If there is a gap between the teeth. The most effective methods of getting rid of the diastema (gap between the front teeth). Remove with the help of artistic restoration, aesthetic filling

A gap between the teeth is a dental defect that involves a loose arrangement of the anterior or lateral incisors in relation to each other. The size of the gap ranges from 1 mm to 1 cm or more. According to statistics, every fifth adult in the world faces such a problem. Therefore, the procedures associated with its solution are considered one of the most popular in the field of dental services. Why does a gap form between teeth? What measures should be taken? Is it necessary to fix such a defect?

What causes gaps between teeth?

Main reasons:

  • injury;
  • discrepancy between the size of the jaw and teeth;
  • lip frenulum defect;
  • periodontitis;
  • incorrect position of the teeth in a row due to heredity.

Other reasons include adentia - that is, complete or partial absence of teeth, regular mechanical impact (for example, as a result of the habit of chewing pencils, etc.), incisor pathology due to abnormal sizes or shapes, and so on. The dentist will be able to tell exactly what the gap between the front teeth is about during a personal examination and consultation. In general, the causes largely depend on the type of gap.

What are the spaces between teeth?

The gap in scientific terminology is known as a "diastema" or "trema" based on its location in the oral cavity. Diastemas are located exclusively between the front teeth, and most often the upper ones. Tremes are found between the patient's lateral teeth. In turn, diastemas are divided into false (or temporary) and true (or permanent). Each type of gap has its own causes.

To determine what type of gap between the teeth, you need to take a dental x-ray. Using it, the expert will be able to find out the cause of the gap: to determine whether the patient has the rudiments of extra teeth, to establish the degree of development of the bone septum, and so on.

How to get rid of the gap between the teeth?

Veneer coverage

Perhaps the most popular procedure for such a defect. It is performed as follows. The specialist sticks veneers (that is, ceramic plates) on the patient's teeth, thereby ensuring that the gap is covered. Beforehand, the dentist prepares the oral cavity: sanitizes the teeth, fluorides and carefully polishes them, treats them with a protective composition. Veneers are also prepared in advance and are made individually: based on the shade of the client's tooth enamel. After gluing, the products are polished, and the remnants of the applied glue are removed. This way to eliminate the gap between the teeth has a drawback: veneers wear down the enamel of the teeth over time.

Surgical intervention

The fact is that the bridle can have non-standard sizes that prevent the patient from comfortably closing the teeth. In this case, it is impossible to do without correcting the shape of the frenulum, so the operation will help to remove the gap between the teeth.

Orthodontic treatment

Metal braces

The method is recognized as better (compared to veneers), however, it will also take time accordingly. The procedure begins directly with the treatment of the teeth themselves. After treatment, the dentist installs braces, fastening them with rubber bands or special metal arcs. This design is focused on the shift of the teeth. The disadvantages of the procedure include a long implementation period (depending on the situation, braces must be worn from one to two years).

Lingual braces

For those who care about the aesthetic component, modern dentistry offers "invisible" braces. Lingual braces are special orthodontic structures designed primarily to correct an overbite. These braces are glued on the side of the inner surface of the teeth, so they are completely invisible to others.


Mouthguards are transparent plastic products that are almost invisible in the patient's mouth. Ideal for those who want to close gaps between teeth without sacrificing aesthetics. Another big reason is wearing comfort. Mouth guards, for example, can be removed before eating. Products are made strictly on an individual basis - according to the impression of the oral cavity of each individual patient.

Artistic restoration

Suitable for small gaps between teeth. The specialist builds up a tooth with a filling of composite veneers. First, the source material is selected strictly according to the shade of the enamel, and then the doctor builds up the missing tissues. The composition is applied with a brush in several layers. The applied material gradually hardens, and as a result completely covers the gap. Removing the gap between the teeth in this way is distinguished by its efficiency. The procedure is performed in just one visit to a specialist.

Doctors by referral

11102, 11106, 11103, 11101, 11108, 11115, 11113, 11114, 11111, 11162, 11110, 11105, 11118, 11121, 11122

Zhigunova Svetlana Yurievna

Chief doctor of the clinic at Kolomyazhsky pr., 20

Dubinskaya Anna Yakovlevna

Children's dentist

Ivanina Vera Rashidovna


TikhanovaAlla Mikhailovna

Children's dentist

Tsarkova Tatyana Vladimirovna


Shashorina Darina Gennadievna


Okunev Pavel Yurievich

Batyukova Oksana Ivanovna

Children's dentist

Gerasimov Oksana Nikolaevna


ZhivotovskayaNina Arturovna


Zakharchenko Olga


Nazaryev Maria Viktorovna

Diastema- the gap between the front teeth - is not so rare: 20% of the population has this pathology and most often only in the upper jaw. Diastema is a type of trema, gaps between teeth. On the front upper teeth. It is rare in the lower jaw. Some people do not care about the presence of a diastema, they live with it all their lives and consider it their highlight. Others do not like its aesthetic appearance, or rather the aesthetics of the whole smile, especially if the diastema is very large. According to statistics, most of those who have the so-called gap, consider this a disadvantage. The diastema develops various kinds of complexes in them. Such people may have difficulties in communication, which has a very negative impact on their personal life and career.

Causes of a gap between the front teeth

The main reason for the presence of a diastema is the frenulum of the upper lip that is attached too low. In addition, the gap between the front teeth can occur in the presence of various bad habits, with a very late period for the change of milk teeth, with an abnormal shape and size of the lateral incisors, with adentia - the absence of individual teeth or their groups.

It should also be noted that diastema is a pathology that belongs to the hereditary group. It is extremely important to distinguish between false and true diastema. False diastema is almost always observed in babies during the period of change to permanent milk teeth. By the time of a complete change of teeth, false diastemas disappear on their own - the gap between the child's front teeth disappears by itself.

How to get rid of diastema? Methods of treatment

There are several treatments for diastema. From surgery to orthodontic treatment. The choice of method for closing the gap between the teeth depends, of course, on the cause of its occurrence, as well as on the severity of the problem. The wishes of the patient are also important here.
If the cause of the gap between the central incisors is the frenulum of the upper lip, first of all, its surgical plastic is done, that is, it is trimmed. But the next steps will already depend on the wishes of the patient.

The gap between the teeth can be eliminated by the following methods:

  • Therapeutic , using artistic restoration with composite veneers.
  • Orthopedic when the defect is closed with ceramic veneers or crowns. It looks better than in the case of a composite material.
  • orthodontic method. The most durable, but also the most loyal and high-quality in relation to the tissues of the teeth, because they are not polished or turned in any way. , used in our time, easily cope with the diastema. They are completely invisible to others and do not cause any problems to the patient. To date, the treatment of diastema with the help of aligners is the most inconspicuous to others and the fastest way to correct the defect of the empty dental space - the gap between the teeth, which causes so much discomfort to its wearers.
By the way, you can find out in 1 minute whether aligners are suitable for you at all or doctors will forcibly offer only braces: you only need to answer.

Before and After: diastema treatment with aligners

We proceed from the fact that the diastema is a disproportionately large (compared to the usual) gap separating two adjacent more or less spaced teeth. Aligners have an exceptional ability to predict all future treatment on a computer and see the final result even BEFORE treatment begins. Diastema generally perfectly corrected without braces. Aligners cope with the task at 100%. In this example, the treatment of the diastema took 5 months. Look at the photo of the diastema BEFORE and AFTER treatment.

As you can see, there is no trace of the diastema. And besides, the treatment of diastema on the aligners went completely unnoticed by others.

Star Smile aligners are especially effective for:

  • cases of diastema with positive dentoalveolar discrepancy up to 6 (!) mm.
  • when diastemas are present in the anterior region: incisor-canine, especially when the teeth are tilted forward (positive torque) and the correction will be made by tilting back (loss of torque).
  • cases with small diastemas in the molar area, such as residual gaps after decementation of the margins in orthodontic treatments with fixed appliances
  • gaps formed by relapses of orthodontic treatment with removal with re-opening of diastemas at the level of removal gaps

The cost of diastema treatment with aligners

Star Smile constantly monitors prices for orthodontic treatment in Russia, and we can say that today Star Smile has the lowest prices for aligner treatment in Russia compared to all other aligner manufacturers! (Invisalign, Orthosnap, 3D Smile)
The total cost of diastema treatment with Star Smile aligners, depending on the size of the interdental gap, can range from 80 to 130 thousand rubles . If the price suits you, you can fill out the application form at the bottom of the site and we will make an appointment with a doctor in your city. Star Smile aligners are used by orthodontists in more than 70 Russian cities.

Since we work in all federal districts, large and medium-sized cities of Russia and interact with many clinics and orthodontists, we offer you the opportunity to have a free consultation with high-class orthodontists in your city, where you can discuss the problem of diastema and determine the best solution for you . To do this, fill out the following form, a Star Smile medical specialist will contact you and help by scheduling a consultation at a convenient time or providing the doctor's contacts.

Do not postpone the problem of your diastema "for later"!

Also, withNow there is an opportunity to fix the diastema in installments, at the following cost:

  • for the simplest case of correcting a diastema on alignersfrom 4000 rubles per month
  • in the most difficult case of teeth straightening on aligners -less10 000 rubles per month
P.S. According to the cost of treatment on aligners: Star Smile has made aligner prices affordable for the vast majority of patients in Russia.

Do you feel like your teeth are crooked?

Read more detailed information about the causes of malocclusion in an interesting article by an orthodontist, Ph.D. Gevorkyan T.V. "

In conclusion, what is the best way to straighten your teeth for you?

There are several ways, as you know, but the main ones are braces, aligners and veneers. In the first two cases, we are really talking about correcting the bite, and veneers are, say, only cosmetic work. But still the question is - WHAT to choose, what braces to put? Or stop at the aligners?

Here you can find a detailed description of these bite treatment methods useful. More than 70 parameters (!), but the material is very easy to read. And we hope it will help you make your choice.

For kids- the main methods of bite correction are plates, myofunctional trainers, functional devices and "2x4 brackets". You can read about the pros and cons of these methods.

Diastema treatment with aligners is as easy as shelling pears!

Diastema treatment with aligners is the most comfortable for you and invisible to others.

The result of treatment is always 100%

Star Smile orthodontists work in more than 70 cities of Russia, and we will be able to offer you a competent detailed consultation in your city - absolutely free of charge for you!

Would you like a free diastema consultation? After treatment with aligners, you will forever forget about this gap between your teeth, which now gives you discomfort.

Almost everyone wants to have a beautiful smile. One of the factors that violate the aesthetics of the dentition are the gaps between the teeth. This is thought to be more of a cosmetic defect, and many public figures have even made gaps between their teeth part of their image. However, gaps, in addition to psychological discomfort, can provoke diseases of the teeth and gums, as well as a change in bite.

It is considered normal when the lateral edges of the teeth are in contact with each other, forming micro-gaps. Firstly, they are convenient to clean during hygiene procedures, and secondly, they ensure the correct distribution of the load between the teeth while eating. Too large gaps are considered abnormal and require correction.

Gaps between teeth: types

In addition to the negative impact on the aesthetics of a smile, diastemas and tremas can cause diction disorders, changes in bite, and the occurrence of diseases of the teeth and gums.

Tremes: types

Diastemas: types

Cracks between teeth: symptoms

  • a large gap between the front teeth of the upper or lower jaw,
  • single or multiple gaps between teeth along the entire row.

Causes of cracks between teeth

Gap between teeth: how to fix?

Today, the gaps between the teeth are completely amenable to adjustment. The main thing to remember is that the sooner you start treatment, the easier and faster the process of restoring the aesthetics and functionality of the dentition will be. And it is much easier and faster for children to do this than for adults.

Related photos and videos

Medical practitioners

The gaps between the teeth are a common deformity of the dentition. Approximately 20% of adult patients are diagnosed with gaps between the front and other teeth.

In children, this problem is noted in an even greater percentage of cases, but with age it may disappear. Whether it is necessary to treat such anomalies and how to do it, read on.

In dentistry, the free space between the central incisors is called the diastema. The dimensions of such a gap can be up to 10 mm, but in most people they vary between 2 and 6 mm. The abnormal location of the incisors is not only an aesthetic, but also a functional defect, which can manifest itself as a speech disorder.

Diastemas are true and false. False diastemas are formed in children due to the fact that milk teeth fall out prematurely, and the bite has not yet been formed. With age, the gap closes without any treatment. True diastemas can be removed only with the help of a dentist.

The gaps between the side teeth are called trems. In addition to the causes associated with excessive jaw development, they can occur due to loss of teeth. In this case, the remaining teeth are shifted to the vacant place.

Causes of diastema

The main reason responsible for 50% of the formation of diastema, experts believe hereditary predisposition. Other provoking factors of this pathology are:

  • Rudiments of "incomplete" teeth in the jawbone.
  • Overdeveloped bony septum.
  • Low frenulum of the upper lip.
  • Defects in the shape and location of the lateral and / or anterior incisors.
  • Cleft of the alveolar process.

Correction of the gap between the teeth is recommended not only for aesthetic reasons. As a result of treatment, speech defects associated with diastema, malocclusion and other undesirable consequences are eliminated. For some people, this noticeable lack of appearance causes emotional discomfort and a decrease in self-esteem. In such cases, you should not hesitate to visit the dentist.

How to remove gaps between teeth

The elimination of diastema and three depends on the cause that caused them, therefore, at the first consultation, the dentist conducts an examination. Based on the results obtained, the optimal treatment regimen is selected.

In the case of a short frenulum, cutting it will be an obligatory stage of treatment. Frenuloplasty is a bloodless procedure that is performed using a laser. The next step is the direct closure of the diastema. Dentists consider orthodontic alignment with braces the most effective option. If the bite anomalies are insignificant, you can do without the installation of bracket systems. Correction in this case is performed by transparent caps - aligners.

If the interdental gap was formed due to the overdevelopment of the bone septum, surgery may be necessary.

Restoration of the diastema

A quick way to eliminate the diastema is the prosthetics of the front teeth. It can be performed using the installation of crowns or modern veneering techniques. Veneers are thin ceramic plates that are attached to the outer surface of the teeth.

In most cases, the elimination of gaps between teeth is not difficult. The prognosis for the treatment of diastema and three is favorable not only in children, but also in adult patients.

A small dental defect, represented by a narrow gap between the front upper incisors, according to statistics, is present in 1/5 of the world's population.

And if some people consider it their highlight, then for others the gap between the teeth becomes a real problem, which you want to get rid of as soon as possible.

Many people with such an aesthetic defect are interested in the question of how to remove the gap between the teeth, the price of the service, is it possible to permanently get rid of the gap. The article will tell about it.

What is a diastema?

Diastema is a gap between the front teeth, an aesthetic defect that becomes the main obstacle to a sincere and beautiful smile. From Greek, the word "diastema" is translated as "distance".

The presence of a problem can be detected already in childhood, after the change of milk teeth to molars. In adults, the formation of a gap in the dentition occurs in stages.

At its core, diastema is a pathology. Dentists say that the size of the interdental lumen can reach 1 cm, and develop both on the lower dentition and on the upper one.

In its shape, the gap is often triangular, but depending on the individual characteristics of the dentition, it can be narrow or parallel, often combined with pathologies of the frenulum of the lip.

Diastema causes the following adverse effects:

  • occurrence of periodontitis;
  • speech pathologies (when a person pronounces individual sounds poorly);
  • discomfort on a psycho-emotional level.

Reasons for the appearance

The gap between the front incisors on the lower or upper jaw can appear for several reasons:

  1. a person suffers from a bad habit - he constantly bites his nails;
  2. milk teeth were replaced by molars much later than the terms established by medical standards;
  3. hereditary predisposition;
  4. the frenulum of the upper lip is too low;
  5. one tooth is missing in the top row, due to which the remaining elements move away from each other;
  6. inflammation of the periodontium, in which the teeth "move" or "diverge" in the center of the jaw row;
  7. the dimensions of the dental elements do not correspond to the parameters of the jaw;
  8. if the patient has suffered some kind of disease in the oral cavity, then the diastema can develop as a complication. In this case, treatment is often prolonged.

Types of diastema

Interdental gap is divided into two types:

  • true;
  • false.

False type diastema manifests itself in early childhood, when the child has teeth. Over time, its size decreases, and when the milk teeth are replaced by the molars, the gap disappears completely.

True gaps are acquired, and to get rid of them, the help of a specialist dentist is required.

Depending on the type of displacement, there are several more types of diastema:

  • lateral body displacement. The body of the front incisors is shifted to the side, and in this case, the location of the tooth changes along with the root. This happens due to the loss of one or more elements of the dentition. Pathology of this type develops as a result of compaction in the median suture of the bone tissue. Dense structures cause the units of the dentition to shift to the side, continue to grow out of place, and as a result, gaps appear between the incisors. Growing teeth can also move if the frenulum of the upper lip is too low;
  • the central incisors of the crowns are inclined medially. The deviation of the dental elements occurs at the level of the root.
    would initially grow incorrectly, and they are displaced not only to the sides, but also rotate around the axis. This type of pathology is the most complex and difficult to correct. The orthodontist has to develop a special treatment scheme - to align the dental elements in different directions. The cause of medial pathology may be the growth of supernumerary elements that appear between the anterior incisors. The same problem develops due to the transverse growth of one extra tooth. The divergence of the dentition in this direction occurs when an odontoma appears or several teeth are missing in a row. Before starting the treatment of the medial gap, it is necessary to take an x-ray. Thanks to informative pictures, the specialist will be able to see the condition of the part of the teeth located under the gum, the presence of neoplasms or deviations in the growth of the dentition;
  • crown deviated laterally. The incisors in the center of the jaw deviate sideways even with a normal arrangement of the roots. A similar defect occurs when a person constantly bites nails, pencils, pens or other hard objects. The cause of such a diastema is an extra number of teeth in a row.

Do I need to get rid of the diastema?

A large gap between the front incisors often prevents a person from living a full life, showing sincere emotions and smiling. The question of whether it is necessary and possible to remove the gap between the front teeth in adulthood is asked by many patients of dental clinics who had to deal with this aesthetic problem.

In modern dentistry, there are many effective ways to get rid of a gap in the dentition in the shortest possible time. The possibility of correcting the pathology exists, but the decision on whether to do it or not is made by the patient himself.

The gap between the front teeth - how to fix?

Dentists offer several ways to correct the gap between the front incisors. The optimal option is selected individually, depending on the presence of individual intolerance, the cause of the pathology and the level of financial capabilities of the patient.

In order to accurately determine the method of diastema treatment and the price of the procedure, each of the existing methods should be studied in detail:

  1. braces. This is one of the most effective ways to remove the gap between the front teeth. The system of braces is installed in the presence of gaps between the incisors, scrolling of the dental elements along the axis, improper growth of teeth in a row. Some patients with diastema do not want to install braces because the structure is visible to others, oral care is complicated when it is present, and alignment structures need to be worn for a very long time.
    there is also a positive point. Bracket systems really align the dentition well. They cannot be installed only on the front dental elements, between which a gap has formed. Locks are fixed on each tooth, and gradually move them closer to the center. A patient who has braces installed with a diastema should periodically visit the dental office so that the specialist tightens the locks and straightens the metal arcs. Such manipulations help to achieve the desired result, and remove the diastema with the help of braces. Inspection of bracket systems should be carried out once every 2-3 months;
  2. veneers. Treatment of diastema in adults is especially easy using modern dental elements called veneers. The diastema is closed with composite plates. The visible result from the use of veneers appears quite quickly, already after 1-1.5 hours. The orthodontist does not need to pre-grind the teeth to secure the veneers. Diastema correction with veneers should be used only when there are no other anomalies in the development of the elements of the dentition, and the gap has a small width. If the incisors have diverged in different directions, then the situation can also be corrected with the help of veneers. In this case, straight leveling plates will be the best option;
  3. Lumineers.
    frame plates of minimum thickness, which are used as overlays. The main feature is that before applying lumineers, you do not need to grind your teeth. In fact, these plates do not remove the diastema, but only close the gap. The advantage of this method is getting a snow-white smile. Thanks to lumineers, the incisors acquire the correct shape, removing the gap and connecting the teeth together. Specialists in the field of orthodontics claim that after installation, Lumineers can last about 20 years;
  4. caps. Leveling elements, which in their structure resemble covers. After putting on the incisors and canines, these “covers” exert strong pressure on them and gradually remove the ugly interdental gap. This method of correction is more acceptable for the patient in aesthetic terms, because the mouth guards are not only not visible, but also visually make the teeth brighter. Caps are made on an individual basis, and at the time of the consultation, the orthodontist provides predictions of the results (often in electronic form). Depending on the complexity of the defect, the duration of wearing caps ranges from 3 months to 3 years;
  5. cosmetic fix. Correction of the diastema in a cosmetic way assumes that the gap will be closed with a special filling. The scheme for implementing this method of correction is similar to the use of lumineers or veneers. Cosmetic correction for diastema is ideal for cases where the gap is acquired (for example, appeared after the alignment of the dentition, or when the quality of the installation of leveling structures is poor);

  6. records. One of the most affordable ways to correct a diastema is dental plates. They are simple and effective to use and can be installed according to the preferences of the dental clinic client. The plates are made of high quality plastic and do not pose any danger to human health. To fix the plastic elements on the teeth, metal springs, screws and hooks are used. The design gradually attracts dispersed teeth to each other. The plates will perfectly cope with other pathologies of the growth of the elements of the dentition (if they exist). The main task of these elements is to keep the teeth in the correct position. However, plastic plates do not help to move the elements of the dentition in the right direction;
  7. restoration. If the diastema is too wide, the restoration of the central incisors is applied. This option is suitable for those patients who do not want to spend money and time on installing and wearing braces that align the cap. Restoration is based on building up the walls of the teeth, between which a gap has formed.
    Before the procedure, the orthodontist examines the shade of the enamel and selects a photopolymer for it. Restoration of the diastema is a piece of jewelry work that a professional dentist must perform. The shape of the restored element should be as similar as possible to a real tooth. After restoration, the patient must carefully monitor the accuracy of chewing solid food so that under its influence the material of the tooth enamel is not destroyed.


Many medical experts argue that any disease or pathology is much easier to prevent than to treat later. Prevention of diastema is the observance of elementary rules. Subsequently, this

Rules for preventing the occurrence of a gap between the front teeth:

  1. You need to watch the habits of young children. If they bite their nails or hard objects, you need to wean them from doing this;
  2. The child should be taught how to properly care for the oral cavity. He must know how to brush his teeth, chewing fangs, incisors. This will help keep your gums healthy and prevent the spread of bacteria.
  3. it is necessary to acquire a useful habit - to visit the dentist regularly. This will help to detect deviations in the growth of teeth in a timely manner and begin treatment;
  4. if there is a predisposition to diastema, it is necessary to start correction as soon as possible, while the teeth are still moving in the gum.


There are many ways to close the gap between the front teeth. The cost of a diastema removal service depends on the complexity of the problem and its type:

  1. the price of correction of interdental gaps with braces costs about 50 thousand rubles for one jaw. It may vary depending on the materials from which the arches and locks of the leveling system are made;
  2. the cost of treatment with caps is about 10 thousand rubles;
  3. the price of lumineers varies from 20 to 40 thousand rubles;
  4. the average cost of therapeutic veneers is 10 thousand rubles. Orthopedic structures are more expensive - about 3 thousand rubles;
  5. correcting the pathology with a cosmetic method will cost about the same as when using veneers. The cost of work may vary slightly depending on the width of the gap and consumables;
  6. the price of plastic records varies from 10 to 20 thousand rubles;
  7. the cost of restoring teeth with diastema is about 10,000 rubles.


How to remove the gap between the teeth?

If you are not happy with the gap between your front teeth or want to get rid of three, consult a dentist. At the first appointment, he will determine the reason why you have a gap between your front teeth or gaps between your side teeth, and will draw up a treatment plan. You may need an x-ray or orthopantomogram. Next, the doctor decides how to fix the gaps between the teeth in a particular case.

If the cause of the formation of the diastema is the frenulum of the upper lip, then correcting the gap between the teeth will require plastic surgery of the frenulum and a little orthodontic treatment. Cutting the frenulum in modern dentistry is performed bloodlessly and painlessly using a laser, and braces will help “move” the teeth. If you are worried about your appearance during treatment, the orthodontist will advise you to use lingual braces - they are attached to the back of the teeth and are completely invisible. Sometimes you can do without braces at all, in such cases transparent aligners are used.

If the gap was formed due to an overdeveloped bony septum, intervention by an maxillofacial surgeon may be required. But, as a rule, the problem of the gap between the anterior incisors can be solved very quickly by prosthetics of the anterior teeth with state-of-the-art restorations, such as composite veneers.

Photo of stars with a gap between their teeth

Many stars not only do not seek to fix the gap between their teeth, but also insist that this is their hallmark, such as Lily Aldridge, who forbids photographers to “photoshop” her smile. The opinions of dentists on this matter differ: some consider the gap between the teeth to be a defect and insist on its correction, others believe that if the increased gap between the teeth does not prevent its owner from living, then it is not worth touching it and once again injuring the oral cavity.

Cher Lloyd

A popular participant in the English release of the cult show The X Factor chose to get rid of the gap between her teeth with the help of aesthetic teeth extension and, I must admit, she made the right choice.

Zac Efron

The reason why Zac Efron decided to fix the gap between his front teeth is understandable. Shchebinka gave him a too immature look, while the actor dreamed of serious film roles. And in order for dreams to come true, you have to sacrifice something.


Madonna has never had serious problems with her teeth, except for a small gap. But over the years, nevertheless, she needed the help of a dentist-esthetician. The shape and color of the teeth were corrected for Madonna, but the gap between the teeth remained, which looks very natural and does not spoil it at all.

Matthew Lewis

The charming smile of Matthew Lewis is the result of a long dental treatment, which included the correction of the gap between the front teeth.


What is a diastema?

In dentistry, the gap between the teeth - the front incisors, the width of which varies from 0.1 to 1 cm, is called a diastema. Chipped rare teeth look unaesthetic. This is not the only disadvantage of rare teeth. The presence of a diastema - especially a large width - causes psychological discomfort, sometimes speech disorders. In almost 90% of cases, the anomaly is localized in the upper dentition. Much less often, a gap appears between the lower teeth.

Diastema must be distinguished from trema. Rare teeth - all except for the central incisors, between which holes of 0.1 cm or more have formed - this means the appearance of a trema. Slits, the width of which is less than one millimeter, is a variant of the norm, and not a manifestation of trema. The elimination of trema is organized similarly to the treatment of diastema.

Why does a gap appear between the incisors?

Usually the gap between the upper incisors appears due to a genetic predisposition. Lye is diagnosed in half of family members with the corresponding heredity. A number of anomalies in the development of the jaw can lead to the formation of an interdental gap. Why does a diastema occur?

  • cleft of the alveolar process;
  • swelling of the jaw;
  • late eruption of permanent teeth;
  • adentia - partial or multiple;
  • microdentia;
  • supernumerary impacted teeth;
  • frenulum anomalies.

Varieties of gaps with a photo

There are several varieties of cracks. You can clearly see a typical example in the photo to the article. Allocate a diastema false and true. The first often develops in children during the period of change of milk teeth to permanent ones. This phenomenon is considered normal and does not require correction; by the time a permanent bite is formed, the gap between the front teeth disappears. If the gap appeared in the permanent dentition, then we are talking about the true variety. It is impossible to eliminate it without the help of a dentist.

There are also symmetrical and asymmetrical varieties. In the first case, it turns out that the front teeth have parted at an equal distance from the central “axis”. In the second variety, one incisor is located correctly, and the other is separated from it. Another type of classification involves the division of the diastema depending on the location of the roots and crowns.

Features of the divergence of milk teeth

The divergence of milk teeth occurs due to their incorrect growth. Rare teeth are often in temporary occlusion in children. It is not worth worrying about the fact that the diastema of milk teeth in a child will negatively affect the formation of a permanent bite. As a rule, the presence of rare teeth is temporary, and after their change passes without assistance. However, it is still necessary to visit a dentist for a consultation and to establish the causes of the appearance of rare teeth.

To prevent the appearance of a diastema of the teeth in a child, you need to contact a specialist. This is required to be done when forming a gap at the age of 12-16 years. The dentist will determine which teeth are coming apart. Then wearing a mouthguard or Angle arch will be recommended. So gradually the dentition of a teenager will take the correct position.

Ways to eliminate the tooth gap

Sparse teeth look very unattractive. If a gap has formed between two teeth, they have “parted”, this can be corrected. When a diastema is formed, treatment may include restoration with composite materials, installation of veneers or crowns, wearing orthodontic structures, or performing a surgical operation.

Restoration or masking of a defect

The easiest and fastest way to correct a smile is artistic restoration of teeth. It involves not treating the diastema, but masking the defect. The method allows you to eliminate the diastema in one visit to the dentist. The main advantages of the restoration are painlessness and short correction times. It is impossible to carry out the procedure on milk teeth. If the patient has a fully formed permanent bite, then there are no contraindications for restoration. The technology of diastema treatment is similar to the filling procedure:

  1. the dentist performs a visual examination;
  2. in the presence of carious lesions, the restoration is postponed until the end of treatment;
  3. the shade of the restoration material is selected, as close as possible to the natural color of the patient's enamel;
  4. the tissue of the anterior incisors is built up with the help of a plastic photopolymer material in layers;
  5. each layer is polished and dried;
  6. a septum is formed that separates the incisors.

Installation of crowns or veneers

Installation of metal-ceramic or all-ceramic crowns is a budget option, with the help of which the gap between the central incisors is removed. It is made according to individual sizes in the laboratory for a particular person. To ensure a snug fit, the tooth on which the crown will be put on is ground down.

Veneers are thin plates of high-strength ceramic or composite material. On average, the thickness of the overlays is 0.7 mm, but there are also ultra-thin options - lumineers. Veneers close the gap between the central teeth. This is a type of prosthetics. Veneers are designed to mask the fact that the front teeth have parted. They are glued to the outside using a special compound. Veneers are not installed on milk teeth for children.

Of the minuses, the high cost and the need to grind the abutment tooth are distinguished, which eventually leads to the development of caries. Lumineers do not have the last drawback - due to the minimum thickness, they can be glued without turning.

The benefits of veneers include:

  • high durability and strength;
  • hypoallergenicity;
  • gum safety;
  • stain resistance.

Surgical method of treatment

The operation shows high efficiency in the treatment of adolescents. Of the advantages of surgery - a short recovery period and the complete disappearance of the gap. The gap does not disappear immediately after the operation, but after a while.


Also, to eliminate the diastema, the installation of orthodontic structures is often used. In mild forms of anomaly, the use of caps is permissible. These are a kind of "covers" made of transparent silicone, which are put on the dentition. They can be standard plastic, thermoplastic (molding to the shape of the patient's teeth when heated), or custom made. The latter are made to order according to the cast of the jaw.

Among the advantages of the correction method are the following:


The traditional way to correct an overbite is to wear braces. Such structures can be used by patients of any age. Their use is most effective in children whose milk bite has recently changed to a permanent one. Keep in mind that products for adults are different from children. The latter can be used only up to 13-14 years.

Depending on the design and material used, they can be attached outside the dentition (vestibular) or from the inside (lingual). Getting rid of the gap between the teeth in a child is faster - usually the correction takes from six months to two years. If an adult wants to eliminate the gap, he will have to wear braces for 2-2.5 years, plus the period of wearing the plate will last the same amount to consolidate the result.

Is it possible to get rid of diastema at home?

Many patients are interested in whether it is possible to get rid of the diastema at home or not. If we are talking about a false form of an anomaly (milk teeth have parted), then it does not require any treatment and eventually disappears by itself.

Closing the true anomaly at home is impossible. Such a defect in the growth of the central incisors requires the use of surgical, hardware or complex treatment methods, which are practically impossible to use outside a specialized medical institution. The exception is the wearing of caps or braces - but in this case, you will have to go to the clinic to make a design there.


Reasons for the appearance

But there are other reasons leading to diastema:

  • prolonged pacifier use in childhood or thumb sucking. The presence of a foreign body in the mouth affects the formation of malocclusion. According to experts, a child should be weaned from "bad habits" starting from 6 months;
  • individual features of the upper jaw. Normally, the teeth grow crowded in relation to each other, with an abnormal structure of the bone in the dentition there is a lot of space, the teeth fill it unevenly, due to which a gap is formed;
  • consequence of periodontal disease. As a result of the weakening of the jawbone, the teeth are displaced on different sides, leaving free space behind them. Pathology, as a rule, occurs in female patients;
  • violation of the swallowing reflex. With a “healthy” structure of the jaws, while swallowing saliva, a person rests his tongue on the sky, with a pathological development of events, the tip of the organ constantly affects the upper teeth, or rather, the middle of the dentition. Stable pressure on the incisors leads to the formation of a diastema;
  • late change of milk teeth. Pathology in this case cannot be corrected until the appearance of root rudiments on the surface of the mucosa;
  • enlarged frenulum of the upper lip. Abnormal parameters of the connective tissue between the mouth and gums do not allow the incisors to close;
  • premature loss of milk teeth. If you ignore the problem of early loss, long before the eruption of permanent units, adjacent teeth will begin to shift towards the defect;
  • small parameters of the central incisors;
  • the appearance of a neoplasm between the teeth;
  • pathological arrangement of teeth at the stage of their eruption.


According to the factors affecting the formation of a gap between the teeth, experts classify the diastema into false and true.

It does not go away spontaneously and, with psychological discomfort, needs the help of specialists who can eliminate the defect in one way or another.

Another classification feature separates the gaps between the front incisors according to their appearance:

  1. Triangular diastema, the apex of which is located at the upper frenulum. With this arrangement, the defect is quite noticeable. Often, a significant gap appears due to bad habits.
  2. Parallel diastema represents the distance due to the incisors displaced in different directions. If the width of the defect is less than 4 mm, you can not resort to its elimination.
  3. Triangular diastema with apex between the sides of the teeth. The cause of the anomaly is the pathological formation of bone tissue or when extra teeth erupt between the central incisors.

How to close?

Be that as it may, dentists, taking into account the desire of the patient, today can offer several methods for eliminating the defect.


Prosthetics, as a rule, with porcelain crowns provide a beautiful smile in the shortest possible time. After creating an impression, an additional layer of artificial enamel is made according to the individual parameters of the patient in a special laboratory.

The disadvantage of the technique is the need to grind healthy teeth. The advantages of installing porcelain crowns include high aesthetics of products.

Prosthetics costs patients in the range of 15,000-25,000 rubles.

orthodontic appliances

The orthodontic technique for correcting a defect can be safely classified as the most gentle way to get rid of a diastema. For this purpose, experts offer two types of designs - braces and caps.

The disadvantages of the method, the owners of the gap between the front incisors include the duration of treatment. Depending on the age of the patient and the width of the gap, the displacement may take from 3 months to 2 years.

At the same time, a minor defect in the child is corrected in the shortest possible time. Accordingly, adults who have already formed a jaw require the maximum amount of time.

The cost of the most common metal braces, on average, is 5,000 rubles. Lingual or ceramic structures will cost more, about 70,000-80,000 rubles.

Mouth guards are removable orthodontic appliances that put pressure on misplaced units.

During the entire course of treatment with this type of construction, the patient needs to change it constantly. For 9 months of operation, sometimes you can use up to 20 kappas. As a result, you will have to pay about 120,000 rubles for the aesthetics of a smile.

Surgical intervention

Instrumental intervention in most cases is required for children who have been found to have a low-lying upper frenulum.

In a state clinic, if you have a policy, the service is provided free of charge . In private, in the capital's dentistry, the procedure can cost 3,000-5,000 rubles.


The installation of veneers - thin ceramic plates that can hide the defect, in comparison with crown prosthetics, requires minimal removal of natural enamel.

At the same time, the cost of one lining costs patients the same cost as porcelain “caps”. On average, the life of the plates is 10 years.

Composite restoration

The defect between the front incisors can also be eliminated with the help of conventional enamel build-up with filling materials.

The technique is the cheapest. Composite restorations today use materials that instantly harden under the influence of an ultraviolet lamp.

This procedure costs about 2,000 rubles.

See the video for how to close the diastema.

Pathology in children

The formation of jaw bones in children lasts up to 6 years. Therefore, if you find the gap between the teeth in a child at an early age, this should not be a cause for concern.

With a small width of the diastema, plates are assigned, the operation of which also does not cause discomfort to the child.

Orthodontic technique is the installation of a rubber structure that displaces teeth after a week of use. Then the result is fixed by installing a carbon retainer inside the tooth, which the child wears for a year.

The special design does not allow the teeth to return to their original position. The product does not cause discomfort to a small patient and is installed by a specialist in 15 minutes.

The surgical method of correcting the bite is resorted to in two cases - if it is necessary to trim the frenulum and if supernumerary teeth are placed between the front incisors. In the latter case, extra units are removed under local anesthesia.


A minor defect in the dentition, which many perceive as the “highlight” of the image, can significantly affect the quality of life. The presence of a diastema in certain individuals significantly reduces the social activity of a person, he becomes withdrawn, tries not to smile.

In addition, the defect takes an active part in the distortion of speech, the owner of the gap between the teeth has impaired diction, that is, there is a lisp or a whistling effect during pronunciation.

The speech therapist is unable to correct the acquired complication of the presence of a diastema in the oral cavity.

Remove or leave?

Many successful and public people are not shy about the gap and continue to smile actively, showing everyone the diastema.

Among the most famous celebrities, Vanessa Paradis, Madonna, Ornella Muti, Konstantin Raikin have a defect. Therefore, if you decide not to eliminate the gap, this decision will not surprise anyone today.

The video tells in more detail whether it is worth eliminating the gap between the teeth, and by what methods this can be done.

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