Rat poison against dogs. What is the danger of rat poison for dogs and the first steps in case of pet poisoning

The danger of rat poison for dogs is the appearance of internal bleeding, not always effective treatment and a high probability of death. It is worth noting that when ingested by a dog rat poison, treatment should begin almost immediately!

In this article, we will look at danger of rat poison for dogs, the effect of this toxin on the body of animals and possible methods of treatment if it enters the body of an animal.

Poisoning a dog with rat poison is one of the most common types of poisoning. The dog is a hunter by nature and, having noticed a rodent, will try to catch it and possibly even eat it. Rodents are poisoned everywhere in our country, and neither urban nor rural dogs are immune from poisoning with rat poison.

  • When rat poison enters the body of a dog, internal bleeding begins.
  • A minor injury, which the dog may not even notice, almost always causes a rupture of small vessels - capillaries, which normally immediately tighten and do not affect the dog's condition in any way.
  • After the onset of symptoms of internal bleeding in a dog, there is very little time: about ten to twelve hours. If urgent action is not taken, death occurs in one hundred percent of cases.

The poison, intended for the destruction of rodents, has one feature - it does not act immediately. This is due to the fact that rats are quite smart animals and at first one rat tries the bait, and only if it survived after a certain time, the rest start the meal. It has long been proven that poisons that cause instant death are ineffective against rodents.

The action of rat poison is based on a violation of the structure of the blood. Namely, the active substance of the poison for rodents destroys vitamin K, which is responsible for blood clotting. As a result, death occurs from internal bleeding.

When poisoned with rat poison, capillary bleeding does not stop and blood flows out until death occurs.

Rat poison can enter the body of a dog, both when a dog eats rodent bait, and if a dog eats a poisoned rodent. The onset of internal bleeding weakens the mouse and it becomes an easy prey for a pet. Rodencitides (rat poisons) of the new generation are so strong that eating one poisoned mouse is enough to kill a large dog.

internal bleeding

Symptoms of internal bleeding are: shortness of breath, weakness and fatigue, pallor of the mucous membranes, tachycardia, anorexia (loss of hunger). Further, bleeding from the nose and rectum, urine and feces mixed with blood, convulsions are noted.

Vitamin K1 Antidote to Rat Poison

The diagnosis of rat poisoning is based on the history, clinical signs, and blood tests of the animal.

Vitamin K1 (phylloquinone) - rat poison antidote

There is an antidote for rat poison, but it is not easy to get it in Russia - the drug is not certified. This is vitamin K1 (phylloquinone) and only it! Vitamin "K3" - a synthetic analogue of vitamin "K1" (menadione, vikasol), which is mistakenly considered an antidote by some veterinarians - is not an antidote and does not work in this case!

If you can get vitamin K1, be sure to get it and let it always be in your first aid kit. It rarely happens even in veterinary clinics!

  • If there is no way to get an antidote for rat poison - the most effective treatment is a blood transfusion from a healthy animal. All other treatments rarely have a positive effect.
  • The treatment is difficult and not always effective, so carefully monitor your dog on a walk and if there is even the slightest suspicion that the dog has eaten a poisonous bait or a poisoned rodent, immediately induce vomiting in the dog and give an absorbent.

After internal bleeding is stopped by a blood transfusion or an injection of vitamin "K1", symptomatic therapy is used, which depends on the degree of damage to the internal organs. Iron preparations, diuretics and heart preparations, antibiotics and hepatoprotectors are prescribed. Rehabilitation therapy lasts at least two weeks.

If symptoms of internal bleeding appear, only a veterinarian can help you. No options. If you have vitamin K1 at home, inject immediately as soon as poisoning is suspected. Still, a visit to the veterinary clinic can not be avoided. The degree of damage caused to the body by exposure to the toxin ( rat poison), can only be a veterinarian on the result of a blood test. He will prescribe further treatment.

Especially during a period when rodents are being poisoned in your area, the dog should not be let off the leash for a walk.

Rat poison baits are not often eaten by dogs, as they are mostly mixed with grain, which dogs are not interested in. But still, this sometimes happens, so every pet owner should know the symptoms and methods of treating rat poisoning in dogs.

For serious intoxication, dogs require an impressive dose of the substance. In the total number of patients in a veterinary clinic, rat poison poisoning is less than 1/10 of a percent.

If the poison is mixed with meat ingredients, then the risk of poisoning increases. They can also eat the carcasses of poisoned animals. Much depends on the poison itself, as there are strong rodenticides that act quickly. If a dog has eaten a poisoned rat or mouse, then signs of poisoning may not appear for a long time.

Why is rat poison dangerous?

To beat off the unpleasant smell of poison, manufacturers add meat-flavored flavors, which attracts dogs. Bait with a potent poison is specially laid out to destroy stray dogs. But poisoning dogs with rat poison is an illegal and extremely cruel method of exterminating animals.

This substance is used to kill mice and rats in outbuildings, residential premises, and food production. It is mixed with products that are attractive to rodents - grain, kitchen waste. Ready-made substrates are also sold in stores - grain mixture, paste, granular baits.

There are two groups of poisons:

  1. Fast-acting poison.
  2. Substance of the prolonged action.

Only rodenticides of the second group are freely sold. Stronger substances are used only by station specialists.

Types of poisonous substances:

  • brodifacoum;
  • triphenacin;
  • ethylphenacin;
  • flocumafen;
  • ratsid.

According to the type of toxin, they are divided into:

  1. First-generation anticoagulants affect the blood, which does not clot under the action of the substance. They do not accumulate in the body. Substances of the second generation have the same mechanism, but are excreted more slowly, so they act quickly and strongly.
  2. Krysid is very toxic, pulmonary edema immediately sets in, convulsive reactions, a lethal dose for dogs is 150 mg / kg of body weight.
  3. Zinc phosphide is also highly toxic, used only by rodent exterminators. Intoxication destroys the walls of the stomach, affects the nervous reactions.

If the poison of the first group got into the dog's stomach, the symptoms of poisoning will appear for 2-3 days.

How to identify the symptoms of poisoning?

Signs of rat poison poisoning in dogs vary depending on the type of toxin:

  • Symptoms of rat poisoning in dogs of the first type. The defeat of anticoagulants (coumarins, zoocoumarins) is expressed in rapid breathing of the animal, white - gray color of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, nosebleeds, weak reaction to stimuli, lack of appetite. Vomiting and black feces indicate intestinal hemorrhage. Combining with hydrochloric acid in the stomach, the blood turns black and clots. The dog's blood pressure rises, as evidenced by reddened whites of the eyes. The kidneys bleed and turn the urine pink. Foam of the same color when coughing is a manifestation of lung damage. The most dangerous moment is a hemorrhage in the brain - a stroke. The dog loses consciousness, convulsions begin. At high doses of poison, blood is observed in the dog's feces and urine, lameness, cramps in the intestines. The dog can die from hemorrhages, as the blood stops clotting. Timely assistance with correctly identified symptoms of rat poisoning in dogs allows you to restore the health of animals in 85% of cases.
  • Poisons of the second and third groups are not currently used, but the symptoms of poisoning by them must be known. This is vomiting blood; liquid stool; weakness, shortness of breath; nervous behavior; convulsions, temporary loss of consciousness. Rat is the most dangerous poison. Damage to the internal organs develops rapidly within a few hours. Pulmonary edema begins - the dog breathes poorly, the skin turns pale, the pulse is not palpable, convulsions begin.

How does the poison work?

Poison is designed to kill. Getting inside a living organism, it causes pathological changes in the blood, which ceases to perform its life-giving functions. All organs gradually atrophy, which causes a slow, painful death of the animal.

It only takes a few milligrams of poison to poison a dog. Puppies and young dogs of small sizes react faster to toxins, their pathologies develop more rapidly than in adult large dogs.

How to save an animal in case of poisoning?

If you are sure that the dog has swallowed poison intended for rats, immediately begin to provide preventive measures and treat:

  1. The first step - as far as possible, it is necessary to remove the poison eaten from the stomach - to wash with weak potassium permanganate, to induce vomiting. Gastric lavage should be done with a 20-gram syringe. Fill it with warm water and insert it into the dog's mouth. For large dogs, this procedure should be done 4-5 times, for small dogs, one dose is enough. Pressing on the root of the tongue will cause a gag reflex. After manipulating the syringe, do a bowel lavage. Use a baby rubber bulb to inject 50-100 ml of water into the dog's anus. Wait for the act of defecation and repeat the procedure a few more times. Dogs get used to going to the toilet outside, this must be borne in mind. You will have to wash the intestines outside the home, in the usual environment for the animal. Give your dog diluted magnesium sulfate powder to cleanse the intestines. In case of poisoning with anticoagulants, it is impossible to wash the stomach and induce vomiting, as these actions will increase internal bleeding.
  2. The second step is to give an adsorbent to collect the remnants of the poisonous substance. You can use activated carbon powder at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight. If the dog weighs 5 kg, then dilute her 0.5 tablets. Mix the powder with water and draw into a syringe. Inject the medicine so that the dog swallows it. Make sure that the correct dose of sorbent is taken. There are special cleansing preparations - "Polysorb", "Polifepan" and others. If you know how to use them, give them to the animal to drink.
  3. The third step is to give the animal jelly-like enveloping decoctions of flaxseed, rice, oatmeal. They will prevent the absorption of toxic substances into the blood.

After 3-5 hours, the contents of the stomach pass into the intestines. Do not torment the dog with useless gag reflexes after they expire. You can not do this with a weak reaction, a clear nervous lesion. Under no circumstances should you feed the animal.

It is not necessary to give potent human drugs without consulting a specialist. Dosages for humans and dogs are different. In addition, it is not known what chemical reaction will occur when the poison and the drug interact.


For every toxic substance there is an antidote. Anticoagulants thin the blood due to a lack of vitamin K. It will be the antidote. Vitamin K1 - phytomenadione is injected under the skin of an animal at a rate of 5 mg / kg of body weight.

It is impossible to completely neutralize rats with the help of an antidote - there is none. You can collect poison in the dog's stomach with a solution of tannin. If zinc phosphide has entered the stomach, then it is removed with a solution of copper sulphate or drinking soda.

Video: poisoning and symptoms.

Treatment at the veterinarian

In the clinic, the doctor will perform a thorough sequential examination of the dog. It includes the measurement of body temperature, blood pressure, pulse. The owner must tell in detail how long ago the poisoning occurred, what type of poison and what first aid actions were taken at home.

If the animal is weak, it should remain under the supervision of a doctor in a hospital. If the dog's condition does not cause concern, then the veterinarian will explain how to treat the dog, prescribe droppers, procedures, and the time of the next visit.

The above methods are urgent help for an animal at home. If possible, take your dog to the vet for treatment. Only he will be able to correctly diagnose poisoning and distinguish its symptoms from manifestations of other diseases. Be sure to examine the blood of the animal for the content and determination of the amount of poison.

A long course of vitamin K1 is usually prescribed. In case of severe poisoning, a blood transfusion is done on the first day to completely cleanse it of toxins. This procedure replenishes the number of dead red blood cells and restores normal blood clotting.

If strong fast-acting poisons have entered the dog's body, the doctor prescribes drugs to restore the work of the heart, blood vessels, to cleanse the liver and eliminate pulmonary edema.

In conclusion, the main points of helping the animal:

  • Determining the type of toxin;
  • Cleansing the stomach;
  • Medical measures;
  • Recovery therapy.

Remember that the owner is to blame for the fact that the dog ate the poisonous bait or carcass. We are responsible for those...

Dogs are very curious animals. And this character trait sometimes brings our dogs to trouble. A curious animal, having discovered an unfamiliar substance, may want to taste it. Here lies the danger - the substance may well turn out to be poison, and most often the owners of animals whose pets have tasted rat poison turn to veterinary clinics. Poisoning with this chemical is dangerous and difficult for a dog to tolerate: in the article we will tell you how the poisoning of a dog with rat poison is symptomatic, and find out what measures need to be taken to save the animal.

Methods of poisoning

Although rat poison poses a serious danger to dogs, poisoning by this substance is not common in practice. The appearance of the bait, its smell and the shape of the granules are not attractive to the animal, so the dog does not always try the rat “sweetness”. In addition, to get really serious, life-threatening poisoning, the dog will have to eat a fairly large amount of poison, which in most cases is impossible.

However, sometimes rat traps are made with meat ingredients mixed in. Here, rat poison can pose a serious threat to dogs, since the poisonous substance mixed with meat can be absorbed by dogs imperceptibly and in any quantities. In addition, sometimes the dog eats the rats themselves, who died as a result of poisoning.

Poison Danger

Rat poison can vary in the way it affects the body of rodents and, accordingly, dogs. Thus, anticoagulants such as warfarin, triphenacin, and others are most often used in rat-baiting. The principle of action of these substances is based on the loss of the ability of blood to clot, and in violation of the synthesis of vitamin K in the body.

Poisons in this category can be easily excreted from the body, and among dogs, some breeds show individual sensitivity to warfarin. If the dose of the substance exceeds 6 mg per kilogram of dog weight, the animal dies.

Substances called second-generation anticoagulants - and these are flocumarin, brodifacoum and others - have a more dangerous toxic effect. With such ease as poisons of the first category, they are not excreted from the body, but have the ability to accumulate.

In order for a dog to die, 3.5 mg of such a poison must be exposed to a kilogram of its weight. The poison ratsid is highly toxic, which is why it is rarely used. As a result of exposure to this poison, a dog may experience pulmonary edema, vascular pathologies, and leg cramps. For the animal to die, exposure to 60-150 mg of poison per kg of weight is necessary.

Such a poisonous substance as zinc phosphide has the highest toxic ability, therefore it is used only by professional deratizers. When ingested, this substance corrodes the gastric mucosa, and has a destructive effect on the nervous system.

Note that most often rats are poisoned with anticoagulants, and in this case, a dog that has eaten poison will show signs of intoxication no earlier than three days later. This delay is explained by the reserves of vitamin K in the animal's body, which for the time being restrains intoxication.

Symptoms of dog poisoning

We will learn how to understand that the dog was poisoned by rat poison. First, let's look at the signs of animal poisoning with rat poison-anticoagulant - as we have already found out, the most common type of chemical in rat poisoning.

  • The animal experiences weakness, becomes lethargic, apathetic, constantly lies;
  • The dog has severe, severe shortness of breath;
  • The mucous membranes of the dog turn pale, including the surface of the tongue;
  • Nosebleeds are possible. The gums also often ooze blood;
  • The animal stops eating.

If the case of poisoning is severe, the following symptoms of poisoning in dogs with rat poison are possible: bleeding during defecation and urination, subcutaneous hemorrhages in the form of hematomas on the body. The animal experiences pain in the abdomen - this can be checked by palpation. The dog walks with severe poisoning with difficulty, limping. In addition, the dog coughs, and also with blood. In severe poisoning, the animal usually dies as a result of multiple hemorrhages.

However, with timely veterinary care, the dog can be saved in 85% of all cases. After saving the animal, it is important to remember that now contact with rat poison for the pet should be completely excluded. If a dog was poisoned once with poison, in the future it will develop an increased sensitivity to the substance.

A poison such as zinc phosphide is now used extremely rarely, so the dog practically cannot come into contact with this substance. However, in rare cases of contact, signs of poisoning will be as follows:

  • the dog vomits, sometimes with blood;
  • there is severe diarrhea;
  • the animal is constantly thirsty;
  • apathy, weakness along with nervous anxiety;
  • hard breath;
  • the pupils of the animal are dilated;
  • cramps of the limbs;
  • loss of consciousness.

In case of rat poisoning, the symptoms will be as follows:

  • weakness of the pulse;
  • severe vomiting;
  • pallor of mucous membranes;
  • urinary retention, sometimes significant;
  • convulsions.

In case of poisoning with ratsid and zinc phosphide, the first signs of poisoning will appear in the dog much earlier than with intoxication with anticoagulants. In case of poisoning with potent substances, alarming symptoms become noticeable after a few hours.

What to do if poison enters the body

First, let's reassure dog breeders: if you notice signs of poisoning in dogs with rat poison in time, and take measures to save the animal, then the prognosis for most cases is favorable. First you need to give your pet all possible first aid.

First aid measures

First, try to make the animal vomit. To do this, you can do gastric lavage. For the procedure, you will need a syringe without a needle with a volume of 20 ml. It is necessary to draw water into the syringe, inject a stream of liquid into the mouth of the animal. Then you need to provoke vomiting: to do this, press on the root of the dog's tongue.

If a puppy is poisoned, it is enough to use 20 ml of liquid to wash his stomach, a medium dog will need two syringes (40 ml), a large one - 34 syringes (60-80 ml). It is recommended to use clean boiled water for the procedure, and not herbal decoctions, infusions or a solution of potassium permanganate. According to recent data, a solution of potassium permanganate irritates the gastric mucosa, and even corrodes the latter to some extent. It is for this reason that potassium permanganate has now disappeared from the shelves of many pharmacies.

The use of sorbents can also be beneficial in case of poisoning. Sorbents are called substances that bind, neutralize and remove toxins from the body. As sorbents are suitable:

  1. Activated carbon;
  2. Enterosorb;
  3. Polysorb MP;
  4. Polyphepan.

It is necessary to drink the dog with decoctions with a high content of mucus. Suitable rice, herculean decoctions, as well as flaxseed. It does not hurt to give the animal a laxative. In this case, magnesium sulfate can be used as an effective drug.

The intestines of the animal can be cleansed with an enema. It is advisable to use a small pear (50-100 ml) for this. The procedure must be carried out with warm water, and preferably in several steps.

The animal needs to be given plenty of water frequently and abundantly. With vomiting and diarrhea, which usually accompany poisoning, there is a rapid dehydration of the body. It is necessary to replenish the lack of fluid. Give the dog water to drink with plain water, without gas and drug admixtures. It is recommended to pour 10 ml of liquid into the mouth of an animal every 10 minutes, and 5 ml of a small dog.

Feeding the same dog immediately after poisoning is prohibited. It is best to remove the bowl of food from the animal altogether while the pet's digestive system needs rest. Feeding can be started only after the permission of the veterinarian.

What not to do in case of poisoning

When saving a beloved animal, the owners are ready to go to any lengths to save the life of the pet. However, you should not lose your head: there are some points that are best avoided when helping a dog that has suffered from intoxication.

If more than 4-6 hours have passed since the moment of poisoning, inducing vomiting is not only useless, but also harmful. Firstly, by this time all the contents of the stomach had already descended into the intestines, and secondly, artificially induced vomiting greatly weakens the dog's body. And this method can be used only when it makes sense, that is, within 1-2 hours after poisoning.

Even if a little time has passed since the poisoning, vomiting should not be induced if:

  1. the dog has convulsions;
  2. paralysis;
  3. loss of consciousness.

When poisoned with rat poison, a dog should not be given products such as milk, vegetable oils, eggs: when interacting with zinc phosphide, these products will aggravate the negative effect of the poison. Castor oil is not given to a dog for the same reason.

When poisoning with zinc phosphide, it must be remembered that this substance has a rare toxicity, therefore, when rescuing a dog, you must also take care of your own safety. It is best to carry out all rescue procedures outdoors or in a ventilated room. If possible, it is desirable to provide medical manipulations to professionals.

professional treatment

If the dog has eaten quite a bit of poison, and the poisoning has not gone beyond the mild stage, it is usually enough to induce vomiting in the animal, sorbents and laxatives. As a rule, these measures are enough for the dog to return to relative normal after a few hours. Well, after a few days, the symptoms of dog poisoning with rat poison will disappear completely.

In advanced cases, sometimes even a blood transfusion is required if the intoxication is too significant. Vitamin K is introduced in this case necessarily, by subcutaneous injection. Most likely, a dog with severe poisoning will need antibiotic treatment, as well as replenishment of iron deficiency in the body.

When an animal with poisoning enters the clinic, the veterinarian first conducts an external examination. At the same time, the owner needs to tell the doctor as accurately and in detail as possible where and under what circumstances the dog tasted the poison, to mention all the symptoms that arose in the animal due to poisoning.

The dog is injected with vitamin K - this antidote is used for rodenticide poisoning. This is followed by symptomatic treatment, during which the animal systematically eliminates all the consequences of poisoning. In the course of eliminating the consequences of intoxication, the veterinarian can use the following types of drugs:

  • sorbents;
  • saline laxative;
  • painkillers if necessary;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • diuretics;
  • corticosteroids;
  • heart remedies;
  • antibiotics.

If the dog has tasted zinc phosphide, Maalox may be prescribed as a treatment, which helps to reduce the volume of toxins in the body and remove them. The introduction of conventional activated charcoal and gastric lavage in several doses after that will also help the animal.

If the dog is in serious condition, he will most likely stay for a few days in the clinic. If the dog's condition is stable, after providing first aid, it is discharged home with an exact indication for the owner of all subsequent steps: visits to the clinic, assistance, recommendations for diet, content.

If the dog is severely poisoned, the course of treatment may take up to a month. Throughout this period, the animal is regularly injected with an antidote in the form of vitamin K, and blood is transfused as needed. Symptomatic treatment is carried out simultaneously with the main one.


Poisoning with rat poison in a mild form and with the rapid provision of medical care usually disappears without a trace for dogs. Apart from a few days of depressed mood in the animal and lack of appetite.

If intoxication is significant, most often there are complications associated with the functioning of the liver. In particular, the liver begins to experience problems with the regulation of blood clotting. For this reason, hemorrhages are so frequent when poisoned with rat poison. If the liver is severely damaged, death is likely.

For prevention purposes, do not let your dog off the leash during a walk, especially if you are near old buildings where there are basements, attics, warehouses. Read the announcements of public utilities and sanitary and epidemiological stations: the time and place of large-scale deratization are usually warned in advance.

We learned how dangerous rat poison is for dogs, and what can be done if the pet has been poisoned by this substance. Poison for rats can not only adversely affect the health and well-being of the dog, but also bring the animal to death. To protect your dog from poisoning, take precautions when walking, and immediately take your pet to the clinic at the first sign of intoxication.

Rat poisoning in dogs is very dangerous. It can lead to the rapid death of the animal. In this article, we looked at what to do if a dog ate rat poison, the main causes and clinical manifestations of this poisoning, ways to treat and prevent it.

Causes of poisoning

By itself, rat poison has a pronounced unpleasant odor. But manufacturers of rodent poison give it an enticing meaty flavor that can attract not only rats and mice, but also dogs.

A dog can eat the poison itself, or a rodent that was previously poisoned by it. In both cases, the poison enters the dog's body and is absorbed into the bloodstream through the gastric mucosa.

Rat poison can be specially laid out to kill dogs; not only the homeless, but also domestic animals suffer from this.

How does rat poison affect a dog's body?

If a dog has eaten poison, or a poisoned rodent, severe pathological changes begin to occur in her body. Most of the poisons that are released to kill rats affect all systems of the animal's body, and lead to an agonizing death.

Below are the main components that can be found in rat poison, and the features of their effect on the dog's body are considered:

  • Rodenticides (anticoagulants) - these substances, entering the body of an animal, affect blood clotting. They contribute to the development of massive internal bleeding, can cause hemorrhagic stroke.
  • Rat is one of the most dangerous poisons for a dog's body. It leads to damage to the central nervous system, the development of pulmonary edema, acute heart failure.
  • Zinc phosphide - affects the functioning of the digestive and nervous systems.

Please note that a very small amount of a poisonous substance (a few mg) is required for a dog to be poisoned.

The main clinical signs of rat poisoning in dogs

When poisoned with rat poison, dogs may develop symptoms within the first few hours. The exception is rodenticides. When using them, the first clinical signs may appear after a few days.

Remember that puppies are more sensitive to mouse poison and develop symptoms much faster. The lethal dose of poison for a puppy is less than for an adult dog.

If a dog has eaten a poisoned mouse, the time to onset of symptoms may be slightly longer.

The table below shows the main symptoms of rat poisoning, depending on the active substance:

The name of the poison Main symptoms
  • Bleeding from the nose is the first sign that develops when a dog is poisoned with anticoagulants.
  • Vomiting black and liquid dark feces (melena) are signs of gastrointestinal bleeding. The black color is due to the reaction of the cut with the hydrochloric acid of the stomach. Oxidized, the blood coagulates, and acquires such a color.
  • Redness of the whites of the eyes indicates increased intraocular pressure.
  • Pink urine - this symptom means kidney damage.
  • Foamy blood released when coughing means the development of intrapulmonary bleeding.
  • Impaired consciousness, partial or complete paralysis of the animal, tongue protrusion is a symptom of a hemorrhagic stroke (bleeding in the brain tissue).
  • Profuse vomiting.
  • Cough and shortness of breath are symptoms of pulmonary edema.
  • Weak pulse.
  • The complete absence of urine indicates the development of acute renal failure.
  • Strong thirst. The animal begins to drink much more than usual.
  • Lethargy and general weakness. The dog constantly lies, does not play.
  • Lack of appetite.
  • Staggering while walking. The owners notice a lack of coordination in the movement of their pet.
  • Profuse diarrhea and vomiting.
  • Convulsions all over the body.
  • Violation of consciousness.

First aid

If your pet has ingested mouse poison, it should be treated by a veterinarian. When the first symptoms of intoxication appear, take the animal to the veterinarian. If for some reason you cannot do this right away (you are outside the city, there is no round-the-clock veterinary clinic nearby), start helping him on your own. Your actions will help the dog survive to the vet.

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Please note that it is dangerous to give a dog strong drugs without a prescription from a veterinarian. The dosage for an animal is different from the human one. Also, you will not know what chemical reaction the poison and the drug will enter into.

First aid for dog poisoning consists of the following:


At the first signs of poisoning, remove the bowl of food from the dog. The digestive system needs rest. You can start eating after the permission of the veterinarian.

Gastric lavage

Rinse your dog's stomach. To do this, you will need a 20 ml syringe. Inject water into the animal's mouth, and press the root of the tongue to induce vomiting. For puppies and small dogs, pour 20 ml of water each, medium - 40 ml, large - 60-80 ml. Do not add any medicines, herbal decoctions or potassium permanganate to the water. For gastric lavage, plain water at room temperature is suitable.

Remember that potassium permanganate, even in small concentrations, can cause burns and intoxication of the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach in an animal. Now this substance is prohibited, but still many people have it in their first-aid kit.

Bowel cleansing

Do a bowel lavage with an enema. For washing, take a children's enema pear, with a volume of 50-100 ml. Fill the enema with plain room temperature water and inject it into the dog's rectum. Then, wait until she goes to the toilet and repeat this procedure a few more times.

When conducting an enema, dogs may have a problem - an animal that is used to defecate on the street will hold back after an enema and ask for a walk. In this case, you will have to take out, or take out (with pronounced weakness) the dog into the yard.


Sorbents are substances that bind and remove poisons and toxins from the body.

Let the dog drink the sorbent. Everyone has Activated Charcoal in their first aid kit. Calculate its dosage for an animal in the same way as for a person: 1 tablet per ten kg of weight. For example, if its weight is 5 kg, you will need half a tablet, and if it is 50 kg, 5 tablets. Do not be afraid to slightly exceed its amount, it is better to let the pet drink a little more sorbent than less. For example, if the weight of the animal is 17 kg, give him 2 tablets.

Getting a dog to swallow a pill is not easy. It is best to grind the required amount of activated carbon and dilute it in 10-15 ml of water. Enter this solution into her mouth through a syringe. If she spit out the medicine, try again.

If you have a veterinary sorbent at home, and you know the rules for dosing it, you can use it.

Plentiful drink

Watering the dog is necessary to make up for the loss of water that occurred during vomiting and diarrhea, and to relieve intoxication of the body.

The animal should be fed with ordinary non-carbonated water. The dog needs to pour 10 ml of water into the mouth every 10 minutes (if the dog is very tiny - 5 ml).

Please note that if your dog is poisoned by rodenticides, it is forbidden to wash the stomach and intestines. This can increase internal bleeding. Transfer the dog to fasting, drink and give her sorbents.

What does veterinary treatment consist of?

The veterinarian will first examine the animal and measure its vital signs (pulse, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, body temperature). Owners should tell the doctor about what happened to the dog: when it happened, what symptoms appeared first, what first aid was given to the dog.

In case of poisoning with rodenticides, their antidote, vitamin K, is introduced. In all other cases, the treatment is symptomatic, and aimed at removing the poison from the body, replenishing water and electrolyte losses, and treating complications from the internal organs. It may consist of the following groups of drugs:

  • sorbents;
  • saline laxatives;
  • enzymes;
  • painkillers;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • corticosteroids;
  • heart drugs;
  • diuretics;
  • solutions for intravenous rehydration;
  • antibiotics.

If your animal is in serious condition, it will be left for a few days in a hospital. If the dog is stable, the doctor will explain what to do and tell you when to come to him for injections, drips and examination.

Animal examination

To identify complications from the internal organs and systems, the veterinarian may prescribe a number of laboratory and instrumental examinations:

  • A general blood test will help identify hemolysis of red blood cells, anemia.
  • A general urinalysis is necessary to diagnose kidney damage.
  • A biochemical blood test is performed to determine the performance of the pancreas, liver and kidneys.
  • Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the internal organs can help identify acute damage to them.
  • ECG, echocardiography is indicated in the development of heart failure.
  • X-ray of the head - if hemorrhagic stroke is suspected.

The veterinary clinic may not have sufficient equipment to carry out these tests, and you will be sent to another veterinary clinic to complete the diagnosis.

Prevention of poisoning

Rat poisoning in dogs is often fatal. It is much easier to avoid your pet's contact with this poison. Below are tips to help you with this:

  • Walk your dog on a leash and muzzle. So you will be sure that your pet will not pick up anything from the ground.
  • From an early age, teach your dog that eating something off the ground is forbidden.
  • If deratization (destruction of rodents) is planned in the room where you live, take the dog for a while to another house (to relatives, friends, or leave it for a boarding house in a veterinary clinic).
  • In the village, forbid the dog to run around barns, cellars, chicken coops. There she can find a dead, poisoned mouse.

Poisoning with rat poison in dogs leads to severe disorders in the internal organs of the animal and, in the absence of medical assistance, to death. At the first signs of poisoning, take your pet to a veterinary clinic. There he will be given first aid, examined and prescribed treatment.

“Massively poison dogs!” - such statements come from the lips of environmentalists. And methods for bullying are sometimes chosen very different. Often, even poison against rats is used. Eating pure poison is rare. After all, the bait itself is quite unattractive for the beast.

The risk of poisoning with such a substance increases many times when it comes to special baits based on meat. Deterioration is observed if the animal eats the carcasses of rodents - among them may already be poisoned.

We are talking about a special substance that is massively applicable to the fight against rodents. Grain-based baits are made from it; there are pastes, granules and powder. Such products are called rodenticides.

There are 2 main groups of elements:

  • components with acute mechanism of action;
  • funds from chronic influence.

Today, only elements of the second group are on sale. The reason is that only they are considered relatively safe for the human body.

Such connections include:

  • flocumafen;
  • ethylphenacin;
  • ratsid;
  • phosphides.

Symptoms will depend on the rodenticide group.

The effect of poison on the body of dogs

The effect of poison directly depends on the type of toxin that it contains. Harmful elements are:

  1. Flocumafen- refers to the anticoagulant elements of the initial series. This also includes warfarin, which is considered a common component of modern baits. The influence is based on a failure in the synthesis of vitamin K. Dogs have species sensitivity to the element.
  2. Ethylphenacin. The action is similar. These poisons are able to accumulate in the body, their elimination period is longer, they act much more strongly.
  3. Rat. The element is used infrequently, due to toxicity. Causes pulmonary edema.
  4. Zinc Phosphide- toxic, used under the supervision of specialists. Death comes within minutes.

If a dog has eaten rat poison with anticoagulants, then the effect of the toxin will not appear immediately, but after 3–5 days. This is due to the presence of some reserves of vitamin K in the body.

The defeat is often due to the inexperience of young individuals, which often eat everything bright and interesting. Therefore, it turns out that the poisoning occurs by chance, because the poison was not intended for them.

It is much sadder when the poison is deliberately planted in order to take revenge on the owners of the 4-legged. In confirmation of this - a video, which is called "Terrible Revenge". Not so long ago, the news showed a terrible story of the painful death of thoroughbred dogs. It turns out that they were poisoned by the neighbors to the evil of the owners. Some of the animals died immediately, for the same pet people fought for the third day, following all medical recommendations. Details can be found in the video:

Signs and symptoms of poisoning

"How to help a friend?" - a similar question is asked by many. In order to determine the nature of the disease, it is important to know the features of the poisoning clinic. So, in case of poisoning with rat poison of an anticoagulant plan, the dog will experience:

  • severe malaise;
  • dyspnea;
  • bleeding;
  • anorexia.

In more severe cases, bleeding from the intestine will certainly begin, there will be bloody impurities in the urine. Subcutaneous hemorrhages will be noticeable, a strong cough is possible.

Phosphide for baiting rodents are used infrequently. But if the substance still enters the body of the dog, it will begin:

  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • thirst.

Clinic of poisoning ratsid includes:

  • labored breathing;
  • weak pulse;
  • convulsions.

The first signs of trouble will appear in first hours.

First aid for a dog with poisoning

The animal can be saved. According to statistics, after eating such a poisoned element, the outcome is quite favorable. At first, immediately after the hit, it is necessary to provide first aid as soon as possible. It includes:

  • inducing a gag reflex;
  • washing the gastric tract with a weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  • adsorbent therapy (give the animal Polysorb, Enterosorb);
  • laxative treatment (often give saline laxatives).

Before the arrival of the veterinarian, it is advisable to drink the dog with mucous decoctions. Flax decoction is perfect, you can replace it with rice or oatmeal.

Specialists alternative medicine confidently point to healing properties vodka against toxic elements. So, it is enough to give a teaspoon of alcohol three times a day for several days - and the symptoms of the disease will recede.

This is the right help. But there is a list of procedures that are highly discouraged. Among them:

  • inducing vomiting if the poisoning was more than 4 hours ago (the poison has long been in the intestines by this time);
  • it is forbidden to provoke vomiting in the presence of a bright clinic of failures of nervous regulation (such as convulsions, paresis);
  • it is forbidden to feed the victim with milk, eggs (for some types of poisoning, such products only accelerate the entry of the element into the blood).

Antivenom elements

If the animal is affected by anticoagulant elements, the only true salvation is the urgent administration of vitamin K1 - phytomenadione, which must be administered subcutaneously. The dosage depends entirely on the weight of the animal.

There is no specific antidote for ratsid. To save the victim, intensive drinking with tannin is practiced. A similar element specifically binds all the toxins in the stomach.

To save a poisoned rat, it will be necessary to immediately drink the victim with copper sulphate or soda.

In such a situation, it is extremely important to provide qualified assistance to the poisoned person in time. It is important to identify the type of poison, to distinguish poisoning from hematological ailments. Only an experienced doctor is able to make a final diagnosis and prescribe an adequate, complex therapy.

Often, with the defeat of blood elements, doctors prescribe complex therapy. It includes:

  1. Long course intake of vitamin preparations with K1. The duration is sometimes up to 5 weeks. It all depends on the severity of the condition, the data of objective examination methods and laboratory blood parameters.
  2. During the first hours after poisoning, it is desirable to conduct a blood transfusion. In difficult situations, a transfusion is a must for a dog. The technique allows you to restore the concentration of erythrocytes, to compensate for the deficiency of coagulation factors.
  3. We must not forget about symptomatic therapy: the victims are always prescribed anticonvulsant, cardiac drugs. If necessary, add hepatoprotectors, diuretics and sorbents. The complex of medicines is always selected individually - it all depends on the complexity of the condition and the body's response to therapy.

first aid kit

Specialists have developed a special list of drugs that should be in the house of every dog ​​breeder. Such items and medicines will make the owner of a 4-legged friend fully prepared for first aid in case of poisoning. This list included:

  • 3% peroxide solution;
  • a set of syringes of different sizes that are intended for washing the eyes;
  • rubber pear, necessary for cleansing the mouth;
  • several packages of activated carbon;
  • thermometer;
  • numbers of veterinarians, emergency care for 4-paws.

Prevention of poisoning in dogs

How to protect your pet from tragedy? Dog poisoning is always preventable. If there is poison at home, it is important to hide it in hard-to-reach places. All rooms with baits should be tightly closed so that curious animals do not have access to them.

For use, gloves, overalls, a respirator or a mask are required. It is strictly forbidden for other animals to be nearby during the persecution, it is impossible to allow them to drink or eat next to the persecution.

It is important to put the corpses of all poisoned rodents in separate bags and bury them deep so that curious dogs cannot dig them out.

If harmful elements get on the skin or fur of the animal, it is important to immediately rinse them with water in sufficient quantities. At the slightest sign of health problems or if poison is suspected, one cannot do without consulting a specialist. This is the only way to protect your pet from possible serious consequences. After all, timely assistance is at least 50% of the success of therapy. It is the responsibility of the owner to carefully monitor the pet on walks, monitor its health and well-being. Only in this way is it possible to spot something wrong in a timely manner.

Poisoning is a dangerous condition that is important to identify and treat in time. Everything depends entirely on the concentration and type of toxic element. The action of the element can often be noticed only after a couple of days. Therefore, only timely detection of health problems guarantees successful healing. Preparing for the worst often leads to the best possible outcome—that your pet will always be healthy and happy.

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