External seams after childbirth heal after how long. How many stitches heal after childbirth. What to do, if…

Reading time: 6 minutes

During childbirth, a woman receives many microtraumas that do not cause discomfort and heal on their own within a few weeks. But more serious injuries are not uncommon. For example, hemorrhoids or ruptures of the cervix and perineum. Sometimes doctors have to sew up torn tissue. Stitches after childbirth require mandatory care. Otherwise, it can lead to serious problems.

Internal seams

Internal stitches are called, which are superimposed on the cervix or vaginal walls during birth injuries. When stitching these tissues, anesthesia is not used, since the cervix has no sensitivity - there is nothing to anesthetize there. Access to the internal genital organs of a woman is difficult, so the sutures are applied with a self-absorbable thread.

To prevent complications, you should follow the rules of personal hygiene. These include the following activities:

  • Regular change of sanitary napkins.
  • Wearing comfortable underwear that has a loose fit and is made from natural materials. The best option would be special disposable panties. This also applies to towels.
  • Regular hygiene of the genitals with warm water and baby soap. You can use infusions of medicinal herbs, such as chamomile or calendula. It is important to wash yourself after every visit to the toilet.

Internal seams do not require processing. After their imposition, it is only obligatory for a woman to observe the rules of personal hygiene. It is recommended to refrain from sex for 2 months, not to lift heavy objects during this time, to avoid problems with bowel movements. The latter include delayed defecation, constipation, and hard stools. It is useful to take a spoonful of sunflower oil before meals. Usually, a cleansing enema is done before childbirth, so the stool appears on the 3rd day.

The reasons for the rupture of the cervix and the subsequent suturing, as a rule, is the incorrect behavior of the woman during the birth process. That is, when the woman in labor is pushing, and the cervix has not yet opened, the baby's head presses on it, which contributes to the rupture. Often, subsequent suturing after childbirth is facilitated by: an operation on the cervix in the woman's history, a decrease in its elasticity, or childbirth in adulthood.

External seams

External seams are superimposed when the perineum is ruptured or dissected, and those that remain after a caesarean section can also be included here. Depending on the nature of the wound, doctors use either a self-absorbable suture material or one that needs to be removed after a while. External seams require constant care, the absence of which can lead to complications.

While you are in the maternity hospital, the external stitches left after the birth are processed by the procedural nurse. To do this, use a solution of brilliant green or potassium permanganate. After discharge, you will have to deal with daily processing on your own, but you can do it in the antenatal clinic. If non-absorbable threads were used, they will be removed within 3-5 days. As a rule, if there are no problems, this is done before discharge from the hospital.

Precautions to take when caring for external seams:

  • You can not take a sitting position, you can only lie or stand.
  • You can't scratch.
  • Do not wear underwear that will put pressure on the crotch. Loose panties made of natural materials or special disposable underwear are not bad.
  • Do not lift weights for 1-3 months.
  • On the first day after childbirth, defecation should be delayed.
  • For 2 months after giving birth, you should not have sex.

The hygiene rules are the same as for the care of internal seams. To them, you can add the use of special gaskets that have a natural base and coating. They will not cause irritation and allergies, and will promote rapid healing. After a shower, it is advisable to walk a little without clothes. When air enters, postpartum sutures will heal much faster.

Reasons for making an incision in the perineum during childbirth:

  • Threat of rupture of the perineum. Incisions tend to heal faster and cause less inconvenience and negative consequences.
  • Inelastic tissues of the vagina.
  • The presence of scars.
  • Inability to push for medical reasons.
  • Incorrect position of the child or its large size.
  • Rapid childbirth.

How long do postpartum sutures take to heal and is it painful to remove them?

Many women in labor are interested in the question - how long after childbirth the stitches heal. The healing time depends on many factors. These include medical indications, suturing technique, materials used. Postpartum sutures are produced using:

  • Bioabsorbable material
  • Non-absorbable
  • metal brackets

When using absorbable material, healing of the damage takes 1-2 weeks. The stitches themselves dissolve after childbirth for about a month. When using brackets or non-absorbable threads, they are removed 3-7 days after childbirth. Complete healing will take from 2 weeks to a month, depending on the cause of the tears and the size. Large - can heal for several months.

Discomfort at the site of the suture will be felt for about 6 weeks. The first time may be painful. The suture applied after childbirth hurts, just like any surgical one. This usually goes away within 10 days. Suture removal is a virtually painless procedure that should not be feared.

How to handle stitches after childbirth?

The treatment of sutures after discharge from the hospital is carried out either independently or in the antenatal clinic. Hospitals use brilliant green or potassium permanganate. How to smear the seams at home, the doctor will explain. Ointments are usually recommended: solcoseryl, chlorhexidine, levomekol. Hydrogen peroxide can also be used. With proper care and proper processing, the sutures heal quickly, without negative consequences and pronounced cosmetic effects.

How long can you sit?

The minimum period during which you can not take a sitting position is at least 7-10 days. A longer time limit is also possible. This does not include sitting on the toilet while going to the toilet. You can sit on the toilet and walk from the first day after suturing.

What are the complications of sutures

If the stitches are not properly cared for and precautions are not taken during the healing period, complications can occur. This is suppuration, discrepancy and pain in their locations. Let's consider each type of complications in order:

  1. Suppuration. In this case, there are strong pain sensations, there is swelling of the wound, purulent discharge. Body temperature may rise. This outcome is manifested by insufficient attention to personal hygiene or an infection that was not cured before delivery. If you suspect that the stitches are festering, you should immediately consult a doctor who will prescribe the correct treatment.
  2. Pain. This does not apply to painful sensations that occur in the first days after suturing. Pain often indicates an infection, inflammation, or some other problem, so it's best to see a doctor. It is undesirable to self-medicate, only a doctor can prescribe the necessary procedures and medicines for you.
  3. Discrepancy. This rarely happens with internal seams, more often they diverge if located at the crotch. The reasons for this may be early sexual activity after childbirth, infection, too early sitting down and sudden movements. When the seams diverge, a woman is worried about severe pain, swelling of the wound is observed, which sometimes bleeds. Sometimes the temperature rises, which indicates infection. A feeling of heaviness and fullness indicates the presence of a hematoma.

Video: Seam for caesarean section

The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

It feels like a painful seal coming almost from the commissure of the labia more often to the side and back, rarely exceeding 2-3 cm in length. In the first days they rub a lot, causing a lot of suffering, after removing them you will feel relieved. Sometimes a cosmetic intradermal suture is applied, it is not felt and is easier to bear.

Why do stitches hurt after childbirth?

Because it is a sutured wound that appeared as a result of a rupture or incision of the perineum. After a week, you will be much better, but you will fully recover in about 8 weeks, or even six months ...

Let's see what suturing is, how they are applied and how a woman is treated in the future.

Internal - superimposed on ruptures of the cervix and vagina, usually do not hurt and do not require any special care. They are superimposed from absorbable materials, they do not need to be removed, they do not need to be processed either, there is no need to smear or douche, you just need to ensure complete sexual rest for at least 2 months, because here they are in far from ideal conditions.

In order for the wound to heal well, it needs rest and asepsis. Neither one nor the other can be fully provided, the mother will still have to get up to the child, she will have to walk. It is impossible to apply any bandage in this area, and postpartum discharge creates a breeding ground for microbes, which is why it is quite common for the sewn places to diverge.

You can sew up the perineum using different methods and materials, but almost always these are removable options (they will need to be eliminated for 5-7 days). Most often, if everything goes well, they are removed even in the hospital, before discharge.

Processing of sewn places in the maternity hospital is carried out by a midwife. This can be done both on the examination chair and right in the ward. Usually treated with brilliant green 2 times a day. In the first two weeks, the pain is very pronounced, it is difficult to walk, and it is forbidden to sit, mothers feed lying down, eat either standing or lying down.

After removing the surgical threads and discharge from the hospital, the woman will not be able to sit normally for almost a month. At first, you can only sit sideways on hard, and even from the hospital you will have to return reclining in the car in the back seat.

How long do stitches heal after childbirth?

At least 6 weeks you will feel discomfort in the area where the perineum was torn. Yes, and care at first will have to be very thorough.

Stitch care after childbirth

- Self-absorbable options in the vagina and in the cervix do not need special care.

External threads require careful care. Their imposition is most often done in layers, using removable material.

After applying them, after each visit to the toilet, you will have to wash yourself with clean water with the addition of potassium permanganate, and thoroughly dry the perineum with a clean towel.

Pads will need to be changed very often as the wound needs dryness. While you are in the hospital, the midwife will perform the treatment.

Removing the threads is a painless procedure, which largely eliminates discomfort.

In the first days, it will be necessary to delay the first stool as much as possible, especially with ruptures of the 3rd degree, in the future it will be called using candles.

It will be necessary for some time to refrain from cereals and bread, vegetables and other stool-stimulating foods. Usually this does not cause big problems, since a cleansing enema is performed before childbirth, which in itself is able to delay stool.

The divergence of suturing most often occurs in the first days or immediately after their removal, rarely later. The reason may be early sitting down, sudden movements, as well as such a complication as suppuration. This is not a common complication that occurs with serious perineal tears, 2-3 degrees.

If there is inflammation, redness, sharp pain in the perineum, premature removal of the material that restrains the rupture of the perineum until the wound is completely healed is not good, because this is how a rough scar is formed. How to treat the wound, the gynecologist will tell you.

If the early period went well, healing proceeds without complications, after discharge from the hospital, only hygienic measures will be required. Perhaps Bepanten or another softening and healing ointment will be recommended.

When do stitches heal completely after childbirth?

On average, discomfort disappears after 2 weeks, but sex will be unpleasant for at least 2 months after the birth of the child. During healing, a scar is formed, which somewhat narrows the entrance to the vagina, making sex painful.

The choice of the most painless pose, which is different for each couple, and the use of ointments against scars, for example, contractubex, will help to cope with this.

Strange sensations in the vaginal area can bother you for quite a long time, up to six months. However, in the future, they completely resolve.

When to suspect that something is going wrong:

- If you have already been discharged home, and the sutured area is bleeding. Sometimes bleeding occurs as a result of wound dehiscence. You will not be able to fully examine yourself on your own, so hurry back to the doctor.

If internal stitched wounds hurt. Normally, after suturing vaginal tears, there may be slight pain for 1-2 days, but they quickly pass. A feeling of heaviness, fullness, pain in the perineum may indicate the accumulation of hematoma (blood) in the area of ​​damage. This usually happens in the first three days after childbirth, you will still be in the hospital, report this feeling to your doctor.

Sometimes suturing fester after discharge from the hospital. At the same time, a painful swelling is felt in the wound area, the skin here is hot, a high temperature may rise.

In all these cases, you should not think on your own how to smear the wound, you need to urgently contact a gynecologist.

Childbirth is a process, although natural, but painful and traumatic for a woman. During passage through the birth canal, the baby stretches the maternal tissues, which leads to small wounds and serious tears. With the threat of rupture, as well as premature birth, too large fetus and other problems, the doctor performs an incision (episiotomy). Incisions and tears are sutured for quick healing. How to behave, how long it will take to recover, what complications can be with stitches on the perineum - look in this material.

Stitches on tears after childbirth

Rapid childbirth, insufficient elasticity of tissues, improper behavior of the woman in labor (starts to push too early) lead to the appearance of tears. An episiotomy performed correctly and on time is much better than a rupture: the doctor makes a neat incision with a sharp scalpel, which is easy to sew up. Birth lacerations require more sutures, can leave an unsightly scar, and take up to 5 months to heal (internal sutures).

Types of postpartum sutures:

  1. Internal - located on the walls of the vagina, cervix. Usually performed with self-absorbable threads.
  2. External - located on the perineum. They are performed with both self-absorbable and conventional threads.

External seams at the crotch

The longest and most painful process in childbirth is the opening of the cervix. She needs to go a long way from about 1 cm of disclosure (with this usually women get to the hospital) to 8-10 cm. The process is accompanied by strong contractions and can last from several hours to several days.

Compared to the opening of the cervix, the very birth of a baby takes a matter of minutes. At the signal of the midwife, the woman begins to push, helping the child to pass through the birth canal, and soon he is born. Attempts take on average from 20-30 minutes to 1-2 hours. This process cannot be delayed, it can lead to asphyxia in the newborn. Therefore, when the doctor sees that spontaneous birth is impossible or difficult, he makes an incision.

An incision (episiotomy) is a surgical incision in the perineum and posterior wall of the vagina. Allocate perineotomy (incision from the vagina to the anus) and mid-lateral episiotomy (incision from the vagina to the right ischial tuberosity).

Types of episiotomy: 1 - head of the child, 2 - median-lateral episiotomy, 3 - perineotomy

For some unknown reason, women in labor go out of their way to avoid tears and, in particular, incisions. On women's forums, you can often find the proud “not torn”, which, in general, implies a good preparation of the mother, the normal course of childbirth, the normal size of the fetus and high tissue elasticity. But when the doctor talks about the need for an incision, and the woman in labor actively protests, is indignant and even screams, this is fraught with negative consequences, first of all for the baby.

Possible consequences for the child:

  • Damage to the cervical spine.
  • Damage to the nervous system due to lack of oxygen.
  • Hematomas on the head, fractures and cracks, hemorrhages in the eyes due to excessive pressure on the soft bones of the skull.

An even and neat incision 2–5 cm long will help mother and child get to know each other faster. After childbirth, the doctor will bring it together with a continuous cosmetic suture, which, with proper treatment, heals very quickly, in about a month. After healing, it looks like a thin "thread" slightly lighter in color than the skin.

It is a completely different matter if we are talking about gaps. First, it is impossible to predict in which direction the fabric will tear and to what depth. Secondly, it has an irregular shape, torn, even crushed edges are difficult to connect the way it was. In this case, several sutures are required, in some cases (for third-degree tears that reach and pass to the walls of the vagina), general anesthesia may be required.

What is sewn up

Episiotomy incisions and minor perineal tears are sutured with absorbable sutures. They are much more convenient, they do not need to be removed, within 2-3 weeks the threads dissolve without a trace (depending on the material!). Small residues and nodules may come out with the discharge and remain on the pad or underwear.

Deep injuries and incisions are sutured with nylon, vicryl or silk threads. The doctor will remove them in 5-7 days. They tightly tighten the wound and provide good healing.

In some cases (with strong gaps), metal staples are placed. They are removed in the same way as nylon or silk threads, but they can leave small hole scars.

An example of a seam after removal of metal staples - holes in the skin are visible

seam care

While you are in the hospital, under the supervision of specialists, a nurse takes care of the suture. It is usually treated daily with a brilliant green solution. After you are discharged, you should continue to care for your suture as instructed by your doctor. If everything heals well, it is enough to follow the rules of hygiene, wash yourself after each visit to the toilet, do not wear tight underwear, use natural-based pads, and provide air access. In case of inflammation and suppuration, the doctor prescribes therapy (levomekol, solcoseryl, in especially severe cases, antibiotics).

Internal stitches on the vagina, on the cervix, on the clitoris

Internal sutures are placed on the cervix, the walls of the vagina in case of ruptures during childbirth. The main cause of injuries, doctors call the wrong behavior of the woman in labor. Early attempts, when the cervix has not yet opened, lead to its rupture. "Aggravating" circumstances - operations on the cervix, age-related decrease in tissue elasticity. Rupture of the walls of the vagina provokes, in addition to the above reasons, the presence of old scars, emergency childbirth, the high position of the vagina relative to the anus. Of course, the possible fault of the obstetrician cannot be denied - the wrong tactics also lead to injuries.

In some cases, after applying internal stitches to the vagina, mothers complain of pain in the clitoris. The clitoris itself is not sewn up, but the seams and ends of the threads can be next to it, stretching and injuring the delicate area. In general, if the discomfort is too severe, it is best to see a doctor. Gradually, the threads will dissolve and the pain will go away.

What is sewn up

Internal sutures are performed with absorbable sutures only. The reason is the complicated access to injuries. Most often, catgut or vicryl is used for this, sometimes lavsan. The final dissolution time for all types of bioresorbable materials is 30–60 days.

seam care

Internal seams do not need special care. It is enough for a mother to follow the doctor's recommendations, not to lift weights, to abstain from sexual activity for 1–2 months, and to maintain personal hygiene. Be sure to visit the gynecologist at the appointed time, even if nothing bothers you, only the doctor can assess the condition of the tissues, the healing rate and other factors.

Read more about caring for internal and external scars in the article -.

How long do stitches take to heal

Be prepared for discomfort and discomfort in the area of ​​incisions and tears for about 2-3 months. The recovery process is individual for each woman, depends on her well-being, health status, pain threshold, age. Some already in two weeks feel like before pregnancy, others need a year or more to recover.

Do not rush to return to an active sex life! Restrictions are not a whim of a doctor and not his reinsurance, but primarily concern for your health. For 2-3 months after childbirth, sexual intercourse will be painful until the injured area with a fresh scar restores sensitivity.

Something went wrong if:

  1. The suture site bleeds after discharge.
  2. Even at rest, you feel pain inside, a feeling of fullness (may be a sign of a hematoma).
  3. The seam becomes inflamed, there is a discharge with an unpleasant odor, the temperature may rise.

All these signs, as well as other changes in the condition that seem suspicious to you, are 100% reason to see a doctor immediately.

Self-absorbable internal seams

The recovery time depends on the material and severity of the rupture. Catgut disappears within 30-120 days, lavsan - 20-50 days, vicryl - 50-80 days. If you feel good, there is no pain and discomfort inside, you are full of strength and energy - everything is in order. Pay attention to your diet, you need to avoid constipation. If necessary, take a laxative in consultation with your doctor.

External seams

With proper care and the absence of complications, the sutures on the perineum completely heal within 1-2 months. To do this, the mother should rest more, it is recommended, if possible, bed rest, and observe hygiene. One of the reasons for frequent inflammation of the external seams is postpartum discharge from the uterus. Change underwear as often as possible, provide air access (if possible, you can refuse underwear at least at home), use special pads with antibacterial impregnation.

Outer seam with episiotomy (normal) ceases to disturb after about 2 months

When removing the threads from the outside seams

Staples and threads are removed 3-7 days after birth, most often on the fifth. The doctor assesses the condition of the woman in labor, the speed of healing and, based on the information received, makes a decision on discharge.

Does it hurt to remove the threads

It all depends on your pain threshold. The procedure is unpleasant, but fast. If you are afraid of pain, ask your doctor to spray the stitch with a local anesthetic.

When can I get up and sit down with stitches after childbirth

For two weeks, you can only lie or stand. Sitting is strictly prohibited! A reclining position is allowed, leaning on the back of the bed. This also applies to discharge, warn relatives in advance that the entire back seat of the car will be occupied by you and the baby.

Why such rigor? If you try to sit up early, it is quite possible that the seams will come apart. And this is not only painful, but will also require re-suturing, doubling the duration of wound healing.

How long do stitches hurt

Pain, pulling sensations and discomfort from external and internal sutures should pass within two weeks after childbirth. If three weeks have passed and you are still experiencing severe pain at the suture site, be sure to let your gynecologist know. Do not delay, in this case it is better to overdo it in order to avoid possible consequences.

Symptoms of complications at the seams after childbirth:

  1. Pain (for external sutures), feeling of throbbing and twitching inside (for internal sutures).
  2. Swelling of the seam, suppuration, often accompanied by a sharp increase in body temperature.
  3. Divergence of seams.
  4. Incessant bleeding.

If you experience one of the symptoms or all of them in the aggregate, consult a doctor. Do not wait, do not use advice from the network, do not trust the recommendations of friends and acquaintances. Frivolity is unacceptable here!

The seam came apart - reasons:

  • Mom tried to sit up before the deadline.
  • Lifted weights (more than 3 kg).
  • Returned to sexual activity.
  • Accidentally infected the wound.
  • Didn't follow hygiene rules.
  • She suffered from constipation.
  • She wore tight synthetic underwear.
  • Wrong seams.

You can recognize the problem by a burning sensation or itching at the site of the seam, swelling (perineum), pain and tingling, bleeding, fever, general weakness. What to do? Immediately go to an appointment with your doctor, in especially serious cases, call an ambulance.

"Mikrolaks" after childbirth with stitches

Separately dwell on the problem with constipation. Strong attempts during bowel movements can lead to a divergence of the external and internal seams. A laxative will help you, but if you are breastfeeding, the pediatrician should prescribe the drug. As an emergency remedy, Microlax microclysters are suitable, they are safe for nursing mothers, they will quickly and painlessly solve a delicate issue. They have a mild effect, the result occurs within 10-15 minutes after use.

The stitches hurt

If everything is in order, the healing process is going well, the gynecologist does not find problems, but the stitches hurt - what is the reason? Perhaps you have a low pain threshold, your tissues need more time to recover, or your rhythm of life is too active at the moment. In any case, if you are confident in your doctor (it may be worth getting advice from another specialist), allow the body to rest for a while. You should not return to active training, lift weights, sit on a hard chair for a long time and arrange daily general cleaning. All this will have to wait.

Does the pain only occur during sexual intercourse? This is a temporary phenomenon, try changing your position, use lubricants. Gradually, your body will return to its previous shape and adapt to the changes.

Inflamed and festered seams, causes, treatment

Inflammation and purulent discharge appear when an infection enters the wound. It can penetrate both from the body of a woman (postpartum discharge, infection not cured before childbirth), and from the outside, if the rules of hygiene are not followed. The final treatment regimen must be prescribed by your doctor.

Used drugs:

  1. Anti-inflammatory and healing ointments: levomekol, synthomycin, Vishnevsky ointment and others. They will relieve swelling, have an antiseptic and antibacterial effect, and stop the inflammatory process.
  2. Candles, in particular, "Depantol", "Betadine" - accelerate the healing of mucous membranes, treat infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genital area.
  3. A course of antibiotics, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs - the doctor will select the therapy in such a way that breastfeeding can be maintained.

Suture granulation, what is it, treatment

Granulation - new tissue that grows during wound healing (healthy cells, blood vessels, etc. are formed). Normally, this is a natural process, but sometimes granulations grow at the site of the sutures after childbirth, can cause discomfort, and feel like small growths. Treatment - at the choice of a gynecologist. Most often, granulations are removed, locally or in a hospital.

Polyps on the seam, what is it, treatment

A polyp is usually understood as the granulations or pathologies already mentioned above during the formation of a scar. Under them, condylomas, papillomas can also be masked. They look and feel like incomprehensible growths (one or more formations) at the place of the seam and around it. Treatment is usually surgical.

Seal (bump) on the seam

If a fairly large lump is felt on the seam, the first thing you should do is visit your gynecologist. Most often, a lump from a self-absorbable suture is mistaken for a bump, which will disappear pretty soon. But there may be other options. In addition to the granulations and papillomas listed above, an abscess with purulent contents may form at the suture site. This is a dangerous symptom that signals improper suturing, infection of the wound, rejection of threads by the body. Seek help urgently.

How to speed up the healing of stitches

First and foremost: none of the methods should be used before consulting a doctor!

Avoid underwear, especially at bedtime. With abundant postpartum discharge, you can sleep on a special absorbent diaper.

Take care of your diet. You need enhanced nutrition, forget about extra calories for a while. The body has experienced stress and needs healthy, high-quality products.

Perhaps you will be helped by recipes of traditional medicine. Tea tree oil, sea buckthorn oil contributes to the healing of injuries.

When can I wash after childbirth with stitches

The shower is allowed and shown after each use of the toilet. And with a bath, and even more so with a visit to the bath and sauna, you have to wait. On average, doctors allow taking a bath two months after childbirth, if the healing process was successful, without any problems. You can also focus on your body, if the postpartum discharge has not yet stopped, you should not rush with the bath. The fact is that for a long time after childbirth, the cervix remains ajar, bleeds, and tap water cannot be called sterile. Bacteria, getting into a favorable environment, begin to multiply actively, triggering inflammatory processes in a weakened body.

Cosmetic stitches after childbirth

The cosmetic seam after healing is almost invisible on the skin. He came to gynecology from plastic surgery. Main features: passes through the tissues, has no visible traces of the entry and exit of the needle.

For a cosmetic suture, self-absorbable threads (lavsan, vicryl) are usually used. It is performed on even, neat incisions and passes through the thickness of the skin in a zigzag manner, called continuous.

Conventional and cosmetic suture after childbirth during execution and after healing

Seam care - a memo to a woman in labor

  1. Change sanitary napkins every two hours, regardless of the presence of discharge. Avoid underwear if possible.
  2. Do not forget about the treatment with antiseptics, if it was prescribed by a gynecologist.
  3. After visiting the bathroom, take a shower, and if this is not possible, wipe the perineum with a sterile napkin with careful wetting movements.
  4. Do not sit down for two weeks.
  5. Monitor the diet, exclude gas-producing and fixing foods (pastries, cereals, etc.). If necessary, take a laxative and do microclysters in consultation with the doctor.

With proper care, external and internal seams, regardless of the material with which they are made, heal quickly and do not leave large scars and scars. Take care of yourself, follow the recommendations of the gynecologist, and very soon you will be able to return to normal life.

One of the most common complications during childbirth is ruptures during childbirth of the soft tissues of the birth canal, which include the cervix, vagina, perineum, and external genitalia. Why is this happening and is it possible to avoid seams? In fact, it is impossible to single out any one reason for the gaps. But some of them can be affected.

First of all, it must be remembered that only healthy tissues have sufficient elasticity and extensibility. The inflamed tissue is fragile and edematous, therefore, with any mechanical action, it does not stretch, but breaks. So, any inflammation of the genital organs the day before can lead to ruptures during childbirth. Therefore, about a month before giving birth, every woman should undergo an examination and take a smear for microflora. When inflammation is detected, treatment is prescribed with subsequent monitoring of its effectiveness. Another reason for the decrease in tissue elasticity is previous trauma (scar tissue does not contain elastic fibers and is therefore practically inextensible). So, if a perineal incision was performed during previous births, as a rule, during subsequent births, this is also indispensable.

Rapid delivery, the lack of coordinated work of the woman and the midwife, the large size of the child or the incorrect insertion of the presenting part of the fetus is another reason for ruptures during childbirth. In ideal childbirth, the fetus moves through the birth canal gradually and the body tissues of the expectant mother have time to adapt to the increasing pressure, they are stretched more and more each time. If the body does not have time to adapt, then this leads to impaired blood supply and swelling of the tissues of the birth canal, which inevitably ends with a rupture.

Stitches after childbirth: repair of tears and incisions

All injuries of the birth canal are subject to mandatory treatment. It begins when examining the birth canal immediately after the separation of the placenta. For suturing small cervical tears, anesthesia is not required, since there are no pain receptors in the cervix. If a very deep tear is found (which is rare), the woman is placed under general anesthesia to examine the uterine cavity to determine the depth of the tear. Cervical tears are sutured with absorbable material.

After examining the cervix, the walls of the vagina are examined. If there are few gaps during childbirth and they are shallow, then local anesthesia will be enough - the edges of the wound are cut off with painkillers. For deep and multiple tears, general anesthesia is used. If epidural anesthesia was used during childbirth, then when suturing, the anesthesiologist adds an analgesic to an existing catheter. Tears in the walls of the vagina are sutured with absorbable sutures that do not need to be removed.

Small cracks in the external genitalia often do not require suturing, as they heal quickly, however, this part of the birth canal is very well supplied with blood, therefore, if the cracks are accompanied by bleeding, they must be sutured after childbirth. Damage to the external genitalia is very painful, so medical manipulations in this area often require general anesthesia. The sutures are superimposed with very thin absorbable threads that do not need to be removed.

At the end of the postpartum examination, the integrity of the perineum is restored. Currently, sutures after childbirth are more often applied with absorbable suture material and do not require removal, interrupted non-absorbable sutures are less common.

A separate case of suturing during childbirth are sutures after caesarean section. Previously, during a caesarean section, the abdomen was cut in the middle “from the navel to the pubis” and interrupted sutures were applied. Now a small incision is made along the pubic hairline. Most often, a special continuous cosmetic suture is applied, less often - interrupted sutures or metal staples. Stitches after caesarean section are removed on the 7-9th day. With proper care, a year after the operation, a white scar remains as thin as a thread, which is easily covered even by bikini bottoms.

Healing stitches after childbirth

Of course, all young mothers are concerned about the question of how long stitches heal after childbirth? So, this process depends on the size of the damage, proper care, general condition of the body, methods and materials used for suturing. When using natural or synthetic absorbable materials, wound healing occurs in 10-14 days, the sutures dissolve in about a month. When using metal brackets and non-absorbable material, they are removed after childbirth, on average, on the 5th day in the hospital, before discharge. Wound healing in this case will be longer - from 2 weeks to 1 month.

Stitches in the vagina and on the cervix

Self-absorbable sutures in the vagina and on the cervix do not need special care. It is not necessary to process and remove them, you just need to ensure complete peace and cleanliness. Postpartum discharge is an ideal substrate for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, during the first three weeks after childbirth, it is necessary to carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene so that the infection does not enter the genital tract. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before each visit to the toilet and changing pads. After using the toilet, remove the old gasket from front to back. Wash your perineum with warm soapy water. The direction of movements and water jets should always be from the genitals to the rectum. After washing the genitals, blot them dry with a napkin or a well-absorbing towel. Such a towel, like underwear, must be changed immediately when contaminated with secretions, and daily - if all this remains clean in appearance. Even if you don't feel the urge to urinate, be sure to go to the bathroom every 3-4 hours. But it will be impossible to take a bath in the first month after childbirth.

Seams at the crotch

The presence of seams on the perineum will require even more careful hygiene. In the first two weeks, they hurt quite badly, it’s hard to walk, and it’s forbidden to sit, mothers feed lying down, they also have to eat lying down or standing up. This does not apply to going to the toilet, since you can sit on the toilet already on the first day after the birth of the baby. Wash hands and perineum, use soap with antiseptic. Do not touch the seam area with your hands. Gaskets in the early days must be changed often, sometimes every 2 hours, since for the speedy healing of the wound it must be kept dry. Use special disposable panties for the postpartum period or loose cotton underwear.

While you are in the hospital, the midwife will perform the suture treatment twice a day, using a solution of "potassium permanganate" or "brilliant green" for this. Removing the threads is a painless procedure that largely relieves discomfort.

In the first days after childbirth, it is necessary to delay the stool, for this it is better not to eat cereals, fruits, vegetables and other foods that stimulate bowel movements. Usually this does not cause big problems, since a cleansing enema is performed before childbirth. After 3 days, laxatives will help restore the stool if necessary. To avoid constipation, you can drink a tablespoon of vegetable oil before eating, then the stool will become soft and will not affect the healing of the seams.

After removing the sutures and discharge from the hospital, if the injury sites heal well, there is no need for treatment. It is allowed to sit down on a hard one only after 2 weeks and only on a healthy buttock opposite the side of the incision.

During the day, do the following exercise several times: draw in the muscles of the vagina, perineum and anus. Stay in this state for a few seconds, and then relax your muscles. Then repeat everything again. Exercise can be done within 5-10 minutes. It stimulates blood flow to the organs and promotes their better healing. Absorbable suture knots fall off around the third week. Chamomile infusions will help from pain and itching in the seam area. This infusion can be washed away, or you can moisten a gauze pad with it and apply it to the wound for 1-2 hours. Some women use cold compresses. To do this, crushed ice is placed in a sterile rubber glove. The glove is applied to the wound for 20-30 minutes. During the first month, try not to sit or stand for a long time. It is better to lie on your side, and sit on a pillow or a circle. At the end of the first month after childbirth, you should visit a gynecologist in a antenatal clinic. He will examine the places of the seams, remove the remaining absorbable threads, if necessary.

Stitches after caesarean section

Stitches after caesarean section. Women who have undergone a caesarean section should be prepared for the fact that pain in the area of ​​​​the postoperative wound will disturb for 2-3 weeks. In the early days you have to use painkillers. At this time, when you walk, you need to put on a postoperative bandage or tie up your stomach with a diaper.

You should not lie down in bed, as early rising and moderate activity (baby care, walking along the corridor) not only improve intestinal motility, but also contribute to better uterine contraction and faster healing of the postoperative wound. While you are in the hospital, the procedural nurse will clean the stitches with antiseptic solution and change the bandage daily. It is important to protect this bandage from water, so cover it with a towel when washing. You must ensure that the clothing adjacent to the wound is always clean. Underwear, including a nightgown, is changed every day, and as it gets dirty, even more often.

After the stitches are removed, you can go home and take a shower. As a rule, additional processing of the seam is no longer needed. The first 2 weeks after discharge, the skin should be washed with soap and water 2 times a day. After washing the seams, they should be gently blotted dry with a disposable or freshly washed towel.

Until the wound has completely healed, it is recommended to wear light, breathable underwear. Tight underwear can injure the seam after a cesarean. The best option is loose-fitting cotton trousers with a high waist. In the first month after childbirth, a newly-made mother is not recommended to lift weights more than the weight of the child. It is also necessary to wear a special postpartum bandage. At first, the scar can itch very much, this is due to the healing processes, you just have to be patient. By the end of the second week after childbirth, you can begin to lubricate the scar with creams and ointments that improve skin recovery.

Complications after childbirth

A feeling of heaviness, fullness, pain in the perineum may indicate the accumulation of blood (hematoma formation) in the area of ​​damage. This usually happens in the first three days after childbirth while still in the hospital, so you should immediately report this feeling to your doctor.

The divergence of the seams most often occurs in the first days or immediately after their removal, rarely later. The reason may be early sitting down, sudden movements, violation of sterility and poor matching of tissues during suturing, as well as non-compliance with the rules of hygiene in the postpartum period. This is a rare complication that occurs with serious deep perineal tears. If, after being discharged home, the area of ​​​​the suture began to bleed, hurt, turned red, purulent discharge appeared, it is urgent to consult a gynecologist, since, most likely, an infection has joined and inflammation has occurred. For treatment, the wound will need to be treated with various antiseptics, and sometimes special surgical treatment may be required.

Complications after childbirth require immediate treatment, as they can lead to very serious consequences - postpartum peritonitis (inflammation of the abdominal cavity) or sepsis (a general infectious lesion of the whole body that spreads through the blood). Therefore, if something bothers you in your condition, be sure to consult a doctor.

After the process of the appearance of crumbs, mothers often have scars as a memory. What kind of scars are, how and where they appear, what they are, how to care for them - this is what we will consider in our article.

Depending on the location of the incision or tear, it is sewn up in different ways. External sutures after childbirth are superimposed, if the puerperal had an episiotomy, on the walls of the vagina and on the cervix itself. It is made using different materials, such as catgut, lavsan, silk.

Tears in this place appear if:

  • childbirth is rapid;
  • large fruit;
  • the uterus is not fully opened.

When applying such a scar, anesthesia is not performed, this area is insensitive for some time after delivery. In this case, catgut fiber is used, which resolves itself after a certain time. Vicryl is an alternative to catgut. The woman in labor does not feel pain on the uterus after stitching. The suture on the cervix itself does not need special care and treatment (in the absence of pathologies).

In the groin

Stitches after childbirth in the groin are a frequent occurrence. The walls of the groin are torn if the child's head cannot come out on its own. Also, injuries occur at the birth of a baby. Seams on the perineum after childbirth are divided into 3 stages:

  • 1 degree - damaged skin.
  • Grade 2 - skin and muscles are injured.
  • 3 degree - the walls of the rectum are torn.

Sutured under local anesthesia (administration of lidocaine solution). At grade 1, medical specialists use catgut threads. At 2 and 3 degrees, nylon and silk are used. After this procedure, pain and discomfort are felt for 10-14 days.

External seams after childbirth need special hygiene measures and antiseptic treatment, as they have a high risk of developing pathologies. Including infection of the wound with suppuration. To avoid such a reaction, the puerperal is warned that it is necessary to treat the wounds in a timely manner.

Into the vagina

The main cause of damage to the vagina is trauma when a baby is born. Before starting the manipulation, local anesthesia with lidocaine or novocaine is performed. For stitching, natural fibers are used, which are self-absorbed (catgut).

Pain and discomfort are felt after this procedure for the first 3-4 days. The stitches in the vagina do not need special care.

Self-absorbable fibers, their advantages

Self-absorbable threads are mainly used for internal injuries of organs. Repeated intervention to such places is not desirable. The resorption time depends on their composition. Absorbable are those whose strength disappears for 30-60 days. They are affected by water and proteins.

For suturing take:

  • Catgut - dissolve from 30 to 120 days (depending on the thickness).
  • Lavsan - from 20 to 50 days.
  • Vicryl - 50-80 days.

Scars of this type do not require additional processing. After about 30 days, they disappear on their own. Important:

  • adhere to hygiene;
  • refusal of sexual relations for about 2 months;
  • do not lift weights;
  • prevent constipation.

Doctors advise (to facilitate the process of defecation) before eating, take 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil.

How many heal?

They are sewn up externally if the posterior commissure is torn or when the groin is cut. An episiotomy is a surgical incision made to prevent rupture of the vagina in case of complications and to allow the fetus to pass freely. If the incision is even, then the manipulation of suturing is less painful and better. Natural tears take longer to heal and do not look neat and aesthetically pleasing.

Reasons for a surgical incision:

  • The threat of rupture, which is noticed by medical specialists, occurs in patients who have skin diseases, dryness of the epidermis, and diabetes mellitus.
  • Pregnant women with a pathology of the cardiovascular system to alleviate attempts.
  • Profuse bleeding to hasten the process of birth.
  • Premature delivery.
  • Large fruit.
  • First multiple pregnancy.
  • Prognosis of fetal injury with improper placement.

Episiotomy heals much better than burst injuries (without edema, suppuration). Smooth edges are easier to sew. For external stitching, nylon, vicryl, and silk threads are usually used. Although they do not have the ability to dissolve on their own, they provide a strong connection, excluding the option of discrepancy.

Healing takes about two weeks if there were no complications.

All this time, the woman feels pain when walking, sitting down, defecation. Many are interested in: “After what time they are removed?” This is usually done on the seventh day after the operation with healing without deviations.

To heal faster

Internal usually do not bother a woman. To quickly cure the external and prevent the divergence of the fibers, it is forbidden to do the following:

  • Lift something heavy for 60 days (except for an infant).
  • Have sex for a month.
  • Comb sewn places.
  • Sitting is allowed only after a few days, while at first on one buttock, then completely. It is recommended to lean on a chair.
  • It is necessary to ensure a gentle emptying of the intestines. Follow a diet, avoid constipation.
  • It is also not recommended to shave until completely cured. This can cause irritation on the labia and lead to inflammation of the suture tissue, severe itching and suppuration.

Careful care in this place is a guarantee of fast scarring. During this period, physical activity is reduced to a minimum so that the suture material does not disperse.

  • External scars are treated with brilliant green. In the maternity hospital, if necessary, the midwife helps to do this. Manipulation is performed twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.
  • After stitching after childbirth on the perineum, it is recommended to use panty liners and change them every 2 hours.
  • Wipe with a sterile lint-free towel only with blotting movements.
  • It is strictly forbidden to wear underwear with a retraction effect, because of this, blood circulation in the pelvis is disturbed, as a result, scarring slows down.
  • After each visit to the toilet and every 2 hours, it is recommended to wash.
  • It is strictly forbidden to restrain the urge to urinate. The filled bladder puts pressure on the uterus, as a result, its contraction decreases.
  • Wash with soap (children's) no more than 1 time per day.
  • You can not restrain the urge to empty.
  • If there are problems with the stool, then sea buckthorn and glycerin suppositories are attributed.
  • If you have constipation, eat foods that are high in fiber.
  • You can't sit for two weeks. After the ban is lifted, you can only sit on a hard one.
  • It is forbidden to lift a weight of more than 3 kg, so that there is no divergence of the threads.

After cesarean

A caesarean section is an operation in which soft tissue is cut. Then they are sewn together. Nowadays, incisions are mainly made in the lower segment of the uterus with a transverse incision 12 cm long.

Vertically from the navel and to the pubis is cut when fetal hypoxia or hemorrhage is detected. The type of dissection is ugly and very noticeable on the body. Will thicken in the future. Such a sectioning process is rarely carried out, only in emergency situations.

If the operation is planned, a horizontal incision is made. Cutting the skin transversely over the pubis. Its advantages are that it is placed in a natural skin fold, the abdominal cavity is not cut at the same time. It turns out very neatly and the mark on the body is almost invisible.

Inside, on the wall of the uterus, in both of these cases, the specialist sews up according to a different principle, trying to achieve the best conditions for the fastest healing of the wound and reduce bleeding.

Injuries after caesarean need constant care during the first month. The first 7 days after the daily treatment with an antiseptic solution and be sure to change the bandage. Cosmetic sutures after childbirth are sutured with materials that dissolve two months after application.

They are allowed to bathe in the shower after about a week, it is not advisable to use a hard washcloth. It is better not to lift weights for the first months (more than the weight of your child). If there is intense pain, then in the first days, painkillers are administered intramuscularly as prescribed by a gynecologist.

Healing time, care features, various deviations are important nuances that depend on which incision was made during cesarean section. After delivery, doctors give advice to patients about all issues of interest.


Under the influence of different facts, there may be complications. Possible pathologies:

  • Strong pain. If the stitches of the perineum hurt after childbirth, then infrared, quartz heating is prescribed. Ointment "Kontraktubeks" helps to reduce pain.
  • Itching. Itching sensations are a common symptom that indicates that wounds are healing. This should not disturb the patient.
  • Divergence of threads. With this, a woman is urgently hospitalized and the problem areas are sutured.
  • Suppuration and swelling. When pathogenic microbes enter the wound, pus appears. Such a deviation should be processed and treated by a doctor.
  • Bleeding. This problem appears if the woman in labor did not observe the nuances of the ban on sitting. The cause of blood discharge is the divergence of the threads and the rupture of soft tissues. In this case, the mother also needs specialized medical therapy.

Do not wear a bandage - it increases intra-abdominal pressure.


Modern methods and principles of suturing gaps and incisions provide for rapid healing, favorable treatment, and a minimum of discomfort and trouble. Subject to the recommendations of physicians and certain instructions, the risk of manifestation of pathologies is reduced to almost zero.

Take care of your health! Take good care of yourself in the postpartum period and your body will recover faster, the pain will be forgotten, and you will soon return to your previous shape.

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