"L-Arginine": instructions for use, analogues, reviews and release forms. L - Arginine: full instructions for use, reviews

L-arginine is a conditionally essential amino acid that humans need. "Conditionally replaceable" means that our body produces it on its own, but often in insufficient quantities - which means that it must come from outside, with food or nutritional supplements.

Athletes love arginine because it improves muscle nutrition and speeds up recovery. And for beautiful ladies, it helps in maintaining beauty and helps to grow magnificent hair.

What is arginine - properties

The most well-known property of arginine is an increase in the production of growth hormone. Growth hormone, in turn, is needed not only for the actual growth of muscles, but also for the reduction of body fat. That is, very girls who follow the figure, it is simply necessary. And it also has a pronounced rejuvenating, immunostimulating and regenerating effect.

Properties of El Arginine:

  • Improving muscle nutrition;
  • Decreased blood pressure;
  • Accelerating the healing of injuries and recovery of the body after illness;
  • Improvement of erectile function in men;
  • Strengthening immunity;
  • Detoxification;
  • Production of nitric oxide;
  • Reducing the level of bad cholesterol;
  • Improvement of blood circulation;
  • Improving the nutrition of tissues, including skin and hair.

Arginine in foods - where is it found

Arginine, like most amino acids, is found in protein foods. There is a lot of it in pumpkin seeds, legumes, pork, chicken, sesame, chicken eggs. It is also present in dairy products, but in much smaller quantities. Other foods containing arginine are turkey, fish, and coconut.

L-arginine for men

Most widely, arginine is known precisely as “male”, loved primarily by athletes.

In sports

Athletes, bodybuilders and just men who lead a healthy lifestyle and monitor their health, striving for a beautiful body, take arginine as part of a sports nutrition. It helps to build muscle mass, recovery after training, improve athletic performance.

Arginine and potency

One of the most famous "side effects" of arginine is purely masculine. This is an improvement in potency. The fact is that it is arginine in the body of a man that is responsible for erection, and with its shortage, erectile dysfunction occurs.

In addition, arginine is used as part of the complex treatment of male infertility.

L-arginine for women

However, for women, this amino acid is no less important. It is actively involved in the production of many hormones and is absolutely necessary for the body to resist the aging process. With a lack of arginine in the body, rapid aging begins, depression is possible.

And, of course, arginine is useful in complex weight loss, as it helps to reduce the percentage of fat mass in the body.

Arginine in cosmetology: for the face and for hair growth

Arginine is found in our skin and connective tissues. Its use in external products (creams, masks) promotes restoration and regeneration. In addition, in this case, the amino acid also acts as an antioxidant, that is, a rejuvenating agent. It tightens the skin and eliminates wrinkles.

In hair cosmetics, arginine is used as a hair growth stimulant. With prolonged use of shampoos and masks with arginine, hair loss is reduced, a healthy shine appears.

And its arginine helps protect hair from damage due to adverse external influences. Therefore, it is often included in the composition of hair dyes.

L-arginine - contraindications and side effects

The most common side effect when taking arginine is the activation of the herpes virus. The fact is that this amino acid is a kind of “food” for this virus. To avoid exacerbations of herpes, it is recommended to take arginine in parallel with el-lysine - this amino acid, on the contrary, blocks herpes.

With overdoses of arginine (more than 15 grams per day), nausea, diarrhea, weakness, and a negative effect on the pancreas are possible. To avoid unpleasant consequences, the dosage must be observed.

Self-administration of arginine is contraindicated in people with low blood pressure. Before use, it is highly advisable to consult a doctor, especially if there are any chronic diseases.

How to take arginine, dosage and application

To improve muscle nutrition and muscle growth, arginine is drunk before training. To increase the secretion of growth hormone (and hence for a rejuvenating effect and weight loss) - at night.

Like all amino acids, arginine is best absorbed when taken on an empty stomach and at least half an hour before a meal.

The dosage depends on the purpose of application. So, to strengthen the immune system, with inflammatory processes, for the purpose of prevention, 1 gram per day is prescribed. With intense sports training - from 5 to 9 grams (but in no case more than 10). To improve heart health, improve potency - 3-6 grams.

El-arginine: reviews of doctors and consumers

Nutritionists note that the independent synthesis of arginine in the body is strongly influenced not only by age, but also by lifestyle, bad habits, nutrition, general health - in a word, a huge number of factors. Elderly people are often prescribed arginine as part of a comprehensive health care system.

Consumers often note noticeable, visible results of taking in reviews - normalization of the heart, cessation of hair loss, improvement in potency, etc.

Where to buy arginine

L-arginine can be purchased at sports nutrition stores, pharmacies or online stores. The cheapest option is to purchase at Aicherb, where it is presented both in the “solo” version and as part of complex preparations. Among the preparations of arginine in its pure form, one can distinguish a very budget option from and one of the most popular from.

Complex preparations containing arginine may be designed to solve a specific problem and contain other ingredients for a synergistic effect. The table below shows several such complexes for different purposes.

Taking arginine will help strengthen the body, as the drug combines multiple actions, having a direct effect on the suppression of inflammation and regulating the functioning of blood vessels (also responsible for their growth and development). The instruction will warn against abuse and warn of side effects.

Composition and form of release

Arginine is available as capsules, tablets, or injectable solution. Tablets are sold in 50 pcs. in a pack, capsules - 90 pcs. in a jar, solution for injection - in vials of 20 ml. The composition of funds:

The benefits and harms of Arginine

The amino acid arginine is a valuable substance that has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. It maintains an optimal level of cholesterol in the blood, activates the production of insulin, stimulates the synthesis of growth hormone, reduces body fat and accelerates the healing process of wounds. The medicine has a beneficial effect on the work of the prostate, increasing blood flow to the genitals, increases the amount of sperm produced, and creates optimal conditions for a stable erection. Harm from the use of Arginine has not been established.

A conditionally essential aliphatic amino acid cleanses the body of toxins resulting from protein metabolism. This leads to an improvement in muscle trophism, an acceleration of recovery processes, a decrease in blood pressure, and an intensification of the supply of other amino acids to the muscles. Arginine:

  • prevents oxidative processes;
  • protects cells from aging;
  • improves collateral blood flow;
  • reduces the frequency of angina attacks.

L-arginine tones blood vessels, prevents the formation of blood clots, is useful for kidney diseases, hypertension, arterial hypertension, cirrhosis of the liver. Due to the amino acid, oxygen transport to tissues improves, tumor growth slows down, brain function normalizes. The substance dilates the vessels of the heart, which improves the functioning of the heart muscle, reduces overstrain, optimizes blood flow, and prevents the appearance of plaques and blood clots. Due to the amino acid, the work of the thymus gland improves. Other properties of arginine phosphate:

  • the formation of urea, glycogen, glucagon;
  • providing nitrogen to the enzymatic system;
  • increased endurance (important for athletes), elimination of dystrophy;
  • reduction in the frequency of angina attacks;
  • enhancing the effect of antihypertensive drugs;
  • participation in the production of hormones, somatotropin;
  • stimulation of the production of serotonin - the hormone of joy, the neurotransmitter adrenaline;
  • normalization of blood sugar levels in diabetes;
  • acceleration of muscle recovery, tissue regeneration;
  • reduction in the number of free radicals;
  • increase muscle mass, burn fat.

Indications for use

Biologically active food supplement Arginine is used to compensate for the lack of L-arginine. Other indications for use, according to the instructions, are:

  • prevention and complex therapy of cardiovascular diseases;
  • overwork;
  • physical and mental fatigue against the background of protein deficiency;
  • asthenia in the process of recovery after infectious diseases or surgery;
  • hyperammonemia;
  • metabolic alkalosis;
  • complex treatment of viral hepatitis, immunodeficiency;
  • type 2 diabetes mellitus;
  • secondary hypertension;
  • male infertility;
  • delayed physical development;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • high blood pressure;
  • chronic ischemia;
  • slowing down the production of collagen;
  • cholecystitis, cholelithiasis;
  • depression;
  • anemia;
  • anuria;
  • gigantism;
  • argininosuccinic aciduria;
  • arthritis, arthrosis;
  • tumors.

How to take Arginine

Encapsulated Arginine is taken in 1 pc. (500 mg) twice a day during meals for a course of 2 weeks. Tablets are taken three times a day, 2-3 pcs. with food, but not more than 3 g per day. Oral solution or powder of Arginine dissolved in water is taken 5 ml three times a day with meals. Children over 3 years old are given 3-10 mg twice a day, after 12 years - 12-15 mg.

Bodybuilders are supposed to have 3–9 g of arginine per day, but not more than 10 g. It is optimal to take the amino acid half an hour before and during training - this increases the level of nitric oxide, expands the capillaries, and increases oxygen saturation with tissues. While taking the medicine, the concentration of anabolic hormones, glucose, amino acids increases, and blood flow increases. Before going to bed, tablets are taken to stimulate the secretion of growth hormone.

Arginine solution is administered intravenously by drip, dissolved in 100–200 ml of saline or 5% glucose solution. Infusion is carried out at a rate of 4 g per hour for a course of 5-10 days. Recommendations:

  • The daily dose for adults is 4-8 g, but not more than 12.
  • Newborns and children up to a year are administered 200 mg / kg of body weight.
  • Children under 12 years of age are prescribed 100 mg / kg of body weight.
  • For diagnosis in violation of growth, adults are administered up to 30 g of the drug, children - 500 mg / kg of body weight per day.
  • For the treatment of severe hyperammonemia, a shock dose of 600 mg / kg of body weight is administered for 1.5 hours.

special instructions

Arginine is one of the most accepted bodybuilding supplements. It stimulates muscles after training, starts regeneration processes, participates in the division of muscle cells, removes toxins, improves oxygenation of muscle tissue and transport of creatine. For a powerful effect, bodybuilders can combine the product with other sports supplements. Other special instructions from the instructions:

  1. During pregnancy, the drug is used in the presence of pathologies - preeclampsia, intrauterine growth retardation.
  2. If the remedy is prescribed to patients with impaired endocrine glands, it should be borne in mind that it stimulates the secretion of insulin and growth hormone.
  3. If the infusion rate is too high, the patient may develop irritation, redness, nausea, vomiting.
  4. Arginine is metabolized in the body to form nitrogen-containing compounds. A temporary increase in nitrogen levels leads to an increase in the load on the kidneys, especially if their work is disturbed.
  5. The composition of the drug includes chloride ions, which should be taken into account when used in patients with electrolyte disorders.
  6. The drug is taken with caution during lactation.
  7. Therapeutic doses of the drug do not affect the ability to concentrate and drive. When receiving high doses, you should stop driving.

drug interaction

The combination of Arginine with Aminophylline can lead to an increase in the concentration of insulin in the blood. Against the background of renal failure in patients who have taken or are taking potassium-sparing diuretics (spironolactone), hyperkalemia may occur. The substance is incompatible with Thiopental, potentiates the action of nitric oxide donators (Sildenafil).

Side effects

If allergic to the components of the composition, patients may develop allergic skin reactions. Long-term use of tablets or capsules reduces immunity, which can activate a herpes infection, increase excitability and disrupt sleep. Side effects of Arginine solution:

  • headache, feeling hot;
  • hyperkalemia, hyperchloremic acidosis;
  • transient hypotension;
  • nausea, vomiting, fever, diarrhea;
  • tinnitus;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • lethargy, irritation, mood changes.


Cases of overdose with Arginine have not been recorded. Poisoning with the drug is impossible - for this it would be necessary to take too large a dose. If this happens, you should consult a doctor for help.


The drug is used with caution during pregnancy. Its contraindications, according to the instructions, are:

  • intolerance to the components of the composition;
  • pregnancy;
  • herpes disease;
  • schizophrenia;
  • simultaneous intake of alcohol.

Arginine is a valuable amino acid. It was added to the list of conditionally essential amino acids. More precisely, this substance is called L-arginine. It sets the stage for the production of growth hormone in the body. Participates in the most important metabolic [...]

Arginine is a valuable amino acid. It was added to the list of conditionally essential amino acids. More precisely, this substance is called L-arginine. It sets the stage for the production of growth hormone in the body. Participates in the most important metabolic processes. Learn more about arginine, instructions for use and a lot of useful facts are collected in this review.

What is arginine?

According to scientific data, arginine is a partially non-essential amino acid produced in a healthy body. This name is well known to athletes. The fact is that, from the point of view of weightlifting and bodybuilding, arginine is a component of dietary supplements. Athletes take supplements for enhanced nutrition of muscle tissue.

In the pharmacy you can find many preparations with arginine, designed to strengthen the immune system. It should be noted that this amino acid helps to increase the concentration of growth hormone in the body, which helps to regenerate and renew the entire body, which means it gives a rejuvenating effect coming from the inside.

With a sufficient amount of arginine in the body, anabolism increases and, at the same time, the amount of excess fat on the body decreases.

The fact that arginine is called a conditionally essential amino acid means that the substance should normally be produced by an adult body, but in a depleted and weakened state, childhood or old age, a deficiency can form.

Indications for the use of arginine

You don't have to be a doctor to know all the fun stuff about arginine. Indications for use - this section should be studied first. So, the supplement is indicated for the following disorders and conditions:

  • depressive states;
  • suspected viral hepatitis;
  • chronic ischemic heart disease;
  • diseases of blood vessels, heart;
  • asthenic condition;
  • secondary hypertension;
  • cholecystitis;
  • weakened immunity;
  • cholelithiasis (cholelithiasis);
  • liver fibrosis;
  • excessive mental stress;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • essential hypertension;
  • malignant and benign neoplasms;
  • fatty degeneration of the liver, cirrhosis of the liver;
  • female and male infertility;
  • delayed physical development;
  • non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus;
  • kidney disease;
  • insufficiency of the genital reaction;
  • arthritis;
  • diabetes;
  • arthrosis.

Who benefits from taking arginine?

Experts recommend taking a dietary supplement with arginine to protect against cardiovascular pathology and to prevent liver diseases. Also, the amino acid will be useful for people with a nutrient-poor diet.

It is good to drink the supplement after a course of medications with a hepatotoxic side effect. Arginine helps to quickly recover from physical overload and intoxication.

Arginine is useful for those who are engaged in bodybuilding and weightlifting. The amino acid is suitable for professionals and amateurs who lead a sports life and want to have a beautiful figure.

How does arginine work?

The substance L-arginine is important for the functioning of the human body, it implements a number of functions. Amino acid arginine:

  • protects the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular, reproductive and nervous systems, immunity from disorders;
  • is a structural element of connective tissue;
  • supports the natural cleansing of the liver;
  • accelerates the regeneration of damaged tissues;
  • helps people with hypertension recover, as it reduces the tension of arterial muscles;
  • promotes cleansing of the kidneys;
  • protects against the development of atherosclerosis;
  • improves mood, increases endurance and activity (this effect is in the hands of any athlete - professional and amateur);
  • stimulates the production of insulin in the body;
  • reduces predisposition to type 2 diabetes;
  • cleanses the muscles of harmful substances;
  • ensures normal puberty of adolescents;
  • spurs the natural process of production of growth hormone;
  • helps to burn fat reserves;
  • participates in the formation of urea, contributing to the speedy removal of toxins;
  • prolongs sexual intercourse and generally improves the quality of sexual life;
  • balances the percentage of cholesterol in the blood;
  • promotes the synthesis of certain types of protein;
  • reduces the likelihood of an attack with angina pectoris;
  • enhances the effect of antihypertensive drugs;
  • reduces the concentration of free radicals in the human body;
  • maintaining normal production of serotonin.

Basically, the beneficial effect of arginine on the body is based on the special work of the arginine metabolite. This substance is called nitric oxide. That is, oxidation processes occur in the body, from which arginine is transformed into nitric oxide, which in chemistry is referred to as NO. Nitric oxide performs a whole range of vital biochemical reactions for humans.

The harm of arginine

We continue to consider arginine. The benefits and harms in this amino acid are combined unevenly, that is, there are definitely more benefits. Often the harmful effect is associated with improper use of additives. Therefore, in order not to encounter undesirable health consequences, one must carefully read the instructions for the drugs and consult with doctors in time.

If you take 15-30 g of arginine for several weeks, side effects will not be long in coming. They will most likely show up. The main side effect is a temporary thickening of the skin. As a rule, after the drug is discontinued or the dosage is reduced to normal, this phenomenon disappears without a trace. Also, if you take 15 g of arginine per day, you may experience general weakness, nausea and vomiting, and diarrhea.

Despite the fact that arginine has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, it is forbidden to take it to people who have been diagnosed with schizophrenia or other complex mental disorders.

You should refrain from taking arginine in the acute stage of herpes infection. When there is a herpes virus in the body, for example, genital, zoster, simplex, it can use the amino acid arginine to multiply its colony. From this, the person will only get worse, perhaps the effectiveness of treatment will decrease.

Arginine is potentially dangerous if taken in combination with other metabolites (donors) of nitric oxide - NO. For example, these are Viagra and Nitroglycerin. That is, these drugs are incompatible with arginine.

Children should not be given arginine while they are actively growing. As we know, the supplement affects the synthesis of growth hormone in the body, so failures may occur due to interference with the natural mechanism. For example, gigantism, that is, abnormally high growth in a person.

Reception of arginine is unacceptable during pregnancy and lactation.

Talking about arginine as a dietary supplement, it would be unfair to focus only on miraculous effects and clear benefits. Therefore, we are talking in detail about the possible harm. Long courses of arginine sometimes provoke a decrease in immunity. Some have allergic reactions, sleep disorders appear and nervous excitability increases.

For some health problems, it is acceptable to take arginine, but this must be done with extreme caution. These include kidney pathology, anuria, and disruptions in the electrolyte balance.

When using arginine supplements, there can be no talk of an overdose, since for poisoning one would have to take an unrealistically large portion. At least no such cases are known.

And one more thing about the harm of arginine: supplements with this amino acid can negatively affect the body if there is intolerance to at least one component of the drug. From this it follows that it is necessary to study your body, to know all its features and weaknesses, and before taking the capsules, carefully read the full text of the instructions attached to pharmacy vitamins and dietary supplements.

How to take arginine?

Prophylactic dosage of dietary supplement with arginine: 1-2 capsules per day.

Arginine is commercially available in various forms such as capsules, liquid, tablets, and powder.

As part of the treatment, arginine is used as follows: 2-3 tablets or 5 ml three times a day. It is necessary to ensure that the total daily dose does not exceed 3 grams. If you are prescribed arginine, when is the best time to take it, you should check with your doctor in advance or read the instructions. It is usually recommended to take the drug with food.

If we are talking about an athlete who is intensely engaged in bodybuilding and has large muscles, then the dose should be higher. About 3-9 g per day. The maximum allowable rate, above which the drug should not be taken, is 10 g per day.

Beginner bodybuilders are usually advised to start with low doses and gradually increase them. When is the best time to take arginine in sports - 30 minutes before training and during training. And you can also use the supplement at night, because when we sleep, the production of growth hormone increases. Some sources say that you can consume arginine in the morning to ensure a stable secretion of growth hormone during the day.

Also, some athletes practice taking arginine 60 minutes before or after a meal. They believe that otherwise the absorption of the amino acid will be inhibited.

To make the supplement taste pleasant, you can use arginine in powder form. The powder is dissolved in water or juice. If tablets or capsules are taken, then they must be washed down with a large glass of water so that they immediately enter the stomach and dissolve well.

It is believed that arginine is best absorbed by athletes in liquid and powder form.

If you have eaten fatty foods, then it is useless to take arginine. It is poorly compatible with such food. After a fatty snack, you should pause for at least 5 hours, and then you can continue to drink arginine.

Manufacturers do not recommend consuming more than 20-30 g of arginine per day. Otherwise, some unpleasant side effects may overtake. We talked about the side effects and harms of arginine supplements in detail in a separate paragraph, it is located higher in this text and is devoted to the potential dangers from taking arginine.

Arginine in food

You don't have to be a nutritionist to remember where arginine is found in foods. Thanks to proper and harmonious nutrition, you will be able to maintain health, increase physical strength, become more beautiful and positive.

The menu should be compiled in accordance with the capabilities and goals, the lifestyle and nature of the training of a particular person. That is, in nutrition, an individual approach is important. It is useful to include foods rich in amino acids in the menu of a healthy diet or in nutrition during sports.

Table - arginine in food (protein and arginine content per 100 g of product)

Arginine for men

The benefits of arginine for men

In the sports field and not only arginine is popular. The benefits for men of this amino acid are obvious. Arginine creates all the conditions for proper blood supply to the male genital organs. Also, the amino acid is used to comprehensively improve the functioning of the prostate gland.

Before taking arginine, the benefits and harms for men must be weighed. If there are problems in the reproductive sphere, serious erectile dysfunction, then it is necessary to consult with your doctor when choosing medicines and supplements.

Arginine for potency

The correct intake of arginine supplements makes a man more self-confident because it improves potency. Replenishment of the body with amino acids provides a long and stable, healthy erection. Supplements help improve sperm quality and quantity.

Arginine for women

Women get the full range of arginine benefits. Moreover, the supplement is useful not only for those involved in sports, but for everyone else. Amino acid helps to increase sexual desire and improve sexual life in women. And also the fair sex needs arginine to cleanse the body, protect the heart, immunity and brain from disorders, reduce pain during menstruation.

It is important to note that arginine is successfully used today for weight loss. Many girls have already appreciated this amino acid in action and were satisfied.

Arginine in sports

Biologically active supplements, including arginine, are important for athletes, they are especially actively used in bodybuilding. Such drugs are very popular today, they can be bought without a prescription. Arginine can be used as one of the elements of the amino acid complex or used separately.

Benefits of arginine for bodybuilders:

  • restores, increases, oxygenates muscles;
  • beneficial effect on the whole body after training;
  • promotes rapid tissue regeneration, cleanses the body;
  • supports the delivery of creatine to muscle tissue.

For a pronounced effect of arginine, athletes use it in conjunction with other useful amino acids. Preparations may look like special sports supplements or regular vitamin complexes from a pharmacy.

Typically, bodybuilders take 3-9 grams of arginine per day. It is convenient to use liquid and powder forms, they are better absorbed. You can take the supplement 30 minutes before and during your workout, at night or in the morning.

Another approach is to drink arginine 60 minutes before and after meals. Some take amino acids with food. For a complex effect, arginine is used in conjunction with other amino acids. There are many sports supplements, they should be selected individually.

Arginine for weight loss

Today, the amino acid arginine is used for weight loss, as it effectively cleanses the body, improves kidney function, and helps burn excess fat reserves.

Men successfully get rid of excess fat and at the same time increase muscle mass thanks to arginine. If the supplement is taken by a woman, the effect of losing weight is excellent, the muscles are in order and do not grow in a male pattern. If it is reasonable to choose additives, then the figure remains feminine and toned.

With the help of dietary supplements, proper nutrition and sports, you can get a slim figure and not harm your health. If you eat right and take good supplements, then the body will not experience exhaustion, on the contrary, the vitality will increase.

Reception of arginine is appropriate on a protein diet - food with a high content of animal and vegetable proteins. Such a diet promotes weight loss by burning fat while maintaining beautiful muscle mass.

The amino acid arginine has a positive effect on the metabolism of fat in the body, so it should be considered a good tool for weight loss and body improvement.

As part of the preparations, arginine is referred to as arginine hydrochloride or L-Arginine hydrochloride. A popular supplement in the form of arginine capsules is Vazoton.

(L-arginine) is a conditionally essential amino acid that plays an important role in the functioning of the human body. Its conditional replacement is based on the fact that at a young age and under certain conditions, this amino acid is produced in sufficient quantities by the body itself. However, after 30 years the synthesis arginine decreases significantly, and by the age of 50 it stops altogether. Importance arginine for the human body is associated primarily with its ability to produce nitric oxide, which is involved in almost all metabolic processes, as well as in the production of hormones and enzymes.

Arginine: content in products

It is present in many food products of plant and animal origin. The absolute champion in its content are pumpkin seeds. Lots of arginine in the following product categories:

Nuts - pine nuts, walnuts, peanuts and almonds;
grain products - sesame, corn, wheat and unpolished rice;
meat products - chicken, pork, beef and beef liver;
seafood - salmon, tuna, anchovies, crabs, shrimp and snails;
chicken eggs;
milk and cottage cheese.

Arginine: benefits

Beneficial features arginine are inextricably linked with the beneficial effects of nitric oxide, the most important substance for humans. A large amount of scientific literature is devoted to its useful qualities, which describes the healing properties. arginine. Here are just a few of them:

arginine contributes to a significant increase in protein synthesis, which is the main component of all tissues of the human body, including muscles. It is this property that is associated with great popularity. arginine in bodybuilders.

arginine helps in healing damage to the skin, bones and tendons, so it is recommended for use in the event of fractures, wounds and sprains.

To arginine as it should be absorbed, it is better to take it on an empty stomach, i.e. one hour before meals or one hour after.

It should also be noted that joint arginine with substances such as, and can raise the production of growth hormone to values ​​\u200b\u200bcomparable to the level arginine in a young body.

Arginine: reviews

As already noted, arginine is part of most types of sports nutrition, while over the years interest in it has not faded. Most bodybuilders note that taking arginine together with strength training, it really has a beneficial effect on muscle growth, and also helps maintain men's health. And some bodybuilders, based on their own experience, are advised to use, which, in addition to arginine, includes, lysine and other amino acids. They note the fact that due to the joint action of these three substances and others, the effect of sports becomes much more noticeable, the body's endurance increases, mood and general well-being improve. A lot of positive feedback from athletes who use, arginine,

Is there a way to get a muscular relief or an elastic, slender body without taking risky drugs? Science says these are not empty dreams. Preparations with the amino acid L - Arginine in bodybuilding and fitness serve this purpose.

Our complete instructions for the use of bioadditives will soon achieve excellent results. The effectiveness of this tool is confirmed not only by the reviews of athletes, but also by clinical studies.

Persistent strength training does not always bring the expected result. Why is this happening? It turns out that everything is quite natural. The protein necessary for the construction of muscle fibers during intense power loads is spent on completely different purposes.

It ensures the removal of decay products, take care of the synthesis of nitric oxide. At the same time, arginine is intended for these purposes by nature itself and copes with the tasks without much loss for itself. That is why when taking it, “pumping” occurs even with moderate loads.

L - Arginine in the human body

Among athletes, L-Arginine is extremely popular. Bodybuilders take the drug to stimulate muscle growth and improve their relief. The amino acid is also used in other sports, since it tends to increase the body's resistance to physical activity of an aerobic and anaerobic nature. This increases the quality and effectiveness of training. L-Arginine is also known for its fat-burning properties.

L - Arginine refers to partially replaceable amino acids that are synthesized by our body. Since the substance is the main source of nitric oxide, its importance cannot be overestimated. L - Arginine takes part in all metabolic processes, is responsible for the production of hormones and enzymes. Its presence in the body ensures the normal functioning of all systems: nervous, immune, cardiovascular, genitourinary.

Under normal conditions, our body synthesizes amino acids from food. The table below shows the content of L - Arginine in commonly consumed foods:

As you can see, the daily allowance can be easily obtained from just 100 g of meat, a glass of milk and a handful of pumpkin seeds. But if you dream of lean muscles, this amount will not be enough. In addition, eating during a workout in order to provide the muscles with oxygen in time is not very convenient. Therefore, bodybuilders drink L - Arginine in the form of biological supplements.

Arginine for muscle growth

As you know, effective pumping in bodybuilding depends entirely on nitric oxide, which expands capillaries, increasing blood flow to muscle fibers. Thus, enhanced nutrition of the athlete's muscles with oxygen, creatine and glucose is provided.

Since the main donor of nitric oxide in the human body is the amino acid arginine, the benefits of this substance for muscle growth are obvious.

Not so long ago, scientists discovered its new property. As it turned out, the substance is able to stimulate the growth of new blood vessels. Moreover, arginine "grows" the capillaries directly in the muscle fibers. This increased blood supply naturally leads to accelerated muscle growth. In addition, the bioadditive provides a "drawing" of the veins, which favorably emphasizes the relief.

Arginine is known to stimulate the production of growth hormone. But after a series of studies, it was found that the effect of taking arginine is more noticeable in beginners, while in cases with experienced bodybuilders, the effect on hormone levels was negligible.

The greatest effect can be achieved by taking 2 amino acids arginine and lysine in combination. Both will need 1500 mg each.

Clinical studies have shown that regular supplementation with carnitine and arginine shows excellent results in reducing body weight. The fact is that these amino acids successfully convert the "strategic reserve" of the body into energy during aerobic and anaerobic training.

In this case, weight loss occurs solely due to the reduction of body fat, and not, as with a diet, due to dehydration of the body. Within a month, the weight is reduced by 8-10%, while maintaining or increasing muscle mass.

Tip: It is more convenient and easier to purchase bioactive supplements via the Internet. In the open spaces of the network, you can find a product of good quality and not overpay for it. Specialized stores also value their reputation and customers, so they will not sell low-quality goods.

Benefits and contraindications for use

L - Arginine is an amino acid that is synthesized by the human body, found in ordinary, daily foods we use. Therefore, taking good quality drugs will not bring harm to a healthy person. Excess is excreted from the body through the genitourinary system.

Studies conducted with the participation of professional athletes, it was found that taking L-arginine for a long time does not give side effects.

Bioadditives containing this amino acid have a beneficial effect on the state of the human body. Clinical studies have confirmed that L - Arginine:

  • Normalizes blood pressure;
  • Prevents thrombosis;
  • Maintains the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • Slows down the growth of neoplasms;
  • Helps to provide cells with oxygen;
  • Removes protein breakdown products from the body;
  • Improves erectile function in men;
  • Lowers blood sugar levels.

In addition, the drug serves as an excellent prevention of most age-related diseases, from arthrosis and arthritis to Alzheimer's disease.

It is also known that arginine stimulates the production of serotonin (hormone of joy), provides mental and physical activity, improves the ability to concentrate. Being an excellent antioxidant, it fights free radicals that cause aging and also provoke cancer. In oncology, L-Arginine is used to reduce the growth rate of neoplasms.

Despite the harmlessness of the drug, it is still not worth using it thoughtlessly. Contraindications for admission are: pregnancy and lactation, mental illness, viral herpes, impaired kidney and liver function.

Tip: "Smart Supplement" is equally suitable for men and women. For the first, it allows you to acquire relief muscles, for the second - to lose weight and become more feminine. However, the result depends not only on the quality of the drug, but also on the training program.

Scheme for muscle growth

As mentioned earlier, L-Arginine enhances the supply of oxygen to all tissues, promotes the transport of creatine to muscle fibers, starts regeneration processes, and stimulates the synthesis of growth hormone. Due to these properties, this amino acid is currently one of the most popular supplements in bodybuilding. As a rule, L-Arginine is taken in combination with other amino acids. For example, L-carnitine helps to increase relief.

The recommended dose for bodybuilders is 3-9 g per day. It is better not to exceed the dosage, and the point here is not even the harm of the drug. The body simply does not absorb large doses. For beginners, it is better to start with a minimum, gradually increasing the amount. The exact dosage of the drug can be determined based on the body weight of the athlete. It is believed that the optimal dose of 115 mg per kilogram of weight.

It is equally important to observe the time of taking the dietary supplement. So on the days of training, the drug must be taken 30 minutes before power loads, in the middle of classes and 30 minutes after the end. This scheme allows you to maintain the necessary level of nitric oxide, which contributes to a more efficient supply of oxygen to the muscles. Increasing blood flow contributes to the pumping effect.

On rest days, arginine is taken according to the usual scheme 40-60 minutes before or after meals, three times a day. We should not forget that the substance is not compatible with fatty foods. If there are such dishes on the lunch or dinner menu, it is necessary to maintain an interval of at least 5 hours. Since arginine has a bitter taste, it is better not to chew the tablets. You can beat off the unpleasant taste with some kind of drink. It is believed that L-Arginine is most effective in liquid and powder form.

The best value for money distinguishes the following products: "Arginine alpha-ketoglutarate" (Myprotein), "L-Arginine Alpha" (Pure Protein), "Arginine AAKG" (CULT), "Arginine AAKG" (Maxler);
You can buy arginine in some pharmacies. The product produced by the American company Solgar enjoys a good reputation;

Fatty foods reduce the intake of amino acids to zero. Therefore, before the feast, supplements should not be taken. Do it 5 hours before or after;

Immediately after training, taking an amino acid will allow the muscles to recover faster, and drinking it before bedtime will stimulate the synthesis of growth hormone;

With aerobic exercise in order to burn fat, it is better to use energy complexes that contain caffeine and carnitine.

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