which improves human performance. Improving the performance of the human body. How to improve brain performance

Participants of my trainings are always interested in: how to increase efficiency, how to really manage their mental and physical tone.

The main difference of our time is the growth of labor intensity. In order to achieve good results in work, we are forced to work more and more, therefore, the efficiency must be high. Among my acquaintances who have really achieved success, there are many people who already work 10-12 hours a day without days off. The intensity of labor will continue to increase.

Every year, competition in the labor market is also growing, and we need to make more and more efforts to remain competitive. To do this, you need to study a lot and process a huge amount of information, learn new skills, that is, increase efficiency.

Naturally, such a rhythm of life leads to high energy costs, and our possibilities are not unlimited. But life requires us to always be in good physical and psychological shape. How to increase efficiency, how to maintain our physical and mental tone, because our capabilities are limited by the capabilities of our body, especially if you have to work intensively for months or even years?

Here are the liver of signals that you are losing your physical and mental tone: disturbing sleep, lethargy in the morning, it takes a certain period of time to get in shape, your head works worse, you feel tension in your body, anxiety or despondency prevails in your mood, apathy, constantly I have to force myself to do something. During the day, you are like a squeezed lemon, and in the evening you cannot fall asleep quickly.

At my trainings, I teach people how and by what parameters to diagnose the state of physical and mental tone. I usually suggest scoring the following parameters on a scale of 1 to 10:

1. Quality of sleep. How do you sleep?

2. Physical tone, feeling of energy, inner strength.

3. Mental tone: clarity of mind, level of concentration, quick wits.

4. Emotions, your mood.

If your scores for all parameters range from 6 to 10 points, then this is the norm.

If below 6 points to 4 points, this is the lower limit of the norm.

If the scores are below 4 points, your condition needs correction, support and treatment.

It also happens that healthy sleep, optimal physical activity, proper, balanced nutrition no longer give the same effect, and you need to work at the level of the same or even greater intensity, and the possibilities of psychopharmacology will help you here.

Already one third of people in Europe and Japan use various drugs that increase mental and physical performance. I’ll make a reservation right away that I will consider only those drugs that are sold in a wide pharmacy network without a prescription, have minimal side effects and have long been used to increase physical and mental tone. These drugs increase concentration, memory, associativity, speed, flexibility and critical thinking, create a reserve of endurance.

There are four main groups of drugs that affect performance

1. Nootropics, neuropetides: Aminalon, Gamalon, Piracetam, Nootropil, Phezam, Phenotropil, Kogitum, Semax and Q 10

2. Vascular drugs that improve the quality of cerebral circulation: Cavinton Cinnarizine, Tanakan, Gingo Biloba, Detralex, Q 10

3. Vitamins: Neuromultivit, Berocca plus, Lecithin

4. Adaptogens: Chinese lemongrass, Schizandra

These drugs can be used as prophylactic agents, some of them can be used as an ambulance: Phenotropil, Semax, Cogitum, Chinese magnolia vine, Schizandra.

We all know perfectly well that our energy at the level of the biochemistry of our body is the exchange of ATP in our body. BUT in order to have the energy we need, we need glucose, water and oxygen. It seems that the whole body is working in order to maintain optimal brain activity.

Our brain uses significantly more energy than all other human organs. The body is an excellent self-regulating system, you just need to create optimal conditions for it so that our brain works more efficiently.

In order to increase efficiency and always be in good shape, you need to fulfill a number of conditions.

1. First of all - high-quality, sound sleep for 7-8 hours, it is better to go to bed before 12 o'clock at night.

Sleep should be as deep as possible. To do this, you need: a comfortable pillow, a hard mattress, the room should be cool - 20 degrees.

Criteria for healthy sleep: you fall asleep quickly and hardly wake up at night, you have either pleasant dreams or no dreams at all. In the morning you get up in a good mood, filled with energy and can quickly get to work. Three, four nights of lack of sleep reduces our intelligence by 30 percent.

2. Optimal physical activity. Our body is 30-50 percent muscle and there is a whole science of kinesiology that studies the functioning of our muscles. If the muscles do not receive the load they need, they gradually atrophy, which leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of the muscular corset, especially in the region of the spinal column. Reduced muscle tone is the cause of a decrease in performance, including mental performance.

There are three main types of physical activity:

  • Cardio workouts: running, swimming, aerobic exercise
  • Strength: exercise equipment, barbell, dumbbells
  • Stretch marks

Depending on the characteristics of your body, you need to combine all three types of physical activity. Each of these types affects the body, increasing physical tone. If cardio loads are needed to increase endurance and oxygen supply, then weight training increases muscle tone and forms a muscle corset.

In turn, stretching helps to reduce muscle tension and create additional stimulation of the central nervous system. Regular stressful and sub-stressful physical activity on the body contributes to the development of endurance, psychological stability, and increased efficiency.

3. Be sure to be in the fresh air. We need oxygen for our body and brain to function optimally. At least half an hour outside. Breathing exercises, full rhythmic breathing, abdominal breathing can help you get an extra supply of oxygen.

4. A balanced diet is another important factor contributing to the optimal functioning of the brain.

5. Regular autogenic training will help you relieve physical and mental fatigue, restore efficiency, significantly reduce muscle tension, even out your mood and tune in to vigorous activity.

I wish you to increase your efficiency, work in drive, enjoy life and always be in joy. I am ready to help you learn all the psychotechnics and auto-training in my trainings Stress Management and Emotional Intelligence. You can find a lot of material on this topic in my books on psychology "Joy Management", "Drive Management", "Stress Management", "Emotion Management".

Regular stress and sub-stress loads on the body contribute to the development of endurance, psychological stability, and increased efficiency.

Vagin Igor Olegovich

In the last post, I wrote about what not to do if you have performance problems. In this part, I will talk about an effective method that does not require medication. Medications are only support, addition. But this method requires organization and willpower, and therefore is so unloved by most of us.

Material part

First, I'll tell you a little about some of the basic principles of the nervous system. I do not pretend to be complete here, rather, I deliberately shortened the presentation so that it was clear to the majority.

The work of the nervous system is the processes of excitation, inhibition, conduction, integration. Neurons receive and process signals, conduct them along their processes and interact with each other.

Conducting a signal along the processes of neurons is electrical activity. A change in the polarization of the membrane propagates along the processes; this process requires energy expended for the operation of ion pumps.

Another important process is synaptic transmission. One cell secretes into the synaptic cleft molecules-mediators, mediators that act on the receptors of another cell, stimulating or inhibiting its activity.

The activity of neurons requires energy. Lots of energy. Where does it come from? One of the most important biological processes is respiration. At the cellular level, respiration means the oxidation of nutrients and the production of energy. Let me tell you very simply. Oxygen and nutrients enter the tissues with arterial blood. Then they enter the cage. There are whole chains of enzymes and coenzymes, the work of which ensures the oxidation of nutrients with oxygen. Carbon dioxide, water and other products are formed. They must be removed from the cell and from the tissue into the blood.

In addition to respiration, there are many more biochemical processes. For example, the synthesis of cell components (the same membrane, enzymes, ion pumps, etc.), as well as mediators. All these processes also require energy, nutrients, enzymes and coenzymes. No mediators - no synaptic transmission.

The work of the nervous system should not be considered only at the cellular level. There are supracellular structures: groups of neurons, nuclei and centers of the brain, as well as such a mysterious thing in many respects as the reticular formation, and also the pineal gland, the limbic system. They affect the cerebral cortex.

There are structures in the brain that are characterized by cyclic activity. They stimulate or inhibit the activity of other structures. One of the important cycles is the daily cycle. The cyclic change in the activity of neurons is extremely important for recovery processes. The reserves of nutrients, macroergic compounds, mediators, and the components of the cell itself should be restored. New connections between neurons should be formed. Structural changes must occur in the neurons themselves.

By the way, using stimulants, you simply "burn the emergency reserve." As stupid party nomenklatura, in order to increase meat production in reports, let dairy herds go to slaughter, so you, taking caffeine, "energy" and similar substances, slowly kill your neurons.

What to do?

Natural and stable daily routine is the most effective remedy

A natural, sustainable daily routine is the most effective remedy. Moreover, it is non-drug. And this tool is the most underestimated and most disliked by most of us. You can eat pills, but without a day regimen, you can flush them into the toilet with almost the same effect.

The mode of the day is not just "sleep eight hours." For some, six is ​​enough, for others, nine. The most important thing is to develop and maintain a stable daily rhythm. And not anyhow, but natural. It is natural for a reasonable person to wake up in the morning, stay awake during the day, rest in the evening and sleep at night.

Anticipating the invasion of crazy red-eyed coders who are pathologically proud of being "owls", I will say that after the return of "owls" to the natural cycle, their productivity increases, their mood improves. In fact, the division into "owls" and "larks" is quite arbitrary. Among those who work better at night than during the day, there are almost no real "owls". There are just people with a steady unnatural daily cycle.

Each person has slightly different body temperature, heart rate, breathing rate. But these parameters, nevertheless, have a norm. Just as the normal temperature in the armpit is 36.6 degrees Celsius, so the normal rhythm is the one I have described, let's call it "morning".

I myself have experienced periods when I work better at night than during the day. But let's look at this situation in the following way. Let's take for 100% the maximum working capacity of a person. And now let's make it an "owl". During the day he will nod off and work at thirty percent, and by night he will become more active, say, up to seventy percent. But all the same, he will not reach that maximum and that comfortable state that would be with the natural biological rhythm of Homo Sapiens.

For millions of years, all life on Earth is subject to a daily rhythm. And almost all living things get this rhythm due to the cyclic change in lighting. One of the substances cyclically produced in the brain is melatonin. Approximately 70% of its secretion occurs at night. The pineal gland increases the production of melatonin when it is dark.

It is very important to go to bed and wake up at about the same time. I recommend going to bed at about 11:30 pm and waking up at about 7:30 am. You can go to bed at another time, a little earlier or a little later. It is important to wake up consistently.

And again I foresee objections about "deadlines", "blockages at work." Let me remind you the story about two lumberjacks who had a competition. One chopped without stopping, and the ax of the other fell silent periodically. And when the second woodcutter stopped chopping, the first heard it and started chopping even faster. Imagine his surprise when it turned out that the second woodcutter chopped twice as much. “How is it that you stopped every hour and did nothing?” - asked the first. “How is it nothing? I rested and sharpened the ax, ”the second answered him.

You'll be much better at meeting deadlines and rushes if your ax is sharp. Remember, I spoke about the processes of synthesis, about the restoration of reserves of neurotransmitters and energy connections? So, during healthy sleep, they are restored. And many more little-studied processes are going on. Some authors believe that it is during sleep that new connections between neurons are formed, and information is recorded in long-term memory.

We wake up easily

By the way, about the right awakening. If you wake up shortly before the alarm goes off, don't "fill up". Gotta get up. And if the alarm clock rang, but you don’t want to wake up, you still have to get up. Get up in the literal sense of the word. You have no idea how important it is to take a vertical body position. In most cases, drowsiness goes away immediately. You will be surprised that a minute ago you considered it impossible to crawl out from under a warm blanket.

Awakening is facilitated by stable morning “rituals”. A contrast shower "washes away" drowsiness. The key word here is stability. The body will get used to the fact that it is necessary not only to wake up, but also to do something invigorating.

A little earlier, I talked about circadian rhythms, melatonin, and the role of lighting. So, it will be very cool if you wake up in the light. There are alarm clocks that first turn on the light, and then, if you do not wake up, they ring. I will talk about the role of lighting during the working day a little later.

Fall asleep easily and sleep well

If you do not have a pathology, then a stable circadian rhythm with morning awakening after a while will lead to the fact that it will be easy to fall asleep.

It is very important that the room is not too light, and also hot or stuffy. Also, don't stuff up your nose. It happens that a person complaining of morning "brokenness" is monitored for sleep. It turns out that the poor man wakes up 10 times a night, but he simply does not remember this. Turns out he has trouble breathing through his nose.

Do not use sleeping pills. Their principle of action is based on the oppression of the nervous system. This is not what we need, and the side effects are very bad.

To rebuild the body to a normal rhythm, the drug "Melaxen" helps. These are tablets of melatonin, a substance produced by the pineal gland when we need to sing. You can use it for about 5-7 days, no more, one tablet 15 minutes before bedtime (most of this drug will be removed in 45 minutes) Be sure to drink at least half a glass of water (as with any tablet, so as not to stick to esophagus, it happens). It is not a sleeping pill in the usual sense of the word. This drug helps the brain to adjust to a normal rhythm.

Glycine can also be used before bed. It is necessary to apply it correctly: do not swallow, but place it under the tongue or on the cheek.

I also heard about such alarm clocks, sliptrackers, which wake a person in the right phase of sleep. I have not tried it myself, I have not used it on patients, but the thing is interesting.

To fall asleep easily, it would be nice to get moderate aerobic exercise 3-5 hours before bedtime. And here we will touch on the next topic - hypodynamia.

The fight against hypodynamia

I will not dwell on the pathological mechanisms of physical inactivity. Let me just say that we all suffer from it. You can't even imagine what a truly huge traffic deficit that a city dweller experiences. Especially IT people.

Two good ways are morning jogging or cycling. For myself, I chose a bike. By personal or public transport, with the current load of St. Petersburg streets, it will take me about 50-70 minutes to go. So much for cycling.

I exchange an hour of traffic jams or hustling in a sweaty subway for the same hour of moderate aerobic exercise. I don’t spend such precious time extra, as if after work I went to the fitness center and pedaled on the simulator. By the way, it turned out that you sweat more in the subway.

I recommend getting up and leaving early, before rush hour and traffic jams. First, the air will still be fresh. Second, it's safer. Thirdly, you will arrive at work, and there are few people there, it is easier to concentrate. And finally, not always immediately after sleep there is an appetite. After a bike ride, the appetite will be good, the food will be absorbed better, and there will be cheerfulness.

When you return home on your bike, you will have a few more hours to "calm down". I recommend taking an evening shower not a contrast, but a warm one.

Not everyone and not always can afford to ride a bike. Let me share my life hack. Get out of the transport for one or two stops and go through them on foot. Or easy running.

Rest at work

The topic partly intersects with hypodynamia. How do IT people usually "rest"? They go down, pour coffee, read blogs, play something, smoke (a ray of diarrhea for tobacco companies).

Rest is a change of activity. Many people know this, but they don't use it. Changing "Photoshop" to "Bashorg" is not a rest, although it is better than "stupid" over the layout when the head is no longer cooking.

It’s right to relax like this: get up from the computer, open the window, leave the room and do at least some physical activity, without thinking about work and “deadlines”. For this we have table hockey, darts and badminton in warm weather. You can at least squat and push up a few times. And it’s better to eat food not at the workplace, but at least go somewhere in a cafe.

During prolonged sitting, some groups of muscles and nerve cells receive a static load, while others are relaxed. Physical activity allows you to restore the tone of relaxed muscles and blood vessels, restore normal blood flow, and accelerate the removal of waste products from the body of cells.

For a good rest during the working day, a change of activity, physical activity, distraction from the problem and a change of scenery are important (get out of the cubicle, finally!)

Rest outside of work

There are two big parts here: “after work” and “on vacation”. I won't talk about vacation for a long time. Let me just say that the sense of vacation will be when the situation changes. This is its main psychotherapeutic effect. It is necessary to leave, forget about work, problems, turn on the phone and computer only when necessary.

Let's take a closer look at the regular rest "after work". I recommend several types of such recreation: outdoor games (football, badminton, tennis), jogging, cycling, rollerblading, and also a swimming pool. The pool is generally very cool, at least once a week. But all sorts of gyms will not give such an effect as aerobic motor loads.

Another thing that few people know about. Cleaning on weekends is not just about “cleaning and tidying up”. It is a psychotherapeutic agent. I'm not going to paint the mechanisms here, just trust the doctor ;-) Get out of the apartment, at the workplace, or even clean the computer. Refresh your space.

My colleagues who treat neuroses use such concepts as "psychological microclimate" and "microenvironment". Use the weekend to arrange a change in this environment. Ideally, of course, to go somewhere out of town, but it does not always work out.

The advice of one of my colleagues is not without common sense: sometimes take a break from those with whom you work, even if they are very good and interesting people.

Try to diversify your life as much as possible. If you go to work one route - try others. You buy everything in one store - try the next one. Eat pasta all the time - try boiled socks (you read this far, ho-ho) Don't limit yourself to specialized literature. Get yourself a non-computer hobby, sometimes go to the cinema, theaters, museums. It sounds trite, but in three months you will really get a significant effect.


A lot has already been said about glycine, nootropics and vitamins. I will also say a few words.

Multivitamins, especially drugs like Vitrum Superstress, should be taken only in the indicated dosage. Usually this is one tablet per day. Take in the morning, at breakfast. Do not exceed the dose! The duration of the course of vitamins is 30 days, then take a break for 1-2 months.

Nootropil. Relatively safe drug, has an antihypoxic effect, improves the processes of cellular respiration. Don't abuse. It would be better if a doctor prescribes it to you, who will indicate the dosage and observe you, but I won’t paint the “du it yoself” schemes here. The effect is not instantaneous, it does not come immediately.

Glycine. It is also relatively safe. Before going to bed, one tablet under the tongue makes it easier for many to fall asleep. About "Melaxen" I wrote a little higher.

Everything else: caffeine, dietary supplements, stimulants, sleeping pills, amphetamines, antidepressants - forget it. Just forget about them unless your doctor has prescribed them for you. If the doctor prescribed dietary supplements, then forget this doctor. If psychotropic drugs were prescribed not by a psychiatrist - the same thing.
If you suspect that you have depression, see a psychiatrist. If you have problems with sleep, go to a sleep center or a psychiatrist, again.

What else prevents it from working properly?


Whatever mental homosexuals say (I have no other decent words for these citizens), who defend smoking, smokers, the tobacco industry, but hypoxia and constriction of cerebral vessels under the influence of nicotine have never contributed to the good functioning of brain cells. Hypoxia is the main cause of neuronal inhibition.

Smoking contributes to the development of hypoxia at several levels at once. Firstly, under the influence of nicotine, the vessels that bring arterial blood narrow. The supply of oxygen to the tissues with blood is reduced. Secondly, the transport capacity of hemoglobin decreases. The blood itself carries less oxygen and it is more difficult to give it to the tissues. One of the reasons is the formation of carboxyhemoglobin, a reaction product of hemoglobin with carbon monoxide (carbon monoxide). Thirdly, in addition to nicotine in tobacco smoke, there are still a bunch of substances that penetrate into cells and block the processes of cellular respiration. That is, even the reduced amount of oxygen that enters the tissue, the neurons themselves cannot properly assimilate, since the enzymes and cytochromes of the respiratory chains are suppressed.

And these effects do not appear in long-term smokers, in contrast to, say, emphysema or erectile dysfunction.

Now citizens will come running here who will claim that “they can’t work without a cigarette”, that “a cigarette helps to mobilize”. The crap is full. The simplest analogy - breaking without a dose is also very bad for a drug addict. The systematic use of tobacco leads to the formation of a stable pathological state, and without the next dose, performance really decreases, dysphoria sets in. But here's the thing: if you didn't smoke, then your performance during the day would be much higher than you now have for a short time after the "mobilizing cigarette".

For office workers: smoke only one at a time and outside the office. And do not choose a constant time! By strictly following this rule, you will significantly increase your chances of quitting smoking. Destroy the pathological tradition, social attachment and this ugly ritual. Drive the person who offers to “discuss in the smoking room” away, not embarrassed in expressions and measures of influence. This is your enemy.

Improper nutrition

If you regularly eat homeless bags, instant noodles and mashed potatoes, chips, then along with all this goodness you consume glutamic acid or its salts, glutamates. Glutamate is a flavor enhancer. Glutamate is also an excitatory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system. It has a short-term nootropic effect, but the systematic consumption of high doses of glutamate leads to a change in biochemical processes in the nervous tissue. For a snack, you can read about the Chinese Restaurant Syndrome.

But even if there were no glutamates, such nutrition is bad for its inferiority. For example, a lack of vitamins. Remember, I talked about tissue respiration, synthesis and coenzymes? So, many vitamins act as coenzymes. There are not enough coenzymes - the cell cannot work normally.

By itself, the homeless package is not so harmful. To get harm, like from one cigarette, you need to eat ten of these instant noodles. But chronic nutrition of inadequate and monotonous food leads to a growing lack of vitamins. And many other substances.

Your diet must include fresh vegetables, fish and vegetable fats. Vegetables are not only vitamins, by the way. And not just vitamins, but also their various derivatives and precursors (provitamins). And not just pill powders, but "packed" in the cell membrane.

Fish and vegetable fats are polyunsaturated fatty acids, as well as fat-soluble vitamins. For example, vitamins A and E are involved in a huge number of synthesis reactions, and are also antioxidants (they block chain reactions of free radical oxidation of cell components, some of these reactions are triggered by hypoxia).

But you should not engage in veganism, it is unnatural. The natural diet of Homo Sapiens is mixed. Meat contains essential amino acids, as well as iron and other elements in the form in which absorption occurs incomparably more efficiently than from plant foods.

You should not listen to those idiots who promote microscopic breakfasts. "Cosmo girls" let them go through the forest with their advice. You have to eat breakfast like a human being. You work all day, the body must receive energy from food. The stove should be fired with wood, not logs from your own home.

Wrong environment

Most often there is improper lighting in the workplace. Well, IT-shniks like to sit in the dark or twilight. It is not right. First, darkness is a natural signal for the brain that it's time to party. Secondly, the contrast between a dark room and a glowing monitor is very harmful to the eyes. And yet - the visual analyzer gets tired.

Dull offices - I think everyone understands everything here. But there are also unnecessarily “creative offices” with bright walls, a lot of glare, multi-colored light sources. It's cool to put it on a blog to get customers or future employees hooked. But putting people to work in such offices is a crime.

Music in speakers or headphones is extraneous noise and tension of the auditory analyzer. Now brave guys will come running here, who code at night under “tynz-tynz” or “Sepultura”, they will prove that they work better this way. Physiology claims the opposite, but I won’t argue with the “red-eyed people”, this is a stupid exercise.

Wrong workplace. This is generally a very large topic, just give one example. It costs, say, the monitor is too high. The person is sitting, the neck muscles are in constant tension, the head is fixed. The venous outflow is disturbed (sometimes the blood flow too), the blood supply to the brain gradually worsens, but not critically (no fainting). But constantly. Water wears away the stone. Efficiency decreases, a person gets tired faster, headaches often occur.

Wance again

So, the most important and most effective (better than nootropics and glycine) is a stable natural “morning” day regimen. Start today!

And finally

Well, of course, of course, lieutenants. This is also very important. One verse comes to mind here:

Don't drink alcohol
Don't smoke cigarettes
Don't take any drugs

A modern person needs to work very hard to achieve success in the professional field. You need to do a lot, both at work and at home, as well as constantly learning new skills. However, many of us are faced with weakness, fatigue and unwillingness to do something in the morning. The problem of decreasing efficiency worries everyone from time to time, because it is associated with such a concept as human productivity. Such a nuisance can be caused by constant stress, past illnesses, lack of vitamins and minerals, and other reasons. Since human performance and labor productivity are related, by improving the first indicator, you can get an improvement in the second. But how, how to increase the efficiency of the human body? Let's talk about it on www.site.

Signs of decreased performance

If during the working day you constantly nod and yawn, often make different, including rather stupid mistakes, maybe you just didn’t get enough sleep, or maybe you developed a significant decrease in efficiency. If you systematically encounter pain in the lower back and neck, headaches, loss of appetite - do not leave these symptoms unattended. Also, signs of a decrease in efficiency should be considered noise in the head and pain in the eyes, thoughts about everything except work, etc. If you do not respond in time to such unpleasant symptoms, overwork can become chronic. In this case, it is very difficult to deal with it.

What determines the highest human productivity?

In order to improve the condition of the body and increase efficiency, you need to pay attention to the following aspects of your life: rest, sleep, good nutrition, water procedures and physical education.

It is extremely important to get good sleep. To do this, a person should sleep at least six to eight hours, and go to bed should be before ten o'clock in the evening.

Physical training

Modern people pay very little attention to sports, being mostly in offices, this is fraught with the appearance of quite serious health disorders and a decrease in working capacity. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend that their patients systematically walk in the fresh air and attend various sports activities, to their taste. To improve the overall tone of the body and increase efficiency, you can sign up for dancing, aerobics, shaping, Pilates, yoga, etc. Such activities will also help saturate the brain with oxygen, increase the amount of adrenaline and endorphins (hormones of joy) in the blood.


You should not work continuously, small correct pauses will help you become more cheerful and add efficiency. But during such breaks, you should not pour coffee, go to the smoking room with colleagues, etc. It is better to walk down the street (if possible), perform several exercises from office gymnastics.

At home, in order to cheer up in general, you sometimes need to be lazy: lie in the bathroom, lie on the couch and listen to music, take a nap a little during the day.

Every year it is desirable to visit the sea. A lot has been said and written about the benefits of sea air and sea water. Yes, and a temporary change of residence, and even with good emotions, will only benefit.

Water procedures

Regular water procedures will help to saturate the body with energy and add efficiency. So in the morning you should accustom yourself to take a contrast shower, once every one or two weeks you can visit a bath, in the evening warm water will help you relax as much as possible and sleep soundly. Also, to increase efficiency, you can visit the pool and water aerobics. Such activities will give a lot of energy, help get rid of negative emotions, etc.

Drugs and folk remedies

The best human performance can be achieved by following the above and using drugs. To increase efficiency, you can also turn your attention to folk remedies (medicines based on various medicinal plants), as well as drugs from a pharmacy.

A good effect is the use of adaptogen plants. Preparations based on them can be prepared on their own, or can be purchased at a pharmacy. The most famous remedy of this type is ginseng, a tincture based on the root of this culture is advised to take thirty to forty drops in the morning on an empty stomach in the autumn-winter time, dissolving in a small amount of water. Such a medicinal composition perfectly tones, improves performance, stimulates the desire to perform physical or mental work.

Rhodiola rosea is another well-known adaptogen plant. Her tincture should be taken in the amount of six to ten drops once or twice a day.

You can also take medicine based on Leuzea safflower. Such a tool perfectly increases strength and stimulates a set of muscle mass, and also activates the activity of the brain and improves performance in general. To achieve a tonic effect, this medicine should be taken fifteen to thirty drops.

Many experts in depressive states, stress and intense loads advise taking tincture of Chinese magnolia vine. It is worth consuming twelve to fifteen drops.

Eleutherococcus senticosus tincture is also quite often the drug of choice. To achieve a tonic effect, it is recommended to take a teaspoon of this composition in the morning.

Among other things, some pharmaceutical preparations can also be used to increase efficiency. Most often, nootropic drugs that stimulate brain activity are used for this purpose. But the expediency of their use must be discussed with the attending physician without fail.

In fact, fairly simple lifestyle changes can increase the body's performance by an order of magnitude. And folk remedies will only contribute to even more effective mental and physical work.

The life of a modern person is sometimes like running an endless distance, without any hope of respite. Problems piling up from all sides at the same time, requiring an instant and correct solution, can easily unsettle a person and lead to physical and psychological failures. And then drugs come to the rescue that can work a miracle, restoring vigor and strength to a person for the daily struggle for existence. Being a lifesaver, these funds eliminate the failure of the body's natural physiological functions, harmonizing the physical and psycho-emotional state of a person.

Pharmacy tools to improve performance

Constant extracurricular work, lack of vacations, “lack of sleep” during the session, a feeling of constant fatigue when caring for a baby or a seriously ill person - these moments occur at one time in our lives. Sometimes one's own resources are simply not enough, and then one has to resort to drugs that can replace proper rest, sleep, helping to restore the endocrine-vegetative processes in the human body. Preparations of this group are divided into means:

increase mental performance;
increase physical performance.

Drugs that increase mental activity

Drugs that increase mental activity belong to the group of nootropics. They are able to improve memory and increase mental performance, being neurometabolic stimulants. These drugs skillfully restore the activation of the transmission of nerve impulses, when they are taken, nerve cells become more resistant to the effects of various negative factors.

The most famous representatives of this group are Piracetam. (Nootropil, Piramem, Noocephalus), Deanol aceglumate, Pikamilno (Vinpacetin), Calcium hopantenate, Phenotropil, etc. These drugs can be prescribed:

people experiencing mental or mental extreme stress;
If you need to quickly memorize large amounts of information;
with decreased performance and mood swings.

A decrease in physical performance is characteristic of the now popular term “chronic fatigue syndrome”. In this state, ordinary rest does not bring relief due to the accumulated overstrain as a result of prolonged stress. If proper measures are not taken in time, then this condition will entail a serious malfunction in the work of all body systems and the appearance of various diseases.

A persistent decrease in performance serves as a signal of the need to take effective measures to eliminate it.

Chemical energy

The drugs that increase physical performance include energy products that can replenish the expended forces of the body and activate the work of all its enzyme systems.

These include melatonin, phosphorylated hexoses, calcium glycerophosphate, calcium gluconate, succinic acid preparations, glutamic acid, asparkam, methionine, and various amino acids. A group of these drugs is widely used in professional sports, helping athletes cope with heavy loads.

The amino acid energy complex of amino acids and vitamins "Infors" enjoys good reviews. It has a natural base and a bioavailable complex of metabolites that easily restore the energy balance of a depleted body.

Natural adaptogens

Unlike chemicals, natural adaptogens increase the amount of energy needed in the body, not just redistribute it. These drugs help the body to more easily endure all kinds of physical activity and increase its resistance to many adverse factors.

Plants-adaptogens in their composition contain substances close to the action of steroids, which, as you know, are widely used by athletes to increase their physical endurance.

Plant adaptogens include pollen preparations, spirulina, alcohol tinctures of ginseng, eleutherococcus, pink radiola, Manchurian aralia, Chinese magnolia vine, mummy, bee products (apilak, propolis), pantocrine (or gypsy) from deer antlers. Until now, the full mechanism of the impact of adaptogens on the body has not been fully understood, but these drugs can work wonders, mobilizing the body's defenses, while maintaining its cellular potential.

When taking these drugs that increase the efficiency of the body, it is necessary to take into account their following features:

in the summer they are not recommended to be taken because of the unpredictability of the effect;
Caution in taking children under 16 years of age to avoid premature puberty;
Most drugs are best taken in the morning, so as not to cause insomnia;
their dosage is individual and prescribed by a doctor;
It is necessary to periodically replace one drug with another to prevent accumulation and addiction.

Vitamins to improve performance

A common cause of decline in performance is the lack of essential substances. In this case, in addition to reviewing the diet, an additional intake of vitamin preparations or their complexes is prescribed.

Most often, vitamins A, C, E, B15, PP, B6 are used for this purpose.

With increased physical activity and in extreme situations, vitamin C is often used. Vitamin A helps to cope with visual stress. Vitamin E increases the physical activity of a person, and vitamin B6 is considered an unsurpassed stimulant of efficiency. While taking vitamin B15, a person's endurance increases at the physical level, which passes after its withdrawal.

In the pharmacological open spaces, a great variety of vitamin complexes abound, contributing to an increase in physical activity, endurance and raising vitality. The most widely used now are:

· Vitrum Energy (USA);
· Gerimaks Energy (Denmark);
Dopel Hertz Energotonic (Germany);
Dynamizan (Italy);
· Alphabet Energy (Russia);
Aerovit, Glutamevit, Dekamevit, Undevit, Revit (Russia).

What vitamins that increase the body's performance to choose - the decision is made by the person himself. Judging by the reviews, they all contribute to obtaining the desired result, helping the body to receive additional energy to recover from stress and shock.

Herbs that increase the efficiency of the body

From time immemorial, traditional medicine has been able to improve health and restore strength to a person of any age after an illness or physical overwork. Increasing the efficiency of herbs is based on their different properties. Many plants have estrogenic activity, being hormone-like stimulants of all body functions. This includes sprouted grains of cereals, corn seeds, legumes.

Other plants are revered for their ability to act on the adrenal cortex. These include licorice and string, containing glycyrrhizic acid, which is an analogue of glucocorticoids.

Plants such as onion, garlic, honey, calamus, wormwood, pepper, coriander are removed from the tissues of the body. Plants such as wild rose, currant, nettle or rhubarb can serve as an alternative to chemical preparations. Incomparable biostimulants are Icelandic moss, juice or extract of aloe and kalanchoe, bitterness and spices in the form of pepper, cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, cloves, turmeric.

Of course, there are many recipes for improving performance. You should not just look through your fingers at failures in the work of your own body, letting everything take its course. Love yourself, maintain your health, because it is a condition for our success in every day of life given to us.

Tertilova Anna, www.site

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Residents of megacities are increasingly experiencing a feeling of severe fatigue that does not leave the mind and body even after weekends and holidays. Not only the rapid pace of life dictated by big cities, food and ecology, but also some negative human habits are responsible for the loss of vital energy. It is enough to make a number of changes in the daily routine in order to increase efficiency and again feel a surge of strength and vigor.

Instead of pumping your body daily with caffeine, energy drinks, or, conversely, sleeping pills and alcohol to relax, you should turn to your biological clock. Some mobile applications on modern smartphones will help you easily determine and build an individual sleep and wake schedule so that you don’t feel overwhelmed in the morning and count sheep in an attempt to fall asleep late at night.

If you have a sedentary job, then to maintain general tone, it is enough to dedicate 20 minutes to training three times a week and walk more. The lack of movement and physical activity negatively affects the overall endurance of the body. So, you will lose strength, literally doing nothing. It is not necessary to exhaust yourself with daily cardio and strength exercises, spending significant time in the gym. The main thing is not to miss classes, even if there is no mood and strength to do something, thinking that by doing this you will keep the rest of your vigor. Sport increases your energy reserves, stimulating the body to fight fatigue more easily and recover faster.

Try to keep track of the amount of fluid you drink throughout the day. Even 2% dehydration affects the heart. As a result, the brain receives less oxygen, which reduces your performance and reaction rate. The slowing down of oxygen circulation is also affected by the lack of iron in the food consumed, which can lead to anemia.

Allow yourself not to linger in the office after the end of the working day and do not miss breaks, even if it is not customary or you have a deadline. The same goes for projects that do not have a clear time schedule and work during vacations. The division of time directly affects the quality of work. And this pattern is best explained by the Pareto law, known to most as the 20/80 principle.

Mental fatigue occurs due to various fears and increased anxiety of a person. We spend a lot of energy on fears and negative thoughts that often come out of the blue. To save your life energy, you need to try to abstract yourself from the situation or people that disturb you, and also learn how to correctly express your emotions. Various meditation practices and art therapy do an excellent job with this.

Feeling tired can come from sudden spikes in blood sugar. Therefore, from the daily diet, it is worth eliminating foods consisting of simple carbohydrates and replacing them with complex ones.

Learn to say no to people, do not let your personal boundaries be crossed, so that later you will not suffer from powerlessness and anger in trying to earn someone's praise.

When you feel a breakdown, there is a great temptation to leave behind a mess and postpone the analysis of things and documents until tomorrow. However, when you return to the office, you will be even more frustrated, starting the day in a bad mood. In most cases, the mess does not contribute to good concentration and does not allow you to fully focus on work.

Virtual reality is firmly entrenched in our lives and can completely change our perception of time. Try to limit your access to the Internet, games and TV an hour before bedtime so as not to block the production of melatonin.

By following these simple tips, you can get rid of fatigue and increase your efficiency several times over.

Fatigue and stress are constant companions of modern urban residents and a natural consequence of the dynamic and intense rhythm of urban life. If you feel overwhelmed, depressed mood, tone down - use a number of techniques that will help fight fatigue and overwork.


Foot baths from water of contrasting temperatures will also help to give rest to the legs. Dip your feet in basins of hot and cold water in turn. Make baths for both feet and hands - hands also rest.

Give yourself a relaxing bath by adding an infusion of soothing herbs such as chamomile, lemon balm, sage or lavender to the water. To prepare the infusion, pour a glass of boiling water over two tablespoons of herbs and wait 30 minutes until the decoction is infused.

Prepare a mask to relax your face - grate a fresh cucumber or raw potato, apply the resulting mixture to a face that has been previously washed with hot water and lie down in a horizontal position for several minutes. After that, the mask can be removed.

Do some physical exercises that will return your muscles tonus. Sitting on a chair, stretch your legs forward and pull your feet towards you. Raise your arms up and back, placing your palms parallel to the ceiling. Inhale and stretch your whole body up. Exhale - and, bending in, stretch your head to your knees.

Pull your shoulders back, raise your head and with a straight back try to lay on your chest. This will increase the flow to the neck muscles.

Tilt your head left and right.

After exercise, prepare yourself a vitamin or a glass of freshly squeezed juice or fruit drink. Eat fruits or vegetables, drink green tea. Green tea perfectly relieves fatigue, tones and restores a good mood.

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Sudden weakness is especially common in urban areas during winter. Lack of sunlight, humid air, beriberi adversely affect the well-being of even absolutely healthy people. It also happens that weakness simply paralyzes, a person feels completely devoid of vital energy and loses all interest in everything that happens. It is not so easy to get rid of severe weakness, but if you wish, even in winter you can feel cheerful and energetic.

You will need

  • - tincture of echinacea;
  • - Ginseng, Rhodiola rosea, Eleutherococcus, Aralia Manzhurskaya;
  • - St. John's wort.


They experience quite a lot of stress when sitting for a long time, so work on them should be done every two to three hours. Turn your head left and right, tilt down and stretch up. After that, make several circular movements clockwise and counterclockwise. All these must be done slowly, stretching.

Do leg exercises

Stand against the wall and lean against it so that the shoulder blades and tailbone touch its surface. Stretch your arms up and strive for them with internal efforts, while pulling the shoulder blades to the floor. Stretching will relieve fatigue and discomfort from the spine.

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Helpful advice

If you have the opportunity to spend a little more time warming up, dedicate it to foot massage. Many points are concentrated on them, which are responsible both for internal organs and for various parts of the body. Their stimulation will improve blood flow and relieve fatigue.

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It is quite possible to work successfully without suffering from overwork. Inability to concentrate, distracted attention and weakness are the main symptoms of fatigue. Well, if they appear only in the evening, it is much worse when all the signs are present in the morning.

Breakfast with cereals - slowly burning carbohydrates from cereals provide energy for a long time. It is good to include vegetables and freshly squeezed juices, yogurts and cheeses in the menu. Don't limit yourself to three meals a day. Add a couple of snacks with apples or other fruits. Purchase special bio-complexes containing minerals, they also include plant extracts.

Do not aggravate stress with a lack of moisture, drink clean water, juices, green tea during the day. Even slight dehydration leads to increased fatigue, reduces brain function and.

Take breaks during the work day. At this time, you need to switch to another type of activity, so you give yourself a break, and fatigue does not accumulate. You can even just walk.

Sometimes you need to take a break from colleagues and clients, find a way to be alone. You can fix your makeup, sit in your favorite position by closing. Imagine yourself for five minutes as a 4-year-old child. What do you see and feel? Travel through different years, you will be surprised how your view of the current work situation will change.

It is good if the window overlooks a park or a green courtyard. In other cases, you can start a plant and put it on the table. In a few minutes of caring for a cactus or ficus, a real overload of the whole organism will occur.

Removing fatigue is a simple matter. Disconnect from work problems by leaving the office. In such cases, a very monotonous activity, for example, cooking. By learning to switch, you will not accumulate fatigue.

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During the day, our skin collects dust and dirt, which contributes to the growth of millions of pathogenic bacteria. It is known that about 40 thousand microorganisms can be located on one square centimeter. Taking a bath is a hygiene procedure that cleanses, strengthens and rejuvenates.

Types of baths that relieve fatigue and malaise: 1. Revitalizing bath. Two tablespoons of pine needles extract, added to a warm bath, restore strength well. In this case, the bath is no more than three minutes, a longer stay will have the opposite effect. Massaging the body in circular motions using a hairbrush towards the heart will also invigorate. 2. Soothing bath. This bath is great for relieving the fatigue of a hard day. First you need to wash yourself in the shower, and then, pouring two glasses of salt into a warm bath, immerse yourself in it for 15 minutes. Such a bath, taken once a week, improves, provides good health. 3. Herbal bath. Bath for problematic skin. You need to take 25 grams of lavender flowers, juniper seeds, St. John's wort, chamomile, as well as mint, linden, and thyme, taken 50 grams each. Put this collection into a gauze bag, pour 2 liters of water. Boil over high heat, then reduce the heat, hold for about half an hour. This is added to the bath. 4. Bath, smoothing the skin. One tablespoon of pine extract plus a pound of potato starch will have a positive effect on keratinized epidermis and goose bumps. You can also use a thick decoction of oatmeal. 5. Invigorating bath. A few drops of eucalyptus oil and 3 tablespoons of pine extract will provide excellent health and wellness. Thus, each of us can choose for himself which bath is most necessary for him.

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Scattered attention, weakness and apathy are clear signs of overwork. This condition often occurs in the evening after a hard day at work, but many continue to struggle with fatigue in the morning. There are several simple ways to avoid overwork and keep your body in good shape.


Just one sleepless night reduces performance by 10%, so you should not neglect a good rest. An eight-hour night's sleep will restore strength, as well as significantly improve concentration during the working day.

Proper nutrition is the key to good mood and well-being. An ideal breakfast is cereals (cereals and muesli) containing slowly burning carbohydrates. They will energize you until lunch. You can add fruits, cheese and freshly squeezed juice to cereals. During the working day, do not get by with one lunch. A couple of snacks with fruits, nuts or yogurt will add strength and lift.

One of the reasons for increased fatigue is the lack of fluid in. Even slight dehydration dramatically reduces mental abilities and significantly impairs memory. Don't limit the amount of drinks you drink. The main requirement is that they should not contain caffeine (water, juice, green tea or fruit drink).

It has been scientifically proven that a window view of a green courtyard or park effectively relieves stress, normalizes blood pressure and awakens the desire to create. If only high-rise buildings are visible from your window and, be sure to decorate the windowsill with a houseplant.

A good prevention of stress and fatigue is to change species. During lunch, mentally disconnect from work problems and relax. This way you will not let negative thoughts fill all your time, and a relaxed state will return good spirits.

Every day we do a lot of things - we go to work, clean the house, drive a car, shop and much more. All this takes a lot of time and effort. Therefore, it is not surprising that one has to return home with incredible fatigue throughout the body. There are several ways to help you quickly relieve fatigue at home.


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You can relieve fatigue with the help of some available products. These foods provide the body with all the nutrients it needs, such as proteins, fats, complex carbohydrates, as well as vitamins and minerals that help fight the symptoms of fatigue.


Bananas are high in potassium, which the body needs to convert blood sugar into energy. They are rich in other important nutrients such as vitamin C, omega-3 fatty acids, omega-6 fatty acids, fiber and carbohydrates that fight dehydration and other symptoms of fatigue. In addition, natural sugars such as sucrose, fructose, and glucose found in bananas are essential for boosting energy levels. To relieve fatigue, consume 1-2 bananas daily.

Green tea

A cup of refreshing green tea will help you get rid of fatigue and stress. Green tea contains polyphenols that relieve stress, increase energy and improve mental performance. It also contains substances that have been shown to increase metabolism and combat signs of fatigue. To make green tea, steep 1 teaspoon of green tea leaves in a glass of hot water for 5 minutes. Strain, add honey and drink 2-3 times a day.

Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds contain high quality proteins, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins B1, B2, B5 and B6, as well as minerals such as manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and copper. All these nutrients boost the immune system, provide energy and relieve fatigue. In addition, tryptophan, contained in pumpkin seeds, helps fight emotional fatigue and improves sleep. A handful of these seeds will give you an instant boost of energy and make you feel less tired.


The ideal food to combat fatigue is oatmeal, which contains quality carbohydrates that provide fuel for the brain and muscles throughout the day. In addition, it has many important nutrients such as protein, magnesium, phosphorus and vitamin B1 that help boost vitality. And due to the high fiber content, oatmeal is good for the digestive system. It is also recommended for diabetics as it helps maintain normal blood sugar levels. Eat a daily bowl of oatmeal with fresh fruits and nuts for breakfast.


Another product that helps relieve fatigue is walnuts. They are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which can easily counteract the effects of fatigue. Walnuts can also help relieve symptoms of mild depression. In addition to containing a large amount of manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, they contain protein and fiber, which increase energy levels after training.

Often stress, lack of sleep and psychological stress reduce performance and give rise to chronic fatigue. The rhythm of our life does not allow us to stop even for a minute, but what can we do if we are running out of energy already in the middle of the working day? A few simple tips will keep you energized throughout the day.

Performance depends on how you feel, and how well you feel depends largely on how well you rested. You need to learn how to rest well and on time in order to continue to work efficiently. And even in the workplace, there are a few tricks you can use to help you relax. Follow these simple rules to forget about fatigue!

The first rule: the lunch break is a time of rest from work. Take a break from business, have a snack, talk on the phone with your husband, chat with colleagues or just sit and think about nothing.

Second rule: take five minutes of rest during the day. Do a little exercise, rest your eyes, water the flowers or fix your hair and makeup.

The third rule: all important and complex things must be done before 15:00. Do not put them off for the evening, because it has long been proven that the morning is the most productive working time.

The fourth rule: maintain a positive attitude throughout the day, smile more, it is much easier for a cheerful and friendly person to cope with fatigue.

Tip: Do simple breathing exercises several times a day. Close your eyes and within 2-4 minutes slowly inhale air through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

To get rid of weakness and increase energy, you do not need to rely on drugs. Nature has already offered us a wide range of natural remedies for weakness that are very safe and beneficial.


Being a rich source of protein, yogurt is ideal for people who are wondering how to overcome weakness.

By consuming yogurt daily, you can supply the body with energy and satisfy hunger.

Herb tea

Not only does a cup of herbal tea help you relax, but it is also one of the best remedies for weakness. Such tea contains many nutrients that play an essential role in providing energy.

Take 10 basil leaves and put in water. Boil for 5-10 minutes and strain. Add lemon or honey for taste. Drink this tea several times a day.


Almonds provide an abundance of vitamin E, which is very useful for a breakdown. Energy can be obtained from the fats, proteins and carbohydrates found in almonds.


Like other fruits, mangoes are very rich in vital minerals and vitamins, which are useful in case of weakness.

If you eat mango 2-3 times a day, you can help the body store energy and feel very energetic.

Physical exercise

Regular exercise - there is no better way to boost your energy levels. Also, using this method, you can increase physical strength and even cope with depression.

When you feel tired or depressed, all you need is rest. Thus, you can restore strength, increase immunity and stimulate cell growth. Scientists advise to sleep at least 8 hours a day. Go to bed and wake up at the same time on weekdays and weekends.

Tip 14: Relax after work: how to recover after a hard day at work

Spend time doing something you love or something you've always wanted to do. Create a hobby that will bring you pleasure and relax you. A few hours of leisure as a replacement for computer games and TV will constantly develop you for the better, and rest will seem like a real rest.

Another effective way to relax is to spend time with family or old friends. If you have not visited your relatives for a long time due to constant employment, you have not seen your friends for months, then now is the best time to do it.

Tip 15: How to enjoy the summer if you have to work

Every person associates summer with a sunny beach, the sea and unrestrained fun. However, these rosy dreams are often destroyed by work. But is it worth it to plunge headlong into the daily routine and deprive yourself of pleasure? Let's share some effective ways to enjoy summer at work.

early rise

To get the most positive impressions from the summer season, you need to start the day as early as possible. The free time that appears can be spent on yoga classes, jogging or other type of activity. Or you can go to work early to put your thoughts in order, tune in to the upcoming day and do everything faster and better.

fruit water

If you can't treat yourself to a delicious cocktail on the beach, improvise. Add pieces of exotic fruits to ordinary water or drink berry tea. You will get a lot of benefits from such a drink. It will cheer you up, improve your health and quench your thirst.

Lunch in the park

Another way to enjoy summer is to have lunch (or dinner) outdoors. If there is no park nearby, you can get by with a shady corner. Such an outing will help you escape from your work routine, dream, meet friends or just enjoy the summer sun. In addition, scientists have proven that eating outdoors improves mood and speeds up metabolism.

Busy evening

By starting your day early, you can quickly cope with work responsibilities and free up the evening for entertainment. They are easy to find in the summer. A romantic boat trip, a trip to an outdoor cinema, an amusement park or dancing under the moon will give you a lot of pleasant impressions.

little things

Summer mood is created by little things. Therefore, do not limit yourself and your imagination:

  • Decorate your workplace with bright colors. A bouquet of flowers and photos from the last vacation will help with this. Mark on a small globe or map the places you want to visit. Visualize your dreams. And miracles will not keep you waiting.
  • The playlist can include tracks related to your summer. Music will give you a good mood and speed up your workflow.
  • If circumstances permit, you can go to work on foot or by bike. This will not only be useful for your figure and health, but will also cheer you up and create the impression of a carefree summer.
  • In the absence of a good rest, do not forget to regularly visit the pool and treat yourself to ice cream. And don't forget sunbathing. All this will give you a pleasant and eventful summer with a sea of ​​vivid impressions.

Today, a large number of people suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome. Improper nutrition, stress at work, physical inactivity - all this has a negative effect on the nervous system, causing overwork and apathy.

The high rhythm of life, large amounts of information, malnutrition, sleep disturbance - all this negatively affects the human body. Fatigue accumulates and becomes chronic. A person becomes lethargic and apathetic, he is not interested in anything, soen does not bring proper rest.

If such symptoms are present, then this is a signal that the body needs psychological relief.

To get rid of chronic fatigue and overwork, you need the following:

Full sleep

It must be at least 8 hours. So much is needed for the brain to go through all the phases of sleep and the body to fully recover overnight.

Proper diet

Include more fresh vegetables and fruits in your daily diet. Avoid fast food, fatty and sugary foods.

Avoiding alcohol, nicotine, caffeine and other stimulants

They give a temporary relaxing effect, after which an even worse phase of fatigue, apathy and depression sets in.

Frequent walks in the fresh air

Try to spend at least an hour a day in the fresh air. This will improve blood circulation in the body and have a beneficial effect on the lungs.

Go in for physical education

If there is not enough time for the gym, then you can at least do a short exercise in the morning. This will give energy and strength for the whole day.

Have quiet days

The constant flow of unnecessary information that pours out on us every day greatly tires the brain, reduces concentration and clarity of thought. Be quiet for a while, turning off the TV, telephone, radio and other sources of information noise for a while.

These are the most common recipes for combating fatigue.

Most people get frustrated when they take long vacations or vacations. Psychologists call this phenomenon the vacation syndrome. And as a fact, seasonality is not important here, the state of the person is important. In simple words, this is the inability to take a break in the modern rhythm of life.

Work, work and more work

You can not be physically present at work, but constantly mentally return to professional problems. Worry about future meetings, rehearse speeches, be nervous lest colleagues start intrigues against you. And because of this, at every opportunity to check the mail. At the same time, try to smile at family and friends, but mentally be far away.

Or another scenario. You have a week of vacation and it is this week that you decide to get up at eight in the morning to cook healthy breakfasts. Do a general cleaning, dismantle cabinets and knock out carpets. As a result, there is no time left for yourself, fatigue piles up and depression is just around the corner.

Rest must be earned

Thinking constantly about work makes not only the inability to switch from work to rest, but also a sense of guilt for “useless activities”. How often, when you tried to settle down with a book on the couch or in the bathroom, did your inner voice ask: “Did you deserve this?”. Feelings of guilt pile up, it seems that it is necessary to do “something useful”. At this point, you should stop and think about why your inner critic does not allow you to relax. The reason may be unrealized plans or mismatch with someone's expectations.

It is worth understanding that everyone has the right to rest. And do not scold yourself for laziness, you are just gaining strength, so you deserve a few days of “doing nothing”.

And so that the holidays do not turn into a “marathon of cleaning” and “useful activities”, you should make a to-do list. It is better if only the most important things are included in it. It should also be remembered that on vacation there is a feeling of "unlimitedness", a simple homework stretches for several hours. To prevent this from happening, take a strictly defined time for household chores, after which, whether you managed to complete the task or not, go to rest.

Relax according to the rules

In order to stop behaving on vacation like slaves who were released from the galleys, but forgot to unchain, you should follow some rules.

Take off your watch during the holidays. At first you will miss them, but very quickly you will get used to doing without them. Forget about the rush, you are relaxing.

Limit the time you spend doing household chores. Minimize internet usage, both from your computer and phone. Take care of yourself, do what you have long wanted, but there was no time. During the holidays, you have the opportunity to make your dream come true. And the Internet - communication you will always have time to resume.

Relax slowly. You are absolutely not obliged, with your eyes wide open, to rush to the pool, to the skating rink or to the theater. You deserve a calm and measured rest.

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