If cuts do not heal for a long time. What to do if the wound does not heal - mandatory processing requirements. If the wound festered - what will help

Long-term non-healing wounds and scratches are a serious problem that indicates the presence of pathologies and malfunctions in the body. If wounds on the skin do not heal well, the reasons can be different - from nutritional errors to severe disturbances in the functioning of internal organs and systems. You can speed up the regeneration process, avoid the appearance of scars with the help of pharmacy and folk remedies.

If the lesions on the skin do not heal for a long time, a blood crust forms on them, they fester - this indicates a lack of certain substances in the body, the presence of infections and diseases of the internal organs that disrupt the natural regeneration process.

Main reasons:

  1. Incorrect or untimely treatment of damaged skin areas - pathogenic microorganisms penetrate into the wounds, an inflammatory purulent process develops, local temperature rises, edema and redness appear.
  2. Chronic non-healing wounds are a sign or consequence of diabetes mellitus. With endocrine pathology, blood circulation in the tissues is disrupted, cell nutrition worsens, the regeneration process slows down, and the shins and feet most often suffer. In diabetics, any scratch can turn into a large wound, which becomes covered with a crust, purulent inflammation gradually develops, pain, itching, and swelling occur. A similar problem occurs with venous insufficiency, psoriasis and eczema, with prolonged squeezing of a certain part of the body.
  3. Aging of the body - immunity weakens with age, many processes slow down, and the number of chronic diseases increases, which leads to the formation of ulcers, the appearance of eczema, weeping wounds that are difficult to treat.
  4. Tooth extraction - against the background of a mechanical injury to the gums or bone tissue, inflammatory processes often develop, wounds heal poorly, the temperature rises to 38 degrees or more, there is severe pain that does not decrease after taking painkillers, the mucous membranes swell, smells of rot from the mouth.
  5. Lack of nutrition - if the wounds heal slowly, this is a sign of a lack of iron, calcium, zinc, vitamin A, C, group B. The problem often occurs in children who adhere to strict diets, during pregnancy and after childbirth. These substances are required for the normal restoration of the epidermis and mucous membranes, with their lack, the condition of the hair, nail plates, and tooth enamel worsens.
  6. On the skin of the hands, ulcers appear with constant contact with chemicals without protective gloves.
  7. Violations in the liver, lymphatic system, poor condition of the vascular walls.

Long-term use of Aspirin and glucocorticoids, a history of HIV, hepatitis, and malignant tumors negatively affect the rate of wound healing. Recovery processes slow down in case of obesity or severe malnutrition against the background of diets or prolonged illness. Lacerated and deep wounds with a large distance between the edges, with signs of necrosis, cannot heal quickly even in healthy people, they often fester. These injuries always leave scars.

Important! The occurrence of chronic wounds, scratches that do not heal for a long time almost always indicate weak immunity, hypovitaminosis, poor blood clotting, and impaired circulatory processes.

How to treat wounds

Any scratch and wound must be immediately treated with Dekasan, Chlorhexidine, iodine, another antiseptic, apply a sterile bandage. Depending on the stage of wound healing, various preparations and folk remedies are used in the treatment, most often for external use.

Important! The habit of squeezing pimples is one of the most common causes of chronic wounds, sores, and scars on the face. Removal and treatment of acne should be done by a cosmetologist or dermatologist.

To get rid of wounds, ointments, gels, and other external agents are used in therapy, which eliminate inflammatory and purulent processes, accelerate tissue trophism, and soften the skin. In severe cases, with extensive injuries, burns, antibacterial drugs in tablet form are included in the treatment regimen, since the risk of developing bacterial complications in such situations is quite high.

How to treat wounds:

  • antiseptics - Betadine, Miramistin solution;
  • antimicrobials - Levomekol, Nitacid, Iruksol, they eliminate inflammatory and purulent processes, have a drying effect, cleanse wounds from purulent-necrotic masses;
  • painkillers (when treating damage) - spray Lidocaine, Xylocaine;
  • ointments with a pulling action - Vishnevsky's ointment, are prescribed for festering wounds, previously cleaned and washed with an antiseptic (surgeons do not recommend using the ointment on their own, since inflammation may increase);
  • to accelerate recovery processes in case of extensive damage, to treat wounds on the skin after herpes - Actovegin, Solcoseryl, D-Panthenol;
  • natural-based medicines - Rescuer, the ointment is safe for children, can be used during pregnancy, during lactation, to eliminate wounds on the skin of the face;
  • with burns, extensive ulcers, Streptolaven helps well - the combined preparation quickly breaks down fibrous compounds, tissues affected by necrosis, blood clots, improves the outflow of discharge from wounds.

If the regeneration process is disturbed against the background of hypovitaminosis, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination, find out what is missing in the body, select complexes that contain ascorbic acid, vitamin A, E, B2, magnesium, iron and zinc, and the right diet.

Important! In the presence of a purulent-inflammatory process for 2-3 days, no ointments can be used, since they interfere with the natural cleansing of the wound, only washing the affected areas with antiseptics is allowed.

The recovery process for chronic wounds can take several months or even years, folk methods help to prolong the remission stage, eliminate inflammatory processes at home, and reduce the risk of complications.

Infusions, tinctures and decoctions, when taken orally, help to normalize the functioning of internal organs, strengthen the body's defenses, and improve blood circulation:

  1. Grind 2 g of burnet root into powder, pour 250 ml of water, simmer over low heat for a quarter of an hour, add liquid as it decreases. Cool, filter, drink 30-45 ml three times a day 30 minutes before meals for 4 weeks.
  2. Grind 50 g of fresh horse chestnut, pour 500 ml of vodka, put in a dark place for 14 days. Drink the medicine 35 drops three times a day for 2 weeks. This solution is also suitable for external treatment of purulent wounds.

Medicinal herbs help to cope with purulent and inflammatory processes, accelerate the process of tissue regeneration. Recipes:

  1. Rinse and dry fresh leaves of the golden mustache, knead, apply to the affected area, secure with a bandage. Leave the compress overnight, do it every day until the wound is completely healed.
  2. Grind 3-4 medium cloves of garlic into gruel, pour 500 ml of apple cider vinegar, leave for 14 days. Moisten a gauze with tincture, apply to the damaged area overnight. According to doctors, this remedy can cause discomfort, pain, and increase inflammation.
  3. To get rid of pus, eliminate a bacterial infection, and better heal a wound, before going to bed, you can apply a gauze cloth soaked in fresh potato juice to the wound.
  4. Onion gruel will help to cope with swelling, clean the damaged surface - keep the compress for half an hour, carry out procedures up to 5 times a day. It must be remembered that onion juice irritates tissues and can increase inflammation.
  5. Compresses with beetroot, carrot juice accelerate the process of tissue repair, they need to be changed every 20-30 minutes.
  6. Mix in equal proportions crushed celery root and unsalted homemade butter, apply the ointment on wounds twice a day. This remedy can slow down healing, as the fat in the base of the remedy prevents the access of oxygen.

Important! When treating long-term non-healing wounds, you should not take a hot bath and shower, visit saunas. Salt, spices should be excluded from the diet, and addictions should be completely abandoned. If the ulcers are located on the legs, it is contraindicated to lift weights, to stay in the same position for a long time.

Normally, skin recovery after significant damage occurs within 3–4 weeks; long-term non-healing wounds are said to be if the process lasts longer than 1.5 months during standard therapy. Timely treatment of scratches, proper wound care, balanced nutrition - all these factors contribute to the acceleration of regeneration.

Sores on the legs are a rather unpleasant phenomenon that causes discomfort. Such defects can be formed for quite a variety of reasons. In medicine, this phenomenon is called "trophic ulcers."

These are defects in the skin that occur due to circulatory disorders, damage to nerve endings or the spinal cord.

Reasons for the formation of sores

  1. Diabetes is a disorder of carbohydrate metabolism, which is accompanied by other pathological processes. As a result, ulcers appear on the feet and calves. Physicians have such a concept as "diabetic foot"- even a minor wound does not heal for a long time, as a result, an ulcer is formed, which can develop into gangrene if treatment is not started in time;
  2. Venous insufficiency. The skin can suffer as a result of varicose veins or thrombosis;
  3. arterial insufficiency. Ulcers do not heal for a long time. Formed due to thromboangiitis and atherosclerosis;
  4. Neuropathic ulcers occur with injuries of the spinal cord, peripheral nerves. Such lesions are chronic;
  5. Sores can occur due to infection of the skin, with oncological pathology, blood diseases, and reduced immunity.

Non-healing wounds lead to a violation of the psycho-emotional state, as they are constantly accompanied by discomfort. In this case, the ulcer itself can cause a decrease in immunity.

In addition, in the presence of such lesions, there is a risk of penetration of pathogens into the joints and bone tissues. In such a situation, gangrene develops, which often requires amputation of the affected limb.

The sore on the leg does not heal for a long time and itches - what to do?

If the red spot on the leg itches, then there is a release of histamine, which indicates an allergic reaction, or there are trophic disorders that occur with diabetes, venous stasis and kidney failure.

The doctor should prescribe a general blood test, venography, a glucose test, a biochemical blood test with liver tests, take a scraping of the epidermis for a fungus and send it for bacterial culture. Sometimes you need to further examine the lymphatic system.

If the skin lesion itches, the following reasons can be suspected:

  1. Allergic reaction, including allergy to synthetics, cold, household chemicals, care products;
  2. fungal infections;
  3. Lichen planus;
  4. Liver dysfunction;
  5. Bites of blood-sucking insects;
  6. Lymphedema at the initial stage.

Red sores on the legs that itch can also accompany the aforementioned diseases: diabetes, venous stasis, infection with bacteria and the development of erysipelas. Less commonly, such defects occur with eczema, psoriasis, and scabies.

How can you get rid of sores on your legs?

Therapy, as a rule, is quite long and almost always complex. Treatment options can vary greatly depending on the cause of the ulcer.

The doctor will definitely prescribe diagnostic procedures to find out the cause of the disease.

The diagnostic complex may include ultrasound scanning of blood vessels, various blood and urine tests, bacteriological culture of the discharge, x-rays.

In addition to the main therapy, folk remedies will help get rid of sores. For example, compresses of honey and egg white are useful, which are covered with a leaf of burdock and left overnight.

Wounds are also treated with hydrogen peroxide: a few drops of the product are applied to the injury, and then sprinkled with streptocide, a napkin soaked in water is applied on top and left for several hours, periodically adding streptocide.

You can use homemade ointment: boil refined sunflower oil in a water bath, add a spoonful of fish oil and 30 tablets of streptocide, ground into powder. The finished ointment is applied to the affected areas every day for a couple of hours for several weeks.

At home, you need to properly care for diseased limbs. You can treat the affected areas with an alcohol solution of salicylic or boric acid. It is allowed to soften hardened tissues with Lorinden C ointment or baby cream (they will relieve itching and swelling).

If the sores are very itchy, you can take a pill of Lorantadine, Suprastin, Diazolin or Pipolfen before visiting the doctor. You can not wrap the wound and make lotions without consulting a specialist. Do not comb the lesion, as you can bring the infection.

How to remove traces of sores on the legs?

  1. Vitamin E. It is recommended to take it orally and apply it on the scar at the same time. It is worth doing an allergy test beforehand;
  2. Cocoa butter - moisturizes, softens, smoothes the skin, reduces the appearance of scars. You can take both pure oil and lotion with extract;
  3. Lemon juice - reduces redness, makes marks less noticeable, but dries the skin a lot. The procedure is carried out 1 time per day. You can dilute it with water or mix with chopped cucumber;
  4. Aloe - has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. It should not be applied to open wounds. Soothes the skin, accelerates cell regeneration. The juice is squeezed directly onto the scar. The procedure is carried out up to 4 times a day;
  5. Olive oil - moisturizes and softens, allows you to remove fresh traces. Can be mixed with baking soda and used as a scrub. It is also mixed with other oils, such as chamomile, calendula, rosehip;
  6. Cucumber - destroys scar tissue, moisturizes and cools. The crushed vegetable is applied overnight and fixed;
  7. Pharmacy creams and gels that reduce traces of ulcers;
  8. Silicone tapes are an innovative method of dealing with skin defects. They are glued to the skin and worn for at least 12 hours. The course of treatment is about 3 months;
  9. Whitening creams will help with hyperpigmentation of the skin, when the scars are dark brown, black, purple, and red;
  10. Dermabrasion is a cosmetic procedure that is performed in many beauty salons. It is a deep peeling of the skin. Such methods include classic chemical peeling and laser removal.

Purulent sores appeared on the legs: how to eliminate?

In addition to pus, such a lesion contains the remains of dead tissues and pathogenic microorganisms. As a result, edema occurs, and toxic substances from the wound begin to be absorbed into the blood, causing a general inflammatory reaction, the temperature rises, and health worsens. Running purulent ulcers can lead to sepsis.

With wounds in their most diverse manifestation, we all face almost from birth. What, in essence, is a wound? This is a violation of the integrity of the outer and inner integumentary tissues throughout their entire thickness. Integumentary tissues - the skin and epithelium of the mucous membranes - have the highest regeneration rate in the body, since their purpose is to protect the entire system from outside influences. Therefore, with proper processing and care, they recover very quickly, even with extensive or deep damage.

Causes of long wound healing

The most common causes of prolonged wound healing are:

1. Infection of the wound surface (both at the time of injury and as a result of improper treatment).

2. The presence of foreign bodies in the wound.

3. Directly the type of wound (the depth and extent of the wound defect matter here).

However, sometimes even a small abrasion stubbornly refuses to heal. In this case, you do not need to postpone a visit to the doctor, since this condition can be a sign of serious problems in the body, for example:

If you have such a problem as long-term non-healing wounds, you should not self-medicate. Highly qualified specialists of the medical center "Best Clinic" will help to find the cause of the pathology and effectively eliminate it.

Many people have encountered such a problem when wounds do not heal for a long time. But why this happens, only a few know. In fact, open wounds are a huge threat, as they facilitate access for various bacteria and viruses that can cause serious health problems. That is why it is important to know how to properly treat injuries on the body so that they heal as quickly as possible.

Wounds on the skin do not heal well: causes

The wound does not heal for a long time as a result of infection, and this can happen not only during the injury, but also after it. When infected, there is an increase in temperature, the appearance of redness, subcutaneous suppuration, pain and swelling.

Why do skin wounds not heal?

Other reasons for a long non-union of wounds: inflammatory processes in the body, oncological diseases, the presence of extra pounds, HIV, etc.

What to do if the wounds on the skin do not heal?

It is best to seek qualified help in the presence of such a problem in order to avoid complications. The doctor will give all recommendations for proper care, as well as treat the damage.

If for some reason it is impossible to contact a specialist and the wound does not heal well, use the following tips:

  • To prevent infection during dressing, wash your hands with soap and water beforehand and treat them with alcohol. It is important to choose the right bandage - it is desirable to use materials that allow air to pass through, and it is better if they are wet. Dressings should be done twice a day;
  • Disinfection of a damaged surface that is dry should be carried out at least twice a day. In this case, ointments should be used that create a special film on the surface that prevents the penetration of microorganisms;
  • If the wound begins to get wet, then use pharmacy products - Bepanten, Eplan, or liquid preparations containing methyluracil. These funds contribute to rapid regeneration;
  • If the damaged area of ​​the skin is not inflamed, then it is recommended to use drying gels, as they contribute to rapid regeneration;
  • The use of ointments for wet wounds can slow down the healing process, since the wound will get wet, that is, as they say, in the people " turn sour»;
  • Many still use Streptocid, which is sprinkled on damaged areas. Doctors do not recommend doing this, because a crust will form on top, under which the exudate will glow, which will lead to prolonged healing;
  • In addition to local treatment, you should help the body from the inside, giving preference to proper nutrition. To help the regeneration processes, consume plenty of protein and fortified foods.

If the treatment of wounds is carried out incorrectly and an infection enters the damaged area, suppuration is observed, as evidenced by the release of a viscous and cloudy exudate from the injured area. At the first manifestations, be sure to disinfect by first blotting the discharge with a napkin. In this case, you should consult a doctor, as there is a high risk of complications.

In folk medicine, there are various means, the action of which is aimed at the healing process. For example, take 70 g of burdock roots, grind them and fill them with 200 ml of sunflower oil. Insist throughout the day, and then put on a minimum fire and boil for 15-20 minutes. After the time has passed, strain and store in the refrigerator. The resulting ointment should be treated with problem areas of the skin 2 times a day. In addition, it is recommended to drink a root decoction of 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.

Preventive measures

To prevent complications, after an injury, it is important to properly treat the injury site, this is what will allow the tissues to heal quickly.

How to properly treat wounds:

  • If the lesion is fresh, then try to stop the bleeding. For this purpose, use 3% hydrogen peroxide. It is forbidden to use iodine, as it causes severe tissue burns, which will only aggravate the healing process. Iodine is only allowed to treat the skin around the lesions;
  • To prevent infection, it is recommended to treat the skin around with rubbing alcohol. This procedure is carried out at each dressing. If there is no medical alcohol, use other alcohol-containing products that do not contain essential oils;
  • If there are any foreign bodies, such as splinters or glass fragments, then be sure to remove them. After that, treat the injury site again and blot it with a bandage or gauze;
  • Then use an aseptic solution, such as Chlorhexidine or Furacilin. Apply a bandage with the same remedy.

We have presented to your attention a list of the main reasons that lead to the fact that the skin is restored for a long time. Use the recommendations provided to avoid complications.

My mom has always had vein problems. No wonder, because the hairdresser spends almost the entire working day on his feet. A varicose veins in general is their occupational disease. One evening she complained that the wound on her leg did not heal for a long time, and in the morning we were at the appointment with the phlebologist.

It turns out that this situation is a sign of circulatory disorders in the lower extremities. Simply put, mommy “launched” her leg, and if she didn’t go to the clinic in time, the wound promised to turn into a trophic ulcer.

The reasons.

Consider the main reasons when a wound on the leg does not heal for a long time:

Infection. If the initial treatment of the wound was carried out incorrectly, there were areas of contamination with microbes in it, then multiplying, they will lead to suppuration of the wound surface. The degree of contamination will depend on the magnitude of the injury, its nature (torn edges, bite) and depth. Sometimes an infection may appear due to untimely or improper processing, with non-compliance with the rules of antiseptics, for example, unwashed hands.

Clinically, such a wound is characterized by the presence of inflammation, the appearance of pus, and redness of the skin. With a sufficiently strong infectious process, body temperature may rise.

Diabetes. The condition when a wound on the leg does not heal for a long time in a patient with such an endocrine pathology is called a diabetic foot. It appears due to a metabolic disorder in the elderly, as well as those who do not control the level of glucose in the blood. Vessels become fragile, microtraumas appear, which often become infected. In advanced cases, gangrene may develop.

Varicose disease. Due to varicose insufficiency and stagnation of blood, the skin and tissues do not receive enough oxygen and nutrients, and a violation of the outflow of blood leads to the accumulation of decay products and carbon dioxide. As a result, a trophic ulcer of the lower leg is formed.

Violation of the innervation and nutrition of the tissues of the lower limb. This happens in people who complain of back pain. Most often they find osteochondrosis, a herniated disc. They compress the nerve roots, the vessels that feed the skin, which leads to poor regeneration.

Immune problems. It can be weakened by stress, an unbalanced diet, or the presence of HIV infection, oncological pathology.

Continuous use of glucocorticosteroids, aspirin leads to inhibition of inflammation and slowing down the healing of wounds.

A wound with wide edges can heal for a long time if primary surgical treatment has not been performed and sutures have not been applied.

Who to contact.

If your leg wound does not heal for a long time, first contact your local therapist. After finding out the details of the occurrence of the wound, having studied your outpatient card and concomitant diseases, the therapist will make a primary diagnosis and refer you to a specialist:

  • surgeon
  • phlebologist,
  • infectious disease specialist
  • endocrinologist,
  • neurologist.

Means for healing wounds.

If the wound on the leg does not heal for a long time, adequate treatment is necessary. There is no universal remedy. As you can see, the reasons presented above are very diverse, and therefore the approach to therapy will be different. A doctor may recommend one of the following remedies, but we urge you not to self-medicate, but to start with a specialist.

Baneocin- an antibiotic in the form of a powder, which is used for infected wounds, relieves inflammation, destroys pathogenic bacteria.

Curiosin- Curiosin solution is used to treat wounds. With its help, not only washed trophic ulcers, but also thus have a deep effect on the skin.

Levomekol- antibacterial ointment, anti-inflammatory and wound healing agent. Chloramphenicol, which is part of the composition, fights against staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Solcoseryl. It is used as a jelly at the initial stages, and as an ointment at the healing stage. It is a drug based on the plasma of dairy calves, it is an analogue of a bandage that prevents microbes from penetrating the wound, anesthetizes, and also accelerates metabolism and tissue regeneration. Given the natural origin of the drug, individual reactions are possible.

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