Who is better dentist or dentist. Who are dentists and stomatologists? What are these doctors? What kind of work does an orthodontist do?


The question, what is the difference between a dentist and a dentist, of course, is very difficult and interesting. It would seem, nothing. But it only seems. Dentist vs dentist - what's the difference? Let's find out about it right now.

When asked about the difference between a dentist and a dentist, many will say for sure that there are no differences. And few people will think, but is it really so. The “smart” word dentist in colloquial speech is often replaced by “tooth” or even “dentist”. “We need to go to the dentist” - this phrase can often be heard from the lips of even the most educated and intelligent people.

Not to mention the fact that until recently no one thought at all how it is correct and whether there is a difference between a dentist and a dentist. It turns out there is. And "dentist" is not at all a common, colloquial phrase to replace the correct "dentist". Although, ask anyone - they will answer that it is one and the same.

Dentist vs dentist - what's the difference?

What is the difference between a dentist and a dentist? In fact, the first is a specialist with a secondary medical education. He finished Medical College, received a diploma and can only work with hard dental tissues - enamel and dentin. A dentist cannot help a patient who has come with an acute toothache, because in this case the pulp (nerve of the tooth) is most often affected, he will not be able to treat such a disease associated with acute pain like periodontitis. The dentist will help only if the patient needs to cure normal caries without complications. Thus, it is obvious that the difference between a dentist and a dentist is quite significant.

What is the difference between a dentist and a dentist?

The field of activity of the dentist is somewhat limited. He will not be able to hold senior administrative positions in public hospitals and clinics such as chief physician, head of department, etc. A dentist cannot independently provide orthopedic and orthodontic services. Such an expert is considered medical worker with secondary specialized medical education, which significantly affects the level of wages.

A dentist is a specialist with a higher medical education, he graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry of a medical university and has a general medical specialization, he completed the obligatory training for a doctor in an internship in the specialty Dentistry.

There are also various specializations in the work of a dentist: a dentist-therapist, a dentist-surgeon, an orthopedic dentist, and so on. All this is mastered by the doctor in the course of training and further practical work. But, regardless of the chosen specialization, all doctors have general training in the specialty of General Medicine, they master this at the university for 6 years and due to this they have a much higher qualification than dentists.

Now it has become much more clear about the professions of a dentist and a dentist, what is the difference between these names, it would seem, one profession.

What is the profession of a dentist for? After all, this specialist is rather limited in the available rights and opportunities for treating patients? In large cities, there are enough qualified dentists, a person is more likely to go to a dentist than to a dentist. There are not so many opportunities to get a job for him, because there are enough dentists and the field of activity of the dentist is limited and all his functions can easily be performed by a certified doctor.

But in small towns and villages, there are not enough qualified medical specialists, and the dentist most often conducts the appointment. And it is he who helps people with all their dental problems. Often such an experienced dentist is a versatile specialist and can do his job no worse than certified dentists.

Dentist and dentist - which profession to choose?

So, a dentist and a dentist, who to study for, if you have the opportunity to choose? Of course, it is worth choosing the specialty of a dentist. His qualifications will not only allow you to solve momentary problems with a bad tooth or caries, but will also allow you to put accurate diagnosis, identify possible future oral health problems at an early stage, prevent complications, prescribe adequate drug treatment. Also, wage of a doctor, of course, is much higher than that of a specialist with a secondary education. This is what distinguishes a dentist from a dentist.

How to become a dentist and dentist?

To study as a dentist, you must enter a medical school at the Faculty of Dentistry. To become a dentist, in Russian colleges (colleges, technical schools, schools), according to the classifier of specialties, there are the following paramedical dental specialties: dentist, dental technician, dental hygienist.

The qualifications and opportunities of a dentist and a dentist are different, but each of them can become an excellent specialist. When choosing an educational institution, it is worth considering, among other things, who you want to become, what are your long-term career plans. College may be a priority of the university or vice versa, it's up to you.

Currently, one can often hear how a doctor who treats teeth is called either a dentist, or a dentist, or simply a dentist. Are all names the same or are there differences between them? If so, what are they.
Before answering these questions, perhaps we need to look a little into history.

Dental schools existed even before the October Revolution, when they were perhaps the only educational "factories" for training specialists in the field of diseases associated with the oral cavity.

Science did not stand still, the range of diseases directly related to dentistry, which became more and more known, expanded. scientific community. Naturally, the rapid growth of the science of dentistry required a new, more high level medical practitioners dental diseases.

Therefore, not only in our country, but also in many other countries, special educational institutions began to open that were engaged in this direction - dental institutes and faculties. This happened around the 1920s.

What is the difference?

Dentist and dentist - it seems that they are exactly the same names. And they are engaged in one thing - they treat teeth. Yes, but there is still a difference. So what is the difference between a dentist and a dentist? First, the level of education. Secondly, in the range of activities. So what is a dentist?

To become a dentist, it is enough to graduate from a secondary specialized medical institution. Previously, such institutions were called medical schools, now in most cases they are called colleges.

They study for three years. Graduates receive a diploma of secondary vocational education, which gives the right to carry out a certain range of activities. Basically, it may not be very complex manifestations dental diseases, in particular stomatitis, carious lesions and others.

Graduates of secondary medical care have the right to conduct physiotherapy that does not require high qualifications, to provide care for patients who have simple maxillofacial injuries. They also have the right to establish a diagnosis of the disease and, if the situation requires, to ensure that the patient is referred to a doctor of a higher qualification.

A dentist is a specialist of a higher level. Dentistry is studied at a higher educational institution - a medical institute, university or academy. To get a diploma and the right to engage in one of the dental specialties, a medical student needs to comprehend science for 5 years.

The education he received allows him to take on almost any disease. oral cavity and teeth. In addition, practice must be added to the education received. After all, studying at a university does not end the process of obtaining a profession. He still has to practice - a one-year internship, or a two-year clinical residency.

And this is no coincidence, because modern medicine does not stand still. It makes future specialists new requirements, deeper knowledge. The latest developments and technologies are emerging, treatment methods are being improved, new directions and specializations are opening up.

Therefore, along with the fact that dentists are becoming more highly specialized doctors, nevertheless, they must be doctors with a wide knowledge of general medicine. Such knowledge cannot be acquired in a shorter period of study.

But often dentists are called dentists out of habit, just as dentists are called dentists. As we found out, this is not entirely true. A dentist may have a specialization, and their list is quite extensive:
if we talk about such specialization as therapeutic dentistry, then it may also include cariesology, aesthetic dentistry, periodontics, endodontics;

  • one of the specializations is orthodontics;
  • there is a specialization in orthopedic dentistry;
  • may branch and surgical dentistry for example, a doctor may be a highly qualified specialist in the field of implantology;
  • the dentist may be a specialist in maxillofacial surgery;
  • pediatric dentistry is subdivided into therapeutic surgical dentistry.

Time does not stand still, it is in the past, when the profession of a doctor who dealt with diseases of the teeth was the only one, and it was impossible to get confused in the names. Now, sometimes, it is difficult to understand which specialist to go to if problems suddenly arise, for example, about caries. Together we will try to understand the specialization of doctors who treat bad teeth.


You should probably start with dentist-therapist. A mid-level specialist, as we said above, does not have the opportunity to engage in complex diseases teeth, such as treatment deep caries, which is complicated by pulpitis. He will not undertake due to lack of qualifications for the treatment of a badly damaged tooth. AT last resort, a dentist of this category will fill the patient with a small hole in the tooth.

But the dentist-therapist is available more complex for the treatment of dental lesions. When examining a patient, he will be able not only to make the correct diagnosis, but also to treat pulpitis, periodontitis. If necessary, he will prepare the teeth for prosthetics, restore the original shape of the destroyed tooth.

Those who care about the state of the oral cavity are well acquainted with the doctor of this specialty. As a rule, twice a year they visit a dentist-therapist. This keeps your teeth in perfect condition. long years. But not only for the purpose of prevention, you should contact dental clinic. Any bleeding gums pain when eating, the temperature reaction of the teeth - all this should alert and serve as a reason for contacting a dentist-therapist.

In general terms, we have clarified the essence of the work of a specialist dentist-therapist, consider the following specialization.

dental surgeon

In what case do we turn to a dental surgeon? If the patient has a small hole in the tooth, then he should hardly go to the doctor's office. Here, most likely, you will need the help of a dentist-therapist.

But if the patient allowed almost complete destruction of the tooth and the examination showed that there was no chance of its restoration, then this is the right place. The dentist-surgeon will eliminate your problem - remove the diseased tooth. Of course, before that, he will sanitize the oral cavity; after tooth extraction, it will also disinfect in the mouth and issue a memo-recommendation, which will describe in detail how and what needs to be done so that the wound heals faster.

The dental surgeon not only removes diseased teeth, but those that prevent other teeth from growing correctly, even if they are healthy. Not only can this specialist prepare the teeth for implant insertion, they are also capable of implanting the implant themselves.

The surgeon-dentist perfectly copes with maxillo-articular operations.
Such operations are not subject to a middle-level dentist, as there is not a sufficient level of knowledge and qualifications that give the right to carry out complex surgical interventions and procedures.


What does an orthodontist do? This is indeed interesting to know. After all, someone who has not had occasion to contact this specialist at least once is unlikely to be able to quickly answer this question. So who is he, an orthodontist? What dental diseases and problems does it deal with?

And he is engaged in restoring order in violation of the structure of the jaw, that is, he corrects improperly growing teeth, if for some reason they suddenly began to grow crookedly, and deliver both psychological and physical suffering to the patient.

He can reduce the distance between the teeth or install braces - structures for aligning teeth, especially popular in last years. This sparing method does not cause injury to tissues, although it requires patience and endurance when wearing the structure.


Having dealt with who an orthodontist is, you can now find out what is the difference from another excellent specialist - an orthopedic dentist. First, it should be noted that it is currently one of the most sought-after specializations in dental medicine. And this is no coincidence, because an orthopedic dentist is engaged in prosthetics of the oral cavity.

When a patient loses teeth, he has to experience great discomfort, both aesthetically and physically. He can't help but smile broadly, chew his food well. All this is fraught with a disorder of the digestive system.
The orthopedic dentist helps him regain his former confidence.

Methods of prosthetics in recent times enough. Dentures can be installed both removable and permanent. There are also removable conditionally. Such prostheses include, for example, various crowns, pins and other structures.

Children's dentist

Both mothers and their children know the way to this doctor. In children, the structure of the oral cavity has its own characteristics, which means that you need not just a dentist, but a specialist who can treat children's teeth.
Many people think that there is no need to treat, for example, milk teeth - the time will come, and they will fall out on their own. Or they should be removed. This is a deep delusion. The state of their permanent followers will depend on how timely the treatment of milk teeth will be carried out. Therefore, do not neglect such treatment.


There is another unique specialization. As you know, any disease is always much easier to prevent than to treat later. Dental hygienist deals with the prevention of dental diseases. He periodically conducts examinations in preschool and primary and secondary educational institutions, in organizations and enterprises, informs the population on how to properly maintain oral hygiene.

Who are the dentists?

What is the difference between a dentist and a dentist? Now another question: is a dentist a dentist? What is the difference between a dentist and a dentist? In the dictionary, dentist means exactly a dentist. Abroad, this word is used often. In Russia did not find so wide application call doctors who treat the oral cavity, in particular teeth, dentists. As we have already figured out that a dentist is a specialist who does not have higher education.

Therefore, a dentist can be called a dentist or a mid-level dental technician. Although, this concept is often applied not only to dental assistants and technicians, but also to dentists of various specializations. It comes from the French dentiste, and the word dent is a tooth. That is, to put it simply, a dentist is a dentist.


When visiting a dental clinic, you can see various signs with the names of doctors on the cabinet doors. Many patients cannot understand how one specialist differs from another. Especially many questions arise when making an appointment with a dentist and a dentist. What is the difference between a dentist and a dentist and what functions does each of them perform? The answer to the question will be given in the article.

Who is a dentist

The phrase first appeared in 1710. Until that time, the teeth were not treated, they fell out and collapsed on their own. Some patients died from excruciating toothaches. AT best case the diseased element was simply pulled out of the oral cavity.

Dentistry in Russia began to develop during the time of Peter 1. He opened the first dental schools, but only 10 years later a decree was issued allowing treatment of the oral cavity after receiving a medical education. Gradually, the services of dentists became more in demand. In addition, due to the transition to soft foods, people have more problems with teeth.

A few centuries ago, people needed doctors of various profiles, but the term “dentist” was more often used in terminology. To date, this concept has replaced the term "dentist".

To obtain the profession of a dentist, it is necessary to complete 3 years of study and obtain a diploma of the appropriate level of qualification. The dentist is not entitled to solve some dental problems:

  • pulpitis;
  • malocclusion;
  • prosthetics;
  • anesthesia.

In small towns, a dentist can also deal with the above tasks if there is no specialist of the required profile.
Abroad, a dentist is called a dentist. He receives a diploma after completing secondary education.

What does a graduate dentist do? He is engaged in simple manipulations, which include:

  • examination of the patient's oral cavity;
  • establishing the cause of the violation;
  • treatment of gum pathologies;
  • filling small areas of destroyed enamel;
  • advice on the implementation of hygiene procedures;
  • selection advice suitable means for personal oral hygiene.
  • an extract of a referral to narrow-profile specialists in case of detection of serious dental problems.

The list of duties of a dentist is quite extensive. Due to this, the specialist is a very popular doctor in clinics.

Categories of dentists

After a certain period of time, the doctor can improve his qualifications. The category largely depends on the length of service of the doctor and the passage of additional training courses. In total, there are 3 categories that a dentist can receive:

  1. Second. Awarded to people whose work experience is more than 3 years after passing the certification. To obtain a category, a doctor must be savvy in both theoretical and practical skills.
  2. First. It is given to dentists who have worked in their specialty for more than 7 years. In this case, he needs to study related disciplines related to prosthetics, dental work, etc.
  3. Higher. It is issued to doctors whose work experience exceeds 10 years. Doctors of this level of training have increased theoretical and practical knowledge and skills.

Not only the knowledge of the doctor, but also his salary depends on the category. Some dentists only treat children. They can eliminate carious cavities small sizes resulting from excessive consumption of sweets by a child or non-compliance with the rules of oral hygiene.

In some cases, the dentist is unable to provide assistance little patient. This is due to several factors:

  • Children's jaw in structure and structure is different from the adult.
  • The dentist has no special equipment and devices for the treatment of pulpitis or complicated caries.
  • Lack of drugs needed for therapy.
  • Inability to find an approach to the child.

In the presence of one of the listed problems, the child is referred for treatment to a pediatric dentist. In most cases, a dentist can cope with simple caries in a baby. Also, the dentist conducts preventive examination of children 2 times a year.

Uncomplicated caries in a child

Dentist Profession

The dentist has more authority to carry out medical procedures. Training in the specialty lasts 6 years, during which doctors master several important disciplines. At the end of the training, the specialist is offered to choose one of the directions: therapist, surgeon, orthodontist, orthopedist or hygienist.

Comprehensive training is necessary in order to know the structure human body and be able to establish the relationship of one organ with another. Also, the doctor has to master the basics of psychology, since some patients come to the office in a depressed state, which aggravates therapy.

Each category in dentistry should be considered in more detail.


The doctor deals with the treatment of a diseased tooth and the installation of a seal. The dentist also handles these duties. Both specialists can also examine the patient's oral cavity and diagnose the disease. The difference between a dentist and a dentist is that the dentist deals with mild problems (gum inflammation, mild caries). All the work of the therapist is aimed at combating advanced caries and its consequences (pulpitis, periodontitis, tooth cyst, etc.). Let us consider in more detail each of the diseases that the dentist deals with.

In the photo, pulpitis is one of the complications of caries that requires dental care.

Caries is caused by the gradual destruction of the enamel elements. At untimely treatment pathological process extends to dentin and pulp. The problem arises under the influence of negative external factors: taking certain types of medications, consuming carbohydrate-containing foods, lack of proper oral care.

One of the complications of caries is pulpitis, in which nerve endings tooth. The main symptom of the disorder is acute severe pain, which is difficult to stop even strong drugs. Pulpitis requires immediate treatment at the dentist's office.

Periodontitis develops as a result of bacterial damage to the jaw bones. The condition can cause complete or partial edentulism (loss of teeth).

Another problem that the dentist deals with is periostitis (flux). The disease is accompanied by severe swelling of the soft tissues of the mouth and intense pain.

The competence of the therapist also includes solving problems of a non-carious nature:

  • enamel demineralization;
  • fluorosis;
  • wedge-shaped defects;
  • enamel wear;
  • bone necrosis.
  • increased sensitivity of the teeth;
  • diseases of the mucous membranes of the mouth (stomatitis, periodontitis, gingivitis).

There is no difference between a dentist and a dentist. Both experts are working on common problems and give referral to more specialized doctors if necessary.

Some private clinics provide services to restore the aesthetics of a smile. They include whitening enamel, eliminating bad breath, restoring teeth with reflective composites. All of these services are provided by dentists.


The main task of the doctor is to carry out prosthetics. The doctor restores the chewing function of the jaw in the absence of one or more elements in the oral cavity. In addition, with the help of orthodontic structures, the aesthetics of a smile are restored, thanks to which a person ceases to be shy of others.

In another way, an orthodontist is called a prosthetist. Initially, all patients go to the therapist, who issues a referral to the orthodontist.

The differences between the specialist in question and the dentist are obvious: the first is engaged in restoring the shape and aesthetics of the tooth, the second is in treatment.

Today, orthodontists are in great demand. They can offer patients modern options for prosthetics to solve various problems bite. Orthodontic constructions differ in purpose, cost and installation time. In each particular case best option doctor chooses for the patient.


If a tooth enamel or the pulp of the element is severely destroyed, then the only way out is to remove the tooth. Which doctor removes teeth? This function is performed by the dentist-surgeon. The doctor is also engaged in other activities:

  • performs maxillofacial operations;
  • prepares the oral cavity for implant placement;
  • corrects anomalies of the dentition;
  • gives advice on correcting bite defects.

The surgeon performs a list of pretty complex work that a dentist can't handle. After extracting the problematic unit, the surgeon gives advice on caring for the oral cavity to minimize complications and speed up wound regeneration.


What does an orthopedic doctor treat? The specialist is engaged in the restoration and correction of defects of the entire musculoskeletal system. He, like an orthodontist, can save a unit, the crown part of which is destroyed, but the root is intact. The differences between the specialists of this profile are that the orthodontist deals only with dental problems, while the orthopedist solves a wider range of problems related to joint damage, etc. Orthopedics also provides for implantation and prosthetics in the presence of bite problems.

Orthopedic constructions for bite normalization

Children's dentist

The structure of the jaw in babies has some differences, therefore, separate specialists are engaged in the elimination of dental diseases in children. The doctor knows what filling materials and means for anesthesia can be offered to small patients.

The opinion that children do not need to treat milk teeth is erroneous. Carious processes can spread to the pulp, nerve endings of the element, as well as periodontal tissues, which in the future will create problems in the formation of a permanent bite. To treat children, the doctor will have to use not only other drugs, but also tools. In addition, a pediatric dentist must have the skills of a psychologist to prepare the patient for the upcoming manipulations.


This profession is considered relatively new in dentistry. The main goal of the specialist is competent care of the patient's teeth and teaching the latter hygienic skills. The list of services provided by the doctor includes:

  • diagnosis of diseases of the oral cavity;
  • professional cleaning of enamel;
  • caries prevention;
  • medical examinations in various institutions (kindergartens, workplaces, schools).

Rubric "Question - answer"

What is a dentist?

The concept was used in the 20th century and is now considered obsolete. Previously, the term was used to refer to dentists who did not have a special higher education. AT foreign countries a dentist is a doctor-stomatologist who has received a secondary education in a specialty. This term can be called a specialist dental laboratory, dentist, paramedic.

Can a dentist perform the duties of a dentist?

The answer to the question will be negative, since the dentist does not have the necessary skills and knowledge to carry out the procedures that are the responsibility of the dentist.

Can a dentist remove teeth and treat caries?

Maybe, if the process is not complicated by other diseases or periodontal pathologies.

Most doctors in dentistry are therapists without a narrow specialization. Therapists provide primary examination services, diagnose patients, treat caries, and install fillings. In addition, such dentists are engaged in the installation of bridges, prostheses, crowns. It is the therapists who prepare patients in cases where surgical intervention is required, and can write a referral to doctors of a narrower specialization. Other doctors in dentistry specialize in narrower fields.

Which doctors work in dentistry: main specializations


This doctor is initial appointment patient, determines general state of the oral cavity, writes out a direction for an x-ray, if necessary, prescribes treatment.

Most often, the problem with which people turn to dentistry is caries with all the ensuing exacerbations: pulpitis, periodontitis and other dental diseases. All these diseases can be cured by a dentist-therapist, quickly and almost painlessly.

Prevention of the oral cavity is also the responsibility of the dentist-therapist. The therapist can remove plaque and calculus.

In addition, the dentist-therapist practices whitening, restoration, reshaping of teeth, that is, he is engaged in artistic restoration.


Prosthetics and correction of chewing function in humans are one of the most demanded services provided by orthopedists.

There are several ways of prosthetics of teeth: removable, non-removable, conditionally removable. The most common of these are fixed dentures. These include bridges, crowns, inlays and implants.

At the appointment with the orthopedic dentist, possible treatment options are discussed with the client, impressions of the teeth are made and they are transferred to the work of the dental technician. After the prosthesis is ready, the same orthopedist will install it.


Those who need to correct their bite or the position of their teeth in the mouth come to the orthodontist. Crooked teeth are sometimes the cause of gum and dental disease.

There are two options for correcting the position of the teeth and bite: installing a bracket system or wearing a mouthguard. Before the installation of braces, the patient is referred to a dentist-therapist to check the health of the teeth. Sometimes, before installing braces or mouthguards, patients are sent to a dental surgeon who removes extra teeth.

Braces are installed for the patient after all examinations have been completed, X-rays and casts from the jaws have been taken. On average, braces are installed for a period of 1.5 to 3 years. During this time, the patient regularly visits his attending dentist in dentistry.

The time of wearing braces may depend on the age of the person, the degree of complexity of the treatment, as well as the type of system installed.


A periodontist is a dentist who specializes in the treatment of the soft and mucous tissues that hold the teeth, i.e. the periodontium. Teeth and gums are one system, which are dependent on each other.

Most often, patients come to this doctor with complaints of inflammation of the gums (gingivitis), mucous membranes (stomatitis), periodontitis and other issues.

How is the treatment: first, the patient is sanitized, stones and deposits are removed, crowns and fillings that affect the gums are changed. Drug and restorative therapy helps to relieve inflammation and increase the body's resistance to re-disease.

A common disease is periodontal disease, which is associated with the spread of infection between the teeth and gums. When you can't stop inflammatory process medicines, resort to the help of other doctors: a surgeon and an orthopedist.


The maxillofacial surgeon corrects defects in the jaws and removes teeth that can no longer be cured. For example, figure eights (“wisdom teeth”), crooked teeth that interfere with neighbors in the mouth. Also, a dental surgeon can remove cysts or open an abscess. If the patient is being prepared for prosthetics, and he does not have enough bone tissue at the site of the future installation of the teeth, then the surgeon is also involved in building it up.

Dentist-surgeon also provides a popular dental implant service today. First, he implants in bone tissue or gum implant (the basis of the future tooth), and after 3-4 months installs a prosthesis or crown.

Surgeons in dentistry also treat inflammation trigeminal nerve, salivary glands, jaw joints and etc.

Children's dentist

People have been afraid of dentists since childhood, because the sight of the working tools of doctors in dentistry and the terrible buzzing of the machine are frightening and can instill fear even in the most daring. modern medicine has stepped far forward, and a wide variety of methods have been created for small patients painless treatment. Patients under the age of 17 go to a pediatric dentist. important function this doctor: to detect deviations in the formation of teeth and bite in time in order to prescribe the necessary treatment.

Even milk teeth need to be treated, because if they are covered by caries, then the consequences of teeth not cured in childhood can appear already in adulthood.

A pediatric dentist is not only well versed in the development of teeth on different stages growing up of the child, but is also an excellent psychologist, since the cases at the receptions are different.

Dental Technician

Dental technicians usually have a secondary medical education, their functionality includes the manufacture of prostheses and implants. The practice of these specialists does not include dental treatment, but they can be called right hand orthodontist and orthodontist. In their arsenal of modern technology, different kinds materials, a diverse palette of working tools and more.

A dental technician must be attentive, diligent, accurate and pedantic in his work.


    What skills should doctors working in dentistry have?

    An indispensable requirement for any doctor in dentistry is an excellent knowledge of human physiology. From the first courses of the university, future dentists study the structural features of the jaws, teeth, and oral cavity. Working in a specialty in clinics gives doctors the opportunity to always be aware of the latest updates and changes in this area. The dentist must constantly improve and study new medicines and materials, which are updated very quickly. What else is important for dentists to know and be able to do? Understand radiographs, be able to diagnose dental disease and select the best way treatment for the patient.

    Medicine is one of the fastest developing areas especially in dentistry. Doctors who choose this direction, throughout their work, are engaged in advanced training and the study of new techniques and methods of treatment.

    Often doctors in dentistry are expanding the scope of their specialization. For example, a dentist-therapist can master the field of activity of an orthodontist or orthopedist. This is largely due to the fact that a universal doctor in dentistry will always be in demand and will be able to find his place without any problems and gain a wide client base.

    The activity of a dentist can be compared to the skill of a jeweler. This is very delicate and skillful work. A person must have not only excellent theoretical knowledge, but also well-honed practical skills, there must be confidence, a firm hand to carry out the most sophisticated procedures. Achieving the highest skill requires long and constant training.

    What categories can doctors in dentistry have and how to get them

    Dentistry is a prestigious branch of medicine. Studying in this specialization is not easy, but interesting. With great ambitions and a great desire, the dentist can develop constantly. Doctors in dentistry go a long way to achieve significant heights in the profession. This work requires effort and hard work, however, like any other activity. It is difficult to enter a medical university, to finish it to the end is even more difficult. But no matter what wilds you have to go through, dentistry - a good choice for the future work of life. Let's not hide, this is one of the highest paid jobs at the moment. After graduating from high school and working out the prescribed hours of practice, dentists go to work in private clinics or even open something of their own.

    The path of doctors in medicine is long. Typically, training takes six years, followed by a mandatory internship, and only after that the dentists have the opportunity to work for themselves or in any clinic. Even in the first years of the institute, the student chooses his specialization. The Faculty of Dentistry graduates therapists, periodontists, orthopedists, orthodontists and other specialists.

    Doctors in dentistry must constantly improve their skills. Dentist experience is determined according to categories. Obtaining a higher category is a special procedure, which in our country is fixed at the legislative level. There is a specific list of requirements for each level.

    If in working professions there are categories from the first to the sixth, then dentists already have this choice. There are only three of them: the second, the first, the highest. Each category is regulated federal law and orders of the Ministry of Health.

    You can't just go and improve your skills. There is an Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated April 23, 2013 N 240n. According to this document, a qualification category can be assigned in accordance with the Procedure and terms for employees to pass certification.

    Doctors in dentistry must confirm their category every five years from the date of the last certification (clause 5 of the Order). If a dentist wants to improve his qualifications, then he can apply for this procedure only three years after he has been assigned the current category (clause 6 of the Order). The qualification category is valid for five years from the date of issuance of the order on its assignment (clause 5 of the Procedure).

    Even if in the course of your work you have to move to another city, your qualification category will be valid throughout Russia.

    As we said above, in order to get a higher category, a doctor must pass an attestation (clause 1 of the Procedure).

    Requirements for doctors in different categories

    Obsolete Requirements

    Current requirements

    5 years - minimum experience in the certified specialty

    Three years of experience in a certified specialty.

    Providing a report on the work for the correspondence assignment of a category.

    People in positions: head of the department, head of the health care facility of city or district subordination.

    The minimum work experience is 7 years. As a specialist with an average special education the minimum experience is 5 years.

    The first certification takes place with a commission, confirmations - in absentia.

    Commission evaluation of the report, testing and interviews.

    Specialists in the position of heads of medical institutions of regional, regional or republican subordination.

    Minimum work experience must be 10 years. For specialists with secondary specialized education - 7 years.

    All attestations and confirmation of the category take place under the protection of the commission.

    Commission evaluation of the report, testing and interviews.

    Much in obtaining or confirming a category in medical practice is decided by the work experience of a specialist. Dentists throughout their practice confirm the category, regularly improve their skills, take additional courses, and update their knowledge. According to the current requirements, a decision on advanced training cannot be obtained automatically: doctors in dentistry must receive an assessment from the commission.

    Do dentists need to be accredited?

    What permission does a doctor need to have to work in our country? From January 1, 2016 there is mandatory requirement to people who go to work in medical institutions and pharmacies: they must have the appropriate education and accreditation to be able to carry out their activities. Note that in order to work in our country, the education of a doctor or pharmacist must be obtained in the territory Russian Federation.

    How to get an accreditation certificate? The practical skills and abilities of a specialist are assessed by an attestation commission, which issues the necessary document.

    In our country, the rules governing the activities of pharmacists and doctors in dentistry are spelled out in the Federal Law No. 323-FZ of November 21, 2011 “On the Basics of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation”.

    What is determined by the expert commission during the accreditation of a specialist? The level of training of a specialist, possession of all the skills necessary for his work.


  1. Primary. Pass and receive graduates medical institutes and colleges.
  2. Primary specialized. Specialists who have completed residency, doctors who have acquired a new skill in their specialty can pass.
  3. Periodic. Mandatory accreditation for all people working in the field of medicine (doctors, pharmacists). Takes place every 5 years.

The first two types from the qualification above consist of the following steps:

  • test;
  • practice on simulators to assess the level of skills and knowledge;
  • work with given situations.

Concerning the last kind accreditation, periodic, then the specialist initially provides the certification commission with his portfolio and is tested.

According to the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated February 25, 2016 No. 127n, there are deadlines and a period for introducing an accreditation system for specialists.

2016 was a transitional year in terms of accreditation of doctors and pharmacists. This year, graduates of the faculties "Dentistry" and "Pharmacy" passed the primary accreditation and began to work in accordance with the chosen direction. This allowed them not to undergo internship training. Since 2017, other specialists have been undergoing an updated procedure, and a year later it is waiting for masters, bachelors, residents, specialists with secondary vocational education.

Summing up, we note that the updated program for the accreditation of dentists in our country was approved and launched by the Russian Ministry of Health only in 2016. Within 10 years, until 2026, all health workers and pharmacists will carry out their activities on the basis of the received certificate. You can read about this procedure in the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated November 29, 2012 No. 982n “On approval of the conditions and procedure for issuing a specialist certificate and certification for medical and pharmaceutical workers, forms and technical requirements specialist certificate. What does it mean? If the specialist has a valid certificate allowing to conduct professional activity, then until 2021 it may not be accredited.

Features of the clinic

In any institution, the people who work in it play an important role. Where to start if you want to open your own medical facility, for example, dental clinic? Make a rough estimate of how many specialists you will need. The example below considers a 24-hour clinic with 5 beds. So, you will need:

  • director;
  • 20 doctors;
  • 20 nurses;
  • 4 administrators;
  • 2 nurses.

Your staff should consist of almost 50 people. It's a lot, as you can imagine. All these specialists need to be selected, adapted and throughout work activities help them and resolve issues that arise.

We recommend that in order not to get confused in all these numbers and hierarchies, fix the structure of your clinic in printed form. Since we are talking about a medical institution, you should plan professional development, accreditation by specialists in the stages of development of activities.

Writing your business strategy will allow you to solve and think through the issues that could potentially arise in the process of work on the bank. At a minimum, a clearly defined structure will help you solve problems quickly and with minimal time and human losses.

Who Should Recruit Personnel? Of course, you, as a business owner, can do this. After all, it is you who know and imagine which specialists in terms of qualifications and with what set personal qualities want to join your team. But 50 people you need to recruit is a lot. In addition, we understand that the first time it will not work out that all the people who come for an interview will fit your parameters and be accepted into the staff. That's why best solution The task of "Recruitment" will be contacting a recruitment agency or hiring a good recruitment manager.

Let's dispel another myth that is born among owners who are at the stage of creating or opening their own business. “I will hire a generalist doctor who will solve all issues in my dentistry, and there will be no end to clients.” Doctors in dentistry are people who need to be found, interested and retained. If you hire one specialist and dump all the work on him, then the likelihood that he will leave you due to overload is very high.

Recent trends suggest that each direction in dentistry should have its own specialist. Do not look for generalists, select professionals in their field who will be high-level specialists in a narrow profile. Perhaps it is due to them that the desired flow of customers will appear in your clinic. In addition, do not forget about the cultivation of personnel: constantly engage in training and advanced training of your specialists. Medicine is developing at a tremendous speed. To be successful in this field, you need to have the latest knowledge, be able to work with the latest technologies and tools.

The more doctors of different specialties in your clinic, the more services you can offer to patients. This works to increase customer loyalty.

Write down all work and treatment processes in advance. This will avoid embarrassing and conflict situations, which, unfortunately, sometimes arise in the work.

We repeat: when selecting staff, do not look for generalists, choose professionals. Pay them good money and thereby increase your client mass.

Many mistakenly believe that teeth being treated by a dentist or dentist- no matter who exactly, because they are synonyms. But the differences between these two specializations are, and very significant.

Dentist-therapist and dentist: the difference

Everyone knows the difference between a nurse and a doctor. Approximately the same differs between the dentist-therapist and the dentist. The first is a certified specialist who studied at the university and completed an internship, which makes him in demand in modern world. By law, the dentist has the right, depending on the specialization, to deal with any problems in the oral cavity. The list of his services includes procedures of any complexity.

Such a specialist as a dentist studied for only three years and received a certificate of completion of secondary education. The range of services he provides is not as wide as that of a dentist. This is the main difference between the two specializations.

Dentist services

A dentist can work in a medical facility and do the following simple manipulations:

  • assess the condition of the oral cavity;
  • to treat certain gum diseases;
  • treat caries, but only in the unopened stages;
  • perform tooth extraction if there are no complications;
  • provide a service such as cleaning enamel from stone;
  • perform the installation of temporary fillings or permanent, but only in small areas;
  • take impressions of the dentition for transfer to the technician.

If a dentist encounters a problem in the oral cavity, which he cannot solve, he is required by law to refer the patient to a dentist with a higher education.

Other dental specialties

Do not think that if you go into the office with a sign "dentist", then he will solve all your problems. The list of diseases is wide, so no one, even the smartest doctor, is able to treat everything.

Dentists are divided into such specialists:

  • Therapist. He is approached with general problems.
  • Orthopedist who puts dentures.
  • Orthodontist - helps with malocclusion.
  • surgeon - produces surgical interventions.
  • Periodontist - treats inflammation of the gums.
  • Children's dentist - takes care of children up to 17 years.

Children's dentist

Children, as far as we know, do not have as many teeth as adults. And there are no milk incisors, fangs and molars in people over 14 years old. Due to the significant differences between the temporary and permanent series, patients under the age of 17 are treated and examined by a pediatric dentist. This is one of the most difficult specialties in dentistry.

The doctor must not only perfectly know all the features of changes in the teeth in young patients, but also be a good psychologist It's not easy to work with children. It is necessary to calm, cheer and encourage the baby, and only then proceed directly to work.

The dentist does not examine children, although it seems that there are many times fewer orthodontic problems before the age of 17, which means that it will be easier to treat them. A pediatric dentist differs from a dentist in that his specialization is more responsible. There is a huge difference in the structure of the teeth of children and adults, and only a certified doctor can properly cope with the task assigned to him.

Dentist-surgeon: when drastic measures are needed

As you know, surgery involves surgical interventions. This is what a surgeon does in a dental clinic. They get to him if other doctors can no longer help the patient.

The surgeon will once and for all save you from many problems that arise in the oral cavity. This complex profession requires great attention, great practice and honed skills. A specialist is contacted for a number of problems:

  • trimming the frenulum of the tongue and upper lip;
  • extraction of teeth - partial or complete;
  • diagnosis of syphilis, tuberculosis in the oral cavity;
  • tumor treatment;
  • treatment of diseases of the trigeminal nerve;
  • plasty of jaw deformities, restoration of proportions;
  • plastic gums;
  • treatment of periodontal disease;
  • installation of special implants.

The patient rarely comes to the surgeon himself, more often he is referred by other dentists. Often, several doctors perform the treatment at once., usually a periodontist and therapist. After all, before and after surgery, you need to properly manage the patient.

Without a periodontist - nowhere

To understand what this specialist does, you need to understand what a periodontium is. Periodontium - soft tissues near the teeth, and if it is simpler - the gum. Teeth and gums are one system. There can be no healthy incisors, canines, molars and diseased gums, or vice versa.

  • gingivitis;
  • stomatitis;
  • periodontitis;
  • periodontitis.

Most often, periodontal disease occurs due to the introduction of infection between hard tissues(teeth) and soft (gums).

How gum disease develops

The Importance of an Orthopedic Dentist

This doctor is also called a prosthetist, because the essence of his specialty is the prosthetics of the patient's teeth. It only gets there after complete examination at the dentist-therapist, since he will be able to work with prostheses and do his job only when sanitation has already been carried out - otherwise the risk of inflammation is too high.

To date orthopedists are the most sought-after specialists. They are engaged in the setting of crowns, pins, bridges, all kinds of implants. It is rare to find a person over thirty years old who would never go to this doctor.

Dentist-therapist - the broadest specialty

The therapist deals with common problems:

  • treatment of caries, periodontitis, pulpitis;
  • patient consultations;
  • disease prevention;
  • preparation of the mouth before prosthetics.

It is to this specialist that there is always a queue for “checking up”. A dentist's appointment is somewhat similar to a dentist's appointment, but there is a difference: the second doctor does not treat or examine pulpitis, periodontitis and other infectious and inflammatory diseases.

The therapist has the right not only to the initial consultation, but also to the treatment of patients. A dentist differs from a dentist-therapist also in that he cannot advise patients according to their disease, his duty is to refer them to other specialists.

The orthodontist will correct nature

This doctor deals with the correction of the bite, using braces, plates or caps. Due to improper positioning, teeth can wear out, crumble, it is much more difficult for a person to exercise hygiene measures, chew food.

With the help of an orthodontist, congenital or hereditary anomalies are corrected that interfere full life, for example, the gap between the front incisors, irregular shape, location, and many others. In the modern world, the aesthetic side is not in last place - we can say that the orthodontist does " beautiful smile". It is worth remembering that treatment with this doctor can take more than one year.

How to save money on dental services

It is known that correcting a smile is now very expensive, not everyone can afford such a luxury. BUT toothache is one of the strongest and cannot be tolerated. Special high cost is noted in the capital of Russia - Moscow. However, according to the law under Art. 41 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, health care should be provided free of charge. Of course, this statement applies to public clinics.

There are a lot of specialists in dentistry, and the activities of each of them are different. It is important to remember to avoid serious problems with oral health and trips to dental clinics is possible if you follow the basic rules:

  • brush your teeth twice a day;
  • visit the dentist once a year, even if there is no reason for this;
  • do not delay the visit if the gums become sensitive or inflamed.

By following these conditions, you will save yourself from problems in the future. Do not be afraid of doctors, many diseases begin completely asymptomatically, and only a specialist can determine the threat in time.

Who is a dentist

Decided to use the service electronic record to the dentist and noticed the difference in prices for the same procedures in clinics? It turns out that this is not a competitive struggle for the patient, but the difference between the education and powers of dentists and dentists, which also affects the pricing policy.

What is the difference between a dentist and a dentist

Each dentist is a graduate of a medical university - institute, academy, university (5 years of study), and in without fail passes:

  • internship (1 year) - medical practice in a dental clinic, after which he has the right to independently accept patients as a dentist-therapist;
  • residency (2 years) - practice with training in a narrower specialization: orthodontist, orthopedist, surgeon or periodontist. A specialist who has completed residency has the right to open his own dental office and hold a private reception.

Like a dentist, a dentist specializes in diseases of the teeth, gums, dentoalveolar joints and oral mucosa. But his diploma entitles him to conduct only limited quantity procedures.

Procedures that a dentist can perform

The dentist does not perform complex surgical interventions, such as gingival smile correction, bone augmentation and cyst removal, implantation and prosthetics.

But you can always contact this specialist for:

  • passing a preventive examination;
  • diagnosis of diseases of the oral cavity and teeth;
  • appointment of x-ray examination;
  • caries treatment;
  • installation of temporary fillings and polishing of permanent ones;
  • extraction of teeth in the absence of complications in the periodontal zone;
  • taking impressions for the manufacture of dentures;
  • measuring the depth of gum pockets;
  • removal of hard deposits from the teeth - stone and "smoker's plaque".

Features of the work of a pediatric dentist

A pediatric dentist will teach your child proper cleaning teeth and oral hygiene, as well as produce dental procedures for the prevention of caries:

  1. Fluoridation is the coating of teeth with fluoride-containing varnishes to strengthen the enamel.
  2. Fissure sealing - "sealing" chewing teeth special sealant.

Dentists don't private practice- according to medical legislation, they are obliged to accept patients under the guidance of highly qualified specialists - dentists of the 1st and highest category (with the exception of urban settlements and villages).

But, like dentists, dentists regularly attend seminars and courses organized by large manufacturing concerns. dental materials(3M ESPE, VDW, etc.)

So, if you need help in the field of dental therapy - treatment of ordinary caries, stomatitis or professional cleaning teeth - feel free to make an appointment with a dentist, save your time and money!

What is the difference between a dentist and a dentist? Categories of dentists

Most people who are not directly related to dentistry believe that a dentist and a dentist are the same profession, just called differently. However, this is a big misconception. To know which specialist to contact in case of a problem, you should understand the difference between a dentist and a dentist.

Dentist vs Dentist: What's the Difference?

Let's figure it out. What is the difference between a dentist and a dentist?

A dentist is a profession that requires a secondary education. After graduating from medical school, the newly minted dentist specializes only in the treatment of hard tissues of the tooth, namely dentin and enamel. Therefore, he will not be able to help a patient who comes with acute pain. His narrow specialization based on the treatment of conventional caries.

The dentist is medical specialist, who has 6 years of university education and a year of internship behind him. He is endowed with a wide medical specialization, is able to perform various manipulations in the oral cavity: treatment and extraction of teeth, insertion of dental implants, bite straightening and much more.

The difference between a dentist and a dentist is obvious and quite significant. In this case, the question arises: why then do you need a dentist if his powers are not as wide as those of a dentist?

In dental clinics, the profession of "dentist" does not exist as such. There are enough highly specialized dentists of various specializations. In addition, the dentist cannot be left as a specialist on duty, since, if necessary, needed help he cannot provide to the patient.

Having found out the difference between a dentist and a dentist, the advantage of a second specialist becomes obvious. That is why oral health should be entrusted to a doctor with a complete university education.

Dentistry. Does she need?

The dentist deals exclusively with simple manipulations in the field of dental treatment. Render more complex views dental services he has no rights.

Is this job really necessary then? The dentist is engaged in the following list of works:

1. Examines the oral cavity and assesses the condition of the teeth.

2. Identifies the cause of the disturbance.

3. Treats gum disease.

4. Engaged in filling small areas of destroyed dental tissue.

5. Explains the rules proper observance oral hygiene.

6. Advises on the choice of dental accessories, selects them based on the condition of the teeth.

7. If serious problems with the condition of the teeth are identified, refer the patient to an appointment with a competent specialist.

From the list of duties, the need for the profession of a dentist is obvious, which makes it relevant.

However, this profession has its drawback: the lack of prospects career development. Unfortunately, a dentist is not appointed to the position of head of the department.

Categories of dentists

To improve his specialization, after a certain amount of time, a dentist must increase his category.

Children's doctor

A pediatric dentist deals with the treatment of simple dental problems that have arisen in children. As a rule, this is caries, which develops in young patients due to a sweet tooth.

However, it is not uncommon for a pediatric dentist to be unable to provide qualified assistance child, and he has to refuse treatment of the patient. There are several reasons for this:

Problems in the treatment of children's teeth due to the differences that a child's jaw has compared to an adult.

Dental treatment may require special equipment and a different approach that the dentist does not own.

Lack of drugs suitable for children.

Inability to find an approach to a small patient.

If the pediatric dentist was unable to provide the necessary care to the child, it is necessary to make an appointment with a pediatric dentist.

In most cases, a pediatric dentist is able to help a small patient, since the oral cavity of children is more prone to ordinary caries, which involves simple treatment. Also, do not forget to take your child for a preventive examination twice a year.


The dentist is endowed with more a wide range authority in the field of dentistry than a dentist. During 6 years of university training, in addition to studying "dental" topics, dentists master a number of other important disciplines that improve the training of a future specialist.

At the end of the training, doctors are invited to choose one of several specializations in dentistry:


The activity of this specialist is the same as that of a dentist, but the dentist-therapist is endowed with a wider range of powers:

Treatment of more acute dental problems.

Filling of teeth with severe destruction.

Treatment inflammatory diseases gums, oral mucosa, tongue.

Carrying out preventive examinations, followed by a recommendation.


Periodontists deal exclusively with the treatment of the periodontium, that is, the soft tissues surrounding the tooth (gingiva, periodontium, cementum and alveolar processes).

The orthodontist deals with the correction of bite anomalies:

Alignment of the dentition.

Elimination of interdental spaces, "cracks".

Stabilization of the correct growth of milk and permanent teeth.

Tracking proper development jaws in childhood.


Dental surgeons are competent in the following areas:

Removal of diseased teeth that cannot be restored.

Removal healthy teeth, preventing the growth of neighboring units.

Correction of the dentition.

Carrying out a number of operations, for example, a gum incision, resection of the roots of the teeth.

What is the difference between a dentist and a dentist is worth knowing for those who decide to devote themselves to this profession.

Dentist endowed minimum set medical powers, still remains a sought-after specialist. It is especially in demand in small provincial towns or villages, where, in the absence of dentists, the dentist copes with the treatment of various diseases.

Who are dentists?

In the field of dentistry, there is another concept - a dentist. What is the difference between a dentist and a dentist?

Essentially, a dentist is a dentist (corresponding to a paramedic). This concept applies to dental professionals working abroad. It has not taken root in our country. Yes, and the word "dentist" many heard only in foreign films, in Everyday life it is "unheard of".

Since a dentist is the same dentist, therefore, dentists are mid-level doctors, that is, without complete higher education and with a limited range of services provided.

So, having figured out who a dentist and a dentist are and realizing that these are specialists of the same medical specialization, but with different tasks, you can easily contact a dental clinic for help if necessary.

At the same time, it should be taken into account that the difference between a dentist and a dentist is also in the prices for services. For dentists, the price will be much higher than the price for the work of dentists.

Now we know who a dentist is. We also considered what he does and his demand, so you can safely go to any clinic, having the right ideas about dentists and dentists.

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