Dentistry and dentistry therapeutic difference. Pediatric dentist and dentist: differences. What does an adult and children's dentist, dentist, therapist, surgeon, orthodontist, orthopedist, dentist do: comparisons and differences between them

An orthopedist, an orthodontist, a periodontist, a dentist, a paramedic, a dentist… What do these definitions mean, what diseases are treated by doctors of these specializations, and which of them should be addressed in a particular case? You will learn about all this by reading the information below.

What is a dentist?

To become a dentist, you must complete a medical school or college. A specialist with a secondary medical education is trained to perform relatively simple dental activities.

This does not mean that he is not able to cope with more complex cases, however, his theoretical and practical base is limited, and does not involve operations with teeth of a higher level of complexity.

What is a dentist?

Dentist is a cumulative definition applied to a dental specialist with a higher education. (Stoma, stomatos means mouth in Greek, logos means teaching). To Become a Dentist You Must Graduate medical academy, institute or university.

The term of study in them is not less than 5 years. Simultaneously with dental diseases, future dentists study many medical sciences- biochemistry, physiology, therapy, histology, etc.

They are prepared not only theoretically, but also practically, having completed a one-year internship or a two-year residency.

What is the difference between these concepts?

The difference between a dentist and a dentist lies in the level of training and the type of treatment they can perform.

The list of works provided for by the job description of a dentist includes:

In case of more serious dental pathologies - malocclusion, pulpitis, periodontitis, periodontal disease, lesions that caused tooth decay by more than 50%, and in other cases requiring the participation of a more trained specialist, the dentist gives the patient a referral to a dentist of the appropriate specialization.

The dentist is a generalist. He possesses theoretical knowledge and practical skills sufficient to perform therapeutic, orthodontic, orthopedic and surgical operations.

Although, like a dentist, when confronted with a particularly difficult case, he can refer the patient to a doctor of narrow specialization.

More narrow specializations

A large number of and the complexity of the pathologies of the dentition, the constant improvement of existing treatment technologies and the development of new ones require in-depth, specific knowledge and skills from dentists.

This feature has found its implementation in the concept of narrow specialization of dentists.

Depending on the type of work performed, the following specializations of dentists differ:

Often, dentists combine several specializations at once.


The prerogative of the profession of a dental surgeon are the following operations:

Dental surgeons often treat diseases that are within the competence of dentists of other specialties: phlegmon, periodontitis, sinusitis, periostitis, abscesses, osteomyelitis.

They also diagnose specific diseases, the symptoms of which can manifest themselves in PR - syphilis, tuberculosis, actinomycosis.


Usually, patients who seek help from a dentist first get to the therapist.

The dental therapist is the broadest specialization in dentistry.

Usually, patients who seek help from a dentist first get to a therapist who, in most cases, is able to deal with their problem alone.

The job description of a dentist-therapist provides for the following work:

  • examination of the oral cavity;
  • diagnosis;
  • treatment of teeth (caries, pulpitis, etc.) and periodontal disease (gingivitis, periodontitis, periodontal disease, periodontitis);
  • preparation of PR for prosthetics, its sanitation;
  • whitening and PG teeth;
  • preventive examination and advice on the care of RP.

When pathologies are identified that urgently require the participation of a doctor of a narrow specialization, the therapist refers the patient to them.


The orthopedist is engaged in the restoration of teeth with the help of prosthetics

A doctor of this specialization is engaged in the restoration of dilapidated, missing or lost teeth with the help of prosthetics.


  • takes impressions from the teeth, according to which the dental technician makes a prosthesis in the future;
  • tries on, adjusts and fixes the prosthesis on the patient.

Prosthetic structures are crowns, bridges, inlays, veneers, removable dentures.


The orthodontist corrects the position of the teeth using removable and non-removable orthodontic devices

Orthodontics is a subsection of dentistry dedicated to dental anomalies.

The scope of work of an orthodontist includes:

  • prevention of deformations of individual teeth, dentitions and jaws;
  • normalization of occlusion;
  • correction of the development of the jaws;
  • alignment of teeth.

Correction of the position of the teeth is carried out with the help of removable and non-removable orthodontic devices - mouthguards, braces, brackets.

The teeth of children in the stage of formation and growth are most successfully corrected. In adults, this process is much more difficult.

General practice dentist

Specialty "Dentistry" general practice"was introduced by orders of the Ministry of Health No. 553 and 112. Special meaning this specialty has countryside where it is desirable to have a specialist able to provide assistance in several clinical areas.

However, so far, due to a number of organizational, educational and legal problems, general practice in dentistry has not received proper development.


Children and adolescents under the age of 17 become patients of a pediatric dentist. Children's teeth are very different from adult teeth.

This is the presence of milk teeth, and the constant renewal and formation of the dentition, and the inability to use some anesthetics for babies.

Yes, and the reaction of children to the dental chair creates increased problems.

A dentist treating children should be able not only to be able to distinguish pathology from age norm, in time to detect deviations in the bite and formation of teeth, but also to be a little psychologist.


The goal of the hygienist is the prevention of dental diseases

Dental hygienist is a relatively new specialization in dentistry.

Its goal is the prevention of dental diseases, the field of activity is the hygiene of the RP, competent dental care.

The dental hygienist performs the following tasks:

  • diagnosing RP diseases;
  • professional cleaning teeth;
  • disease prevention;
  • teaching proper dental care skills;
  • educational activities (examinations in kindergartens, schools, institutions, organizations, enterprises).

Categories of dentists

Dentists are required to recertify their qualifications every 5 years.

Each dentist has a certain qualification category, which is an indicator of the level of his theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

The procedure for assigning a qualification category is determined by the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Dentists are required to recertify their qualifications every 5 years.

Those who wish to improve their qualifications themselves must wait 3 years from the date of the last certification.

Regulatory documents provide for three types of categories in ascending order:

  • the second (is the base);
  • first;
  • higher.

Popular questions

Here are some of the most common questions people have about specializing in dentistry:

What is a dentist?

Dentist is an outdated name that does not carry a strictly defined meaning. AT pre-revolutionary Russia a dentist was a practitioner who did not have a special dental education.

In some countries, today a dentist is called a dentist, that is, a specialist with a secondary education. In general, any professional who deals with teeth can be called a dentist - technician dental laboratory, paramedic, dentist.

Who is a dental assistant?

A dental assistant is a doctor who has received a secondary medical education in the specialty "General Medicine". At the same time, there are no requirements for the experience of a dental assistant. In terms of professional training, he is close to a dentist, but it is believed that the latter has a higher qualification.

A dental assistant can perform the following types of work:

  1. diagnosis of dental diseases;
  2. referral of the patient to a dentist of the relevant specialization;
  3. therapy and prevention of simple dental diseases;
  4. education competent hygiene oral cavity;
  5. maintaining medical records.

Can a dentist work as a dentist?

No, he cannot, for this he does not have enough knowledge and authority.

Can a dentist extract teeth?

Maybe in the absence of complications in the periodontium of the removed tooth.

Which doctor treats caries?

Dentist (for uncomplicated caries), general dentists and therapists, pediatric dentist.

There has been some confusion about the terms "dentist" and "stomatologist". In Russia and countries former USSR a doctor who treats teeth is called a dentist (sometimes in the old fashioned way, a dentist).

While in the West the name "dentist" became more widespread.

What is the difference between a dentist and a dentist?

Let's understand the terms. A dentist is a broader concept than a dentist. Dentists are not only dentists, but also dentists, and dental paramedics, and dental technicians. What are these professions?

Dentist is a doctor with a higher education. Depending on specialization and qualification, he has the right to treat teeth with therapeutic methods (treatment of caries, pulpitis, etc.), extract teeth and perform other surgical interventions (surgeries, implantation, etc.), correct bite, prosthetic teeth.

Dentist- a specialist with a secondary education, can treat caries and its complications, but has no right to interfere with more serious situations(for example, removing teeth).

dental assistant- a specialist with a secondary education, has a lower qualification. Due to the low demand and prestige, this specialty is becoming a thing of the past.

Dental Technician- a specialist with a secondary education engaged in the manufacture of dentures. He practically does not meet with patients, has no medical qualifications, but is extremely in demand, since the quality of the prosthesis depends on the skills and experience of the technician.

The most widespread profession is dentistry. At the reception, as a rule, we encounter a doctor of this particular specialty.

Why is dentistry so in demand?

In today's world, approximately 90 percent of people suffer from dental diseases. This is due to a change in nutrition, a decrease in defensive forces body and other reasons. Sick teeth not only cause suffering, but can also provoke more serious ailments.

With the loss of teeth, a person's appearance worsens, invariably, self-confidence. Fortunately, dentistry has made incredible strides. Latest Methods dental fillings, restoration, prosthetics, bite correction, treatment of inflammatory and degenerative diseases open up great prospects, allow you to correct almost any defect.

Dental services are in high demand. A person with a specialty "dentistry" can work in a clinic, private medical center, hospital, scientific institution, in the sphere medical education. By number among medical specialties dentists occupy an honorable fourth place, and their income sometimes comes out on top.

Narrow dental specialties

In connection with the accelerated development of dentistry, narrow specializations appeared and quickly gained popularity:

- doctor dentist-therapist is engaged therapeutic treatment dental diseases. It treats caries and its complications (pulpitis, periodontitis and others), non-carious dental diseases (erosion and other enamel defects, wedge-shaped defect), as well as inflammatory diseases oral mucosa (stomatitis). The vast majority of cases that a dentist-therapist has to deal with are caries and its complications;

dental surgeon removes teeth and takes care of others surgical methods treatment. In recent years, operations on implantation of teeth have firmly entered the everyday life of surgical dentistry;

periodontist treats periodontal diseases - that is, tissues adjacent to the tooth. These are periodontitis, periodontal disease and gingivitis. One of the most difficult areas of dentistry, since these diseases, their causes and methods of treatment remain not fully understood;

orthopedic dentist engaged in dental prosthetics;

orthodontist corrects bite in children and adults.

Dentistry is one of the most sought after and highly paid medical professions. It is not surprising that among medical school applicants it is in such great demand.

A dentist is a doctor who treats injuries and diseases of the teeth, jaws and maxillofacial region generally. Depending on the specialization, the functions of a dentist can differ significantly: who exactly treats teeth, who makes prosthetics, who is engaged in observation and prevention. There are many specializations.

Nowadays, the profession of a dentist is quite prestigious and popular among those who choose medicine.

Types of specializations of dentists

Since the names of medical professions do not always sound clear, let's try to figure out what a dentist of a particular specialization does.

Dentist-therapist conducts inspections, diagnostics and general treatment- seals and restores teeth by direct methods, removes nerves, prepares the oral cavity for prosthetics. This doctor treats various diseases: caries, gumboils, periodontitis, gingivitis, pulpitis and inflammation of the nerves.

Dentist-orthodontist is engaged in the correction of teeth, more precisely - their incorrect location in oral cavity: teeth can grow too close or far apart or just unevenly - this doctor corrects these shortcomings. It is he who prescribes braces, plates and trimers.

Dentist-orthopedist restores and implants (prosthetics) teeth: the first option is used if it is possible to save the tooth, the second option is used if it is no longer possible to save it. Works in a team with dental technicians.

Dentist-surgeon removes teeth, operates on the jaws, joints and face in connection with injuries, defects, tumors and various diseases, and also prepares the oral cavity for operations performed by a prosthodontist and removes implants.

Dental hygienist conducts dental and oral examinations, consults on dental hygiene and disease prevention, polishes teeth and removes plaque and hardened formations.

Periodontist heals gums and soft tissues surrounding and holding teeth. He should be contacted with bleeding gums, tooth mobility, bad breath, the appearance of plaque and calculus on the teeth.

Children's dentist takes care of children and performs virtually all the functions of a dentist-therapist, as well as some others, including the extraction of teeth and a number of operations.

Places of work

The position of a dentist is available in ordinary clinics, as well as in public and private specialized dental clinics. This work you can safely call it in demand, because Dentistry is always relevant.

History of the profession

People have been trying to treat their teeth since time immemorial. By at least, "father of medicine" Hippocrates at the turn of the 4th-5th centuries BC already offered to relieve toothache in literally hot iron. Toothbrushes existed in the Middle East by 500 AD, and the first fillings are mentioned in China in 659 AD.

In Russia, dentistry separate industry healing appeared under Peter I (although teeth were treated, of course, before), who himself tried to perform the functions of a dentist. And in 1881, the first school of dentists opened in St. Petersburg.

Responsibilities of a Dentist

Key Responsibilities of a Dentist:

  • reception and treatment of patients;
  • conducting preventive examinations and rehabilitation of the oral cavity;
  • maintaining medical records.

For specific specializations of dentists, specific responsibilities may also be provided. So, for example, the duties of an orthopedic dentist may include working with optics, micro-invasive prosthetic techniques, etc.

Requirements for a dentist

The standard requirements for a dentist are:

  • higher medical education;
  • the presence of a medical book and a valid certificate;
  • computer knowledge;
  • experience in the specialty.

Once again, we note that there are several dental specializations, and therefore the certificates must correspond to them exactly.

How to become a dentist

You can become a dentist (or rather, a dental assistant) without a university diploma - it is enough to receive a secondary vocational education in a technical school or college, or even complete special courses. However, career and professional growth will require a higher medical education and preferably the completion of an internship.

Dentist resume sample

Dentist salary

The salary of a dentist ranges from 25,000 to 100,000 rubles per month. In big cities you can get even more.

The answer to the question "how much does a dentist earn?" directly depends on the experience and qualifications of the doctor, and even more so on the region. It is of considerable importance in which particular clinic - public or private the doctor works.

Many mistakenly believe that teeth being treated by a dentist or dentist- no matter who exactly, because they are synonyms. But the differences between these two specializations are, and very significant.

Dentist-therapist and dentist: the difference

Everyone knows the difference between nurse and doctor. Approximately the same differs between the dentist-therapist and the dentist. The first is a certified specialist who studied at the university and completed an internship, which makes him in demand in the modern world. By law, the dentist has the right, depending on the specialization, to deal with any problems in the oral cavity. The list of his services includes procedures of any complexity.

Such a specialist as a dentist studied for only three years and received a certificate of completion of secondary education. The range of services he provides is not as wide as that of a dentist. This is the main difference between the two specializations.

Dentist services

A dentist can work in a medical facility and do the following simple manipulations:

  • assess the condition of the oral cavity;
  • to treat certain gum diseases;
  • treat caries, but only in the unopened stages;
  • perform tooth extraction if there are no complications;
  • provide a service such as cleaning enamel from stone;
  • perform the installation of temporary fillings or permanent, but only in small areas;
  • take impressions of the dentition for transfer to the technician.
If a dentist encounters a problem in the oral cavity, which he cannot solve, he is required by law to refer the patient to a dentist with a higher education.

Other dental specialties

Do not think that if you go into the office with a sign "dentist", then he will solve all your problems. The list of diseases is wide, so no one, even the smartest doctor, is able to treat everything.

Dentists are divided into such specialists:

  • Therapist. He is approached with general problems.
  • Orthopedist who puts dentures.
  • Orthodontist - helps with malocclusion.
  • A surgeon performs surgical interventions.
  • Periodontist - treats inflammation of the gums.
  • Children's dentist - takes care of children up to 17 years.

Children, as far as we know, do not have as many teeth as adults. And there are no milk incisors, fangs and molars in people over 14 years old. Due to the significant differences between the temporary and permanent series, patients under the age of 17 are treated and examined by a pediatric dentist. This is one of the most difficult specialties in dentistry.

The doctor must not only perfectly know all the features of changes in the teeth in young patients, but also be a good psychologist It's not easy to work with children. It is necessary to calm, cheer and encourage the baby, and only then proceed directly to work.

The dentist does not examine children, although it seems that there are many times fewer orthodontic problems before the age of 17, which means that it will be easier to treat them. A pediatric dentist differs from a dentist in that his specialization is more responsible. There is a huge difference in the structure of the teeth of children and adults, and only a certified doctor can properly cope with the task assigned to him.

Dentist-surgeon: when drastic measures are needed

As you know, surgery involves surgical interventions. This is what a surgeon does in a dental clinic. They get to him if other doctors can no longer help the patient.

The surgeon will once and for all save you from many problems that arise in the oral cavity. This complex profession requires great attention, great practice and honed skills. A specialist is contacted for a number of problems:

The patient rarely comes to the surgeon himself, more often he is referred by other dentists. Often, several doctors perform the treatment at once., usually a periodontist and therapist. Because before and after surgical intervention the patient must be properly managed.

Without a periodontist - nowhere

To understand what this specialist does, you need to understand what a periodontium is. Periodontium - soft tissues near the teeth, and if it is simpler - the gums. Teeth and gums are one system. There can be no healthy incisors, canines, molars and diseased gums, or vice versa.

The periodontist treats:

  • gingivitis;
  • stomatitis;
  • periodontitis;
  • periodontitis.
Most often, periodontal disease occurs due to the introduction of infection between hard tissues(teeth) and soft (gums).

How gum disease develops

The Importance of an Orthopedic Dentist

This doctor is also called a prosthetist, because the essence of his specialty is the prosthetics of the patient's teeth. It only gets there after complete examination at the dentist-therapist, since he will be able to work with prostheses and do his job only when sanitation has already been carried out - otherwise the risk of inflammation is too high.

To date orthopedists are the most sought-after specialists. They are engaged in the setting of crowns, pins, bridges, all kinds of implants. It is rare to find a person over thirty years old who would never go to this doctor.

Dentist-therapist - the broadest specialty

The therapist deals with common problems:

  • treatment of caries, periodontitis, pulpitis;
  • patient consultations;
  • disease prevention;
  • preparation of the mouth before prosthetics.

It is to this specialist that there is always a queue for “checking up”. A dentist's appointment is somewhat similar to a dentist's appointment, but there is a difference: the second doctor does not treat or examine pulpitis, periodontitis and other infectious and inflammatory diseases.

The therapist has the right not only to the initial consultation, but also to the treatment of patients. A dentist differs from a dentist-therapist also in that he cannot advise patients according to their disease, his duty is to refer them to other specialists.

The orthodontist will correct nature

This doctor deals with the correction of the bite, using braces, plates or caps. Due to improper positioning, teeth can wear out, crumble, it is much more difficult for a person to exercise hygiene measures, chew food.

With the help of an orthodontist, congenital or hereditary anomalies are corrected that interfere full life, for example, the gap between the front incisors, irregular shape, location, and many others. In the modern world, not last place there is also an aesthetic side - we can say that the orthodontist makes a “beautiful smile”. It is worth remembering that treatment with this doctor can take more than one year.

How to save money on dental services

It is known that correcting a smile is now very expensive, not everyone can afford such a luxury. A toothache is one of the strongest and it is impossible to endure it. Special high cost is noted in the capital of Russia - Moscow. However, according to the law under Art. 41 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, medical care should be provided free of charge. Of course, this statement applies to public clinics.


There are a lot of specialists in dentistry, and the activities of each of them are different. It is important to remember to avoid serious problems with oral health and trips to dental clinics is possible if you follow the basic rules:

  • brush your teeth twice a day;
  • visit the dentist once a year, even if there is no reason for this;
  • do not delay the visit if the gums become sensitive or inflamed.

By following these conditions, you will save yourself from problems in the future. Do not be afraid of doctors, many diseases begin completely asymptomatically, and only a specialist can determine the threat in time.

AT modern dentistry a wide range of services is provided, so today there are more and more different specializations in this area.

Dental Professions:

In this article, we will discuss each specialization one by one. You will find out: what is the name of the doctor who inserts the teeth, and whether the dentist has the right to remove teeth, which doctor treats stomatitis and much more.

Who is a dentist and what is his job?

In fact, the specialty of a dentist implies quite wide range duties, despite the fact that they study for this profession for only three years.

What does a dentist do:

    examines the human oral cavity and establishes a diagnosis;

The dentist has the right to examine the human oral cavity and make a diagnosis, but does not have the right to remove teeth

What are the duties of a dentist?

Wide spectrum dental problems, occurrence innovative technologies, contributed to the need for more careful training of doctors in dental activities.

dentist- a specialist who has a higher education, unlike a dentist. In other words, the name of the doctor who treats teeth is a dentist. The duties of a therapist include:

  • caries therapy;
  • filling;
  • treatment of stomatitis, opening of the pulp, etc.

The main duties of a dentist are caries therapy, filling, treatment of stomatitis, etc.

The activity of a dentist is a very responsible work, because it is very important to establish correct diagnosis and assign the correct medical measures so as not to harm the health of the patient. A dentist must constantly improve his skills, follow new trends in dental treatment be able to properly use special tools and equipment, understand medicines. In connection with the emergence of new specialties, many people get confused and ask a completely normal question: which doctor puts fillings on their teeth?

What does a dentist surgeon do

A specialist who performs surgical actions during the treatment process is called a surgeon. Which doctor removes teeth when it hurts and is unbearable for us? Of course, the surgeon. In addition to this common procedure, his duties include other actions:

  • implantation;
  • therapy of diseases of the trigeminal nerve;
  • therapy pathological processes in periodontal tissues;
  • work with nerve endings in the mouth;
  • treatment of formations in the oral cavity;
  • cutting gums;
  • carrying out plastic and restorative manipulations;
  • preparation for the prosthetic procedure;
  • therapy of defects of the frenulum of the tongue;
  • removal of birth defects;
  • wound treatment;
  • removal of teeth, both partial and complete.

Implantation and extraction of teeth are the main duties of a dentist surgeon

Which doctor deals with prosthetics

Let's look at which doctor puts crowns on the teeth. These are the duties of the orthopedic doctor, which include the restoration of teeth, as well as their prosthetics. If the roots of the tooth are good and not affected, then restoration is done, and if the root and tooth are not subject to further use, then prosthetic procedures are performed.

Orthopedics in dentistry is considered the most demanded area. With her knowledge, one can not only successfully carry out restoration, but also restore all functional abilities.

A doctor who puts crowns on your teeth is called an orthopedist. The restoration procedure includes three methods:

Crowns, bridges and inlays are used in the case of a fixed type of prosthetics.

A doctor who puts crowns on your teeth is called an orthopedist.

The fastest and easiest is the removable method. Such prostheses are almost no different from real teeth, quite wear-resistant and practical, affordable.

A conditionally removable method is performed if one tooth needs to be replaced. This intervention is different in that new tooth can be easily removed by the inserter, but the person cannot remove it on their own.

Which doctor puts braces on teeth

A specialist who deals with the restoration of the dentition is called an orthodontist. When a person’s teeth are not naturally arranged beautifully: very close or far in relation to each other, the task of the orthodontist is to correct this defect. After the installation of braces, a person’s teeth take the correct position, due to which the smile becomes more attractive.

This manipulation is an excellent prevention of caries and gum pathologies. Unlike dental prosthetics, the correction of defects in the field of orthodontics requires a longer time, but without surgical intervention or tissue damage. The effect of manipulation is often long-lasting.

Considering that the aesthetic appeal of a smile is considered one of the most important factors in good looks, orthodontics is one of the most popular fields in the dental field today. Beautiful smile is the key to success in almost all areas of a person's life. If a person has any anomalies or defects that do not allow him to freely smile, eat, etc., he will have many complexes.

A specialist who deals with the restoration of the dentition is called an orthodontist.

To decide on the doctor you need, you must first make an appointment with a dentist or dentist. Whom to go to is up to you. In terms of providing advice, these two specialists are practically no different: you will be examined, diagnosed, prescribed treatment, if necessary, referred to another specialist of a narrow profile.

What is the difference between a dentist and a dentist? What is the difference between a dentist and a dentist?

What is the difference between a dentist and a dentist? Times have changed, and if earlier the profession of a doctor engaged in the treatment of teeth and oral cavity was considered the only one, now, visiting dental clinic, you can get confused in the names of narrow specialists and sometimes figure out on what basis they are separated.

What is the difference?

What is the difference between a dentist and a dentist? Despite the fact that these two words are synonymous, there are still significant differences between these medical professions. Secondary graduates medical institution, having studied in it for 3 years, they receive the qualification "dentist" and have the right to treat teeth and the oral cavity for limited medical reasons. These are simple manifestations of caries, periodontal disease, stomatitis. College graduates can provide care for patients with maxillofacial injuries and perform simple physiotherapy procedures, diagnose the disease and, when the situation is difficult, refer for treatment to a more qualified doctor.

The dentist will take on any possible diseases mouth and teeth, he is entitled to this by graduating from a dental university, in which he studied for 5 years, plus a two-year practice in residency or a year of internship. Consequently, he has a higher qualification and level of training.

But the development of medical dental science and the requirements of the time have shown that just being a dentist is not enough, so narrow specializations of this area of ​​​​medicine have appeared:

  • dental surgeons;
  • dentists-therapists;
  • general dentists;
  • orthodontists;
  • children's dentists;
  • orthopedic dentists.

These highly qualified professionals each specialize in their field, which allows them to penetrate deeper into the intricacies of the direction, get acquainted with new achievements in science, high technologies and introduce them into practice.


What is the difference between a dentist and a dental therapist? The dentist is limited in his abilities: to cure deep caries complicated by pulpitis, or to restore a badly damaged tooth, he will not be qualified. Of course, filling a small hole in the tooth is in his power, but the dentist-therapist deals with more complex cases.

At the appointment, the doctor, examining the patient's oral cavity, will make the correct diagnosis, cure caries, pulpitis, periodontitis of any complexity, prepare the mouth for prosthetics, remove the inflamed nerve, ideally restore the shape of the broken tooth.

Patients who care about the health and condition of their mouth visit this specialist at least once every six months. Then the emerging caries will not have a chance to develop. And if there is bleeding in the gums, their redness, incomprehensible pain without visible reasons, the reaction of the teeth to the temperature when eating, in this situation it is not necessary to postpone a visit to a professional for later.

So, we found out what is the difference between a dentist and a dentist-therapist. Consider other specializations of doctors in this field.

dental surgeon

What is the difference between a dentist and a dental surgeon? If the tooth is completely destroyed and there is no way to restore it, it's time to contact the dentist-surgeon. He will remove the hotbed of infection in the mouth and give recommendations on what needs to be done so that the wound heals faster. He can pull out healthy tooth growing incorrectly and interfering with neighboring ones. Surgeons can not only prepare the oral cavity for implantation, they themselves are able to implant an implant, but also perform an operation in case of an injury to the jaw or its joint.

These manipulations are not subject to an ordinary dentist. His qualifications and knowledge do not give him the opportunity to perform such complex operations.

Children's dentist

What is the difference between a dentist and a pediatric dentist? The structure of the oral cavity of a child, like the whole organism, has its own characteristics, therefore, the teeth of young patients should be treated directly by a pediatric dentist.

Many believe that milk teeth will fall out on their own and it is not necessary to fill them, and if they start to deteriorate, then you just need to remove them. In fact, the health of the child in the future depends on their condition, and if, without hesitation, destroy bad teeth, then their indigenous followers will also be susceptible to caries and grow crooked.

The treatment of children's teeth requires special tools and materials, special equipment and methods of anesthesia - all this should be known to the pediatric dentist. To this must be added that the correction malocclusion is also part of his responsibilities. It requires knowledge of child psychology, the ability to handle a child during treatment, charm, restraint, goodwill. A professional dealing with children should have these qualities so that the baby can overcome fear and, without falling into hysterics, let him do his job efficiently and well. And what memories the child will have from visiting the dental office will determine how he will subsequently relate to visits there throughout his life. This is the difference between a dentist and a dentist in a children's clinic.

General practice dentist

What is the difference between a dentist and a general dentist? This specialty is in demand in areas where there are no clinics with narrow specialists. Such a dentist should know and be able to do a lot, in fact, he can do almost everything in this specialty, because he is a bit of a dentist-therapist, and an orthopedist, and a hygienist, and a surgeon. He will inform the population how to take care of the oral cavity, and will provide first aid, and cure a damaged tooth, remove, if necessary, prescribe tests and X-rays. It is able to help almost any patient suffering from toothache and various kinds inflammation of the mouth. He will not undertake only the most difficult cases and operations.


This direction in dentistry deals with the correction of the pathological structure of the jaw. Such a specialist can correct the incorrect growth of teeth, their curvature, reduce the distance between them. The orthodontist will put the now popular braces. This method does not injure the tissues of the oral cavity, but the alignment is delayed for a longer period.


What is the difference between a dentist and an orthopedic dentist? Nowadays it is one of the most necessary and demanded specialties. Losing teeth, a person loses the ability to fully and efficiently chew food, and an orthopedist helps him restore this function through prosthetics. There are several such methods now, and prostheses can be removed at night or permanently in the mouth. There are also conditionally removable prostheses - these are crowns, bridges, pins, implants.

Removable dentures are relatively inexpensive and fit quickly, look natural, and last a long time. Crowns and bridges are placed when one or more teeth are removed. Another doctor may suggest several options modern techniques to choose from.


The priority in medicine is disease prevention, and dentistry is no exception. Does it professional doctor dental hygienist. He will point out to the patient how inexpensive, but effective ways maintain long-term dental and oral health, informs the public about how to take care of themselves, and explains how to choose the right foods that are important for dental tissues and how to use drugs that restore them.

Doctors periodically conduct examinations in kindergartens, schools, and enterprises, educate the population, correct minor flaws, treat teeth with fluoride, and etch them with sealants for those who need it. Children's institutions teach how to use toothbrushes, recommend people the best dental cleansers, convey to the masses the necessary information to maintain oral health.

Dentist and dentist - are there any differences?

The names of these professions, although they sound different, but their representatives are engaged in one thing - maintaining the health of the oral cavity. In dictionaries, dentists are characterized as specialists engaged in the treatment and prosthetics of teeth, but do not have higher education. This name is now practically not used in Russia, it is popular in Western countries. And here it corresponds to the category of dentist or technician.

Having fully understood how a dentist differs from a dentist-therapist, surgeon, orthodontist and orthopedist, having solved the riddles and subtleties of specialization, you can safely go to the dental clinic without fear of getting into trouble, and contact exactly the specialist that is needed at this moment .

Can a dentist work in the city and carry out treatment, extraction of teeth?

Hello, I am a dentist, can I work in the city and carry out treatment, tooth extraction. Thanks in advance.

Lawyers Answers (6)

If you are interested in becoming a dentist employment contract then there are no problems.

If you want to engage in private activities, then you will need to obtain a license and register an individual entrepreneur in in due course

Government Decree Russian Federation dated April 16, 2012 N 291 Moscow "On licensing medical activities»

7. To obtain a license, the license applicant sends or submits to the licensing authority in accordance with Part 1 of Article 13 of the Federal Law “On Licensing certain types activities” an application for a license, to which are attached:
a) copies of constituent documents legal entity, certified by a notary public
; b) copies of documents confirming that the license applicant has property or other legal basis buildings, structures, structures and (or) premises necessary for the performance of the declared works (services), the rights to which are not registered in the Unified State Register of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with It (if such rights are registered in the specified register, - information about these buildings, structures, structures and (or) premises);
c) copies of documents confirming that the license applicant has property rights or other legal grounds medical devices(equipment, apparatus, devices, tools) necessary for the performance of the declared works (services);
d) information on the availability of a duly issued sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on compliance sanitary rules buildings, structures, structures and (or) premises necessary for the license applicant to perform the declared works (services);
e) information about state registration medical products (equipment, apparatus, devices, tools) necessary for the license applicant to perform the declared works (services);
f) copies of documents confirming that the persons specified in subparagraph "c" of paragraph 4 of these Regulations have the appropriate professional education, certificates, work experience in the specialty; g) copies of documents confirming that the persons specified in subparagraph "e" of paragraph 4 of these Regulations have the appropriate professional education and a specialist certificate (for specialists with medical education);
h) copies of documents confirming that the persons specified in subparagraph "e" of paragraph 4 of these Regulations have the appropriate professional education and (or) qualifications, or a copy of the agreement with an organization licensed to carry out the relevant activities;
i) a copy of the document confirming the payment of the state fee for the grant of a license;
j) a description of the attached documents.

Sincerely, Alexander

Clarification of the client

And if I work under an employment contract, but a complaint has been received from patients to the police that the dentist does not have the right to conduct an appointment, but should work as a dental assistant.

What is the difference between a dentist and a dentist

Currently, one can often hear how a doctor who treats teeth is called either a dentist, or a dentist, or simply a dentist. Are all names the same or are there differences between them? If so, what are they.
Before answering these questions, perhaps we need to look a little into history.

Dental schools existed even before the October Revolution, when they were perhaps the only educational "factories" for training specialists in the field of diseases associated with the oral cavity.

Science did not stand still, the range of diseases directly related to dentistry, which became more and more known, expanded. scientific community. Naturally, the rapid growth of the science of dentistry required a new, more high level practitioners involved in the treatment of dental diseases.

Therefore, not only in our country, but also in many other countries, special educational institutions began to open that were engaged in this direction - dental institutes and faculties. This happened around the 1920s.

What is the difference?

Dentist and dentist - it seems that they are exactly the same names. And they are engaged in one thing - they treat teeth. Yes, but there is still a difference. So what is the difference between a dentist and a dentist? First, the level of education. Secondly, in the range of activities. So what is a dentist?

To become a dentist, it is enough to graduate from a secondary specialized medical institution. Previously, such institutions were called medical schools, now in most cases they are called colleges.

They study for three years. Graduates receive a diploma of secondary vocational education, which gives the right to carry out a certain range of activities. Basically, these may not be very complex manifestations of dental diseases, in particular, stomatitis, carious lesions and others.

Graduates of secondary medical care have the right to conduct physiotherapy that does not require high qualifications, to provide care for patients who have simple maxillofacial injuries. They also have the right to establish a diagnosis of the disease and, if the situation requires, to ensure that the patient is referred to a doctor of a higher qualification.

A dentist is a specialist of a higher level. At the dentist study in higher educational institutionmedical institute, university or academy. To get a diploma and the right to engage in one of the dental specialties, a medical student needs to comprehend science for 5 years.

The resulting education allows him to take on almost any disease of the oral cavity and teeth. In addition, practice must be added to the education received. After all, studying at a university does not end the process of obtaining a profession. He still has practice - a one-year internship, or a two-year clinical residency.

And this is no coincidence, because modern medicine does not stand still. It makes future specialists new requirements, deeper knowledge. The latest developments and technologies are emerging, treatment methods are being improved, new directions and specializations are opening up.

Therefore, along with the fact that dentists are becoming more highly specialized doctors, nevertheless, they must be doctors with a wide knowledge of general medicine. Such knowledge cannot be acquired in a shorter period of study.

But often dentists are called dentists out of habit, just as dentists are called dentists. As we found out, this is not entirely true. A dentist may have a specialization, and their list is quite extensive:
if we talk about such specialization as therapeutic dentistry, then it may also include cariesology, aesthetic dentistry periodontology, endodontics;

  • one of the specializations is orthodontics;
  • there is a specialization in orthopedic dentistry;
  • may branch and surgical dentistry for example, a doctor may be a highly qualified specialist in the field of implantology;
  • the dentist may be a specialist in maxillofacial surgery;
  • pediatric dentistry is subdivided into therapeutic surgical dentistry.

Time does not stand still, it is in the past, when the profession of a doctor who dealt with diseases of the teeth was the only one, and it was impossible to get confused in the names. Now, sometimes, it is difficult to understand which specialist to go to if problems suddenly arise, for example, about caries. Together we will try to understand the specialization of doctors who treat bad teeth.


You probably need to start with a dentist-therapist. A mid-level specialist, as we said above, does not have the opportunity to engage in complex diseases teeth, such as treatment deep caries, which is complicated by pulpitis. He will not undertake due to lack of qualifications for the treatment of a badly damaged tooth. AT last resort, a dentist of this category will fill the patient with a small hole in the tooth.

But the dentist-therapist is available more complex for the treatment of dental lesions. When examining a patient, he will be able not only to make the correct diagnosis, but also to treat pulpitis, periodontitis. If necessary, he will prepare the teeth for prosthetics, restore the original shape of the destroyed tooth.

Those who care about the state of the oral cavity are well acquainted with the doctor of this specialty. As a rule, twice a year they visit a dentist-therapist. This keeps your teeth in perfect condition. long years. But not only for the purpose of prevention, you should contact the dental clinic. Any bleeding gums pain when eating, the temperature reaction of the teeth - all this should alert and serve as a reason for contacting a dentist-therapist.

In general terms, we have clarified the essence of the work of a specialist dentist-therapist, consider the following specialization.

dental surgeon

In what case do we turn to a dental surgeon? If the patient has a small hole in the tooth, then he should hardly go to the doctor's office. Here, most likely, you will need the help of a dentist-therapist.

But if the patient allowed almost complete destruction of the tooth and the examination showed that there was no chance of its restoration, then this is the right place. The dentist-surgeon will eliminate your problem - remove the diseased tooth. Of course, before that, he will sanitize the oral cavity; after tooth extraction, it will also disinfect in the mouth and issue a memo-recommendation, which will describe in detail how and what needs to be done so that the wound heals faster.

The dental surgeon not only removes diseased teeth, but those that prevent other teeth from growing correctly, even if they are healthy. Not only can this specialist prepare the teeth for implant insertion, they are also capable of implanting the implant themselves.

The surgeon-dentist perfectly copes with maxillo-articular operations.
Such operations are not subject to a mid-level dentist, as there is not a sufficient level of knowledge and qualifications that give the right to carry out complex surgical interventions and procedures.


What does an orthodontist do? This is indeed interesting to know. After all, someone who has not had occasion to contact this specialist at least once is unlikely to be able to quickly answer this question. So who is he, an orthodontist? What dental diseases and problems does it deal with?

And he is engaged in putting things in order in violation of the structure of the jaw, that is, he corrects improperly growing teeth, if for some reason they suddenly began to grow crookedly, and deliver both psychological and physical suffering to the patient.

He can reduce the distance between the teeth or install braces - structures for aligning teeth, especially popular in recent years. This sparing method does not cause injury to tissues, although it requires patience and endurance when wearing the structure.


Having dealt with who an orthodontist is, you can now find out what is the difference from another excellent specialist - an orthopedic dentist. First, it should be noted that it is currently one of the most sought-after specializations in dental medicine. And this is no coincidence, because an orthopedic dentist is engaged in prosthetics of the oral cavity.

When a patient loses teeth, he has to experience great discomfort, both aesthetically and physically. He can't help but smile broadly, chew his food well. All this is fraught with frustration digestive system.
The orthopedic dentist helps him regain his former confidence.

Methods of prosthetics in recent times enough. Dentures can be installed both removable and permanent. There are also removable conditionally. Such prostheses include, for example, various crowns, pins and other structures.

Children's dentist

Both mothers and their children know the way to this doctor. In children, the structure of the oral cavity has its own characteristics, which means that you need not just a dentist, but a specialist who can treat children's teeth.
Many people think that there is no need to treat, for example, milk teeth - the time will come, and they will fall out on their own. Or they should be removed. This is a deep delusion. The state of their permanent followers will depend on how timely the treatment of milk teeth will be carried out. Therefore, do not neglect such treatment.


There is another unique specialization. As you know, any disease is always much easier to prevent than to treat later. Dental hygienist deals with the prevention of dental diseases. He periodically conducts examinations in preschool and primary and secondary educational institutions, in organizations and enterprises, informs the population on how to properly maintain oral hygiene.

Who are the dentists?

What is the difference between a dentist and a dentist? Now another question: is a dentist a dentist? What is the difference between a dentist and a dentist? In the dictionary, dentist means exactly a dentist. Abroad, this word is used often. In Russia did not find so wide application call doctors who treat the oral cavity, in particular teeth, dentists. As we have already figured out, a dentist is a specialist who does not have a higher education.

Therefore, a dentist can be called a dentist or a mid-level dental technician. Although, this concept is often applied not only to dental assistants and technicians, but also to dentists of various specializations. It comes from the French dentiste, and the word dent is a tooth. That is, to put it simply, a dentist is a dentist.

Does a dentist have the right to extract teeth?

Does the dentist have to extract teeth? If so, how can these rights be proved under which article? By what code or order?

Nsli If not, too, under what articles or codes?

Lawyers Answers (2)

with secondary medical? - see qualification requirements for health workers + for example here -

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2012 N 291 “On licensing medical activities (with the exception of the specified activities carried out by medical organizations and other organizations included in private system healthcare, on the territory of the Skolkovo Innovation Center)" (with amendments and additions)

an individual entrepreneur - higher medical education, postgraduate and (or) additional professional education, provided for by the qualification requirements for specialists with higher and postgraduate medical education in the field of healthcare, and a specialist certificate, and with the intention to carry out first aid- secondary medical education and certificate a specialist in the relevant specialty;

Registration number 23035
to the order of the Ministry of Health and
social development RF
dated December 7, 2011 No. 1496n
rendering medical care adult population with dental diseases

7. Primary health care adult population with dental diseases in outpatient settings turns out:
dentists (general practitioner dentists), general dentists, dentists-surgeons, orthopedic dentists, orthodontists, maxillofacial surgeons (hereinafter - doctors dental profile), dentists, dental hygienists, dental technicians;
paramedics and doctors of other specialties.
When symptoms are detected dental disease medical workers specified in paragraph 3 of this paragraph, after taking measures aimed at eliminating life-threatening conditions and eliminating pain, the patient is sent to medical organization for medical care dentists.

12. For the position of a dentist dental clinic a specialist is appointed who meets the Qualification characteristics of positions of workers in the field of healthcare, approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated July 23, 2010 No. 541n (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on August 25, 2010 No. 18247), specializing in "dentist" - there is already a new 2016

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