Is there an electronic cigarette. Harm a pair of electronic cigarettes to others. Video: Are electronic cigarettes harmful?

In the modern world, street stands, anti-tobacco advertising, and even cigarette packs themselves warn with their frightening inscriptions. Even though tobacco companies are constantly innovating, such as a special one that traps tar and poisons, or light and super light cigarettes, most non-smokers clearly understand that this is nothing more than a marketing ploy to reassure the tobacco user. Numerous experiments have proven that super light cigarettes and a variety of carbon filters are less dangerous to health only in theory. Alas, all innovations are just a publicity stunt aimed at not losing consumers who are accustomed to tobacco smoke.

Are electronic cigarettes, nicotine candies and

chewable pads?

Almost every smoker tries to quit smoking sooner or later. It should be noted that it is not as terrible as the psychological one. It is not at all excluded that the same tobacco companies are the sponsors of the firms producing nicotine sticks and various nicotine patches. After all, in fact, what difference does it make to sell nicotine in a cigarette roll or, for example, in a chewing plate, and perhaps ordinary lollipops in a bright anti-smoking wrapper. The most important thing is the result - the ringing of coins in the pockets of producers. This is how electronic cigarettes were born. To the question: “Is it harmful to smoke electronic cigarettes?”, - their manufacturers answer that, of course: “No!”.

Are electronic cigarettes harmful?

An electronic cigarette is essentially an inhaler that is powered by a micro battery, with its help, energy is generated, due to which a liquid with nicotine is supplied during inhalation in the form of smoke imitation, which tastes similar to a regular cigarette. The liquid is in a replaceable cartridge, when used, it is possible to adjust the dose of nicotine or completely exclude its supply.

I would like to specifically understand whether it is harmful to smoke electronic cigarettes? When there is no nicotine in an electronic cigarette cartridge, it is completely harmless and does not pose any danger to the human body. What cannot be said with complete certainty about a cigarette with a filled cartridge. The thing is that an electronic cigarette is an uncertified product, therefore, it is impossible to say with accuracy about its harm or benefit. Certification denotes strict standards for the content of certain hazardous substances. Electronic cigarettes have been tested by specialists, but have not passed the full checks and tests of the World Health Organization. And since there is no definite answer to the main question posed by us, I would like to consider all the positive and negative aspects of this device.

Are electronic cigarettes harmful? - NO (positive sides)

1. A moderately effective and good way to quit smoking traditional tobacco by reducing the amount of nicotine and switching to cartridges with its complete absence (as the manufacturers assure).

2. Do not pollute the lungs, as they do not contain resins and combustion products.

3. As such, there is no tobacco smoke, therefore, there is no smell when smoking.

4. A set of cartridges costs about the same as a pack of cigarettes, on average, therefore, smoking electronic cigarettes is no more expensive than regular ones (except for the initial purchase of the device itself).

5. Very convenient: no ashtray required, no fear of coal or ash getting into clothes, no need to litter after smoking.

Are electronic cigarettes harmful? - YES (negative sides)

1. Having quit smoking ordinary tobacco, the habit and psychological dependence will not disappear anywhere, only the subject on which the person will still depend will change.

2. Realizing that this type of smoking is “completely safe”, it is possible that the amount, as well as the duration, of smoking will increase. This will be unjustified, even more money is spent than with traditional smoking.

3. Since no research has been done, there is no guarantee that the liquids are free of harmful impurities.

4. In public places, smoking electronic cigarettes is not prohibited, but it cannot be argued that "artificial smoke" will not irritate others.

5. Since this product is not certified, there may be counterfeits that may pose a risk to human health.

Quitting smoking is quite difficult. Sweets, patches and other means can not always free you from addiction. There is quite a good alternative - electronic cigarettes. But whether they are harmful or not, you need to figure it out.

Principle of operation

This device works on the principle of an inhaler. When a person inhales, the liquid in the cartridge begins to turn into vapor due to a signal that is fed to the built-in microchip. In the process of vaping, the LED at the end of the cigarette turns red, thereby almost completely recreating the visual atmosphere of smoking. The only significant difference between an electronic device and a regular cigarette in terms of operation is that the first one needs to be recharged. One electronic cigarette is on average comparable to a pack of conventional ones in terms of duration of use. Of course, it all depends on the cartridge model.

Dispel the myths

There is a myth that electronic cigarettes cause even more harm to the body than regular ones. Often this is the reason why many do not even try them.

  • But this legend is by no means true, for the simple reason that electronics do not include substances such as butane, cadmium, carbon monoxide, ammonium, or hexamine. All this is found only in ordinary tobacco products, which require lighting. The electronic cigarette contains water, nicotine, glycerin and propylene glycol. It is known that the last two elements are absolutely harmless food additives.
  • An ordinary cigarette emits more than 4,000 harmful substances during the combustion process, contains a huge amount of carcinogens, leaves bad breath, on hands, clothes and hair, and harms not only the smoker, but also those who are close to him. The substances emitted by paper and tobacco have a low density and therefore settle quickly. This increases the risk of oncogenic diseases in everyone who has contact with a smoker.
An electronic cigarette works on the principle of evaporating a liquid that does not contain harmful tar, it does not contain carcinogens, does not leave a smell, and the effect of passive smoking is reduced to zero. The only thing that makes an electronic cigarette and a regular cigarette similar in composition is the presence of nicotine.
  • It is known that, in addition to physical dependence, smoking also causes psychological. And the e-cigarette helps fight both. The purified nicotine in the flavored liquid of the device is used to make it easier for the smoker to endure the physical dependence on tars and carcinogens. The danger posed by nicotine in this case can be compared to the harm from nicotine patches. Visual similarity, which designers have worked long and hard on, is recognized as helping to cope with psychological attachment. As you can see, an electronic cigarette does less harm to the body than a regular one.

Professional opinion

Scientists have conducted studies to objectively answer the question of whether electronic cigarettes are harmful or not. Of course, even an electronic cigarette substitute is harmful. It is not allowed to be used by allergy sufferers, children and pregnant women. They are also not recommended for non-smokers. But if you are already a smoker, they will be a great help in your quest to quit.

Liz Van Griel, director of the Dutch National Center for Tobacco Control, said that the electronic cigarette is no worse than a nicotine patch or chewing gum.

In Ukraine, in March 2009, a major medical study was completed to find out what the advantages of electronic cigarettes are. It was found there that this substitute for tobacco products fully complies with all hygiene standards and does not harm human health.

What is the risk?

Despite the fact that the electronic cigarette in many ways outperforms the usual one, it cannot be called completely harmless. A buyer can always run into a defective product, and this case is no exception to the rule. For example, the composition of an electronic cigarette established by the norms will be violated, harmful substances may be added to it. So, the only significant risk that you are exposed to is an aroma cartridge of inadequate quality.

You should not purchase devices from unverified manufacturers, this can lead to the fact that you will find yourself with a bad product on hand.

Benefits of an electronic cigarette

  • lack of carcinogens and resins;
  • reducing the risk of cancer;
  • with it you can quit a bad habit forever;
  • return of sensitivity of olfactory and taste receptors;
  • no unpleasant odor.

In other words, when choosing between an electronic device and an ordinary tobacco product, preference should be given to the first.

If, after this article, you still have questions about electronic cigarettes, whether they are harmful or not, video recordings of interviews with device researchers will help you. Remember, the choice is always yours and only you can decide what to do with your body.

Smoking kills! These words are written on the packaging of each pack of regular cigarettes. Quitting smoking is a problem for many smokers. To date, another tool has been created that helps to quit smoking - these are electronic tubes. What is it and whether they harm the body - we will consider in this article.

Can you smoke electronic cigarettes

Scientists say that there are differences between the usual "nicotine stick" and electronic, but there is the opposite. They also proved the low content of nicotine in nicotine-free cigarettes. How harmful are electronic cigarettes to the body? The inhaler uses energy to form a liquid into a vapor, similar to tobacco smoke. So this liquid contains a small proportion of nicotine.

What is in e-liquid

Is an electronic cigarette harmful and what is in the composition of the liquid? Consider the contents for refilling cartridges:

  1. Glycerol. It has a wide range of uses, including cigarettes. Glycerin itself is a simple polyhydric alcohol. It is harmless, but it is forbidden to apply in large quantities. Gives thickness and flavor to the steam.
  2. propylene glycol. It is a food additive, performs a binding role. Connects all substances of the liquid and provides vapor transport to the lungs.
  3. Flavorings. They give special flavors and smells. There are natural and artificial flavors. There is no particular difference between them, but the former are more expensive and have a narrower assortment.
  4. Nicotine. It is a harmful substance, it harms the body. Due to the presence of this substance in the tubes, they are considered dangerous, although the level of nicotine they have is much lower than that of ordinary ones. The devices do not contain ammonia, which is also harmful to health, and is no less dangerous poison.

Consider the harm from electronic cigarettes with liquid. Nicotine-free ones carry no less harm than regular ones. Manufacturers provide an illusion of pleasure, the habit of smoking does not let go. The composition of the liquid contains artfully the same chemical compounds as conventional ones. As a result of the consumption of such content, the human immune and nervous system is gradually destroyed. The dependence of the body does not recede.

Which is more harmful: an electronic cigarette or a regular one?

In this question, we can safely answer that the risk of harm to the body is present in both species. Tubes are less safe, in the composition of high-quality liquids no more than five elements of the substance are used, and in ordinary ones - more than 4000 compounds. Therefore, both species pose a danger to human health. In the cells of the body, a mutation can occur, which is inherited.

How dangerous are electronic cigarettes for the human body? It was stated above that their composition contains nicotine, which is a plant poison. With frequent use, it has a dangerous effect on the heart and blood vessels, liver disease is not excluded. The harm of electronic cigarettes is excessively great, because. a person does not disappear psychological dependence. The devices have a battery that provides smoking without charging. It is based on capacity. It determines how many puffs you can do in a day without recharging the battery.

How harmful are cigarettes during pregnancy? Smoking while carrying a child is simply unacceptable. Nicotine promotes miscarriage in the early stages, has a bad effect on the entire body of the pregnant woman and on the fetus. The substance in the blood of the unborn child accumulates and is not excreted. Nicotine poisons the most important organs such as the heart, kidneys and liver.

How bad is an electronic cigarette for health? Compared to conventional tubes, they are many times more harmless. However, no one canceled the harm of nicotine! In conventional and electronic, the process of influence on the body remains unchanged. Dangerous substances that are part of them have the same result and can cause addiction to the body.

In Moscow, there are a large number of stores that have a wide range of electronic devices. They guarantee the absence of nicotine in the composition of the liquid. Stores very often attract young people who gradually become regular customers. Are electronic cigarettes harmful to health? Yes! Harm exists from both types of smoking. Prices for such products are rising every day, and the audience of smokers is becoming larger. Their use is not a way to quit smoking. Nicotine is a terrible poison that actively destroys the human body. Check out the methods on your own.

Video: what is an electronic cigarette - harm and benefit

In recent years, electronic cigarettes have become increasingly popular. Many people are sure that the harm from them will be much less than from ordinary ones. However, in fact, many doctors claim the opposite. They believe that the electronic cigarette, the harm or benefit of which is the subject of discussion, not only does not help to stop smoking, but also causes negative health consequences.

Liquid composition

This device was invented in Hong Kong at the beginning of this century. Over the past decade, this invention has gained immense popularity among smokers. At the same time, most of them do not even think about what harm these devices can bring.

How dangerous is it to smoke these cigarettes? Many believe that there is no harm, because the device does not release smoke, but fumes. To assess the impact on the body, you need to analyze the composition of the liquid intended for smoking. So, it contains the following components:

  • nicotine;
  • propylene glycol;
  • flavors;
  • glycerol;
  • water.

Glycerin and propylene glycol belong to the category of auxiliary components. They dissolve aromatic substances and form vapors that imitate smoke during smoking. The influence of all components on the body will be considered below.

Working mechanism

In fact, this device is an inhaler that includes several components:

  • battery with charger included;
  • reusable cartridge - it contains liquid nicotine and a heating device;
  • atomizer - a device for generating steam, which creates an imitation of smoke;
  • LED - simulates a light.

The process of smoking is the transformation of liquid into vapor. If a puff is made, the nicotine escapes and combines with air. As a result, a small amount of alkaloid in its pure form penetrates into the lungs. Its portion is determined by the initial level of nicotine present in the cartridge.

There are a lot of them on sale today. You can find cartridges with a high concentration of this substance or with its almost complete absence. At first glance, if you smoke such a cigarette, there is no particular harm. However, doctors claim the opposite, assuring users that such a solution is very dangerous.

The harmful effects of nicotine on the body

Regular cigarettes and electronic cigarettes always contain nicotine. This substance has a pronounced neurotropic effect. This component poses a serious danger to the human body, since it negatively affects the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

In addition, nicotine can be called a drug. If you use it repeatedly, a person will develop dependence, and it is both physical and psychological. Therefore, the use of this component in a device, which, as it were, was invented for quitting smoking, raises great doubts.

The volume of nicotine in concentrated types of liquids is 25 mg per 1 ml. If you smoke them excessively, a person will begin to develop poisoning. The lethal amount of nicotine is 100 mg.

If you smoke cigarettes for a long time, there is a risk of developing dangerous conditions. These include the following:

  • hyperglycemia - it is characterized by an increase in blood glucose levels;
  • heart attack;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • tachycardia;
  • angina;
  • heart failure.

The danger to the body is not only nicotine. The device has other components. At the same time, the lack of regulation by regulatory authorities cannot give clear confidence that there are no carcinogenic components in this device and liquids.

The effect of glycerin on the body

Many smokers are interested in whether the glycerin contained in such cigarettes is harmful or not. This substance is a trihydric alcohol with a sweetish aftertaste. It is actively used in the food industry to impart viscosity.

In general, glycerin is not toxic. It does not pose a hazard by inhalation of fumes. But sometimes the ingress of vapors of this component into the upper respiratory organs can lead to allergic reactions.

Exposure to propylene glycol

Most people wonder if propylene glycol is harmful or not. This substance is a colorless liquid of viscous consistency. She has no smell. Propylene glycol is an excellent solvent, therefore it is used in the manufacture of medicines. It is also used in the food industry.

Since the tool is used in products as a stabilizer, it does not pose much harm. In cigarettes, this substance plays the role of flavoring. However, it has an irritating effect on the respiratory system. In increased quantities, the substance leads to depression of the nervous system. Sometimes it provokes kidney damage.

Does this cigarette help you quit smoking?

Many addiction addicts wonder if such a cigarette can help them quit smoking completely. Since there is nicotine in the liquid, without which the use of the device is impossible, a person will still have a physical one. He will poison his body in the same way. We are not talking about getting rid of the psychological component of the problem here in principle.

The conclusion is simple: E-cigarettes do not help quit smoking. It brings only harm and creates the illusion of security. If you are going to quit smoking, you need to completely give up any cigarettes.

Harm of nicotine-free electronic cigarettes

On sale you can find cigarettes "without nicotine". Many people are sure that there is no harm from such devices. However, this is not entirely true.

To begin with, it should be noted that the composition of the liquid of the device does not always correspond to what is stated on the label. Of course, this is considered a violation of consumer rights, but in fact it is unlikely that anyone will go to conduct an examination.

In any case, even nicotine-free cigarettes contain harmful components. That is why it is so important to tighten control over the manufacturers of these devices. While it is not there, no one will be able to say with complete certainty what exactly a person inhales in the process of smoking.

Is there harm to others?

All over the world there is a practice of banning smoking of such cigarettes in public places. So is there any harm from steam or not? Even if there are no carcinogens and carbon monoxide in the fumes, they contain nicotine components, which is certainly harmful to others.

If you smoke a cigarette in a public place, the air will be saturated with harmful compounds. As a result, the surrounding people will be forced to breathe narcotic substances. Of course, the concentration of such components is not too high, but they still have time to negatively affect the body.

The impact of electronic cigarettes on children

The manufacturers of this device claim that the water vapor present in this device is absolutely safe. However, the presence of nicotine in it leads to unpleasant consequences for children. This substance can be absorbed into the body through contact with surfaces exposed to vapor from the device. In addition, smoking is not the best example that parents or others can set for a child.

Different types of cigarettes contain different amounts of nicotine. They can have half the volume that is in ordinary cigarettes, or they can include the same amount of a drug component.

For women during pregnancy and adolescents, such cigarettes pose the same danger as ordinary cigarettes. When exposed to the blood of pregnant women, harmful components adversely affect the fetus.

Teenagers can be addicted to nicotine, just like regular cigarettes. Therefore, experts categorically do not recommend starting to use a smoking device, referring to imaginary safety.

Now you know what harm will be if you smoke electronic cigarettes. These devices contain addictive drugs. In addition, they contain additional ingredients that also negatively affect the body.

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