Is it necessary to treat milk teeth at 5. Is it necessary to treat milk teeth - recommendations from pediatric dentists

There is a widespread belief that milk teeth need not be treated, as they will fall out anyway and be replaced by other teeth. But everything is not so simple. So do milk teeth need to be treated? This is of particular interest to many parents. There are some nuances in this matter. About it will be discussed farther.

Do milk teeth need to be treated?

According to dentists, milk teeth play important role in the formation of the jaw in a child. They are the basis for the future that will come to replace them. In the case when a child loses milk teeth too early, this is reflected in the development of his jaw. It should also be remembered that future permanent teeth are formed directly in the place where the milk ones are located. Therefore, there is a possibility of infection spreading to the gum. And this will negatively affect future teeth. In this case, new ones will grow already affected by the infection.

Therefore, the answer to the question of whether it is necessary to treat milk teeth will be in the affirmative. In connection with the above, it should be concluded that temporary incisors need careful care and treatment until the time comes for them to fall out. Usually age period, in which the change of teeth occurs, is 9-10 years. The front teeth begin to fall out earlier, namely at the age of seven. Usually, children come to first grade with missing front ones.

Maybe you can delete it?

Do milk teeth need to be treated or can they be removed? If you pull out incisors affected by caries, this will lead to a violation of the development of the jaw. Such a phenomenon will big problem. This is due to the fact that the process of digestion of food is disturbed. How can diseases of the stomach and intestines occur. Also, with an incorrect bite, the aesthetics of the face are disturbed.

Preventive measures

Children's teeth are highly susceptible to the development of caries. This is due to the fact that the enamel is not strong enough and is easily exposed to caries. The final formation of enamel occurs by the age of twelve.

Due to the fact that the enamel in young children does not have sufficient strength, caries has an instant spread on the teeth. Small children should be especially careful to monitor the oral cavity. It is necessary to carry out actions related to its hygiene. You need to brush your teeth in the morning and evening every day. Also, after eating, you should teach the child to rinse his mouth. Sometimes these measures cannot protect the baby from the appearance of caries.

Although modern medicine is constantly evolving, a tool has not yet been invented that would provide protection for teeth from the occurrence of caries. In this regard, parents need to take preventive measures in order to avoid its occurrence.

Should milk teeth be treated at 5 years old? If the child allows it, then you should. Otherwise, it is worth taking other measures to prevent caries.
Is it necessary to treat milk teeth at 4 years old? Still, therapy is recommended.

Using a laser

In order to get rid of carious effects on children's teeth, it is necessary to carry out diagnostics through special tests. An examination of the incisors allows you to make a prediction of the risks of an ailment for a child, taking into account his individual features. One of the diagnostic methods is a laser. With it, the dentist can diagnose the localization of infected bacteria and prevent their further impact on the tooth. Caries may not be noticeable during a routine examination.

At the same time, using a laser, the doctor will see the spread of infection on the baby's teeth. The device looks like a small lamp. With the help of such a device, a tooth is scanned. It is carried out from all sides. When caries is detected, the device emits sound signal. This suggests that there are bacteria on the tooth. The latter contribute to the spread of this disease.

In a number of European countries, continuous testing of the condition of children's teeth is carried out. Fillings are not allowed there, since problems are identified at the initial stage. Examination of teeth with a laser does not cause any pain and endure without fear. Also through this method evaluation of the effectiveness of treatment. The results of the examination of the condition of the teeth allow you to assign individual preventive actions aimed at strengthening the enamel, removing microorganisms that contribute to the formation of an unfavorable environment. Also, through preventive measures, it is possible to make a protective barrier for the spread harmful bacteria.

Treatment of caries with ozone. Is it necessary to treat caries on milk teeth?

When the detection of caries occurs on the early stage, it is possible to completely restore dental tissue. One of effective methods treatment is the use of a gas such as ozone. Its action lies in the fact that it kills bacteria that contribute to the spread of caries in the human oral cavity. This is due to the fact that ozone has a high oxidizing effect.

The action of ozone is very fast. In half a minute, it relieves a person of all harmful bacteria. Ozone is introduced into the growth cavity through a special silicone cup. It is very soft and does not cause any discomfort. After the ozonation procedure is carried out, the teeth are applied special composition. Another property of ozone is that it activates metabolic processes in the body. Therefore, the applied substance is quickly absorbed and has positive effect on the condition of the teeth.

It is well known that caries is more likely to occur on teeth that have been treated. This is due to the fact that bacteria can remain in the cavity of the tooth. Treatment of the tooth with ozone will help prevent the recurrence of caries.

Silvering teeth

Another way to help young children in the fight against caries is teeth silvering. During this procedure, the baby's teeth are treated with a special solution, which includes silver. This procedure used to prevent further spread of caries. Usually it is done to children under 3 years old.

Silvering is usually carried out at the initial stage of caries development. Also, this procedure is an alternative to treatment. Quite often, children do not allow the dentist to treat their teeth. Then they are silver plated. You should know that this procedure is not a treatment. The action of this procedure is aimed at stopping the spread of carious infection. This procedure should be repeated every six months for its effect to be effective. The procedure does not cause any discomfort to the child. It's done pretty quickly. Dentist using cotton swab apply the solution to the affected teeth.

There are a number of disadvantages to the procedure.

It is believed that silver plating is ineffective for chewing teeth. However, if no other medical measures, then it is desirable to do this procedure. It will have an antimicrobial effect for a certain time.

The disadvantages of silver plating include dark color teeth after the procedure. However, for children it does not matter. of great importance. Therefore, you can do such a procedure.
Silvering is useless to do if the child has deep caries. Such tooth damage should be treated in a different way.


Now you know the answer to the question of whether milk teeth should be treated at 6 and 5 years old. Now let's talk about one good method. In addition to silvering, there is such a procedure as deep fluoridation. It does not cause any pain in the child. The solution that is applied to the teeth has high content fluorine. During this procedure, the child's teeth remain white.

Fluoridation refers to preventive measures teeth tracking. It cannot be attributed to treatment. This procedure has contraindications. They lie in the fact that it cannot be done by those people whose place of residence belongs to the area where increased content fluorine. It is customary to use it only when the child has caries in the form white spot. At this stage of the disease, there will be an effect from the procedure. The decision on the use of a particular technique is made by the dentist after examining the patient.

How to prepare your child for a visit to the dentist?

Not every adult enjoys going to this doctor. And the children are doubly afraid of this doctor. Therefore, it is necessary to have a conversation with the child before visiting the doctor. Tell him that the dentist will look at his teeth and clean them. It will be better to visit the doctor more often.

For example, every 3 months. The fact is that in a child all the processes in the body are much faster than in adults. Therefore, it is necessary to inspect as often as possible. The more often the child will come to dental office, the less fear he will have before

What does Komarovsky think?

Do milk teeth need to be treated? Komarovsky has his own opinion on this issue. He believes that it is necessary to treat milk teeth. Silvering can be used on If the process has gone further, then the tooth should be filled.


Is it necessary to treat pulpitis on milk teeth? Of course. Pulpitis is a neglected form of caries that affects the pulp. How to treat this disease determined by the attending physician, depending on the individual characteristics of the body and mental state child.


Now you know the answer to the exciting question of whether it is necessary to treat milk teeth in children. We hope the information in this article was helpful.

Hello dear readers. Recently, we had a situation where the child needed to be treated baby tooth. And we thought, is it really necessary to treat milk teeth, or will they fall out anyway? Then why?

Teeth are one of the most important organs human body. Their importance cannot be overestimated. Although many people neglect it. We hope that the information provided today will at least partially change the situation by drawing your attention to this problem.

It is believed that teeth are important only for beauty. A toothless child is a familiar picture for everyone, considered the norm. But a toothless adult is unacceptable, unaesthetic, unpleasant. Meanwhile, the absence of teeth in a child is a much more dangerous phenomenon. It is, of course, not about natural process change of teeth (replacement of milk teeth with permanent ones), namely about their prolonged absence due to early loss due to illness, injury, and so on. And there are enough diseases for children's teeth.

To the question: “Is it necessary to treat milk teeth?”, - the answer is unequivocal: “It is necessary”! But self-medication is not recommended. Entrust these questions to qualified, experienced professionals with the appropriate education: pediatric dentists. And the prefix "self-" in this matter may be appropriate only in the context of the prevention of dental diseases.

The content of the article:
1. Why children need teeth more than adults

Why children need teeth more than adults

Physicians lead a number indisputable evidence which confirm: teeth are much more important for children than for adults.

If you do not take into account aesthetics (the cosmetic component of the issue), then this is what we have!

  1. The condition of a child's milk teeth has a direct impact on the health of future children. permanent teeth, the rudiments of which are located directly under the dairy. If the first teeth are affected, for example, infectious diseases, then even after their loss, already permanent teeth will appear with the same symptoms.

Example. If a child has caries, but none of the parents pay attention to this, arguing that the milk teeth will fall out anyway, then the likelihood that the permanent teeth will be with caries is very high. Therefore, contacting a dentist in such cases is a mandatory measure.

  1. The health of the whole organism depends very much on the health of milk teeth. If they are in bad condition, or absent at all, then the process of chewing food is greatly hampered. It will enter the stomach insufficiently mechanically processed. And this creates a serious burden on the not yet fully formed and fragile children's digestive system. The result is failures in its work. And this is gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis, cholecystitis and dozens of other serious diseases.

And since in the body all organs and their systems are interconnected, a failure in one of them causes destructive processes in all others. It turns out that due to diseased teeth in early age you can earn yourself serious ailments for the rest of my life. Many adults do not understand this, and neglect to appeal to pediatric dentist. But in vain!

  1. Bite. It is still being formed childhood, as well as the shape of the jaws. And this affects the aesthetics of the whole face as a whole. Make sure your child has all intact and healthy teeth.
  2. Aesthetics. If several milk teeth are missing that fell out “planned”, and new permanent healthy teeth are about to appear in their place, this looks quite natural and even cute. But, you see, the black, dilapidated, diseased teeth of a child are not just not cute, but, on the contrary, are very ugly.
  3. psychological component. Often the child himself is very complex about this, embarrassed to smile and even talk. All these complexes, acquiring new problems, are transferred to adult life affecting a person throughout its entire length. Don't let this happen. The future of your children this moment it depends on you!

It is a mistake to think that in place of a diseased and dilapidated milk tooth a permanent beautiful and healthy tooth! The health of the oral cavity must be carefully monitored, and at the first signs of the disease, contact a qualified pediatric dentist. The doctor can put correct diagnosis, determine the cause of the development of the disease and, if necessary, prescribe treatment. This, in turn, will allow you to get rid of dental disease and even prevent its manifestation in the future.

If you need to contact a pediatric dentist, a specialized dental clinic - the best choice for this! Pay attention to important points when choosing the appropriate clinic.

How to choose a reliable "dental" clinic for a child

  1. If you already had positive experience appeal to it, then, of course, you can repeat it. Everything is clear here.
  2. Choose a clinic that has a good reputation and good real reviews patients and their parents. (This is probably the most important thing)
  3. An institution that you can trust with the health of your child can be seen even from the facade: neat, tidy, indicating that a specialized medical organization is located there.
  4. Inside the premises, everything should be almost sterile clean. It - important point, indicating how much the staff and management respect their patients.
  5. The staff is exceptionally welcoming, friendly and qualified. Everyone knows their job well. To understand this, you do not need to be a specialist in the field of dentistry. This is felt intuitively and can be traced through the actions of employees.
  6. Communication with the attending physician should be comfortable and enjoyable for you and, of course, for little patient.
  7. And most importantly - the result! It will be noticeable in the near future after you contact a specialist.

Diseases of milk teeth that children face

Their list is extensive. But, as practice shows, most often small patients suffer from a limited number of ailments. In any case, they all need to be treated. Otherwise, the disease can progress, spread to other teeth, affect already erupted permanent teeth and their rudiments. Often to advanced disease secondary ailments are connected.

Among the most common problems of milk teeth are the following:

- caries of milk teeth;

- pulpitis;


- periodontitis;

- periostitis.

Only a dentist can establish the exact correct diagnosis by determining what exactly the child is ill with. This, in turn, will allow you to assign the correct adequate treatment and achieve positive results.

If milk teeth are not treated, the consequences can be the most unpredictable: deterioration in the aesthetics of the child’s face, infection healthy teeth(including permanent), serious psychological trauma, a threat not only to health, but also to life (after all, we are talking about the head, and therefore, infections and suppurations are especially dangerous, being in close proximity to the brain, visual and auditory apparatus)!

Important! You can visually notice that something is wrong with your child's teeth. You don't have to be a doctor to do this. After all, whitish spots on the surface of the teeth (the first sign of caries), destruction of the integrity of the enamel, malocclusion, and so on - all this is very noticeable even to the naked eye. And seeing all this, you should immediately contact a professional for advice.

Prevention of diseases of milk teeth

Preventive measures are very important for health. They will not take much time, but will significantly increase the likelihood of completely eliminating the development of a particular dental disease. What should you know first?

  1. Visiting the dentist 1-2 times a year is a mandatory planned event. For the purposes of treatment, the visit plan is established individually with the attending physician.
  2. Brush your teeth twice a day: in the morning (before meals) and in the evening - after a meal. It is very important to choose the right toothbrush and toothpaste. The brush, as a rule, is selected with medium hardness. Age recommendations should be listed on the product packaging. The same (in terms of age) applies to pasta. But it will be more difficult to decide on a specific brand. Since, for example, in some cases a paste with fluorine is recommended, while in others it is strictly prohibited. For help with the choice of paste and brush, it is better to contact your pediatric dentist during the next scheduled visit.
  3. Rinse thoroughly after every meal oral cavity clean warm water. And also - use (very carefully, under the guidance of an adult) dental floss.
  4. In case of any alarming changes in the oral cavity, a specialist should be consulted.

It - minimum set rules, the observance of which will allow your child's milk teeth and gums to remain strong and healthy. Then his permanent teeth will be the same.

Is it necessary to treat milk teeth video

Many parents are concerned about the question of whether to treat their child's milk teeth? On the one hand, we are worried about the health of children's teeth, on the other hand, about the nerves of our child. That is why many people put off visiting pediatric dentistry as long as possible. Experts are sure that dismissive attitude to milk teeth entails problems with permanent ones. It is from milk teeth that the formation of the jaw largely depends, because they are a kind of foundation for future teeth. Premature loss of milk teeth can cause permanent ones to grow crooked, and this will require serious work of specialists, and possibly considerable cash investments.

Do milk teeth need to be treated?

It is necessary to treat milk teeth for two reasons: firstly, it is necessary to stop the spread of infection, and secondly, to prevent problems with bite in the future. Therefore, as soon as you notice spots on your child's teeth, contact your dentist as soon as possible. If tooth decay occurs, filling or silvering the teeth will help solve the problem.

Many parents are mistaken, thinking that treating milk teeth does not make sense - they will fall out. But if you miss acute period disease, it is quite possible that the infection will settle in the children's mouth for a long time and play the role of a focus chronic infection. You may not guess why the child is often sick and why he poor appetite. And diseases arise against the background of these foci. Allergies are also not uncommon, as immunity is reduced.

If the infection is located on the root of the milk tooth, it is likely that the permanent one will erupt already with carious lesions or will have anatomical defects.

To avoid all this, you need to treat milk teeth as soon as you find the first signs of the disease. However, do not wait until your child starts complaining about toothache, and regularly inspect his oral cavity. After all, the pain threshold for each child is different, and if one feels pain with a small spot, the other may not tell his parents anything until a huge hole forms in the tooth.

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Is it possible to silver instead of treatment

Many parents who bring their child to the dentist, downright demand not to treat, but only to silver their teeth. Indeed, coating damaged tooth tissues with a solution of silver ions stops the development of caries. But silvering is effective only when superficial caries, if the carious process has already penetrated into the tooth, the effect of the procedure will be zero. The teeth will remain black, caries will continue its destructive work.

To prevent caries, permanent teeth can be sealed with special materials. This procedure is indicated for children with frequent relapses caries. The grooves in the enamel are processed chewing surface teeth (fissures). The decision on the frequency of the sealing procedure should be made by the doctor. As a rule, the effect persists for several years.

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Can you just pull out

If a child's tooth hurts a lot and you are in a hurry to see a doctor, it may be tempting to get rid of the diseased milk tooth once and for all. Indeed, several visits may be required for the treatment of milk teeth, and several minutes are enough for extraction. Do not rush to make such a decision. It should be taken by a doctor, focusing on the timing of the eruption of permanent teeth. So if adjacent teeth have already changed, and less than a year is left before the change of the diseased tooth, the doctor may recommend removal. In this case, it will not entail the displacement of the teeth in the jaw and, therefore, the formation of correct bite. In all other cases, milk teeth should be treated.

Another interesting point. Parents tend to be more concerned about their front teeth, the incisors, as they show up when they smile. It is clear that a child whose front teeth are affected by caries cannot boast of beautiful smile. But the dentist will primarily fight for the rear milk teeth. And this is not at all because he does not like smiling guys, but because he thinks about the long-term benefits for their health.

Any baby teeth should remain in place for as long as possible. Loss of primary molars (molars) is the most unfavorable clinical situation. After all, these teeth must be restrained by permanent molars that erupt in children aged 6-7 years. If children's molars fall out prematurely, there is nothing left for permanent teeth to do but pop out earlier. In this case, they will interfere normal growth premolars (they appear at 10-12 years).

Thus, the decision on the method of treatment of milk teeth and the need to remove them should not be made by parents and children, but only by qualified pediatric dentists. Do not let the tooth decide on its own by leaving the orderly ranks of its comrades ahead of time. This happens when parents put off a visit to the doctor for a long time. If any permanent tooth will take the wrong position in relation to its neighbors, subsequently it will be necessary to correct the bite of the son or daughter.

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Methods for the treatment of caries of milk teeth

As already mentioned, if a child has caries of milk teeth, two treatment options are possible - silvering and filling. Consider the positive and negative sides every procedure.

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Operational painless silvering

The advantages of the procedure are that the coating of damaged tooth tissues with a special solution with silver ions in order to suspend carious process does not require much time, passes painlessly and, most importantly, without treatment with a drill. The negative point is that the procedure must be repeated at least once every six months, and the destroyed tooth tissues are not restored. In addition, after silvering, the teeth of children often become black. Few children will pay attention to this, but parents consider this side effect a serious shortcoming of the procedure.

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Filling of milk teeth

The affected tooth tissues are removed and replaced with a filling. In children's dental clinics to avoid the need to use a drill, the removal of affected tissues can be carried out by a chemical-mechanical method. AT carious cavity a special gel is injected for 30 seconds. After the specified time has elapsed, it is manually scraped out along with carious tissues. The defect is closed with a seal.

The advantage of filling is that the lost tissues are completely replaced with new ones - artificial ones. Modern fillings are durable, most likely, re-filling is not required until the change of teeth. In addition, you can put a filling with fluorine ions, which is a good prevention of caries on the surface of this tooth.

The disadvantages of this treatment is that it takes quite a long time(15-20 minutes is a long time for a child). You need to keep your mouth open all the time, because of which the child may get tired and start acting up. In addition, anesthesia may be required, the choice of which is determined by the age of the child, the number of affected teeth, and the psycho-emotional readiness of a small patient for manipulation.

Parents should by their own example develop in the child the habit of keeping their teeth in order. Visit your dentist in a timely manner and consult with your pediatrician in time. If your child's milk teeth are not black from caries, but are well-groomed, it is likely that good habit Keeping your child's teeth healthy will last a lifetime.

Treatment of milk teeth in children is not at all the same as the treatment of teeth in adults. In a baby, a properly formed dentition gives an incentive for the development of chewing and facial muscles, and also contributes to the development of speech. Do milk teeth need to be treated? Definitely yes. And do not rely on the fact that they will eventually fall out. Delay in the treatment of teeth is fraught with serious problems with permanent ones. Caries is one of them.

Importance of milk teeth for a child

The laying of a milk tooth occurs even during prenatal development. From how you eat future mom depends on the condition of the child's teeth. If the mother's diet was not enough micro-, macronutrients (especially fluorine, calcium and phosphorus), it is highly likely that the child will also experience this deficiency after birth, which will certainly affect the health of his teeth.

The role of milk teeth can hardly be overestimated, because they are responsible not only for grinding food. Thanks to the timely formed dentition, the baby learns to pronounce sounds correctly, chew, he develops facial expressions. So, if for some reason the teeth begin to hurt or crumble at 3 years old or at 5 years old, the question is: “Why treat milk teeth?” and shouldn't be. Definitely needed!

But the duration of treatment and the technique will depend on the degree of damage to the tooth. The most unpleasant procedure- treatment of molars, or molars. Does it hurt to heal? It all depends on pain threshold child. Some babies tell their parents about the problem when only small speck. Other's unpleasant symptoms appear only when it is possible only to treat milk teeth under general anesthesia or rather their removal.

When Tooth Treatment Is Necessary

Should milk teeth be treated? Undoubtedly. If a milk tooth is treated in time, further problems can be avoided, with a permanent one that has erupted in its place, as well as ensuring the formation of a correct bite.

The period of appearance of permanent teeth also depends on the timeliness of treatment of milk teeth. It happens that a milk tooth has fallen out, and for some reason the permanent one does not appear in its place. For incisors, the norm is 2-3 months, for molars (“five”) and canines, this stage can stretch up to a year. It all depends on the development of the child. But in any case, only a specialist should treat milk teeth in children, only he can establish the exact cause.

Treatment of milk teeth without drilling is necessary in such cases:

  • if a permanent tooth does not grow in place of the milk one. The problem may be in the inflammatory process, not visually visible, deficiency of micro- and macroelements, metabolic disorders;
  • if the milk teeth began to crumble. The reason may be dysplasia of the enamel of milk teeth, neglect of the rules of oral care, metabolic disorders, deficiency of calcium, fluorine and phosphorus;
  • if a piece of a tooth breaks off after a fall. In this case, the doctor must find out if there is inflammation and if the root is affected. It happens that when visual inspection everything is in order with the tooth, although the child complains of pain. Parents decide not to treat, while the gum is actively developing inflammatory process, and the root is displaced. As a result, not only the damaged milk tooth and its neighbors suffer, but also the permanent teeth that have not yet appeared. So if you do not solve the problem in time, new tooth will be unhealthy;
  • if a dark spot appears on the tooth. Only a specialist can determine the degree of tooth damage. Are milk teeth treated if only the surface is affected? Yes, and in most cases anesthesia is not needed. Such a problem is the easiest to fix, which cannot be said about caries, which has penetrated deep into the crown of the tooth and hit the root. In this case, the treatment of milk teeth under anesthesia is used.

Should a damaged tooth be removed? It all depends on the extent of the damage. If only the surface is damaged, no removal is necessary. In general, it is better not to remove until 3 years. If the root is damaged, the tooth is often removed. But in this case, not everything is so simple. If the second molar (molar) is damaged, doctors try to save it, as its removal will be an incentive for premature appearance permanent molars. The latter will interfere with the normal growth of premolars (they erupt at 10-12 years).

Dental treatment options

How are milk teeth treated?

  • with the help of operational silvering or fluoridation;
  • by filling teeth in children under anesthesia;
  • through removal.

Let us consider in more detail the features of the procedures, their advantages and disadvantages.

  • Silvering. The main advantage of the procedure is efficiency. The bottom line is that a special solution containing silver ions is applied to the damaged surface of the tooth. The purpose of such an impact is to prevent the further spread of caries. In fact, the milk tooth "freezes" and falls out safely when a certain age comes. True, he can stand for three months, and a year. The main thing is that during this time caries does not appear on other teeth. To do this, silvering must be repeated at least once every six months. Another important advantage is the absence pain so anesthesia is rarely used for this procedure. The disadvantages of the procedure are only external influence on tooth tissue. This means that it is impossible to restore damaged enamel. It remains only to wait for the milk tooth to fall out, and a healthy permanent tooth will appear in its place. It happens that after silvering, the cured tooth turns black. True, it is unlikely that a 5-year-old baby will pay attention to this. Rather, parents will express dissatisfaction.
  • Fluorination. Often, dental problems arise due to a lack of micro and macro elements, especially calcium, phosphorus and fluorine. The easiest way is to use fluoride toothpastes, but in some cases brushing your teeth with fluoride alone is not enough. In general, fluorination resembles silvering, only instead of silver ions on tooth enamel and void on the surface of the tooth, crystals of fluorine compounds are applied, which help to strengthen the enamel and make it less susceptible to food acids and carious microorganisms. Depending on the friability of the dental tissue, simple or deep fluoridation is prescribed. In the first case, a special gel, or fluoride varnish, is applied to the tooth enamel. The aim of the procedure is to prevent possible problems with teeth. Most often, this method is resorted to if the child has a predisposition to caries (enamel from birth is very thin). At deep fluoridation a special enamel-sealing liquid is used. It contains more fluoride ions, and it is also able to penetrate deep into dense dental tissues and strengthen them. This procedure is intended not only for early stages caries of milk teeth, but also with deep lesions.
  • Seal installation. This procedure consists in removing the affected surface of the tooth and replacing it with a filling. A qualified dentist can place a filling even without a drill. To do this, a special gel is poured into the affected tooth cavity, which hardens a little, after which it is removed along with the affected tooth tissue. A filling is placed on the formed cavity. The advantage of the procedure is that damaged tissue completely removed, therefore, the risk of caries spread is minimal. Yes, and once is enough to fix the problem, which cannot be said about silvering (it must be repeated every six months). So, having sealed a milk tooth once, you can not worry until it falls out. To enhance the effect, the doctor can install a special seal with fluoride, which will prevent the possible spread of caries. Among the disadvantages of filling is the duration of the procedure (it is difficult for babies at 3 or 5 years old to sit still with open mouth for 20-30 minutes), as well as the need to use anesthesia (not all children tolerate it calmly).

Most parents think about whether their child's milk teeth need to be treated? Naturally, they are concerned about the health of the oral cavity, but, on the other hand, you need to think about the nerves of the child. For this reason alone, many parents do not want to take their child to a pediatric dentist and postpone it until a later date.

Meanwhile, experts assure that if milk teeth are neglected, this will cause problems with permanent teeth.

Milk teeth are the main shaper of the child's jaw, and the future of permanent molars depends on them. If a tooth falls out prematurely, this will lead to curvature of future. While the baby is still small and is on breastfeeding, his teeth are protected and will not be touched by caries.

From the moment when complementary foods are included in the child's diet and he switches to a common table, each time he is more and more susceptible to this disease. And all due to the fact that milk molars are poorly mineralized, therefore have poor protective properties, and this is an excellent provoking factor for various problems.

Mineralization occurs gradually and children's oral cavity is less prone to caries when the tooth tissue is fully hardened. Worth giving to children's teeth close attention at 5–6 years of age, it is at this time that the change of dairy to permanent begins to occur.

If at this time the hygiene and care of the oral cavity is carried out poorly, then the child may develop a malocclusion, which will affect his physical health. Therefore, at this age, it is necessary take your child to the dentist and an orthodontist.

But still, is it necessary to treat milk teeth? There are two reasons for the treatment of milk molars:

  1. Treatment can stop the spread of infection in the mouth.
  2. Treatment prevents the formation of bite problems.

If parents accidentally notice stains on the enamel, then this is an occasion to immediately contact the dentist. In the formation of caries, initial stage, the specialist will seal or silver the enamel.

Children's caries and the causes of its development

The reason for this is that caries is able to develop rapidly and destroys the walls of the entire tooth, and then moves on to the next, so the infection can even penetrate into the internal cavity.

One of common causes caries formation is wrong intake of carbohydrates. Often parents allow their children to eat sweets at night, this includes not only chocolate and cakes, but it is also harmful to consume sugary juices and soda before bedtime. At night, saliva, which is supposed to neutralize acids, does not do so, so natural oral defenses do not occur.

Most adults are mistaken when they think that milk molars should not be treated, and they will eventually fall out on their own. If you do not notice the acute period of this disease, then the infection can settle in the child's oral cavity and lead to a chronic form.

For this reason, the child often begins to get sick colds and he loses his appetite. Then there is a decrease in immunity, allergies appear, which creates anxiety for adults.

With caries, partially or enamel is completely destroyed, while the neighboring teeth begin to shift, which leads to an incorrect bite, and as a result, the permanent tooth, which should grow in this place, simply does not have room for it. But the worst thing is that the infection can sit deep in the gums and the permanent tooth can also be damaged.


Is it possible to just silver them instead of treating milk teeth? In fact, coating caries-damaged teeth with silver ions stops the process of its spread.

This method is well suited with superficial caries, but if the infection has penetrated the gums, then there will be no benefit from such a procedure. Caries will also continue to destroy other teeth.

In order to prevent the formation of caries and its spread, teeth can be sealed. Grooves in the enamel on the chewing surface treated with a special solution. But sealing teeth should only be prescribed by a doctor and usually the effect lasts for several years.

Is it possible to simply remove a damaged tooth?

When a child is worried about pain in a tooth, then at that moment parents think about removing it. For treatment, you need to come to the dentist several times, and only a few minutes are enough for removal.

But this decision must be taken by a dentist after examining the oral cavity of the child. If the nearby teeth have already changed and the turn has come for the patient, then the doctor will remove it. Because in this case it will not affect the displacement of the teeth and the formation of the bite. But if the change of milk teeth did not occur, then the dentist will advise treatment.

An interesting fact: usually parents are worried about the front teeth of the baby, because they are visible when smiling, but dentists most often pay attention to back teeth, because they think, first of all, not about beauty, but about their health and benefits.

Under any circumstances best if not removed. If premature loss of deciduous molars occurs, the permanent molars will not be supported and grow prematurely, which can affect the growth of the premolars.

You should not postpone a visit to the dentist, because premature loss of teeth entails their curvature and malocclusion, and in the future, correcting this defect will bring a lot of inconvenience not only to parents, but also to the children themselves.

Methods of treatment

After reading the above, it is probably no longer necessary to answer the question of whether it is worth treating milk teeth, so it is best to know how to do it correctly. To do this, you need to remember a few rules:

Pros and cons of filling and silvering

As noted above, for the treatment of teeth, many choose silvering. The advantages of this procedure are that the enamel is covered with a solution with silver ions in order to stop the caries process. Silvering is painless and does not require a drill, which is so afraid of not only children, but also adults.

The downside is that the procedures should be repeated every six months, and the already destroyed tooth tissue won't be able to recover. And also after the procedure, the baby's enamel becomes black. For children, of course, this will not play a role, but parents consider this side effect to be the main drawback of the procedure.

When sealing, a part is removed, and a seal is placed instead. In some private clinics with modern equipment for filling milk molars, they use not drills, but a special chemical-mechanical method.

A special gel is smeared on a tooth destroyed by caries, after 30 seconds it is removed along with carious tissue. And then a filling is applied to this place. The advantage of filling is that damaged tissues are replaced with new ones.

To date, the fillings have a durable character, so it is not necessary to re-fill the tooth. You can also choose a filling with fluorine ions, and this is considered an excellent prevention of caries. But the minus of the procedure is that it lasts about 20 minutes, and for a child it is too long. You need to sit in one place and with your mouth open, sometimes need to endure anesthesia in the form of an injection.

Each method of treating milk teeth has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, all the nuances should be discussed in advance with the attending dentist. But best from early childhood protect your child's mouth.

Parents need to force their baby to keep their teeth in order and clean. If caries does not affect the child, and the enamel is healthy and well-groomed, then following the baby will become a habit in the future.

Constant oral hygiene, proper nutrition, prevention early development caries and its timely treatment are the main measures that all parents should know and then the child will not have problems with teeth in the future.

Therefore, when the question arises whether it is necessary to treat the baby's teeth, then the parents should not have any doubts. Because healthy primary molars are basis for strong permanent teeth, correct bite and a beautiful smile.

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