Cosmetic suture after cesarean. Restoration of the appearance of the fabric. How and how to process the seam after cesarean

There is always a trace left behind. The seam delivers pain in the first days after surgery, requires care in the first week, makes itself felt in the first month and leaves a scar for life. Of course, compared to the happiness that motherhood has given you, all the inconvenience due to the seam is a meager price. But at first the seam after caesarean section worries all women.

Now it is important to properly care for him and respond in time to unwanted changes. And then very soon you will forget about the seam: now there will be so many new pleasant troubles! ..

How is a suture placed after a caesarean section?

You can talk a lot about this, and if you are really interested in this issue, then it is better to find out from a specialist. The doctor can tell you how skin incisions are made, what types of sutures are available, what threads are used and in what cases, what advantages and disadvantages each of them has.

What you need to know and understand is that there is a different method of incision and suturing applicable to every situation, and that there is actually more than one suture after a caesarean section. During the operation, all layers are suppressed abdominal wall and the uterus, and the restoration of their integrity also occurs “in layers”: first, a suture is applied to the uterus (usually a horizontal incision is made in its lower segment), then the muscles, tendons, and edges are connected subcutaneous tissue and outer skin layer.

Today, medicine has access to multiple modern techniques incisions and suturing after cesarean, which can reduce the time of the operation, reduce trauma and blood loss, improve postoperative rehabilitation and recovery. But each clinic (more precisely, each individual doctor), as a rule, applies the method that is best practiced.

The sutures on the uterus are superimposed so that the woman can continue to safely endure next child. Outer seam must be not only durable, but also aesthetic, with which today, in principle, there are no difficulties. However, if the skin is prone to scarring and the formation of keloid scars, then cosmetic effect may deteriorate over time.

Medication support

It is no wonder that in the first days the seam after cesarean is very painful. That is why the newly-made mother is injected with painkillers. Doctors categorically do not recommend heroism and endure pain, because in such a situation in the mother's blood there is a constant release of adrenaline, which also enters breast milk. As a result, the newborn becomes restless and irritable. Therefore, all newly-made mothers after cesarean in without fail analgesics are prescribed (usually intramuscularly).

The same with antibiotics: no one asks your consent - they inject everyone indiscriminately. And it’s also good if at the same time they think about the choice of the drug. If you are not against antibiotic therapy, then it is better to discuss with the doctor the most harmless drug for the baby. After all, he should be given breasts from the first day of birth, despite the lack of milk. Ceftriaxone from the last century, I think, is not the best candidate for this role, although it is probably the cheapest, therefore, it is often used to this day. I think you can negotiate with a doctor and buy a normal drug for yourself.

Why is an antibiotic injected after a caesarean section? "Just in case", to prevent the development of inflammatory processes due to suturing, the probability of which, it should be recognized, is quite high.

Suture care after caesarean section

For the same purpose, the seam should be properly looked after. Every day or every other day while you are in maternity hospital, you are required to process the suture and apply a sterile bandage. As a rule, the need for such care disappears after 7 days, that is, upon arrival home, you will no longer need to carry out any special procedures. However, you should look at the situation: it will not be difficult to process the seam with brilliant green, but it can speed up the healing process.

The healed seam is “not afraid” of either water or soap, so you can safely take a shower after returning from the hospital. But you can’t put pressure on it and rub it: exclude any aggressive mechanical influences.

Protect the seam from unnecessary irritation and contact will help postoperative bandage after caesarean section. It will hold the seam area in a fixed state, preventing it from coming apart. And it will help the abdominal muscles to quickly return the tone, giving the tummy a neat look. In addition, greatly reduces the pain due to the seam.

If the suture was applied with non-absorbable sutures, then you will have to make another visit to the hospital to remove the sutures, if this was not done at discharge.

Don't be confused by the red-blue color of the seam in the first months: over time, it will not only decrease in size (as the abdomen shrinks), but also turn pale, acquiring the color of the skin.

Can't leave the question unanswered postoperative nutrition. Fastest Recovery and better healing stitches are facilitated by the use of protein, vitamin E and other dietary supplements - consult your doctor about taking them. By the way, oil vitamin It is very useful to apply it also outside, processing the seam with it. Evening primrose oil works well for this.

Regarding the diet, it should be balanced and contain all the necessary nutrients. Of course, adjusted for breastfeeding.

Possible complications

The resorption of synthetic surgical sutures can last from a month to six months or even longer, which depends mainly on the material used. In the process of this, the seam can “ooze”, hurt, bleed - such “ side effects» normally sometimes accompany the healing period of the suture. You may observe swelling and redness in the suture area. When using catgud, allergic reactions are not excluded.

It is likely suppuration and inflammation of the seam. If you notice "suspicious" signs (swelling, redness, bleeding, constant pain in the area of ​​the seam against the background of an increase in body temperature), then you should see a doctor to agree on further actions.

Even if silk threads were used when suturing, which were removed long ago, damaged tissue can still flare up.

In addition, there is always a risk of seam divergence, which is very undesirable. Try to avoid this: do not lift any weights (ideally not even a child, but if this is not possible, then at least nothing heavier than a child), exclude any physical activity, ensure regular bowel movements, follow the rules of personal hygiene.

Specially for Elena Kichak

A caesarean section is a fairly complex abdominal operation in which the skin, muscles, peritoneum and uterus are dissected in order to extract the child. "Caesarean section" is carried out if the risk possible consequences at natural childbirth outweighs the risk of the operation. Cesarean section can be both planned and urgent (urgent), but it is performed strictly according to indications.

Abdominal dissection techniques

With a caesarean section, several methods of dissection of the abdominal tissues are practiced. The choice of one or another technique always depends on the situation that has become an indication for this operation.

So, with a planned caesarean section, the skin incision is most often made horizontally, and with an emergency - vertically (from the navel down). In some cases, surgeons make a transverse incision, but this is extremely rare.

How is the wound sutured?

The wound is sutured in layers. The uterus is sutured with absorbable threads with a single- or double-row suture. The muscles and peritoneum are sutured with catgut or semi-synthetic absorbable sutures. The skin is always sutured with non-absorbable threads, because they are much stronger.

How to process a seam after a cesarean?

Usually, the stitches after a caesarean section are removed on the 7th day, that is, before discharge. During these seven days, the bandage on the postoperative wound is changed daily, and the wound itself is treated with an antiseptic solution. Most often, a thick solution of manganese is used for this. This procedure is performed by nurses.

To prevent the seam from opening after a caesarean section, you need to wear a special postoperative bandage. As for the wound, the treatment of the suture after a cesarean section should be carried out even after discharge (at home). At home, the seam after the "cesarean" should be smeared with brilliant green. You need to do this until all the crusts fall off the seam.

The small scar that remains in place of the incision will lighten over time and become invisible.

What to do so that there is no scar?

Today there are many various drugs for resorption postoperative scars. For example, Zeraderm, Zerader-ultra, Dermatix, Contractubex. All these funds should be used starting from the third week after the operation. At the same time, earlier use of these drugs prevents the development connective tissue. Therefore, before purchasing this or that ointment, it is best to consult with a cosmetologist!

Now you know how to process a seam after a cesarean section and how to smear it so that there is no scar. And let your tummy be the most beautiful!

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The upcoming meeting with a child brings a lot of excitement to every woman. Most expectant mothers are worried about the process of delivery. Sometimes by medical indications The doctor prescribes a caesarean section. After this operation, a seam remains on the body. Therefore, some women are interested in the question of how to process it correctly. Others worry about possible postoperative complications. Such excitement is understandable, but most of the fears are far-fetched.

Medical certificate

A caesarean section is a delivery procedure in which the baby is removed through an incision in the uterine cavity. The reasons why a doctor prescribes surgery can be different. For example, wrong position the fetus, a threat to the health of the mother, or the umbilical cord entwining the child. Depending on the delivery process itself and the complications that accompany it, incisions are made using several techniques. The result is various seams requiring some care. It will be discussed in more detail below.

What seams after caesarean section are possible?

There are 3 varieties in total.

  1. vertical seam. If the fetus has acute hypoxia, and the woman in labor has begun to bleed, a corporal caesarean section is performed. The result of such an operation is a vertical seam coming from the navel and ending in the pubic region. He is not distinguished by beauty. In the future, scars become noticeable against the background of the abdomen, often showing a tendency to compaction. This type of operation is carried out only in emergency cases.
  2. Horizontal seam. At planned operation Pfannenstiel laparotomy is performed. The incision is made transversely in the pubic region. It is located in the skin fold, so the abdominal cavity is not opened. The abdominal muscles just move apart. It turns out a neat seam after a caesarean section. Thanks to a special overlay technique, it is not interrupted and is almost invisible.
  3. Internal seams. In both cases internal seams may differ in the way they are applied. The doctor chooses an option for fast healing wounds and reduce blood loss during the procedure. Mistakes should not be made here, since subsequent pregnancies depend on the correctly chosen technique. During a corporal operation, a longitudinal suture is performed, and in the case of a Pfannenstiel laparotomy, a transverse one:
  • the uterus is stitched with a single-row suture made of durable synthetic material;
  • the peritoneum is sutured with catgut stitches;
  • for the connective tissue of muscles, self-absorbable threads are used.

How many seams will heal after a cesarean section, how to properly care for them - these moments directly depend on the variant of the incision of the uterine cavity. After childbirth, doctors must answer all the questions that cause doubts to the patients.

Removal of stitches

The first question that most women ask after childbirth is: on what day are the stitches removed after a caesarean section? It is not possible to answer it unambiguously. It all depends on the technique of the cut.

If we are talking about a cosmetic suture, when self-absorbable threads are applied, they do not need to be removed. They disappear on their own approximately 70-80 days after the operation.

The interrupted suture, which is used in corporal technique, is removed on the fifth day. A specialist from one edge with a special tool pinches off the knot that holds the threads. Then he picks them up with tweezers and gently pulls them out. It all depends on the threshold of sensitivity. Properly performed procedure should not be accompanied by discomfort.

Suture care in the maternity hospital

Caring for a woman while she remains in the hospital falls on the medical staff. Immediately after the caesarean section, the scar from the operation is covered with a sterile bandage. It prevents infection and damage. The nurse is changing the bandage. If the healing process goes without complications, the processing of stitches after the operation continues for 6-7 days. From antiseptic preparations usually use "Chlorhexidine", "Fukortsin" and a solution of brilliant green.

The task of a woman is to impeccably follow all the doctor's recommendations. An unhealed scar is “afraid” of water. Therefore, in the first day it is strictly forbidden to wet it. Ingress of water is dangerous inflammation. Already in the hospital, you can start wearing a bandage after a caesarean section. It provides additional protection to the seam from mechanical damage and at the same time allows you to return the pre-pregnant look to the stomach.

Before being discharged home, the woman receives a detailed consultation on recommendations during the healing period of the suture and necessary measures to prevent complications.

home care

After discharge, the woman must independently take care of the restoration of the body. After about a week, as a rule, there is no need for special care behind the seam. However, to avoid undesirable consequences, you should follow the standard recommendations of doctors:

  • regularly treat the incision area with special preparations;
  • it is allowed to take a shower, but it is impossible to press or rub the seam;
  • continue to wear a bandage after a caesarean section;
  • do air baths.

Approximately a couple of months after cesarean, it is allowed to use medicinal ointments and cream. They contribute to the rapid resorption of the seam. After the operation, doctors advise starting treatment with the use of a pharmacy solution of vitamin E. It should be applied directly to the scar. In the future, this remedy can be replaced with Contractubex ointment. Its cheaper analogue is another drug with a similar mechanism of action - Solcoseryl.

Features of the recovery period

The technique of the operation in 90% of cases affects how long the suture heals after a cesarean section, what difficulties a woman will have to face. Therefore, it is worth pointing out a few issues that concern most new mothers.

Most often recovery period accompanied by pain syndrome. This is not surprising, because after childbirth, a wound remains on the uterus and abdomen. In the first few weeks or even months, discomfort may be present. it natural reaction tissue for incision. Pain can be relieved with analgesics. They should be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the lactation period. The longitudinal seam will bother about 2 months, and the transverse one - about 6 weeks.

Many are concerned about the hardness of the tissues in the seam area. This phenomenon is also considered the norm. Tissue healing occurs, and the scar does not immediately soften. section heals faster. Scarring of tissues ends within a year. The longitudinal scar lasts for about one and a half years.

Some women notice that over time, a skin fold forms over the seam. In the absence of pain and suppuration, it does not present a problem. Thus, tissue scarring occurs. However, the bump in the seam should alert. Its size can vary from a small pea to the size of a walnut. Most often it has a purple hue. In this case, an appeal to a gynecologist is mandatory. A bump can be either a manifestation of tissue scarring, or inflammation or even cancer formation.

When an ichor appears on the seam after a cesarean section in the first week, there is no reason to worry. it normal process healing. If the discharge becomes contaminated with blood and pus, you should immediately seek the advice of a specialist.

For everyone who has had a caesarean section, after about a week, the suture begins to itch a lot. This phenomenon also indicates the beginning of the wound healing process. However, touching or scratching the stomach is not allowed.

Early Complications

Achievements in modern gynecology made a caesarean section a relatively safe procedure for a woman's health. However, complications can occur during the wound healing process.

In the first few weeks after delivery, a hematoma may appear on the suture, bleeding may begin. Such problems are caused by medical errors. It's about about poorly sutured blood vessels. A similar complication can also be caused by improper wound treatment after surgery, when a fresh scar is constantly injured.

AT rare cases there is seam separation. In this case, the incision begins to literally spread on different sides. Usually this happens on the 6-11th day. Another reason why the seam has come apart after caesarean section, is an infection. It interferes with normal tissue growth.

Often, doctors diagnose inflammation of the incision area due to improper care or infection. In this case anxiety symptoms are:

  • temperature rise;
  • the appearance of pus or blood;
  • puffiness;
  • redness.

If these signs appear, you should immediately contact medical care. Self-medication is dangerous. In the case of an inflammatory process, antibiotic therapy is usually prescribed. In advanced situations, it is required surgical intervention.

Late Complications

Negative consequences with a suture after a caesarean section can occur at any time. On the early stages Complications are easily treated with medication. However, after a few months, surgery may be required to eliminate them.

Most often, doctors diagnose ligature fistulas. They are formed due to developing inflammation around the threads. This means that the body rejects. Such inflammation appears after a couple of months from the moment of intervention. Fistulas look like small seals, from the hole in which oozes pus. The ligature can only be removed by a doctor.

Another complication is a keloid scar. This skin defect does not pose a threat to life and is not accompanied by pain. main reason its occurrence is an uneven growth of soft tissues due to the characteristics of the skin. Externally, a keloid scar looks like an uneven scar.

How to get rid of an ugly scar?

Sometimes a scar on a seam after a caesarean section looks extremely unattractive. Women have to face such a problem not only after a corporal incision. To get rid of her modern medicine offers several treatments:

  1. Microdermabrasion. This technique involves grinding scar tissue with aluminum oxide. As a result, new skin grows. At the same time, tissues improve metabolic processes. Just a few procedures with a break in a week can significantly improve the condition of the skin on the abdomen.
  2. Laser resurfacing. This procedure involves the removal of scar tissue using laser beam. On the one hand, it is very painful, and on the other hand, it is effective.
  3. Chemical peeling. It is carried out using fruit acids. Proper use of them allows you to exfoliate the skin in problem area. Mandatory for chemical peeling is the use of drugs to smooth the skin.
  4. Surgical excision. This procedure is recommended if the suture on the uterus after caesarean section is small. During the operation, the scar is dissected and ingrown vessels are removed.

Before choosing a particular procedure, it is recommended to consult a doctor. Many of them have contraindications. In addition, scar removal should be started no earlier than a year after the intervention. These procedures do not eliminate the scar completely. They just make it less noticeable.

Subsequent pregnancies

Gynecologists do not forbid women to give birth again after the intervention. However, here there are certain nuances.

The most common problem - the seam after a caesarean section hurts and causes discomfort. Unpleasant sensations can be so pronounced that a woman will think about his divergence. For many inexperienced mothers, this feeling is accompanied by panic. If you know what is dictated pain syndrome, all fears will immediately disappear.

Doctors recommend keeping the period between surgery and subsequent pregnancy at 2 years. Only in this case, the divergence of the seam is excluded. It's all about the adhesions that form during the restoration of soft tissues. They are stretched by the growing belly. Therefore, there are discomfort. When a pain syndrome appears, it is important to immediately contact a gynecologist and undergo ultrasound examination. The doctor may recommend an anesthetic ointment.

You need to understand that the process of healing soft tissues after surgery is very individual. It depends on several factors: the state of health of the woman, the type of incision, the correct care after cesarean. If the newly-made mother takes into account these nuances and follows the doctor's recommendations, complications can be avoided and a new pregnancy can be planned.

A caesarean section is the delivery of a child by abdominal surgery when unable to give birth on their own. In order to safely remove the baby from the womb, an incision of 11 - 12 cm long is enough. A flawlessly executed operation should minimize blood loss and provide an environment for rapid tightening. postoperative wound. The seam after caesarean section depends on the type surgical intervention, threads for stitching and from the woman's body weight.

What is the seam after cesarean

Factors that force a doctor to perform a caesarean section depend on the course of labor and the problems that have arisen during it. The cuts can be different localization, and in the end - different types seams.

  1. vertical seam. If hypoxia is recorded in a child or mother has heavy bleeding perform a corporal caesarean. As a result, a perpendicular scar remains on the abdomen, which starts from the navel and reaches the pubis. This seam after cesarean has low aesthetic characteristics and will affect the appearance of the body more and more, because the scars after such a seam are nodular, therefore they are pronounced against the background of the abdomen. Moreover, in the future, these same scars will thicken. Now vertical incisions on the abdomen are made sporadically and only in critical situations.
  2. Horizontal seam. If the operation is planned, then a Pfannenstiel laparotomy is performed: a transverse incision is made above the pubis. Its advantage is that it resides in a natural skin fold and is hardly noticeable. For this reason, a filigree, inconspicuous seam is needed. Such cosmetic seam after a caesarean section, it is performed directly with an incision along the Pfannenstiel.
  3. Inner seam. Self-absorbable sutures on the uterus after caesarean section are heterogeneous in terms of the method of their application. The doctor is guided here by the fact that to achieve the ultimate optimal conditions for the fastest wound healing in the absence of complications, and seeks to reduce blood loss. It is impossible to make mistakes here, since the course of the next pregnancies in a particular woman may depend on this.

The speed of healing, the presence of complications, as well as the subtleties of suture care depend on which incision was made during cesarean section. AT postpartum period doctors advise young mothers on all issues of interest to them in order to help them cope with anxieties and fears as much as possible.

How long does the seam heal after cesarean

The perpendicular seam closes for two months. However, it can sometimes disturb a woman whole year, in some cases even more long time. These seams tend to become thicker and more visible over time.

The suture after the cross section closes a little faster - after 6 weeks, although it can ache for a whole year. In this case, it is not advisable to delay a visit to the doctor.

Sutures can be applied with materials that do not dissolve themselves. It can be nylon or silk, they are usually removed after 7 days.

Self-absorbable materials dissolve after 1 - 2 months (depending on the raw materials used for their production).

The sutures on the uterus completely heal within two years. After this period, it is permissible to think about next pregnancy- the suture on the enlarged uterus will not open.

When are the stitches removed after a caesarean?

With a vertical incision, the doctor imposes interrupted sutures, and cosmetic sutures for a horizontal incision. The vertical seam after caesarean heals longer and can be removed for 10 days.

A horizontal or cosmetic suture after cesarean heals much faster and removes it already on the 7th day.

However, it is worth remembering that the removal of sutures does not mean complete recovery. It should be remembered that the wound will be covered with a crust, which should be cared for and not done with heavy loads.

How and how to process the seam after cesarean

Postoperative sutures at the hospital are systematically examined and processed. Nurse before removing the staples or threads, daily decontaminates the wound antiseptics(peroxide, brilliant green) and makes a dressing.

At home, the seam after childbirth requires no less care than in the maternity hospital. Immediately after discharge, it is necessary to resume the processing of the seam with brilliant green.

It is possible to take a shower only a day after the removal of the stitches, and rubbing the scar with a soft washcloth is allowed only after 7 days, if it does not get wet and does not flow.

For the speedy healing of the suture, the doctor may advise how to smear the suture after a cesarean section:

  • Gels - Contractubex, Mederma, etc.
  • Ointments - Vulnuzan, Levosin etc.

After mom found out how to handle a suture after a cesarean , she needs to follow the rules for caring for the seam so that it does not disperse or so that the healing process is not complicated:

  1. Don't lift heavy. The biggest burden is your baby, and everything that is heavier will have to be entrusted to relatives.
  2. Let your loads be moderate.
  3. Change position: you should not lie down constantly after a cesarean. Spend enough time walking.
  4. If you begin to notice complications, you may need to treat the suture site with iodine or a solution of brilliant green. All this can be done only after consulting a doctor.
  5. At first, do not wet the wound, you can only wash the area around the seam, so as not to injure the already delicate area.
  6. The duration of the suture treatment depends on the characteristics of its healing, the presence and nature of the discharge. If everything is fine, then after discharge from the hospital, a week of processing will be enough. In other cases, the terms are determined by the doctor.
  7. Effective prevention of seam divergence is provided by a fixing bandage.
  8. Avoid mechanical damage to the suture after childbirth, which may occur due to friction or pressure on the wound.
  9. The seam after cesarean can be wetted, but only without the use of a washcloth, which will only injure the wound.
  10. Proper nutrition will speed up wound healing and scar formation.
  11. At the end of a month after childbirth, the wound is already healed and a scar is formed. You can ask the doctor to prescribe a remedy to reduce the scar, its rapid healing and tissue repair. Pharmacies have special means for the regeneration of the reins. The scar can be lubricated with vitamin E, which speeds up the recovery process. Doctors often recommend Contractubex.
  12. To make the seam heal faster after childbirth, expose your stomach several times a day for at least half an hour.
  13. Visit a doctor. The specialist will tell you what needs to be done to avoid complications, and what actions will be harmful. The doctor will also tell you if an ultrasound is needed to diagnose the condition of the suture.

Caring for a postpartum suture does not require special efforts and any special procedures. Compliance with the above rules will prevent the development of complications.

Why does the seam hurt after a cesarean section

Pain in the area of ​​​​the seam after cesarean is considered the norm, since after childbirth two wounds remain: one on the anterior wall of the peritoneum, and the second on the uterus. Soreness can persist from several weeks to several months. You can stop the pain syndrome with the help of painkillers:

  • After the operation, the woman is prescribed narcotic-type analgesics: tramadol, morphine, omnopon;
  • After some time, a young mother can use analgin in combination with diphenhydramine and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Remember that your doctor should prescribe all medicines for you, because he will proceed from the fact that you are breastfeeding your baby.

If we talk about the duration of the painful syndrome, then it all depends on the type of suture. A longitudinal suture after a cesarean can cause discomfort for about two months, and a transverse suture for 1.5 months in the absence of complications and proper care. At the same time, during the year a woman may continue to feel drawing pains and discomfort in the suture area.

Since the operation is abdominal, there is a violation of the integrity of the muscle and skin tissue:

  1. After surgical exposure, as well as subsequently ordinary childbirth, functional contractions occur, as the uterus contracts. Such contractions of the uterus are often taken by some ladies for the soreness of the seam. Sensations similar to contractions appear when breastfeeding a child, which is associated with the production of a hormone by the body - oxytocin.
  2. Taking into account that at the time of cesarean section, the integrity of the uterus is violated, then when it contracts in the postnatal phase, the suture after cesarean also hurts. That's why painful manifestations more intense than in women who gave birth in the usual way.
  3. Pain is activated by the accumulation that has arisen in intestinal tract, gases. Due to a violation of intestinal motility, pressure on the uterus may occur.
  4. Often, pain in the suture area can be associated with inflammation of the uterine cavity. This complication is called endometritis. This picture will be accompanied not only by severe pain in the suture area, but also by discomfort in the lower abdomen, high temperature body, intense secretions.
  5. The acute inflammatory process has the ability to form due to the divergence of the postoperative suture. Suppuration is formed with poor processing of the seam and its subsequent infection. In this case, antibiotics will be required, and sometimes a second operation.

Soreness in the area of ​​the postoperative suture sometimes appears against the background of the formation of adhesions. Traditionally, adhesions do not dissolve on their own, and then laparoscopy is performed to dissect the adhesions.

Complications of suture healing after caesarean section

Problems with the postpartum suture can occur not only during the recovery period, but also years later.

Seam sealing after caesarean

One of the points that can cause concern for a young mother is the hardness and darkening of the seam after a cesarean section. Hardness and soreness for the first time two months after the birth of a child is the norm, because the healing process has not yet been completed. For the seam to become soft and inconspicuous, time must pass and this will take several years.

  • The longitudinal (vertical) scar retains its hardness for at least 1.5 years, after which the tissues on the seam and around it will gradually soften.
  • The transverse (horizontal) seam is also called cosmetic: it heals faster, because the seal, the hardness of the tissues should go away throughout the year.
  • Most women notice that after certain period a crease appears above the seam. It is worth noting that it does not pose any danger if there is no suppuration or other unpleasant symptoms. A wrinkle is indicative of scarring, but if you're worried about it, you can get an ultrasound.
  • The appearance of a bump should cause concern, someone can observe its appearance already in the first year after cesarean, and someone will note that the bump appeared later. The size of such a formation can be from very small to those that resemble in size Walnut. The color of the cone is most often purple or crimson. This should be a strong argument for you to see a doctor and undergo an ultrasound. Such a bump can be a banal sign of scarring, or it can indicate the appearance of a fistula, suppuration, inflammation, or even neoplasms.

The hardness of the scar, the appearance of various folds, seals in its area in the first year after the operation is a fairly common phenomenon that should not frighten a woman. At the same time, it is better to visit a doctor if you are worried about this.

Moreover, an urgent reason for a visit to the doctor should be severe pain, discharge, as well as the appearance of redness and other unusual signs. The specialist will examine the place of the seam and prescribe treatment if necessary.

Wet or oozing seam after caesarean section

If an ichor appears in the first week after suturing, do not worry. This phenomenon can be called natural, because this is how tissue restoration, that is, their regeneration, is manifested. But if you notice blood or discharge purulent nature, you should immediately visit a doctor.

The seam itches after cesarean

Women after a caesarean section may feel severe itching in the area of ​​postoperative suture. This sign can scare a young mother. In fact, itching is just evidence that the wound is healing, so tune in to the best. At the same time, touching with your hands, combing the wound is impossible. If you cannot tolerate the sensation of itching, you need to see a doctor and talk about this problem.

In order for the recovery period to pass as correctly and efficiently as possible, high-quality care is needed for the delicate zone of the wound.

Early Complications

On the seam after childbirth, a hematoma may occur, which can bleed. Hematoma may be caused by medical error. Also, this complication may occur when improper processing or bandage change. Less often, a hematoma appears due to premature removal of the suture.

Among rare complications- divergence of the seam after caesarean. This complication possible when an infection enters the wound. The result of infection is difficulty with tissue fusion. Also, the seam after cesarean may disperse when lifting a weight over 4 kg. The seam after caesarean can also open on the 6-11th day after childbirth.

Quite often, doctors diagnose inflammatory processes. The cause of inflammation of the seam may be an infection or improper care. Alarming symptoms include:

  1. heat;
  2. puffiness;
  3. the appearance of blood or pus;
  4. the presence of redness.

If you notice that the suture is festering after cesarean, you should immediately consult a doctor. You should not self-medicate, as this can harm your body. The doctor will prescribe ointments and tablets for subsequent treatment. The advanced form of inflammation is eliminated only surgically, so you should not start and postpone a trip to a specialist.

Late Complications

Ligature-type fistulas are diagnosed after inflammation is detected around the suture thread, which is used for fixation blood vessels. The cause of fistulas is rejection by the body suture materials or infection of the ligature. Inflammatory process in this case appears hot painful induration red in color with a small hole from which pus flows. Only a doctor can get rid of the ligature.

Rare complications include hernia. Most often, it appears in the presence of vertical incisions, several operations in a row or after several pregnancies.

Keloid scar is safe for mom cosmetic defect. Provokes the appearance of such a scar uneven recovery skin. It looks unaesthetic, is a rough scar with jagged edges.

Methods modern cosmetology can remedy the situation:

  • conservative procedures: a liquid nitrogen, laser, ointments, chemical peels, creams, microdermabrasion, hormones, ultrasound;
  • surgical methods: excision of the scar.

The cosmetic plastic procedure is a method for correcting a suture, taking into account individual characteristics. Basically, everything goes well, without consequences, and the seam after cesarean becomes almost invisible.

Even serious complications treatable with timely handling to the doctor. Particular care should be taken by those women who eventually begin to plan a second pregnancy.

Second pregnancy after caesarean section

Modern doctors do not see anything wrong with the fact that a woman after a cesarean decides on repeated births. But there are some nuances, and they may arise during repeated gestation.

For example, a suture after a cesarean can cause pain when carrying the next child. Mostly this problem occurs on later dates. At the same time, a woman can feel so severe pain that at some point it will seem to her that the seam will soon disperse. Particular tension is felt in the corners.

If more than two years have passed between pregnancies, a discrepancy is excluded.

Discomfort in the area of ​​the seam during the next pregnancy occurs due to adhesions that occur during the period of tissue repair. Report your problem to the gynecologist, so he can examine the suture area in detail during the next ultrasound. The doctor, if necessary, will prescribe a softening ointment with an anesthetic effect.

Summing up

Young mothers should know: tissue repair in the area postpartum suture- This is an individual process, depending on many factors, requiring proper care. Taking care of your health will help you avoid complications. And the better you feel, the more care and love you will give to your baby.

Everyone knows that after giving birth by caesarean section, a scar remains on the abdomen, because during this operation, doctors make an incision in the soft tissues abdominal cavity and the walls of the uterus. In this case, the incision is quite large so that the baby can be easily pulled out into the light and not injure him.

Seams after caesarean section: types

Types of incisions for cesarean section directly depend on the course of childbirth, for example, with acute fetal hypoxia or profuse bleeding at future mother, the physician may decide to corporal caesarean section. This means that the incision on the abdomen will pass vertically from the navel to the pubic area.

And the wall of the uterus is opened with a longitudinal incision. However, this type of caesarean section is quite rare, since such a suture after a caesarean section is not particularly beautiful - it is very noticeable, tends to become thicker over time, and increases in size.

Usually, caesarean section is performed laparotomy according to Pfannenstiel. This is an incision in the skin and subcutaneous fat transversely passing through the suprapubic fold. In this case, there is no opening of the abdominal cavity, but due to the transverse direction of the incision and the fact that it is located inside the natural skin fold, the scar from a caesarean section will subsequently become almost invisible.

cosmetic seam after a caesarean section, they are usually applied precisely with a Pfannenstiel incision. With a corporal incision, the strength of the tissue connection must be very high, which requires interrupted sutures, and a cosmetic suture after such a caesarean section is categorically not suitable.

Internal seams, which are superimposed on the wall of the uterus, have a large number of options, for example, you can use the hardware technique of applying ligatures. The main thing here is to achieve better conditions to heal the uterus and reduce blood loss, since the outcome of subsequent pregnancies depends on the strength of the sutures.

Pain relief after caesarean section

As a rule, so that the seam after a cesarean section does not hurt much, the woman in labor is prescribed painkillers. They are usually used only in the first days, and then they are gradually abandoned. In addition to painkillers, antibiotics may also be prescribed to avoid complications caused by the infection.

Also, after cesarean, they can not do without drugs that will help reduce the uterus and help normalize functions. gastrointestinal tract. After the third day, almost all women in labor refuse to use drugs, and already six days after the cesarean section, the stitches are removed, unless, of course, they are self-absorbable.

After the suture has healed, it will become almost invisible, and will not cause unnecessary trouble for the mother. Of course, if she follows the recommendations of the doctor and properly care for him.

How to care for caesarean section stitches?

While you are in the hospital, daily dressings and antiseptic treatment of the suture after cesarean will be carried out by the medical staff, and after discharge, the doctor will tell you how to care for postoperative suture independently at home.

The main thing to remember is that doctors will allow you to pamper yourself with a shower only a day after the stitches are removed, and rub the stitch with a washcloth a week later. If a postoperative period will pass with complications, then the doctor may prescribe you special ointments, which will help the speedy healing of the seam.

What complications can occur in the postoperative period?

It can be early complications Or those that appear after a while. Usually early complications manifest themselves even before the removal of stitches after caesarean section - in the hospital. These include small hematomas and bleeding.

You will easily notice them - the bandage on the seam will get wet with blood. If this happens, inform the medical staff immediately so that the wound does not fester.

It may also occur seam divergence. Such a complication is dangerous for 1-2 days after removing the ligatures, that is, for 7-10 days after cesarean. To prevent this from happening, avoid stress and exercise.

If you notice a divergence of the seam even in a small area, do not try to treat it yourself, but immediately seek qualified help.

Still possible suppuration of the seam. In order to prevent this, in the maternity hospital you pass antibiotic therapy, but despite this, in some cases, the seam still begins to fester.

First, swelling and redness appear, pain is possible, and the skin around the seam left after the caesarean section is tense, then the medical staff makes dressings with a special antibacterial solution, and if the condition of the woman in labor worsens, the temperature rises, worsens general state, then doctors can prescribe antibiotics and send you to the gynecological department for treatment.

Late Complications

Such complications do not appear immediately, it may take more than one month. The most common complication among them is ligature fistulas. This complication after caesarean section occurs in many women in labor. It occurs due to the rejection of the suture material by the body.

Origin process ligature fistulas quite long: first there is swelling, then redness, pain, and then pus erupts. If you carefully consider the wound, then in it you can consider the culprit of all troubles - the remaining ligature.

Treat yourself - smear antiseptic solutions and creams - it's useless, the fistula will then close, then boil again. Therefore, you need to contact a specialist to remove the thread.

Scar correction methods after caesarean section

Usually, when performing a caesarean section, doctors try to make the seam as neat as possible so that after eight to twelve months it becomes almost invisible.

However, an operation is an operation, and in any case, after it, a scar will remain for someone less, for someone more noticeable. Therefore, a few months after the operation, you will begin to think about how to remove a scar remaining after caesarean section.

To date, special clinics are very effectively coping with this problem. aesthetic surgery, where in a few sessions with the help of a laser you will be relieved of scar tissue.

Before heading to laser correction, it is worth consulting with a doctor so that he, according to the state of the seam, determines when it is best to undergo the procedure.


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