and its upper limit will be 8. Going beyond these limits means an increase in health risks.

There are several ways to find out your own balance at home - to conduct a blood, urine, saliva test using special disposable strips. A urine test should be done 2 hours before a meal or 5 hours after. Under these conditions, the results will be most accurate.

Advice! It is better to take measurements regularly in order to understand the dynamics of processes and better control the situation.

A blood test will show the most accurate and correct pH of the body. The analysis should be carried out only in a hospital setting by a doctor. It is also important to remember that in the first half of the day the acid-base balance is at a low point, and in the evening it rises. This is due to the properties of the daily course of oxidative processes in the body.

Ways to alkalize the body

There are several ways to carry out alkalization of the body at home. Most of it has to do with eating specific foods at the right pH, following healthy guidelines.

  1. Alkalinizing the body with lemon is the most popular "alkaline recipe" because lemon is considered a highly alkaline food. Drinking lemon water in the morning on an empty stomach is beneficial for alkalizing the body. The recipe is simple: in a glass of clean drinking water, you need to dilute 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice. This drink perfectly tones the body, gives a useful boost to the immune system and improves digestion.
  2. Alkalinization of the body can also be carried out with ordinary baking soda. To prepare a drink, you need to add 0.5 - 1 tsp. soda in water brought to a boil and mix.

    Attention! The water should bubble up like soda. Only after that you can drink the solution without harm to the stomach. To enhance the effect of alkalization of the body, you can drink an alkaline cocktail with the addition of a spoonful of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar, useful for its alkaline properties, to soda water. At the first tasting, the drink may not seem the most pleasant in taste: it is better to drink it moderately hot or warm: this way the soda plume will be less felt by the receptors than in a cooled form. The habit of regularly drinking soda on an empty stomach will bring a steady improvement in the pH of the environment.

  3. Healthy full sleep plays an important beneficial role in alkalizing the body. An adult needs to allocate at least 7 hours a day for rest. Otherwise, the body produces stress hormones - cortisol and adrenaline, which introduce an imbalance in nervous activity, which then disrupts the work of other organs. In addition, it is during sleep that our body is completely restored and cleansed.
  4. Fresh vegetables are the main source of alkaline foods in the human diet. Nutritionists advise eating at least 2 whole vegetables per day to maximize alkalinization success. Products have a beneficial effect due to the valuable composition of minerals, essential vitamins and antioxidants. Healthy vegetables with the most "alkaline" indicators include green leafy and root crops.
  5. For high-quality alkalization, you should reduce or completely abandon the use of sugar and sweet foods. Sweets, chocolate, rolls, cakes, carbonated drinks bring significant harm to the body, as well as the passion for artificial sweeteners: sucralose and aspartame. A useful option would be to replace sugar with natural stevia: this supplement has virtually no side effects and is allowed when the body is alkalized.

A more powerful alkalization method is described in the video:

Proper Diet

An alkalizing (or alkalic) diet has many health benefits. It can reduce the risk of kidney stones, cleanse the mucous membranes and intestines, and improve the condition of the body as a whole. To do this, you need to adhere to a special nutrition system based on the following principles;

  • In the process of alkalization of the body, acidic foods cannot be completely excluded, as this can result in harm to extremes. Low pH foods should make up about 20% of all foods consumed;
  • Vegetables should not be cooked. It has been proven that only in the "raw" form they retain their beneficial properties to the maximum and can bring high benefits to the body for alkalization. In an exceptional case, with contraindications to the use of fiber (for example, in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract), to achieve the effect of alkalization, vegetables can be boiled, preferably steamed;
  • Alkalinization of the body completely eliminates the use of animal fats, since butter, cheese, milk, cottage cheese, sour cream and other products of animal origin harm the acidification of the body's environment. For salads, linseed, coconut, corn, olive oils will benefit;
  • The last meal should be 12 hours after the first. Thus, the day will be divided into 2 parts: the first 12 hours after waking up is allowed, and the next 12 are not;
  • For optimal alkalization of the body, all grains (cereals, pasta, flour) and seafood can be consumed no more than three times a week.

Advice! Nutritionists are sure that moderate physical activity improves the effect of alkalization by several times. And the bonus is weight loss.

A sample menu for the day might include:

  1. Breakfast - fresh red and green vegetables, a glass of soy milk or natural unsweetened yogurt.
  2. Lunch - boiled chicken meat, up to 200 g, vegetable side dish and herbal tea.
  3. Dinner - from 200 g of baked fish, vegetable salad, natural yogurt or ayran.

Table of alkalizing products

To remove extra pounds, and with them - and inflammatory processes in the body in the process of alkalization, it is necessary to reduce the use of "acidic" foods and increase the volume of "alkaline" ones.

There is a stereotype that low pH foods can be identified by their sour taste. However, this is a mistake. An example of this is lemon - sour in taste, but perfectly alkalizing water.

The table shows a list of common foods that are included in the standard diet.

Regular physical activity

In order for the alkalization of the body to be effective, it is important not to forget about daily physical activity. Any training: running, swimming, cycling or just brisk walking can speed up internal metabolic processes and improve acid-base balance. Experts advise more often to use the stairs instead of the elevator, to walk, since such activity tends to bring significant benefits not only to physical, but also to emotional health: with such simple actions, you can reduce stress levels.

Drinking alkaline drinks

Having embarked on the path of alkalization of the body, it is important to remember the need to drink enough fluid daily. The basis should be simple purified water at room temperature. The calculation is carried out individually (25 - 30 ml per 1 kg of body weight). To diversify the diet, you can fortify water by adding pieces of fruits and berries to it, which have beneficial properties. Strawberry, raspberry, lemon, lime, orange, apple are perfect. So, the taste will become much more pleasant, and the body will receive more benefits due to the desired beneficial properties of the added products.

Important! On an alkaine diet, to alkalize the body, you must completely exclude the use of unnatural packaged juices, strong coffee, alcohol and carbonated drinks!

Positive emotions

An important element in the successful course of alkalization of the body is to maintain a positive attitude and good mood. A positive mental attitude has a huge impact on physical well-being. “Happy hormones” will benefit the work of internal systems, improving the functioning of organs, while a negative attitude can provoke oxidative reactions in the body, proceeding with the release of harmful free radicals.

When alkalizing the body can be harmful

The body of a healthy person has the ability to independently regulate its own acid-base balance. An “alkaline” diet has practically no negative effects: it can be introduced to get rid of chronic health problems: an increase in the content of plant foods, due to which the main alkalization occurs, cannot be harmful, since it provides the necessary nutritional complex to maintain normal human life.

Contraindications for the diet of alkalization of the body may be individual cases of reactions to products or diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in which a strict diet is prescribed.

Attention! Any temporary major dietary change should be accompanied by a consultation with a physician.


The study of the question of the benefits and harms of alkalization of the body makes it possible to conclude that the concept of alkalization is a safe innovative approach to the nutrition system. Even if you're not a fan of "alkaline diets," it's a good idea to focus on adding healthy, high pH foods to your daily menu to maintain your body's natural acid-base balance.


Violation of the acid-base balance of the body is increasingly attracting the attention of researchers, and most doctors claim that all human diseases are associated with this! Indeed, back in 1932, the German biochemist Otto Warburg received the Nobel Prize for proving the relationship between cancer and internal acidification of the environment. Cancer cells live only in an acidic environment; in an alkaline environment, they will die in exactly 3 hours. However, it is very difficult to find at least one disease, the development of which would not be promoted by acidification.With a shift in blood pH from just 7.43 to 7.33, it carries 8 times less oxygen!At the same time, there can be no talk of any health at all.

Unfortunately, for most people, the acid-base balance is shifted to the acid side. It is quite easy to check this - litmus papers are sold in pharmacies, which can be used to “measure” the pH of saliva and urine, which will show our acid-base balance.

To begin with, understand why an acid-base imbalance occurs. First of all, of course, because of the food. The overall pH of our body will depend on what lies in the dinner plate (acidity is characterized by this parameter). Luckily, the choice of the menu is entirely up to us.

Therefore, it is very important to know our "friends" among the products that help

shift the acid-base balance of our body to the alkaline side!


0 - weak oxidation or alkalization,

00 - medium oxidation or alkalization,

000 - strong oxidation or alkalization,

0000 - very strong oxidation or alkalization.

Foods that oxidize or alkalize the body




Fresh and dried fruits, fruit juices

fresh apricots

dried apricots





ripe bananas

Bananas are green


Grape juice natural

Grape juice sweetened






Dried figs












Pickled plums

Plum compote

dried plums


Natural lemon juice

Sweetened lemon juice

Natural orange juice

Sweetened orange juice


Fruits (almost all)

Fruit boiled with sugar



Sweet cherry

Berries (any)


fresh apples

Dried apples

Vegetables, herbs, legumes

Fresh beans

dried beans

Baked beans


Peas dry

Green pea

Potato with skin






vegetable juices

fresh cucumbers


Dandelion (green)




fresh tomatoes





Fresh beets




spinach raw

Cereal products


White rice


Wild rice



Hominy and corn flakes

white flour

brown rice


Oat groats




Bread black

White bread

Sprouted wheat bread

Barley grits



Kefir, curdled milk

Goat cheese

Goat milk

Whole milk

Cream, butter

Soy cheese, soy milk

Whey milk

Hard cheese

Soft cheese

Cottage cheese

Nuts, vegetable oils





Cashew nuts

Corn oil

Linseed oil, flaxseed


Rapeseed oil, olive oil

sunflower seeds, sunflower oil

pumpkin seeds, pumpkin seed oil


Eggs (in general)

Eggs (protein)


Meat and meat products

Boiled lamb

Lamb stew

Bacon is greasy

Bacon skinny

Lean fresh ham






beef liver

Lean pork

pork fat



Fish (any)








Sweets, sugar, sweeteners

White sugar, brown sugar


processed honey


Sweeteners (Nutra Sweet, Equal, Aspartame, Sweet "n Low

fresh honey

raw sugar



Alcoholic, low alcohol drinks, beer


Green tea

Ginger tea


lemon water

Sweet carbonated drinks


herbal teas

Black tea

Of course, we need a variety of food - both acidic and alkaline. You need to eat everything - but at the same time observe the proportion. For a normal healthy person, the proportion of alkalizing and oxidizing foods on the menu should be approximately 50:50, and for a sick person, 80:20. This ratio achieves an acid-base balance.

In addition, you need to properly combine "acidic" and "alkaline" foods:

Meat and fish are best consumed with vegetables, rather than grain products (cereals, pasta, etc.). If you already drink alcoholic beverages or coffee, drink plenty of water, and drink alcohol "snack" vegetables. When cooking meat dishes, you can and should use berries as garnishes or bases for sauces and gravies.

We talked about the "inflow" of acids and alkalis, now let's discuss the ways to remove them! Removal of excess acids from the body, as you know, occurs in several ways - through the kidneys with urine, through sweat, and partially - with feces and exhalation through the lungs. We take care of the increase in diuresis (urine) by normal water intake, in case of problems with the intestines we can usesoftcleansing org nism , We will not be able to influence the “quality” of the exhaled air in any way, but with the release of acids through the skin, everything is not so simple! Unfortunately, the widely advertised antiperspirants have become so fashionable that we cannot imagine our life without them ... and we make a deadly mistake by "immuring" poisons inside ourselves! In this case, the excessive load falls on the kidneys, which also have their limit, and if they fail, kidney disease begins, and the body becomes acidic. So, as usual, our health is in our hands!

But, it turns out, not only health! Knowledge of acid-base balance helps not only to improve the body, but also ... to reduce weight! Acidification, with all the ensuing consequences, leads not only, or rather, not so much to the deposition of extra pounds, but also to a violation of all body functions! Therefore, the restoration of the pH of organs and systems leads to the normalization of metabolism and, as a bonus, to weight loss!

Coral water natural living water, improve the quality of life Cleansing (lymph) of the human lymphatic system
Microhydrin - youth, energy, protection! The most powerful antioxidant of the 21st century

Cleanliness without chemicals is a reality! Home care products

Vitalizers. Water treatment devices: structuring, softening Neitronik - Your protection against electromagnetic radiation, electrosmog CORAL-МINE - crushed coral purifies water and improves its biological properties. Trace elements from coral sand (about 70 vital elements) pass into solution in ionic form, contributing to better absorption of nutrients and improvement in many diseases, including chronic ones. Coral-Mine saturates the water with active ionized calcium and creates an alkaline environment in the body, normalizing the acid-base balance. With acidification of the body, a decrease in immunity is noted, viruses and bacteria multiply rapidly, vitamins and microelements are poorly absorbed, diseases of the vessels, heart, joints, blood and many other pathological conditions of the body occur, incl. oncological. It is also known that metabolic processes in the body at the cellular level proceed with the participation of calcium ions. Calcium supplied with food and water, as a rule, is biologically inactive. An important advantage of coral calcium is its bioavailability: upon contact with water, calcium becomes ionic and is easily absorbed by cells. Daily use of such water contributes to the creation of a healthy (slightly alkaline) internal environment: the achievement of the optimal pH value of the blood; reduce the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system and digestive organs; blood oxygen saturation; normalization of blood sugar levels and pressure; cleansing the kidneys, digestive system and liver; preventing arthritis, increasing the elasticity of muscles and joints, restoring the normal structure of bone and cartilage tissues of the body.

Increasingly, we are faced in life with the concept of alkalizing products. But what kind of products they are and most importantly, what they are needed for, very few people know. We monitor the level of sugar, cholesterol in the blood, but we forget about the state of the acid-base balance in the body, or rather, we don’t even think about it. But this is the most important indicator for our health.

How many times in our lives have we heard the phrase - “we are what we eat”, but never attached importance to it. We, like a firebox, throw into our body what is sometimes simply unacceptable without thinking. But our body is ourselves, why do we care so much about our health?

You know that most diseases. fullness, metabolic disorders comes from the acidity of our body, our blood? Most of us are slowly dying and don't know it, the acid in the blood gradually destroys the cells. How to find out your acid-base balance? Yes, very simple, use litmus paper from the pharmacy, check saliva and urine.

Alkaline balance, how to maintain it and why it is so important

It is especially important to maintain the acid-base balance for the blood. A very slightly elevated PH leads to the fact that it practically ceases to perform its main function - to deliver oxygen to the cells. From here, pathologies immediately begin to develop.

Of course, you all know that acid has the ability to corrode living tissue. And what else threatens the violation of the acid-base balance, what is important to know in order to prevent problems and diseases, some of which are fatal:

  • Deterioration of metabolic processes at the cellular level
  • Skin aging and wrinkling quickly
  • Water is retained in the cells
  • The body itself begins to try to restore balance. using own resources
  • Decreased hemoglobin
  • Chronic fatigue appears
  • Osteoporosis occurs
  • Mental activity is disturbed
  • Apathy, depression
  • In an acidic environment, cancer cells begin to grow rapidly
  • Acidosis occurs
  • The body begins to accumulate fat, you begin to gain weight
  • Impaired thyroid function

When the acidity of the blood begins to rise, the cells of the body are forced to give it trace elements in order to somehow resolve the imbalance. This is at the level of protecting the body from the development of pathologies. But, of course, as a result, the cells themselves begin to lack vital resources and pathologies nevertheless begin to develop.

Moreover, even if you are trying to lose weight. then cortisol, which is responsible for the carbohydrate balance and increases along with acidity, does not allow this to be done, it retains fat in the cells. And these surpluses of fat are nothing but excess acid for the body, which you have been using so zealously throughout your life.

Diseases begin, very often colds, with increased acidity of the blood, also because the body cannot absorb and retain vitamins and trace elements. No matter how you try to restore immunity or increase hemoglobin, it will turn out very hard and slowly.

Alkaline foods are essential for health

Some, having learned about the consequences of acidification of the body, begin to “go too far” and consume only products that alkalize the body. But such an approach is not acceptable, because then the diet turns out to be one-sided and again leads to metabolic disorders.

The rate of acidifying and alkalizing foods in the diet per day should consist of equal parts. Only in people with serious illnesses does it make sense to double the rate of alkaline foods. There are different foods you need, because in addition to the acid-base balance, they supply us with vitamins, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, microelements. And if something is missing in some products, the body must receive the substances necessary for life from others.

All alkaline foods are divided into highly alkalizing, alkalizing and slightly alkalizing. The most interesting thing is that they are sometimes very sour in taste, for example, lemon is considered one of the highly alkalizing. Therefore, it is impossible to choose them according to taste without knowing their effect.

There is a special table of products that alkalize and acidify the body. Slightly alkalizable products are marked 0 in it, alkalizable 00, highly alkalizable 000. Products that acidify the body are marked on the same principle.

Knowing them, you can easily create a balanced diet for yourself, which will maintain the state of the body in the normal range. If you know all these products, their interaction and effect on the body, you will be able to maintain your weight constantly in the normal range, and without any effort, you will have a good metabolism and metabolism, which means you will look younger, slimmer and practically have no serious diseases.

Table of alkaline products

Water is a strong alkalizing product, it is the basis of all life on earth and its effect on us should not be underestimated. Water keeps our cells in working condition, affecting the safety of our organs and the appearance of the skin, it helps rid the body of excess harmful substances, cleansing us through the kidneys and skin.

Another highly alkalizing product is ordinary fresh milk, it also contains a lot of calcium, which just helps to balance the acid-base balance. But, alas, many people, especially adults, cannot drink milk because of individual intolerance, so it can be fermented and drunk in the form of whey, the lactic acid product is also alkaline.

Fresh greens, all kinds of salads, all kinds of cabbage, spinach, lettuce - this is a mass of useful substances that are the most accessible to everyone, and they are also alkaline foods. They should be on the table all year round, this is a healthy digestion, beautiful skin, a slender body, strong and elastic muscles.

Root vegetables are also a good alkaline food. Our usual potatoes are slightly alkaline, but squeeze the juice from raw potatoes and you get a very alkalizing product.

Almonds and avocados are anti-aging, prolonging youth and at the same time alkalizing. By the way, almonds are the only one of all nuts, the rest are neutral products, like all legumes.

How to reduce acidity in the body

The main thing here is not to confuse, there should be an acidic environment in the stomach, because it is the acid that is involved in the digestion of food. And for the PH level of the blood, increased acidity is unacceptable, just imagine that acid is carried through your veins, throughout the body with every heartbeat.

How to avoid this? Just eat right. Study the table, see what is on your plate every day. If you can’t go a day without meat, then serve vegetables and herbs as a side dish.

Get rid of the habit of drinking alcohol and coffee, or eat them with alkaline foods. Drink water, it restores the acid-base balance best

Alkalinization and acidification of the body

Acidification of the body is observed in most people on the planet precisely because of thoughtless and irrational nutrition. For the most part, people count calories more often, are interested in the content of vitamins, and look for foods that will help lose weight. But they don’t even know about such an important moment as acidification, and what it leads to.

There are a lot of people on the planet with cancer at different stages. They also do not suspect that the disease has developed and is progressing due to malnutrition. The fungus Candida, which causes cancer, is very fond of an acidic environment. It has been repeatedly proven that starting to alkalize the body, people are completely cured of this terrible disease.

The human body is a complex, intelligent and balanced system. One of the most important balance factors is the ratio of acidity and alkalinity. In most people, due to an unbalanced diet and a lack of knowledge about acid-base balance (pH), acidification of the body is observed - acidosis. Sometimes the imbalance reaches critical values, which as a result leads to the development of inflammatory processes, a decrease in immunity, the occurrence of edema, the growth of body fat, brittle bones, tooth decay, problems with the cardiovascular system, as well as the risk of developing tumor diseases. Acidification is also fraught with premature aging of the body, a drop in efficiency, and a slowdown in mental activity.

How does acidosis occur and how to deal with it?

What is acidification and alkalization of the body

To measure the ratio of acidity in the body, a scale with divisions from 5 to 9 (with tenths) is used. The normal blood pH range is 7.3 to 7.5 (urine pH is desired to be between 6 and 6.4). You can check the pH at home by buying a special device for measuring the acidity of saliva and urine (changes should be made for several days in a row to calculate the average). You can check the pH of the blood at the clinic.

In many people, the level of acidity is elevated - in other words, acidosis is observed. There is also the opposite phenomenon - alkalosis, but excessive alkalization of the body is much less common.

The body becomes acidic due to the fact that acidifying foods enter the food tract. It is they that dominate the diet of modern man, so the pH indicators are deteriorating.

What happens in the body during acidosis?

● Acidified blood becomes thick and viscous. It more slowly carries oxygen and useful substances throughout the body, due to which efficiency decreases, brain function worsens. Metabolism and hormonal levels are changing, since thick blood is not able to carry enzymes through the body in a timely manner.

● Against the background of increased acidity, bacteria and microbes multiply more actively, inflammatory processes develop more intensively.

● Acid leaches useful trace elements from the body: calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, iron. Bones and teeth become more fragile due to the loss of calcium, the cardiovascular system suffers from a lack of magnesium, and a general decline in strength is felt due to a lack of iron. The muscular system weakens, regular headaches and insomnia appear.

● Trying to reduce the level of acidity, the body retains water. Edema occurs, the work of the lymphatic system is disturbed, the skin fades prematurely.

● Acid environment, as established by Japanese scientists, contributes to the emergence of tumors. This is one of the most dangerous results of acidifying the body.

But acidification can and should be fought! The obvious solution is to balance the pH by alkalizing the body. By consuming so-called alkaline foods, you can gradually achieve an ideal acid-base balance and solve all of the above health problems.

Signs of acidification of the body

To establish acidification, it is necessary to do blood, saliva and urine tests, but it is possible to understand that the body most likely needs alkalization by a number of characteristic features:

● poor health, fatigue, muscle weakness;

● insomnia or drowsiness, nervous disorders, loss of concentration, memory impairment;

● puffiness, which is difficult to deal with;

● weight gain that you cannot manage with either diet or exercise;

● poor condition of teeth;

● fragility of bones;

● tumor processes;

● frequent colds due to falling immunity;

● worsening of the work of the heart.

If you have found signs of acidification of the body in yourself or your loved ones, do not waste time - start the fight for health!

The impact of alkalization on human health

The benefits of alkalization have been known to mankind for a long time, although only modern science has presented confirmation at the chemical level. A case in point is gargling with baking soda for toothache: this alkaline substance reduces acidity in the mouth, reducing inflammation. But this is an example of a local action. For complex alkalization, it is necessary to provide the body with alkalizing products.

Complex alkalization has a beneficial effect on all body systems:

● you will feel a general improvement in your condition, a surge of energy, increased endurance;

● normalizes the work of the nervous system, improves brain activity;

● immunity will be strengthened;

● edema and extra pounds will disappear;

● reduce the risk of blood clots, tumors, fractures.

Foods that alkalize and acidify the body

A visual table will help to distinguish between acidifying and alkalizing products. In it, the effect of each product on changing the pH level is evaluated in the range from + to ++++.

Berries, fruits, juices





Orange juice nature.

Sweetened orange juice

Bananas are ripe

Green bananas

fresh grapes

Grape juice sweetened


Natural lemon juice.

Lemon juice sweetened



fresh apples

Dried apples

Vegetables, legumes, herbs




Peas dry, heat-treated

Fresh green peas

Canned peas

fresh white cabbage

Jacket baked potatoes

steamed potatoes

Fried potato

fresh cilantro

fresh corn

Canned corn

Green onion

fresh carrots

Vegetable smoothies, juices

fresh cucumbers


Bulgarian pepper

fresh parsley

fresh tomatoes

radish, radish


Fresh beets

Dill fresh

Fresh string beans

Canned beans

Cereals, bread, grains, flour



Amaranth seeds and flour

Starch, potato, corn


Corn flour

White wheat flour

oat flour

Rye flour

Corn grits

Steamed white rice

brown rice

rice wild

White bread

Black bread

Whole grain bread

Barley grits

Meat, poultry, eggs



Lamb boiled or stewed

Roast lamb or barbecue

Lean ham

Beef boiled or stewed

Grilled beef or barbecue

Chicken boiled or stewed

Fried chicken or barbecue


Bird (game)

Beef liver, chicken

Pork liver

pork fat




Yoghurt natural

Kefir, ryazhenka

Whole milk


Hard cheese

Soft cheese

Cottage cheese natural

Curd mass sweet

Nuts, seeds and oils



Walnut and walnut oil

Corn oil

Linseed oil

Almonds and almond oil

Olive oil

pecan nut

Sunflower seeds and oil

pumpkin seeds and oil

Hazelnut and hazelnut oil

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that enrolling products do not mean harmful products. All nutrients must be present in the diet products (and vegetables, and meat, and milk, and cereals). But, firstly, you need to choose meat not fried, but stewed (which is clearly understood from the table), brown rice, not white, etc. And most importantly, keep a balance. Then there will be no acidification.

The greatest threat to the body is posed by alcohol (including beer), soda (including sugar substitutes), industrial chocolate and cocoa from cocoa butter substitutes and containing sugar and additives, coffee and black tea, industrial sweets and pastries, white bread, fatty varieties meat - pork, lamb, as well as pickled and canned foods. All this should be abandoned even by a completely healthy person.

In moderation, you can eat lean meats, poultry, cheeses, corn, and dairy products. But if the acidity of the body is greatly increased, you will temporarily have to do without this food.

Vegetables and herbs are almost completely alkaline foods, so they should form the basis of the diet. Raw spinach, broccoli and cauliflower, sea kale, green beans, asparagus, figs and dried apricots, watermelon and melon, onions, carrots, fresh cucumbers (salted and pickled under the ban, as well as Korean carrots) are very useful for alkalizing the body. Excellent alkalizing performance in grapefruit, lime and lemon. You can also add sprouted wheat bread to the menu (in moderation). Useful fish, liver and natural milk yogurt.

An excellent alkalizing agent is fermented Ivan tea (unlike black).

Mineral waters of the hydrocarbon group (without gas) will help improve the pH readings when the body is acidified. These are Essentuki No. 4, Essentuki No. 17, Borjomi, Smirnovskaya and Svalyava. To release the gas, open the bottle and warm it up a little. It is advisable to buy these waters not in plastic bottles, but in glass ones.

Lemons are very useful for alkalization: it is recommended to regularly drink water with the juice of these citrus fruits. However, there is one serious "but": this method of alkalizing the body is not recommended for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by high acidity.

Also, caution should be used for alkalization of baking soda: the negative consequences can outweigh the positive effect.

Apple cider vinegar is an extremely useful product for alkalizing the body. But the vinegar must be natural, prepared independently from apples. You can also use any other natural fruit vinegar (grape, plum, cherry) - add vinegar to salads 1 teaspoon per serving. Use vinegar with caution in case of increased secretion of gastric juice (hyperacid gastritis, ulcer).

It is much better to balance the diet, use mineral bicarbonate waters, as well as infusions of alkalizing herbs. Do not chase a quick effect, it is better to alkalize the body gently and safely.

And, of course, it should be remembered that breathing exercises, gymnastics and walks in forests and parks contribute to a decrease in acidity.

Herbs that alkalize the body

Collections of natural herbs, used in the form of decoctions and teas, help to effectively alkalize the body. Linden, mint, chamomile, lemon balm, Jerusalem artichoke, dog rose have a positive effect. And, importantly, these herbs act gently without exposing the body to a stressful increase in pH levels.

There are herbs with a more pronounced effect: for example, calendula and coltsfoot. They are able to quickly change the pH level in the body, so take decoctions from them should be moderate, with caution.

Birch and pine buds, immortelle flowers, valerian and angelica roots, oregano, thyme, yarrow, swamp cudweed, St. and dandelion.

The listed herbs can be taken either individually or in compositions and drunk as a tea. An example of an effective cleansing tea is the "Complex Cleansing" herbal tea, which ideally combines the cleansing, general healing and alkalizing properties of herbs.

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