How to quickly and painlessly obtain a certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur. What does the certificate of state registration of IP look like?

Any entrepreneurial activity in our country must be registered in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Citizens who have passed this procedure receive a certificate of state registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur.

What it is

The described paper is an A4 form, which confirms that its owner has really gone through the registration procedure. In the document, as shown by the sample certificate of registration of IP in 2018, it is necessary to indicate from what date the entrepreneur was registered and the OGRNIP number was assigned.

Before obtaining an officially certified certificate, the following documents must be submitted:

  • copy and original of the passport;
  • a notarized copy of the passport of a citizen of another state (all pages);
  • application for registration as an individual entrepreneur;
  • a receipt confirming the payment of the fee;
  • a document indicating the place of registration (an extract from the house book or a certificate of registration) - the original and a copy.

It is on the basis of the collected data that the future entrepreneur is assigned the number of the certificate of state registration of IP. An application for registration must be drawn up in accordance with a certain model in the form P21001, which must indicate the TIN.

As for the financial side, the cost of the state duty is approximately 800 rubles. If desired, any applicant can choose not the usual, but the simplified taxation system. In this case, you will need a statement of desire to switch to this method of paying taxes.

If registration is carried out by a foreign citizen, then a residence permit is granted. It can be replaced by an official permit, which is also issued to foreigners for the period of their temporary residence on the territory of our state.

All of these documents must be submitted to the tax office at the place of residence.

What does evidence look like?

Having carefully examined the sample, you will see in the lower part of it the following details of the certificate of state registration of IP:

  • series;
  • room.

The series has 2 characters in its composition, the number is 9 digits. OGRNIP is fixed in the central part of the form and consists of 15 characters. The form also contains the name of the organization in which the registration procedure was carried out. The lower part contains the data of the responsible person - his position, full name, signature.

It is worth noting that not everyone can register as an individual entrepreneur. An obstacle to obtaining a coveted document may be a criminal record or bankruptcy. Also, state and military personnel will not become IP. In other cases, the application review process usually has a positive result.

Since 2017, not a single novice entrepreneur will receive the coveted IP registration certificate, since it has been canceled. Now the Federal Tax Service is handing over to citizens an ordinary USRIP record sheet. This document has equal legal force and equally confirms the fact of making an entry in the public register. However previously issued certificates are still valid! That is, persons who became entrepreneurs before and after 2017 can operate with different documents, so we will consider both of them.

Why certificates were canceled

The measures taken to replace papers will help save money from the budget spent on a hologram and a protective form, on which an IP certificate was previously issued. However, the main goal of replacing the certificate is to improve the electronic interaction between the Federal Tax Service and citizens within the framework of the state. registration of individual entrepreneurs, legal entities and farms. In other words, the fewer documents you need to issue after registration, the faster the process will be.

Attention! Certificate forms issued prior to 2017 are still valid. They have the same legal force and can be applied under the same conditions as before. Holders of the form do not need to replace it with a record sheet, their rights are protected by the previous document.

IP certificate template

Certificates of state registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur were issued on secure forms with a stamp - Р61003. And the USRIP record sheets, which have been issued since 2017, are printed on ordinary A4 sheets. However, despite the differences in appearance, both documents are absolutely equivalent.

You can see how the certificate of registration of a citizen as an individual entrepreneur looks like on the sample below. You need to know it in person, since entrepreneurs registered before 2017 can still use the document now.

Legal force of the certificate

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, an individual entrepreneur acts on the basis of his legal capacity, that is, the right to carry out commercial activities and subsequent profit is assigned to a businessman at the time of registration with the Federal Tax Service. The very one when an established businessman receives registration documents in his hands.

Many businessmen believe that they are empowered by a certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur, but this is a delusion. No registration document can give an entrepreneur rights. Any lawyer providing legal advice will tell you that.

Questions on paperwork arise due to the analogy with legal entities. Here they cannot act independently, since the organization can be formed by several co-founders. All rights, obligations and shares in the capital are distributed between them by the charter of the enterprise, therefore, in many contracts, acts and similar papers from legal entities, one can find the wording "... acting on the basis of ...".

Requisites and their application

Without a certificate of registration as an individual entrepreneur, it is impossible to engage in entrepreneurship, this is punishable by the law of the Russian Federation by imposing fines. The document can also be requested by counterparties who need to check the fact of registration of a businessman and the reliability of a future transaction. The individual himself also needs it, because it contains all the important details that may be needed in the process of entrepreneurial activity:

  • Full name of the business entity;
  • date of entry of information into the register;
  • serial number of the form;
  • the name of the body that carried out the procedure;
  • registration number (OGRNIP), under which you can find all the initial information about the individual entrepreneur and the changes made to the register.

If we take the same invoice, then according to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the entrepreneur is obliged to indicate in it the details of the certificate of state registration of the IP. It is also impossible to sign a simple contract between partners without such details.

The certificate and record sheet are equivalent

The USRIP record sheet replaces the certificate of state registration of an individual entrepreneur in all respects. It looks less reliable, but has the same significance, that is, it can be referred to to prove the fact that information about the entrepreneur was entered into the USRIP.

Attention! Persons registered in the USRIP since 2017 indicate in invoices, acts, contracts and any other documents the details from the USRIP record sheet. It also contains the OGRNIP, the date and name of the IFTS, which carried out the registration of the IP, the full name of the individual.

How to get a record sheet

Only the Federal Tax Service can register citizens as business entities. To apply for the coveted status of an entrepreneur, one should go to the authority that is located at the place of residence of the applicant. However, not all branches are authorized to carry out state registration, for example, in Moscow there is only one such branch - the 46th.

Find out the list of departments located at a specific address and authorized for state. registration, you can on the website of the Federal Tax Service.

The list of documents for registration of IP includes:

If it is not the applicant himself who applies to the tax authority, but his representative, the tax authorities will require them to present a notarized power of attorney confirming the transfer of authority to an outsider.

Documents can be submitted not only in person, but also by mail with the provided list of attachments. You can also register a business online through a specially developed service of the Federal Tax Service. But for this you need to be the owner of a personal electronic signature.

The decision is made within 5 days, after which you need to return to the tax office for registration documents. You must have a passport and a paper with a mark on the acceptance of documents, issued by the registrar on the day they were submitted.

Until 2017, after the opening of the IP, businessmen were given:

  • certificate of state registration of IP;
  • notification of the assignment of a TIN (if not previously issued);
  • notice of registration with the IFTS as a taxpayer.

Since 2017, for the first time registered businessmen will be given:

  • record sheet from the USRIP;
  • notification of the assignment of a TIN (if it has not been assigned earlier);
  • certificate of an individual entrepreneur on tax registration.

Obtaining a certificate after loss

Since the certificate of state registration of an individual entrepreneur has been canceled, re-obtaining the document is not provided. No one will issue a duplicate of the previously received form in case of its loss.

No panic! There is absolutely no need for a duplicate. If you have lost your IP registration certificate, it is enough to get an extract from the USRIP containing information about all the latest changes made to the register. This paper is enough to find out under which OGRN the counterparty is registered and to check its reliability.

How to get an extract from the EGRIP

You can get an extract in several ways:

  • in the tax service;
  • on the website of the Federal Tax Service;
  • through intermediaries.

To apply to the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate, you must prepare 2 copies of an arbitrarily drawn up application, a receipt for the payment of state duty (200 rubles per copy) and a written power of attorney for a representative if he goes to the tax office instead of you.

Getting an extract on the website of the Federal Tax Service is even easier. For this:

  • go to a special section;
  • log in;
  • if you don't have an account yet, go through the simplified registration form;
  • click on the wording "Submit a new request";
  • enter your OGRN or TIN, you can find them right there;
  • Confirm that you are not a robot;
  • create a request by clicking on the appropriate function.

The completed statement will appear in the list of your applications. It has legal force, since it is certified by the electronic signature of the Federal Tax Service. This is both good and bad, since you can open a file with an electronic signature only on a computer with Crypto Pro 3.6 and higher software installed.

To start your own business, you need to register with the tax office as an individual entrepreneur and obtain the appropriate certificate. In this article, we will analyzewhat it looks like, where it should be and how long it takes to process.


When an entrepreneur passes state registration with the relevant authorities, he is issued an appropriate certificate confirming his status. This procedure was in force in Russia until the end of 2016. In 2017, the Federal Tax Service, on behalf of the government, changed the procedure, and now, when registering an individual entrepreneur, the tax service no longer issues certificates, which made it possible to reduce the cost of special forms with holograms and logos. From the age of 17, entrepreneurs receive a record sheet from the USRIP, and legal entities from the USRLE, respectively.

Attention:if you received a certificate before 2017, then it is valid and cannot be replaced. You need to change it only if the data on the entrepreneur changes (for example, a change of surname), or the document has been lost and is reissued on a new one.

IP standard certificate

It should be understood that a certificate or sheet in itself does not give an entrepreneur or legal entity special rights. He receives the rights to conduct economic activities during registration, and the sheet only confirms that he has such an opportunity.

What data was included in the certificate

Let's look at the classic certificate of registration. It must contain the following data:

  1. What is the name of the document. Usually, an inscription is affixed on it that this is a certificate that confirms the registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur.
  2. Introductory part. This is followed by data that the registration information was entered into the USRIP or USRLE, depending on the form of business, the corresponding numbers and the date of entry into the databases are put down.
  3. Next comes the data on the individual entrepreneur himself: last name, first name, patronymic. Previously, some territorial offices indicated the date and year of birth, but today this is not required.
  4. Data from the OGRNIP, which indicates the number of the entry that was made in the Unified Register of IP.
  5. Data on the authority that issued the document (that is, the name of the territorial branch of the Federal Tax Service where the entrepreneur underwent the registration procedure).
  6. The position of the employee who issued the document is indicated, as well as his signature with the decoding of the full name.
  7. The wet seal of the territorial branch of the Federal Tax Service is put.

Accordingly, the form contains a unique number and series of the document. It is these data that are now indicated on all the old certificates that were issued by the tax authorities until the end of 2016.

EGRIP record sheet

At first, many entrepreneurs were worried that they did not receive a full-fledged certificate, but managed with an ordinary sheet, but then the process was debugged. People realized that the certificate is completely identical to the sheet, and, in fact, it is only a confirmation for the relevant authorities. Accordingly, since 2018, all individual entrepreneurs receive just a sheet in which the following data is entered:

  1. Surname, name and patronymic of the entrepreneur.
  2. Data from OGRNIP.
  3. Data about the territorial body of the tax service that registered the individual entrepreneur.
  4. Information about the place of registration / residence.

Record sheet from USRIP

It is this sheet that is used by the entrepreneur when filling out invoices, contracts, acts and other papers. It indicates the main data that needs to be transferred to the document headers in order to legitimize them.

Attention:anyone can check if their counterparty is a registered entrepreneur on the website of the tax service. To do this, just enter the data or full name in the appropriate search bar, and you will receive the necessary data about the individual entrepreneur.

Additional documents

Now since you knowlet's look at what other documents the person conducting the business will need. In addition to the sheet, the entrepreneur needs to obtain a certificate that confirms his registration with the territorial office of the tax service. Any taxpayer who is a citizen of Russia, as well as persons who do not have Russian citizenship, must have such a document if they live in the territory of the Russian Federation for more than 181 days in a calendar year and have tax legal relations with other persons or with the state.

This certificate must be held by a person who, for example, purchases housing in Russia, but is not a citizen of the country. Or if he enters into a service agreement with a Russian company. Moreover, he may not even be physically in Russia, but work remotely, but he still has to pay taxes in the country. To do this, he first needs to register with the tax office, and only then sign an agreement or document for the sale of property. Accordingly, a foreigner who entered Russia cannot get an official job without being registered with the tax office.

Attention:if a person works remotely, and a Russian company needs his services, then it can independently draw up the necessary documents with the Federal Tax Service. This can be done by the counterparty, who was assigned to conduct such activities.

To obtain a certificate, simply contact the tax office with a passport and ask them to issue an individual tax number. This procedure takes several minutes and is carried out on a stream. People who have previously received a number do not need to go through the procedure again. The following information is entered into the TIN:

  1. The full name of the document.
  2. Recipient's passport data: Full name, gender, day/month/year of birth, place of birth, gender.
  3. Data that the territorial office has registered the person.
  4. Assigned individual tax number.
  5. Data on the territorial tax authority, the position of the employee and his signature with the decoding of the last name.
  6. Wet seal of the territorial office.
  7. Unique number and series.

If the document is lost or damaged, contact the tax office

When and how documents are received

The TIN is issued when a Russian citizen reaches the age of 18 or upon personal request. An individual entrepreneur has the opportunity to obtain both a certificate of assignment of a TIN and a certificate of registration when contacting the tax office when opening an IP. If the documents have become unusable, stolen or lost, then you should contact the Federal Tax Service again and you will be issued with new papers.

Attention:it is impossible to register as an individual entrepreneur without a TIN, so you need to start with obtaining this document. To apply for it, you need to have a passport and an application for receipt (you can write directly at the office).

You don't need to pay anything for registration. You just hand over the documents and you are given a certificate. It is noteworthy that according to the law, the term for paperwork should not exceed 5 days, but often it is done in a day or two. If the young person does not have a TIN, then the employer can apply for it when the employee is employed. The tax office will send the papers to the accounting department of the company, after which they will be issued to the employee.

The design of the leaflet when opening an IP is done in a slightly different way. You need to contact the territorial office of the tax service, having your passport and TIN with you. At the branch, you write an application and pay the state duty, the amount of which in 2018–2019 is 800 rubles. You can also pay the fee before applying, since not all branches have terminals. In order to avoid problems during registration, we recommend that you contact the tax office in which you are registered. Moreover, in large cities, you need to apply not to the tax office, but to special inspections.

The nuances of obtaining

Above we have already indicated all the necessary information abouthow it is done and where. Let's look at some of the nuances. Firstly, when you first receive a TIN, you do not need to pay, and when registering an IP, you pay 800 rubles. If the documents were lost or became unusable, then for a duplicate TIN you will need to pay a fee of 300 rubles, and for a sheet - 200 rubles. Moreover, these documents will be made up to 5 working days. To get a duplicate sheet faster, you can pay 400 rubles and you will be given it the next day.

To obtain one and the second document, you must have a passport with you and draw up an application. These documents can be submitted to the tax service in three ways:

  1. Personally visit the branch at the place of registration/residence.
  2. Draw up a power of attorney for a third party.
  3. Send papers by mail.

Traditional certificates are no longer used

The fastest and easiest way is to apply on your own - in this case, you will be able to correct errors and get up-to-date information on all issues. But if you do not have time or for some reason you cannot come to the institution on your own, then you can draw up a power of attorney or send papers by mail. Now let's look at how long these documents are valid. By default, they are considered perpetual, but they may need to be reissued. This is done in the following situations:

  1. If documents have been lost or stolen.
  2. If they are worn out or worn out.
  3. If the data about a person has changed (for example, a change of surname).

To replace the papers, you need to contact your local branch, fill out an application and pay a fee. At the same time, your TIN will not change, just like the OGRNIP will remain the same. It is noteworthy that since 2018, it is allegedly not necessary to contact the tax office when changing personal data: in connection with the creation of unified databases, the necessary information is pulled from the GUMV MIA and updated automatically. But in fact, there have been times when something went wrong, and as a result, the data did not change. Therefore, we recommend that a couple of weeks after changing the surname or other personal data, contact the tax office and ask them for an extract from the USRIP.

If the data has not changed, then inform the inspector about it. An extract can be obtained both at the branch, and simply through the tax website in your personal account. You can check the data about yourself, and if something is wrong, notify support and they will correct it for you. We recommend that you do not delay obtaining an extract, as new counterparties will check information about you, see discrepancies and refuse to cooperate.

Note that after the completion of business activities and the termination of state registration, neither the sheet nor the TIN is withdrawn from the entrepreneur. Therefore, many are tempted to use it for possible fraud. We strongly do not recommend doing this, since any counterparty will be able to see that you do not have a registration by checking the information on the site. In addition, such actions fall under the article "fraud" or illegal business, which is punishable by a fine or a prison term. If you use the certificate to obtain a visa to the European Union or the United States, and the fraud is discovered, then you will be banned from entry for several years.

How to speed up data update? There are two ways to do this:

  1. Contact your local office and file a P24001 application stating that the information has been changed.
  2. Create the same application through the website of the Federal Tax Service. In this case, the update will be completed within 5 working days, and you will be issued a new sheet (after paying the fee).

Attention:when changing your last name, we recommend that you get a new TIN so that there is no confusion and hitches. The fact is that the code includes information about the person, and after the change it may not match.

To replace the TIN, a period of 5 working days is also set, but in most cases it is issued immediately or the next day. If you do not want to visit the tax office on your own, then you can transfer the relevant papers by mail or through a trustee. If you change your F.I.O, then first of all update your passport, and only then contact the tax office, as they will require the original with changes.

In contact with

In any list of documents requested by a bank, a counterparty or supplier from an individual entrepreneur must be present.

We will learn about what is hidden behind this reduction a little lower. The article will be useful to entrepreneurs and those who plan to open their own business.

General information

In a simple sense, OGRNIP stands for the all-Russian state registration number of an individual entrepreneur.

Based on the decryption, it is clear that the number unique on the territory of Russia, and all entrepreneurs receive it when registering with the tax office.

It is a number that contains all the information about an individual entrepreneur. Knowing it, you can get almost all the information: from the place and year of registration of the IP and ending with the types of activities that the entrepreneur is engaged in. This is a kind of series and passport number of any organization in Russia.

That is why the OGRNIP is indicated in the list of documents that are required when concluding contracts. Along with an individual tax number, it provides comprehensive information about the company, allowing you to avoid entering into an agreement with a non-existent company or an organization engaged in a completely different type of activity.

How to determine all the information, we will tell a little below.

Certificate OGRNIP

Sample certificate of registration of IP

Upon receipt of documents at the tax office, a newly-made entrepreneur is handed registration certificate with a specific series and number. OGRNIP is indicated on the certificate of registration.

Until 2010, the following phrase was necessarily indicated in contracts between individual entrepreneurs: Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich, an individual entrepreneur, acting on the basis of a certificate of state registration, series and number. Since 2010, the Supreme Arbitration Court has recognized the concepts of registration certificate and OGRNIP as identical.

The security paper on which the registration number is printed only confirms the fact that information about a particular entrepreneur has been entered into the all-Russian register, and the OGRNIP is the same number under which this entry is in the register.


OGRNIP consists of 15 digits, each of which carries a certain meaning.

The first digit of an individual entrepreneur will always be 3. This is a sign of the legal form.

The next two digits indicate the year the registration certificate was issued. They can be 14 or 15 for newly registered entrepreneurs. If the IP has been on the market for a long time, then there will be more confidence in it.

Then there are two digits for the region in which the certificate was issued.

Making entries in the all-Russian register, that is, registration of an individual entrepreneur is carried out on the basis of a specific decision. His number will follow the next seven digits.

The last fifteenth digit was created specifically for the tax authorities, and allows you to additionally verify the authenticity of the unique number.

Place and order of receipt

The future businessman receives a certificate of registration as an individual entrepreneur with a number printed on it in his tax office on the day of registration. It is this document that is the main one for IP. Registration is carried out at the place of residence entrepreneur.

Differences in unique numbers of individual entrepreneurs and legal entities

Legal entities receive PSRN upon registration. They have their own register of legal entities, which contains similar information about the company. In the case of an individual entrepreneur, two letters IP are simply added at the end of the PSRN.

OGRN is a unique number, but not owned by an individual entrepreneur, but by an organization.

In most agreements, the parties sometimes do not distinguish between OGRN and OGRNIP, indicating their registration number at the end of the agreement, regardless of the legal form.

Is it possible to make changes?

In case the entrepreneur citizenship changed or he decided engage in another field and opened new economic activities, then he will need to make changes to the USRIP - the unified state register of individual entrepreneurs, which contains all information about the individual entrepreneur under unique numbers.

To do this, you will need to collect a small list of documents, consisting of an application and copies of those documents that served as the reason for making changes.

After the end of the procedure, the USRIP record sheet will be changed, but the main registration number will remain unchanged in any case.

How to determine authenticity?

Checking the OGRNIP on the website of the Federal Tax Service

This is where the very control number with which the tax service verifies the authenticity of the OGRNIP comes in handy. First, we discard the last digit, and then divide the fourteen-digit number by 13. We discard the remainder and multiply by 13 again. From the fourteen-digit number that was obtained at the very beginning, we subtract what happened in the last step and compare it with that fifteenth verification number. If they match, then the unique number is correct.

Is it difficult to understand mathematical procedures? There is an easier way. The tax service on its website launched the “Check Counterparty” service, where by specifying the OGRNIP or TIN, you can immediately determine whether such an entrepreneur exists in reality or not. It also indicates the main type of activity that the entrepreneur occupies.


OGRNIP is the main document of an entrepreneur, giving the right to conduct operational and economic activities. By it you can find out the field of activity of the IP and basic information.

In simple terms, OGRNIP is a unique number under which information about the entrepreneur is entered in the all-Russian register. This number does not change while the organization exists. It is worth liquidating an individual entrepreneur, and then re-registering, and his number will be different.

The verification of the OGRNIP serves as another proof for counterparties that the entrepreneur really exists and is engaged in the indicated types of activities. Particularly relevant is the verification of tender procurement, where one-day firms are often created. A thorough check allows you to cut off potentially unreliable counterparties.

Video: We get information about IP

How to find an IP by registration number is described in the following video:

Differences in the codes of individual entrepreneurs and legal entities, as well as their decoding are discussed in the video:

You can learn how to check a counterparty for OGRNIP from the following video:

The IP registration certificate is the main document of an individual entrepreneur, which confirms that commercial activities are carried out legally. The certificate is necessary for the businessman always and everywhere. It is on this document that all the main details of the individual entrepreneur are located, as well as the unique number of the enterprise. However, situations often occur when the document is not on hand, and then the question arises, how to find out the number of the IP registration certificate? What procedure must be followed in order to obtain a certificate of registration of an individual enterprise and where to get it?

The activity of an individual working as an individual entrepreneur is impossible without state registration with the relevant authorities. Otherwise, the commercial activity will be considered illegal. The certificate of state registration of an individual enterprise is the main document confirming the legality of your activities. The IP registration certificate will be issued to the entrepreneur after the registration procedure is completed, and the data on the enterprise will be entered into the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.

Each document confirming the fact of registration of an individual enterprise has a unique code. It is this code that is the main requisite of any enterprise. It must be reflected on any reporting documents or papers that relate to the activities of the IP. Without a certificate of registration of your enterprise, it is impossible to sign any agreements or contracts with partners.

Until January 1, 2017, the State Registration Certificate of an individual enterprise was issued on a thick yellow sheet of A4 paper, in the form P61001. The document contained the following information:

  1. Full name of an individual registered as an individual entrepreneur.
  2. Date of issue of the document.
  3. The main registration number of the individual enterprise OGRNIP.
  4. The name of the tax authority in which the certificate was issued.
  5. Full name and signature of an authorized employee of the Federal Tax Service.
  6. Official seal of the registering authority.

This document does not have an expiration date. In order to cancel the certificate, entrepreneurs must notify the tax service in writing.

Starting from January 1, 2017, the Federal Tax Service no longer issues an Individual Entrepreneurship Registration Certificate to individuals. This document has been completely cancelled. Instead, an EGRIP Record Sheet is now issued. Prior to this innovation, entrepreneurs, after successfully completing the process of registering their business, along with a registration certificate, received an Extract from the USRIP. To date, the format of this document has been changed and it is he who is the main document of the IP. All information about the activities of the enterprise, which was on the Registration Certificate, is currently reflected in the Record Sheet. The OGRNIP number is also on this document.

To date, the Record Sheet is required when signing contracts with partners. To create a bank account, as well as to officially employ hired workers. Since this document contains information about the details of the enterprise.

Not infrequently, there are cases when the necessary number is not at hand, and you need to enter the certificate number right now. In order to find out the number of the Certificate of registration of an individual enterprise, there are two options:

  • contact the tax office and order an extract;
  • register on the official portal of the Federal Tax Service and find out the unique number of your company.

Where can I get a certificate of registration of IP?

In order to obtain documents that testify to the state registration of an individual enterprise, an individual must apply to the registration authority. Today, you can register at the tax office at the place of registration, as well as at the multifunctional center. Since 2018, the Government of the Russian Federation wants to completely exclude the registration of individual entrepreneurs from the activities of tax authorities. .

Today, in order to obtain a certificate of registration of an individual enterprise, it is necessary to apply to the tax authority at the place of registration. However, it should be noted that not every tax authority can engage in such work. In order to find out in which department of the Federal Tax Service you need to register your business, you can use the official service of the tax service. Using a special form, after entering personal data, you will receive the exact details of the tax authority in which you need to register your company.

Where can I get a certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur for foreign citizens, as well as for citizens living with a temporary residence permit, or without permanent registration?

Citizens of another country can also conduct business in the territory of the Russian Federation. In order for them to start conducting commercial activities, they must contact the tax authority at their place of residence. Upon successful registration, foreign citizens also receive documents on the registration of an individual enterprise. The only difference will be that the supporting documents will have an expiration date. The validity period will expire along with the temporary registration. Before citizens of foreign countries begin the process of registering an individual entrepreneur, it is necessary to prepare special documents, which will be discussed below.

If an individual who wants to register an individual enterprise does not have citizenship, but only a temporary residence permit, then. It is also possible to use the official service of the Federal Tax Service and find out the address and details of the required authority. To prove that you do not have registration, it is enough to present a passport that does not have the required stamp.

Recently, there have been quite a few cases when people do not live in the locality in which they are constantly prescribed. Sometimes they even live in a completely different region of the Russian Federation. As a result, a frequent question is asked, where, in this case, to obtain a certificate of registration of IP? By law, registration is required at the place of registration. But this does not mean that you have to go to your homeland. If you wish, you can send the necessary documents by mail and also receive documents on the registration of the enterprise by mail. When registering an individual entrepreneur, it is also possible to use the help of authorized persons. To do this, a power of attorney certified by a notary is issued to the authorized person. With the development of electronic document management, it is also possible to register an individual entrepreneur online. But for this you need a personal electronic signature.

Obtaining a certificate of registration of IP online

For the convenience of citizens and to increase the speed of work of tax officers, you can open your own business without leaving your home. The easiest way is through the official portal of the Federal Tax Service. Initially, you need to create an account, register on the site. For those who are more or less familiar with the computer, this process will not take even ten minutes.

In order to register an individual entrepreneur online, you must prepare the necessary documents, pay the state registration fee, and fill out an application in the form P21001. The process is no different from the standard registration. If you do not have your own electronic signature, then you simply send copies of all documents, and if everything is fine, then in three working days you will receive an invitation letter from the tax service by mail. In order to obtain a certificate of registration, you need to take a passport, as well as a receipt for payment of state duty.

If you have your own digital signature, by sending all the necessary documents in electronic form, you will also receive an IP registration certificate in electronic format.

Obtaining a certificate through the public services portal

You can also legalize your commercial activities through the already well-known. Registration on the portal takes place using a mobile phone or e-mail, as it is convenient for you. After registering, you must enter the details of your passport, as well as the SNILS insurance certificate. After the system checks your data, you will be able to use some services. But in order to register an individual entrepreneur, you need to confirm your identity. To verify your identity, you can choose any of the following options:

  • sending the activation code by mail takes about two weeks;
  • confirmation of identity by a personal visit to a special institution;
  • use a personal electronic signature.

After you confirm your identity, you can begin the process of registering an IP. It is possible in several ways:

  • personal visit to the registration authority;
  • sending documents by mail;
  • sending documents electronically.

It doesn't matter which option you choose. You also need to fill out an application, you can fill it out directly on the site. Pay the state duty in the amount of 800 rubles and collect the necessary documents. The only difference is that, since the user has a verified account, when sending documents electronically, they can also be received by e-mail.

The registration process is quite clear, the system will always tell you what to do next, and also will not give you the opportunity to make mistakes.

Required package of documents

To obtain a certificate of registration of an individual enterprise, an individual must first pay the state registration fee, then fill out an application in the P21001 form and prepare the necessary documents. In order to obtain a certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur, you must collect the following package of documents:

  1. Completed Form P Application To be completed by hand or electronically. The application form can be taken at any department of the tax service, as well as downloaded in Excel format from the official portal of the tax service.
  2. Receipt of payment of state duty for registration of IP. In 2017, the amount payable is 800 rubles. If you register an IP completely on your own, then this will be the only monetary cost.
  3. The passport. In our country, the passport is the main identity document. If for some reason you don't have it, you first need to get it.
  4. The TIN number is required in order for you to be registered with the tax authority. Do not worry if you do not have a TIN, when registering an IP, it will be assigned to you automatically.
  5. Insurance certificate. SNILS is necessary in order to register an individual with the Pension Fund of Russia.
  6. If your passport does not contain information about the field or a stamp, about registration, you must submit these documents separately.
  7. If a person wishing to obtain a certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur has not reached the age of majority, it is necessary to provide a written agreement from parents or guardians to conduct entrepreneurial activities.


In order for an individual to obtain a certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur, it is necessary to go through a standard procedure with the tax authority. Doing business without proper documentation can result in fines, as well as criminal penalties. The process of registering an individual entrepreneur is quite simple and fast. When registering an individual entrepreneur, you will not lose a lot of money and will not spend a lot of time and effort. In addition, with the development of digital information, everything can now be done at the computer without leaving your home.

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