How to care for a cosmetic seam after a cesarean. Suture after caesarean section. Proper care, possible complications

Proper antiseptic treatment of postoperative sutures is an important step in the rehabilitation of a woman who has undergone a caesarean section. Key aspects of this hygienic event are discussed within the walls of the maternity hospital.

Those recommendations that will be received by a young mother must be implemented in a clear manner and in compliance with all standards. The use of auxiliary techniques that can reduce the manifestation of surgical intervention is permissible only after the formation of a strong scar.

What are the scars

In modern medical practice, obstetrician-gynecologists use the most sparing methods of surgical incisions, which avoid the formation of rough keloid scars. To achieve the maximum aesthetic effect after surgery, the Pfannenstiel technique is used, the essence of which is to make an incision above the pubic hair growth zone.

In the postoperative period, such scars are not conspicuous and do not affect the self-esteem of a young mother. In addition, scarring of such sutures occurs in a short period of time. Despite this, the speed and quality of the formation of postoperative sutures directly depends on the observance of measures to care for the wound surface.

If there are appropriate indications, women in labor undergo a vertical dissection of the anterior abdominal wall, as a result of which a rough vertical keloid scar is formed. The main indication for performing this kind of intervention is an urgent situation when the life of the mother or fetus is in danger. During the rehabilitation period after performing a vertical incision, women feel daily pain and discomfort. The duration of such a recovery period can be more than 1 month.

Suture options

When performing a caesarean section, various types of suture material are used. The speed and quality of formation of connective (scar) tissue depends on their structure and origin. For this purpose, catgut and silk threads are often used.

If the sutures were applied using silk, then this allows you to bring the edges of the wound as close as possible to each other and prevent the divergence of the postoperative suture. During this period, while the suture material dissolves on its own, the young mother is under the supervision of a medical specialist.

Care after surgery

Hygiene measures in the period after caesarean section are two-stage. The first stage of processing is carried out within the walls of the maternity hospital. After performing a surgical intervention, the woman is under the daily supervision of a medical specialist to monitor the condition of the stitches.

If the restrictive regime is not observed in the postoperative period and if the suturing is incorrect, the young mother may experience the following complications:

  • The entry of pathogens into the wound surface and suppuration of the wound;
  • Divergence of seams;
  • Bleeding from a wound;
  • Formation of the inflammatory process, which involves different layers of soft tissues.

You can recognize bleeding from the suture by the presence of liquid contents on a special bandage. This complication can be provoked by damage inside the cavity, as well as the lack of proper contact between the edges of the wound. In order to exclude intracavitary bleeding, an ultrasound examination is performed on a young mother.

The lack of proper antiseptic treatment entails the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms of a bacterial nature. Against the background of this process, suppuration and an inflammatory reaction develop. If measures to eliminate the infection are not followed in time, the purulent-inflammatory process will cause partial tissue necrosis.

An equally common problem is the divergence of postoperative sutures. This condition occurs when a young mother does not comply with the restrictive regime. The ban includes carrying a child in her arms, lifting weights, sudden movements and squats.

When a young mother is in the maternity hospital, paid nurses are responsible for the antiseptic treatment of the postoperative suture. Both edges of the wound surface are lubricated with a broad-spectrum antiseptic solution. Most maternity hospitals use an aqueous solution of Chlorhexidine, which has a pronounced antimicrobial and bactericidal effect.

After that, a solution of brilliant green is applied to a clean wound surface, which avoids wetting of the wound. The final stage of treatment is the application of a sterile bandage or a special plaster.

In addition to caring for a postoperative wound, attention should be paid to the antiseptic treatment of the external genital organs. This procedure is carried out by washing the area with antiseptic liquids (Miramistin, Chlorhexidine). You should not use ordinary soap to cleanse the external genitalia, as it affects the pH of the vagina, opening up access to pathogenic microorganisms.

Self Care

The basic rules for hygienic treatment of the postoperative suture at home do not cause difficulties for young mothers. Care of the wound surface in a home environment includes the following activities:

  • Compliance with the regime of limited physical activity;
  • Wound treatment with antiseptics;
  • Care of the external genital organs;
  • Cleansing the skin around the wound with water;
  • Control over the quality and speed of formation of a keloid scar.

Important! It is necessary to start cleaning the wound surface after the main washing of the body. While taking a shower, it is strictly forbidden to use a washcloth or brush to wash the body in the area of ​​​​the postoperative suture. Any physical impact on this area will lead to a divergence of the edges of the wound and bleeding.

Until the wound is completely healed, it is strictly forbidden for a young mother to perform any work that is associated with bending over, squats and lifting weights.

After taking a shower, a woman needs to dry the seam area with a soft cotton cloth with gentle blotting movements. The previously mentioned brilliant green is used as an antiseptic solution. In order to avoid traces of brilliant green on clothes, after processing, the seam is covered with a piece of sterile bandage and fixed with a plaster.

Alternative means include a weak solution of potassium permanganate (manganese), Chlorhexidine, a solution of furacilin and 3% hydrogen peroxide. For processing, cotton swabs or pieces of a sterile bandage soaked in an antiseptic solution are used. This hygienic measure is performed daily until the final overgrowth of the wound.

Important! For antiseptic treatment of the wound surface, it is strictly forbidden to use such products as a soap solution, baking soda and salt diluted in water, pharmaceutical iodine, vodka, 96% alcohol. The listed chemical components have an aggressive effect on soft tissues, thereby leading to irritation and chemical burns.

In order to protect the wound surface as much as possible from injury and the ingress of pathogens, it is important for every young mother who has undergone a caesarean section to wear a postpartum bandage. This medical device speeds up and facilitates postpartum recovery and gives a sense of security. In order for the postpartum bandage to help achieve the desired result, it is worn around the clock, periodically removing it for 10-15 minutes in order to get air on the skin.

In order to prevent the divergence of internal and external seams, a young mother should not lift weights of more than 3 kg. Despite following all the recommendations described, the rehabilitation period does not always go smoothly.

Reasons for seeking medical advice are the following symptoms:

  • Soreness and discomfort in the area of ​​the postoperative suture;
  • The appearance of purulent or bloody discharge from the wound;
  • Noticeable divergence of the suture material;
  • Redness and swelling of the skin around the scar;
  • An increase in body temperature to 37.5-38 degrees.

Women who have experienced infection of the suture are shown a surgical revision of the wound area, additional antiseptic treatment, re-apposition of suture material and excision of the wound edges involved in the necrosis process. In order to avoid such severe consequences, women after cesarean section are advised not to neglect the key recommendations for the care of the postoperative suture.

A caesarean section is an obstetric operation that is performed by making an incision in the uterus to remove the baby. This is a common operation that is performed for a number of pathologies, and has been practiced for a long time. Expectant mothers who need to go through such an intervention, as well as women who have recently resolved from childbirth in this way, are interested in many questions regarding this procedure. What will the seam look like after a caesarean section, will it look ugly? How to take care of him, and what symptoms should be alarmed? We will give answers to these and many other questions in this article.

Types of stitches after caesarean section

The appearance of the seam and a number of other points depends on what type of incision was made by the surgeon in the process. In general, seams can be horizontal, vertical and internal. A corporal incision is made in case of acute fetal hypoxia or significant bleeding during childbirth, after which a vertical-type suture remains. This is not the most beautiful seam that will be visible in the future, however, emergency measures force us to use just such an approach. The scars of the seam after the section will have a nodular appearance, the lower abdomen will not look too beautiful. However, such an incision is rarely practiced, its scope is only in emergency cases, when there is no particular choice.

Information If a planned cesarean section is made, the incision is made horizontally, above the pubis, in the natural crease of the body, and therefore it will be almost invisible, especially if the suture is made neatly and without tears, intradermal.

Internal sutures are used directly on the uterus, they can be of various types, and here the doctor makes his choice based on the risks present, creating conditions for speedy healing. In this case, self-absorbable synthetic materials are used.


For the first time, a suture after a caesarean section is processed in a hospital, and doctors take care of the sutures for the period the patient is in it. In the future, it is necessary to continue care at home. As a rule, the means and the frequency of their use are prescribed by doctors at discharge or before it, from the doctor you can get individual prescriptions and recommendations, depending on which stitch was applied after a cesarean section, how the healing process is going, and so on. But a number of recommendations remain general for any case.

For any complications, the seam after a cesarean section is treated with antiseptics - iodine, brilliant green. Usually, in the absence of complications, the suture is processed for another week after discharge, this is enough. Mechanical damage - rubbing of the seam, and others, should be excluded, it is also necessary to wear a special bandage to support the abdominal wall. It is worth noting the following list of the most important recommendations:

  • Do not lift more than the weight of an infant;
  • You should not lie down a lot, you need to walk more, but at the same time avoid excessive loads;
  • A month after the operation, you can start using products that will make the seam less noticeable - you should ask your doctor for recommendations on this.


The first suture treatments after a caesarean section are carried out in the hospital, once a day, as part of routine patient care and dressings. In the future, it will be necessary to continue this at home - the doctor will give detailed recommendations before discharge. As a rule, care is performed once a day, by treating the suture with antiseptic agents and changing the bandage. If the doctor gave these and other recommendations for certain periods of treatment and healing, you should definitely follow them.

How long does a suture heal after a caesarean section?

Every woman in labor who has to go through a caesarean section is worried about how much pain she will have to endure, how to take care of the suture, and how long it will take to heal. It will be easier to present this information in the form of a table:

The pain syndrome remains, it is necessary to take analgesics. After the second day, they are usually allowed to take a shower.

The staples are removed, discharge from the hospital takes place, it is necessary to continue care at home. The seam after caesarean section begins to overgrow.

6-8 weeks

Quite dense scar formation, you can safely take a bath. But the seam is still hard, it can hurt.

You can start performing special exercises prescribed by your doctor for recovery.

The scar was almost formed, but there is a feeling of numbness in this area - the nerve fibers have not yet recovered.

Sensitivity returns, nerve fibers are formed.

Only by this time such seams are considered completely healed.

Additionally The healing of the suture after cesarean section is a long process, even if no complications and pathologies are observed. And if there are any difficulties, the healing process can be much longer. In general, the timing indicators turn out to be quite approximate, since each organism is individual, each has its own regeneration rate, inclinations. And therefore, if there are some deviations from generally accepted indicators, and there are no problems or pathologies, this is also normal.

Possible Complications

Having touched on the topic of complications associated with stitches after caesarean section, it is worth considering in more detail. In what cases should a woman sound the alarm and urgently consult a doctor, and what manifestations are considered the norm? It is worth knowing about it in all its nuances.

The seam can bring problems not only during the recovery period, but also much later, years later. At first, bleeding of the suture or hematoma should attract attention - they can signal medical errors, problems with suturing blood vessels, with inaccurate or early removal of sutures.

Important Inflammation of the suture is another problem that may be relevant in the early stages. In this case, there is usually a fever, purulent or bloody discharge from the suture, redness or swelling. In this case, you should consult a doctor immediately, this is a dangerous condition in which antibiotics and special ointments are prescribed. If you start such a problem, in the future it will be possible to solve it only by surgery.

Among the late complications, it is necessary to note ligature fistulas that occur due to rejection of the suture material after a cesarean section or infection - a hot, painful red induration should be removed by the doctor, the problem cannot be solved on its own. Keloid scars are not considered a complication as such, this is a cosmetic defect that is easily eliminated today.

How to remove the seam after a caesarean section?

Despite all the efforts of doctors, the appearance of a suture after a cesarean section may not be extremely pleasing to a woman - especially if we are talking about its vertical type. Are there ways to remove it today, is it possible to do this, and how is it done? These questions concern many women. There are options, and they are worth using.

Laser scar removal gives good results, and in addition, liquid nitrogen and ultrasound are widely used. Various kinds of ointments and creams are actively used, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or in a cosmetic store. Hormonal agents, chemical peeling, and also a surgical approach in the form of excision of this scar are also applicable. If desired, you can get rid of the scar - or make it as invisible as possible. It is also worth noting that some women who have decided not to give birth in the future simply make a beautiful tattoo in place of the scar.

Joint pain after caesarean section

There is nothing surprising in the fact that the seam after the operation hurts, no - because under it there is a wound up to the uterus. The first days it can hurt very much, and in this case, doctors offer analgesics - they can relieve pain. Pain can last a week, this is the norm.

Analgesics are prescribed immediately after, these are morphine and its derivatives, which will allow you not to suffer the first days. Next, analgin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used. You can not take arbitrary painkillers - they must be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account lactation and other relevant, individual aspects. The suture will hurt for about 2 months with a longitudinal dissection, and about 1.5 for a transverse one, if proper care is provided and there are no complications. If complications occur, the suture after a cesarean section may hurt for longer. And minor pulling pains can occur periodically for another year.

The scar oozes and fester

The allocation of a small amount of transparent ichor for the first week after the operation is a completely normal phenomenon, which should not be emphasized. However, the release of blood, and even more so, pus from the stitches after a cesarean section, should cause concern - this is a reason to see a doctor. Bloody discharge may indicate problems with vascular closure, and other, even more serious problems with the body. Purulent discharge, discharge with a smell, especially accompanied by a rise in temperature and other symptoms, is a direct reason to consult a doctor immediately. Also, do not be silent if the discharge looks normal, but does not stop for too long. Itching is another reason for attention.

Additionally If the seam itches after about a week, this is a normal moment in the healing process. However, you can't scratch it. But if it burns, other unpleasant sensations arise, then it is worth telling the doctor about them, and as soon as possible.

When can I wet the caesarean suture?

Taking a shower for the first time after a caesarean section is usually allowed after two days - if the seam is normal for this period. Short-term exposure to water will not be dangerous already during this period, and after taking a shower, it is recommended to treat the wound surface. After discharge from the hospital, you can take a shower in any case. However, it should be understood that it is impossible to rub the seam with a washcloth, and you should not touch it once again. In a month - one and a half it will be possible to take a bath, but without too much enthusiasm.

Important Swimming in open water, bathing procedures in the first months after healing should be approached with caution, in this regard there are increased risks.

Seal over the scar

Seal in the area of ​​the seam after caesarean section, and in particular, above it, can be of a different nature, and if it occurs, you should consult a doctor for a final diagnosis. If purulent phenomena are excluded, seals may occur due to the accumulation of lymph over the scar. This is a seroma, and it usually heals on its own. If it does not go away for a long time, you should consult a doctor.

The complex healing process associated with infection can also create lumps that need to be treated after an accurate diagnosis by a doctor. Colloidal scars, growths of cartilaginous tissue - all this sometimes leads to seals. If you have doubts about the nature of the seal, and even more so if it causes you anxiety, pain, discomfort, a consultation with a doctor will definitely not be superfluous. Contact a specialist who, if necessary, will conduct an ultrasound of the seam, investigate the causes of the appearance of seals, which may even have autoimmune nature due to the rejection by the body of the materials with which the wound is sutured, or to be formed due to their poor quality, expiration.

Broken seam after caesarean

As a rule, the divergence of the seam after caesarean section becomes a complication that is relevant for 6-11 days, when the threads are removed. The reason for this may be lifting weights of more than 4 kg, which is unacceptable. Also, problems of this kind can arise due to an infection that prevents normal overgrowth. Inaccuracy when changing dressings or improper care can also lead to such a consequence - the suture spreading after cesarean in different directions. In any case, regardless of what could cause the discrepancy, you need to urgently consult a doctor, such a complication does not tolerate delay or attempts to solve the problem on your own.

Seam after the second caesarean section

It is known that a caesarean section operation does not prevent new pregnancies in the future, when the sutures heal and the body recovers. However, what will the scar look like after the second cesarean, what will be the features of caring for it? This is worth knowing in advance.

In general, the seam after the second caesarean section will not be different, and the specifics of the operation remain the same, only the manipulations will take a little longer. During the second caesarean, the old suture is excised, as the incision is made along it. The healing process after the second cesarean will take a little longer, and also the duration of the period accompanied by pain may be longer, and the pain for the initial period is more intense, however, appropriate medications and competent care can minimize these negative manifestations.

Information The suture after a repeated caesarean section will take longer to form, and care for it should be carried out with particular care. In addition, it must be remembered that the risk of adhesions and other negative aspects, complications, increases during a second operation.

Removal of stitches

As a rule, the sutures are removed before discharge, approximately on the sixth day after the operation, depending on the speed of healing, the presence of complications may vary. Suture removal is a fairly quick procedure in which the last knot is removed and then the thread is carefully removed from the skin. Often the question arises how painful it is to remove the stitches after such an operation. Depending on the pain threshold, people judge differently, and therefore it is impossible to accurately convey the sensations, but no matter how it was, many women say that in intensity these sensations coincide with the feeling of plucking the eyebrows. It is impossible to talk about the extreme pain of such procedures.

The stitches are removed by the doctor, before and after this procedure, antiseptic treatment is performed. Some women note a decrease in pain after removal, but in any case, we must remember that the treatment process is not over yet, and it will take many more months to fully form. The period of suture removal creates certain risks up to the divergence of the edges of the wound, and during this period it is necessary to follow medical recommendations with special attention. And in particular, you should not abandon the postpartum bandage, which is able to create good tissue support after surgery.

Important On the day of removal of sutures after caesarean section and in the following days, it is necessary to pay special attention to physical activity, reducing it to a minimum, it is absolutely impossible to lift anything heavy.


If it was about decent care for the suture after a cesarean section, compliance with medical recommendations and the absence of complications, the consequences will be minimal. So, the first 3 years after such a procedure, doctors recommend eliminating the risk of pregnancy - this is one of the main medical recommendations.

Information The seam can give rise to some discomfort - for example, in many girls it creates an insensitive zone, itches and tingles even years after the operation, and this is quite possible. Colloidal scars and other cosmetic defects are also quite a typical consequence of such an operation, however, if necessary, they can be prevented or reduced to nothing by using modern cosmetic preparations and procedures.

A seam can create a lot of problems during a subsequent pregnancy. It is noted that it is during this period that the maximum risk in his area falls. Many women report soreness and discomfort in late pregnancy. This is due to adhesions that always form during wound healing, and it is they that give rise to pain, because of which you should not worry too much if at least 2 years have passed after a cesarean. However, the gynecologist should find out about this, and he will check the condition of the sutures, if necessary, he will be able to prescribe ointments and creams that will help reduce pain and make the suture more elastic.

Competent and attentive care of the suture after a cesarean section in the postoperative period eliminates the bulk of the negative consequences, and if it has healed properly, then nothing will prevent a young mother from living a full life.

Suture correction after caesarean section

The first year after the operation, the suture is only being formed, and at this time it is important to provide it with proper care using those drugs that are relevant for a particular healing period according to the doctor's recommendations. With the right approach, correction after caesarean section may not be necessary in the future - especially if, from the second month, drugs are used in this area that promote healing and normal formation of the suture. If you don’t like something in it outwardly in the first months, you should not rush with cardinal correction methods, because in a year this area will look completely different. Moreover, most of the cardinal methods are not performed fresh, and therefore hardly anyone will agree to offer you the most effective procedures.

But once the suture heals and stops changing in appearance, after a year or two, you can use both the surgical method of repairing the suture with excision, as well as a host of cosmetic solutions in the form of a laser, liquid nitrogen, and many other suggestions.

Additionally Such a seam is corrected in the same way as any other scar. And for him, all the same methods that can be provided by any cosmetic clinic remain relevant. Just wait until the suture is completely healed - and you can go to one of them to find the best option for getting rid of such a cosmetic defect.

However, when choosing an approach, it is worth deciding in advance whether you want to have more children, or whether this birth was your last. In some cases, the method of suture correction after caesarean section excludes the possibility of touching this area in the future. Or makes this highly discouraged - in the future it can cause new complications if we are talking about a repeat cesarean.

Thus, a suture after a caesarean section will give you a minimum of trouble if it is provided with proper care and attention, and any alarming symptoms are promptly reported to the doctor. After such an operation, you can live your old life, have more children - subject to all medical recommendations, of course. A caesarean section and a seam after it is a pain, a cosmetic defect, but modern medicine and cosmetology reduces such manifestations to a minimum. In addition, as a reward for all this, you can enjoy motherhood even at the risk of difficult childbirth and in emergency cases.

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    Types of surgical sutures

    Depending on what reasons predetermined the decision of the surgeon to conduct abdominal delivery, the types of sutures after cesarean section also differ. Most often used:

    • horizontal. It is mainly used for planned operations. It is performed horizontally in the suprapubic region using a self-absorbable suture material. After a transverse caesarean section, the scar becomes almost invisible over time;
    • vertical. A vertical incision allows you to get full access to the internal organs in case of complications in the birth process. The scar after such obstetrics remains longer and rougher, heals longer. When performing such an operation, the use of absorbable catgut is impossible - the seam may disperse;

    In addition, an internal suture is applied to the uterus after a caesarean section. If the woman's recovery process goes without complications, it resolves after about 6-8 weeks. Uterine contraction promotes faster healing of internal sutures. For the first week, the external seams will require careful care.

    Suture care in the maternity hospital

    All care for the woman while she is in the maternity hospital lies on the shoulders of the medical staff. In the first days after the operation, the woman does not have to carry out any manipulations to care for the scar on her own. After delivery, the caesarean scar is covered with a sterile dressing to prevent infection and mechanical damage. The bandage is changed by a nurse in the manipulation room. If everything goes without complications, it takes about 6-7 days to process the suture after a caesarean section. The most commonly used antiseptics are:

    • brilliant green solution;
    • chlorhexidine;
    • hydrogen peroxide;
    • fucorcin;
    • iodicerin.

    The task of the woman in labor is the unconditional observance of the regimen and recommendations of the doctor. An unhealed scar is "afraid" of water. It is strictly forbidden to wet it in the first days - it can become inflamed. Wearing a special bandage allows you to reduce the load on the muscle tissue of the abdomen, which contributes to the speedy healing of the wound. It will also depend on how long the suture heals after a cesarean. As a rule, sutures, if non-absorbable suture material was used, are removed already 5-7 days after the operation. The question of whether it hurts to remove stitches after a caesarean very often worries women in labor. There is no cause for concern - in the vast majority of cases today, sutures are applied using absorbable threads that do not require subsequent removal. If, nevertheless, the stitches need to be removed, then the woman may feel slight discomfort when removing the stitches and subsequent spot treatment of the wounds left from the threads. In these places, a slight seal on the seam may be observed for some time. Now the woman is ready to be discharged from the maternity hospital.

    Seam care at home

    Before discharge from the maternity hospital, the patronage nurse will definitely instruct and explain how to care for the suture after cesarean, what medications will be required for this, but most often the treatment of the suture after cesarean section is no longer required from the moment of discharge from the hospital, the woman in labor simply needs to carry out general hygiene measures.

    In addition to the antiseptic, which has already been used in the hospital, you can use special gels and ointments that contribute to the rapid healing of the scar. But this can only be done if the wound surface is dry and the seam does not bleed. Before using such drugs, you should always consult with your doctor - only he makes a decision on how to process the seam so that there are no complications. If required, a woman in labor can independently apply a sterile dressing; with the current variety of dressing materials, this will not be difficult and will not require special skills. The most important rule is meticulous hygiene. Before processing the seam, you must thoroughly wash your hands and treat them with disinfectants. After the seam stops getting wet, the need for dressing will disappear.

    Pain complaints

    Pain is the most common cause of women's complaints, especially in the early days. Moderate pain after a caesarean section should not cause alarm, because they have a completely understandable physiological cause and are a natural reaction of the body to the dissection of not only the skin, but also soft tissues. In a medical institution, pain is relieved with the help of narcotic analgesics and painkillers. The appointment of such drugs is the prerogative of the doctor. In response to the question of how long the seam hurts after a cesarean section is normal, doctors give only an approximate answer: from two to six weeks in the absence of complications.

    The stomach will hurt in the first weeks or even months, and in the very first days any movement, deep breathing, coughing can cause pain. Despite this, doctors do not recommend "stale" in bed. After six hours, the woman in labor can already rise, and on the second day she can start walking. This should be done slowly and without choppy movements - there is a high probability of dizziness. It is better if at this time a hospital employee or one of the relatives will be next to the woman. Wearing a bandage reduces pain by reducing the load on the abdominal muscles.

    Not always pain in the suture area can be correctly interpreted by a woman. Pain can cause:

    • accumulation of gases in the intestine, the peristalsis of which is disturbed during the surgical intervention;
    • contraction of the uterus. With the onset of lactation, a woman's body produces oxytocin. This hormone contributes not only to the production of breast milk, but also has an active stimulating contraction of the smooth muscles of the uterus, which can temporarily cause pain in the lower abdomen.

    A woman in the postoperative period should still be attentive to the nature of pain and their localization. Severe, sharp pains, fever may indicate inflammation of the uterine cavity or that there has been a divergence of the stitches after a cesarean section.

    Often women complain that, despite the quality care of the suture after cesarean section, it itches. In no case should this be a cause for concern - after the operation, a natural healing process takes place, tissues are regenerated. Already after a certain amount of time, after the sutures are removed, or as the catgut is resorbed, if it is a cosmetic suture after a cesarean section, the itching will weaken, and then completely disappear. For someone it happens slowly, for someone faster: a lot depends on the type of suture and the individual characteristics of the skin.

    What to do if the seam oozes after cesarean

    The isolation of a transparent ichor on a scar after a cesarean in the first days should not disturb the woman in labor: very often this is how healing takes place. The situation is quite different if the discharge has become purulent, the discharge is bloody in nature, and there is a sharp and unpleasant odor. Along with this, an increase in local or general body temperature may occur. This indicates that the seam has become inflamed. Inflammation can be caused by infection, but sometimes rejection of the suture material occurs due to the individual characteristics of the woman's body. In a mandatory manner, you need to consult a doctor if the discharge continues for a long time, and, as a result, the suture does not heal after a cesarean. Treatment consists in creating an outflow of purulent contents and antibiotic therapy.

    Possible complications in the healing process

    Advances in anesthesiology and surgery, the use of modern antibiotic therapy have made cesarean section relatively safe for women's health.

    But still, in the process of healing the postoperative suture, various complications can occur. These problems should be solved exclusively by the attending physician. Self-medication can cause significant damage to a woman's health. You should consult a doctor if:

    • bleeding has opened from the seam;
    • there was a seal over the seam after cesarean;
    • inflammation and suppuration occurred;
    • the seam came apart after caesarean.

    In the event of the development of such negative consequences of the operation, the doctor will definitely prescribe treatment. Treatment with antibiotics and antibiotics will be required. Only a doctor can pick them up taking into account the lactation period in a woman.

    Late complications of the recovery period include:

    • the occurrence of keloid scars. A caesarean section scar is not so much a medical as an aesthetic problem. Laser and plastic surgery today successfully fights keloid scars;
    • ligature fistula. The wound becomes inflamed and festering at the site of a non-absorbable surgical thread that was not removed in time. The seam connection may be broken. Treatment is carried out by removing the festering thread and applying topical antibacterial ointments.
    • Hernia. It occurs due to the large load on the scar with a vertical incision. Subject to surgical treatment only.

    Features of the recovery period

    In order for the recovery of the body of the woman in labor to take place in the shortest possible time, she will need to strictly follow many of the recommendations of doctors. Here are the main ones:

    • Strict observance of personal hygiene.
    • Strict adherence to the diet in the postoperative period.
    • Don't lie. The movement stimulates the contraction of the uterus, the recovery process of the body will be faster.
    • Give preference to underwear made of cotton jersey. Synthetic underwear, especially tight ones, can slow down the blood flow in the wound, which negatively affects its healing.
    • You can sit down no earlier than 2-4 days later.
    • Mandatory daily bowel movements.
    • Restriction in lifting weights.
    • Sports activities can be started no earlier than two months later.
    • It is necessary to take care of the abdominal muscles. Use squats instead of bends.
    • Sexual relations can be resumed no earlier than after 6-8 weeks.
    • Treat the scar only with antiseptics recommended by your doctor or nurse.
    • Any symptoms that bother a young mother should be reported to the doctor. It is better to get advice and resolve the problem than to smear the seam after cesarean with ineffective ointments or be treated with traditional medicine.

    The recovery period is a long process and must be treated with all responsibility. A woman should be patient, because her uterus will shrink much longer than the uterus of a woman who gave birth naturally - the integrity of the tissues from the caesarean section is broken, and the scar on it will finally heal only by the end of the first year. The healing time for external scars is very individual. The same applies to their appearance. If the aesthetic side of the issue is of great concern to a woman, modern methods will come to her aid - laser correction and cosmetic plastic surgery.

    Caesarean section is a common obstetric operation. A woman who has given birth to a child by caesarean section should receive the necessary stock of knowledge on how to return to active life as soon as possible and without any complications, to recover after surgery. Women who have had a caesarean section are concerned about whether the operation can affect the ability to take care of the newborn, how long the suture heals after cesarean section, what to do with possible complications, how aesthetically will the scar after cesarean section look when the sutures are removed after cesarean? All this depends not only on the skill of the surgeon, but also on how the woman in labor will follow the recommendations of the doctor after discharge from the maternity hospital. Violations of the regimen, rules of hygiene and sanitation, neglect of the rules for caring for the postoperative area can cause stitches after a cesarean section to cause a deterioration in the general well-being of a woman.

A suture after a caesarean section is a longitudinal or transverse scar on the abdomen from 11 to 12 cm long, which occurs after suturing incisions on the uterus, on the soft tissues of the peritoneum and skin. It is done mainly in the lower segment of the uterus.

According to the depth of the overlay, the seams are distinguished:

  • internal - on the uterus;
  • external - on the skin. In the direction of the cut of the outer seam, there are:
  • vertical seam from the navel to the bosom;
  • arcuate transverse suture along the skin fold near the pubis (Pfannenstiel laparotomy);
  • transverse suture 3 cm below the middle of the distance from the navel to the womb (laparotomy according to Joel-Cohen).

Modern obstetricians often do Pfannenstiel laparotomy. It is after it that a cosmetic suture is usually applied. Merging with the fold of skin above the pubis, such a seam very soon becomes indistinguishable. Unlike the classic longitudinal suture, such an incision on the uterus heals better, the scar after it is almost invisible, and surgical blood loss is minimal. In emergency cases, when the fate of the woman in labor and the child is decided by minutes, a traditional longitudinal section is performed on the uterus and skin. With such an incision, strong interrupted sutures are applied that prevent a cosmetic suture. In addition to aesthetic disadvantages, such a vertical incision has its advantages - convenience and speed.

How many days does the seam heal

Patients after caesarean section are concerned about the natural question - how many days does a scar heal?

The suture after caesarean section on the uterus heals on the 7th day after the operation. By this time, a skin scar has formed. Silk sutures are removed 5-7 days after the operation. If the wound is sutured with self-absorbable threads (in the case of a cosmetic suture), they do not need to be removed, they dissolve on the 65-80th day after cesarean.

Does the seam hurt after a caesarean section?

The seam after a caesarean section hurts quite a lot. The pain is caused by the presence of a healing wound on the uterus and skin. Therefore, immediately after the operation, the woman in labor should take painkillers. It can be narcotic and non-narcotic analgesics that are injected intramuscularly. In addition to analgesics, antibiotics are also prescribed to avoid infectious complications.

A woman in the first and second month can lift no more than 2 kg. To reduce pain and stress on the suture area after caesarean section, it is recommended to use a postpartum bandage. It is advisable to wear it before getting out of bed. With the use of a postpartum bandage, the suture hurts less because the bandage prevents soft tissues and the uterus from moving.

Suture care in the hospital

After a caesarean section, the suture must be looked after and constantly inspected. The seam from the caesarean section is carefully observed in the maternity hospital. Until the moment the staples or threads are removed, the nurse comes every day to treat the seam with an antiseptic (brilliant green) and change the sterile bandage.

For 5-7 days, a doctor or nurse should treat and examine the wound. If the seam becomes wet after a caesarean section, the bandage is changed regularly. Observation in the maternity hospital allows you to provide timely assistance if the suture after the operation constantly and severely hurts or the temperature rises and other complications appear.

Home care

At home, the seam requires no less care than in the hospital. After discharge, you should continue to treat the seam with brilliant green, and most importantly, regularly wash the seam with water using soap without a washcloth. The treatment of absorbable sutures after cesarean is no different from the care of conventional sutures.

To speed up recovery, you can do special light exercises lying down. This will speed up the recovery. You can take a shower only one day after removing the stitches, and rubbing the stitch with a soft washcloth is allowed at least a week later, if it does not get wet or ooze. To heal the seam at home, the doctor may recommend appropriate ointments.

It happens that a month after discharge, the seam still hurts. Pain can also be felt in the uterus. If the pain is accompanied by suppuration, redness or hardening of the seam, immediately contact the hospital.

What are the complications after suturing?

According to the time of occurrence, complications are divided into early (appear even in the hospital) and late (occur in a month or later).

The early ones include: hematomas, inflammation, minor bleeding, suppuration, divergence of the seam.

Inflammation makes itself felt 3-5 days after the operation.

If pus oozes from the seam after cesarean, an antibiotic is prescribed, bandaging is performed using antibacterial ointments. The ligatures may need to be removed prematurely. All this will significantly slow down the healing process and leave an ugly scar. If the inflammation of the suture is accompanied by an increase in temperature and a deterioration in general well-being, the woman is prolonging the treatment.

If the dressing on the seam oozes blood, inform the medical staff, otherwise the wound will fester or a hematoma will form.

After 1-2 days after removing the ligatures, the seam may disperse. To avoid discrepancy, avoid physical activity. Do not attempt to repair a seam split on your own.

Late complications may appear, for example, after a month. In many women in labor, these are ligature fistulas. Fistulas appear due to the rejection of suture threads by the woman's body. Treating yourself is useless and dangerous (fraught with an abscess).

How long does a cosmetic suture correction take?

Depending on the professionalism of the operation performed and the characteristics of an individual female body, a scar after a cesarean section may heal longer or more slowly. When a scar is formed, you can lubricate it with special creams that promote rapid tissue repair and prevent the formation of scars.

Among the methods of seam correction, laser resurfacing is the most effective. It can be done at any aesthetic surgery clinic after consultation with your doctor. In just a few painless procedures, you will get rid of the defect. Laser resurfacing is performed only after the complete formation of the scar. Don't expect the seam to fully form in a month or two. This will happen no earlier than in 8-12 months. Microdermabrasion is no less effective - a directed effect on the seam with aluminum particles. Plastic surgery will also help, but only if the seam is small and narrow. Different types of peels are less effective.

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