Toxoplasmosis diagnosis, symptoms, treatment. Folk methods of treatment. What happens in the body of the intermediate host

In most cases, the animal's body produces antibodies that turn toxoplasmosis into a latent course (asymptomatic). The immune system plays a big role in this.

At in large numbers oocysts that enter the body of a dog, the course can be unfavorable. Reproducing Toxoplasma can cause the formation of areas of necrosis in the vital important organs such as myocardium, lungs, liver, brain. During this phase, the animal's body temperature rises and The lymph nodes, further the disease proceeds asymptomatically. Also, the onset of the disease is accompanied by refusal to feed, apathy, diarrhea, cough, inflammation of the mucous membranes, expiration from the nose and eyes. Pneumonia and signs of neurological disorders (convulsions, paresis of the limbs, oculomotor and coordinating disorders) are often noted. Toxoplasmosis can co-occur with canine distemper and cause distemper vaccination failure.


If you find one or more of these symptoms in your dog, you should contact your dog immediately. veterinarian. If toxoplasmosis is suspected, the doctor will take blood from the animal from a vein and send it to the laboratory for analysis.

There are several ways laboratory diagnostics: ELISA, PCR, bioassays on mice, serology, etc. Unfortunately, different methods effective on different stages illness, so a negative result is not always reliable.


Not only people suffer from this disease, but also other mammals: dogs, cats, rodents, herbivores.

Toxoplasmosis can be acute or chronic. The first occurs suddenly, abruptly, manifested by vivid clinical signs. Symptoms chronic toxoplasmosis observed long time, are weakly expressed. This is the more common form.

structure of toxoplasma

Normally, if a person has an adequate immune response, he will not have a bright pronounced manifestation diseases, usually the body copes with it on its own. However, the patient may develop clinical disease- toxoplasmosis - depending on many factors. In particular, from the state of immunity, as well as the amount and pathogenicity (pathogenicity) of the infectious agent that has fallen.

How do people get infected?

The main factors contributing to the penetration of toxoplasma into the human body:

  1. Non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene: neglect of washing hands when cleaning the toilet of a cat, dog, after playing with them, doing housework, in the front garden / personal plot.
  2. Eating poorly cooked / fried meat (lamb, goat, pork, venison, beef, hare).

Oocysts are resistant harmful factors environment and may remain there for some time.

How is toxoplasmosis diagnosed?

Its formulation is complex, the disease does not differ in special signs and can be disguised as many ailments.

Patient complaints

Toxoplasmosis in humans does not have bright distinctive manifestations, by which one can immediately say that this is precisely this disease. signs acute illness resemble a typical viral influenza-like infection.

A person suffering from this disease complains of:

  • High temperature and resulting chills;
  • Headache;
  • sweating;
  • fainting;
  • Decreased ability to work, fatigue;
  • Pain in muscles, joints, spine.

Seizures or paralysis may occur.

What can a doctor find on a clinical examination?

For the patient:

  1. Enlarged liver and spleen, they can be painful on palpation;
  2. The lymph nodes are inflamed, they are swollen and painful to the touch;
  3. There is a violation of reflexes;
  4. There are signs of impaired functioning of the kidneys, heart, gastrointestinal tract, nervous system, organs of vision, lungs.

Chronic toxoplasmosis drags on for up to three weeks or more, this condition is characterized by:

  • Persistent headaches;
  • General weakness, fatigue;
  • Irritability, hysteria, mood swings;
  • Violation of memory, thinking;
  • Pain in the muscles and joints;
  • Body temperature is slightly elevated.

Symptoms of toxoplasmosis, especially chronic variant are rather non-specific. This means to confirm this disease on the basis of clinical signs not possible, additional studies are required.

In children, in the case of an acquired disease, it usually proceeds acutely, without special hallmarks. The disease, as in adults, is similar in clinic to a standard acute respiratory viral infection. The diagnosis of toxoplasmosis in such cases is rarely made to the child, since it is difficult to suspect it. It is not uncommon for an adult patient to find antibodies to toxoplasma, which means a disease, but the person has no idea when exactly he had it. The disease was disguised as SARS. If a more severe form of infection occurs, then it also manifests itself similarly to that in adults, it can be complicated by inflammation of the lungs, kidneys, and heart muscles.

Congenital toxoplasmosis is characterized by the presence in the baby of signs of a disorder in the functions of the nervous system., including a decrease in intelligence, memory, thinking, impaired reflexes, problems with hearing and vision. At the same time, the symptoms of the disease do not appear in the newborn, they are detected later, after months or even years. Sometimes a newly born baby is diagnosed with rashes, jaundice, an enlarged liver and spleen, these signs disappear some time after birth.

cases of hydrocephalus in a child (left) and lesions of the retina (right) against the background of congenital toxoplasmosis

Laboratory methods for confirming the diagnosis

Additional instrumental studies

If there are problems from internal organs appoint various methods diagnostics, allowing to establish the localization of the pathology, the degree of its spread, the extent of the lesion. Applied: X-ray, ultrasound, CT, MRI.

Pregnancy and toxoplasmosis

Due to the prevalence of the disease, its danger to the fetus and fetus, and the involvement of very popular pets - cats and dogs in the infection transmission cycle - the name of this disease is always heard in the gynecologist's office when a pregnant woman comes to register. The disease is included in the list of especially dangerous when carrying a fetus. Nevertheless, the presence of a shaggy tailed friend in the house is not at all a reason for panic.

Toxoplasmosis during pregnancy is really dangerous for the health of the unborn baby only if the woman became infected with it during the childbearing period.

A threat to an unborn child arises when a woman is first infected during pregnancy, in this situation, the protozoa penetrate the bloodstream, are carried by it through the tissues, including easily pass through the placenta. As a result:

  • The baby may develop congenital lesions of the eyes, brain, liver, spleen, and other organs, the child is born with deformities;
  • A miscarriage may occur, that is, the fetus dies.

If the latter happened, then the chance to subsequently give birth healthy child absolutely real. The patient develops strong immunity after recovering from toxoplasmosis in about 6-12 months. Accordingly, after this period, you can plan next pregnancy. During it, the woman will not be re-infected with this pathology, which means that there is no danger to the new fetus.

Modern list diagnostic tests for pregnant women includes an analysis for toxoplasmosis, that is, to it. It is very important to understand that they are different. The decoding of this test is simple: class M immunoglobulins (IgM) are formed in the body of humans and animals during the first encounter with any infection. They are also called "acute immune response" antibodies. Immunoglobulins G (IgG), on the contrary, indicate that the body has faced an infection for a long time, they are also called "antibodies of the old immune response." That is why the phrase “antibodies to Toxoplasma were found” is completely insufficient, their class must be specified. Now it becomes clear that the discovery of subtype G antibodies should not frighten a competent medical specialist. There is also a special additional test that is performed on pregnant women. After all, the concept of "old infection" in our body is very vague, and the time of bearing a baby is long. For complete confidence in the safety for the health of the child, a test is carried out for avidity - maturity - class G antibodies. It is determined as a percentage of 100 and the higher the numerical indicator, the “older the immunoglobulins”, which means that a very long time has passed since the woman’s body encountered the infection a lot of time. The time of preservation of antibodies in the blood of people after having been ill with this disease is still not known exactly, however medical science claims that it can be very long.

Toxoplasmosis in cats and pets

What are the conclusions from the above? The furry mustachioed friend is not a constant source of infection, it releases oocysts only for a short time. People who are afraid of infection, mainly pregnant women who are immunonegative for toxoplasmosis, that is, who have not encountered infection and do not have antibodies (class G), should not clean up after the cat. It is better to entrust this "dirty" business to another family member. The faeces of the animal must be thrown away immediately after a bowel movement or on the same day, not allowing them to "stale". Be sure to wash your hands after cleaning the toilet of a fluffy pet.

How animals get infected

Toxoplasmosis in cats and dogs in acute form manifests itself:

  • fever;
  • General oppression;
  • loss of appetite;
  • Digestive disorders (vomiting, diarrhea).
  • Increased excitability;
  • Aggression or cowardice;
  • Movement disorders (paralysis, convulsions);
  • cough, nasal discharge;
  • Enlargement, soreness of the liver, symptoms of a disorder in its work.

Diagnosis and treatment

Cats and dogs in veterinary clinics also have their blood tested for antibodies. In addition, other diagnostic methods are used:

  1. Biopsy of tissues with microscopic (histological) examination;
  2. Biological test on laboratory animals;
  3. Allergic reaction with the protein toxoplasmin.

Video: lecture on toxoplasmosis in cats

  • Pyremethamine;
  • Spiramycin;
  • Azithromycin;
  • Daraprim;
  • Sulfadimezin;
  • Clindamycin.

Medicines are used in courses at certain intervals for a long time.

Appoint hormonal preparations(glucocorticoids) to patients with lesions of the organs of vision and the nervous system.

A serious threat is the infection of this disease for people suffering from immunodeficiencies of various origins (for example) or receiving suppressive drug therapy. These patients have a much worse prognosis, they are difficult to cure, they require special treatment regimens.

If there is a pet in the house, it is better to develop the habit of cleaning up the animal's feces as soon as they appear, or at least daily. Shouldn't be allowed domestic cat eat rodents, it is safer for herself and for family members to feed her regular food or prepared food. For the prevention of congenital toxoplasmosis medical specialists lead dispensary observation for this pathology of every pregnant woman.

Video: toxoplasmosis at the “School of Dr. Komarovsky”

Today in the article we will find out what toxoplasmosis is, what are its signs, and what causes can provoke the development this disease in a person.

The causative agent of this disease is Toxoplasma gondii. It is worth immediately noting the widespread prevalence of this disease around the world. In countries such as South America and Africa, infection rates can be as high as 85%. If we talk about Europe, then this indicator reaches the level of 20-35% of the population.

Toxoplasma can reproduce in any way, including asexually. It is possible to get infected with such a disease from an animal. The main carriers of such an infection are cats, which, in turn, are the final source of the infection in question.

Reproduction of the pathogen occurs in the body of animals. Infected animals spread the infection by excreting it in milk, urine or saliva.

Infection can be done in the following ways:

  • drip
  • alimentary
  • through mucous membranes or skin that have been damaged
  • transmissible
  • intrauterine

Statistics say that the rate of infection with this disease is from 55 to 75%.

Toxoplasmosis infection

The main ways of infection:

  • consumption of meat products and eggs that have not been thermally processed as expected
  • transmission of the disease from mother to child in the womb
  • when the pathogen is on the affected areas of the skin and mucous

Criteria contributing to the emergence and development of the disease in the body:

  • dirty hands
  • contact with cats

  • consumption of undercooked meat products
  • touching hands with an infection to the mucosa
  • transfusion of infected blood

The epicenter of reproduction of the infection in question occurs precisely in the intestine. Ways of distribution of toxoplasma:

  • hematogenous
  • lymphatic

Symptoms of toxoplasmosis

There are several forms of toxoplasmosis:

  • latent
  • chronic
  • spicy

In most cases, such an ailment as toxoplasmosis is asymptomatic, which is its danger. If we talk about the acute form of the disease, then here the symptoms are quite obvious, but at the same time, it occurs infrequently, the percentage is 0.4% of those infected.

A strong immune system is the most important defender against the disease in question. AT healthy body the production of antibodies to toxoplasmosis is carried out instantly, while lifelong immunity to this disease is created.

Congenital toxoplasmosis runs quite hard. AT this case damage to all systems and organs in the human body is observed. Symptoms of this form of the disease are as follows:

  • heat
  • general weakness of the body
  • possible jaundice
  • muscle flaccidity
  • possible strabismus

Symptoms directly depend on the form of the disease. With acquired toxoplasmosis pain in the joints and the whole body, as well as lethargy, can last for several months. The acute form of the disease is often characterized by the presence of a maculopapular rash.

Chronic toxoplasmosis- a disease that is characterized by periodic manifestations of exacerbations and remissions. People with this form of the disease may experience the following symptoms:

Toxoplasmosis during pregnancy often becomes the cause of the development of this disease in the fetus in the womb. It must be understood that innate toxoplasmosis in children- very dangerous disease which is fraught with serious negative consequences.

Children with this disease suffer from:

  • mental retardation
  • mental retardation
  • depression, up to hallucinations
  • jaundice
  • enlarged spleen, sometimes liver

Diagnosis of toxoplasmosis

Clinical diagnosis in this case is difficult, because the symptoms of the disease are most often absent. Even when carrying out a complete differential diagnosis one can only guess at the diagnosis.

Treatment in this case should be prescribed by the attending physician - no self-medication and self-medication. It is best to treat the disease in question in a hospital, especially if the patient is weakened.

It should be immediately noted that the chronic form of the disease in 99% of cases is not treatable.

Most often, the treatment of toxoplasmosis includes the use of the following drugs:

  • antiallergic
  • minerals
  • tetracyclines
  • immune modulators
  • sulfonamides

If a woman has toxoplasmosis in the first trimester of pregnancy, doctors insist on terminating the pregnancy. In acute toxoplasmosis, chemotherapeutic drugs are indispensable.

Consequences of toxoplasmosis

Most severe consequences the disease in question in its congenital form. Infection with such an infection by a pregnant woman often leads to the death of a child in the womb or to the appearance of an inferior, sick baby with various pathologies.

In the acute form of the disease, a sharp decrease in immunity is observed, which can lead to brain damage, as well as pneumonia.

The consequences also depend on the organ that affects toxoplasmosis. Often the consequences of the disease are:

  • cardiovascular diseases
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract
  • malfunctions various systems bodies

It must be understood that when immunity decreases, infection with toxoplasmosis is possible, and if it is already present in the body, then a violation of the immune system and its weakness is inevitable, and this, in turn, leads to the fact that the body is “open” to the most various infections so the results can be very different.

Prevention of toxoplasmosis

Preventive measures in this case are quite simple, the main thing is to remember them and follow these rules:

  1. Only foods that are carefully processed by thermal means can be eaten.
  2. In no case should you try raw minced meat
  3. Wash hands regularly and frequently, especially when handling animals and their excreta
  4. A pregnant woman is required to undergo a full examination of the body, including tests for toxoplasmosis

Toxoplasmosis - invisible, but very dangerous disease with severe consequences. Compliance with the rules of hygiene is the main preventive measure in this case.

Video: Toxoplasmosis in adults

How toxoplasmosis is transmitted through domestic cats is very clear, but there are other ways to get toxoplasmosis. This is the meat of farm animals, used for food, without sufficient heat treatment. This is especially true of pork, lamb and venison. After contact with raw meat wash your hands thoroughly, as well as knives and utensils. Board for cutting meat, you need to have a separate one.

In addition to the above methods of penetration of Toxoplasma into the human body, intrauterine infection of the fetus is also possible. How do children become infected with toxoplasmosis before they are born? Once in the bloodstream of a pregnant woman, Toxoplasma enters the body of the fetus, causing severe damage to the nervous system, as well as many other health problems. It is for this reason that toxoplasmosis is dangerous during pregnancy, as well as at the stage of its planning.

  • heart muscle;
  • brain;
  • organs of vision;
  • liver.

In most cases, toxoplasmosis in humans is indolent or chronic course, but cases of an acute form of toxoplasmosis with severe violations from the central nervous system. How to detect toxoplasmosis? Knowing the symptoms of the disease will help in this.


How does toxoplasmosis manifest itself in the human body? The symptoms of a disease in a person largely depend on how the patient was infected, whether toxoplasmosis was congenital or acquired. Also, the symptoms depend on the form of the course of the disease, namely: chronic, acute or latent.

After toxoplasma enters the human body, incubation period, which lasts an average of 2-3 weeks. At this time, the immune system actively produces specific antibodies, preventing the disease from progressing. Thus, the infection passes into the primary - latent form. If this does not happen and the body is unable to fight the pathogen, then the rapid development of the disease or an acute form of toxoplasmosis occurs. It is characterized by a sudden onset, and the symptoms will depend on which organs were affected.

There are encephalitic, typhoid-like and mixed forms of acute toxoplasmosis. Often, the acute course of the disease causes paralysis of the limbs, impaired motor function eyes, the occurrence of seizures, liver damage and, as a result, an increase in jaundice skin, as well as an increase in liquor pressure.

But there is also general symptoms that appear in all patients with acute course toxoplasmosis:

  • persistent high body temperature;
  • weakness;
  • skin rashes;
  • loss of muscle tone;
  • muscle pain;
  • sleep disorders;
  • loss of appetite;
  • headache;
  • eye disorders;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness.

Usually the acute phase lasts no more than 7 days and turns into a chronic one, with periodic exacerbations. How to cure toxoplasmosis in this form, your doctor will certainly advise you.

Acquired toxoplasmosis

Chronic toxoplasmosis is characterized by muscle tissue as well as myocardium. From the side of the nervous system, vegetative-vascular dystonia and neurasthenia are possible. With damage to the organs of vision, myopia, atrophy develop optic nerve, eye movement disorders.

Congenital toxoplasmosis

With intrauterine infection of the fetus, congenital toxoplasmosis develops, which in itself is very dangerous for a newborn child. The severity of the disease depends on the trimester in which the infection occurred. The sooner this happens, the more serious the consequences will be.

There are three forms of congenital toxoplasmosis, which follow one after another:

  1. The acute form is characterized by severe intoxication of the fetus, an increase in the spleen and liver. This course of the disease causes various eye lesions. If the infection occurred shortly before childbirth, then the symptoms may appear a couple of days after birth, in the form of reddening of the skin and rashes on it. Often there is yellowness of the skin, due to liver damage. There is an increase in lymph nodes, sensitive to palpation. The child reacts painfully to touching them. Swelling of the face and lower abdomen is possible.
  2. The subacute form causes encephalitis and meningoencephalitis, characterized by the formation of lesions of the brain membrane. Symptoms are reduced to drowsiness, prolonged or short-term convulsions, paralysis and paresis of the limbs, increased pressure cerebrospinal fluid- CSF, the formation of calcifications in the brain and its edema. All these lesions lead to a developmental delay, as well as numerous eye pathologies.
  3. The chronic form indicates that the previous two the child was ill in utero. The consequence of this are pathological irreversible changes in the nervous system and organs of vision. Toxoplasma continues to actively multiply in the body of a sick child, which leads to recurring exacerbations.

If the infection occurred at the embryonic stage of fetal development, then this often leads to miscarriage or death in the first days after birth, which is why toxoplasmosis is dangerous.

Congenital toxoplasmosis can occur in mild form, which does not exclude its manifestation months or years later. Can congenital toxoplasmosis be cured? You can cure the disease, but birth defects will not go anywhere.

Acquired toxoplasmosis in children

Apart from intrauterine infection, children also often get sick with acquired toxoplasmosis. This happens mainly when in contact with a sick animal, which children love very much. Also dangerous place can be considered sandboxes in kindergartens and playgrounds. Since for the most part they are not closed, and any stray cat has access to such sandboxes.

As in an adult, toxoplasmosis in a child in a chronic form occurs with symptoms similar to colds and flu. Therefore, parents who self-medicate their baby may miss the onset of the invasion, and not know about the disease until it worsens.

If the child has clinical symptoms, then prescribe the treatment of acute toxoplasmosis:

  • antimicrobial and antiviral drugs With simultaneous reception probiotics, to restore intestinal microflora;
  • vitamin complexes aimed at strengthening immunity;
  • symptomatic treatment depending on the symptoms.

Toxoplasmosis during pregnancy

Toxoplasmosis is pretty insidious disease, which poses a huge threat to the life and health of an unborn child. It is for this reason that women planning a pregnancy are advised to take an analysis for the presence of antibodies in the body before conception. Diagnosis of toxoplasmosis should be carried out periodically throughout pregnancy. If the expectant mother had been ill with toxoplasmosis long before the onset of pregnancy, then there is nothing to worry about, because specific antibodies have already been developed in the woman's body, which overcame the disease.

If the pathogen is found in a woman on early dates pregnancy, doctors strongly recommend an abortion. If the infection occurred in later dates and abortion is not possible, then appointed potent drugs dangerous to the fetus. This is done for the reason that the alleged harm from medicines significantly lower than from the disease itself. Treatment of toxoplasmosis with antibiotics is possible from 12-14 weeks of pregnancy, not earlier.

Infection of the fetus can occur only once, and even if the pregnancy ended in a miscarriage or the birth of a child with abnormalities, then in the future the woman will be able to give birth to a normal healthy baby. Women who have not been ill need careful prevention of toxoplasmosis.

Complications of toxoplasmosis

As it has already become clear, toxoplasmosis is a dangerous disease, the presence of which you may not even suspect. Since the percentage of infection is very high, you must carefully monitor your health and consult a doctor in a timely manner if anxiety symptoms. And this applies not only to this disease, but to all others.

Dangerous consequences of toxoplasmosis, which can lead to lethal outcome diseases:

  • toxic shock - a disease that provokes the failure of all vital organs;
  • encephalitis or inflammation of the brain;
  • cerebral edema;
  • arachnoiditis - defeat spinal cord or arachnoid membrane of the brain;
  • epilepsy;
  • paralysis;
  • paresis of the limbs - loss of muscle tone and a violation of their motor function;
  • optic nerve atrophy leading to blindness due to replacement nerve fibers connective tissue;
  • endocarditis - inflammation of the inner lining of the heart;
  • pneumonia.

Among other things, toxoplasmosis significantly depletes immune system person, which entails a lot various diseases. It is this pathogen that causes the death of most HIV-positive people. Toxoplasmosis in men also threatens with sexual dysfunction, and in women during pregnancy it causes fetal pathologies, and even miscarriages.

Disease prevention

sticking to simple rules, you can protect yourself from infection, since treating toxoplasmosis is more difficult than preventing it. Prevention of toxoplasmosis is:

  1. You can not eat meat that has not passed heat treatment as well as unwashed vegetables and fruits. Refrain from buying prepared food in dubious places, because you cannot be 100% sure of the quality of the products and the way they are prepared.
  2. Taking a cat from the street, have it diagnosed by a veterinarian. Testing is also necessary for a domestic cat with a free range.
  3. Wash your hands well after working in the garden or playing in the sandbox, because there may be animal feces containing Toxoplasma.

And finally, I would like to remind you that your health may depend on timely treatment to a specialist, and self-medication will only aggravate the situation.

Toxoplasmosis in dogs is a dangerous disease for both dogs and humans. Some owners simply do not know the consequences of the disease, others begin to panic.

Consider what it is, how it is treated, what is the danger of toxoplasmosis in a dog, what is the prevention of the disease, and other information.


The causative agent is bacteria of the genus Toxoplasma Gondi. Impossible to see with the naked eye. Compared to the size of a human hair, more than a few hundred bacteria can fit in.

Its small size is not comparable to the damage that it can cause to the body. Not only dogs, but also cats, humans, birds can be affected by the disease.

It is possible only for some time to stop the reproduction of pathogens, or to suppress special preparations. It will be necessary to constantly monitor the blood for the presence of antibodies to this disease.

In addition, if the dog is already a carrier of toxoplasmosis, then the bacteria tend to be excreted from the dog's body as part of urine, feces, tears, and milk.

It turns out that getting a disease is much easier than getting rid of it. When the dog first enters the body, the bacteria infect the intestinal epithelium.

The lesions are getting bigger and bigger. Moves with the help of blood flow. The only thing that does not hurt at the same time is the cells of red blood cells.


Toxoplasmosis disease can be acquired in quite young age. The course of the disease is sharp shape at the beginning, then flows into chronic.

Leads to inflammation in the kidneys, in the pancreas, necrosis in the head, spinal cords, spleen, liver, lymph nodes, to in the abdominal, chest cavities.

What symptoms can be seen in a dog with an acute illness:

  • Breathing difficult;
  • Loses weight;
  • Refuses food;
  • Constipation;
  • limbs;
  • Strengthening sharply weakness.

In the chronic form, the symptoms are smoothed out. If the female is pregnant, then her entire litter of puppies will not be viable, since the pathogen enters the puppies through the placenta.

It causes changes in tissues and organs that are in no way compatible with life. It is important to know that the symptoms of toxoplasmosis are very similar to,. You will not be able to diagnose on your own, only in the clinic.


AT veterinary clinic take blood for analysis. There are no capsules of bacteria in the feces. Therefore, they only carry out serological examination blood for the presence of the pathogen, antibodies.

If the form of the disease is extremely severe, then a biopsy of the spleen and liver is prescribed.


With treatment, it is only possible to alleviate the symptoms of toxoplasmosis. They try to translate the course of the disease into chronic form from acute. Many antibiotics, drugs simply do not have an effect on the disease.

What medications can a veterinarian prescribe?

  • Delagil;
  • Daraprim;
  • Chloridine;
  • Himkoktsid;
  • Folic, ascorbic acid;
  • B group vitamins.

In addition, disinfection measures are carried out in the dwelling in which the dog is kept, using the following means:

  • Phenol;
  • Lysol;
  • Formaldehyde;
  • Bleaching powder;
  • Caustic alkali;
  • Chloramine.


If you give your dog raw meat, then you need to use it heat treatment, at least 30 minutes. The causative agent dies low temperatures, so you can treat the dog with thawed meat.

Follow the rules in your home basic hygiene, from time to time, take measures to disinfect items to care for your dog.

Avoid contact with stray animals, rats, birds. What do you know about toxoplasmosis in dogs? Share information.

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