On approval of the technical regulation "requirements for the safety of feed and feed additives"

Due to the fact that the SPZ began to receive mass reports of punishments by the Rosselkhoznadzor of entrepreneurs producing feed, representatives of the wholesale trade and, especially, the retail trade, we have studied this issue and are ready to report the following.

On the basis of which article of the Code of administrative violations punished?

Article 14.43 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. Violation by the manufacturer, contractor (person performing the functions of a foreign manufacturer), seller of the requirements of technical regulations

1. Violation by the manufacturer, contractor (person performing the functions of a foreign manufacturer), seller of the requirements of technical regulations or applicable until the date of entry into force of the relevant technical regulations mandatory requirements for products or for products and the processes of design (including surveys), production, construction, installation, adjustment, operation, storage, transportation, sale and disposal related to product requirements, or the release into circulation of products that do not meet such requirements, with the exception of cases provided for in Articles 9.4, 10.3, 10.6, 10.8, part 2 of Article 11.21, Articles 14.37, 14.44, 14.46, 20.4 of this Code -
shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of one thousand to two thousand roubles; on officials - from ten thousand to twenty thousand rubles; for persons engaged in entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity - from twenty thousand to thirty thousand rubles; for legal entities - from one hundred thousand to three hundred thousand roubles.

So, we find out that before the entry into force of the technical regulation Customs Union"On the safety of feed and feed additives", there are mandatory requirements that must be met.

What are these requirements?

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 9, 2010 N 132
"On the mandatory requirements for certain types of products and the processes of design (including surveys), production, construction, installation, adjustment, operation, storage, transportation, sale and disposal contained in the technical regulations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which is the state - member of the customs union.

From the text of the Resolution:

In accordance with Article 46 of the Federal Law "On Technical Regulation", the Government Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the attached list of paragraphs of the technical regulations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which is a member state of the customs union, which contain mandatory requirements for certain types of products and related requirements for design processes (including surveys), production, construction, installation, commissioning, operation, storage, transportation, sale and disposal, and introduce mandatory requirements from July 1, 2010.

2. By April 1, 2010, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, with the participation of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology, shall develop and approve a list of products subject to mandatory confirmation of compliance with the requirements provided for by the list approved by this Decree.

3. Determine that:
the applicant has the right to independently choose the mode of technical regulation, in accordance with which the assessment of compliance with the mandatory requirements provided for by the list approved by this resolution, or paragraph 1 of Article 46 of the Federal Law "On Technical Regulation" will be carried out;

the forms of confirmation of conformity of products included in the list provided for in paragraph 2 of this resolution are determined in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 1, 2009 N 982 "On approval of a single list of products subject to mandatory certification and a single list of products, confirmation of conformity of which carried out in the form of a declaration of conformity";

state control (supervision) over compliance with the mandatory requirements provided for by the list approved by this resolution is carried out by federal bodies executive power within their competence;

the powers to accredit certification bodies and testing laboratories (centers) that perform work to confirm the conformity of products included in the list provided for in clause 2 of this resolution are exercised by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology within the limits of the maximum number of employees of the central office established by the Government of the Russian Federation and territorial bodies Agency, as well as budgetary allocations provided for the Agency in the federal budget for the management and management in the field of established functions.

4. By April 1, 2010, the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology shall approve the list of documents used in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of standardization, as well as documents containing the rules and methods of research (tests) and measurements, including the rules for sampling required for application and fulfillment of the mandatory requirements provided for by the list approved by this resolution, and the implementation of conformity assessment with respect to certain types of products and processes related to the requirements, ensure its publication in the printed edition of the federal executive body for technical regulation and placement in information system general use in electronic digital form.

Prime Minister
Russian Federation V. Putin

And now the main thing - about the requirements themselves!

The list of paragraphs of the technical regulations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which is a member state of the customs union, which contain mandatory requirements for certain types of products and related design processes (including surveys), production, construction, installation, commissioning, operation, storage, transportation, sale and disposal (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 9, 2010 N 132)

3. Clauses 6, 8, 10, 11, 14 - 16, 18 - 21, 23, 25 - 31, paragraph one, subparagraphs 2 - 4 of clause 33, clause 34 of the Technical Regulation "Requirements for the safety of feed and feed additives", approved Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 18, 2008 N 263 (Collection of acts of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2008, N 15, art. 138), according to Appendix N 3.

Technical regulation
"Requirements for the safety of feed and feed additives"
(approved by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 18, 2008 N 2

6. When selling and using, as well as importing (importing) feed and feed additives at domestic trade facilities, premises and conditions are necessary to ensure the possibility of acceptance, control, identification and storage of feed and feed additives in accordance with the current regulatory documents for specific types of feed and feed additives.

8. Not allowed for sale:

1) expired feed and feed additives;
2) feed and feed additives with obvious signs of spoilage;
3) feed and feed additives that do not have documents confirming their origin or for which there is no information;
4) feed and feed additives that do not correspond to the information reflected in the submitted documents;
5) feed and feed additives that do not have a label, indicating the information provided for by the Technical Regulations.

When selling feed and feed additives, special equipment is used, as well as marked trade inventory (ladles, tongs, scoops, etc.). It is not allowed to weigh unpackaged feed and feed additives directly on the scales without packaging materials.

10. Import (import) of feed and feed additives is carried out in compliance with the conditions that ensure their safety and the preservation of quality indicators established by the current regulatory documents on standardization.

11. It is forbidden to use for the production (manufacturing) of feed and feed additives raw materials originating from disadvantaged points (territories) under special dangerous diseases animals and birds included in the list of especially dangerous animal diseases, in which the mandatory removal and destruction of animals, products and raw materials of animal origin, which pose a particular danger to animal and human health, is carried out.

14. Storage of raw materials, equipment, packaging and auxiliary materials (hereinafter - materials) must be carried out in conditions that ensure safety finished product(feed and feed additives) and excluding the possibility of its associated contamination. When storing raw materials and materials, a rotation system should be used, providing for the release from the warehouse, first of all, of raw materials and materials that arrived in storage earlier than others. For the storage of feed and feed additives, special premises (structures) should be used that exclude the penetration of insects and rodents.

15. Compliance with the safety requirements for preserving starters, enzymes, probiotic cultures, milk and whey (dry) must be ensured by their manufacturers. Each batch of these products intended for the preparation of feed and feed additives must be accompanied by veterinary documents of the established form.

16. Requirements for the safety of feed and feed additives during their production (manufacturing) in accordance with veterinary and sanitary requirements include the establishment of the necessary levels of lighting, microclimate, noise, vibration and dust and harmful substances in the air of the working area.

18. Security requirements technological processes(drying, grinding, granulation, the introduction of preservatives, fermentation, evaporation, pasteurization, sterilization) provides for compliance with the norms and requirements of regulatory and technical documentation for these products. The safety of technological processes is guaranteed by carrying out production control over their observance.

19. In the production (manufacturing) of feed and feed additives, the following requirements must be observed:

1) feed for productive ruminants should not contain components derived from any animals other than fish and other non-mammalian aquatic organisms;
2) feed for productive birds should not contain components of ruminants, predatory animals, and birds;
3) feed for productive pigs must not contain components of ruminants, predatory animals and pigs;
4) feed for productive animals originating from disadvantaged countries for large spongiform encephalopathy cattle, should not contain components derived from any animals other than fish and other non-mammalian aquatic organisms.

The criteria for the safety of canned feed, including industrial sterility, are the absence of microorganisms capable of developing at the storage temperature established for a particular type of canned food, as well as microorganisms and microbial toxins hazardous to animal health.

20. The quality and safety of feed and feed additives during production (manufacturing) are checked by conducting their own production control and veterinary and sanitary examination.

23. Placement of an object for the production (manufacturing) of feed and feed additives is carried out in the presence of a veterinary and sanitary conclusion.

25. The facility for the production (manufacturing) of feed and feed additives is located on the territory free from infectious diseases of animals and birds and is operated in compliance with the requirements of veterinary and sanitary rules.

26. Buildings and production facilities should provide:

1) the possibility of locating the production line and equipment for the production (manufacturing), storage of raw materials and materials in accordance with regulatory documents;
2) partitioning and/or separate rooms for the procurement of raw materials, the production and storage of feed and feed additives, to prevent contamination by microorganisms, dirt, reagents, and other types of contamination;
3) effective ventilation of production, utility and amenity premises and premises where screening or other protection measures against access by birds, animals and insects are required in accordance with the current regulations for industrial enterprises.

27. The preparation of industrial starters and/or probiotic cultures is carried out in a specially dedicated and properly organized starter department that meets the following requirements:

1) located in the same production building with the main consumer shops, in an isolated room;
2) have separate rooms in which conditions are created and maintained that ensure the protection of starter cultures and cultures from contamination by microorganisms, bacteriophages and other pollutants;
3) have supply and exhaust ventilation and (or) other effective system air purification and treatment.

Quality control of starter cultures and (or) probiotic cultures in the preparation (manufacturing) of industrial starter cultures and activated bacterial concentrates is carried out at all stages of the production cycle by the production control unit.

28. Production (manufacturing) facilities should be located away from:
1) pollution objects environment and industrial activities;
2) regions prone to floods;
3) areas prone to pest invasion;
4) areas where industrial waste (solid or liquid) cannot be effectively disposed of.

29. Feed and feed additives are stored in special warehouses under conditions that ensure their safety for consumption by animals within the specified expiration date.

30. The manufacturer (manufacturer) establishes the shelf life of feed and feed additives, the conditions for their storage and transportation, depending on the type and method of production (manufacturing).

It is not allowed to store and transport feed and feed additives together with fuels and lubricants and food products that have a specific smell.

31. Feed and feed additives are transported in dry, clean vehicles, not infected with pests of feed stocks, in the manner prescribed by the authorized body in the field of veterinary medicine.

33. Feed and feed additives are withdrawn from circulation when:

2) the absence of relevant documents confirming their origin and safety;
3) stock obvious signs spoilage, pollution, unpleasant smell;
4) detection of especially dangerous diseases of animals and birds.

34. Feed and feed additives withdrawn from circulation are subject to veterinary and sanitary examination, the results of which determine their safety.

Get ready for testing!

In order to implement the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 9, 2004 "On Technical Regulation" the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan DECIDES:

1. Approve the attached Technical Regulations "Requirements for the safety of feed and feed additives".

2. This resolution enters into force six months after the date of the first official publication.

Technical regulation
"Requirements for the safety of feed and feed additives"
1 area of ​​use

1. This Technical Regulation "Requirements for the safety of feed and feed additives" (hereinafter referred to as the Technical Regulation) was developed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 10, 2002 "On Veterinary Medicine", dated November 9, 2004 "On Technical Regulation" and July 21 2007 "On Food Safety" and establishes the minimum necessary requirements for the safety of feed and feed additives intended for feeding productive and unproductive animals, as well as for raw materials, starting materials, reagents and processes for their production, sale, transportation, use, storage and destruction.

The technical regulation applies to feed and feed additives produced (manufactured) and imported (imported), as well as intended for circulation in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan as animal feed, semi-finished products or raw materials for the production of other feed, regardless of the specifics of the technologies used.

The types of products subject to this Technical Regulation and their codes according to the classifier of the commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as TN VED) are indicated in Appendix 1

This Technical Regulation does not apply to feed and feed additives home (farm) prepared, intended for personal use and made from genetically modified plant and / or other raw materials.

2. The requirements of this Technical Regulation apply to the activities of all individuals and legal entities involved in the production (manufacturing), transportation, storage, sale of feed and feed additives.

3. Feed and feed additives, as well as raw materials in the process of production (manufacturing), storage and use may acquire risks to the health and life of animals, people using livestock products in the following cases:

1) the occurrence of a hazard when harvesting near industrial enterprises or geochemical regions with high radiation or salt content heavy metals;

2) use of low-quality or falsified raw materials and packaging material that does not meet sanitary standards;

3) non-compliance with the technological modes of feed processing (reproduction pathogenic microorganisms, accumulation of toxins) contributing to the poisoning of animals;

4) improper use and storage of means of combating rodents, insects;

5) use of canned feed containing increased amount chemicals (preservatives).

4. Risk management to prevent possible harmful effects is carried out at the stages:

1) procurement of feed and feed additives;

2) technological processes for the production (manufacturing) of feed and feed additives;

3) transportation and storage of feed and feed additives;

4) recycling and destruction of feed and feed additives.

2. Terms and definitions

5. The following terms and definitions are used in this Technical Regulation:

safety of feed and feed additives - the absence of unacceptable risk in all processes (stages) of development (creation), production (manufacturing), circulation, disposal and destruction of feed and feed additives;

feed - products of plant, animal, mineral, microbiological, chemical origin, used for feeding animals, containing nutrients in a digestible form and not having a harmful effect on animal health;

feed additive - substances of organic, mineral and (or) synthetic origin used as sources of missing nutrients and minerals and vitamins in the diet of animals;

feed value - a set of feed properties, in the presence of which physiological needs animals in the necessary substances and energy;

animals - all kinds of domestic, wild, zoo, circus, laboratory, decorative, fur, marine animals and other hydrobionts, birds, bees, fish;

expiration date - the period until the expiration of which the feed or feed additive is considered safe for its intended use, subject to the conditions of the processes (stages) of production (manufacturing), circulation of feed and feed additives;

compound feed - a mixture of impurities cleaned and crushed to required dimensions various feeds and feed additives, providing complete feeding of animals a certain kind, type and productivity;

metal magnetic impurity - metal particles of various sizes and shapes contained in feed or feed additive that can be attracted to a magnet;

productive animals - animals used, or which can be used, to obtain livestock products;

unproductive animals - animals that are not purposefully used to obtain livestock products;

hay - forage obtained as a result of dehydration of grass and containing no more than 17% mass fraction moisture;

haylage - food made from herbs harvested in early phases vegetation dried to a moisture content of at least 40% and stored under anaerobic conditions;

pathogenic microflora - microorganisms capable of causing disease in animals;

unacceptable risk - a risk exceeding the level of product safety established in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

shelf life - the period of time during which the feed or feed additive, subject to the established storage conditions, retains the quality and safety indicators specified in the regulatory documentation;

granular feed - compressed finely ground feed of a cylindrical or rectangular shape of certain sizes with a dry matter content in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation;

risk - the probability of an adverse effect of feed and feed additives on animal health and the consequences of this effect, leading to a danger to the life and health of animals;

toxicity - a property of feed and feed additives that characterizes the content toxic substances above acceptable level, which can cause disease or death of animals;

raw materials - objects of plant, animal, microbiological, chemical and mineral origin used for the production (manufacturing) of feed and feed additives;

roughage - feed containing no more than 22% moisture and 0.65 feed units per 1 kg of dry matter.

3. Requirements for the safety of feed and feed additives
when they are traded on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan

6. When selling and using, as well as importing (importing) feed and feed additives at domestic trade facilities, premises and conditions are necessary to ensure the possibility of acceptance, control, identification and storage of feed and feed additives in accordance with the current regulatory documents for specific types of feed and feed additives.

7. The main conditions for the circulation of feed and feed additives on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan are:

1) compliance of feed and feed additives with the requirements of this Technical Regulation;

2) availability of a document confirming the origin of feed and feed additives, confirmation of conformity (certificate of conformity and (or) mark of conformity or declaration of conformity);

3) the presence of information about feed and feed additives in the labeling and (or) accompanying documents of the manufacturer, supplier and (or) seller.

Conditions, terms of storage and sale of feed and feed additives must exclude the possibility of any contamination and deterioration.

The implementation period is set by the manufacturer (manufacturer) in accordance with the current regulatory documents on standardization for feed and feed additives.

8. Not allowed for sale:

1) expired feed and feed additives;

2) feed and feed additives with obvious signs of spoilage;

3) feed and feed additives that do not have documents confirming their origin or for which there is no information;

4) feed and feed additives that do not correspond to the information reflected in the submitted documents;

5) feed and feed additives that do not have a label, indicating the information provided for by the Technical Regulations.

When selling feed and feed additives, special equipment is used, as well as marked trade inventory (ladles, tongs, scoops, etc.). It is not allowed to weigh unpackaged feed and feed additives directly on the scales without packaging materials.

9. Feed and feed additives imported (imported) into the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan must be registered in the State Register of feed and feed additives in the Republic of Kazakhstan and comply with the requirements of this Technical Regulation.

10. Import (import) of feed and feed additives is carried out in compliance with the conditions that ensure their safety and the preservation of quality indicators established with the current regulatory documents on standardization.

4. Requirements for the safety of raw materials used for
production (manufacturing) of feed and feed additives

11. It is forbidden to use for the production (manufacturing) of feed and feed additives raw materials originating from disadvantaged points (territories) for especially dangerous diseases of animals and birds included in the list of especially dangerous animal diseases, in which mandatory withdrawal and destruction of animals, products and raw materials are carried out of animal origin, which pose a particular danger to the health of animals and humans.

It is prohibited to produce (manufacture) feed and feed additives from (using) tissues of animal origin.

12. The conditions for the procurement, storage and transportation of raw materials for the production (manufacturing) of feed and feed additives must comply with the requirements established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of veterinary medicine and safety food products.

13. Succulent feed (green feed, haylage, silage) are used as feed in whole or processed form and as raw materials in the composition of complete feed and feed additives.

Green feed must comply with the quality indicators established with the current regulatory documents on standardization. Should not have signs of mold, foreign smell of poisonous plants.

Roughage (hay, straw) is used in its pure form and as a raw material in the composition of feed mixtures - for the production (manufacturing) of granulated feed. Roughage should not contain moldy areas, poisonous plants (creeping mustard, multi-colored ligature, leaf-tailed sophora), foreign odors (musty, mold, putrefactive), pathogenic fungi and yersinia.

Raw materials - grain (wheat, barley, oats, rye, corn, millet, peanuts, sunflower seeds, triticale) supplied for fodder purposes for the production of mixed fodder and leguminous fodder crops (spring vetch, chickpeas, fodder beans, lentils, fodder lupine, soybeans , peas) should not contain ergot, smut, pests and foreign matter. The grain used as a raw material must meet the requirements established by the relevant Technical Regulations.

Raw materials - root tubers and gourds (fodder) should not have signs of mold, and exceed the established standards for the content of hazardous and toxic substances.

14. Storage of raw materials, equipment, packaging and auxiliary materials (hereinafter - materials) must be carried out under conditions that ensure the safety of the finished product (feed and feed additives) and exclude the possibility of its associated contamination. When storing raw materials and materials, a rotation system should be used, providing for the release from the warehouse, first of all, of raw materials and materials that arrived in storage earlier than others. For the storage of feed and feed additives, special premises (structures) should be used to exclude the penetration of insects and rodents.

15. Compliance with the safety requirements for preserving starters, enzymes, probiotic cultures, milk and whey (dry) must be ensured by their manufacturers. Each batch of these products intended for the preparation of feed and feed additives must be accompanied by veterinary documents of the established form.

5. Requirements for the safety of feed and feed additives when they are
production (manufacturing)

16. Requirements for the safety of feed and feed additives during their production (manufacturing) in accordance with veterinary and sanitary requirements include the establishment of the necessary levels of lighting, microclimate, noise, vibration and dust and harmful substances in the air of the working area.

17. Technological equipment intended for the production of feed and feed additives must comply with the requirements established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of machinery and equipment safety.

18. Requirements for the safety of technological processes (drying, grinding, granulation, the introduction of preservatives, fermentation, evaporation, pasteurization, sterilization) provides for compliance with the norms and requirements of regulatory and technical documentation for these products. The safety of technological processes is guaranteed by carrying out production control over their observance.

19. In the production (manufacturing) of feed and feed additives, the following requirements must be observed:

1) feed for productive ruminants should not contain components derived from any animals other than fish and other non-mammalian aquatic organisms;

2) feed for productive birds should not contain components of ruminants, predatory animals, and birds;

3) feed for productive pigs must not contain components of ruminants, predatory animals and pigs;

4) feed for productive animals originating from disadvantaged countries for bovine spongiform encephalopathy should not contain components derived from any animals other than fish and other non-mammalian aquatic organisms.

The criteria for the safety of canned feed, including industrial sterility, are the absence of microorganisms capable of developing at the storage temperature established for a particular type of canned food, as well as microorganisms and microbial toxins hazardous to animal health.

20. The quality and safety of feed and feed additives during production (manufacturing) are checked by conducting their own production control and veterinary and sanitary examination.

22. Feed and feed additives produced (manufactured) and imported (imported) into the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan are subject to state registration in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of veterinary medicine and food safety.

6. Safety requirements for production facilities
(manufacture) of feed and feed additives

23. Placement of an object for the production (manufacturing) of feed and feed additives is carried out in the presence of a veterinary and sanitary conclusion.

24. All objects are assigned account numbers in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of food safety.

25. The facility for the production (manufacturing) of feed and feed additives is located on the territory free from infectious diseases of animals and birds and is operated in compliance with the requirements of veterinary and sanitary rules.

26. Buildings and production facilities should provide:

1) the possibility of locating the production line and equipment for the production (manufacturing), storage of raw materials and materials in accordance with regulatory documents;

2) separation by partitions and / or separate rooms for the procurement of raw materials, the production and storage of feed and feed additives, to prevent contamination by microorganisms, dirt, reagents, and other types of contamination;

3) effective ventilation of production, utility and amenity premises and premises where screening or other protection measures against access by birds, animals and insects are required in accordance with the current regulations for industrial enterprises.

27. The preparation of industrial starters and/or probiotic cultures is carried out in a specially dedicated and properly organized starter department that meets the following requirements:

1) located in the same production building with the main consumer shops, in an isolated room;

2) have separate rooms in which conditions are created and maintained that ensure the protection of starter cultures and cultures from contamination by microorganisms, bacteriophages and other pollutants;

3) have supply and exhaust ventilation and (or) another effective air purification and treatment system.

Quality control of starter cultures and (or) probiotic cultures in the preparation (manufacturing) of industrial starter cultures and activated bacterial concentrates is carried out at all stages of the production cycle by the production control unit.

28. Production (manufacturing) facilities should be located away from:

1) objects of environmental pollution and industrial activity;

2) regions prone to floods;

3) areas prone to pest invasion;

4) areas where industrial waste (solid or liquid) cannot be effectively disposed of.

7. Requirements for the safety of feed and feed additives
during their storage, transportation, labeling and packaging

29. Feed and feed additives are stored in special storage facilities under conditions that ensure their safety for consumption by animals during the established shelf life.

30. The manufacturer (manufacturer) establishes the shelf life of feed and feed additives, the conditions for their storage and transportation, depending on the type and method of production (manufacturing).

It is not allowed to store and transport feed and feed additives together with fuels and lubricants and food products that have a specific smell.

31. Feed and feed additives are transported in dry, clean vehicles that are not infected with pests of feed stocks in the manner prescribed by the authorized body in the field of veterinary medicine.

32. Labeling, packaging of feed and feed additives is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

8. Requirements for the safety of feed and feed additives
when they are destroyed

33. Feed and feed additives are withdrawn from circulation when:

1) non-compliance with the requirements established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of veterinary medicine and food safety and this Technical Regulation;

2) the absence of relevant documents confirming their origin and safety;

3) the presence of obvious signs of damage, pollution, unpleasant odor;

4) detection of especially dangerous diseases of animals and birds.

34. Feed and feed additives withdrawn from circulation are subject to veterinary and sanitary examination, the results of which determine their safety.

35. Destruction of feed and feed additives, recognized by the results of the veterinary and sanitary examination as hazardous to animal health, is carried out in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

9. Confirmation of conformity of feed and feed additives

36. Confirmation of the conformity of feed and feed additives is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

10. List of harmonized regulatory documents

37. The list of harmonized standards (evidence base) that ensure the fulfillment of the requirements established by this Technical Regulation is given in Appendix 2 to this Technical Regulation.

38. In product standards, the requirements of this Technical Regulation are mandatory.

39. Harmonization of applicable current standards for feed and feed additives that ensure compliance with the safety requirements established by this Technical Regulation is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on technical regulation.

11. Terms and conditions of entry into force

40. This Technical Regulation shall enter into force six months after the date of the first official publication.

41. From the moment this Technical Regulation comes into force, regulatory legal acts and regulatory and technical documents in force on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, until they are brought into line with this Technical Regulation, shall be applied to the extent that does not contradict this Technical Regulation.


types of products subject to

technical regulation

Product types

TN VED code

Feed grain:

1) wheat

4) corn

8) sunflower seeds

9) triticale

Leguminous fodder crops:

1) spring vetch

3) fodder beans

4) small-seeded lentils

6) fodder lupine

Vitamin flour from tree greens,

flour and grits fodder algae

Feed products flour and cereals


2) feed flour

Feed products of the oil mill


2) peanut

3) sunflower

4) cotton

5) linen

6) rapeseed

7) hemp

8) rapeseed

9) sesame

2) peanut

3) sunflower

4) cotton

5) linen

6) rapeseed

7) hemp

8) castor oil

9) corn

Maize fodder sludge hydrate

Feed products of the brewery


1) barley malt

2) beer pellet

3) licorice sprouts

Feed products of starch


1) corn feed

2) wheat feed

3) corn gluten

Feed products of alcohol


1) grain potato stillage

2) molasses stillage

Sugar feed products


1) beet pulp

3) molasses

Grain pulp

Corn pulp

Wheat pulp

Barley pulp

Rye pulp

Potato pulp

Feed products canned and

vegetable drying industry:

1) pomace fruit

2) berry pomace

3) vegetable pomace

Animal products and by-products

products of its processing, used

for the production of combined

1) Feed products meat and

poultry processing industry:

meat flour

meat and bone meal

blood meal

bone meal

from hydrolyzed feather

semi-finished bone

feed animal fat

2) Fish feed products


fish meal

from mammals

crustaceans and invertebrates

Dairy feed products


1) skimmed milk powder (reverse)

2) whey dry

3) substitute whole milk dry

Protein-vitamin and amido-vitamin

Microbiological products


1) fodder yeast

2) enzymes

3) amino acids

4) vitamins

Mineral Feed Additives


1) limestone flour

2) stern chalk

3) shell rock

4) feed calcium phosphate

5) zeolites, bentonites

Organic synthesis products

feed methionine

Compound feed for

productive poultry (chickens, ducks, geese,

turkeys, pheasants, quails, ostriches,

Compound feed concentrates for game

Compound feed concentrates for pigs:

1) for suckling piglets

2) for control fattening of pigs

3) complete feed for

bacon fattening pigs

4) complete feed for pigs

Compound feed concentrates for large


Compound feed concentrates for sheep

Compound feed concentrates for horses:

1) feed concentrates for workers

2) feed concentrates,

granular for breeding mares

3) feed concentrates,

granulated for trainees and

sport horses

4) feed concentrates,

granular for fatteners

5) feed concentrates for

growing and fattening of young animals of meat

6) compound feed concentrates for dairy

Compound feed concentrates for fur

animals (foxes, arctic foxes, sables, minks)

Compound feed concentrates for rabbits and

Compound feed concentrates for pond

fish (of the year, breeding young,

producers, two-year-olds, three-year-olds

pond cyprinids and trout)

Compound feed concentrates for salmon,

sturgeon fish

Dry and concentrated for

unproductive animals:

1) dogs and cats

3) aquarium fish

4) rodents



harmonized regulatory documents

GOST 80-96 Sunflower cake. Specifications.

GOST 2081-92 Carbamide. Specifications.

GOST 2116-2000 Feed meal from fish, marine mammals, crustaceans and invertebrates. Specifications.

GOST 2929-75 Oatmeal. Specifications.

GOST 4808-87 Hay. Specifications.

GOST 5060-86 Malting barley. Specifications.

GOST 6201-68 Polished peas. Specifications.

GOST 6484-96 Technical stearic acid (stearin). Specifications.

GOST 9419-78 Reagents. Stearic acid. Specifications.

GOST 7067-88 Spring vetch. Specifications.

GOST 7169-66 Wheat bran. Specifications.

GOST 7170-66 Rye bran. Specifications.

GOST 9265-72 Feed concentrates for working horses. Specifications.

GOST 9268-90 Feed concentrates for cattle. Specifications.

GOST 10199-81 Compound feed concentrates for sheep. Specifications.

GOST 10385-88 Compound feed for pond cyprinids. Specifications.

GOST 10417-88 Feed beans. Requirements for procurement and supply.

GOST 10418-88 Small-seeded lentils. Requirements for procurement and supply.

GOST 10419-88 China. Requirements for procurement and supply.

GOST 10853-88 Oilseeds. Method for determining pest infestation.

GOST 11321-89 Feed lupine. Requirements for procurement and supply.

GOST 12220-96 Tested soybean fodder meal. Specifications.

GOST 13496.0-80 Compound feed, raw materials. Sampling methods.

GOST ISO 5725.1-2003 Mixed feed, mixed feed raw materials. Method for the determination of polychlorinated biphenyls in feed, feed additives and food raw materials.

GOST 13496.1-98 Mixed feed, mixed feed raw materials. Methods for determining the content of sodium and sodium chloride.

GOST 13496.2-91 Feed, feed, mixed feed raw materials. Method for determination of crude fiber.

GOST 13496.3-92 (ISO 6496-83) Compound feed, compound feed raw materials. Moisture determination methods.

GOST 13496.4-93 Feed, feed, mixed feed raw materials. Methods for determining the content of nitrogen and crude protein.

GOST 13496.5-70 Compound feed. Ergot determination method.

GOST 13496.6-71 Compound feed. Method for isolating microscopic fungi.

GOST 13496.7-97 Feed grain, products of its processing, animal feed. Methods for determining toxicity.

GOST 13496.8-72 Compound feed. Methods for determining the fineness of grinding and the content of unground seeds of cultivated and wild plants.

GOST 13496.9-96 Mixed feed. Methods for determining the metal-magnetic impurity.

GOST 13496.10-74 Compound feed. Method for determination of spore content of smut fungi.

GOST 13496.12-98 Mixed feed, mixed feed raw materials. Method for determining total acidity.

GOST 13496.13-75 Compound feed. Methods for determining the smell, pest infestation of grain stocks.

GOST 13496.14-87 Feed, feed, mixed feed raw materials. Method for determination of ash insoluble in hydrochloric acid.

GOST 13496.15-97 Feed, feed, mixed feed raw materials. Methods for determining the content of crude fat.

GOST 13496.17-95 Feed. Methods for the determination of carotene.

GOST 13496.18-85 Compound feed, compound feed raw materials. Methods for determining the acid number of fat.

GOST 13496.19-93 Feed, feed, mixed feed raw materials. Methods for determining the content of nitrates and nitrites.

GOST 13496.20-87 Mixed feed, mixed feed raw materials. Method for determination of pesticide residues.

GOST 13634-90 Corn. Requirements for procurement and supply.

GOST 13797-84 Vitamin flour from tree greens. Specifications.

GOST 13979.0-86 Cakes, meals and mustard powder. Acceptance rules and sampling methods.

GOST 13979.1-68 Cakes, meal and mustard powder. Methods for determining moisture and volatile substances.

GOST 13979.2-94 Cakes, meal and mustard powder. Method for determining the mass fraction of fat and extractives.

GOST 13979.4-68 Cakes, meal and mustard powder. Methods for determining color, odor, amount of dark inclusions and fines.

GOST 13979.5-68 Cakes, meal and mustard powder. Method for determination of metal impurities.

GOST 13979.6-69 Cakes, meal and mustard powder. Ash determination method.

GOST 8758-76 Chickpeas. Requirements for procurement and supply.

GOST 8759-92 Sorghum. Requirements for procurement and supply.

GOST 17109-88 Soya. Requirements for procurement and supply.

GOST 9353-90 Wheat. Requirements for procurement and supply.

GOST 9404-88 Flour and bran. Moisture determination method.

GOST 17483-72 Feed animal fat. Specifications.

GOST 17498-72 Chalk. Types, brands and basic technical requirements.

GOST 17536-82 Feed flour of animal origin. Specifications.

GOST 17681-82 Flour of animal origin. Test methods.

GOST 18057-88 Coarse feed. Method for isolating microscopic fungi.

GOST 18221-99 Compound feed for poultry. Specifications.

GOST 18691-88 Artificially dried grass feed. Specifications.

GOST 19092-92 Buckwheat. Requirements for procurement and supply.

GOST 19856-86 (ST SEV 5367-85) Pesticides. General names.

GOST 20083-74 Feed yeast. Specifications.

GOST 21650-76 Means of fastening packaged cargoes in overpacks. General requirements.

GOST 21669-76 (ST SEV 6530-88) Compound feed. Terms and Definitions.

GOST 21149-93 Oat flakes. Specifications.

GOST 22391-89 Sunflower. Requirements for procurement and supply.

GOST 22455-77 Algal fodder flour and semolina. Specifications.

GOST 22983-88 Millet. Requirements for procurement and supply.

GOST 23153-78 Feed production. Terms and Definitions.

GOST 23423-89 Feed methionine. Specifications.

GOST 23635-90 Enzyme preparation amylosubtilin G3x. Specifications.

GOST 23637-90 Haylage. Specifications.

GOST 23638-90 Silage from green plants. Specifications.

GOST 26663-85 Transport packages. Formation using packaging tools. General technical requirements.

GOST 23999-80 Feed calcium phosphate. Specifications.

GOST 26180-84 Feed. Method for determining ammonia nitrogen and active acidity (pH).

GOST 26498-85 Feed yeast. Packing, marking, transportation and storage.

GOST 26826-86 Lime flour for the production of feed for farm animals and poultry and for feeding poultry.

GOST 26927-86 Food raw materials and products. Mercury determination method.

GOST 26929-94 Food raw materials and products. Sample preparation.

Mineralization to determine toxic elements.

GOST 26932-86 Food raw materials and products. Lead determination method.

GOST 27262-87 Feeds of plant origin. Sampling methods.

GOST 27547-87 Vitamin E (a-tocopherol acetate) microgranulated fodder. Specifications.

GOST 27668-88 Flour and bran. Acceptance and sampling methods.

GOST 27786-88 (ST SEV 5896-87) Kormogrizin. Specifications.

GOST 27850-88 Food rye for an expert. Specifications.

GOST 25344-82 Feed barley. Specifications

GOST 27978-88 Green feed. Specifications.

GOST 28001-88 Feed grain, products of its processing, animal feed. Methods for the determination of mycotoxins: T-2 toxin, zearalenone (F-2) and ochratoxin A.

GOST 28256-89 Feed concentrates for dairy mares. Specifications.

GOST 28672-90 Barley. Requirements for procurement and supply.

GOST 28673-90 Oats. Requirements for procurement and supply.

GOST 28736-90 Feed root crops. Specifications.

GOST 29136-91 Feed meal from fish, marine mammals, crustaceans and invertebrates. Method for determining toxicity.

GOST 29272-92 Dry rye malt. Specifications.

GOST R 51095-97 Premixes. Specifications.

GOST R 51417-99 (ISO 5983-97) Feed, feed, mixed feed raw materials. Determination of the mass fraction of nitrogen and calculation of the mass fraction of crude protein. Keldahl method.

GOST 12.3.041-86 SSBT Use of pesticides for plant protection. Safety requirements.

GOST R 51425-99 Feed, feed, mixed feed raw materials. Method for determination of the mass fraction of zearalenone.

GOST 51899-2002 Granular compound feed. General technical requirements.

GOST R 50817-95 Feed, compound feed, compound feed raw materials. Method for determination of crude protein, crude fibre, crude fat and moisture using near infrared spectroscopy.

GOST R 51422-99 Feed, feed, mixed feed raw materials. Method for determination of the mass fraction of urea.

(not final edition)



Article 1
1. This Federal Law is adopted for the purposes of:
1) protection of life and health of unproductive animals;
2) environmental protection;
3) prevention of actions that mislead purchasers of feed and feed additives for non-productive animals.

Article 2. Scope of application of this Federal Law and objects of technical regulation
1. The objects of technical regulation subject to the requirements of this Federal Law are:
1) Feed for unproductive animals sold on the territory of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as feed);
2) Feed additives for non-productive animals sold on the territory of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as feed additives);
3) Processes of production, storage, transportation, sale and disposal of feed and feed additives.
2. The requirements of this Federal Law apply to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs engaged in the production and / or import into the territory of the Russian Federation of feed and feed additives for unproductive animals, as well as their handling and disposal, to certification bodies, testing laboratories (centers) , bodies of state control (supervision).

Article 3. Basic concepts used in this Federal Law
For the purposes of this Federal Law, the basic concepts established by Article 2 of the Federal Law of December 27, 2002 are used? 184-FZ "On Technical Regulation" (hereinafter? Federal Law "On Technical Regulation"), as well as the following basic concepts:
1) adsorbent? feed additive capable of binding and removing heavy metal ions, toxins, radioactive substances from the body of animals, harmful products metabolism;
2) an antioxidant? a feed additive designed to increase the shelf life of the feed by slowing down the oxidation of the fat component of the feed;
5) flavoring? feed additive intended to impart or correct the smell and taste of feed and stimulate its consumption;
7) biologically active additive natural (identical to natural) biologically active substance(vitamin, vitamin-like substance, mineral substance, protein and its derivatives, non-protein nitrogenous substance) intended for introduction into feed composition;
8) flavor additive? feed additive, which is a substance of organic or inorganic origin, intended to impart or correct the palatability of the feed and stimulate their consumption;
9) Are the animals unproductive? mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, arthropods and mollusks not traditionally used in the Russian Federation for livestock and other agricultural products (pets);
10) thickener - a feed additive designed to regulate the viscosity and consistency of the feed;
11) pest infestation of grain stocks the presence of live insects and/or mites in the feed at any stage of development;
12) preservative? feed additive designed to increase the shelf life of feed by slowing down microbiological spoilage of feed;
13) concentrate? feed additive, which is a mixture of biologically active additives;
14) pet food? food non-food product used for feeding unproductive animals and not having a harmful effect on their health;
15) feed additive for non-productive animals? natural or artificial substance or their compounds, purposefully introduced into feed for pet food, not used by itself as feed;
16) dye? feed additive, which is pigments of organic or inorganic origin, designed to give, enhance, restore the color of the feed;
17) metal-magnetic impurity - metal particles of various sizes and shapes contained in the feed, capable of being attracted to a magnet;
18) filler? premix ingredient used as a medium for uniform distribution of biologically active additives in it;
19) circulation of feed and feed additives? storage, transportation and sale of feed and feed additives;
20) acidifier? feed additive based on organic acids, which, when added to feed, reduces the level of feed acidity;
21) prebiotic? feed additive, indigestible by the body of an unproductive animal, contributing to the selective stimulation of growth and (or) metabolic activity of one or more groups beneficial bacteria in the intestines of an unproductive animal;
22) premix? a feed additive, which is a mixture of one or more biologically active additives and a filler, designed to enrich feed;
23) probiotic - a live microbial feed additive that has antagonistic activity against pathogenic microflora and beneficial effect on an unproductive animal by improving its intestinal microbial balance;
24) nutritional value of feed and feed additives - a set of properties of feed and feed additives, due to which the physiological needs of unproductive animals are satisfied in the necessary nutrients and energy;
25) Nutrient? a substance of organic and mineral origin necessary for the maintenance of life and metabolism of animals;
26) industrial sterility of canned food? a criterion for the safety of canned feed, which implies the absence of microorganisms in canned feed that can develop at the storage temperature established for a particular type of canned food, as well as microorganisms and microbial toxins that are dangerous to the health of unproductive animals;
27) baking powder? a feed additive designed to prevent caking of feed and increase the volume of feed due to the formation of gas;
28) average sample? part of the total sample, selected by averaging to determine the quality of the product;
29) shelf life of feed and feed additives - the period of time calculated from the date of manufacture, or the date until which the feed and feed additives are suitable for their intended use, subject to the storage conditions established by the manufacturer;
30) stabilizer? feed additive designed to ensure the stability of dispersed feed systems;
31) disposal of feed and feed additives? the use of feed and feed additives for purposes other than those for which they are intended and for which they are usually used, or the destruction of poor-quality and / or hazardous feed and feed additives, which makes it possible to exclude the adverse effects of poor-quality and / or hazardous feed and feed additives on the health of unproductive animals;
32) emulsifier? feed additive, which is an individual synthetic and/or natural substances, which have specific surface-active properties, designed to create and stabilize emulsions and other dispersed feed systems.
Article 4
1. The legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of the safety of feed and feed additives consists of this Federal Law, the Federal Law "On Technical Regulation", the Federal Law "On Environmental Protection", the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights" and other adopted in accordance with them federal laws.
2. Relations specified in paragraph 1 of this article may be regulated by decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation in the cases provided for by this Federal Law.

Article 5. Purposes of identification of feed and feed additives
1. Identification of feed and feed additives is carried out by an interested person in order to:
1) attribution of feed and feed additives to the scope of this Federal Law;
2) establishing the compliance of feed and feed additives with the requirements of this Federal Law;
3) establishing the conformity of feed and feed additives with the information contained in the information for consumers, declaration of conformity or certificate of conformity provided by the manufacturer or seller.

Article 6. Rules and mechanisms for the identification of feed and feed additives
1. Identification of feed and feed additives is carried out:
1) certification bodies when confirming the compliance of feed and feed additives with the requirements of this Federal Law;
2) the federal executive body exercising the functions of control and supervision in the field of veterinary medicine;
3) the federal executive body exercising the functions of control and supervision in the field of consumer rights protection and human well-being;
3) by legal entities or individuals on their own initiative, if it is necessary to establish the conformity of feed and feed additives with the information provided about them, as well as if there is doubt about the reliability of such information or for the purpose of preliminary evaluation of these products.
3. Identification of feed and feed additives is carried out by:
1) analysis and verification of documentation;
2) application of the instrumental method;
3) application of the organoleptic method;
4) visual inspection;
5) testing samples;
6) testing.
4. Identification of feed is carried out by establishing the identity of their characteristics to essential features. The essential features of feed are the purpose, moisture content, preservation, completeness.
1) By purpose, they differ:
a) food for certain animal species or groups of animals (for cats, dogs, aquarium fish, birds, rodents, etc.);
b) feed special purpose Feeds with a specially selected nutrient composition designed to achieve a predictable physiological effect in non-productive animals.
2) According to the moisture content, they differ:
a) dry feed feed with a moisture content up to 12% inclusive;
b) is the food wet? feed with a moisture content of more than 12%.
3) On the basis of conservation, that is, the method of processing the product in order to preserve its properties for a long time, they differ:
a) canned food wet food that meets the requirements of industrial sterility;
b) frozen food? wet food intended for storage under conditions low temperatures, at which free moisture is in a frozen state.
4) On the basis of completeness, they differ:
a) complete food? feed that fully meets the physiological needs of the organism of an unproductive animal in nutrients, and which may be the only source nutrition. Identification of complete food for cats and dogs is carried out in accordance with Appendix 3 to this Federal Law;
b) non-complete feeds feeds that are not related to complete feeds.
5. Permissible deviations of feed indicators indicated during labeling from the actual feed indicators should not exceed the values ​​specified in Appendix 4 to this Federal Law.
6. Feed additives are identified in accordance with the information on feed additives specified in the label, the properties of feed additives and are divided into the following types:
1) adsorbent;
2) antioxidant;
3) flavor;
4) biologically active additive;
5) flavor additive;
6) thickener;
7) preservative;
8) concentrate;
9) dye;
10) premix;
11) stabilizer;
12) acidifier;
13) prebiotic;
14) probiotic;
15) baking powder;
16) emulsifier.
7. When identifying the processes of production, storage, transportation, sale and disposal of feed and feed additives in order to include these processes within the scope of this Federal Law, any interested person must make sure that these processes are aimed at the production, storage, transportation, sale and recycling of feed and feed additives.

Article 7. Requirements for the safety of feed and feed additives
1. Feed must meet the safety requirements provided for in Appendix 1 to this Federal Law.
2. Feed additives must meet the safety requirements provided for in Appendix 2 to this Federal Law.

Article 8. Requirements for the production process of feed and feed additives
1. The production of feed and feed additives in the Russian Federation is carried out in accordance with the requirements of this Federal Law and other technical regulations adopted in accordance with this Federal Law.
2. The production of feed and feed additives on the territory of the Russian Federation is carried out in accordance with the standards of the organization.
3. To ensure the safety of feed and feed additives during the production process, it is necessary:
1) carry out the production of feed and feed additives in accordance with the requirements of Article 9 of this Federal Law;
2) use raw materials and food additives that meet the requirements of Article 11 of this Federal Law;
3) carry out the production of feed and feed additives in buildings and production facilities that meet the requirements of Article 12 of this Federal Law;
4) to allow the production of feed and feed additives by personnel that meets the requirements of Article 13 of this Federal Law;
5) organize production control in accordance with the requirements of Article 14 of this Federal Law.

Article 9. Ensuring the safety of feed and feed additives in the process of their production

1. The safety of feed and feed additives during their production must be ensured:
1) the choice of technological processes and modes of their implementation at all stages (sections) of the production of feed and feed additives;
2) selection of the optimal sequence of technological processes, excluding contamination of the produced feed and feed additives;
3) control over the operation of technological equipment;
4) compliance with the storage conditions of raw materials and food additives necessary for the production of feed and feed additives;
5) maintenance of production facilities, technological equipment and inventory used in the process of production of feed and feed additives in a condition that excludes contamination of feed and feed additives;
6) the choice of methods and frequency of sanitization, disinfection, disinfestation and deratization of industrial premises, sanitization and disinfection of technological equipment and inventory used in the production of feed and feed additives. Sanitization, disinfection, disinfestation and rodent control should be carried out at intervals sufficient to eliminate the risk of contamination of feed and feed additives. The frequency of sanitization, disinfection, disinfestation and deratization is set by the manufacturer;
7) maintenance and storage of documentation confirming the fulfillment of the requirements of this Federal Law.

Article 10. Requirements for raw materials and food additives used in the production of feed and feed additives
1. In the production of feed and feed additives, food and non-food raw materials, food additives may be used to ensure the manufacture of the final product (feed and feed additives) that meets the safety requirements established in this Federal Law.

Article 12. Requirements for buildings and industrial premises
1. Buildings in which industrial premises are located must be equipped with:
1) ventilation and (or) air conditioning systems that completely exclude the possibility of polluted air entering. The design and execution of ventilation systems should provide quick access to filters and other parts of these systems that require cleaning or replacement;
2) locker rooms for personnel, which should not be located in production premises;
3) premises:
a) for storage, washing and disinfection of inventory and returnable containers used in the process of production of feed and feed additives;
b) for storage of cleaning equipment and equipment, their washing and disinfection;
4) toilets and washbasins for washing hands. Toilets should be located in rooms separated from industrial premises. Toilet doors should not lead directly to production areas.
2. When planning, placing and determining the dimensions of industrial premises, the following conditions must be met:
1) ensuring the optimal sequence of technological processes, excluding counter or cross flows of raw materials and prepared feed and feed additives;
2) ensuring protection against penetration of animals, including rodents and insects;
3) ensuring the conditions for storage of finished feed and feed additives, raw materials and food additives established by the manufacturer;
4) ensuring the possibility of sanitation, disinfection, disinfestation and deratization of industrial premises;
5) exclusion of areas from which it is impossible to remove sources of contamination of feed and feed additives.
3. It is not allowed to store any substances and materials that are not used in the production of feed and feed additives, including detergents and disinfectants, in production premises.
4. Sewage equipment in production areas must be designed and constructed in such a way as to eliminate the risk of contamination of feed and feed additives.

Article 13. Requirements for personnel involved in the production of feed and feed additives
1. Personnel involved in the production of feed and feed additives must:
1) know and comply with the requirements that ensure the safety of the production of feed and feed additives;
2) undergo preliminary (when applying for a job) and periodic medical examinations;
3) observe personal hygiene, wear clean special work clothes and shoes.
2. Personnel involved in the production of feed and feed additives are prohibited from bringing into the production premises items that are not used in the performance of production duties and can become sources of contamination of feed and feed additives, any small, piercing and cutting objects, smoke and eat food in industrial premises.
3. Patients or persons who are carriers of pathogens of infectious diseases that can be transmitted through feed and feed additives are not allowed to the production process of feed and feed additives. Persons who have been in contact with patients or carriers of pathogens of such diseases are allowed to work after a medical examination.

Article 14. Requirements for production control
1. For the purpose of compliance of feed and feed additives with the requirements of this Federal Law, the manufacturer of feed and feed additives must develop a production control program for compliance with the requirements of this Federal Law and organize the specified control.
2. The production control program for compliance with the requirements of this Federal Law must contain:
1) a list of controlled parameters of technological processes related to compliance with the requirements for feed and feed additives established by this Federal Law;
2) data on production control measures and their frequency;
3) a list of controlled parameters for the safety of raw materials and food additives, packaging materials, finished products.
3. The program of production control over compliance with the requirements of this Federal Law is approved by the head of the organization producing feed and feed additives, or authorized in in due course face.

Article 15. General requirements for feed and feed additives during their circulation
1. Feed and feed additives must be stored, transported and sold under the conditions established by the manufacturer and ensuring the preservation of their safety and declared properties throughout the entire shelf life.
2. If it is necessary to comply with special rules for the safe use of feed and feed additives, their storage, transportation, the manufacturer is obliged to indicate these rules in the accompanying documentation for feed and feed additives, on the label, marking or otherwise.
3. It is allowed to store, transport and sell packaged feed and feed additives together with food and non-food products, subject to the principles of commodity neighborhood (on separate parts of shelves, racks).
Article 16. Requirements for the process of storage of feed or feed additives
1. Storage conditions and shelf life of feed and feed additives are set by the manufacturer.

Article 17. Requirements for the process of selling feed or feed additives

1. Feed and feed additives that:
1) do not meet the safety requirements established by this Federal Law and other technical regulations;
2) have obvious pronounced signs of damage (sharp, unpleasant putrid smell, change in consistency, color, the presence of deep or significant mold damage, etc., if these are not an inherent property of this category of feed and feed additives);
3) whose expiration dates have expired or for which expiration dates have not been established;
4) do not have a marking containing the information provided for by this Federal Law, or for which such information is not available.

Article 18. Requirements for the packaging of feed and feed additives
1. Feed and feed additives must be packaged in ways that ensure their safety and safety during handling, subject to the storage conditions established by the manufacturer.
2. The packaging material must not bad influence on the safety of feed and feed additives.

Article 19. Requirements for the disposal of feed and feed additives
1. A person who disposes of feed and feed additives by order of the state control (supervision) body shall select the methods and conditions for their disposal in agreement with the state control (supervision) body.
2. Utilization of feed and feed additives is carried out in the following ways:
1) by processing them. The resulting products must comply with the requirements of the relevant technical regulations;
2) by destruction in compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection.
3. Feed and feed additives to be disposed of must be stored separately from feed and feed additives permitted for sale, in conditions that exclude the possibility of access to such feed and feed additives for animals.
4. A person disposing of feed and feed additives is obliged to submit to the state control (supervision) body that issued the order on the disposal of feed and feed additives a document confirming the fact of their disposal.


Article 20. Rules and forms for assessing compliance with the requirements of this Federal Law
1. Assessment of the conformity of feed and feed additives with the requirements of this Federal Law is carried out in the form of mandatory confirmation of compliance and in the form of state control (supervision).
2. Assessment of the conformity of the processes of production, storage, transportation, sale and disposal of feed and feed additives with the requirements of this Federal Law is carried out in the form of state control (supervision).

Article 21
1. Feed and feed additives put into circulation on the territory of the Russian Federation are subject to mandatory confirmation of compliance with the requirements of this Federal Law prior to their release into circulation in the following forms:
1) mandatory certification:
2) adoption of a declaration on the compliance of feed and feed additives with the requirements of this Federal Law.
2. The form of confirmation of conformity is chosen by the applicant.
3. The applicant is obliged to ensure the compliance of feed and feed additives with the requirements of this Federal Law.
4. The Declaration of Conformity and the Certificate of Conformity have equal legal force, regardless of the schemes for mandatory confirmation of conformity, and are valid throughout the Russian Federation.
5. Feed and feed additives, the compliance of which with the requirements of this Federal Law has been confirmed in the manner prescribed by the Federal Law "On Technical Regulation" and this Federal Law, shall be marked with a market circulation mark. The image of the sign of circulation on the market is established by the Government of the Russian Federation. This mark is not a special protected mark and is applied for informational purposes.
6. Marking with the mark of circulation on the market is carried out by the applicant independently in any way convenient for him.

Article 22. Confirmation of the conformity of feed and feed additives in the form of mandatory certification
1. Mandatory certification of feed and feed additives is carried out by a certification body whose scope of accreditation covers feed and feed additives, on the basis of an agreement between the applicant and the certification body according to the schemes established by this Federal Law, and is confirmed by a certificate of conformity issued to the applicant by the certification body .
2. To confirm the compliance of feed and feed additives with the requirements of this Federal Law, the following mandatory certification schemes are established:
1) 6s? certification of a batch of feed and feed additives based on positive results studies (tests) of a sample of samples of feed and feed additives from a batch obtained with the participation of an accredited testing laboratory (center). This mandatory certification scheme is applied in the case of a one-time import into the territory of the Russian Federation of a batch of feed and feed additives or its manufacture in the territory of the Russian Federation.
In the case of a single import of feed and feed additives into the territory of the Russian Federation, a consignment is understood as the amount of feed or feed additive of the same name, drawn up in one set of shipping documents.
In the case of production of feed and feed additives on the territory of the Russian Federation, a batch means a quantity of feed or feed additive of the same name, homogeneous in terms of its quality indicators, manufactured within the same date;
2) 3c certification of mass-produced feed and feed additives based on positive test results of type samples obtained with the participation of an accredited testing laboratory (center), with subsequent inspection control by the certification body for certified feed and feed additives through periodic testing of feed samples and feed additives;
3) 4c certification of feed and feed additives produced in series, based on the positive results of testing of type samples obtained with the participation of an accredited testing laboratory (center), and analysis of the state of production of feed and feed additives with subsequent inspection control by the certification body for certified feed and feed additives and, if necessary, the state of their production;
4) 5c certification of mass-produced feed and feed additives based on positive test results of type samples obtained with the participation of an accredited testing laboratory (center) and certification of the applicant's quality management system with subsequent inspection control by the certification body for certified feed and feed additives and a quality management system certification body for the applicant's certified quality management system.
3. When choosing any scheme for mandatory certification of feed and feed additives, the applicant forms a set of documents, which must contain:
1) copies of the applicant's statutory documents, certificate of state registration of the applicant, certificate of registration with the tax authority, statistics codes;
2) the act of sampling feed and feed additives;
3) copies of the contract and the list of feed and feed additives for the supply (in case of import of feed and feed additives) when using schemes 6c and 3c;
4) a regulatory or technical document in accordance with which feed and feed additives are manufactured and can be identified (for Russian manufacturers) or an international standard or description of feed and feed additives indicating the name, manufacturer, appearance, composition, nutrient content, storage conditions, expiration dates (for foreign manufacturers);
5) marking sample;
6) shipping documents (invoice, bill of lading or international waybill, certificate of origin of goods, veterinary accompanying documents) when using scheme 6c;
7) documents confirming the manufacturer's right to produce feed and feed additives issued by state authorities veterinary supervision, when using schemes 6s, 4s and 5s;
8) a document confirming the right of the manufacturer to the facility where the production of feed and feed additives is carried out, when using scheme 5c;
9) a certificate of conformity of the manufacturer's quality management system or another document on an accredited quality system when using the 5c scheme.
In the absence of the specified certificate or other document on the accredited quality system, the applicant submits an application for certification of the quality system to the accredited body for certification of quality management systems. The quality management system certification body certifies the manufacturer's quality system and, if the results are positive, issues a quality system certificate to him.
4. When choosing any mandatory certification scheme, the applicant shall submit an application for certification of feed and feed additives and at the same time submit the set of documents prescribed by part 3 of this article to an accredited certification body.
5. The certification body considers the set of documents and the application submitted by the applicant and makes a decision regarding the application. In case of a positive decision regarding the application, the certification body selects standard samples of feed and feed additives produced in series, or a selection of samples of these products from a batch of these products, carries out their identification, determines a research (testing) program and sends standard samples or a selection of samples of these products to research (testing) to an accredited testing laboratory (center).
6. An accredited testing laboratory (center) conducts studies (tests) of standard samples of feed and feed additives or a selection of samples of these products and draws up a protocol for their studies (tests) and measurements.
7. The protocol of studies (tests) and measurements of typical samples of feed and feed additives or a sample of samples of these products, along with their characteristics, must contain a description of these products directly or with an indication of the standards of organizations or an international standard or a description (if any), in accordance with by which these products are produced, as well as a conclusion on the conformity of standard samples or a sample of samples of these products with the requirements of the specified documentation and the requirements of this Federal Law. The specified protocol of studies (tests) and measurements must be provided to the applicant.
8. Mandatory certification of feed and feed additives according to scheme 6c includes the following operations:
1) the applicant's appeal to the certification body in order to conclude an agreement on certification;
2) adoption by the certification body of a decision to conclude an agreement in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
3) conclusion of an agreement with the applicant for mandatory certification;
4) testing a batch of feed and feed additives in an accredited testing laboratory (center);
5) analysis of test results and issuance or refusal to issue a certificate of conformity to the applicant;
6) labeling of feed and feed additives with the mark of circulation on the market.
9. The submitted documentation must contain identifying features of the batch and its constituent units of products.
10. When certifying feed and feed additives using Scheme 6c, the certification body, based on the positive results of the analysis of the set of submitted documents, the identification of feed and feed additives to be certified, the positive results of studies (tests) of a sample of these products from a batch of these products, conducted in an accredited test laboratory (center), issues a certificate of conformity to the applicant. The certificate of conformity for a batch of feed and feed additives is issued for the shelf life of these products.
The certificate of conformity must contain information on the quantity and date of manufacture of the batch of products covered by the certificate of conformity.
11. Mandatory certification of feed and feed additives under the 3c scheme includes the following operations:

5) analysis of test results and issuance or refusal to issue a certificate of conformity to the applicant;

7) inspection control over certified products.
12. When certifying feed and feed additives using scheme 3c, the certification body, based on the positive results of the analysis of the set of submitted documents, the identification of feed and feed additives to be certified, and the positive results of studies (tests) of type samples of these products, conducted in an accredited testing laboratory (center) , issues a certificate of conformity to the applicant for a period of one year and applies to feed and feed additives produced during the period of validity of the certificate of conformity until the expiration date of the product.
The certificate of conformity must contain an indication of serial production.
13. The certification body conducts inspection control over the certified products during the entire validity period of the certificate of conformity by testing product samples at intervals established in the contract between the applicant and the certification body. Sampling for testing is carried out by the certification body from the applicant.
14. Mandatory certification of feed and feed additives under the 4c ​​scheme includes the following operations:
1) the applicant's appeal to the certification body in order to conclude an agreement on certification;
2) adoption by the certification body of a decision to conclude an agreement in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
3) conclusion of an agreement with the applicant for mandatory certification;
4) testing of a type sample by an accredited testing laboratory (center);
5) carrying out by the certification body of the analysis of the state of production;
6) generalization of test results and analysis of the state of production and issuance of a certificate of conformity to the applicant;
7) labeling products with a mark of circulation on the market;
8) inspection control over certified products.
15. When certifying feed and feed additives using scheme 4c, the product certification body analyzes the state of production of these products in order to verify the conditions necessary for their production and sale in accordance with the established requirements, and based on the positive results of the analysis of the set of submitted documents, identification certified feeds and feed additives, positive results of studies (tests) of type samples of these products conducted in an accredited testing laboratory (center), and positive results of the analysis of the state of their production, issues the applicant with a certificate of conformity for a period of three years.
The certificate of conformity contains an indication of serial production.
16. Analysis of the state of production is carried out by the certification body of the applicant. The results of the analysis are documented in an act.
17. The certification body conducts inspection control over the certified products during the entire validity period of the certificate of conformity by testing product samples and analyzing the state of production at intervals established in the contract between the applicant and the certification body. Sampling for testing is carried out by the certification body from the applicant.
18. Mandatory certification of feed and feed additives under the 5c scheme includes the following operations:
1) the applicant's appeal to the certification body in order to conclude an agreement on certification;
2) adoption by the certification body of a decision to conclude an agreement in the manner prescribed by law;
3) conclusion of an agreement with the applicant for mandatory certification;
4) testing of a type sample by an accredited testing laboratory (center);
5) analysis of the results of testing samples and making a decision to issue or refuse to issue a certificate of conformity;
6) labeling products with a mark of circulation on the market;
7) inspection control over certified products and quality system.
19. When certifying feed and feed additives using Scheme 5c, the product certification body, based on the positive results of the analysis of the set of submitted documents, the identification of certified feed and feed additives, the positive results of studies (tests) of type samples of these products, conducted in an accredited testing laboratory (center ), and in the presence of a quality system certificate issues a certificate of conformity to the applicant. The certificate of conformity is issued for a period of five years.
20. The certification body conducts inspection control over certified products during the first year of the validity of the certificate of conformity through periodic studies (tests) of typical product samples and periodic monitoring of the quality system. Sampling for testing is carried out by the certification body from the applicant.
21. The applicant, on the basis of the received certificate of conformity, marks the products with the mark of circulation on the market.
22. Based on the results of its control over certified feeds and feed additives, the certification body shall take one of the following decisions regarding such products:
1) confirm the validity of the certificate of conformity;
2) suspend the certificate of conformity;
3) terminate the certificate of conformity.
23. The body for certification of quality management systems, which carried out the certification of the quality management system of the applicant, exercises control over the certified quality management system of the applicant.
24. The applicant during the production of feed and feed additives informs the certification body about the changes made to the products. The certification body reviews these changes and decides whether the validity of the issued certificate of conformity will be maintained. He informs the manufacturer of his decision.

Article 23
1. Mandatory confirmation of the compliance of feed and feed additives with the requirements of this Federal Law is carried out in the form of a declaration of conformity if the applicant has an accredited quality system.
2. When declaring the compliance of feed and feed additives with the requirements of this Federal Law, the applicant may be a legal entity registered in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on its territory or individual as individual entrepreneur, either being a manufacturer or seller, or performing the functions of a foreign manufacturer on the basis of an agreement with him in terms of ensuring the compliance of the supplied feed and feed additives with the requirements of this Federal Law and in terms of responsibility for the non-compliance of the supplied feed and feed additives with the requirements of this Federal Law (the person performing the functions foreign manufacturer).
3. Declaration of conformity is carried out by the applicant accepting a declaration of compliance of feed and feed additives with the requirements of this Federal Law on the basis of his own evidence and / or evidence obtained with the participation of a third party (an accredited testing laboratory), according to the schemes established in this Federal Law.
4. To confirm the compliance of feed and feed additives with the requirements of this Federal Law, the following conformity declaration schemes are established:
1) declaration of conformity of feed and feed additives based on own evidence;
2) declaration of conformity of feed and feed additives on the basis of positive results of studies (tests) of typical samples of feed and feed additives obtained with the participation of a third party.
5. Acceptance of a declaration of conformity based on own evidence includes the following operations performed by the applicant:
1) formation of a set of technical documentation;
2) acceptance of a declaration of conformity;
3) labeling products with a sign of circulation on the market.
6. The generated set of technical documentation should allow for the assessment of product compliance with the requirements of this Federal Law. The documentation must, to the extent necessary for such an assessment, reflect the technical conditions, the method of production and the principle of operation of the product, and also contain evidence of the product's compliance with this Federal Law.
7. When declaring conformity on the basis of their own evidence, the applicant independently generates evidentiary materials in order to confirm the compliance of products with this Federal Law. The approximate composition of a set of technical documentation includes:
1) a general description of the product and the principle of operation;
results of own tests (can be obtained in any testing laboratory (center);
2) certificates or other documents of an accredited quality system;
3) a certificate of production or an act of attestation verification;
4) veterinary documents (registration certificate);
5) other documents at the choice of the applicant, which served as the basis for declaring the conformity of the declared feed and feed additives with the requirements of this Federal Law.
8. Declaration of conformity is issued for a period of five years.
9. Acceptance of a declaration of conformity with type testing includes the following operations performed by the applicant:
1) testing of a type sample by an accredited testing laboratory;
2) acceptance by the applicant of a declaration of conformity;
3) labeling products with a sign of circulation on the market.
10. The test report of a type sample, in addition to product characteristics, must contain a description of the type (kind) of products directly or in the form of a reference to technical specifications or another similar document, and also contain a conclusion on the conformity of the sample with the technical documentation on which it is made.
11. Declaration of conformity is issued for a period of five years.
12. Applicant makes every effort necessary measures so that the production process ensures that the manufactured products comply with the technical documentation and the requirements of this Federal Law.
13. The applicant accepts the declaration of conformity, registers it in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
14. The applicant marks the products for which the declaration of conformity has been accepted with the sign of market circulation.

Article 24
1. Confirmation of feed compliance with the requirements of this Federal Law is carried out in the form of a declaration of conformity using any of the schemes provided for by this Federal Law, or in the form of mandatory certification using any of the schemes provided for by this Federal Law.
2. Confirmation of compliance of feed additives with the requirements of this Federal Law is carried out in the form of a declaration of conformity using Scheme 1 or in the form of mandatory certification using any of the schemes provided for by this Federal Law.

Article 25
1. State control (supervision) over compliance with the requirements of this Federal Law in relation to feed and feed additives shall be carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation at the stage of production and circulation of feed and feed additives.
2. State control (supervision) at the stage of production of feed and feed additives shall be carried out by the Federal executive body exercising the functions of control and supervision in the field of veterinary medicine, and its territorial bodies for compliance with the requirements of Article 7 of this Federal Law.
3. State control (supervision) at the stage of circulation of feed and feed additives over compliance with the requirements established by Articles 7, 12, 22 of this Federal Law, is carried out by the Federal executive body exercising the functions of control and supervision in the field of veterinary medicine, and its territorial bodies.
4. State control (supervision) at the stage of circulation of feed and feed additives over compliance with the requirements established by Articles 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21 of this Federal Law is carried out by the Federal Executive functions of control and supervision in the field of consumer protection and human well-being and its territorial bodies.

Article 26. The procedure for conducting state control (supervision)
1. State control (supervision) is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on veterinary medicine, on the protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.
2. By decision of the body carrying out the control (supervision) measure, the tested feed and feed additives may be sent for instrumental control to a testing laboratory (center) duly accredited.
3. Instrumental control of feed and feed additives is carried out in cases where their properties are questionable in the presence of signs specified in Part 1 of Article 9 of this Federal Law or cannot be detected on the spot. Feed and feed additives with obvious signs of spoilage are recognized as not meeting the mandatory requirements and may not be sent for instrumental control, while an act is drawn up with justification of the reasons for the identified discrepancy.
4. If the subject of control does not agree with such a decision of the body carrying out control (supervision) measures, feed and feed additives are subject to instrumental control.
5. When conducting instrumental control at the request of the body carrying out control (supervision) measures, an accredited testing laboratory (center) checks the compliance of feed and feed additives with mandatory requirements.
6. Prior to testing, samples of feed and feed additives must be stored in accordance with the requirements of the storage conditions established by the manufacturer of these feeds and feed additives. Testing of samples of feed and feed additives must be started within 7 working days from the date of sampling, but not late suitability established by the manufacturer of these feeds and feed additives.
7. Registration of the results of a laboratory test should be carried out in the form of a protocol consisting of three parts: descriptive, effective and final.
8. In the descriptive part, the name of the received sample and the time of its receipt by the accredited testing laboratory, the number and date of the protocol for taking the received sample, the amount of the sample, the type of packaging, the manufacturer and its location, the date of manufacture of feed and feed additives, the expiration date, batch number ( in the presence of).
9. In the result part, the data of organoleptic, physicochemical and bacteriological tests are given. The test results in the protocol are signed by the responsible persons who performed this test.
10. In the final part, an assessment is made of the properties of the test sample and its compliance with the mandatory requirements for feed and feed additives. The laboratory test protocol is signed by the head of the laboratory.

Article 27. Making decisions based on the results of control and supervision measures
1. If the feed and feed additives comply with the mandatory requirements, the state control (supervision) body draws up an act based on the results of control and supervision measures and sends a copy to the subject of the audit.
2. In case of non-compliance of feed and feed additives with mandatory requirements, the state control (supervision) body draws up an act based on the results of control and supervision measures and sends a copy of the act, a copy of the product sample testing protocols to the subject of verification, and also issues an order to eliminate the identified violations and initiates a case about administrative offense in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
3. The subject of the audit is obliged to notify the state control (supervision) body of its actions taken in connection with this instruction within 10 working days from the date of receipt of this instruction. During this time, the subject of verification is obliged to comply with the order.
4. In case of disagreement of the audit subject, in respect of which the control and supervision measure was carried out, with the test results of an accredited testing laboratory, as a result of which violations of mandatory requirements were revealed, the audit subject has the right to require research / testing of a control sample for compliance with the indicators disputed by the subject verification, mandatory requirements, in another accredited testing laboratory as agreed by the applicant and the state control (supervision) body. The subject of verification the applicant who requested the re-testing, notifies, within the time period established in part 3 of this article, the territorial body of state control (supervision) at the location of the independent testing laboratory of the time and place of the research/testing. In this case, all costs associated with the transportation of the control sample and the necessary examinations/tests shall be borne by the applicant.
5. The conclusion of an accredited testing laboratory based on the results of testing a control sample is provided in two copies: one? body of state control (supervision) that carried out the measure of control and supervision, another? the subject of the audit in respect of which this event was carried out (the applicant).
6. The subject of the audit has the right to appeal against the decision of officials of state control (supervision) bodies. Further protection of the rights of the subject of verification is carried out in an administrative and (or) judicial manner in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
7. If, as a result of research/testing of the control sample, the initial results of the control (supervision) measure are not confirmed, the state control (supervision) body that carried out the control (supervision) measure, within three days after receiving the results of the research/testing of the control sample, draws up a new act according to the results of the control (supervision) measure, taking into account the results obtained.
8. In case of non-compliance of the products being checked with the mandatory requirements, the subject of the verification shall, in accordance with the established procedure, reimburse in full the costs of conducting research / testing, only as a result of which the facts of non-compliance were established.
9. Suspension of the sale of tested feed and feed additives is permissible only by order of the state control (supervision) body, if it is established that they can harm the life and health of animals, the environment.


Article 28. Labeling requirements for feed and feed additives
1. In order to prevent actions that mislead purchasers, feed and feed additives must be accompanied by information for purchasers that meets the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of consumer protection and the requirements of this Federal Law.
2. Additional requirements for feed and feed additives obtained from genetically modified organisms, as well as feed additives containing hormones, growth stimulants and antibiotics, are established by technical regulations in the field of their production and circulation.
3. Feed labeling must contain the following information:
1) name of the feed;
2) the composition of the feed (in order of decreasing mass fraction of ingredients at the time of manufacture of the feed);
3) nutritional value of the feed;
4) address (location), trade name (name) of the manufacturer; an authorized organization on the territory of the Russian Federation or an authorized individual entrepreneur authorized by the manufacturer to accept and satisfy the requirements of purchasers in relation to feed of inadequate quality; importer;
5) net weight;
6) date of manufacture of the feed;
7) expiration date;
8) storage conditions;
9) the purpose of the feed and recommendations for its use;
10) information on conformity assessment;
11) the name of the technical regulation or another designation established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation and indicating mandatory confirmation of the conformity of the feed;
12) mark of circulation on the market;
13) information on the presence of genetically modified products in the feed, if the content of these organisms in the feed is more than nine tenths of a percent.
4. Labeling of feed additives must contain the following information:
1) name of the feed additive;
2) information about the main consumer properties of the feed additive;
3) the composition of the feed additive (in order of decreasing mass fraction of ingredients at the time of manufacture of the feed additive);
4) nutritional value of the feed additive;
5) address (location), trade name (name) of the manufacturer; an authorized organization on the territory of the Russian Federation or an authorized individual entrepreneur authorized by the manufacturer to accept and satisfy the requirements of the purchasers in relation to feed additives of inadequate quality; importer;
6) net weight or volume;
7) date of manufacture of the feed additive;
8) expiration date;
9) storage conditions;
10) purpose of the feed additive and recommendations for its use;
11) information on conformity assessment;
12) the name of the technical regulation or another designation established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation and indicating the mandatory confirmation of the conformity of the feed additive;
13) mark of circulation on the market;
14) information on the presence of genetically modified products in the feed additive, if the content of these organisms in the feed additive is more than nine tenths of a percent;
15) contraindications when using a feed additive (if any);
16) handling precautions (if any).
5. The information specified in paragraphs 3 and 4 of this article must be provided by applying to the packaging, labels, labels, or leaflets, or by indicating in the instructions for use.
6. The content in feed and feed additives of nine tenths of a percent or less of the components obtained with the use of genetically modified organisms is an accidental or technically irremovable impurity, and feed and feed additives containing the specified amount of components of genetically modified organisms are not belong to the category of feed and feed additives containing components obtained using genetically modified organisms.
7. For bulk feeds and feed additives, information must be contained in the instructions for use or package inserts.
8. All information for purchasers must be presented in Russian. The text of the information may be duplicated in other languages. For manufacturers of feed and feed additives located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, the location of the manufacturer may be indicated with Latin letters and Arabic numerals, or in the language of the country of the manufacturer, provided that the name of the country is repeated in Russian.
9. The name of the feed and feed additive must be formed in accordance with the definitions established in Article 3 of this Federal Law, and in accordance with the identification features given in Article 6 of this Federal Law. If the feed and feed additives meet several of the characteristics described in Article 6, all of them must be reflected in the name.
10. When indicated nutritional value feed and feed additives, indicators of the content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, energy value, added macro and microelements and vitamins. The nutritional values ​​given on the label should reflect their content in the final product.
11. Information on the content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and energy value should be given per 100 grams or 100 milliliters or per serving of feed or feed additive, with the mandatory indication of the size of the portion.
12. Information about the amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates must be expressed in grams or percentages. Information on the amount of vitamins and macro and microelements must be expressed in SI units or international units. Information about the energy value (calorie content) should be expressed in kilocalories.
13. The values ​​given when labeling the energy value are determined by the manufacturer analytically or by calculation.

Article 29. Withdrawal of feed and feed additives
1. Feed and feed additives that do not comply with the requirements of this Federal Law shall be subject to withdrawal from circulation by a participant in economic activity on his own decision or by order of the Federal executive body exercising the functions of control and supervision in the field of veterinary medicine, or its territorial bodies, issued based on the results measures for state control (supervision).
2. The manufacturer (seller, person performing the functions of a foreign manufacturer), who has become aware of the non-compliance of feed and feed additives with the requirements of this Federal Law, is obliged to verify the accuracy of the information received within ten days from the date of receipt of the information, if the need to establish a longer period does not follows from the essence of the measures taken, as well as to take the necessary measures so that, before the completion of the specified check, possible harm associated with the circulation of feed and feed additives has not increased.
3. The manufacturer (seller, person performing the functions of a foreign manufacturer), when confirming the accuracy of information about the non-compliance of feed and feed additives with the requirements of this Federal Law, within ten days from the date of confirmation of the accuracy of such information, is obliged to develop a program of measures to prevent harm and coordinate it with the authority state control (supervision) in accordance with its competence.
4. The program must include in without fail measures to notify purchasers of the presence of a threat of harm and ways to prevent it, as well as the timing of the implementation of such measures. If it is necessary to incur additional expenses to prevent harm, the manufacturer (seller, person performing the functions of a foreign manufacturer) is obliged to take all measures to prevent harm on its own.
5. The manufacturer (seller, person performing the functions of a foreign manufacturer) immediately suspends the production and sale of feed and feed additives, withdraws them from circulation, if the threat of harm due to non-compliance of such feed and feed additives with the safety requirements established by this Federal Law cannot be eliminated through the implementation of the activities specified in the program.
6. The purchaser of feed and feed additives that pose a potential hazard to non-productive animals or the environment is obliged to follow the instructions of the manufacturer (seller, person acting as a foreign manufacturer) and the instructions and decisions of the federal body exercising control (supervision) over compliance with the requirements of this Federal Law .
7. In the event of a recall of feed and feed additives by order of the Federal Executive Authority in charge of control and supervision in the field of veterinary medicine, or its territorial bodies, issued as a result of state control (supervision) measures, the decision to recall feed and feed additives, as well as the procedure for carrying out recall measures is adopted by the manufacturer (seller, person performing the functions of a foreign manufacturer) in agreement with the Federal executive body exercising the functions of control and supervision in the field of veterinary medicine, or its territorial bodies.
8. Forced withdrawal of feed and feed additives is allowed only by a court decision.

Article 30
This Federal Law shall enter into force twelve months after the date of its official publication.

Article 31. Transitional provisions
For feed and feed additives produced prior to the entry into force of this Federal Law, certificates of conformity or declarations of conformity confirming their compliance shall remain valid for the period of validity specified therein.

Article 32
1. In order to ensure compliance with the requirements of this Federal Law, the Government of the Russian Federation shall adopt the Rules and Methods for Research (Testing) and Measurements, Sampling within 6 months from the date of the official publication of this Federal Law [ADJUST DEVELOPMENTS ON SAMPLING RULES].
2. From the date of entry into force of this Federal Law, the provisions of the Rules for the certification of feed and feed additives for compliance with established requirements, approved by the State Standard of the Russian Federation on August 23, 1994, the provisions of the Law of the Russian Federation of May 14, 1993? 4979-1 "On Veterinary Medicine", provisions of the Veterinary and Sanitary Norms and Requirements for the Quality of Feed for Non-Productive Animals, approved by the Department of Veterinary Medicine of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Russian Federation of July 15, 1997? 13-7-2/1010 are applied to the extent that they do not contradict this Federal Law.


Last revised March 2013


(TR 201_/00_/TS)


Article 1

Application area

Article 2

Rules for the identification of feed and feed additives

Article 3


Article 4

Market Rules

Article 5

Requirements for feed and feed additives

Article 6

Requirements for the processes of production, storage, transportation, sale and disposal of feed and feed additives

Article 7

Labeling requirements for feed and feed additives

Article 8

Ensuring Security Compliance

Article 9

Conformity assessment

Article 10

Declaration of Conformity

Article 11

State registration of feed additives

Article 12

Veterinary and sanitary examination

Article 13

Marking single sign circulation of products on the market of the member states of the Customs Union

Article 14

State control (supervision) over compliance with the requirements of this technical regulation

Article 15

Protective clause

Attachment 1.

Feed and feed additive safety indicators

Appendix 2

Maximum allowable residues of pesticides in feed and feed additives

Appendix 3

Norms of permissible deviations from the declared values ​​of indicators of feed for unproductive animals

Appendix 4

The procedure for state registration of feed additives

Appendix 5

The most common poisonous and harmful plants found in succulent feed

Appendix 6

The most common poisonous and harmful plants found in roughage

Technical regulation
"On the safety of feed and feed additives"

1. This technical regulation was developed in accordance with the Agreement on uniform principles and rules of technical regulation in the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation dated November 18, 2010.

2. This technical regulation was developed in order to establish in the single customs territory of the Customs Union uniform mandatory requirements for application and implementation of feed and feed additives, to ensure the free movement of feed and feed additives put into circulation in the single customs territory of the Customs Union.

3. If, in relation to feed and feed additives, other technical regulations of the Customs Union have been adopted that establish requirements for feed and feed additives, then feed and feed additives must comply with the requirements of these technical regulations of the Customs Union, which apply to them.
Article 1 Scope
1. This technical regulation applies to feed and feed additives put into circulation in the common customs territory of the Customs Union, regardless of the country of origin.

This technical regulation establishes the requirements for feed and feed additives, which are mandatory for application and execution in the common customs territory of the Customs Union, as well as related requirements for the processes of their production (with the exception of the processes of growing and harvesting), storage, transportation, sale and disposal, as well as packaging and labeling, in order to protect the life and health of animals, humans, the environment, as well as to prevent actions that mislead purchasers of feed and feed additives regarding their purpose and safety.

2. The objects of technical regulation of this technical regulation are:

2.1 feed;

2.2 feed additives.

2.3 production, storage, transport, marketing and disposal processes related to the requirements for feed and feed additives.

3. This Technical Regulation does not apply to:

feed and feed additives produced by individuals and legal entities for personal use and not intended for release into circulation in the common customs territory of the Customs Union;

grain supplied for fodder purposes;

growing and forage harvesting processes.
Article 2 Rules andidentificationfeed and feed additives
1. For the purposes of classifying feed and feed additives as objects of technical regulation to which this technical regulation applies, interested parties shall identify feed and feed additives.

2. Identification of feeds and feed additives is carried out by their name and (or) their characteristics, set out in the definitions in this technical regulation, and (or) visual and (or) organoleptic and (or) analytical method.

3. Identification of feed and feed additives is carried out:

3.1 by name - by comparing the name and purpose of feed and feed additives indicated in the labeling on consumer packaging and (or) in shipping documentation with the name indicated in the definition of the type of feed and feed additives in this technical regulation;

3.2 by visual method - by comparing the appearance of feed and feed additives with the features set out in the definition of such feed and feed additives in this technical regulation;

3.3 by organoleptic method - by comparing the organoleptic characteristics of feed and feed additives with the features set out in the definitions of such feed and feed additives in this technical regulation. The organoleptic method is used if the feed and feed additives cannot be identified by the method by name and visual method;

3.4 by analytical method - by checking the compliance of the physicochemical and (or) microbiological indicators of feed and feed additives with the features set out in the definition of such feed and feed additives in this technical regulation. The analytical method is used if feed and feed additives cannot be identified by name, visual or organoleptic method, etc.
Article 3. Definitions
The following terms and their definitions are used in this Technical Regulation:

1. amido-vitamin-mineral concentrate (AVMK) - a protein-vitamin-mineral concentrate, in which part of the protein is replaced by non-protein nitrogenous substances, intended for feeding to ruminants;

2. protein-vitamin-mineral concentrate (protein-vitamin-mineraladditive)- a homogeneous mixture of high-protein, mineral feed materials and feed additives, intended for subsequent mixing with feed materials in order to obtain a nutritionally balanced feed;

3. bentonite (diatomite, kieselguhr, perlite) fodder feed material, which is a mixture of natural aluminosilicate minerals, and (or) aluminum oxide (alumina);

4. tree green vitamin flour- feed material obtained from artificially dried woody greens of coniferous and deciduous species with a high content of vitamins;

5. flavoring additives (dyes, flavorings)- feed additives, consisting of a substance of natural or artificial origin, added to the feed to improve or change its organoleptic properties, as well as external and flavor characteristics food products of animal origin and affecting the color of ornamental birds and fish;

6. pomace fruit, berry and vegetablefeed material consisting of by-products of the canning and vegetable-drying industry;

7 . release of feedand feed additives– purchase and sale and other ways of transferring feed and feed additives in the single customs territory of the Customs Union, starting with the manufacturer or importer;

The working group, which included representatives of the departments of veterinary medicine and regulation of the agro-food market, food and processing industry of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rosselkhoznadzor and industry unions and associations, discussed the draft regulation, presented back in February by its developers - the Ministry of Agriculture of Kazakhstan. Dozens of meetings of the working group, a meeting with the First Deputy Minister Agriculture Russia Dzhambulata Khatuova.

First of all, it was necessary to clearly define objects of technical regulation of this regulation. Many called the editorial Russian side revolutionary. Now the objects are feed in the form of feed additives, feed materials, feed products (premixes, feed concentrates, mixed feed, feed mixtures), as well as production, storage, transportation, sale and disposal processes related to feed requirements. Such an interpretation, according to business, will make it possible to deregister many objects that today are unreasonably referred to as feed additives.

In order to separate the requirements for feed and feed additives for animals that are or are not used for human consumption, the concepts of productive and unproductive animals were adopted:

productive animals- animals that are fed by humans and that are purposefully used to obtain food products from them;

unproductive animals- animals that are fed by humans and that are not used purposefully to obtain food products from them.

Not only cats, dogs, decorative birds etc., but also those animals from which non-food products are obtained - fluff, fur, etc.

Thus, it became necessary to single out separate group those animals on which our industry works - the pet business. It was decided to introduce a new term into the regulation:

companion animals- non-productive animals that are fed, raised or kept by humans, but are not usually used for food consumption and production.

The rules also include the following terms:

companion animal food– pet food intended for companion animals;

wet food for companion animals– feed for companion animals with a moisture content of more than 14%;

frozen food for companion animals– wet pet food intended for storage at low temperatures, at which free moisture is in a frozen state;

canned food for companion animals
– wet food for companion animals that meets the requirements of industrial sterility

dry food for companion animals– feed for companion animals with a moisture content of not more than 14% inclusive;

complete feed for companion animals- feed that fully meets the physiological needs of the animal organism for nutrients and which can be the only source of nutrition;

functional (additional) feed for companion animals- feed mixtures intended for use as part of the feed rations of companion animals, reducing the risk of diseases associated with feeding, preserving and improving the physiological functions of the body.

Due to the fact that the regulation is mainly devoted to the criteria for the safety of feed and feed additives for productive animals, at the suggestion of the Union of Animal Business Enterprises (SPZ) and the Association of Pet Food Manufacturers (APC) new chapter "Requirements for feed for companion animals".

This section of the technical regulation applies to feed for companion animals, named in Article II of this technical regulation, put into circulation in the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union.

It establishes requirements for pet food that are mandatory for application and execution in the customs territory of the Eurasian Economic Union, as well as related requirements for the processes of their production (with the exception of the processes of growing and harvesting), storage, transportation, sale and disposal, as well as packaging and labeling, in order to protect the life and health of animals, humans, the environment, as well as to prevent actions that mislead purchasers of pet food regarding their purpose and safety.

SPZ and AIC proceeded from the requirements that are set out in the national standards developed by the Technical Committee 140 of Rosstandart "Products and services for non-productive animals":
GOST R 54954-2012 “Feed and feed additives for non-productive animals. Terms and Definitions";
GOST R 55453-2013 “Feed for unproductive animals. General technical conditions”;
GOST R 55984-2014 “Feed for unproductive animals. Marking";
GOST R 55985-2014 “Functional feed for non-productive animals. General technical conditions".

The same GOST R was included in the list of standards that are the evidence base of the regulation.

There are in the section on requirements for pet food, items that directly relate to representatives retail. It's about on the packaging of feed and their sale by weight:

It is not allowed to store unpackaged pet food with other products, except for those placed in closed containers.

When selling feed for companion animals in the presence of the consumer (by weight), specially marked equipment and trade inventory (scales, scoops, etc.) are used. Unpackaged pet food must not be weighed directly on the scale without packing materials or packaging.

When packaging pet food for pets, retail organizations provide the consumer with information in any way that allows a reasonable choice of this product (including by applying it to the consumer packaging and (or) label, and (or) to the leaflet placed in each packaging unit or attached to each packaging unit of the product). If the label is located inside the bag, it should not affect the quality of the feed.

When packaging feed for companion animals by retailers, the packaging organization is responsible for the compliance of microbiological safety indicators with the requirements of this section of the technical regulation.

The expiration date indicated on the labeling of packaged pet food must not exceed the expiration date specified by the manufacturer.

The agreed position of the Russian side has been submitted to the Eurasian Economic Commission, where the regulation is still to be discussed by all countries that are members of the Eurasian Economic Union.

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