Removable dentures: which are better, reviews. Prosthetics on implants. Prevention of end defects

Modern dentistry works wonders. However, keeping teeth in old age is not so easy. In any case, there is a need for prosthetics. On the this moment there is a wide range of products. But, despite this, many do not know which dentures are best to put. Reviews of dentists show that any particular type of product has its own advantages and, of course, disadvantages. All this must be taken into account in the process of choosing a material.

Types of dentures

To answer the question of which dentures are best to put, several factors must be taken into account. It is very important. First of all, the structures should not partially, but completely restore the functions of already lost teeth. In addition, the choice of prosthetics method depends on financial capabilities, and should also be based on the goals pursued. First you need to understand what kind of dentures exist in general. Which is better to put, the dentist will help determine. Here are the main types of dentures:

  1. Metal. As a rule, they are made of steel or gold.
  2. Metal-ceramic.
  3. Combined. AT this case front side the prosthesis can be made of plastic, and the reverse - of metal.
  4. Ceramic.

It should be noted that dentures are made not only from different materials, but there are different shapes. They can be made in the form:

  1. Single crown.
  2. Bridge prosthesis.
  3. artificial structures.

Determining which dentures are considered the best is not so simple. Each of the varieties has its own advantages and features. The main difference lies not only in the cost of finished structures, but also in aesthetic qualities.

Do not forget that dentures are of several main types: removable and non-removable. They also have significant differences. First of all, fixed constructions are fixed on the teeth by the dentist only for a certain period.

Which removable denture is better to put

First of all, it is necessary to determine what kind of orthopedic system is needed. Removable structures are classified into several main groups. Among them:

  • conditionally removable;
  • partially removable;
  • complete removable.

The range of such products is quite large, and when choosing a design, you should listen to the opinion of experts. The above types of prostheses have their own characteristics. The choice of a specific orthopedic design depends on how much is left in oral cavity whole and healthy teeth. In this case, the product must fully perform its functions and not cause discomfort.

Removable dentures full

If it is possible to hook the orthopedic structure, then the dentist can install only the clasp system. It differs not only in aesthetic appearance, but also good quality. But what kind of dentures is better to put, if there are no teeth at all? In such a situation, complete removable structures are suitable. This is the only alternative for edentulous both or one jaw. Such structures are made, as a rule, from nylon or acrylic. It should be noted that the technology of manufacturing dentures has undergone some changes. As a result of this, products have become more durable and accurate. Improved models are now more practical and devoid of such shortcomings as unreliable fixation in the oral cavity, as well as unsatisfactory appearance.

Dental prostheses made using modern technology differ high rate wear resistance. With proper care and observance of all hygiene rules, such orthopedic constructions able to last for quite a long time. At the same time, the appearance, as well as the color and density of the products will remain practically unchanged. It should be noted that complete removable structures in recent times began to be made taking into account all the wishes of the client and, of course, individual characteristics oral cavity.

A secure fit is important

So, what kind of dentures is better to put in case of loss of all teeth, figured out. However, many patients doubt the reliability of fixation of complete removable structures. In order for the prostheses to hold securely, they should be placed on implants that are previously implanted in the jaw. Of course, there is also a more expensive option. In this case, dentures are installed, which are equipped with special suction cups. However, such designs are not recommended to be installed on the lower jaw, which differs from the upper jaw in greater mobility. It is worth noting that removable dentures look no worse natural teeth. Adaptation to such products proceeds quickly and painlessly.

Acrylic or nylon?

Which dentures are considered the best today: acrylic or nylon? It is rather difficult to answer this question unambiguously. To understand this and understand which dentures are better to put, you should consider all the advantages and disadvantages of the products.

  1. Flexibility and, of course, lightness. These indicators affect the strength of structures. For example, nylon dentures are very flexible, soft and light due to the material. However, such structures are very difficult to break. In terms of flexibility and strength, acrylic prostheses are inferior to nylon ones. But such structures are able to retain their shape for a long time. In addition, acrylic dentures are lightweight.
  2. Hygiene. This figure is for many special meaning. Nylon orthopedic structures do not emit odor, are non-toxic, and also do not absorb moisture. Acrylic dentures have an exceptionally porous structure. It is because of this that accumulates on their surface a large number of bacteria that can cause the development of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.
  3. Appearance. What dentures are better to put so that they do not stand out much? Nylon designs are best suited for color and shape. In addition, they are able to maintain an aesthetic appearance for a long time. The disadvantage of these prostheses is the translucence of the teeth at the junctions. As for acrylic removable structures, they can be selected not only in shape, but also in color.
  4. Hypoallergenic. In this regard, nylon structures have good biocompatibility, which cannot be said about acrylic dentures. They can cause local and general allergic reactions.
  5. Price. Nylon removable dentures are more expensive than acrylic ones. The problem is that they are made abroad. If we compare the cost of implantation and installation of removable dentures, then the cost last method prosthetics can be called democratic.

Removable partial systems

Which dentures are best for chewing teeth with partial loss? In this case, partial removable structures should be used. Such dentures are made on plastic or metal frames. They allow you to fill the gaps that occur after the loss of teeth. Most often they are installed:

  • in those situations where adjacent teeth cannot be used as a support for the installation of a bridge;
  • with a significant row defect. For example, in the absence of several teeth in a row;
  • as a temporary measure, while a more reliable and high-quality design is being manufactured.

There are several main types of removable dentures:

  • immediate prostheses;
  • segment, or sector, removable structures;
  • products on telescopic crowns;
  • clasp systems;
  • lamellar plastic prostheses.

Lamellar plastic structures: features

What dentures are better to put as a temporary measure? Some experts recommend using plastic plate structures. Their cost is relatively low. However, in the process of chewing food, such systems do not provide the correct distribution of the load on the gums. positive side such structures is a simple mount. If necessary, you can independently remove and then replace the denture. This allows you to carry out its hygienic treatment without the help of others.

As a rule, lamellar plastic prostheses are used exclusively to restore missing teeth. In fact, these are the simplest orthopedic structures that have a low cost. With their basis, such systems rest on the surface of the gums and are held by the nearest abutment teeth thanks to metal hooks - clasps.

Also in dentistry, immediate prostheses are used as temporary structures.

Clasp systems - medical dentures

What is better to put constructions with a shortage of only a few teeth in a row? Of course, clasp systems. They are considered comfortable and reliable even with prolonged use. main feature structures - uniform distribution of mechanical loads on the gums and remaining teeth when chewing food.

Features of clasp systems

The basis for the clasp systems is a frame, which is a metal arc with all fastening, fixing and functional elements. This part of the structure is made only individually and by high casting. The frame is made of high-strength alloys, for example, titanium, gold-platinum and chrome-cobalt.

Install such prostheses for periodontal disease and as a medical device.

Other types of removable dentures

There are situations when only one side of the dentition falls out. In such situations, removable sectors are usually installed. These are one-sided structures that are attached with special hooks or attachments.

If one of the teeth is not in the row, which dentures are better to put? Photos of patients after the installation of conditionally removable structures confirm that such systems are able to restore the aesthetic. As a rule, such orthopedic systems are made of plastic or ceramic. They look natural and are not conspicuous. Orthopedic constructions of such a plan are fixed thanks to special locks to the abutment teeth. Fasteners are built into the crowns. Main disadvantage conditionally removable dentures is that it is impossible to get them on your own. Only a dentist can do this.

Fixed orthopedic constructions

In addition to removable dentures, there are systems that are attached exclusively to a specific place. They completely restore the chewing function and perfectly replace the missing fragments of the row. However, such designs have one drawback - they cannot be removed independently. This can only be done by a dentist using special tools. These dentures are non-removable. There are several main types:

  • dental crowns;
  • bridge prostheses;
  • tabs;
  • veneers;
  • implants.

Which dentures are better: removable or non-removable

To do right choice, there are several factors to consider:

  1. Number lost teeth. For example, if one or two are missing, then you can resort to implantation, establish a conditional removable prosthesis or a crown.
  2. Fixed structures restore chewing function much better. To get an attractive smile, you should use conditionally removable dentures or install veneers.
  3. Removable structures must be periodically removed and cleaned and processed, as they fit snugly against the surfaces of the gums, thereby creating places that are hard to reach for the brush.
  4. Price. Many methods of prosthetics require considerable costs. If the financial situation does not allow, then you will have to choose from inexpensive methods. Most a budget option- these are metal or removable systems made of plastic.

Creation of highly esthetic removable dentures

Prosthetics upper jaw when she had only two teeth left. Prosthetics of the lower jaw with metal ceramics and a clasp prosthesis on a micro-lock without using an arc under the tongue.

In this note will be discussed about clinical case from the practice of the chief physician of the Moscow dental center"Dial-Dent"

The work was carried out from March to May 2003. Upon completion of the work, an excellent aesthetic and functional result was obtained. In this case, it was dental prosthetics highly aesthetic clasp removable dentures on micro locks.

To the dentist S.V. Zukor was approached by a middle-aged man with complaints about the absence of many teeth in his mouth and the inability to eat well, associated with bad chewing food. Also, he didn't like the look of his front teeth, which many years ago were installed metal crowns. Because the this patient is active in politics, his wish was for the teeth to look natural and not stand out in the mouth.

before prosthetics after prosthetics

The photo on the left shows that the previously performed prosthetics are completely unaesthetic. The crowns are worn out in several places, food gets under them. Progresses under some crowns caries.

The patient underwent all the necessary diagnostic procedures, such as:
1., including an orthopantomogram to assess the state of the bone tissue, revealing disorders hidden from the eyes.
2. Inspection and consultation. In this case, consultations of an orthopedic dentist (prosthetist), a periodontist ( gum treatment), dentist-surgeon, dentist-therapist ( dental treatment). The result of the work of the miniconcilium was the development of a complete treatment plan and the coordination of the actions of various specialists.
3. Filling in a periodontal card to assess the state of the supporting apparatus of the teeth.
4. Making diagnostic plaster models for their subsequent analysis in a dental laboratory and for deciding on the best type of prosthetics in this case.
5. Photographing the initial situation.

All data obtained during the survey were entered into. A detailed treatment plan is also entered into the medical record. The patient was carefully acquainted with each item of the treatment plan. He was explained the essence of each of the medical procedures, was told about possible complications. Full information was also given about alternative methods of treatment in his case. The issues of the cost of work, guarantees and the expected service life of such structures were discussed in full. The patient was shown photographs of the work performed by the specialists of our clinic in similar cases. At the consultation stage, an estimate for treatment is always drawn up. A computer printout of the estimate is given to the patient. Also, a contract for the provision of dental services was concluded with the patient. After the patient accepted the proposed treatment plan, we began work.

Treatment plan (abbreviated)

1. Removal of old non-functional crowns and bridges.
2. Manufacturing of temporary plastic dentures. The treatment was planned in such a way that each time, at the end of the treatment procedures, the patient should wear temporary bridges. Those. The patient never walked a day without temporary crowns. This is a very important point. Temporary crowns necessary because they protect the turned teeth, and also the patient leaves the dentist with a presentable appearance.
3. Treatment of periodontitis. Extraction of teeth that cannot be saved.
4. Permanent prosthetics.

Permanent prosthetics cermet and clasp prosthesis

After removing all non-viable teeth, only two teeth (two fangs) remained on the upper jaw. On the mandible the so-called end defect turned out - several teeth are missing in a row in the lateral part of the jaw, and there is no last tooth. The absence of the last tooth makes it impossible to replace this area with fixed bridges. In this case, the patient was offered two options for prosthetics:

Prosthetics with dental implants. This option involved prosthetics with fixed dentures that looked, functioned in the mouth and felt like their natural teeth to the patient. For reasons related to the duration of treatment, and the implementation of the first option would require several months, the patient rejected this plan.

Production of metal-ceramic crowns for teeth that have been preserved, and production of clasp removable dentures on micro-locks attached to crowns . We could implement this plan in two or three weeks. In addition, it required much smaller financial investments compared to the first plan, and was not associated with any surgical interventions. The patient consciously opted for the second plan of prosthetics.

Metal-ceramic crowns restored the remaining two teeth of the upper jaw

Lower jaw

The photo on the left shows the lock to which they will be attached removable teeth. This lock provides a very powerful fixation of the removable part of the prosthesis. The lock is designed in such a way that it is possible to remove the teeth only with the use of a key. Therefore, the patient may not be afraid that the prosthesis will come off the teeth at the most inopportune moment.

View of the removable part of the prosthesis on the model

Final view after prosthetics

The micro-locks used in this case provide very secure fixation prosthesis, even to the two remaining teeth. These locks have the ability to be activated. Those. the doctor can adjust the degree of fixation of the lock, choosing it individually for each patient. Also, after some time after using the prosthesis, there is a weakening of the fixation. By tightening the locks, the doctor can strengthen the fixation and make it what it was.

Conclusion:Owning the most modern technologies Using the latest advances in world dentistry, the doctors of the Dial-Dent Moscow Family Dental Center can restore their lost health and beauty to their patients even in such difficult cases when there are only two teeth left in the jaw.

The work was carried out by the dental team:
1. Planning and implementation of prosthetics
2. Surgery (tooth extraction), treatment of remaining teeth and treatment of periodontitis. Kolesnikova N.A. periodontist.
3. Manufacturing metal-ceramic dentures 4. Manufacturing removable dentures with micro-locks
5. Assistant dentists: Smirnova E.P., Yakovleva T.M.

The cost of this and similar turnkey works is about 220,000 rubles.
1. Diagnostic measures
2. Dental treatment
3. Removing some roots
5. Periodontal treatment
6. Prosthetics

Work comes with a standard 1 year warranty. The average period of trouble-free service of the structure: the upper jaw - 5-6 years or more, the lower jaw - 6-10 years or more.

Absence of teeth serious problem which requires an immediate competent decision. It does not matter why you lost your teeth: due to injury or illness, the function of the jaws must be restored, and as quickly as possible, as this threatens with many complications. How is the prosthetics of the teeth in the upper jaw with complete adentia?

Removable products for the upper jaw have the following peculiarities:

  • thanks to an additional point of support (the sky), the prosthesis is firmly fixed in the oral cavity,
  • in the process of choosing a method of prosthetics and manufacturing a structure, there are usually no difficulties, since the upper jaw has a large area for placing and fixing the product,
  • convenient to use,
  • while eating, the product does not move,
  • the prosthesis is invisible to others,
  • partial dentures evenly distribute the load without destroying the abutment teeth,
  • even if the patient does not have a single tooth left in the upper jaw, removable structures are able to fully restore the chewing function of the jaw.

Suction cup dentures

Suction cup dentures are a popular prosthetic method for fully edentulous patients.

Prosthetics of the upper jaw can be carried out using or conditionally removable structures. A complete removable denture is fixed in the oral cavity based on the gum line and palate. Often prosthetics of the upper jaw is carried out with suction cup prostheses, which are of several types:

  • acrylic products

The prosthesis has a special silicone insert, which is located between the base and the gums. It acts as a shock absorber - distributes the load when chewing food. But acrylic tends to accumulate plaque on itself and absorb odors, since it is a porous material. In addition, experts rarely try to use it, since with prolonged use, many patients develop allergies and prosthetic stomatitis.

Nylon is a flexible material, does not absorb moisture and is not prone to plaque buildup with proper care. Such prostheses are very flexible, stick well to the palate and are able to withstand fairly high chewing loads.

  • Polyurethane structures

Also a good material, it is non-hygroscopic, well fixed and affordable.

Expert opinion. Dentist Zubritsky O.A.: “The basis of this design completely repeats the shape of the sky, all its irregularities and bends, the color of the material is natural with a pinkish tint. The product is attached to the mucous membrane due to the vacuum effect, as if sticking to it. Over the history of its existence, suction cup prostheses have undergone a large number of changes, new flexible materials have begun to be used for their manufacture. All this made the design as convenient and comfortable as possible to wear.”

But one should also take into account limitations these prostheses:

Clasp prostheses

The clasp prosthesis can be used to restore the upper jaw in the complete absence of teeth. it modern design, consisting of a metal arc to which are attached artificial teeth. To restore the dentition in the complete absence of teeth, implantation of implants is necessary to fix the clasp structure (read more about prosthetics on implants). There are several methods fixing clasp products in the oral cavity:

  • clamp type fastening,
  • fixation with micro locks,
  • with telescopic crowns.

In the manufacture of the structure for the upper jaw, a special bridge is provided in it, which connects the lateral parts and makes the chewing load more physiological and natural. There are several types of arc for clasp prosthesis:

  • Ring

This is a fairly rigid design, it consists of two narrow strips adjacent to the front and back departments sky. The use of an annular arch is possible only if there are no changes in the bone tissue.

It is used for prosthetics of patients with an increased gag reflex, with a flat palate and mild alveolar processes. This shape of the arc ensures even distribution of the load during chewing.

  • reminiscent of the form transverse stripe.

Clasp prostheses have many benefits:

  • the base of the product does not completely cover the palate (this is important, since a large number of taste buds are located on the palate),
  • there is no distortion of diction,
  • even distribution of the load on the gums,
  • do not cause the development of prosthetic stomatitis,
  • do not provoke vomiting reflex like full plate dentures.

Fixation of products on implants

The most reliable method of restoring the dentition in the absence of teeth is the fixation of prostheses on pre-implanted implants. This method has a large number pluses:

The implant is implanted for life, this is the most reliable method of restoring the dentition.

  • implants are implanted into the bone forever, they firmly hold the prosthesis, so it cannot fall out of the oral cavity,
  • implantation is a method that preserves the shape of the patient's face, which cannot be said about conventional removable structures,
  • Implanted artificial roots work in much the same way as real ones. This provides physiological pressure on the jaw bones, which reduces the risk of atrophy.

To attach the prosthesis to the implants, a beam or push-button attachment method can be used. In addition, implantation can be carried out by one of two methods:

  1. Basal implantation

This method is gentle, as it is carried out relatively quickly, and recovery period passes easier than after the classical method. How long does prosthetics take? basal method? It takes about a week for all manipulations and engraftment of prostheses. A significant advantage of basal implantation is that it can be carried out even with bone tissue atrophy.

This method of prosthetics is used in the following cases:

  • with diseases of periodontal tissues,
  • if bone atrophy occurs,
  • there is no possibility of an operation bone grafting(this is an artificial increase in the missing volume of bone tissue),
  • for health reasons, the patient is contraindicated to carry out alternative methods prosthetics.

2. Classical implantation

An artificial root is implanted into the jaw bone. Then follows the period of its engraftment, this period of time is called osseointegration. Most often, implants are made of titanium, this is a biocompatible material that in 99% of cases takes root in bone tissue without being rejected by the body.

Implantation - complex operation, for which it is necessary to exclude the presence of contraindications in the patient (the list of which is quite large). In addition, for the implantation of an artificial root in the oral cavity, there must be a sufficient amount of bone tissue. Otherwise, bone grafting is performed.

Are the fixed prostheses on implants for the upper jaw? Yes, but rarely, and there are some serious reasons:

  1. To do this, you need to implant a sufficiently large number of implants, and this pleasure is not cheap.
  2. Implantation has big list contraindications.
  3. To restore the entire upper jaw, you will have to make a long horseshoe-shaped prosthesis. If it breaks in one place, you will have to remove it entirely from the oral cavity.

The beauty of a smile largely depends on the anterior teeth of the upper jaw. Therefore, the main task of prosthetics is to create the most convenient and functional design, which would be aesthetically attractive, like real teeth. If several anterior incisors are lost, the solution can be found in the area of ​​implant placement with ceramic or zirconium crown. However, what to do if there is very little left in the top row healthy organs? Implantation is a rather expensive procedure, and putting 3-4 teeth at once can be expensive even for wealthy people. Modern dental clinic In such cases, LeaderStom can offer several types of removable dentures at once, each of which has its own advantages.

Acrylic plate structures

Acrylic plate prosthesis has the most attractive price. This is a removable device that is attached to healthy teeth and completely repeats the shape of the lost organs in a row. If there are not enough teeth for fastening, or they are not able to serve as a support for fixing the prosthesis, then it is possible to install the structure by implanting two or more implants. Today, in the production of such dental products, hypoallergenic, biocompatible materials are used. However, all the same, such designs have their own costs, such as, for example, the difficulty of getting used to the device. The plate prosthesis covers most palate, which in some patients causes a feeling of discomfort, up to vomiting. It takes time and gradual, hourly wearing of the device for the body to accept new elements in the oral cavity.

Fixation of the lamellar prosthesis is carried out by special hooks - clasps. They are hooked on the abutment teeth and can be removed at any time if necessary. The acrylic plate, which rests against the sky, also serves as a support; it holds the prosthesis due to the suction effect. Dentists rarely recommend acrylic construction for permanent wear, most often this prosthesis is used as a temporary one.

Nylon soft dentures

This type of prosthesis is most suitable for those who experience irritation to metal or hard acrylic materials in the oral cavity. Nylon prosthesis made without the use of solid elements. The method of fixation is carried out by suction to healthy supporting teeth. A huge advantage of these products is the minimum amount of dental intervention during installation: there is no need to grind abutment teeth, cover them with metal structures such as locks or hooks, etc. Unlike common clasp structures, soft nylon products win at the price of a denture.

Clasp metal devices

A very common type, which is based on a metal arc - a clasp. It is a support that holds the artificial dentition of the upper jaw. The fastenings of such a device depend on the state of the supporting organs. These can be hooks, locks or caps that are placed on turned healthy teeth. The clasps allow the prosthesis to be made removable, while the installation on the caps rigidly fixes the structure. What type of installation to make is decided by your attending physician.

The basis of the prosthesis is a plastic base with a dentition. It is possible to order teeth made of high-quality plastic, however, if the means allow, ceramic products look more aesthetically pleasing, imitating healthy natural organs exactly.

In dentistry today, clasp prostheses are the most popular. This is due not only affordable price design, but also a significant improvement. Such products are maximally adapted to the oral cavity in terms of habituation and comfort. Significantly improved technologies for the manufacture of clasp prostheses, which allows you to restore the dentition at the most various pathologies. For example, such an installation is possible if two teeth are missing after one or three in a row and one more after two healthy ones. In a word, any combination of restoration of the dentition is quite accessible with dental prosthetics.

Sometimes the installation of a denture is the only optimal solution for gum disease, for example. Or another option, when bone tissue alveolar processes are thin and not strong enough for implant placement. Then all the advantages of removable and non-removable dentures are the most acceptable.

Micro prostheses

These are small removable structures that are installed on one or two missing teeth. They are used during adolescence, when it is necessary to replace a lost molar, but the growing jaw bone does not yet allow a permanent implant to be made. Such products are worn temporarily, up to 3-4 years, and then full-fledged prosthetics are carried out for decades.

Rules for handling dentures

The duration of wearing dentures can be different, depending on the accuracy of use and proper care behind the design. On average, such products are designed for operation up to 5 years. This period is due not to the quality of the material, but to the deformation of the gums. The fact is that the prosthesis does not allow full participation bone tissues while chewing, as nature intended. As a result, over the years, the bones of the upper or lower jaw without proper load decrease in volume, and, accordingly, the gum in this place also becomes thinner. Therefore, after 3-5 years, any, even the highest quality denture, needs to be adjusted for a new line of gum tissue.

You need to take care of prosthetic structures daily:

    rinse under running water;

    clean special brush and toothpaste without abrasive substances;

    make sure that darkening or analogs of tartar do not appear on the prosthesis;

    periodically clean the prosthesis with special tablets;

    leave acrylic or metal structure overnight in aqueous solution.

There is some controversy regarding the glass of water. Previously, this method of preserving the prosthesis was necessary due to the rubber composition. When plastic structures began to be made, this material does not need a constant water environment. Moreover, some dentists believe that the usual water solution can contribute to the development pathogenic bacteria on a surface plastic prosthesis. The best option the product will be stored in a special solution with a cleaning tablet, which can be purchased at any pharmacy.

The period of getting used to the prosthesis can take up to two months. All this time, you should carefully monitor how the engraftment takes place. If there is inconvenience while chewing food, then you should contact your dentist to correct the clamps. The process of fitting the prosthesis is completely normal and may require up to 5 visits to the dentist. The gum is not designed by nature for chewing load, so the patient may experience discomfort at first.

Do not try to immediately try the prosthesis in action. Chewing function is possible only after a few days of getting used to. Wear the product for several hours after eating and track all the sensations: where the design presses on the gum, where it rubs, and where an unwanted empty space forms.

A separate point concerns getting used to foreign object in the mouth. During the first days, all patients experience increased salivation, since the oral glands perceive the prosthesis as foreign body- food. The constant contact of the acrylic plate with the sky can make it difficult to swallow and cause a gag reflex. To eliminate this problem, you should periodically keep sucking sweets in your mouth.

If the installed denture greatly changes diction, then this is also a reason for a visit to the attending physician. It is necessary to install the prosthesis as naturally as possible so that all pronounced sounds correspond to normal pronunciation. Within one to two weeks, a complete adaptation usually occurs and the person begins to talk as usual.

To determine the choice of a suitable prosthetic design, a consultation is needed. a good specialist in this region. Clinic "LeaderStom" has exactly the qualification of doctors, which allows you to create comfortable and aesthetic dentures. We will help you choose a type of construction that will completely replace the functionality of the dentition of the upper jaw. Wherein beautiful smile and new life your teeth are provided!

When teeth are missing on only one side of the jaw, this is officially called: a unilateral end defect of the dentition.

There are a lot of options for prosthetics in this case. The reason for diversity is that there is no single one that would suit everyone and everything. Let's figure out how such a defect can be filled. Four options are possible:

1. Dental implants

good option - adjacent teeth are not involved in any way. And you won’t have to remove anything - the crowns will be non-removable. Minus one - if there is not enough bone, it will have to be added. Which will add cost and time.

2. Cantilever bridge

The fastest, most convenient and economical option for prosthetics of unilateral end defects - you quickly get used to it, it is simple - you do not need to remove anything and mess with implants. Perfect if not chewing teeth I really don't want to get implants.

At least two extreme teeth will have to be processed. If they themselves require prosthetics with crowns, this option for restoring the end defect is optimal. If they are completely healthy, dental implantation will be more rational.

The disadvantage of a bridge is that it can only restore one missing tooth. If you add two teeth, then the abutment teeth will not last long due to the heavy load.

Some patients insist on adding two teeth (although this is very wrong). Then them chewing surface is not made complete - so that the teeth look natural with outer side, but did not overload the reference ones.

3. Traditional removable prosthesis

A conventional removable denture can restore a unilateral defect in the dentition. But due to the presence of teeth on the other side, patients do not use them. Will try for a week or two. And put them literally on the shelf:

The main reason for the inconvenience is the large volume of the prosthesis. The improvement in chewing food will turn out to be small, but the inconvenience ... much more.

Prevention of end defects

If there is still at least one extreme tooth on the side with missing teeth, then it is necessary to save it if possible. Even if it's badly damaged. In order not to lead to the appearance of an end defect in the dentition. Which is not very easy to prosthetize without implants.

If a last tooth badly damaged - it is possible to restore it in most cases. Don't grab the forceps right away. Try to save it first. If the damage is strong, reinforce it with a pin.

If there is inflammation on the roots yet extracted tooth- then treat them, save them. And use in the future for prosthetics.

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