Center for aesthetic dentistry. Orthodontics

O rtodontics is a branch of dentistry that deals with the theoretical study and practical correction of dentoalveolar anomalies varying degrees complexity and expression.

H straight teeth and malocclusion entail problems throughout the body as a whole: from gastrointestinal tract before of cardio-vascular system Therefore, it is in the interests of everyone to carefully monitor the condition of the teeth.

O orthodontics in Moscow is developed widely and everywhere. This is not surprising for one of the largest metropolitan areas in the world. These are state clinics, and a huge number of private clinics, sometimes with completely different price tags, and a set of orthodontic and dental services. In addition, there are dental institutes in Moscow that deal with issues of orthodontics exclusively in a theoretical way, they train students, future orthodontists. Moscow is the city that many people look up to in the field of medical services including dentistry and orthodontics.

P When choosing a dental clinic, you should first of all focus on the qualifications and experience of the attending physicians, and not on the final cost. Too low affordability for orthodontics in Moscow is a reason to think, because materials, equipment, and the experience of a competent doctor cannot be cheap. Moreover, in terms of duration, orthodontist treatment is long in time. Also remember that the total cost in orthodontic treatment is a rather relative concept. No doctor can say before starting treatment how long it will take (this is due to individual features patient). And in the process of treatment, unfortunately, unforeseen circumstances can also arise, quite often due to the negligence of the patient. All this, of course, increases the cost of orthodontic services.

AT In Moscow, you can find orthodontics for children and adults on the very high level. There are clinics specializing in the installation of all types orthodontic structures, or branches of foreign clinics.

O orthodontists in Moscow offer the widest range services: preliminary examination, treatment of chronic diseases and / or caries, if necessary, at the dentist, detailed plan treatment.

And in Moscow you are without special problems you will be able to find clinics dealing with bite correction and teeth alignment, taking into account the aesthetic component. This is one of the most actively developing areas of modern orthodontics. The fact that aesthetics is important in orthodontic treatment was especially loudly talked about not so long ago - no more than 10 years ago. On the this moment aesthetic braces(ceramic and sapphire, for example) are increasingly winning over the market, because more than ever we have begun to pay great attention to our appearance and the impression we make on others.

O orthodontics in Moscow is an extremely popular area. Timely orthodontic care can positively affect the state of the whole organism as a whole, because our body is a system, the parts of which work properly only in combination.

Today, many public and private dental clinics offer orthodontist services to their clients. Such a variety of choices can often be confusing, since it is not always completely clear where they offer quality services and attentive care, and where they simply seek to impose an unnecessary procedure and extract maximum money from the patient. Therefore, when choosing an orthodontic center, you should be guided by certain recommendations.

Polyclinic and orthodontics clinic - how to choose?

Correction of bite in adults is more difficult than in children, and takes much more time. For this reason, you should carefully consider the choice of a dentist. A good orthodontist can work even in an inexpensive clinic, and elite centers do not guarantee that only experienced specialists will be there.

  • Perhaps the most important thing is that the doctor, not the clinic, will be responsible for the correction of the bite and be responsible for the work. Even if he later changes jobs, it is better to follow him and continue treatment. Therefore, it is better to look at reviews of specific doctors.
  • When choosing a dentist office, it is better to focus on that moment so that it is a specialized clinic specializing specifically in orthodontics. AT this case all staff will know exactly the features orthodontic treatment: what the patient can do, what he cannot do, all the main stages of bite correction, including without braces.
  • Clinic location. You should be careful when choosing the nearest dentistry from home. Even if you liked the first consultation of an orthodontist, it is not a fact that his further treatment will really be effective - the doctor may simply lack experience. At the same time, changing a dentist is much more difficult, because rarely does anyone like to understand the nuances of someone else's work and correct their mistakes. Therefore, it is better to choose the option further away, in which the services of an orthodontist are represented by a truly chic doctor.
  • It is better to visit several doctors before the final choice of an orthodontist complex. Sometimes visiting a couple of consultations, you can hear two completely different treatment plans. This can easily discourage the desire to continue the procedure, the uncertainty and uncertainty in doctors scares away. It is better to additionally visit doctors and listen to opinions - if the majority recommends removing teeth, you should not insist on their preservation.
  • In some cases, full-fledged treatment involves the work of other specialists. This implies that all these dentists must be present at the clinic. Of course, the option of close communication between the orthodontist and doctors of other clinics that can accept his patients is also suitable.
  • Financial question. For adult bite correction, prices are quite high - this must be taken into account. You should not chase the lowest cost, as it may involve the use of outdated and not the most convenient designs. It is important that the administrator or doctor announce the final price of treatment for both jaws for the entire treatment after the consultation. All amounts must be paid into the contract concluded at the very beginning of treatment. No more prices should suddenly pop up.

The dentist will become an orthodontist faithful assistant the patient, so his choice must be approached carefully. In this case, you can seek help from the reviews of patients who have already tried the treatment with the chosen doctor. A large number of negative comments will help to avoid contacting an insufficiently qualified doctor, while positive opinions that describe in detail all stages of treatment will be a great help in choosing.

I want to thank the Center for Aesthetic Dentistry for the excellent service and professionalism of the staff

A week ago, they had a resection, removed the cyst and part of the root. Previously, I didn’t suffer such a misfortune, I didn’t even have a hall, what it is. The resection was quick and painless, the stitches are already tightening up a little. Thank you!

Lost all my teeth due to smoking

I lost all my teeth because of smoking. There was only one way out - to put removable dentures. Appealed to the Center for Aesthetic Dentistry. Doctors consulted, helped to make a choice of design, advised which material is better. The prostheses turned out to be beautiful, this is important for me, since I am a responsible worker and, by the nature of my service, must constantly communicate with people.

Wife persuaded to do teeth

My wife persuaded me to take care of my teeth and advised the center of aesthetic dentistry. At first I was not sure that the plastic crown - a good idea. The doctor made sure everything went well. My wife and I are satisfied.

After one unsuccessful visit to the dentist, I was afraid of these doctors

After one unsuccessful visit to the dentist, I was afraid of these doctors like fire. But again I had to look dental clinic because there was a problem with the front tooth. Friends advised me to go to the Center for Aesthetic Dentistry, I was going to for a long time, but still I went. I was received very politely, cordially, the specialist turned out to be competent and experienced. Immediately spoke about the types of prostheses, types of prosthetics, possible complications, examined carefully. On the second appointment, I was more confident. Did everything necessary procedures, took off the casts. The crown was put on my teeth just perfectly, they were anesthetized, so I didn’t feel anything, there wasn’t even discomfort, by the way, the sizes fit perfectly. So my new prosthesis indistinguishable from a natural tooth. There are no queues, prices for Moscow are quite affordable, so feel free to contact here.

Two months ago I decided to get implants.

Two months ago I decided to put implants for myself, for this I turned to the Center for Aesthetic Dentistry, to Andrey Albertovich. Thanks to his skill and the highest qualification, I got two “new” teeth, which, in my opinion, are even better than the real ones. Thank him very much.

Approximately a month ago I applied to the "Center of Implantology"

In order to whiten my teeth (unfortunately, I smoke, I can’t quit yet, and therefore they turned yellow significantly). Passed very quickly necessary examination, the bleaching period was set, it itself lasted a little over an hour (so I lost quite a bit of time), and the result is simply excellent! Thanks to Marina Stolyarchuk for the "golden hands".

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