How to cauterize the gums in dentistry. Interdental papillae and problems with them. General idea of ​​the procedure

The condition of the gums plays a key role in the health of the teeth, oral cavity and the whole human body. Coagulation of the gums in dentistry is the process of removing the soft tissues of the gums using a special instrument heated to high temperatures. In other words, cauterization of the gums occurs.

There are also modern methods of laser coagulation. This technology has a lot of advantages and serves as a worthy alternative to classical surgery. Coagulation of the gums allows you to bloodlessly cut off the necessary tissues and reduce the other part of the tissues due to their drying.

Prices for gum coagulation

Gingivectomy in the area of ​​the 1st tooth (coagulation (excision) of the mucosa) 4129 P

coagulation specialists

Litvin Irina Borisovna

doctor of the highest category dentist-therapist

1991 - graduated from the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry. Semashko specializing in dentistry.

1991-1992 - passed a clinical internship on the basis of the Zelenograd city polyclinic, specializing in therapeutic dentistry.

1995 - graduated from advanced training courses at the faculty of advanced training of dentists of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

"Center for Aesthetic Dentistry" offers professional gum coagulation using modern high-tech equipment.

Our specialists have a higher medical education and extensive experience in the field of such procedures, which allows us to guarantee high treatment efficiency and eliminate the entire range of risks for the patient.

Scope of coagulation

Gingival coagulation is a rational solution for:

  1. Carrying out a number of surgical operations, including the removal of formations of malignant and benign types. Such operations include the removal of tumors, fibromas, hemangiomas, papillomas, etc.;
  2. Removal of granulation neoplasms;
  3. Elimination of corrosive cavities that are directly below the level of the gums;
  4. Removal of overgrown mucosal tissues or so-called disnegic papillae;
  5. Treatment of attached gums.

Video about coagulation

Features of the procedure

The need for the procedure and its features are determined by our specialists after a personal examination of the patient. We provide gum coagulation services using an electrocoagulator or a laser instrument. The effectiveness and rationality of using the instrument is determined individually for each patient.

Most visitors to our clinic are interested in how long the gum heals after the procedure and how painful the operation is.

This procedure is performed under local anesthesia and is completely painless. In addition, the technique involves "cauterization" of the edges of the cuts, which eliminates the likelihood of bleeding and promotes rapid healing.

The cost of gum coagulation depends on the nature of the disease, its stage and the individual characteristics of the patient. The final price of the operation is determined after the examination and is announced before the procedure.

Advantages of the Center for Aesthetic Dentistry

The main advantages of gum coagulation in our medical centers include:

  • Availability of narrow-profile medical specialists with experience in performing operations of this type;
  • Modern imported equipment and medicines;
  • Comprehensive approach to each patient;
  • The impeccable reputation of clinics, which is confirmed by the reviews of grateful customers;
  • Experience in the medical services market since 1997;
  • Continuous professional development of employees, participation in international conferences, scientific research;
  • Introduction of innovative technologies;
  • Quality assurance for all types of dental work;
  • Development of recommendations for each patient;
  • Having your own portfolio with photos of the results of our treatment.

Coagulation of the gums is a biophysical process that occurs in living tissues as a result of exposure to ultra-high temperature that compresses them. This procedure is prescribed for the treatment of soft tissues of the oral cavity, correction of attached gums and removal of gingival granulations.

Greater efficiency of gum coagulation is observed when used during surgical interventions to remove benign and malignant tumors.

Due to the fact that the process takes place at high temperatures, there is no bleeding directly during the intervention and, accordingly, the healing time is reduced.

If the gum tissue turns white, then the gums have been coagulated. The current acts on the walls of blood vessels and thereby contributes to blood clotting. Further bleeding stops due to the closure of the lumen in the vessels. At the same time, during coagulation, wound decontamination occurs.

Before carrying out coagulation of the gums, it is worth paying attention to individual current intolerance or insufficiency of the patient's cardiovascular system.

Specialists of our dental center "VIDENT" in Vidnoye will perform gum coagulation, price: from 700 rubles.

Gum coagulation is one of the most popular gingival plastic surgeries in dentistry. For example, tissue can be cut with a heated instrument. Cutting by coagulation is very effective, as it is not accompanied by bleeding. This effect occurs due to the use of a scalpel heated by an electric current. Electric current impulses are sent to a part of the cells. These cells "explode", and the second part dries up.

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Diagnostics, prognosis and prevention of diastema

Diastema in patients is detected by visual examination of the oral cavity. However, a visual examination is not enough, it is necessary to carry out additional diagnostic procedures: bite determination, targeted orthopantomography, radiography,

Flux Causes

Flux on the gum can occur for many reasons. All the time the teeth are in work, so they need proper and regular care. Otherwise, they are affected by various dental diseases. Flux develops almost always due to an infectious process.

Dental prosthetics in Vidnoye

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Gum damage is a common problem that can lead not only to a deterioration in the patient's well-being and quality of life, but also to a further aggravation of the oral condition.

Coagulation of gum tissue can be an effective and painless solution to the problem.

General view

Coagulation of gum tissue is a biophysical process, or procedure, the essence of which is the impact on the affected tissue area of ​​ultra-high temperatures.

With the help of this method of exposure, soft tissues of the oral cavity are treated - in particular, benign and malignant neoplasms.

In each case, the dentist decides on the use of a particular device. depending on the technical equipment of the clinic, the financial capabilities of the patient, as well as indications in the current clinical situation.

For example, it is most expensive to carry out coagulation with a laser, but if there is a need for this (for example, it is required to remove a neoplasm for a patient with a blood clotting disorder), then the choice stops on this technique.

Indications and contraindications

Gingival coagulation is used to treat both benign and malignant gingival formations.

The operation is performed to eliminate the following pathological conditions:

  • granulation neoplasms;
  • overgrown mucosal tissue (gingival papillae);
  • tumor formations (fibromas, hematomas, papillomas, etc.);
  • corrosive cavities below gum level;
  • gum attachment.

The operation is not performed if the patient currently has an unsatisfactory hygienic situation in the oral cavity. As soon as the dentist conducts effective treatment, you can proceed with the procedure.

Absolute contraindications for the operation are:

  • pathologies of the immune system, in which there is a high risk of infection during surgery;
  • blood clotting disorders;
  • endocrine diseases in the degree of decompensation (in particular, diabetes mellitus);
  • exacerbation of infectious diseases;
  • decompensated cardiovascular pathologies.

In the presence of such contraindications, the operation is performed only under the supervision of a specialized doctor and only if the expected harm from progression of the disease exceeds the expected harm in the event of complications.

In addition, it is not advisable to carry out gum coagulation in the presence of inflammation of the bone tissue.


The advantage of coagulation action over traditional mechanical(excision of the gums with a scalpel) consists in the fact that under the influence of ultra-high temperatures the tissue cells shrink, and bleeding does not occur in the affected area, which significantly reduces the healing time.

Coagulation of the gums is carried out using various tools:

  • Electrocoagulator. Now there is a wide range of these devices on the market, and they are stationary, portable, having different modes, voltage and current strength.

    The basic principle of operation of such devices is to act on tissues with high-frequency alternating current.

  • Laser. Affects the gums in a targeted and most gentle way. The most efficient and gentle method.
  • Heated sharp tool. Today, it is practically not used, as it refers to traumatic procedures and requires a long recovery.

With the help of these devices, a pathologically altered tissue area is cut off, and the cells at the site of damage are compressed, preventing the development of bleeding and excluding infection. Thus, the tissue heals quickly.

Electrocoagulation techniques

Coagulation can be carried out in various ways, which have key differences in the way the current is applied to affect the tissue.

The first method is monopolar coagulation. In the case of such an operation, the current is supplied to the electrode, which is located directly on the handle of the scalpel.

In this case, electricity passes through the entire body of the patient, closing on the return plate (its presence during the procedure is a mandatory element).

In this case, the effect of the current is on the deeper layers of tissues, which is necessary when the neoplasms are deep.

Biopolar coagulation differs in a more superficial effect, in which the current passes only through the affected tissue area.

With this method, a return plate is not required, since electricity closes directly at the site of impact.

Preparatory activities

Before the gum removal procedure, no special preparation of the patient is required.

Before the procedure, it is advisable for the dentist to show his medical record or extracts from specialized specialists - in the event that the patient has any chronic diseases or body characteristics.

You should also inform the doctor about whether the patient has an allergy to local anesthesia preparations, since the operation is performed under local anesthesia.

If the dentist has questions about the nature of the neoplasm, he can refer the patient to various narrow specialists - an oncologist, a periodontist, an infectious disease specialist or another specialist.

Immediately before the coagulation, the oral cavity is sanitized, hygienic cleaning and (if necessary), removal of hard dental deposits.

If the condition of the patient's oral cavity is unsatisfactory, there are inflammatory elements or signs of infection, then a course of treatment is preliminarily carried out.

Procedure steps

After carrying out hygiene procedures, an anesthetic gel is applied to the affected area and waiting for the start of its action. Then the doctor, using a device (laser or coagulation), performs tissue excision or removal of the pathologically altered area.

At the same time, the patient should sit calmly and motionlessly in the chair, so it is important to provide high-quality local anesthesia.

On average, the entire operation lasts from 10 to 20 minutes, depending on the location of the neoplasm and the technique used.

After the procedure, the patient is not prescribed any special regimen or compliance with prescriptions - the performance during the procedure is not lost.

Treatment of papillae in hypertrophic gingivitis

Papilla coagulation is one of the most common applications of the technique.

Its frequent need is due to the fact that this type of pathological tissue growth very often occurs due to improper use of hygiene devices - dental floss, toothpicks, household injuries, eating solid food, etc.

The gingival papilla itself is a mucosal protrusion located in the interdental space, which can hurt and bleed, and in general does not look aesthetically pleasing.

In the case of coagulation, this mucosal protrusion is simply cut off and the patient is advised to change his approach to oral hygiene.

Prolonged neglect of the treatment of such formations leads to the multiplication of bacteria due to the penetration of blood particles into the enamel of the teeth. In the future, this can lead to the development of caries.

Another reason to think about the radical treatment of the gingival protrusion is the need to install a filling in the teeth closest to the inflamed area.

Even if the papilla itself does not bother the patient, the small but regular bleeding produced by it can undermine the filling, leading to the formation of a gap between it and the dental tissue.

The video shows a scheme for laser correction of hypertrophied gums.

After coagulation, it is not recommended to eat for several hours. During the initial healing period (1-3 days) it is not recommended to take solid and hot food so as not to damage the healing tissue. Be sure to observe oral hygiene - brushing and rinsing teeth.

In order for the healing process to be faster and safer, the dentist may recommend that the patient rinse the mouth with various herbal decoctions - chamomile, oak bark and others. They have a mild bactericidal effect and promote the speedy healing of tissues.

After the procedure, especially in cases where extensive excision is necessary, the patient may experience pain for 1-2 days, since the healing process takes place at the site of exposure.

As a rule, such a measure is necessary only for people with hypersensitivity of the mucosa, since pain after coagulation is minimal.


In Moscow, you can carry out a coagulation procedure using alternating current in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bone tooth for about 2,500 rubles.

A similar procedure performed by a laser will cost the patient already 5,000 rubles.

Excision with a heated instrument will cost 100-500 rubles, depending on the clinic.

The indicated price does not include diagnostic procedures, consultation with a doctor and preliminary preparation for the procedure.

The final cost depends on the area of ​​the lesion, the individual characteristics of the patient, as well as the technical equipment of the clinic where the procedure will be performed.

Coagulation- This is one of the methods of surgical impact on tissues. During the coagulation procedure, tissues and their parts are cut off through the influence of a heated instrument.

The efficiency of coagulation is due to the biophysical process that ensures the coagulation of living tissues. Since this process takes place in a short time at significant temperatures, it is possible to avoid bleeding.

During coagulation, tissues are heated up to 80 degrees, which contributes to the coagulation of proteins and tucking into the choroid. Blood clotting occurs, that is, the process of closing the lumen of blood vessels. Microvessels become as if soldered, and nerve endings die off.

Coagulation is carried out under the influence of an electric current, the energy of which, according to the laws of physics, is transformed into heat. With an increase in the current strength and its voltage, as well as the exposure time, there is an increase in the generated thermal energy.

There are the following sources of coagulation:

  • Heated dental (surgical) instrument;
  • Electrocoagulator;
  • Laser.

Coagulation: methods of carrying out

If we talk about the coagulation procedure, the implementation of which is possible using electric current, then the following methods are distinguished:

  • Monopolar - coagulation, in which the current is supplied to the electrode, which is located in the handle of the dental instrument. Thus, the current flows throughout the patient's body and necessarily implies a short circuit. For this purpose, a locking plate is provided on the tool.
  • Bipolar - this is coagulation, in which the current, entering a given area, closes in the same place. In other words, it bypasses the patient's body, and therefore no end plate is required.

Coagulation: indications and contraindications

In dental practice, coagulation is indicated in the following cases:

  • Removal of tumors - benign and malignant;
  • Gum treatment - removal of granulations, attachment correction;
  • Pulpitis - excision of the pulp or its parts;
  • Periodontitis - during coagulation, it is possible to cut off the pathogenic contents of the root canal;
  • Removal of granulations in periodontal pockets.

Like any surgical intervention, this procedure has a number of contraindications:

  • Heart failure;
  • Blood diseases characterized by slow clotting;
  • Milk bite during root resorption;
  • Permanent bite, in the event that the roots of the molars are not yet formed;
  • Channel obstruction;
  • current intolerance.

Coagulation of root canal contents

The preliminary stage of coagulation of the contents of the root canals is the isolation and drying of the canals, which will prevent leakage of current. However, the latter phenomenon is inevitable if the tooth to be coagulated has significant damage in the coronal part. In this case, preparatory manipulations involve the restoration of the walls of the crowns, only after that you can proceed to cutting off the tissues.

It is forbidden to coagulate the bleeding pulp, as well as in the presence of metal fillings that have contact with the gum.

It is important to select the electrode-needle for coagulation in accordance with the size of the root canal, and the exposure time per canal is no more than 5 seconds. Its introduction and removal can only be carried out with a closed circuit.

Coagulation of the gingival papilla

Granulation of the gingival papilla, which is a consequence of trauma or periodontal disease, leads to the development of caries. Being constantly bleeding, the granulation zone does not make it possible to install a filling - being regularly washed away with blood, the filling material loses its adhesive properties. That is why coagulation of the gingival papilla is a rather popular procedure.

The procedure is preceded by the application of local anesthesia. The coagulation process takes a minimum of time and is characterized by the absence of pain. It is normal to maintain a slight soreness and discomfort in the operating area for 1-2 days after coagulation.

This method is also used to solve an aesthetic problem - a low gum level. As a result of coagulation, it is possible to achieve a rise in the gingival margin.

If the procedure is carried out in connection with granulation growths characteristic of periodontal disease, then it is effective only at the first stages of the disease. In cases where the inflammatory process has engulfed the bone tissue, coagulation can lead to tooth loss.

Coagulation of tumors in the oral cavity

Today, coagulation is a safe and effective way to remove most benign (papillomas, fibromas, cysts, lymphangiomas) and some malignant tumors, as well as leukoplakia, lichen planus, erythroplakia, cheilitis.

As a rule, their excision is performed together with a part of the periosteum, after which coagulation is carried out. With the localization of formations on the mucosa and their small size, electrocoagulation is performed within healthy tissues. If the tumors are larger, then after coagulation, it is necessary to move the mucous flap to the surface treated with the coagulator.

As a rule, the site of the tumor after removal is subject to histological examination.

Often, with errors in cleaning, plaque forms at the roots, bacteria penetrate under the periodontium and provoke pain, redness and bleeding of the gums. These are clear signals for contacting a periodontist. Electrocoagulation is considered a modern method of treating periodontitis - we will talk about it in more detail in this article.

In science, coagulation means the "clotting" of particles under the influence of heat. An identical mechanism in medicine causes blood to clot in wounds and abrasions.

In surgery, such an intervention is necessary for the most delicate operations and "sealing" of bleeding in the vessels. For the treatment of pathologies of the oral mucosa, doctors use an electrocoagulator or a laser beam as the most gentle method. Traditional surgery threatens the patient with infection, profuse bleeding and requires suturing.

It is important to be cured in time, because the poor condition of the gums causes serious diseases and affects the immune system. How does the gum coagulation procedure take place?

The instrument is heated under the action of an electric current, after which, with the help of it, tissues are cut off extremely accurately and without pain, since the manipulation takes place under local anesthesia. The high temperature regime eliminates blood loss and accelerates healing.

The psychological comfort of the patient also affects the outcome of the operation. In this sense, the kind of "scalpel" helps - it does not resemble a traditional instrument for operations. These undeniable advantages of technology over classical surgery have made the method popular.

Indications and contraindications

Gums are often damaged by rough foods, the wrong toothbrush, or poor oral hygiene. In this case, mucous tissue grows between the teeth. Gingival papillae also increase due to periodontitis or periodontitis.

Indications for gum plastic surgery include:

  • benign and malignant neoplasms;
  • advanced inflammation in the gum pockets;
  • cervical caries;
  • pulpitis;
  • tissue hyperplasia;
  • chronic apical periodontitis;
  • dilated gum vessels and overgrown mucosal tissues.

Among the contraindications are:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • milk teeth at the time of the disappearance of the roots;
  • intolerance to electricity (a laser is shown);
  • root formation in permanent teeth;
  • increased tendency to thrombosis;
  • channel obstruction.

There are also absolute contraindications:

  • pathological failure of the heart to pump;
  • diseases of the immune system;
  • infectious diseases in the acute stage;
  • blood clotting disorders;
  • extreme stages of endocrine diseases;
  • channel obstruction.

Types of gum coagulation

Tools for cauterizing the gums can be different:

  • electrocoagulator (alternating current acts on tissues and destroys diseased cells);
  • laser (the least invasive directional method for gum treatment);
  • heated sharp instrument (traumatic outdated procedure, the rehabilitation period after it is longer).

There are two methods of gum excision: monopolar and bipolar.

Monopolar method

Indispensable for manipulations with large tumors at great depths.

A safe alternating voltage charge passes through the scalpel and the patient's body, closing on the return plate. You should not be afraid of procedures - only constant electricity (as in a home outlet) is dangerous for a person. The body simply does not have time to react to alternating current.

Bipolar method

For simple dental diseases, charging through a limited area is suitable. This method does not affect the entire body. The bipolar forked scalpel captures and clamps the gum. Electricity closes between the ends of the device and affects the site of inflammation.

Comparison of methods

The bipolar method eliminates complications, but is applicable only for small inflammations.

The monopolar method is multifunctional, but due to the low qualification of the surgeon or the use of a low-quality device, it can lead to burns or electrical breakdowns (damage to the gums due to a sharp surge in current).

Reference. Laser coagulation is recognized as the most gentle. Such surgical intervention is safe for the patient and speeds up recovery. The downside is the high cost of the operation.

Preparing for the operation

Before the operation, the patient visits the dentist and: does a professional cleaning and gets rid of. There should be no damage on the mucous membrane. To completely exclude potential complications after coagulation, a visit to an infectious disease specialist and an oncologist is scheduled.

After cauterization, you can not eat for several hours, so it is important to eat tightly before it. For 24 hours, give up cigarettes and alcohol - they change the indicators of blood clotting.

Procedure steps

First, the dental surgeon applies local anesthesia with a gel or injection. The patient should relax and not make unnecessary movements so as not to interfere with the doctor. Normally, coagulation is completed in 15 minutes.

The next steps of the surgeon are determined by the type of pathology:

  1. Tumor formations. Electrodes of three shapes are used: "knife", "loop" or "ball". At the initial stage of the disease, the growths of the gum tissue are cut off, coagulating them. The inflamed periosteum is removed by conventional surgery, while coagulation is needed to stop bleeding. If the tumor is large, then a mucosal flap is implanted.
  2. . An electric charge devitalizes the pulp in a few seconds, after which the dentist removes it and resumes the treatment of the tooth.
  3. . The coagulation needle is inserted twice: for 6-8 seconds and 3-4 seconds. Then the doctor performs an eight-second warm-up and seals the canal.
  4. below gum level. Coagulation is needed to open access to the inflamed part of the tooth.
  5. Granulation in periodontal pockets. The needle-electrode coagulates the pocket for 2-4 seconds.
  6. Elimination of hypertrophic. This disease leads to abnormal growth of the periodontium. As a result, the gingival papilla covers the tooth. The knife-electrode cuts off unnecessary tissues and coagulates the site of inflammation.

Care and possible complications

After the intervention, the dental surgeon will offer individual measures for recovery and write a prescription for the necessary drugs for this.

Food is consumed a few hours after the manipulation and exclusively cold. Chew it on the undamaged side. Gum care consists in gentle cleaning with a soft toothbrush, outside the home - with dental floss or chewing gum.

Patients are concerned about how long the wound heals and how to rinse the mouth after gum coagulation. Soothing washings with medicinal herbs, chewing of propolis, the use of therapeutic pastes and gels will not interfere.

If inflammation or pain occurs in the first days, anesthetics should be taken, as the discomfort can be very severe. Normally, unpleasant manifestations leave the patient two days after the operation.

Reference. It is extremely important not to smoke for the first time after the procedure.

The rate of healing of the periodontal after surgery depends on the characteristics of health - usually it occurs within two to ten days. If the gum does not heal longer after coagulation, then you should seek advice from a doctor. Regular visits to the dentist will help to avoid complications after gum coagulation.


Cauterization of periodontal tissues is a progressive procedure in the fight against various pathologies. This method allows not only to quickly and permanently get rid of the painful problem with the tissues around the teeth, while avoiding blood loss, but also to destroy bacteria and improve the appearance of the oral cavity. Real reviews of people confirm the painlessness of the procedure and the minimum period of rehabilitation after it.

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