Diary of summer teaching practice in the camp. Is summer work (practice) legal at school? Concerning summer labor practice at school. Is it mandatory or not


State educational autonomous institution

secondary vocational education

Amur Pedagogical College

Branch No. 1



"Summer practise"

Blagoveshchensk 20 15 / 2015 G.

Just one camp shift, only 21 days. And for the guys - a whole life, and for counselors - an era. The era of knowledge, testing, approval. Knowledge of childhood and communication with it, testing yourself and your skills, your responsibility and your love for children

The diary is the main pedagogical reporting document for the counselor. Each counselor must keep a diary, the form of which is attached.

The pedagogical council of the children's health camp sets itself the main task - the improvement of children. To accomplish this task, each counselor studies the contingent of children in his squad, their personal and medical data; outlines the forms and methods of educational influence.

Having chosen the asset of the detachment, the counselor develops a long-term plan for the preparation and conduct of both detachment affairs and the general camp. In addition, a work plan for the detachment for each day is drawn up. At the end of the day, the counselor should analyze its implementation, paying attention to the relationship of children to the events lived together. Evaluate the activity of children, noting its positive and negative aspects.

In a pedagogical diary, it is necessary to reflect in an interesting and competent way the behavior of children in a team, their interaction with each other, their attitude towards the counselor, towards the teacher.

The purpose of the practice "Organization of summer holidays for children":improving the professional competencies of students in the process of organizing social and pedagogical activities in a children's team of different ages during the summer health campaign.


To study the features of children's adaptation to the conditions of a summer health camp;

Establish pedagogical, expedient relationships with children, parents and colleagues;

To consolidate students' skills in organizing the lives of children and adolescents in a summer health camp;

To develop in students the initiative and the ability of creative self-realization in various types of pedagogical activity.

Responsibilities of the counselor during the summer practice:

  • obey the internal rules of the order of the DOL;
  • constantly be with children and be responsible for their life and health;
  • attend teacher's councils and planning meetings;
  • improve pedagogical skills in the conditions of children's summer holidays;
  • to carry out creative and expedient pedagogical work with children and to fully organize the entire life of the children's team;
  • keep a pedagogical diary in a timely and accurate manner and provide all required reporting on practice.

Leader's rights:

  • take an active part in the activities of the teaching staff of the camp;
  • have a day off for every 6 days;
  • seek help from the administration of your educational institution;
  • get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the DOL regarding its activities.
  • submit proposals for the management of the camp to improve the activities of the camp and improve the methods of work, on issues within its competence; make proposals to eliminate the shortcomings in the activities of the camp.
  • request personally or on behalf of the management from the specialists of the institution information or documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

3rd year student information page

Student (ka) Kruglova Tatyana Evgenievna

Speciality 44.02.02 Teaching in elementary grades


Study Group 132

Place of internshipCountry Wellness

Camp "Spark"

Ogonyok Olympic Reserves_________

(shift name)

Practice leaderBurlakov Henrietta Nikolaevna

Camp director Plashinova Irina Semyonovna

Deputy directors

senior counselor Volkova Svetlana Alexandrovna

senior caregiverDolgopolova Natalya Viktorovna

medical workerUstyugova Tatyana Viktorovna

Gym teacher Popova Ludmila Alekseevna

Additional teachers educationChernikova Elena Vladimirovna, Malysheva Natalia Sergeevna, Kukhovar Svetlana Yurievna. Mordvinova Alevtina Vladimirovna

Detachment USSR-Union of the most athletic guys

Squad motto Our strength is in our friendship, we will come to victory together, we need one luck only this way and not otherwise.

Team leaderArtemova Ekaterina Andreevna

Squad Composition

No. p / p

Full name of the child

the date



Individual characteristics

Kovalyov Ivan Viktorovich


Deputy squad leader.

Responsible, responsive, active.

Efremov Maxim Alekseevich


Responsible for the cultural sector

Active, artistic, sociable, responsible

Makarov Mikhail Romanovich


Active, responsive.

Morgunov Viktor Nikolaevich


Squad captain

Responsible, active, sociable, sociable.

Borodin Valentin Vyacheslavovich


Athletic, active, responsive.

Sivaev Andrey Yurievich


Responsible for the sports sector.

Active, athletic, sociable, sociable.

Volkov Konstantin Alexandrovich


Active, sporty, responsive.

Ustyugova Alexandra Dmitrievna


cultural sector.

Active, artistic, responsible, sociable.

Volkova Anastasia Evgenievna


Active, sociable.

Tarabrina Alena Vyacheslavovna


Sociable, active, responsible.

Sheremet Anastasia Alekseevna


Active, sociable, sociable.

Vasilenko Polina Yurievna


Melnikova Alina Sergeevna


Active, sociable.

Granina Polina Alekseevna


Responsible for the information sector.

Active, creative, responsible.

Smirnova Sofia Vyacheslavovna



Dolgopolova Arina Andreevna


Active, sociable.

Kalinina Uliana Nikolaevna


Athletic, responsible, active, artistic.

Pavlova Ekaterina Mikhailovna


Active, sociable.

Kruglova Galina Evgenievna


Athletic, responsible, active, artistic.

Davydova Anna Andreevna


Athletic, responsible, active, artistic.

Konyukhova Violetta Sergeevna


responsible, active, artistic.

Shestovets Veronika Vadimovna


responsible, active, artistic.

Krivovizyuk Elizaveta Sergeevna


responsible, active, artistic.


The events were held in a sports theme, alternating with intellectual ones. Taking into account the age characteristics of children and their interests.

day, date


squad form


Squad light


"Spark of acquaintance"

Dating games.

Excursion, conversation.

Acquaintance of children with each other, with the teacher and counselor. Acquaintance with the camp, its charter and laws.


Games for acquaintance and rallying. Formation of a detachment corner.

Cohesion of the detachment, the creation of a detachment spirit.

Discussion of the event, putting forward proposals, analysis of mistakes and failures.


Solar quiz.

Outdoor games.

Expand knowledge about the structure of the solar system.

Discussion of the event, putting forward proposals, analysis of mistakes and failures.


Fun starts.

The development of physical qualities as speed, agility, flexibility, etc.

Discussion of the event, putting forward proposals, analysis of mistakes and failures.


Game "Crocodile"

Development of communication skills, imagination, creative abilities.

Discussion of the event, putting forward proposals, analysis of mistakes and failures.


Quiz "The most, the most, the most .."

Learn about the most interesting facts about animals, etc.

Discussion of the event, putting forward proposals, analysis of mistakes and failures.


"In Search of Treasure"

Station running, orienteering.

Discussion of the event, putting forward proposals, analysis of mistakes and failures.


"Super Chairman of the Right Committee"

With the help of the competitive program, choose the most active, responsible, athletic girl in the squad.

Discussion of the event, putting forward proposals, analysis of mistakes and failures.


"Color Quiz"

An entertaining quiz on the knowledge of colors.

Discussion of the event, putting forward proposals, analysis of mistakes and failures.


"Pantomime Competition"

Acting development.

Discussion of the event, putting forward proposals, analysis of mistakes and failures.


"I believe - I do not believe"

Development of intellectual abilities.

Discussion of the event, putting forward proposals, analysis of mistakes and failures.


"Funny Riddles"

With the help of staging, show the given situation, the development of logical and creative thinking.

Discussion of the event, putting forward proposals, analysis of mistakes and failures.


"Fruit and berry quiz"

Expand knowledge about plants.

Discussion of the event, putting forward proposals, analysis of mistakes and failures.


"Pink Ribbon"

Development of physical qualities.

Discussion of the event, putting forward proposals, analysis of mistakes and failures.


"Disney Quiz"

It is proposed to guess a fragment of the cartoon, answer musical questions, stimulate their cognitive activity.

Discussion of the event, putting forward proposals, analysis of mistakes and failures.



Develop the ability to navigate the terrain with the help of index notes.

Discussion of the event, putting forward proposals, analysis of mistakes and failures.


"Our transformations"

Development of creative skills.

Discussion of the event, putting forward proposals, analysis of mistakes and failures.


"Cossacks - robbers"

Development of physical qualities, mutual assistance.

Discussion of the event, putting forward proposals, analysis of mistakes and failures.


"Our records"

In a competitive form, identify the champions of the detachment in various nominations.

Discussion of the event, putting forward proposals, analysis of mistakes and failures.


"Around Sports"

To introduce children to various sports, to instill a love for sports.

Discussion of the event, putting forward proposals, analysis of mistakes and failures.


"Letter to the Future"

The development of creative thinking, fantasy.

Discussion of the event, putting forward proposals, analysis of mistakes and failures.



A business






Morning hygiene. Hull cleaning.




Squad event.


Classes in circles.


Swimming pool.


Rehearsal time.


Olympic Games.




Sleep hour.


afternoon tea.


Rehearsal time.


Community event.




Free time.


Squad light.


Bath time.






Hang up.



the date



S, L


S, L



the date



S, L


S, L



the date



S, L


30 "When the soldiers sing"; competitive.

To what extent are the planned educational goals and objectives implemented?

The goals and objectives were fully realized.An active life position was formed among the children. Such qualities as citizenship, patriotism, and spiritual and moral values ​​developed.

The degree of participation of children in the preparation, implementation of the planned event

The guys took an active part in the preparation of the reporting case, prepared costumes for the performance, decorated the stage for the event, and came up with their own number for the performance.


During the preparation, there were no difficulties.

in preparation

at the stage of implementation, maintenance

at the stage of debriefing, presentation of results

Successes and results:

Goals and objectives have been achieved.

Most successful stage, fragment

The most significant result

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A diary

summer practice

students of 3 "D" group of the military-industrial complex

Artyushina Larisa.

Information corner

Name: MOU "Secondary school No. 26"

Phone: 51-26-00

Director: Khvatov Anatoly Konstantinovich

Head of the camp: Kuvaeva Lidia Evgenievna

employee: Slavnova Irina Genadievna
Fizruk: Larionova Ekaterina Vasilievna
Date of practice: 06/02/2005 - 06/28/2005
Detachment No. 4 "Gang"
Motto: There are a lot of good people in our squad
Girls and boys, brave and adults.
Together - we are force! Together we are a team!
Because we are a gang!
List of children:
Last name, first name.

Date of Birth.

Address, phone.

Anisimov Oleg
Pankratova 66B-90 t. 52-24-37
Ganicheva Anya
Pankratova 66A-55 t. 51-33-47
Drobov Ivan

Ilyushin 8 - 66

Zatalueva Zhanna

Preobrazhensky 51-32

Klyukin Kolya

Pankratova 75A - 39

Kukina Anita
Pankratova 66B-51
Lyapin Egor
Last name, first name.

Date of Birth.

Address, phone.

Markus Artem
Petina, 4 - 32,
Pazgalov Daniel
Yuzhakova, 78 - 33
Potashnikova Katya
Yuzhakova, 80 - 60
Rogozin Vladislav

Ilyushina 2-132

Semekhin Ivan
Yuzhakova 61 - 55
Stoyushko Ksyusha

1 md. PZ-23, 1 - 27

Hobotova Anya
1 md. PZ-23 9-33
Cherkasova Maria

End lane one

Last name, first name.

Date of Birth.

Address, phone.

Chubykina Yana
Ilyushina, 9-69
Shimina Nastya

Pankratova 73A-19

Shubeikina Irina

Ilyushina 7 - 2 t. 53-30-49

Full name of parents.

Place of work of parents


Anisimov Yu.L.
Ganicheva T.F.

OJSC ZHBIiK "Vologdastroy"


Drobova M.A.
Region hospital,

A computer

Zatalueva T.A.
IFIS Russia#1
Klyukina G.V.

Special school

Kukina E.B.
IFIS Russia#1
Lyapina E.V.

28th division communications, Ilyushina, 4

Full name of parents.

Place of work

Markus I.V.

VOMZ, beginning legal department t.53-17-01

Pazgalova E.V.

D / s No. 90 t. 53-57-20

Potashnikova E.V.

TsUM, Deputy directors

Rogozina N.V.

A computer

Semekhin S.A.

LLC "Intercom" Poshekhonskoe shosse 18

Braslavskaya M.M.

Medical 26


cutout. from paper

Khobotova T.V.

LLC "Universaltorg" Leningradskaya 85

Suvorova E.A.

Full name of parents.

Place of work

Chubykina O.V.

Kostroma 4 M-n "Maxi" t. 53-05-24

Music, singing

Shimina E.V.

School No. 26 t. 51-26-00


Shubeikina A.M.
Tax office
Camp grid plan

Opening of the camp, examination by a doctor.

10 30 film "Salute"

12 00 Pool


11 30 Youth Theater "Emelino happiness"

Recreation, outdoor games

10 30 Pool

10 00 film "Lenkom"

"Knight Tournament"

14 00 Swimming pool

14 00 Swimming pool

holiday weekend

11 00 Youth Theater "Annie from the Green Hills"

11 00 Philharmonic

"Come on, girls!"

12 00 Pool

12 00 Pool

Teremok "Elephant"

Fire Department

10 30 Pool

12 00 Pool

Fire Department

Military chalk drawing competition

Game "Search for treasure"

Fun starts

14 00 Festive disco with contests

Camp closing


9 00 - Ruler, charging

9 30 - Breakfast

10 00 - Events, games

13 00 - Lunch

13 30 - Outdoor games

15 00 - High tea

16 00 - Ruler

Morning: In the morning there was a solemn line of the opening of the camp, at which I met the educators, counselors and children. After breakfast, I held games and activities in my squad to get to know the children. And although all the children (and counselors) study at the same school and know each other, it turned out to be not useless, as leaders and ringleaders emerged, children from different classes got to know each other better and rallied into interest groups. At first, the children were hardly involved in the games, especially the boys, but then they got involved and began to offer their games. It seems to me that the children liked the games I suggested, and I found out what games the children themselves like.

Day: After lunch, 10th grade students held a pre-prepared event with contests and sweet prizes. I encouraged children to participate in competitions and participated with them. Some contests were very interesting, I think I will use them in the future.

Results of the day: The first day was unexpectedly easy and fun. The children quickly became attached to me and did everything that I offered them. I managed to make friends with the squad and have fun with them.

Morning: After breakfast, all four detachments gathered in the courtyard to go to the Salyut cinema. I made sure that on the way the children did not run away anywhere and did not stop at the stalls, and also did not indulge in the bus.

Before dinner, the attendants of each detachment go to the dining room to set the tables. My task is to make sure that the attendants cover everyone, that everyone gets to the dining room, and does not indulge during lunch. Usually there were no problems with girls, but boys need an eye and an eye.

Afternoon: The boys went to the stadium to play football, and I taught the girls a new game "Labyrinth". To my great surprise, the girls of both my detachment and those who joined us in the yard liked this game very much. For the next ten days we played it for two or three hours a day.

Results of the day: I made a discovery for myself that children like not only outdoor games. They are drawn into a new game with passion and can play for a long time (I'm already tired, but they still want to continue).

Morning: I prepared an intellectual quiz for my squad, which contained riddles, puzzles, fun math problems and questions from various fields of knowledge. The boys, with some exceptions, did not show much interest, so the competition between boys and girls did not work out, but the boys did some tasks willingly and in the end everyone took part in the quiz. Zhanna Zataluyeva won the first place and the title of "The smartest" in the individual championship.

Day: After lunch, board games, balls, badminton were brought to the camp and given out, and the detachment and I went to play "Hot Potato", "Bouncer" and something similar to beach volleyball, the instigators of which were the boys of the 4th and 3rd detachments (on the street often children from different groups united).

Summary of the day: The day was fun and lively. The detachment proved to be a close-knit team, taking part in all games together. Some difficulties in preparing the quiz were caused by my lack of awareness of the level of knowledge of children, because. in our specialty, they do not introduce the elementary school curriculum.

Morning: A trip to the Youth Theater for the play "Emelino's happiness".

It turned out that children love cinema more than theater. Today they talked and made more noise, more often I had to call them to order.

Afternoon: The children taught me to play some rather strange games, in my opinion, such as: "Bullet, mine, bomb", "Invalid", "Family" and others. So before lunch, I explored children's interests by playing their favorite games with them. I also had to be a reconciling party, because children often quarrel over trifles, cannot divide roles in the game and decide who is right and who is wrong.

Summary of the day: This day was interesting for the children and educational for me. I found out what games children like and can use in the future.June 8

Morning: Hike to the pool "Laguna"

Day: Exit by the whole camp to nature in the park near the Vityaz stadium. The children took with them everything they needed for a picnic, balls, badminton, crayons, and spent the whole day in the park. I and other counselors held joint games of children so that no one was bored, for example: one group plays with a ball, another in some kind of outdoor game, and in the third they tell funny stories or jokes. Any child can join one of the groups or something else alone or together.

Summary of the day: Using the novelty of the environment, it was possible to involve all children in joint activities, even those who usually prefer to play quietly alone. Apparently, ponds, acacia thickets, grass bedspreads and sandwiches have a positive effect on the mood of children (association with a family picnic). In this regard, country camps win - it is still more pleasant to frolic in nature than at school.

Morning: A trip to the cinema "Lenkom" to the cartoon "Madagascar". The only film that the children liked, because they were very calm and carefully watched the cartoon.

Afternoon: Musical hour - lesson with a music worker.

Summary of the day: Today I frankly messed around, all the activities were carried out by others, and I only took the children from one place to another. June 10th

Morning: Competition for boys "Knight's Tournament". He allowed the boys to express themselves from different sides. Young knights competed in intelligence, strength, agility, and the ability to take care of girls. The competitions were quite fun, but the premises were not quite suitable. The audience in the hall could not see what was happening on the stage, so they were noisy, and the participants could not hear because of them, so they did not understand the conditions. In general, the competition was somewhat crumpled.

Day: Hike to the pool "Laguna". On the way, everyone who had mobile phones hurried to deposit them with me, so for an hour I walked all hung with mobile phones.

Results of the day: I tried to make the competitions fun and interesting for children, and in general I succeeded. But I did not take into account that in the 4th squad the boys are older and stronger than in all the others, so the competition turned out to be obviously not equal. This could have been avoided if I myself had appointed the participants from the 4th detachment, but then it did not occur to me. If I still have to hold such events, I will try to take this into account. June 11

A trip to the Youth Theater for the play "Annie from the Green Hills". This time the children behaved more calmly, maybe they liked the performance more.

Day: I spent a circle of choreography with the children. I learned with them the simplest dances like those that we were given at the instruction. The children learned two simple dances and just had a good time and danced.

Summary of the day: The children showed a small impromptu concert of what we learned during the day, for which they received universal praise and were very proud of themselves. I, in turn, tried myself as a choreographer and I think that I chose the right profession. I even regretted a little that I went to practice as a counselor, and not as a choreographer. For me it would be much easier. June 15

Morning: Hike to the Philharmonic. I only brought the children to the Philharmonic and took them from there, but I didn’t go to the concert with them.

Day: The whole detachment began to play cards en masse. They gather in large circles around the tables and “cut themselves into a fool” into two decks. So I even organized a kind of tournament out of it.

Summary of the day: The day went very smoothly. For the first time, the kids didn't drag me outside and make me run, jump, and play ball. Between games, we exchanged phone numbers, and, which was very surprising and pleasant, the children asked me for an autograph as a keepsake.

Morning: Dodgeball game between 3rd and 4th squads. Increasingly, two or more squads are teaming up in outdoor games.

Day: Competition "Come on, girls!" allowed the girls to express themselves from different sides. The winners were determined in five nominations: the most charming, the most attentive, the most caring, the most accurate, the best hostess. Unfortunately, the competition was held in a large sports hall and the audience could not hear what the participants were saying, and even the presenter (although I almost screamed), so they were not interested and they made even more noise.

Results of the day: I think it was wrong for me to entrust the first competition for the charm of the participants to the judgment of the audience. Children at this age are cruel, they can offend another without hesitation, and their culture of behavior is still not sufficiently developed. As a result, applause went to those who are more popular at school, while others got scanty pats or even howls with negative intonations in their voices.

Morning: Hike to Teremok to the fairy tale "Elephant". I just brought the children to the door and took them out of there, but I didn’t go to the performance with them.

Day: Among the girls held a drawing competition on a free topic. Some got carried away and drew several works, others left to play ball without finishing even one drawing. In any case, the best works were hung on the wall.

Results of the day: The day went smoothly and successfully. Particularly stood out in the drawing competition Nastya Shimina (this is not surprising - she studies at an art school).

Morning: Go to the pool.

In the pool, I made sure that the children didn't splash and squeal too much and that they didn't drown each other, as they like to do, and also that they forgot to take anything.

Afternoon: Taught children to play with several balls at once. It requires a lot of concentration to keep track of who you are throwing and who is throwing at you. The more players and balls the more interesting. The children really liked this game, they didn’t even want to leave for an afternoon snack. It will probably be their favorite pastime for a few days.

Results of the day: The day was interesting and fun, the children bought enough, played enough and also learned a new game. It seems to me that this game is more useful than the ones they have played so far, as it is aimed at developing attention.June 21

Morning: Excursion to the fire station. I just brought the children to the door and took them out of there, but I didn’t go on an excursion with them.

Day: We played beach volleyball with the girls in a circle, then Artem came and began to take the ball away, as a result of which he automatically became a “dog”. All the remaining days he turned any ball game into a “Doggy” and, in principle, both he and the girls liked it.

Results of the day: The day was fun thanks to the efforts of Artem. In general, I noticed that he was the only one from our squad who could easily play with the girls on an equal footing.

Morning: I had a conversation with the children, asked them what they know about the Great Patriotic War, told them about June 22, 1941.

Day: Chalk drawing competition on a military theme. All those wishing to leave their mark were given crayons and a section of the school yard. After the children drew their pictures, the teachers looked at them and chose 1 squad as the winner, assessing the number of drawings and their relevance to the military theme.

Summary of the day: In general, the day went well. It was possible to interest children in the topic of war and direct their energy to common activities in the right direction. True, most of the boys refused to participate in the competition, saying that they were not small enough to draw with crayons. And although the girls and I tried for two, the 4th detachment took only 3rd place in terms of the number of drawings.

Morning: Game "Look for treasure."

The game consists of several stations where children receive clues to help them find the treasure. Stations included power, logic, intellectual, creative competitions. At each station, the children earned points and, depending on their number, received a more or less weighty hint. Also during the day, children could find surprise clues glued under tables and chairs, in games and books.

Afternoon: After lunch, the final stage of the game took place. The 4th detachment was the first to find the treasure, which received its well-deserved prize. The rest of the participants received consolation prizes.

Summary of the day: This day was the busiest day of all. I had to help the children a lot in completing tasks, and also constantly make sure that they did not climb somewhere in search of clues and did not scatter around the territory, and most importantly beyond it. But it was still a lot of fun to watch the zeal with which the children complete the task when a surprise awaits them ahead. I realized that even a training session would be more effective if the children were promised that something interesting was waiting for them at the end.

Morning: Sports competition "Funny starts".

This included competitions in athletics, shooting, jumping. The competition is not built from simple sports, but with entertainment inclusions. First, I held a warm-up for the participants, on which they already earned points. Seven members of each team lined up in four parallel lines and settled in order. In the process of doing the exercises, I called the number, for example, the 4th, and all 4th participants must run around their line and stand in place. Whoever comes first gets 1 point. After the warm-up, the main events began. First there was a relay race with obstacles, then jumps in pairs (the second jumps from the track of the first), and completed by shooting from a toy gun with bullets at a balloon.

Day: After an active morning, the children sat in the classroom and played board games, cards, drew and watched TV.

Summary of the day: This time I took into account the mistakes of past events and corrected them. I myself appointed participants from among those who have not yet participated anywhere and tried to ensure that everyone was about the same age. As a result, the competition was fair and everyone was satisfied that they had fun.

Morning: Played cards and board games.

Afternoon: Festive disco with entertaining contests. Actors were invited with a specially prepared entertainment program with various competitions: music, dance, sports. A game was spontaneously organized for two teams of boys and girls. Of course, friendship won. After that there were dances to the popular music of spring and summer. The only bad thing is that very little - the children just got a taste, and it's all over.

Results of the day: The penultimate day was both sad and cheerful. The children had fun at the disco, and then everyone was presented with gifts on the line. But most of them had to say goodbye for good. So in fact it was already the closing day of the camp.

(Short day)

Morning: On the last day, the offices were cleaned, the detachments handed over to the head of the camp the inventory issued at the beginning of the shift: board games, drawing sets, balls, badminton. The rest of the time they played with one ball for the whole camp.

Results of the day: Only 6 people came from the whole detachment. We cleaned the office together and played until dinner. After dinner, everyone was allowed to go home, and I also collected the necessary information for the diary.

The results of the participation of the detachment in the affairs.

Boys Markus Artem, Rogozin Vladislav, Drobov Ivan won the team competition "Knight's Tournament" and received the title of "1st Knight".

Stoyushko Ksyusha became the “Most Attentive” participant in the contest “Come on, girls!”

In "Merry Starts" the team of the 4th detachment took the 2nd place.

Unfortunately, only the 3rd place. I took the 4th detachment in the competition of drawings on a military theme.

Two drawings by Nastya Shimina appeared on the wall of honor.

Together, the 4th detachment found the "treasure".

Zhanna Zataluyeva won the intellectual quiz.

Final introspection

In general, the practice was successful without failures, but without masterpieces. I believe that I coped with my task: I organized active recreation for children, spent their time with benefit. It was difficult in the sense that they demanded of me to conduct not so much detachment as general camp events. It was hard for me to perform in front of 80 pairs of eyes, because I am shy by nature and do not like to speak in public. And in general, I hardly managed to involve children in various events, all the time I had to step over myself and adjust. Even as a child I did not like mass games, and now it is even more difficult to pretend that they are not interesting to me. But the children definitely want me to participate with them everywhere.

To be honest, I did not like the practice. In general, I have an extremely negative attitude towards children's camps and consider them a waste of time and money, and school camps doubly so. Even as a child, I could not be driven to the camp, and even more so I did not want to work. I do not like it when they tell me when to get up, go to bed, eat, play, what to do and with whom to communicate. That's why I tried not to force anyone to do something.

Actually, it's not all that bad. I liked just talking with children, I learned to find a common language with them, to understand them. I also learned several methods and techniques on how to direct children's activities in the right direction. So the practice was a useful and necessary stage of learning.

Practice has shown that I chose the right profession, because I like to communicate with children, but I never go to the children's camp anymore.

Scenario of the competition "Knight's Tournament"


Today we met to cross our swords in a jousting tournament.

Now the concept of "knight" has disappeared from our daily lives. And who knows who were called knights in the past?

(Listen to the children's answers)

Knight in translation from German is a rider. In the Middle Ages, brave and courageous warriors were called knights, who valued friendship, knew how to keep their word, bowed to the ladies of the heart and dedicated poems to them.

And now we will see if you are real knights. The first obligatory ritual is a knightly oath:

We, knights without fear or reproach, swear to be honest and kind, to be strong and brave, to protect the weak and keep our word! We swear!

Main part:

1. Presentation of the jury.

2. Warm up:

a. Depict how a knight rides a horse, fights with swords.

b. Explain the meaning of the expressions:

Knight without fear and reproach

Cloak and dagger knight

Knight for an hour

3. Competition for strength and perseverance: "Fighting cocks." One participant from each team stands in a circle on one leg, hands behind their backs. Their task is to push the opponent out of the circle or make him stand on both feet.

4. Competition for dexterity "Strongmen". The task of the participants is to blow on the tennis ball from different sides and roll it to the opponent's territory.

5. Endurance contest: who will drink a glass of sparkling water faster.

6. Inviting the lady of the heart to dance: gallantly and politely invite the girl to dance.

7. Auction of skills.


The jury sums up, announces the scores of each team, names the winning team.

All participants receive sweet prizes, followed by a ceremony of awarding the winners with diplomas.

The title of "First Knight" for the victory in the knightly tournament is awarded to Markus Artem

Scenario of the contest "Come on, girls."

Today we will hold a contest with you "Come on, girls."

1. First, the participants should go on stage and introduce themselves, tell a little about themselves. After everyone tells the story, the first contest "the most charming" will begin. Girls walk in a circle, showing their walk, clothes, in general appearance.

2. The second competition will determine the most caring of the contestants. Girls must swaddle the doll.

3. The third competition for attentiveness. Each participant is given a flower cut into pieces, after looking at the sample for a few seconds, they must collect it from memory.

4. The next competition will determine the diligence of the girls: you need to quickly and efficiently sew on a button.

5. The last competition for the title of "best hostess" consists of two parts. First, the girls guess riddles about vegetables, then they virtually cook dishes from them, that is, they choose pieces of paper with vegetables written on them that are needed for a given dish.

The girls give the results of their work to the jury, which will determine who deserved what title.

Medals with the nomination are hung around the neck of the winning girls and gifts are given.

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For example, the children's public organization and the system of self-government at school were revived. Good ideas came back, and they became a highlight.
In the Soviet school, labor practice was also a tradition, which, for all its shortcomings, nevertheless served as one of the ways to improve the quality of education, since through it the principle of connecting education with life was realized, it was a method of patriotic education. Now this tradition has been abolished at the legislative level and forgotten. And the words “school practice”, as a result of extensive discussions, are perceived by the modern generation of parents as a negative imprint of the Soviet past, which made no sense.
However, everything was not so clear. For some schoolchildren of the Soviet era, summer school practice was indeed an unpleasant necessity. But for some, this activity was fascinating - informal communication with classmates, satisfaction from joint activities, in the end, meaningful fulfillment of duty. Yes, and the goals of labor practice were quite reasonable: environmental and labor education of students, instilling interest in socially useful activities, fostering citizenship and responsibility ... But labor practice as one of the ways to implement the principle of learning with life remained in the past.
Obviously, the school has changed a lot in the last two decades. However, the fundamental principles: the connection of theory with practice, learning with life, implemented through practice-oriented learning, an activity approach, remain relevant and are put forward as priorities in the implementation of the task of improving the quality of education in a modern school. And if we consider that one of the most important criteria for the quality of education is the ability to apply acquired knowledge to solve practical problems, it may make sense to diversify and improve practice-oriented education based on rethinking old traditions and filling them with new content.
We are not talking about a return to the labor practices of the times of the Soviet school. This should be a different practice - educational, having as its content the development and application of knowledge and methods of activity. Such practice should be professionally oriented, serve to achieve the necessary experience in the profiled direction and help the student to minimize the risk of error in choosing the scope of their abilities.
In our opinion, the other side of the rethinking of the tradition is that such practice should be organized outside the walls of the school. In order for the school not to be “an island isolated from the whole world and from immediate life, to which our children are transported every day vigorous and cheerful, and from where they return tired and lethargic” (G. Kershensteiner), it is necessary to overcome the isolation of the school environment and provide an opportunity schoolchildren deeper penetration into the experience of practical activities.
As the experience of organizing internships for students of profile classes of school No. 2098 has shown, universities and enterprises are willing to cooperate with the school, since their interest in motivated graduates armed with pre-professional skills and qualified specialists has increased. Educational practice for schoolchildren became possible thanks to the interested approach of our social partners who have the resources necessary to carry out educational activities provided for by jointly developed educational programs of practice: Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow Polytechnic University, State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation, Central Research Automobile and Automotive Institute "NAMI", Center for Multimedia Journalism of Moscow State Pedagogical University, Center for Project Creativity START-PRO of the Institute of Additional Education of Moscow State Pedagogical University.
With such approaches, educational practice simply cannot be formal. It really will allow to achieve the transfer of students into reality, in which they will gain experience in applying the knowledge, techniques learned in the learning process, in specific conditions. Children will gain significant social experience in the process of communication and joint activities of students with representatives of different professions, university teachers, students, the possibility of active cognitive activity, mastering pre-professional skills, which will facilitate the process of adaptation to practice-oriented learning conditions in vocational education institutions.
Let's not hide the fact that the first practice at first caused excitement and tension among the schoolchildren. Strangers, unusual surroundings, new formats of classes, in which it was necessary to show the ability to perform non-standard practical tasks, create a product of activity, while demonstrating the skills of generating ideas, setting goals, planning, showing initiative and creativity. Over time, the attitude began to change: interesting, curious, professional, meaningful.
Can such learning practices improve the quality of education? The answer is obvious, provided that the content of the practice is useful and interesting in terms of prospects for future education and life.

Deputy Director of School No. 2098 named after the Hero of the Soviet Union L.M. Dovator, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,
teacher of history and social studies at school No. 2098 named after the Hero of the Soviet Union L.M. Dovator, candidate of pedagogical sciences

Many Russian schools still practice summer work, obliging schoolchildren to come to various events to work for the good of the institution. Often times it takes about two weeks. However, many parents have a question about this event. This is not unreasonable, because such developments were supposed even during the existence of the USSR, which is not relevant at the moment. However, many educational institutions continue to resort to child labour.

Table of contents:

Legislative basis for summer work at school

Based on paragraph 14 of Art. 50 of the Federal Law “On Education”, the involvement of schoolchildren or pupils of organizations involved in their education in labor duties that are not included in the school curriculum is not allowed. A similar rule was in effect on the territory of the USSR until 1992, when it was abolished at the legislative level.


The implementation of summer labor activity on the territory of the school is possible only with the consent of the student and his parents.

The following activities are included in summer practice: cleaning classrooms and the surrounding area of ​​the school, feasible work on land plots related to the school, and so on.

Thus, an educational institution does not have the right to force a student and his official guardians to work, in the case when it is not fixed in the curriculum in the context of practice for the subject.
Practice in a subject can be expressed in the following activities: working with repair equipment, sewing work, putting in order the workplace in the classroom intended for labor lessons, and so on.

At the same time, the school curriculum does not provide for specially allotted hours for working off after the end of the school year. It follows from this that summer practice is a voluntary matter for the student and his parents, who must confirm in writing their consent to the performance of their child's labor duties. It is also important to understand that such training should not contradict the student's medical indicators and comply with all safety standards, according to the professional requirements of training.

What threatens for refusing to take summer practice at school

It is not legal to force you to take a summer internship at a school. Therefore, the punishment for failure to perform this type of activity is also illegal.
This means that in case of refusal to perform certain labor duties, the student and his parents are not in danger.

However, in many educational institutions, the use of the working labor of schoolchildren is still common. The official way to bring the school to a clean state is to hire specialists who will perform the agreed scope of work for the appropriate payment.

Often use such methods of influence to obtain consent to work after the end of the academic year:

  • the threat of not confirming the transition of the child to the next class;
  • the threat of not providing free printed material to the child for a year;
  • the threat to leave the child after class for work. Often they mean cleaning the classrooms in the academic year after the end of the lessons;
  • justification that the child will be in conflict with other classmates who have completed summer practice.

Despite the fact that the requirement for mandatory completion of summer work is illegal, some educational institutions use the following types of manipulations:

  • introduction of a provision on the mandatory occurrence of summer work in the school Charter. However, such an action directly contradicts the law of the Russian Federation "On Education". For this fact alone, you can sue the school;
  • introduction of a provision on the mandatory passage of summer work into the school curriculum. Often, such an event is referred to as biology, arguing this by providing schoolchildren with deeper knowledge about plant growth. However, cleaning classrooms and school grounds cannot be included here;
  • an unpopular method is the creation of special labor detachments from schoolchildren. In this case, payment for the work performed is assumed.

All of these activities are illegal. Nothing should threaten anyone for refusing to take summer work. In the event that pressure is exerted on a student or his parents, they can thoroughly go to court with a complaint against the school and coercion into illegal activities.

Instructions on how not to take summer work at school

In order not to officially undergo an internship in the summer, it is necessary to arm yourself with the Constitution, the Federal Law “On Education”, if available, a certificate that would confirm the ban on the performance of certain works, as well as a statement to the police.

First of all, it is necessary to present to the school a quote from Art. 50, paragraph 14 of the Federal Law "On Education", which states that the involvement of schoolchildren in labor is illegal. Paragraph 16 of the same article also stipulates that all students have the right not to attend any events that are not declared in the school curriculum.

The most effective method of combating coercion to such work will be a reference to laws. If the school administration continues to insist and, more rarely, issues a penalty in the form of a fine or a written reprimand, it is necessary to file a complaint with the police demanding to investigate the forced labor.

Another common way is to resolve the issue with the help of financial assistance from the school. If the administration offers the student's parents this option, they need to clarify where they can get a receipt for payment. The issuance of receipts on this issue is not provided for by school accounting. If the accounting department still issued a certificate of depositing money into the school account, such a document will become the main evidence of the school's illegal actions.

Also, an absolute exemption from summer work will be a certificate of the student's health. In this case, no one has the right to involve him in the work.

Is summer internship legal at school? Are students required to take it? The practice lasts 10 days, 3 hours each. and got the best answer

Answer from Ekaterina Ekaterina[guru]
We tried to do something like that, but we did not go)))
here's another:
Today the situation has changed. Currently, summer labor practice is excluded from the curricula of general education schools. According to the current federal law "On Education", Article 50 - Rights and social protection of students, pupils - says:
14. Engaging students, pupils of civil educational institutions without the consent of students, pupils and their parents (legal representatives) to work not provided for by the educational program is prohibited.
16. Students, pupils of civil educational institutions have the right to free attendance at events not provided for by the curriculum.
Therefore, voluntariness should become a fundamental principle in deciding whether to involve students in work. At the same time, the consent of some students is not enough: the consent of their parents (legal representatives) is necessary. Engaging children to work without their consent and the consent of their parents is forced labor, and by virtue of Ch. 2 tbsp. 37 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, forced labor in the Russian Federation is under the strictest ban. The specified norm of the Constitution of the Russian Federation is based on international law: Art. 8 - forced and compulsory labor is prohibited by the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
Source: don't go anywhere :P

Answer from Îla[guru]
legal. Always has been and always will be.

Answer from Vladimir Sakhnenko[guru]
ten days is not that long. And then in the summer you are bored, but you do it all

Answer from Denis Denis[newbie]
Shit is everything. We have practice in Germany for 3 weeks, 7 hours a day, instead of school. Wherever you want, you can work. I had an internship in the hospital. It was in 9th and 11th grade

Answer from Yergey Moiseich[active]
The ex-Minister of Education of the Russian Federation Vladimir Filippov also said that school summer practice is illegal. He said that any school work without the consent of students and their parents can be positioned as pure arbitrariness of the administration of the educational institution. Moreover, if you turn to any qualified lawyer, he will confirm the above words that such obligations simply contradict the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Therefore, absolutely any student can not worry and refuse such training. Thus, summer school practice cannot be compulsory (if it is not provided for by the educational program) and is a voluntary affair of parents and their children.

Answer from Yaisiya Konovalova[guru]
But what, is it difficult for a child of 12 to sweep a path or water flowers in a flower bed? Isn't it too early to join the old men?

Answer from Kostya sapado[active]
3 hours is not much. Practice is at school, college, technical school, institute. It is legal.

Answer from OLga Solomon[guru]
At one time, in our school, in the 9th grade, we had car business lessons - as much as 5 hours a week on Tuesdays. We girls were not interested, and we often ran away. Then, in June, a month-long practice in car business began: I had to go to school every day and mess around with all sorts of pieces of iron in the garage. There were guys who did it with pleasure, but I declared a boycott, said: I won’t go! I got a job at a leather factory, worked for a month, earned money. I was given a deuce for practice, but I studied well - without triples. Mom comes from the meeting and says: - you're a loser! BUT nothing, they transferred to the 10th

Answer from Alexander[guru]
forced to work is not legal, only with your consent, but then do not be offended if they underestimate grades, it is also legal

Answer from elvira ilyushina[active]
At our school, too, the practice also lasts in the summer for 1.5 or sometimes 2 hours, 11 days it infuriates but not so much walking, oh, I always go from the 5th grade from June 1 to get off right away
and then 3 months that would not go anywhere

Answer from Nastya Tolkacheva[newbie]
The head teacher of the school told me: You should go to practice because you didn’t go to the summer. In response, I said: how much will you pay for my work, 21st century. people what practice? They have workers, let them clean, that is, they do their direct work. I go to school to get knowledge and not to clean the school grounds!

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