The best medical profession. The most demanded medical specialties. II. Pharmaceutical workers

You are unlikely to be left without a job: now in Russia there is an unsatisfied demand for medical workers with almost any area of ​​interest.

However, one should not think that doctors of different specializations have a chance for equally attractive working conditions.

The most prestigious professions in healthcare

The situation in this segment of the labor market is regulated primarily by private clinics. Being dependent on commercial demand, they focus on providing the most popular medical services.

Dental care occupies a special place among the latter: firstly, it is always relevant, and secondly, people are morally ready to pay quite large sums for it.

Accordingly, profession dentist turns out to be very, very prestigious. He receives much more than many other colleagues (confirmation of this is a statistical study by RBC, according to which already in 2010 dentists had a salary of almost 60 thousand rubles).

Private general hospitals are interested in narrow specialists involved in the detection and treatment of chronic diseases.

Over the past years, a wide range of vacancies has been provided:

  • gynecologists;
  • urologists;
  • ENTs;
  • orthopedists;
  • gastroenterologists;
  • dermatologists;
  • ophthalmologists;
  • neurologists and neuropathologists.

Personnel are constantly needed for biochemical laboratories, hardware centers diagnostics: in the last few years, the number of clinics has significantly increased, the list of services in which is reduced to conducting tests, performing ultrasound or MRI.

It's good to have a profession at the intersection of medicine and cosmetology. For example, a plastic surgeon, a nutritionist, a trichologist can adequately provide for a family.

Let's illustrate the above with examples. Here is a link to a page with current ones.

Job prospects for therapists

And what about internists and pediatricians, general practitioners?

They are in demand almost to the same extent as dentists, but they are expected mainly in budgetary healthcare institutions. It should be emphasized that a significant proportion of vacancies for therapists are provided by small hospitals - district, rural. Settling in them, you do not have to rely on exorbitant income.

However, working in the outback is not without a number of advantages.

There are quite interesting government programs to support highly qualified specialists who are ready to work in the countryside. Thanks to such programs, a young doctor gets an excellent chance to solve the housing problem and receive funds for arranging a household.

One of the most divisive lists is the list of medical professions. It has widely known and rather rare and unfamiliar specialties for the vast majority of people. There are medical professions after grade 9, there are those that you can go to study after 11. They all have one thing in common - each of the medical specialties is important and necessary. And it is very difficult to single out one in particular. The work of a surgeon is invaluable, but the work of a nutritionist is no less important. There is no doubt about the importance of the medical profession of any profile, whether it is a graduate neurologist or a medical profession after the 9th grade - a nurse.

List of medical professions

The list of medical professions can be called incredible. The list of medical professions includes about 50 popular specializations and profiles. At the same time, specializations are regularly reviewed as new directions appear. The list of medical professions can definitely include such profiles and directions as: Obstetrician-gynecologist, Midwife, Pharmacist, Military doctor, Military feldsher, Nutritionist, Cosmetologist, Life doctor, Doctor, Nurse, Neurologist, Pharmacist, Dissector, Resuscitator, Medical instructor, Orderly, Dentist, Medical Examiner, Toxicologist, Urologist, Paramedic, Physiotherapist, Surgeon, Endocrinologist and many others. The list of medical professions includes those that require higher specialized medical education and those that require basic medical education. For example, in the list of medical professions, you can find the profile of a surgeon and a profile of a nurse.

To say that a doctor is always a 11th grade graduate who entered and graduated from a higher educational institution would be wrong, since there are various areas in the list of medical professions. Of course, the basis was, is and will remain higher education. But in the list of medical professions after grade 9 there are at least 5 areas of study.

  • Pharmaceutics - training of pharmacists, specialists in the preparation of medical drugs and solutions, salesmen for pharmacies, medical marketers
  • Obstetrics - training of obstetricians to assist women in childbirth and accompany pregnancy.
  • Laboratory diagnostics - training of specialists in the profile of medical laboratory technicians.
  • Orthopedic dentistry - training of dental technicians.
  • Medical business - preparation of paramedics - generalists with responsible work.

Medical professions after grade 11

The list of medical professions after grade 11 is endless. You can choose both the above professions, available to graduates of the 9th grade, and any other, the development of which after the 11th grade is possible only in a higher educational institution.

Medical Professions and Salary

Unfortunately, the work of a physician does not always bring tangible income. Often you have to work for an idea, but sometimes you get lucky. Thanks to paid services, even in a state clinic, doctors have the opportunity to receive a pleasant bonus, and working in a private clinic - a percentage of the hospital's income. Perhaps the income will not always reach high-paying medical professions, for example, a plastic surgeon or a famous nutritionist, but still the chance to replenish your wallet is quite real.

What medical professions are in demand?

Of course, we can safely say that against the backdrop of the reform of the medical industry, some specialists turned out to be less in demand than those who have a rare specialization. Nevertheless, nutritionists, dental technicians, dentists, surgeons, obstetricians and gynecologists, and many others were not left without work. The list of medical professions that are popular often differs from year to year, and when choosing medical professions that are in demand, you need to focus not on those that are popular and in demand today, but on those that the future physician is most drawn to.

Registration N 27723

In accordance with subparagraph 5.2.7. Regulations on the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 19, 2012 N 608 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 26, Art. 3526), I order:

Approve the Nomenclature of positions of medical workers and pharmaceutical workers according to the appendix.

Minister V. Skvortsova


Nomenclature of positions of medical workers and pharmaceutical workers

I. Health workers

1.1. Leadership positions:

chief physician (head) of a medical organization;

director of the hospital (home) nursing care, hospice;

deputy head (head) of a medical organization;

head (head) of a structural subdivision (department, department, laboratory, office, detachment, etc.) of a medical organization - a specialist doctor;

the head (chief physician, head) of a structural unit carrying out medical activities, of another organization;

chief nurse (chief midwife, chief paramedic).

1.2. Positions of specialists with higher professional (medical) education (doctors):

a) medical specialists, including:


obstetrician-gynecologist of the shop medical section;











pediatric cardiologist;

pediatric oncologist;

pediatric urologist-andrologist;

pediatric surgeon;

pediatric endocrinologist;



health center doctor;

infectious disease physician;


doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics;

clinical mycologist;

clinical pharmacologist;



laboratory doctor;[<]*[>]

laboratory geneticist;

laboratory mycologist;

manual therapy doctor;






general practitioner (family doctor);



osteopathic doctor;






city ​​(district) pediatrician;

local pediatrician;

plastic surgeon;

doctor in aviation and space medicine;

diving medicine doctor;

hygienist for children and adolescents;

food hygienist;

occupational health doctor;

doctor for hygienic education;

communal hygiene doctor;


doctor for medical and social expertise;

doctor for medical prevention;

doctor for medical rehabilitation;

general hygienist;

palliative care physician;

radiation hygienist;

doctor for X-ray endovascular diagnostics and treatment;

doctor for sanitary and hygienic laboratory research;

sports medicine doctor;

admissions doctor;

occupational pathologist;


local psychiatrist;

pediatric psychiatrist;

district pediatric psychiatrist;

adolescent psychiatrist;

teenage district psychiatrist;


local psychiatrist-narcologist;









cardiovascular surgeon;

emergency doctor;



pediatric dentist;




forensic medical expert;

forensic psychiatric expert;




adolescent therapist;

district physician;

physician-therapist of the local shop medical section;


thoracic surgeon;



doctor of ultrasound diagnostics;




district phthisiatrician;

doctor of functional diagnostics;


maxillofacial surgeon;




senior doctor of the station (department) of emergency medical care;

senior doctor of the station (department) of emergency medical care of mountain rescue units;

ship's doctor;

b) a trainee doctor.

1.3. Positions of specialists with higher professional (non-medical) education:

instructor-methodologist in physiotherapy exercises;

medical psychologist;

medical physicist;

forensic expert (expert biochemist, expert geneticist, expert chemist);

chemist-expert of a medical organization;

expert physicist in control of sources of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation;



1.4. Positions of specialists with secondary vocational (medical) education (middle medical staff):

dental hygienist;

head of the dairy kitchen;

head of the health center - paramedic (nurse);

head of the feldsher-obstetric station - paramedic (obstetrician, nurse);

head of the cabinet of medical prevention - paramedic (nurse);

production manager of institutions (departments, departments, laboratories) of dental prosthetics;


Dental Technician;


hygiene education instructor;

physiotherapy instructor;

occupational therapy instructor;

laboratory assistant;


nurse anesthetist;

nurse of a general practitioner (family doctor);

dietary nurse;

nurse of medical and social assistance;

ward nurse (guard);

nursing nurse;

dressing nurse;

cosmetic nurse;

massage nurse;

a nurse (paramedic) to receive emergency calls and transfer them to mobile ambulance teams;

admissions nurse;

procedural nurse;

rehabilitation nurse;

sterilization nurse;

district nurse;

physiotherapy nurse;

medical disinfector;

medical laboratory technician (medical laboratory assistant);

medical optician-optometrist;

medical registrar;

medical statistician;

medical technologist;

operating room nurse;

assistant entomologist;


senior nurse (obstetrician, paramedic, operating nurse, dental technician);


ambulance paramedic;


ambulance driver.

1.5. Other positions of medical workers (junior medical personnel):

nursing assistant;

medical attendant;

housewife sister.

II. Pharmaceutical workers

2.1. Leadership positions:

director (manager, head) of a pharmacy organization;

deputy director (manager, head) of a pharmacy organization;

warehouse manager of the organization of wholesale trade in medicines;

head of the medical warehouse of the mobilization reserve;

deputy head of the warehouse of the organization of wholesale trade in medicines;

head (head) of a structural subdivision (department) of a pharmacy organization.

2.2. Positions of specialists with higher professional (pharmaceutical) education (pharmacists):



trainee pharmacist;


senior inspector.

2.3. Positions of specialists with secondary vocational (pharmaceutical) education (medium pharmaceutical staff):

junior pharmacist;

senior pharmacist;


2.4. Other positions of pharmaceutical workers (junior pharmaceutical staff):


nurse (washer).


1. The positions "chief physician (head) of a medical organization", "deputy head (head) of a medical organization", "head (chief physician, head) of a structural unit engaged in medical activities, of another organization" refer to the positions of medical workers if their labor (official) duties include the implementation of medical activities;

2. The names of the positions of the deputy head (head) of the medical organization are supplemented by the name of the section of medical activity, which he manages. For example, "deputy head of a medical organization for the medical part", "deputy head of a medical organization for the medical part", "deputy head of a medical organization for clinical and expert work", "deputy head of a medical organization for working with nursing personnel" and more.

3. The positions "deputy director (head) of a pharmacy organization", "warehouse manager of a drug wholesale trade organization", "deputy head of a warehouse of a drug wholesale trade organization", "head (head) of a structural subdivision (department) of a pharmacy organization" refer to positions pharmaceutical workers in the event that their organizational and (or) functional activities are directly related to the wholesale trade in medicines, their storage and (or) retail trade in medicines, their dispensing, storage and manufacture.

4. The name of the position of a doctor is formed taking into account the specialty in which the employee has the appropriate training and work in which is imputed to the circle of his duties. For example, "physician".

5. The titles of the positions of heads (heads) of structural subdivisions (departments, departments, laboratories, offices, detachments, etc.) are supplemented by the title of the position of a doctor corresponding to the profile of the structural subdivision. For example, "the head of the surgical department is a surgeon."

6. In a medical organization providing specialized medical care, or if there is a structural unit in a medical organization providing specialized medical care, the title of the position "doctor of the admission department" is supplemented with the title of the position of a doctor of the relevant specialty. For example, "the doctor of the emergency department - the doctor of emergency medical care."

7. The names of the positions "obstetrician", "nurseman", "packer" filled by females are named respectively: "midwife", "nurse", "packer"; and the name of the position "nurse", filled by males, is called - "medical brother (nurse)".

[<]*[>] The title of the position "laboratory doctor" is retained for specialists accepted for this position before October 1, 1999.

What are the medical professions? In order to choose the appropriate direction of study, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with what areas of medicine exist and what are the specifics of each of them.

The section contains detailed descriptions of professions related to medicine. This material will certainly help you make the right choice.

Name Overall profession rating Average salary*
Surgeon 72 40 000
Paramedic 44 24 000
Pharmacist 59 0
Therapist 61 40 000
medical examiner 47 25 500
Dental hygienist 48 25 000
Dentist 66 0
Radiologist 47 30 000
Rehabilitator 53 50 000
Psychotherapist 56 35 000
Psychiatrist 60 30 000
Profession obstetrician 64 30 000
Pharmacist 54 45 000
plastic surgeon 57 68 000
Pathologist 53 51 000
Otolaryngologist 65 0
optometrist 48 40 000
Neonatologist 51 32 330
Neurosurgeon 52 35 000
Expert in narcology 51 0
Nurse in cosmetology 54 30 000
Nurse 56 25 000
beautician 59 0
Gynecologist 63 50 000
Geneticist 65 0
Pediatrician 59 45 000
45 000

* - according to the Federal State Statistics Service for 2017.

** - expert assessment of the portal editors on a scale from 0 to 100. Where 100 is the most in demand, the least competitive, with a low entry barrier in terms of knowledge and accessibility of obtaining it, and the most promising, and 0 vice versa.

There are many medical specializations. Today, medical institutions are most in need of anesthesiologists, resuscitators and phthisiatricians, narcologists and psychiatrists, emergency doctors and clinical laboratory diagnostics - however, if you choose any other profile of medical education, there will also be a job for you.

The path to many specializations in the field of healthcare begins with admission to the specialty "Medicine". What exactly do you want to become: an endocrinologist, an otolaryngologist, or maybe a gastroenterologist? The very process of studying at a medical school and a detailed study of the program in various subjects will help you navigate and decide.

A real doctor is a highly educated person. He is interested in the chemical processes occurring in the body, and is ready for bold medical manipulations, based, among other things, on engineering calculations. He strictly adheres to the medical protocol, monitors how the treatment of some organs affects the state of other organs and systems of the body, and is also ready to improve his skills throughout his career.

The doctor knows how to combine in his character qualities that, at first glance, seem to be opposite to each other. He is empathic - and stress-resistant, clean - and unsqueamish. He has both the quickness of reaction to deal with acute illnesses and the patience to carry on long investigations or to oversee the progress of long-term cures.

Thanks to medicine, people have learned to treat their body and thereby prolong life. Science has always helped doctors by offering them new technologies, tools, and techniques. Despite this, medicine is not always space technology and absolute sterility.

It turns out that many achievements are associated with representatives of completely unique and even strange professions. Even smelters and tasters work professionally for medicine, which is simply unknown to a wide range of people. We will talk about the most unusual such professions.

Food Flavor Specialist. It seems that a representative of such a profession in medicine has nothing to do. His path is the food industry. Such people are generally "invisible", whose work is constantly evaluated. But no one thinks about those who are responsible for this. We enjoy delicious sweets, wine, but do not remember the professionals in the field of food flavorings. Those who have sensitive taste buds by nature have a direct path to the profession of a taster. It turns out that you can do science there and get a doctoral degree. Flavoring pharmacists are scientists who bring out and change artificial flavors in the right direction. Such specialists are in demand in medicine, because few people like bitter medicines. Pharmacists are also needed to improve skin or hair products. After all, here the smell plays an important role, it can both scare away the consumer and attract. In America, food flavoring specialists are a prestigious and highly paid profession, whose representatives receive 54 thousand dollars a year.

Sex surrogate. It is known that in America, medical students often earn extra money by prostitution. Only here it is not only about money, but also about the contribution to science. Students engage in sexual intercourse, providing researchers with the information they need. It even got to the point that this not entirely legal industry created its own International Professional Surrogate Association. It is designed specifically for surrogate partners and doctors who work with him. The surrogate must provide the sexologist with a report on how the patient behaves. It turns out that with the help of a psychologist, some drugs, it is quite possible to get rid of sexual problems - impotence, addiction, embarrassment of adult virginity. Sometimes people don't know who to turn to. In such a situation, help comes from a surrogate partner. Interestingly, the founders of this Association demonstratively distance themselves from prostitution, since their profession does not always involve sexual contact. Much more important is how the patient will respond to treatment by doctors. And the most famous specialist of this kind in the world is Sheryl Green, who starred in the movie Surrogate. The tape was nominated for an Oscar, and the woman herself claims that she has already helped more than nine hundred people recover with the help of sexual therapy.

Outgoing exfusionist. Most people fear vampires, hoping to never meet them in real life. But in medicine there are equivalents of these dangerous creatures. Exfusionists are in the business of bleeding. But this is done for the sake of transfusions, organ transplants, or just research. And people of this profession are not tied to any one institution. A visiting exfusionist can appear anywhere where there is work for him. We just need to get the paperwork in order. And these medical professionals spend a lot of time trying to calm people who are afraid of needles and the sight of blood. In America, the average annual income of exfusionists is about 40 thousand dollars. And all you have to do is learn not to be afraid of the sight of blood and the tool for its extraction.

Polysomnography technologist. The task of this specialist is to observe the sleep and wakefulness of a person, keep records and analyze incoming data. In other words - people get money for looking at the dream of others. Looks pretty weird. Obviously, there is a good reason for this. These technologists work with different polysomnographic devices that determine the causes of sleep disturbance. As a result, either a constant positive pressure titration is prescribed, or a special CPAP therapy is performed, which involves wearing a mask. Thanks to such technologies, a specialist, in particular, will help get rid of snoring, regardless of the reasons for its occurrence.

Nurse. At the mention of the wet nurse, the Middle Ages are immediately remembered. Noble ladies did not bother to feed their children - special women of simple origin did it for them. Even in England in the 18th century, the services of a breadwinner were used, until it turned out that syphilis could be transmitted through breast milk. But this phenomenon, oddly enough, exists today. Many people are not so germophobic as to neglect other people's milk. In maternity hospitals in many countries, there is a steady and high demand for natural milk. As a result, his sales are only growing, and the profession of a nurse is more honorable and more profitable than ever.

Man is a guinea pig. Even those who do not have a medical education or just knowledge can participate in a related profession. So don't underestimate yourself. The fact is that medicine constantly needs people to conduct experiments. People in good health who agree to participate in the experiments are invited. Who knows, you may have to deal with a new life-prolonging drug. True, it is likely that everything will be quite the opposite. The National Institutes of Health Clinical Center offers many opportunities to express yourself in this field. Today, the database contains almost half a million different projects. Those who are willing to sacrifice their health for the sake of science are classified, so that even people with the lowest standard of living have a chance to participate in some kind of program. Doctors often want to know how healthy a person is, whether there were any diseases or allergies in his biography. It is important to know that the study results were reliable. So the “guinea pig” will have to answer a lot of questions about himself.

Egg Donor. There are people for whom the production of children is a profession. Being a sperm donor is even nice, and donating your eggs is also not particularly difficult. But egg donation involves a highly professional approach, in cooperation with the medical institution and staff. Doctors select compatible donors for childless couples, allowing alternative methods for the birth of offspring to be realized. There is an Assisted Reproductive Technology Advisory Group whose mission is to oversee medical professionalism in the egg donation industry. And the workers of this profession can be considered a specialist in ethics, infertility, midwives, gynecologists and just nurses. And finding a suitable donor is not an easy task. Most couples want to see in this capacity an attractive young woman with high intelligence. So workers also have to contend with genetic bias.

Milker snake. People have no prejudice towards the profession of a milkmaid, but what about those who milk snakes? This job is clearly not for the faint of heart. The milker of the serpent extracts from his experimental subjects not milk at all, but poison. These people work in laboratories and try to create new drugs for pharmaceutical companies. For example, one of the experiments based on the poison obtained by the milkers made it possible to create new drugs that prevent blood clotting and against hypertension. It has long been known that poison in microscopic doses is even useful. And milking snakes is not an easy job. Experienced employee Ken Darnell says it's a lot more difficult than it might seem at first glance. It will be very difficult for an unprepared person to open the snake's mouth over the funnel. Then you still have to force them to stick their poisonous fangs into the milking jar. But then the deadly substance will serve for the benefit of man.

Professional sniffer. It is a generally accepted fact that the sense of smell of people is much inferior to animals. But among the people there are professional sniffers, the number one among which, of course, is George Aldrich. He works at the Molecular Desorption Analysis Laboratory as a chemical specialist. Aldrich uses his nose to take care of the US military, essentially saving their lives. A professional sniffer identifies various volatile substances that could potentially be hazardous to a spacecraft. Such a mission is a verification stage, and in case of its successful completion, work on the project continues. And Aldrich began, most likely, his path in medicine as an ordinary test subject. Since then, he has been repeatedly shown in the news, and he has become literally the Gagarin of nasal art. The story of Aldrich is a clear example of how you can become a highly professional specialist from an ordinary test subject.

Horse dentist. Someone you don't expect to see in a dentist's office is horses. However, there are specialists who work with the teeth of these graceful animals. Of course, horses do not go to the dentist, but he goes to them. This specialist visits the stables in order to treat their inhabitants and ensure their dental health. A horse dentist, like any ordinary dentist, examines, cleans teeth and removes patients. And it’s impossible for anyone to work in such a position - it is necessary to undergo veterinary and dental training in order to obtain the unusual title of “equine dentist”.

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