Consultations of endocrinologists. Ask a question to an endocrinologist for free. Phone consultation online. Electronic record Where to get advice from an endocrinologist

All directions Venereologist Gastroenterologist Hepatologist Dermatovenereologist Dermatologist Infectionist Kinesiologist Chiropractor Neurologist Plastic surgeon Proctologist Psychologist Psychotherapist Reflexologist Sexologist Dentist Traumatologist Urologist Physiotherapist Surgeon Oral and maxillofacial surgeon Endocrinologist Endoscopist

Asked by: Maria Vasilievna 14.05.2019 Patient: woman Patient age: 63 years

I am 63 years old, my weight is 150 kg, my height is 170. I have been suffering from hypothyroidism for 10 years. The doctor prescribed me euthyrox 50 mg. Passed tests: T4 total 86.5, T4 free 15.10, TSH 3.14, AT-TPO 3.1. Decipher, please, the tests, maybe my dosage is wrong.

Asked by: Larisa Filatova 19.04.2019 Patient: woman Patient age: 65 years old

Hello! Received an ultrasound of the thyroid gland: the contours of the thyroid gland are clear uneven isthmus 4 mm, the dimensions of the right lobe 19*18*44 mm, the right lobe 25*21*40mm, total 19 cm3 / norm up to 18/, the echostructure is heterogeneous, in both lobes are sighted hypoechoic formations d7*7 mm, 6*4 mm, s17*13 mm, 6*8 mm, with peri- and intranodular blood flow. Conclusion echo signs of focal formations of the thyroid gland of a solid / tissue / character against the background of hyperplasia of the thyroid gland. Help decipher, the doctor is sick.

Asked by: Olga 05.04.2019 Patient: woman Patient age: 26 years old

With any incident, positive or negative, the pressure immediately rises. You can't be nervous at all. Pressure 140 over 100, shaking, fear, cold sweat and dizziness. Panic attacks in public places. Whether there can be it is connected with a thyroid gland?

Asked by: Irina Vladimirovna 24.03.2019 Patient: male Patient age: 72 years

Dad is in a state of inhibition - he sorts through things, digs, does not hold his hands, everything falls. At the same time, he has low pressure, but the presence of arrhythmia says that everything is fine. He has a group 2 heart disability, type 2 diabetes. What can cause it?

Asked by: Tatyana 11.03.2019 Patient: woman Patient age: 61 years

For a long time, my doctor cannot find long-acting insulin. Everything was fine on Lantus, then they transferred to Tujeo - the sugar began to rise (they tried different schemes), they transferred to Levemir - the story is the same. Sugar 10-14 units. Short Novorapid. Biochemistry is normal (high cholesterol). Weight is normal. I go in for sports, I have no bad habits. I am on a diet. Why high sugar?

Asked by: Viktor 08.03.2019 Patient: male Patient age: 25 years

Hello dear doctor! I am 25. Passed tests for hormones and received the following results: LH-1.33 mIU / ml - reduced (normal 1.7-8.6); FSH 0.53 mIU / ml - reduced (1.5-2.4); dihydrotestosterone 919.67 pg/ml (250.0-990.0); testosterone 11.53nmol/l (6.07-27.1); estradiol 25.7 Pg/ml (20-47): prolactin 150.74 mIU/ml (56.17-279.36); TSH-1.97 mIU/ml (0.3-4.0); T4 St. 11.29 pmol/l (7.86-14.41). What does it mean? An isolated deficit? How serious is the decline? MRI of the brain is normal.

Asked by: Gulya 07.03.2019 Patient: woman Patient age: 41 years

Hello, my name is Gulya, I am 41 years old. I'm worried about my thyroid. When swallowing, it hurts sometimes, and sometimes at rest too. I have depression, all the time sad, irritable, crying over every little thing, it becomes difficult to breathe. An ultrasound scan said many nodes up to 8 mm, with fuzzy and uneven edges, diffuse nodular changes. Hyperplasia. Has handed over analyses. Hormones: T3 free - 4.8 pmol / l; T4 -14.07 pmol/l; TSH - 0.947 mU / l. All hormones are normal, except for one AT-TPO 584.4 U/ml. Above the norm? I would like to know what this hormone means? And is it dangerous? And what to do?

Asked by: Victoria 24.02.2019 Patient: woman Patient age: 34 years

Good night! If the tests confirm hereditary hyperuricemia and the symptoms are all there. Joints and muscles especially hurt from the age of 19, what medicines can be used during breastfeeding and also for the future without it? Are peeling and small cracks associated with itching on the joints of the hands (on the fingers)?

Asked by: Elena 16.02.2019 Patient: male Patient age: 15 years

For 6 months after entering the lyceum of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, my son has temperature fluctuations from 36.7 to 39.0. At the same time, blood and urine tests were normal, ultrasound of the thyroid gland was done in the norm, the therapist does not find a visible reason. Taking anti-inflammatory drugs does not change anything. What could it be?

Asked by: Ekaterina 12.02.2019 Patient: woman Patient age: 35 years old

I have had a low T3 hormone for several years, with normal TSH and T4. The endocrinologist of the polyclinic says that this is the norm and no treatment is required. I had weight loss (BMI 14), weakness, arrhythmia. I would like to know your opinion, is it necessary to treat or not pay attention to the decrease in T3? Thanks

Asked by: Anonymous user 05.02.2019 Patient: woman Patient age: 20 years old

Hello! Please tell me, I'm 20 years old. I have had a goiter for 5 years already, I did an ultrasound of the thyroid gland in January, they said thyroid hyperplasia against the background of nodular degeneration. Ultrasound data: thyroid gland - 22.93 cm3, right lobe 23.5×21×57 mm V=13.59 cm3. left lobe 19×19×57 mm V=9.34 cm3. Isthmus 7.4 mm. Nodular formations in the right lobe are localized small hypoechoic nodes 3 mm, 4.5 mm TI-RADS category 3. In the left lobe, an isoechogenic formation of a vertical orientation of 9.5 × 8.5 mm is localized, under a hypoechoic rim, with increased vascularization along the contour. TI-RADS category 4a. Changes in the parenchyma of the thyroid gland, characteristic of thyroiditis. Vascularization in both lobes is enhanced. L / nodes are not enlarged, b / o. Conclusion: signs of severe hyperplasia of the thyroid gland against the background of nodular degeneration. Thyroiditis is not ruled out. TI-RADS category 4a. The ultrasound doctor said that she did not like this node, and said to take an analysis for hormones, I gave free T4 and TSH they are normal. T4 - 13.16, TSH - 0.947, I don’t understand what to think, I signed up for an endocrinologist, but the wait is very long. Please help me, is this dangerous? Decipher the ultrasound data, are the nodes large and how many of them?

Please ask your questions to the doctors. Our consultants will be happy to answer them. While waiting, please read the most popular questions asked by users of the service:

Question to the Endocrinologist
Please help me find the right solution! In a month I recovered by 13 kg, the endocrinologist directed me to hormones, passed, and the next day I found out that I was pregnant! The endocrinologist did not want to take responsibility and treat me! Weight continues to grow! Help what should I do? RESULTS OF THE ANALYSIS: aldosterone - 610 (norm 34-273!!! !!), DZA 131.1, prolactin 8.8, testosterone 0.6, TSH 2.4!
Answer of the Endocrinologist
Many factors can cause weight gain: dietary disorders, metabolic disorders, fluid retention, etc. According to the data you provided, an increase in aldosterone levels probably indicates a violation of the water-salt balance. To resolve the issue of the treatment of these disorders, a number of examinations should be carried out: a biochemical analysis of blood and urine with the obligatory determination of the content of potassium and sodium, a blood test for the determination of adrenal hormones (cortisol), a glucose tolerance test, etc. If your endocrinologist has not taken responsibility , then contact another endocrinologist on the recommendation of a gynecologist.

Question to the Endocrinologist
Mom was diagnosed with diabetes, she is 43 years old. Against this background, she developed a terrible furunculosis, and not in the most pleasant area, the groin. How to deal with it? The surgeon at the hospital just sent me to a dermatologist, but is this a skin disease, not an internal one? But the endocrinologist can not really advise anything, help me figure it out!
Answer of the Endocrinologist
In any department of purulent surgery, an endocrinologist consults, therefore, all the same, the problem will be solved in 2 ways - normalization of carbohydrate metabolism and treatment of purulent complications. I do not recommend following the lead of "healers" who promise to cure all diseases with the help of non-traditional methods. Trust only doctors who have many years of experience in treating these diseases.

Question to the Endocrinologist
Mom is constantly short of breath. She went to the endocrinologist, she was told to do an ultrasound. They found out that there is a node on the thyroid gland. But as she was told, breathing is not enough because of him. Yesterday again there was not enough breath, and she drank nitroglycerin. Helped, although there are no problems with the heart. What could it be?
Answer of the Endocrinologist
First of all, in this situation it is necessary to exclude cardiac pathology. Your mother needs to see a cardiologist and have an ECG done. Nodular formations of the thyroid gland, indeed, do not cause manifestations of cardiovascular insufficiency.

Question to the Endocrinologist
Please explain what a "cold node" is, how can it manifest itself?
Answer of the Endocrinologist
"Cold node" is a term used in thyroid scintigraphy and refers to an area of ​​the thyroid gland with low radiopharmaceutical uptake (i.e., an area of ​​reduced function). Scintigraphy is carried out in terms of a comprehensive examination of thyroid diseases and does not allow a clinical diagnosis.

Question to the Endocrinologist
Tell me, please, can hypothyroidism of the thyroid gland be a "brake" in the fight against excess weight? I have been drinking eutiroks for 7 years, the blood for hormones is normal, ultrasound is also more or less, but I just can’t lose weight, I seem to eat a little, and I sat on the children, and after 18 I didn’t eat, nothing works. Excess weight about 20 kg, advise something, please. Thank you.
Answer of the Endocrinologist
With a properly selected dose of levothyroxine preparations (Eutirox and others), there are no changes in weight. There can be many reasons for obesity: alimentary, mental, endocrine, etc. It is quite possible that you will need to conduct additional studies of hormones, a biochemical blood test, visit a neurologist, gastroenterologist, etc.

Question to the Endocrinologist
Tell me, please, for two weeks a lump in my throat. Which specialist should I consult?
Endocrinologist's advice
The constant feeling of "coma in the throat" is not a specific symptom of any particular disease: it can also accompany diseases of the ENT organs, the thyroid gland, and in stressful situations. Start by visiting an endocrinologist or ENT doctor to determine the examination tactics.

You will receive a professional answer from any doctor. The country and city of residence do not matter.

To get a quality consultation, completely fill in the fields below. The specialist will call you back within an hour and give an answer to your question, regardless of the time of day and your place of residence. To receive quality assistance, fill in the "Describe your problem" field in detail.

Free consultation with a doctor Endocrinologist

An endocrinologist should be consulted in case of overweight or obesity, thyroid diseases, metabolic syndrome, diabetes mellitus, osteoporosis, excessive hair growth in women, infertility of endocrine origin

The consultation is anonymous! There is no need to provide any personal data except for the phone number, and the name is only needed in order to find you on the specified phone number.

1. Applications with meaningless, non-informative (for example: “Doctor, how are you?”), Offensive content.

2. Applications containing obscene words and phrases.

3. Too short applications, the content of which does not adequately reveal the reason for the desired appeal, and expressed in an incorrect, informal form (for example, “thumps”).

Note: because consultants work only by phone so far, the presence of a phone number in the application is required

With the help of our website, you can ask an endocrinologist online at any time and get a professional, adequate answer to it. An online endocrinologist will be able to advise you for free on test results, methods of treating thyroid diseases and their features, and will also give you a lot of other useful tips.

Consultations of endocrinologists are also very useful in terms of symptoms of thyroid diseases and their prevention. If you have certain concerns about the state of your thyroid gland, but you cannot decide whether to visit a doctor or do not have time for this, then seek help from our qualified specialists. Of course, there can be no talk of making a diagnosis with the help of a correspondence consultation. Given by describing your symptoms, our endocrinologist will be able to advise you on the need to visit a doctor and undergo an appropriate examination.

Also, a consultation with an endocrinologist will be useful for you if you want answers to questions regarding the symptoms and treatment of diabetes, hormonal disorders, thyroid dysfunction, and so on. Our experienced doctor will help you understand these examinations and advise you on specific measures.

Among other things, a consultation with an endocrinologist will help you understand issues related to taking various medications.

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Free consultation with an endocrinologist

Your question will be answered by a doctor - an endocrinologist of one of the Moscow medical centers cooperating with our portal.

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Consultations of the endocrinologist are made from 9.00 to 21.00, seven days a week, applications are accepted around the clock.

To maintain anonymity, when filling out an application for a consultation with an endocrinologist, you can specify any name. The e-mail address you entered is not published on the site. However, please do not include your contact details or other personal information in the body of your question.

To get a consultation with an endocrinologist, fill out the form, then click the "Ask a Question" button. The doctor will call you back in a few minutes.

Free online medical consultations are currently available only to residents of Moscow and the Moscow region.

When consulting an endocrinologist, it should be understood that based on the symptoms described, the doctor cannot make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. However, to specific questions (Where is it better to contact an endocrinologist in Moscow about the treatment of diabetes? How dangerous are these symptoms? How long can (should) use this medicine? What can be done to prevent thyroid disease? How much does treatment cost? methods of traditional medicine for diabetes?, etc.) you can get specific answers.

The advantages of a telephone consultation with a doctor over conventional online consultation services are obvious:

1. Efficiency - with the help of a telephone consultation with an endocrinologist, you will receive an answer to your question within 30 minutes.

2. During a telephone consultation, the doctor has the opportunity to ask additional clarifying questions that may be important in solving a specific medical problem.

3. You will know who you are consulting and, if necessary, you can contact this specialist for an in-person consultation.

On our website you can seek medical advice from doctors of various specialties:

A remote medical consultation by an endocrinologist cannot serve as a substitute for an in-person consultation with a doctor, but it can help you navigate medical issues.

Dear patients! Do not self-medicate, consult a doctor!

Online consultation with an endocrinologist

An endocrinologist is a physician who specializes in diagnosing and treating endocrine diseases. Such an opportunity as an online consultation with an endocrinologist allows you to find the right way to eliminate hormone-related ailments without leaving your home.

If you have the following symptoms:

  • prostration;
  • constant desire to drink water;
  • frequent urination;
  • depressive states;
  • severe hair loss;
  • obesity;
  • dystrophy;

Or other symptoms related to the field of endocrine disorders - you will need to consult an endocrinologist and select medications. You can also make an appointment with endocrinologists in Moscow.

How to ask a question to a specialist

On our website Ask a you can anonymously ask a doctor a question online and get information on the most sensitive topics. A qualified doctor will quickly give a full-fledged detailed consultation, both on the signs of diseases, and instruct on taking medications. On our website, both paid and free online consultations with a doctor are available.

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Questions to the endocrinologist

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for prescribing treatment. A full-time consultation with a specialist is necessary, including to identify possible contraindications.

Endocrinologist consultation online

Online endocrinologist consultation, 10 consultations, free doctor consultation website via the Internet, reviews of consulting doctors, ask your question and get a professional answer from an endocrinologist without leaving your home.

10 consultations

What drugs for diabetes do not have a negative effect on platelets (with thrombocytopenia)

Ultrasound 04/08/13 Isthmus 0.34 cm. Right lobe 14.8 cm3, left lobe 12.7 cm3. The capsule is sealed. The contour is uneven, clear. The structure is diffusely heterogeneous, granular, contains liquid inclusions, against this background, an isoechoic node of an inhomogeneous structure with a liquid component is determined in the right lobe, r-m 1.4 * 0.98 cm. The overall echogenicity of the gland is reduced. Harmony 10.04.13 T4 St. 16.36; TSH 1.78; AT to TPO 53.54. DZ: Right-sided nodular goiter 0-1 degree, euthyroidism

Ultrasound 05.05.16 Right lobe 8.8 cm3, left lobe 5.5 cm3. Increased in size. The contour is clear. The structure is heterogeneous, coarse-grained. In the right lobe, a formation of 3 * 2.5 cm is determined with a smooth flexible contour, _____ with a tissue component. The overall echogenicity of the gland is reduced.

5.09.16_Tests_Iodine in urine=47.69 µg/l moderate iodine deficiency (20-49); Antibodies to TG 28.44 IU/ml (0-115); Thyroid stimulating hormone TSH 1.70 μIU / ml (0.27-4.2)

Ultrasound 05/03/17 Right lobe 17.81 cm3, left lobe 6.09 cm3, isthmus 06 cm. The contour is even, clear, bumpy. The capsule is expressed, unevenly compacted. The parenchyma is heterogeneous, diffuse. Echogenicity is reduced. In the right lobe, there is a massive solid-liquid isoechoic formation, with an even, clear contour, rounded shape with a partial hypoechoic border, heterogeneous structure, due to single calcifications and a massive liquid component 3 * 2.3 cm. Adjacent to it is a single small-focal, solid-liquid isoechoic formation, homogeneous with an even clear contour 04-05 cm. in the left lobe there are single follicles with a dense colloid 02-03cm. in the CFM mode, vascularization - the max node is enhanced.

Good afternoon, we are planning a pregnancy, but my hormones are not all right, I was prescribed to drink Utrozhestan 200, from 17 to 25 days of MC. I drank it since January, but until conception has occurred, tell me if it is possible that pregnancy occurs, but after stopping taking utrogestan on the 25th day of the MC, it breaks down, maybe you need to do a blood test for hCG on the 25th day and if even the slightest indicator of pregnancy is not stop taking the pills?

Hello. Please help with advice. A child of 8 years old was diagnosed with insulin resistance 2 years ago. We prescribed a course of Methionine, diet and exercise. etc. Physical the load is possible. In the summer I lost weight very well, stretched out, could not get enough of it, but over the winter I gained weight very much again. With a height of 134.8 years, 45-46 kg. The doctor prescribed the drug Metformin at a dosage of 250 mg / 2r a day with meals for 3 months. But after reading the reviews and instructions, I doubt whether it is possible. Please help with advice. Thank you in advance.

Our family is in trouble. My husband Sergey became very ill. He is 44 years old. From a strong, strong, strong-willed person, he turned into an invalid.

He had health problems since November 2014. Then my back and lower back began to worry, and we turned to a neurologist in the district center at the place of residence. Because technology at the pre-revolutionary level in our area, then nothing could be disassembled from x-ray photographs. The doctor prescribed droppers, 2 courses of treatment were completed. The pain dulled, the leg began to disturb. On April 1, 2015, a CT scan was performed in the regional center, which showed vertebral hernias in the lumbar region, the dimensions of which are 4.5; 6; 7 mm. The doctor prescribed treatment in the form of electrophoresis and massage for 10 sessions. Gone. The right leg became even more disturbing. We decided to turn to a chiropractor, who breaks the right femur during massage. My husband was operated on June 19, 2015. A titanium pin was inserted into the bone. After 2 months, an x-ray was taken, no problems were found, except for a difference in the legs - 2 cm. He began to walk actively on crutches, pain in the lower back appeared again. On September 19, 2015, we accidentally underwent a CT scan of the lower back in Izmail, and we were recommended to consult an oncologist (like bone metastases).

In the Odessa Regional Oncology Center, based on CT, the cause seemed to be found - a volumetric formation of the right kidney and left adrenal gland.

Was diagnosed with stage 4 kidney cancer with bone metastases, osteoporosis.

And our stay in the Odessa OOD began. She underwent 3 courses of radiation therapy (they refused chemotherapy - it does not affect the kidney). Zoldria was prescribed, dripped 4 times. The husband on crutches could not rearrange his legs on his own. According to the results of CT, the lumbar, cervical and thoracic spine were affected to varying degrees. The thoracic region is the most problematic.

Stop going there. We decided to change the clinic and the doctor. We went to the clinic of the Medical University on Tenistoy to see a doctor - an oncourologist. She was sent to a neurosurgeon for a consultation: if they decide to do a kidney operation, will the spine withstand it? The neurosurgeon clearly and distinctly cut off with the phrase: do you know your diagnosis? And he refused us. We returned to the oncourologist and she advised me to drip bondronate every 28 days for the rest of my life.

After 3 sessions of bondronate, they felt an improvement: the husband began to move around with the help of a Boston shoe, got behind the wheel of a car. Regularly passed tests - everything is normal.

8 months after the start of taking Bondronat (from 01/01/2016 to 10/01/2016), my arms, shoulders, and shoulder blades began to hurt. At the end of October 2016, when opening a can of coffee, my right shoulder cracked, and in 1.5-2 months my husband fell ill. With great difficulty, given the lying position, they got to the district hospital due to low hemoglobin -77. They did a CT scan of the spine and both arms. The pictures showed a fracture of the pathological neck of the right shoulder, damage to the bone tissue of the left shoulder blade, numerous lesions of the hip region and multiple lesions of the spinal column.

Today, the husband is at home, lying, sitting - standing for no more than 1-2 minutes can hold out. Didn't lose weight.

Pain in the right shoulder (fracture, no help was provided or offered in the hospital);

Pain in the thoracic region severe (spasms);

The arms were swollen from the elbow to the hands (not swollen, but swollen, because they pricked a diuretic - the result is zero), they pricked diclofenac for 10 days - nothing changes either.

Can't anyone help us?

Everyone sees kidney cancer and turns away. And just the diagnosis of a kidney causes us big doubts, because. no studies were performed, except for the CT result, the tests are normal, the kidney does not bother. My husband has big problems with bones, and no one can advise us or does not want to, seeing the diagnosis. One doctor generally said that her husband was already waiting for a year in heaven.

Help. After all, we have doctors in Ukraine who can help. We don't know what kind of doctor we need? Where to look for it? I don't know how to transport my husband. If my husband was on his feet, we would visit all the clinics ourselves, but he lies and no longer hopes that they will help him.

Hello! My name is Lida, I am 20 years old, height 175 cm, weight 55 kg. In June 2015, she had a consultation with an endocrinologist. Scheduled for blood tests. Then there was a control every 2-3 months. Below are the results of the analyses:

Reference values ​​in brackets. Reference values for thyroglobulin - (TSH 0.4-4.0 mMO / l): 3-40; TSH<0,1 мМО/л): 1,5-20.

<40), тиреоглобулин – <0,2.

<35), АТ к ТГ – 154, 00 (<40), тиреоглобулин – <0,2.

<35), АТ к ТГ – 179,0 (<40), тиреоглобулин – <0,4.

Right lobe: 4.0×1.3×1.5cm;

Left lobe: 3.8×1.6×1.4cm;

02/22/2016: TSH - 0.048 (0.4-4.0), AT to TPO -> 1000 (<35), АТ к ТГ – 447,0 (<40), тиреоглобулин – <0,2.

Right lobe: 4.2×1.2×1.3cm;

Left lobe: 3.8×1.3×1.2cm;

The blood flow in Doppler ultrasound is unevenly enhanced.

Atypically enlarged lymph nodes are not visualized.

Thanks a lot in advance.

Hello! My name is Lida, I am 20 years old, height 175 cm, weight 55 kg. In June 2015, she had a consultation with an endocrinologist. Scheduled for blood tests. Then there was a control every 2-3 months. Below are the results of the analyzes (reference values ​​in parentheses. Reference values ​​for thyroglobulin - (TSH 0.4-4.0 mMO / l): 3-40; TSH<0,1 мМО/л): 1,5-20.) .

06/04/2015: TSH - 4, 380 (0.350-5.500), thyroxine zag. - 6, 20 (3.20-12.60), FT3 - 4.14 (2.30-4.20), AT to TPO - 459 (0.00-35.0), AT to TG - 136, 00(<40), тиреоглобулин – <0,2.

07/15/2015: TSH - 4.587 (0.4-4.0), AT to TPO - 695.00 (<35), АТ к ТГ – 154, 00 (<40), тиреоглобулин – <0,2.

EUTHIROX 50/d was prescribed for autoimmune thyroiditis (hypertrophic form)

09/23/2015: TSH 1.184 (0.4-4.0), AT to TPO - 560.00 (<35), АТ к ТГ – 179,0 (<40), тиреоглобулин – <0,4.

Right lobe: 4.0×1.3×1.5cm;

Left lobe: 3.8×1.6×1.4cm;

The volume of the gland according to the Brunn method: total 8.1 cm3;

Right lobe: 3.9cm3; left lobe 4.2 cm3;

The gland is heterogeneous in structure due to diffuse areas of low echogenicity, nodular shape mainly in the left lobe; the contour of the gland is not clear.

The blood flow in Doppler ultrasound is unevenly enhanced.

Atypically enlarged lymph nodes are not visualized.

Conclusion: Echographically more data for thyroiditis-like changes in the thyroid gland requiring dynamic observation and supervision of an endocrinologist.

The attending physician prescribed EUTHIROX 50/d.

Euthyrox 75/d was prescribed for autoimmune thyroiditis (hypertrophic form).

02/22/2016: TSH - 0.048 (0.4-4.0), AT to TPO -> 1000 (<35), АТ к ТГ – 447,0 (<40), тиреоглобулин – <0,2.

Right lobe: 4.2×1.2×1.3cm;

Left lobe: 3.8×1.3×1.2cm;

The volume of the gland according to the Brunn method: total 5.0 cm3;

Right lobe: 3.2cm3; left lobe 1.8 cm3;

The gland is heterogeneous in structure, low echogenicity.

In the left lobe, a heterogeneous area of ​​1.4 cm is visualized, which, according to its structure, is more likely to be a manifestation of thyroiditis.

The blood flow in Doppler ultrasound is unevenly enhanced.

Atypically enlarged lymph nodes are not visualized.

Conclusion: Echographically more data for the nodular form of thyroiditis.

I wanted to take tests for hormones, most likely a problem with the male hormone. Recently, hair has been falling out, headaches, I have not been able to have a child with my husband for the fifth year, nervousness, dizziness, women's days are very painful, kidneys hurt, etc. Please tell me what tests you need to pass and where so as not to be torn off in three skins? Please advise a good specialist in the 2nd city or radio factory hospital in Chernihiv

Hello! was treated for tuberculosis (6 months), 1 series of antibiotics. A week after the end of the remaining antibiotics (Isoniazid and Rifompicin), a blood test showed: Leukocytes (WBC) -2.74, Neutrophils (100 leukocytes) 39.4; Neutrophils (abs.) -1.08; Lymphocytes (per 100 leukocytes) -48.9; Basophils 1.1; Prothrombin hour (HR, RT, sec.) -12.1; International normalized ratio (MHB,INR) - 1.08; Free thyroxine -0.77; cholesterol - 6.7; Low density lipoproteins - 3.92; Luzhnaya phosphatase - 27. Other indicators are within the normal range. The temperature jumps 36.0-36.7. There is general lethargy, weakness of the legs. What to do with these analyses? Are they the result of taking anti-tuberculosis drugs?

I'm 27 years old. I'm worried about acne on my back, shoulders, chest. What should I do?

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Endocrinologist consultation online - ask questions for free

The rhythm of life in modern society leaves no room for finding a competent specialist. So, the first signs of the development of diseases do not become the reason for going to the doctor. The result is a violation of the organs and the development of diseases. Therefore, our portal is designed to provide assistance in real time. Online consultation with an endocrinologist is a new way of primary diagnosis.

With the advent of this service, you can tell the specialist about the problems that have arisen, tell the symptoms of the course of the disease. And as a result, hear a list of recommendations, tests to determine the diagnosis. This allows you not to waste time waiting in line at medical facilities. By the way, you can read reviews about a good endocrinologist in Moscow on our website at the link.

IMPORTANT: Today, an online consultation with an endocrinologist is held daily for free. You need:

  • Or go to the main page on the portal and leave a list of questions in the form TOP RIGHT, indicate the symptoms of the disease.
  • Or scroll down the page and ask a question in the form of a comment.

If there are "fresh" analyzes, it is required to indicate them. Believe me, asking an endocrinologist a question online is better than buying medicines on the advice of pharmacists.

What is required for consultation with an endocrinologist?

The portal has a special form that you need to carefully study and click on it. Be sure to indicate complaints, the entire history of the development of the disease when calling on Skype. If there are other diseases, a list of them and a method of treatment should also be given.

An online consultation with an endocrinologist is carried out on our website. At the time of diagnosis, the results of the examination are evaluated. The specialist also talks about the features of the use of the drugs taken.

If you notice manifestations of several symptoms at the same time, then immediately contact an endocrinologist for:

  • overweight,
  • unreasonable weight loss/obesity,
  • any change in body weight
  • early menopause,
  • different nature of pain in the joints, bones,
  • long-term healing scratches and frequent fractures,
  • any kind of discomfort in the neck area,
  • "lump in the throat",
  • heart rate rises for no reason
  • the endocrinologist will ask online about the presence / absence of trembling,
  • excessive emotionality in simple situations,
  • constant tearfulness,
  • frequent constipation and swelling of the face,
  • dry mouth or constant thirst
  • intermittent pruritus (no rash)
  • frequent urge to urinate
  • general weakness,
  • constant sleepiness,
  • periodic numbness of the limbs.

Asking a question to an endocrinologist is not a problem. After all, today many diseases are treatable. Of course, before you start worrying about your future life, you will have to undergo a diagnosis and begin a full-fledged treatment.

A doctor online will help assess the correctness of the treatment regimen and explain the possible course of the disease.

5 benefits of online endocrinologist consultations

Any hormonal diseases are insidious diseases. After all, it is quite difficult for a doctor to detect and determine the course of the disease. This is due to various manifestations of diseases.

  1. Evaluation of the adequacy of the treatment of the endocrine system.
  2. Timely and complete response to exciting questions.
  3. No queues.
  4. A question to an endocrinologist can be asked free of charge online at any time - from 09.00 to 21.00.
  5. You don't have to pay for a consultation.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to trust local doctors. Therefore, I would like to double-check the adequacy of the prescribed treatment. Today, a similar opportunity has appeared on our portal. Now you can always ask a question to an endocrinologist for free. You do not have to sign up and stand in line. You just need to write a problem in the comments, describe the symptoms of the disease, or use the contact form by mail (the “Write” button at the top of the page).

Asking an endocrinologist online for free is an opportunity to evaluate the appointments of a local specialist. In addition, you receive qualified assistance on both endocrine and therapeutic issues. Believe me, a full-fledged, detailed answer from a specialist will help you understand the situation.

In recent years, non-traditional methods have been increasingly used to treat serious diseases. One of.

An endocrinologist is the most important and indispensable doctor for a diabetic. After all, he leads not only.

Herbal medicine for diabetes is one of the most effective ways to treat this disease.

Placing materials from the resource on the Internet is possible with a back link to the portal.

Card file of doctors by specialization

Krivtsova E.V.

  • endocrinologist

Chumak Larisa Nikolaevna

  • endocrinologist

University: Bukovinian State Medical University

Work experience 5 years

Reception hours: In shifts 8.00-14.00; 14.00-18.00

Kirilyuk Ekaterina Nikolaevna

  • endocrinologist

Dombrovskaya Natalia Sergeevna

  • endocrinologist

University: NMU named after A.A. Bogomolets

Experience: 5 years

Taran Lilia Fedorovna

  • endocrinologist

MC "Universal clinic "Oberig""

Ukrainian State Medical University

Reception hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 9:00-15:30, Thursday: 13:00-19:30

Kudrina (Chernonog) Natalya Gennadievna

  • nutritionist
  • endocrinologist

Endocrinologist, nutritionist of the 2nd category.

Treatment of diseases of the thyroid and parathyroid glands, adrenal glands, diabetes mellitus, diseases of the hypothalamic-pituitary system.

  • since 2015 – endocrinologist at the Healthy Family clinic (Center for Endocrinology and Metabolism, tel. ,
  • since 2011 – endocrinologist at Kyiv City Clinical Hospital No. 12.
  • from 2008 – 2010 - clinical residency at the Federal State Institution "Endocrinological Research Center", specializing in endocrinology, Moscow.
  • from 01.09.2008 to 01.09.2010 - clinical residency at the Federal State Institution "Endocrinological Research Center", specializing in endocrinology, Moscow.
  • gg. – Dnepropetrovsk State Medical Academy, Faculty of Medicine.
  • gg. - a medical class in secondary school No. 5 in Aikhal (Sakha Yakutia, Mirninsky ulus), supervised by the Novosibirsk State Medical Institute.
  • organizing and conducting a training school for patients with diabetes mellitus (possession of modern methods of examination and treatment of endocrine patients in a polyclinic and hospital according to the specified training profile);
  • organizing and conducting a training school for obese patients (possession of modern methods of examination and treatment of endocrine patients in a polyclinic according to the specified training profile).
  • Completion of an advanced training course in clinical endocrinology at the FGU ENTS under the program "Organization and conduct of a school for teaching patients with diabetes", Moscow
  • Completion of an advanced training course in clinical endocrinology at the FGU ENTS under the program "Organization and conduct of a school for the education of obese patients", Moscow
  • Passage of training at the school “Modern aspects of pathogenesis. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the mammary glands»
  • Passage of training at the school "Endocrine Aspects of Contraception"
  • Passing training at the school "Planning and management of pregnancy in patients with endocrine pathology"
  • Passing training at the school "Management of menopause in women with endocrine diseases - theory and practice"
  • "Osteoporosis. How to live with it?"
  • Participation in clinical analysis and writing a scientific article on the topic "Syndrome of multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A".

Pankiv Vladimir Ivanovich

  • endocrinologist

Doctor-endocrinologist of the highest category, doctor of medical sciences, professor, member of the European Association for the Treatment of Diabetes.

Sergienko Alena Nikolaevna

  • obstetrician-gynecologist
  • reproductive specialist
  • endocrinologist

13 years old. Since 2004, she has been working as a gynecologist in private clinics in Kyiv.

Priority areas of practical activity:

obstetrics and gynecology

He is fluent in all modern methods of diagnostics and treatment in gynecology: colposcopy, treatment of cervical pathology (radio wave therapy, laser vaporization, argon plasma vaporization, conization); prevention of cervical cancer (vaccination Cervarix); diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases; selection of contraceptive methods, introduction and removal of intrauterine contraceptives. Diagnosis and treatment of infertility, miscarriage. Management of pregnant women throughout pregnancy.

Ultrasound in obstetrics 3D and gynecology, thyroid and mammary glands

Ultrasound diagnostics of the pelvic organs is an absolutely safe diagnostic method in obstetrics and gynecology. The method allows you to assess the condition and structure of the reproductive organs of a woman: the body of the uterus, cervix, ovaries, fallopian tubes (with their pathology) and the surrounding organs. Ultrasound is used to diagnose uterine pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy, uterine fibroids, the presence of an IUD in the uterine cavity, endometriosis, polycystic ovaries, infertility, tumors and ovarian cysts.

Violation of the cycle, infertility, problems of acne and baldness in women, pathological menopause.

"Poly Clinic", Kyiv, Pryvokzalnaya st., 14

Clinic "Medical Dynasty", Kiev, st. E.Pcholki, 3a

In 2004, she graduated with honors from the Ternopil State Medical Academy. AND I. Gorbachevsky. Participant of the All-Ukrainian student Olympiads in obstetrics and gynecology. Author of scientific reports on caesarean section.

In 2006, she graduated with honors from the internship in obstetrics and gynecology at the Department of Obstetrics-Gynecology and Reproductology of the Kyiv National Academy. P.L. Shupyk.

2006 - "Colposcopy and inflammatory diseases in gynecology"

2006 - "Ultrasound in obstetrics and gynecology"

2007 - "Endocrinology in obstetrics and gynecology"

2008 - "Assisted reproductive technologies in the treatment of infertility"

2011 - "Diagnosis, treatment and vaccination of diseases of the cervix"

2013 - "Fundamentals of hystero- and laparoscopy in gynecology"

Active participant of conferences, seminars, trainings and master classes in Ukraine, Russia and Europe: "Actual problems of endocrine gynecology"; "Colposcopy and pathology of the cervix", "Ultrasound diagnostics in oncogynecology", "Modern ultrasound diagnostics of the thyroid gland", "Modern ultrasound diagnostics in gynecology", "Multiple pregnancy from diagnosis to birth", "High risk pregnancy". Internet project consultant. He is a member of the Association of Obstetricians - Gynecologists of Ukraine and the Ukrainian Association of Perinatologists.

Volobaeva Ludmila Yurievna

  • endocrinologist

NMU them. Bogomolets, 2006

Specializations: Endocrinology, Pediatric endocrinology, Ultrasound diagnostics

Samoylenko Natalia Alexandrovna

  • endocrinologist
  • nutritionist

Specializations: nutritionist, endocrinologist, sanologist.

University: Medical University. Bogomolets.

Department of Dietetics of the National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education.

Experience: more than 12 years.

Reception by appointment.

Hobbies - travel and photography

Zuev Konstantin Alexandrovich

  • endocrinologist

University: National Medical University. A. A. Bogomolets, 2000

Professional advice in the following areas:

Diabetes and its complications (neuropathy, nephropathy, retinopathy, angiopathy, erectile dysfunction, diabetic foot syndrome);

Insulin pumps and 24-hour glucose monitoring (CGMS);

Thyroid diseases;

Obesity (detection of causes; diet therapy, psychotherapy, pharmacological agents, minimally invasive interventions on the stomach, examination of the need for bariatric surgery);

Arterial hypertension (I know the method of daily monitoring of blood pressure, biochemical and instrumental methods to exclude symptomatic arterial hypertension);

Treatment of snoring and obstructive sleep apnea (I know the technique of conducting polysomnography);

Treatment of atherosclerosis of various localizations (ECG interpretation, 24-hour Holter ECG monitoring, combined blood pressure and ECG monitoring);

Osteoporosis, increased bone fragility in children and adults (deciphering the data of ultrasound and x-ray osteodensitometry, biochemical studies in osteoporosis);

Male menopause (prescribing and interpreting biochemical studies, prescribing and monitoring testosterone replacement therapy);

Diagnosis and treatment of celiac disease and other forms of food intolerance;

Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum (modern schemes for the treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection - the causes of these diseases);

Hyperprolactinemia of tumor and non-tumor nature (interpretation of CT or MRI of the pituitary gland);

Endocrine problems in patients with chronic renal failure (hyperparathyroidism, anemia).

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The information published on the site is for informational purposes only. The described methods of diagnosis, treatment, traditional medicine recipes, etc. it is not recommended to use it on its own. Be sure to consult with a specialist so as not to harm your health!




2001 – 2008 GOU VPO Rostov State Medical University, faculty: pediatric, specialty: pediatrics, 2008 - 2010 GOU VPO Rostov State Medical University, Residency in endocrinology. Lecturer of the school "Diabetes" NUZ Children's Clinical Hospital at Rostov Glavny Station, Department of EndocrinologyCertificate of short-term advanced training: "Endocrine aspects of reproductive health" 2011

Place of work

2009-2014 Institution: National Healthcare Clinical Hospital at the Rostov station Chief JSC "Russian Railways" Position: Therapist for emergency and emergency care at night, holidays and weekends 2010 to the present Institution: National Healthcare Clinical Hospital at the Rostov station Chief JSC "Russian Railways". Position: Endocrinologist Medical Center "Vash-Doctor", Bataysk


30.08.2019 12:32:06

Elena Sergeevna Bondarenko no longer answers questions. All your questions will be answered by a doctor endocrinologist of the highest category.


12.07.2019 15:49:00

After the second birth, I can not lose weight, a year has passed. I think it's a hormonal imbalance. What tests do I need to take to find out for sure?

Hello. To get started, get a face-to-face consultation with an endocrinologist, who, based on the results of the examination, will prescribe the necessary studies, and these are not only hormones.

View Veronica's answer

13.06.2019 11:49:41

Hello, I just went to get tested for thyroid hormones, as I had never done this before. Results are: T4 free 2.05ng/dl, TSH

Elena Gorbyak

08.12.2018 19:26:56

Tell me, please, I was diagnosed with a pituitary adenoma with a Prolactin level of 1800, for a month I drink Dostinex 1 tablet per week and, upon re-analysis, the Prolactin level is 12.60 What should I do: continue to drink Dostinex ?????

Dosage reduction to 1/2 tab. 1 time per week. Control of blood prolactin after 1 month for 3-5 d.m.c.

See Victor's answer.

08.12.2018 13:24:24

Diabetic on insulin. I do injections with Biosulin R. I received it at the Rinsulin R polyclinic. Is such a replacement possible?

Hello. Replacement is possible.

See Eaterina's answer

07.12.2018 21:33:57

Hello! Tell me, please, is it possible to drink Orlistat tablets together with Yarin tablets (prescribed for the treatment of endometriosis)? Orlistat was prescribed to lose weight for 3 months, and Yarina for a year. Could you tell me, please, is it possible to drink them at the same time?

Hello. Can.

See Christina's answer

07.12.2018 19:46:05

Hello, I drank Belara to lower hormone levels and prevent hair loss. Accordingly, the hormones returned to normal, the loss no longer bothered. But after the cancellation, after 2 months, the hair began to fall out in double volume, although the tests were still normal. Tell me, please, can I now do without hormonal? Almost 6 months have passed since the cancellation, and there are no changes for the better. I drink vitamins, I do hair masks. But alas ... and how much can you drink hormonal without harm to health?

Hello. Oral contraceptives are not the solution to all problems. Recommended consultation trichologist, endocrinologist.

See answer Natalia

07.12.2018 18:26:53

Hello! A child of 2.3 was given blood TSH - 0.2, St. T4 - 18.5. According to the ultrasound, everything was normal. The doctor said everything is fine. But after all TTG is lowered. How can we be? Height 89, weight 12kg. Says a few words and sounds. Tearful, with or without reason, begins to kundit. Also problems with the gastrointestinal tract, then diarrhea, then constipation. Bloating. And also the rash on the arms, legs, cheeks does not go away from 5 months (it was sharply transferred to the mixture)

Hello. We consult patients over the age of 18.

View answer Vladislav

07.12.2018 17:48:12

Hello, are these normal tests? Hormones and tumor markers Insulin 8.6 μIU/ml 2.6 - 24.9 Thyroid-stimulating hormone 4.3568 μIU/ml 0.3500 - 4.9400 T4 free 15.27 pmol/l 11.43 - 17.59 Antibodies to thyroperoxidase 0.1 U/ml 0.0 - 5.6 DHEA-S 423.30 mcg/dl 70.20 - 492.00 Markers of osteoporosis Parathyroid hormone 19.1 pg/ml 4.5 - 36.0 Hormones and tumor markers Cortisol 256.0 nmol/l morning 101-535.7 evening 79-477.8 Vitamin D 3 19.600 ng/ml 6.600 - 49.900 Ferritin 206.5 ng/ml 30.0 - 400.0

For the purpose of further examination

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