What is it: a panacea for viruses or a simple flower? The Truth About Echinacea! Echinacea for immunity, colds and coughs. What does echinacea help with?

Ginseng and Eleutherococcus are natural stimulants nervous system and are used to strengthen the body. At the same time, the extracts have pronounced differences that must be taken into account when using:

Eleutherococcus acts much more slowly;
- ginseng is recommended to be taken in the cold season in combination with intense physical activity;
- preparations created on the basis of Eleutherococcus significantly increase carbohydrate metabolism which leads to increased endurance.

Differences between Eleutherococcus, Ginseng and Echinacea

Echinacea has a strong immune-stimulating effect and helps the body to overcome diseases much faster. Echinacea can be taken for colds, flu, and others infectious diseases as additional funds for accelerated treatment. Echinacea is an immunomodulator, tonic properties fade into the background.

To improve the overall vitality and search for additional strength, it is better to use eleutherococcus extract. Many are interested in what this plant looks like. You can see it on the right in the picture. If you drink a stimulant in tablets, this is effective remedy helping with stress and fatigue. The drug is used to relieve stress, while there is a certain result in strengthening the immune system.

You can use ginseng and eleutherococcus at the same time, but it is necessary to observe the duration of the course and dosage. Simultaneous reception two of these herbal adaptogens will lead to the achievement of a maximum tonic effect. This is true for athletes and people involved in difficult physical work. In overdose observed reverse effect- first increased efficiency, after some time, severe lethargy and drowsiness.

Taking a stimulant: how much to drink Eleutherococcus?

liquid extract take 20-30 drops 30-40 minutes before eating. It must be consumed strictly in the morning. The duration of the course of application is about a month. It is necessary to strictly observe the dosage, since with an increase in the amount active drug the opposite result may appear: drowsiness, depression, apathy. Drops for children under 12 years of age are not recommended, an exception is possible only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Eleutherococcus and its use in sports

Its use by athletes significantly increases physical performance increases strength endurance. The athlete does not feel tired much longer, more intensively given sports training. After intense training, the tincture helps to recover much faster. Its use in sports contributes to the accumulation a large number glycogen in the liver, muscles and heart. At prolonged use this plant extract increasing resistance to unfavorable factors significantly improves the tolerance of significant loads.

At the same time, the use of Eleutherococcus does not change normal processes life activity in the body vegetable matter is not doping. Therefore, it can be used in preparation for any competition.

Which is better: echinacea, ginseng or eleutherococcus?

There is no single answer to this question - everything depends entirely on the individual goals of the reception and the desired action. Echinacea is not recommended for children to drink, it should not be used in severe diseases, it is necessary to strictly observe the dosage. Ginseng has a more pronounced tonic effect than other natural stimulants.

Therefore, the course of its use is less. Be careful and careful when using all these tonics, as in sensitive people they can cause severe overexcitation, which will lead to insomnia, depression, lethargy and other negative consequences.

Eleutherococcus for immunity is a remedy related to herbal remedies: it has a tonic effect on the body, has the ability to resist pathogenic factors environment. The drug is produced in various forms, is biologically active additive, which is advised to be consumed with food.

Numerous reviews confirm that the immunomodulating agent stimulates the work of the central nervous system, eliminates irritability, overwork, and restores physical and mental capacity for work. In the article, we will analyze in detail the mechanism of action of Eleutherococcus, the method of application, dosage, the difference between a medicinal plant and echinacea and lemongrass.

Eleutherococcus plant for immunity

Eleutherococcus is widespread in all regions of Russia, it is sold in a pharmacy without a prescription. The medicinal plant belongs to the Araliaceae family (however, the most prickly), is a "relative" of ginseng, echinacea. Other names for thorn:

  • Siberian ginseng;
  • ginseng brother;
  • netronnik;
  • prickly pepper;
  • damn bush;
  • freeberry.

The drug came to our country from the Far East; The Japanese, Chinese and Filipinos have long used herbal medicine as a prevention and treatment of diseases.

On a tall shrub there are 25-30 bushes with thorny shoots. The plant is found in deciduous forests, among cedar forests, spruce forests, on the slopes of rivers, mountains, hills. Unlike ginseng, which prefers shade, eleutherococcus is a light-loving plant.

If you want to grow Eleutherococcus in your own garden, remember: the plant is difficult to tolerate drought, but will be able to overwinter in the middle zone. The plant takes root on sandy, clay, loamy soil. The main condition is a spacious garden, because the root system of the thorn extends up to 60 meters in diameter.

Medicinal properties of the plant

A drug natural origin affects the entire body. To create any form of medicine, use the root system, which is rich in the following substances:

  • essential oils;
  • pectin;
  • anthocyanins;
  • alkaloids;
  • resins;
  • vitamins, especially groups B, C;
  • minerals, trace elements;
  • carbohydrate-containing substances (glycosides) and other biologically active complexes.

The reception of Eleutherococcus favors the strengthening of the protective functions of the body, the stability of the immune system in the bacterial, viral, infectious microflora, contributes to the speedy regeneration after injuries and past diseases.

Taking preparations based on Eleutherococcus, the following results are noticeable:

  • improvement of coronary and cerebral circulation;
  • blood thinning;
  • lack of drowsiness daytime days;
  • improvement of appetite;
  • restoration of metabolism;
  • increasing physical and mental endurance;
  • lowering blood sugar levels;
  • improvement of visual acuity, hearing;
  • normalization of the work of the bronchi, lungs;
  • help with chronic pyelonephritis, herpes;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • regulation of lipid metabolism;
  • an increase in hemoglobin;
  • stabilization psycho-emotional state- helps to overcome apathy, depression, chronic fatigue;
  • reducing the risk of developing malignant tumors;
  • minimizing the harmful effects and absorption of toxic substances.

Indications for the use of Eleutherococcus

Doctors recommend taking preparations based on Eleutherococcus in such medical fields as neurology, immunology, cardiology, because the disciplines are closely related. Depressive disorders reduce protective functions organism, and cardiopathologies arise due to neuroses.

Summarizing the data on the prescription of drugs based on Eleutherococcus:

  1. Emotional disorders - apathy, depression;
  2. Psychosomatic disorders - VSD (vegetative-vascular dystonia), overwork, meteopathy (reaction to weather factors);
  3. Physical - arterial hypotension, hypotension, slow metabolism, rapid mental and physical fatigue.

Eleutherococcus helps to boost immunity during colds and viral diseases, influenza epidemics. It also accelerates recovery after somatic diseases, severe infectious pathologies, surgical interventions. Well restores nonspecific resistance immune system.

Ginseng-based preparations fight symptoms chronic intoxication, vibration diseases, radiation damage. The drug is indicated in the complex treatment of oncological diseases. It is also aimed at lowering blood glucose levels and is taken with diabetes first, second degree. It is used in the form of teas and decoctions strictly according to the prescription of the attending physician.

Eleutherococcus is prescribed for male and female organ dysfunctions reproductive system and thyroid gland:

  • decreased libido, erectile function in males;
  • disruption of the menstrual cycle;
  • infertility treatment;
  • diabetes;
  • obesity;
  • Hyperlipoproteinemia is an abnormal increase in blood cholesterol levels.

Eleutherococcus is used as an external medicine - for early baldness and the treatment of oily seborrhea.


Before using preparations based on Eleutherococcus, instructions are needed. Self-medication is fraught with deterioration of the condition, so it is recommended to use the remedy only after a doctor's prescription. There are contraindications and restrictions on admission, so the medicine is harmful to the following patients:

  • under the age of twelve;
  • with increased nervous excitability;
  • suffering from insomnia;
  • with somatic and infectious diseases at the stage of exacerbation;
  • with hypersensitivity to certain components of the drug;
  • hypertensive patients;
  • pregnant, lactating women;
  • epileptics;
  • suffering from dysfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • with increased body weight.

Taking eleutherococcus for a long time promotes appetite, so patients often complain of weight gain.

The drug is characterized by good tolerance. Rarely appear side effects:

  • diarrhea;
  • bouts of nausea, vomiting;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • anxiety state;
  • development of hypoglycemia;
  • allergic reactions.

Dosage forms and method of application

A common form of Eleutherococcus for immunity is an alcohol tincture for external and internal use made from the roots of the plant. The extract is dispensed in a pharmacy without a prescription, 25-40 drops are taken half an hour before meals, previously diluted with water. The course of treatment is from 14 to 30 days. When prolonging therapy, side effects are possible, so you should first take a two-week break, then start taking the medication again.

The tincture has antibacterial and regenerating properties, therefore it has established itself in cosmetology in the manufacture of masks, compresses.

Other forms of the drug based on the "devil's bush":

  • tablets based on eleutherococcus and vitamin C - recommended for oral intake only in the morning 30 minutes before meals. Daily dosage should not exceed 2 tablets. The duration of treatment is 14 - 30 days;
  • dry extract - the therapeutic course of administration reaches 30 days. It is necessary to take 2 - 4 capsules during the day;
  • liquid extract - remedy 15 - 50 drops are prescribed two to three times a day for half an hour before meals. The course of treatment lasts 25 - 30 days;
  • syrup;
  • extract tea.

Compatibility with other drugs

Alcohol tincture as a prevention and treatment is not recommended to be taken with the following pharmacological groups:

  • medicines with a stimulating effect;
  • psychotropic drugs;
  • sedatives;
  • psychostimulants;
  • nootropics;
  • adaptogens and other medicines that can tone the body.

To avoid side effects while taking the drug, it is not recommended to drink alcohol, strong tea, coffee.

Eleutherococcus or lemongrass: which is better

The name of Chinese magnolia vine speaks of the localization of the plant's growth. However medicinal tree is found not only in China, but also in the Far East of Russia - in the Khabarovsk, Primorsky Territories. Residents of the Far Eastern District have long known the tonic properties of Chinese schizandra - the vernacular name of the plant. Medicinal tinctures prepared from potent substance- schizandrin, the highest concentration of which is found in the seeds of fruits.

Lemongrass belongs to the Lemongrass family, but its tonic and adaptogenic effects are similar to those of Araliaceae - Eleutherococcus. Chinese schizandra has instant action- the stimulating effect appears 20-30 minutes after taking the drug and lasts for 6 hours.

If necessary long-term treatment Schisandra should be taken along with Eleutherococcus, an adaptogen that, unlike Schisandra, has a prolonged action.

The end of the action of the drug is not accompanied by a breakdown - after taking lemongrass, there is no breakdown, mental and physical capabilities do not decrease, working capacity increases, physiological indicators are being optimized.

Preparations based on lemongrass and eleutherococcus have the same indications and contraindications. Side effects as a result of taking Chinese creeper manifest as tachycardia. People suffering hyperacidity stomach, it is not recommended to eat the berries of a medicinal plant. Since heartburn and a violation of appetite are possible, although the fruits prevent the formation of ulcers in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

Lemongrass, as well as Eleutherococcus, is incompatible with such drugs as:

  • neuroleptics - enhance the effect of sodium etaminal;
  • amphetamine, caffeine - there is a weakening of the action of stimulants of the central nervous system;
  • alkaloids - narrowing is noticed blood vessels increases the risk of hypertensive crisis.

A preparation based on lemongrass is sold in a pharmacy in the form of an alcohol tincture in a 25 ml bottle. It is advisable to take the drug in the morning, mixing the tincture with a small amount water. To enhance the inhibitory processes of the central nervous system, start with 5-10 drops. To obtain a tonic and stimulating effect, take 10-15 drops. Doses are calculated strictly by the doctor, depending on individual indicators the patient's body.

Differences from echinacea

Along with eleutherococcus and lemongrass, echinacea has a stimulating property. The plant contains echinacea, echinacosides, essential oils, resins, organic acids.

The majority of people take echinacea without harm to health. The drug has useful action and is prescribed for the following indications:

  • increases resistance to colds;
  • reinforces healing effect anti-cold drugs;
  • relieves inflammation from the organs of the respiratory and genitourinary systems.

People suffering from the following pathologies are prohibited from taking the drug:

  • hypertension;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • acute tonsillitis;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus.

Between the two remedies based on medicinal plants, pay attention to how the drugs differ:


There is no unequivocal answer - which is better - eleutherococcus, lemongrass or echinacea - it all depends on the individual indicators of the patient's body, the goals of admission and action. When using tonics, be careful and careful. In people with increased sensitization, drugs can cause severe overexcitation. This will lead to insomnia, apathy, depression and other negative consequences.

The choice of phytopreparations should not be carried out independently. medicinal plants- drugs plant origin that can cause incredible harm to the body, exacerbate chronic diseases, worsen the condition. Therefore, you should trust the doctor, because he will select the dosage of medicines, and the medication will be beneficial.

In a person's life, along with pharmacological preparations for medical and preventive therapy, and plants. Herbal treatment has been used for more than a millennium, medicinal plants are used to treat many diseases and to restore body systems. So for the immune system, a number of herbs are used that tend to strengthen, restore and maintain immune mechanisms and reactions. One of these plants, the most widely used, is Eleutherococcus for immunity.

Description of the medicinal plant

Eleutherococcus - otherwise this plant is called Siberian ginseng for its healing properties, sometimes it is also called wild pepper, as the fruits resemble peppercorns; grows in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories, in the Amur Region, is found in the forests of South Sakhalin. It prefers to grow in areas with fertile soil, in a cedar or fir forest.

All parts of the plant are used in herbal medicine. The rhizome and small root systems are used in the manufacture of medicines, which can reach a length of about thirty meters. Collected leaves are used to prepare decoctions, infusions, like tea. Vitamins, creams and more are also made on the basis of Eleutherococcus extract.

Eleutherococcus belongs to the Araliaceae family. Siberian ginseng itself is a shrub up to two and a half meters in height with a stem light gray. On the stem are spikes that have an oblique direction to the bottom.

Eleutherococcus leaves grow on elongated petioles. In shape, they resemble complex finger-shaped wedge-shaped ellipses. On the outer surface bristles can grow on the leaf, on the inside - the leaf has a kind of fluff of an orange hue.

The flowering of Siberian ginseng begins in mid-July and ends by mid- or late August. Globular inflorescences - a group of miniature flowers that have a pale purple, on elongated pedicels. They are located at the ends of the branches of the shrub.

After flowering, a spherical fruit up to ten centimeters in diameter is formed, has a glossy black color. fruit pulp yellow color, may have greenish tint, juicy, has nice smell and spicy-bitter taste. Inside the fruit are yellowish seeds resembling a crescent. Chinese traditional medicine uses the fruits, considering them more healing.

For the preparation of pharmaceutical drugs, Eleutherococcus is grown in specialized greenhouses and farms, which in no way reduces the effectiveness of its use.

Raw material preparation

Eleutherococcus leaves are not as widely used as roots, but are still used for infusions, decoctions and herbal teas. Leaf preparation takes place from mid-June until flowering, when the leaves contain largest number valuable substances. Clean leaves are collected, dried, prayed, stored in a dark, dry place for up to two years.

The fruits of Siberian ginseng are rarely used, mainly for the preparation of alcohol tinctures. They are harvested in mid-autumn, when they are fully ripe and filled with juice. The bulk of phytoncides is located in the fruits.

Main medications from Eleutherococcus are prepared from the roots of the plant. Therefore, the preparation of raw materials for medicines begins in the second half of September.

Shrubs that have grown more than one meter are mainly used, that is, adult individuals. The shrub is dug up or pulled out of the ground. Cut off the root system. Then a gentle cleansing of the roots from pieces of soil is carried out, then they are washed in running water. The dried raw material is cut into small pieces. The prepared roots are dried at a temperature not exceeding eighty degrees.

Healing composition

The medicinal properties of the plant have been proven scientific level. beneficial effect plants apply to:

  • Immunity;
  • Activity nerve cells and the CNS as a whole;
  • Increased brain activity;
  • Improvement of metabolic processes;
  • Vision;
  • Increasing the body's endurance and resistance to adverse factors;
  • The processes of healing and tissue repair;
  • Blood condition (increases hemoglobin, reduces sugar, stabilizes general indicators);
  • reproductive system;
  • Stimulation of the digestive system;
  • Nervous state: reduces stress and its consequences, improves sleep;
  • Increases performance.

The plant contains:

  • Vitamins: A, groups B, C, D3, E, F;
  • Glycosides of the phenolic type - eleutherosides, in their composition there are about seven types;
  • Essential fixed oils and resins;
  • pectins;
  • Mineral salts;
  • Polysaccharides and monosaccharides;
  • Flavonoid;
  • Antioxidants;
  • organic acids;
  • Starch.

The highest level of valuable compounds is in the root system, therefore, in medicine, the root of Eleutherococcus is mainly used.

Since the plant tends to be addictive, and the components chemical compounds can accumulate in the body, it is necessary to use Eleutherococcus in courses: a month of taking the drug, then a break of two weeks. On the recommendation of a doctor, the course of treatment can be repeated after a break.

Indications for use

Eleutherococcus is prescribed by a doctor for many diseases as a prevention of hypovitaminosis and colds, for a faster recovery.

Indications for use are:

  • Decreased immunity;
  • Deterioration of vision, hearing;
  • downgrade mental activity and physical activity;
  • Pyelonephritis;
  • Reproductive system disorders;
  • Lowering blood pressure;
  • Atherosclerosis of the initial period;
  • Diabetes in the mild stage;
  • dental diseases;
  • Intoxication and poisoning of the body;
  • For the treatment of signs of osteochondrosis;
  • As a therapy in the presence of mental illness or nervous disorders;
  • Has a number of properties for external application Key words: dermatology, wound healing.

And other indications in which the use of medicines from Eleutherococcus is allowed as prescribed by a doctor.

Contraindications for the use of Siberian ginseng products are past heart attacks, chronic diseases- hypertension, insomnia, nervous irritability, acute phase of infectious diseases, VVD. Extremely contraindicated in childhood up to twelve years, pregnant and lactating women. It contains components that cause severe allergic reactions.

Siberian ginseng products

Eleutherococcus is used in liquid and dry form for the manufacture of drugs.

The dry form includes:

  • Dry extract - has the form of tablets, which contain one tenth of the extract from the roots of Eleutherococcus;
  • crushed dried root;
  • Crushed leaves and roots for dry tea drink.

To liquid form applies to:

  • Alcohol tincture based on the root;
  • Tincture on alcohol based on leaves, fruits, roots;
  • Liquid root extract in alcohol.

Siberian Ginseng Home Remedies

You can also cook at home different kinds drugs based on the leaves and roots of Eleutherococcus.

Tea recipe:

Young leaves of a plant or a dry tea drink are brewed in the form of tea in the proportion of one teaspoon of crushed raw materials per glass of boiling water. Infuse for ten minutes, drink twice a day, in the morning or afternoon. Such tea helps to lower the temperature, defeat the signs of a cold, increase tone and relieve fatigue.

Recipe for infusion or decoction:

One tablespoon of dry root is poured over half a liter of boiling water and boiled for five minutes. Infused in a thermos until cool.

For reception, twenty milliliters are used three times a day. Helps boost mental and physical activity.

Liquid Extract Recipe:

Finely chopped roots are poured with alcohol in equal proportions. The mixture is infused for three weeks in a dark, cool place. Later given period the mixture is filtered, the cake is squeezed - the extract is ready. It should be taken within a month, twenty drops per quarter glass of water. It is better to use the product half an hour before meals.

Ginseng, Eleutherococcus or Echinacea

Along with eleutherococcus, two more plants have the same properties for immunity:

  • Ginseng - the root of the plant has triterpene glycosides, enzymes, extractives, saponins, B vitamins, vitamin C, salts of phosphorus, iron, copper, sulfur. Its use helps to increase immunity, treat nervous disorders, to prevent nervous and physical exhaustion. Improves blood composition, tones the body. It resembles Eleutherococcus in its properties. Contraindicated in people prone to bleeding, increased excitability, during pregnancy and lactation;
  • Echinacea - contains echinacin, echinacosides, essential oils and resins, organic acids. Increases the body's resistance to colds, enhances the therapeutic effect of drugs for cold symptoms, relieves inflammation from the respiratory and genitourinary system. The majority of people can consume drugs based on echinacea without harm to health. The main contraindications are: hypertension, intolerance active substances included in the components chemical composition, sclerosis, tonsillitis, lupus erythematosus.

Echinacea, eleutherococcus or ginseng for immunity - what to choose.

All three medicinal plants have similar properties and effects on the body and its systems.

Unlike eleutherococcus, ginseng contains saponins, which affect the diuretic system, and is prescribed as an expectorant for bronchitis. Has a number of trace elements acting as sedative. And also at certain form dosage form has a tonic effect. Children under the age of sixteen are contraindicated.

And when choosing between echinacea and eleutherococcus, you should know that echinacea differs in that it:

  • Immunomodulator that stimulates interferon and phagocytosis. It is indicated for use in the form of decoctions from the age of two;
  • It is used in the treatment of colds;
  • Has a mild tonic property;
  • Has anti-allergic effect;
  • Increases the activity of macrophages.

And Eleutherococcus:

  • Immunostimulant stimulates humoral and cellular immunities, increases the production of red blood cells. Can be used from the age of twelve;
  • Has a pronounced tonic effect;
  • Effectively increases immune forces.

The choice of herbs for treatment should not be done on your own. Medicinal plants are, first of all, herbal medicines, an improperly selected drug and its composition will cause significant harm to the body, worsen the condition and exacerbate chronic diseases. An immunity remedy based on eleutherococcus, ginseng or echinacea and the method of its use, as well as the dosage, will help the doctor determine, then it will only benefit health.


Nature in the human body has a powerful defense system that protects against harmful effects from the outside. Immunity helps to cope with diseases caused by fungus, viruses, poisons, bacteria. When it weakens, the reasons for this are various, but the system needs help. To increase protection, use natural remedies- herbs, plants.

What herbs boost immunity

Frequent illnesses- a signal that immunity is reduced, it is required to strengthen it. You can restore the body's defenses with the help of medicines, only they have a decent price, and there are a lot of contraindications. A suitable herb for immunity is useful, inexpensive, and prepare formulations according to ready recipes very simple. Medicinal plants are able to support the body before the cold season, during illness, to restore strength after a long treatment. Plants are recommended for use by both children and adults.

ethnoscience offers proven immune boosting herbs. Plants help the body produce antibodies that counteract harmful substances. Effectively restore health:

  • ginseng - enhances protection, improves efficiency, mood;
  • eleutherococcus - increases the activity of cells that fight the disease;
  • Aralia Manchurian - restores the body's strength after serious illness;
  • rhodiola rosea - helps to increase physical activity, defeat fatigue.

Echinacea is an excellent help in restoring the body's defenses - an herb that raises the immune system. In the blood, the number of cells that absorb elements harmful to health increases. The herb contains antioxidants, has an effect against allergies. They also have general strengthening properties:

  • thyme;
  • rose hip;
  • thyme;
  • nettle;
  • motherwort;
  • currant;
  • dandelion root;
  • lungwort;
  • St. John's wort.

Herbs for immunity in tinctures

Pharmacies offer alcohol tinctures herbs to boost immunity. Their price is low, the drugs are ready for use. It is necessary to withstand the dosage: all means have a strong effect. It is recommended to start drinking them with the onset of autumn to meet the winter season. Since many drugs have a stimulating effect, they are recommended to be taken in the morning.

Alcohol tinctures containing herbs to increase immunity, it is advisable to drink, diluted with a small amount of water. The duration of the course is a month. With weakened immune system you can repeat the treatment three times during the year. Recommended dosage in drops:

  • echinacea - 25;
  • Rhodiola rosea - 10;
  • Aralia Manchurian - 40;
  • eleutherococcus - 25;
  • ginseng - 20.

Folk recipes to increase immunity

Folk methods treatment of adults and children with the use of herbs to increase the protective forces involve the use of infusions. They are prepared with boiling water, added to one liter in a spoonful of raw materials. Next, the composition is kept for about an hour and drunk. It is good to use this mixture to increase immunity:

  • elecampane root - 5 g;
  • nettle - 10 g;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil - 10 drops - in a ready-made infusion.

In autumn it is worth meeting fully armed cold winter with her frequent colds. To increase the protection of the body, it is advisable to drink a glass of green tea daily with a spoonful of honey. Add a slice of lemon and a small piece of ginger root, previously finely chopped. Good to take two weeks in a row once a day herbal tea from a bunch of plants. You can pre-collect by mixing equal parts:

  • echinacea;
  • wild rose;
  • blackcurrant;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • strawberries.

Try brewing herbal tea in a porcelain bowl and drinking it freshly prepared daily. To do this, you must have a mixture prepared in advance, one spoonful of which must be poured with half a liter of boiling water. The composition includes 50 g:

  • oregano;
  • motherwort;
  • hop cones;
  • lemon balm;
  • valerian;
  • lime blossom;
  • swamp cudweed;
  • coriander seeds.

How to Choose Immunity Boosting Herbs

When choosing plants and herbs to enhance the body's defenses, it is advisable to pay attention to contraindications and side effects. It is not recommended to use medicines during pregnancy. Potent herbs - echinacea, ginseng, eleutherococcus - do not give to children under 12 years old. You should know:

  • aloe can not be used for hemorrhoids, uterine bleeding;
  • eleutherococcus - raises blood pressure, causes insomnia, increases excitability;
  • ginseng is contraindicated in hypertension, heart disease;
  • echinacea is unacceptable in oncology, diabetes, tuberculosis.

Herbs for boosting immunity in adults

Taking into account contraindications, people in adulthood are recommended to take alcohol tinctures to increase immunity. The main thing is not to do it in the late hours, so as not to cause insomnia. You can brew mixtures of different plants in a liter thermos at night. You will need a spoonful of herbs. Strengthens defensive forces such a composition, mixed in advance in parts:

  • nettle - 1 hour;
  • currant - 2 hours;
  • raspberries - 1 tsp.

Herbs for strengthening immunity in children

Moms get sick when they get sick Small child, and many drugs are contraindicated for children. To increase immunity, take herbs, starting from infancy. traditional healers advise:

  • from 6 months - rosehip broth, a spoonful before feeding;
  • from a year - licorice root, insist for an hour a teaspoon of a dry plant in a glass of boiling water, give before feeding, starting with 10 drops.

From the age of three, the child is given infusions and herbal teas with the addition of lemon and honey. It is good to brew black elderberry flowers to increase immunity, drink before falling asleep. Useful properties has a remedy that is taken twice a day for a small spoon before meals. Make a prescription drug:

  • take 100 ml of milk;
  • put 3 tablespoons of honey;
  • squeeze the juice from 4 aloe leaves;
  • add crushed walnuts- 3 pieces;
  • pour a spoon lemon juice;
  • insist two days.

Eleutherococcus - medicinal plant, which is compared with ginseng in properties and is called "Siberian ginseng". Eleutherococcus began to be used by man recently, about 50 years ago. Employees of the expedition of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR drew attention to the fact that bears, deer and other animals use Eleutherococcus as food. Research began, it turned out that Eleutherococcus contains various glycosides, five of which were unknown to world science. The bush turned out to be rich essential oils, resins, valuable vegetable fats, vitamins (C and carotene).

During experiments on mice, it was found that Eleutherococcus increases endurance, performance and vitality. Eleutherococcus preparations began to be used in sports medicine, which helped Soviet athletes achieve tremendous success.

Information about Eleutherococcus

Eleutherococcus senticosus is a genus of plants in the Araliaceae family. shrubs, for the most part with prickly shoots and palmately compound leaves, up to 2 m high with light gray bark and light brown shoots, densely planted with thin, brittle, bent down spikes. Leaves of 5 leaflets, the middle leaflet is larger than the others. Flowers in umbels on long stalks, yellowish or pale purple corolla, one pistil. The fruits are spherical, black berries with five seeds, blooms in July-August, the fruits ripen in September.

Collection of Eleutherococcus

Medicinal raw materials for Eleutherococcus are roots and rhizomes, and sometimes leaves. They are harvested in the second half of September, choosing well-developed plants. The rhizomes are shaken off the ground, washed quickly and thoroughly in running water, then dried in the air. After wilting, dead parts and parts affected by diseases and pests are removed, and the remains of above-ground shoots are chopped off. Dry in a dryer at a temperature of about seventy degrees or in an attic with good ventilation. The finished raw material breaks when bent. The color of the rhizomes should be white and have a strong aroma, spicy and astringent taste.

Eleutherococcus for health

Preparations of Eleutherococcus have a stimulating and restorative effect, which is characterized by an increase in vital capacity lungs, body weight, physical strength and hemoglobin content in the blood. They also increase the body's resistance and facilitate its adaptation to adverse factors. Among the medicinal properties of Eleutherococcus, its ability to improve the perception of colors is interesting, which is necessary for professional drivers, athletes, people who spend their workplace in front of computer.

Eleutherococcus root tincture is prescribed with preventive purpose during periods of massive occurrence of acute respiratory diseases as well as neuroses. mental illness With obsessive states, in complex treatment oncological diseases, relieving the consequences of craniocerebral injuries, with poorly healing wounds, diabetes mellitus, severe manifestations menopause, atherosclerosis, rheumatic heart disease, chronic inflammation gallbladder and colonic mucosa.

Recipes with eleutherococcus for health

Pharmacy tincture of Eleutherococcus to strengthen immunity

Eleutherococcus strengthens the immune system and reduces the incidence during influenza epidemics. Pharmacy tincture Eleutherococcus should be taken 0.5 teaspoon half an hour before meals. Eleutherococcus should not be used before dinner and at night.

Eleutherococcus homemade tincture to strengthen immunity

Pour 50 grams of rhizomes with 500 ml of 40% alcohol or vodka and let stand for 15 days. This tincture should be stored in a dark bottle in the refrigerator. Take 30 drops 30 minutes before meals and at lunch. The course of treatment is a month.

Contraindications to the use of Eleutherococcus

Eleutherococcus is contraindicated in mastopathy, obesity, febrile conditions, increased blood pressure, during pregnancy, children until the completion of puberty.

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