Dental laboratory. Denta el dentistry

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We provide quality dental services in 12 clinics throughout the city with their own dental laboratory and training center, organized according to the most modern criteria, with a single name "Denta-El". More than 300 specialists of various specializations in dentistry work in our clinics. These are therapists, surgeons, orthopedic implantologists, orthodontists, pediatric dentists, radiologists, nurses, laboratory assistants and dental technicians. Many of them have degrees and medical qualifications. Our doctors regularly undergo training and internships in leading Russian and foreign dental centers and have international certificates and certificates. qualified dental care is a guarantee quick treatment. Modern dentistry - new painless solutions "Denta-El" are multidisciplinary, equipped with the most modern medical equipment leading world manufacturers, dental clinics for the whole family, where they provide high-quality treatment and aesthetic restoration teeth, bite correction, gum treatment, prosthetics and teeth whitening. We consider pediatric dentistry to be one of the most important areas in our work, to which we devote Special attention. Our clinic combines quality modern dentistry on affordable prices.

Believe that our services are not only effective for you, but also affordable. And we will do our best to ensure that after visiting any of the Denta-El clinics you have the best impressions, and, of course, a snow-white smile.

The Dento-El Master dental laboratory was established in 1998 as structural subdivision of the network of dentistry"Denta-El". The laboratory is equipped the most modern equipment and designed specifically for the needs of dental production. For our country, this is rather an exception to the rule, since most laboratories occupy premises of arbitrary designation. For creating optimal conditions labor in the laboratory installed:

  • supply and exhaust ventilation and split system, allowing you to create comfortable climatic conditions not only for staff work, but also for storage of dental materials(many of them need a special temperature regime);
  • multistage air purification system from industrial dust;
  • special shadowless lighting combined with large quantity natural light, That is necessary condition for maximum color accuracy.

If we talk about equipment, then in the laboratory we use all the most modern technologies: it is computer simulation, CNC machine tool application, laser welding, electro-spark erosion, 3D printing and many more. All of them are effective tools in the hands experienced professionals and allow you to achieve the most functional and aesthetic result. Today, in dentistry, the manual labor of a dental technician is a thing of the past - robots take its place, which can significantly increase the precision of work. At most production stages, the work is performed by machines under the control of computer programs.

Similar planning and production methods are widely used in industry for computer modeling and subsequent manufacturing of parts in industries such as automotive, aircraft, light industry and others. it CAD/CAM technologies- from the English Computer Aided Design / Computer Aided Manufacturing, that is, " computer simulation/computer production". Automation starts from the moment the doctor takes the impression. To do this, he uses a special intraoral scanner. But even if the cast has already been taken by the “classical” method, the finished plaster model is still scanned using an optical scanner, and all the information converted into a three-dimensional model on a computer. The dental technician virtually models the crowns, then using a special program they are automatically machined from ceramic or metal blocks. Wherein milling accuracy is very high and amounts to several tens of microns, - this allows us to say with confidence that a crown made in this way will last a long time.

Dento-El Master laboratory uses several CAD/CAM systems in its work, which, complementing each other, allow you to work with the entire range of materials used in orthopedic dentistry and solve any given problems. Our laboratory has practically unlimited possibilities for the manufacture of dental works of any complexity. For making crowns we use advanced metal-free technologies. Instead of cast frames made of precious and non-precious alloys, we use modern ceramic materials such as zirconia, lithium disilicate and feldspar ceramics. Such restorations without the use of metals and called metal-free. In a word, Dento-El Master laboratory has in its arsenal latest materials using the latest technologies and computer methods work for best results.

Today we can say with confidence that Denta-El is one of the oldest dentistry chains in Moscow. Having started our activity in 1996 with the organization of just one small dental clinic, today we provide high-quality dental services in 12 clinics throughout the city with our own dental laboratory and training center, organized according to the most modern criteria, with the single name "Denta-El".

More than 300 specialists of various specializations in dentistry work in our clinics. These are therapists, surgeons, orthopedic implantologists, orthodontists, pediatric dentists, radiologists, nurses, laboratory assistants and dental technicians. Many of them have academic degrees and medical qualifications. Our doctors regularly undergo training and internships in leading Russian and foreign dental centers and have international certificates and certificates. Qualified dental care is a guarantee of quick treatment. Modern dentistry - new painless solutions. "Denta-El" is a multidisciplinary, equipped with the most modern medical equipment from leading world manufacturers, dental clinics for the whole family, where they provide high-quality services for the treatment and aesthetic restoration of teeth, bite correction, gum treatment, prosthetics and teeth whitening.
We consider pediatric dentistry to be one of the most important areas in our work, to which we pay special attention. Our clinic combines high-quality modern dentistry at affordable prices. The work of our clinics is organized in such a way as to provide a comfortable and safe treatment to the highest modern standards.

Services of Dento-El Dental Clinic Network:

  • Therapeutic dentistry
  • Periodontology
  • CT scan
  • Dentistry under anesthesia
  • Orthopedics
  • Aesthetic dentistry
  • Surgery / Implantation
  • Children's dentistry
  • Hygiene and prevention
  • Dental prosthetics
  • Correction of bite

Addresses of dental clinics Denta El:

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