High temperature, but nothing hurts: what to do. Constant nausea, the causes of which are caused by the disease. What diseases can cause dizziness

Between the state of health and disease, an intermediate state is distinguished - the so-called "incomplete health". It occurs before the onset of the disease or due to overwork (physical or mental). Its symptoms are periodic ailments, headache, loss of appetite, fatigue, dry skin, decreased performance, shortness of breath during physical exertion, discomfort in the heart area, increased heart rate, unstable blood pressure, tendency to constipation, back pain, increased neuro-emotional arousal, feeling of freezing in the limbs, unstable blood sugar, etc.

An intermediate state of ill health may arise under the influence of harmful production factors, as well as due to the constant use of alcohol and tobacco.

In order to change incomplete health to complete and prevent illness, the causes of this condition should be eliminated: improve working, living, and rest conditions; start to harden and engage in physical education; improve nutrition with the addition of vitamins, take adaptogens (ginseng, eleutherococcus), sedatives(valerian, dog nettle, sage), exclude alcohol and nicotine.

If you get sick, take the illness seriously so that you can overcome it. When signs of illness appear, it is necessary to realize that the illness begins. The first thing you need to do is to do everything possible to get rid of the disease. Do not succumb to the disease, do not lose hope for recovery!

During illness, it is precisely carelessness, negligence or frivolous self-confidence that everything will work out by itself, and lead to grave consequences. And during treatment, one cannot rejoice ahead of time that the disease has already been defeated. But you shouldn't panic either. Avoid nervous breakdowns, do not heat up emotions, this will only help increase hormones such as adrenaline, glucocorticoids, which depress immune system. And immunity in such a state is extremely necessary for you.

Never ignore regular checkups. Especially if you are over 40, be sure to undergo an examination at the clinic, which includes: fluorography of organs chest, examination of the rectum, and for women - examination by a gynecologist, measurement intraocular pressure, examination by a therapist. This will help to identify the disease in time and take all measures to overcome it.

To the question Help! I have a temperature of 38.5, and NOTHING HURTS. WHAT COULD IT BE? given by the author Neurologist the best answer is It's the flu, throat and nose can get sick later in the day. A typical picture for the flu is only a temperature and nothing hurts. Drink effervescent antigrippin(1 tablet every 3-4 hours to relieve fever and chills), arbidol - 3-4 r. per day in a capsule. Get well!!!

Answer from freshly salted[master]
In any case, drink Fervex and sleep more.

Answer from Lina Volkova[guru]
the beginning of the OR. Such a strange strain this year.
first temperature for three days, and then cough and snot.
It could also be a complication like bronchitis.

Answer from User deleted[expert]
Maybe it's the flu virus.

Answer from Millet[master]
the flu is coming

Answer from Vredina[guru]
Cold or flu, teraflu works well.

Answer from I am not talking to you™[guru]
In case of appendicitis early stage Nothing hurts either, and the temperature is high. The other day my nephew - 4 years old - was in the hospital. He had a temperature of 40!!! And the poor thing didn't complain about anything. They were taken to the surgery in an ambulance. He ate seeds in the garden ... Now I don’t know what’s next, I’ll call my sister tomorrow morning and find out how and what. And after work I will definitely visit them in the hospital. He's been on a drip all day today, because he just can't take antipyretics, and he's weak from fever.

Answer from Igrok[guru]
The tooth is cut... As it cuts through, and the temperature drops ...

Answer from Wais[guru]
Elevated body temperature over 37 degrees is a protective reaction of the body to many diseases. At a temperature, metabolism increases, accelerating the formation of antibodies that fight infection. Viral infection sometimes it can lead to a decrease in temperature, but much more often it raises it - sometimes even up to 40.5 degrees. The causes of persistently high fever can be viral and bacterial infections: cold, sore throat, flu, acute otitis media, pneumonia and others.
Traditional Treatments: Moderately high temperature, well tolerated by patients, reduce with medicines it does not follow. In cases high fever, as well as at respiratory failure, debilitating diseases, antipyretics are used - aspirin, amidopyrine, paracetamol. Treatment should be directed to the underlying disease.
Unconventional and folk methods treatment:
1) Mix equally honey, grated onion and grated apples. The resulting mixture is taken 1 tablespoon 3 times a day as an antipyretic.
2) Chop 1 onion. Fill it with 0.5l. hot water, insist, wrapped, night, strain and drink during the day, 0.25 cups 3-4 times a day 20 minutes before meals at a temperature and headache.
3) Fresh berries and honeysuckle jam are used as an antipyretic and anti-febrile agent.
4) Forest raspberry is an excellent antipyretic. Brew as tea 2 tablespoons of dried raspberries with 1 cup of boiling water, drink at a time. You can drink tea with raspberry jam.
5) Strawberries reduce fever well.
6) Grate 2 raw potatoes on a coarse grater. Pour 1 tablespoon of vinegar into the resulting mass and put it on a clean cloth or gauze folded in several layers. The cloth should be wide enough to wrap the mashed potatoes in. Put the finished compress on the forehead, and after a while change it to a new one.
7) At a high temperature, wrap the patient with a sheet soaked in a solution of vinegar, vodka and water, taken in equal volumes. Vodka is optional.
8) At high temperatures, apply a compress on the forehead - gauze soaked in a decoction of sour grapes or vinegar.
9) Take 1 tablespoon of chopped dry verbena grass, pour 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 1 hour and strain. Take 0.3 cup 3 times a day. The infusion has antipyretic properties.
10) Rub in cold water watermelon seeds in a ratio of 1:10. Take 1 tablespoon every 2 hours. It has a good antipyretic property.
11) Take in equal parts centaury grass, chamomile flowers, three-leaf watch leaves (everything is sold in a pharmacy). Pour 1 tablespoon of the collection with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 1 hour and strain. Take 0.5 cup 3 times a day at elevated temperature.
12) At a high temperature, apply a mixture of horseradish salt and vinegar to the calves and feet.
13) Pour 2 tablespoons of chopped willow bark with 2 cups of hot water, put on fire and cook over low heat for 20 minutes. Take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day at elevated temperatures.
14) Pour 1 tablespoon of dried lilac flowers with 1 cup of boiling water. Infuse for 1 hour and strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.
15) Stir 1 tablespoon lemon juice in 1 glass boiled water. Take at high temperature.
16) If the temperature does not subside, wipe the body several times a day with water acidified with lemon. You can also soak your socks in this water. Put them on and over - dry woolen socks.
17) Pour 1 tablespoon of thin crushed branches of sea buckthorn (they can be cut at any time of the year) 1.5 cups of boiling water and cook in a sealed container for 15-20 minutes, leave for 2 hours and strain. Drink at night in small sips.
18) To bring down the high temperature, you need to give 1 glass to drink cucumber juice and wipe the patient's body with it.

If the temperature has overcome the mark of 37 degrees, but has not risen above 38, and there are no other symptoms, then some of the organs (kidneys, endocrine system, lungs, etc.) is exposed to inflammatory processes. If nothing hurts, and the temperature is high (more than 38 degrees) - this is a sign of a virus or infection, whose symptoms will appear the next day. Consider possible reasons phenomena in more detail.

  • Causes of fever without symptoms

    Even if nothing hurts, fever is a good reason to see a therapist. Only a doctor can identify the true cause of a sudden chill and prescribe a subsequent course of treatment.

    When the thermometer shows no more than 38 degrees, and the patient's condition is satisfactory, doctors recommend not taking any measures.

    Thermometer readings above 38 degrees, as a rule, cause muscle pain, aches, chills. You should not tolerate them, but it is better to help the body with antipyretic drugs - Aspirin, Paracetamol, Ibuprofen.

    You can effectively and safely lower the temperature with proven folk remedies:

    • Cold compress on forehead. AT cool water you can moisten a towel or wrap an ice pack in it;
    • Drinking plenty of fluids of at least 2.5 liters of fluid per day will prevent severe dehydration. The drink may be warm. Morses are good green tea with lemon, at night for good night it is better to drink milk with honey.
    • Feet are cold. If the cause of the discomfort is not a cold, you can place your feet in a basin with cold water for 10-20 minutes.
    • Herbal infusions. Dry raspberry, linden or currant leaves, rose hips are poured with boiling water and infused in a thermos. After 2-3 hours, a warm broth can be drunk like regular tea.

    Do not self-medicate if you cannot bring down the temperature for more than 3 days! Contact a therapist immediately.

    Good health and good health to you!

  • If any violations occur in the human body, it signals this. One such warning sign is persistent nausea, which has a variety of causes. This phenomenon, which does not depend on the will of a person, is characterized by a painful sensation in the pharynx, oral cavity and chest. In this case, a person may experience profuse salivation, loss of strength, cold extremities and low blood pressure. Nausea is often followed by vomiting.
    Nausea itself is not a disease. However, she serves severe symptom to many diseases, and sometimes a reflex caused by an unusual state of the body.

    This applies to dizziness, a severe situation requiring hospitalization and specialized treatment - infusions, antimicrobials, etc. if you have any of these symptoms, do not hesitate to contact your family doctor or go to the hospital.

    Your doctor may consider the need for an infusion and prescribe antimicrobial drug which is bad for your pregnancy. Even if you feel unwell, your child is "affluent" and receives all the nutritional factors he needs, and his health is not affected. AT recent times the results of serious studies have shown a stunning fact: women suffering from morning sickness, have more low risk pregnancy loss.

    Persistent nausea, the causes of which are not related to the disease

    Many pregnant women in the first months of bearing a child complain of nausea and dizziness.

    People with a vestibular apparatus susceptible to motion sickness experience heavy sensations when moving with the help of different types transport.
    Overheating in the sun can result in heatstroke, causing nausea;
    overeating and frequent use fatty foods provokes an unpleasant reflex.
    Food poisoning causes nausea and vomiting.
    Nausea can be a side effect if medications are used incorrectly;
    A person can feel sick from a specific smell and toxic fumes;
    Sometimes the reaction of the body in the form of nausea occurs if a person is very frightened or is in a state of hysteria.

    In addition, there are theories, albeit contradictory, that the state of nausea is precisely the mechanism by which the embryo is protected by teratogenic effects. various toxins found in various plants and foods. Unlike an embryo, an adult has a whole arsenal of enzymes that help destroy the toxins they ingest.

    An aversion to coffee would be one of the first signs of pregnancy, precisely because of high content toxins in coffee. Whatever the reasons, console yourself: in most cases, after 14 weeks, the nausea will gradually decrease in intensity and then disappear.

    Chronic nausea caused by illness

    Nausea can be a symptom of ailments associated with disorders in the organs of the digestive tract. It is accompanied by exacerbations of such long-term stomach diseases as ulcers and gastritis. Nausea often accompanies pain and heartburn.
    The pylorus enters the structure of the stomach. With the narrowing of its lumen, the patient experiences nausea after eating. Attacks increase if the stenosis progresses.

    Get the most helpful parenting resources right in your inbox. This can be caused by several things. Most often, in the case of children, the cause is caused by a virus that affects the gastrointestinal tract. Enterocolitis, also called cold in the stomach, can cause dizziness and diarrhea.

    If you feel sick after eating

    These infections do not last long and are more unpleasant than dangerous. However, children who vomit, cannot drink too much fluid, and have diarrhea may become dehydrated. It is important to remain calm. Babbing disturbs children and exhaustion for children of all ages. Your child's comfort and prevention possible dehydration Here are the main steps to take to quick recovery small child.

    See how the esophagus and stomach look from the inside

    The person is very nauseous acute appendicitis and intestinal obstruction on the background sharp deterioration well-being and abdominal pain.
    Nausea may be late symptom development tumors of the intestines and stomach. Education in this case can close the entire intestinal lumen.
    Nausea occurs due to the receipt of impulses in a special nerve center. And diseases of the nervous system itself often cause this reflex. The brain is one of its most important components. His tumors and injuries cause intense nausea.
    In case of nausea and severe headaches, you should immediately consult a doctor. These symptoms may indicate serious infections brain like meningitis and encephalitis.
    This is not the whole list of diseases that cause a constant feeling of nausea: the causes of the phenomenon may also lie in diseases of other organs.
    AT cardiovascular system ailments such as hypertension and heart attack may occur. which also causes nausea. It also occurs in heart failure.
    This syndrome cause disturbances in endocrine system leading to the development diabetes.

    Regular non-prescription medications meant to treat nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea are not recommended for children. Oral rehydration is a method parents can use at home to prevent dehydration or treat mild cases. Talk to your family doctor or pediatrician, especially if you think your child is dehydrated, as they can tell you about other ways to rehydrate your child.

    It does not give her normal water to your child unless your doctor tells you a certain amount. If you are still breastfeeding, try breastfeeding for 5-10 minutes every two hours. After 8 hours without vomiting, you will be able to return to normal breastfeeding. Attention everyone latest research claim that breast milk, despite being rich in lactose, is indicated in enterocolitis. Oral rehydration solutions are balanced with salts to replace what a child loses from vomiting or diarrhea. It is very important for babies that any fluid they consume should contain optimal amount salt. Gradually increase the amount of solution you give the child if you notice that the child manages to hold it for more than two hours without vomiting. Do not give him more solutions than he usually eats, because he has filled his stomach, already too much disturbed, and could vomit again. If your baby is less than two months old and is vomiting everything he eats, call your doctor right away.

    • If the child continues to vomit, see a doctor.
    • If your baby is formula fed, contact your family doctor or pediatrician.
    • May recommend a lactose-free formula for certain period time.
    • Attention, fragrant solutions are the best.
    For children from 6 months to 1 year.

    What helps with nausea

    If nausea is a symptom, then you need to fight the disease itself that causes this reaction organism. Therefore, in this case extremely important professional advice doctor. A good remedy for mild nausea is metoclopramide and preparations containing it in their composition ( Metamol, Cerucal). Preparations based on Ondansetron (Sturgeon, Zofran) are stronger, as they are able to block the effect on the central and peripheral receptors responsible for the occurrence of nausea and vomiting.

    If it is obvious that the cause of the reflex is not a disease, then first of all it is necessary to exclude the action of the source that causes nausea. For example, moving away from a place where the sun bakes or there is smoke, get rid of the habit of overeating, or stop taking certain medications.

    This does not give her normal water to drink to your baby unless your doctor tells you a certain amount. It is very important that any liquid you consume contains the optimal amount of salt. You can take something with a certain taste, or add another three milliliters of fruit juice to the normal one. Gradually increase the amount of solution you give your child if you notice that he can hold it for more than two hours without vomiting. Do not give him more solutions than he usually eats - he would fill his stomach, already too much disturbed, and might even swell. After the child has been able to stand for about eight hours without vomiting, you can start giving him a small amount of light food to which the child is already accustomed. If your little girl doesn't vomit by 24 hours, you can start feeding her normally, just like you did before she was sick.

    • You can then resume normal breastfeeding.
    • A child older than six months cannot appreciate a solution without a taste.
    • For example, cereals, bananas, cookies or other baby food.
    For children at least 1 year old.

    It would also be useful to know what helpsfrom nausea

    Concentration on breathing. With deep even breaths emotional condition will begin to return to normal, stomach contractions normalize.
    A few sips mineral water without gas or any sugary drink can also improve the condition. Allowed only room temperature drinks, so as not to cause irritation of the gastric mucosa.
    Mint is also a good remedy for nausea. However, its decoction should not be used during pregnancy. The same goes for parsley. For pregnant women, lemon tea is better. To prepare it, you need to knead a couple of slices of this fruit in a mug or glass and pour them over hot water.
    Effective way getting rid of discomfort is aromatherapy. Smells of lavender, raspberry or citrus fruits are refreshing and can improve the general condition.
    You can try another remedy for nausea. It consists in pressing on certain points on the wrist. which are at the width of three applied fingers.
    By setting exact reasons nausea, can be picked up The right way getting rid of her. The main thing is to consult a doctor in case of any doubts.

    Provide colorless liquids in small quantities, from two teaspoons to two tablespoons or, according to at least, 30 milliliters to the child's support limit, quarterly. Suitable colorless liquids are: ice flakes or small mouthfuls of water; Flavorings or non-concentrated rehydration solutions, but enriched with a little natural fruit juice. If the child vomits, take it with less liquid and continue the discussion above. Cookies, fried bread, soups and soups, mashed potatoes and rice are some food options that can be overcooked.

    • If the child does not vomit within about 8 hours, introduce light meals slowly.
    • Don't force him to eat if he's not hungry.
    • He will tell you when needed.
    • If he doesn't vomit after 24 hours, gradually return him to his regular food.
    • Wait about three days before you start giving him dairy products.
    The greatest risk of vomiting caused by enterocolitis is dehydration.

    News from partners

    Nausea all the time

    In diseases of the biliary tract and liver, such unpleasant phenomenon like nausea. Persistent nausea may accompany chronic and acute hepatitis. drug-induced hepatitis starts with nausea. This disease can be caused the following drugs: mercasolil, beclomet, aymalin, 6-mercaptopurine, furadonin, honven, levomycetin, voltaren, reopyrin, indomethacin and so on. If you take two or three drugs at the same time, their poisoning effect may increase. Hepatitis can begin a week after the start of taking the drug, and may only appear after a few years. If a person suffers from diseases of the biliary tract, he has not only nausea, but also various pains in his right side, flatulence, discomfort, bitterness in the mouth and bloating.

    Call your doctor if your child refuses to drink fluids or vomits even after using all suggested rehydration methods. Call your doctor if you notice any of the following signs of dehydration. Mild to moderate dehydration.

    dry mouth; Few or no tears; Excited behavior in infants; Less than 4 wet diapers per day for babies; No urination at 6-8 o'clock in children older than 1 year. Very dry mouth; dry or wrinkled skin; inertia; weakness; Eyes deep in orbit; excessive sleepiness or confusion; Slow and fast breathing; Lack of urination for more than 6-8 hours in infants; Lack of urination for more than 8-10 hours in children older than 1 year; Slow or fast pulse. The following symptoms may indicate more serious problem than enterocolitis, so you should call your doctor as soon as possible.

    What is nausea?

    Vomiting is a sudden emptying of the stomach. The act of vomiting is controlled by the medulla oblongata, it has a vomiting center and a chemoreceptor trigger zone. The vomiting center is excited by impulses from the intestines, stomach, kidneys, uterus, liver, vestibular labyrinth, and so on.

    Nausea is discomfort epigastric region, which is accompanied by pallor, salivation and dizziness. Most often, nausea precedes vomiting. If a person has a tumor or stenosis of the esophagus, then after severe nausea, vomiting begins with food that is not digested. Vomiting interferes with swallowing and causes pain. With gastroenteritis, acute gastritis vomiting is accompanied by pain in epigastric region and a feeling of heaviness. If a person has stomach cancer, vomiting, which does not bring relief, is accompanied by pain, weight loss. The vomit has blood inclusions.

    Nausea during menstruation, menstruation

    Severe vomiting in infants, especially in those under 3 months of age; If the baby is younger than 2 months old and vomits repeatedly; Vomiting after administration of rehydration solution for about 24 hours; He starts vomiting again after you start eating him with normal food; Begins to vomit after a head injury; Vomiting accompanied by fever; The light green or yellow-green vomit containing his blood appears to resemble coffee grounds; The child's abdomen is loud, swollen, and painful between episodes of vomiting; Vomiting accompanied by acute pain in the stomach; The child is lethargic; redness, swelling or scrotum in boys. Vomiting caused by enterocolitis is contagious, so it would be best if you save your baby at home as long as he hasn't vomited for at least 24 hours.

    Causes of nausea

    There can be many reasons for nausea. In order to help a person, it is necessary to examine him well. Find out all the subtleties and little things of it Everyday life. Only after collecting complete information you can draw some conclusions.

    Nausea can be a symptom a large number diseases. If you tell the doctor exact time the onset of nausea, then he will be able to correctly determine the cause of the malaise. If nausea occurs after eating, then most likely the person has problems with gastrointestinal tract. Most of the time she says peptic ulcer, gastritis or duodenitis 12 duodenal ulcer or stomach. Also, constant nausea torments those who have diseases of the biliary tract and liver. If nausea appears after taking some food, then it is better to exclude it from the diet, because it causes discomfort.

    For whatever reason nausea does not occur, it is necessary in any case to visit a gastroenterologist and undergo an appropriate examination. In such situations, biochemical and general analysis blood, stool and urine tests, endoscopy and ultrasound digestive organs. Constant nausea does not necessarily have to be associated with the work of the digestive system. Maybe it's all about the disease. thyroid gland or in a heart attack.

    Sometimes people get sick just from overeating or taking too much junk food. It happens that exercise stress or stress causes nausea.

    In order to understand the cause of the disease, you need to consult a doctor. After a thorough examination and necessary analyzes you can say exactly what caused the attacks of constant nausea. Self-medication is often not very helpful. Sometimes it even makes things worse. Unless, of course, the cause is overeating. After all, in this case, everything is clear: overate - vomited. A person stops overeating and stops feeling sick.

    Constant, severe nausea: causes

    In most cases, people believe that nausea is caused by overeating, pregnancy, or travel sickness. But very often nausea is a symptom of a serious illness. Nausea and vomiting - defensive reaction, a signal about malfunctions in the body, a warning that it is time to see a doctor.

    Why is it constantly nauseous?

    Nausea for no reason- a reason to think about your own health. In addition to nausea, a number of other signs can be used to guess what kind of ailment we are talking about. But only a doctor can confirm the diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

    Diseases digestive system that cause nausea:

    1. Gastritis or ulcers may manifest as nausea and vomiting. which are amplified after meal. After vomiting, the patient's condition is relieved for a while. You need to consult a gastroenterologist. Special survey- gastroscopy - will help to find out if everything is in order.
    2. Inflammation of the gallbladder, aka cholecystitis, or cholelithiasis. Constant nausea arises while eating. while the patient experiences a bitter taste in the mouth, and pain is felt in the right hypochondrium. Visit to a gastroenterologist and ultrasound of organs abdominal cavity are necessary in this case.
    3. Inflammation of the pancreas - pancreatitis - causes nausea and bloating after eating, because the secretion of enzymes and the digestion of food are disturbed. In this case, there is weight loss and bitterness in the mouth. Biochemical analysis blood and ultrasound will help determine if it is really pancreatitis.
    4. Inflammation of the appendix - appendicitis - is manifested by pain in the right side, fever. You should immediately consult a doctor - a general blood test will show whether the appendix is ​​really to blame. Only here you should act without delay - appendicitis is dangerous with complications and even lethal outcome. Nausea in some people with appendicitis is absent.
    5. Poisoning is characterized not only by nausea and vomiting, but also by pain, pain in the stomach and intestines, and diarrhea. Gastric lavage is the first aid for poisoning, but a doctor's consultation is necessary in any case.
    6. Vomiting with bile signals salmonellosis.
    7. Severe nausea and vomiting without visible reasons together with diarrhea and elevated temperature testifies to rotavirus infection. Necessary special treatment Therefore, in such situations, immediately call a doctor.

    Diseases not related to the digestive system:

    1. Violation cerebral circulation accompanied by dizziness, nausea, fluctuations in blood pressure - all these symptoms are a reason to turn to a neurologist.
    2. Concussion and vestibular disorders may also be accompanied by severe nausea .
    3. In some cases, nausea occurs when hypertension. Redness of the face, the appearance of edema during the day or more - an alarming symptom. You need to consult a cardiologist. The first thing to do is to measure arterial pressure and find out the reason why you constantly feel sick .
    4. With myocardial infarction and heart failure, nausea haunts the patient constantly, long time, but only in some cases is accompanied by vomiting. In this case, there is a feeling of lack of air, pallor. You need to call an ambulance.
    5. In hypothyroidism (thyroid disease), insufficient amounts of hormones are produced. Symptoms in this case: background nausea (not vomiting), a sharp decrease in appetite. A person eats little, but gains weight. The patient feels cold, weak. Examinations: Ultrasound of the thyroid gland and a blood test for its hormones. Consultation with an endocrinologist.
    6. At urolithiasis(inflammation of the kidneys) among the symptoms - the appearance of stones in the urine, a change in the blood picture, nausea.
    7. Young people often have psychological problems there is severe nausea. Working with a psychotherapist can get rid of this problem.

    Enough reasons and reasons to think about what else nausea can talk about. If nausea haunts a person constantly, this is a formidable symptom. Nausea is unpleasant, but it guards our health.

    Do not put off a visit to the doctor, together you will quickly find out why sometimes(or constantly) nauseated .

    Nausea is designed by nature to eliminate hazardous substances from the stomach until they are absorbed into the blood. Nausea accompanies every second disease, similar symptom second most common, after pain. The cause of nausea may vary in origin, localization, and does not always end in vomiting. In order to get rid of unpleasant symptom sometimes you have to undergo a long examination with different specialists.

    Why is your child sick?

    The reasons why a child feels sick can be divided into physiological and pathological.

    Physiological include:

    • Weak vestibular apparatus. Nausea appears during a trip in any form of transport, on children's attractions.
    • Dehydration. This condition occurs in the summer, after long active games as a result of the loss of salts. Eliminated quickly after replenishment of fluid reserves.
    • . Even emotionally stable children sometimes experience severe anxiety, worries, experiences because of which they can feel sick.
    • . Appears with intolerance to any product or drug.

    What are the diagnostic methods?

    In medicine, nausea is classified into several categories:

    • psychogenic (neurological disorders)
    • hematogenous-toxic (various poisonings, intoxications)
    • visceral (violation of internal organs)
    • brain (pathology)
    • metabolic (hormonal disruptions)

    For determining true reason painful sensation of nausea is initially worth watching for accompanying symptoms. If a person has impaired bowel function, decreased appetite, then he needs to seek help from a gastroenterologist.

    If nausea goes along with headaches, dizziness, disorder or hearing, the patient should consult a neurologist.

    Methods of instrumental diagnostics help to establish the diagnosis:

    • Fibrogastroduodenoscopy (popularly "swallowing a probe"). The study diagnoses most pathologies of the digestive tract.
    • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs. It is carried out to analyze the work of the gallbladder, bile ducts.
    • X-ray s contrast agent to study the patency, the existence of tumors.
      MRI of the brain.
    • CT scan of the vessels of the head.

    If a full examination did not find any disorders in the body, the patient is diagnosed with functional dyspepsia.

    Among the variety of causes of nausea without vomiting, it is extremely difficult to determine the truth. Do not self-medicate and swallow medicines for nausea. The disease should be treated, not the symptom.

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    62. “A doctor who takes nothing is worth nothing.” If people quarrel, and one person hits another with a stone or a fist, and he does not die, but goes to bed, then ... let the hitter pay ... and cure him. Shemot 21:18-19 (Talmud comments on this passage): From this we know that

    How the ground groans underfoot

    From the book Among Mysteries and Wonders author Rubakin Nikolai Alexandrovich

    How the earth groans underfoot There are other stories about sounding stones. On the small island of Eig, near the east coast of Scotland, there are layers of destroyed limestone - oolite. This is the name of a special kind of stone, consisting of lime balls. In each grain

    Chapter 41 Roars and moans the wide Dnieper

    From the author's book

    Chapter 41 The wide Dnieper roars and groans The formation of a single Polish-Lithuanian state, the Commonwealth, fixed by the Union of Lublin in 1569, in many respects worsened the position of its Western Russian Orthodox population. The Commonwealth was, in fact, noble

    He doesn't owe us anything... but we don't owe him anything either!

    From the author's book

    He doesn't owe us anything... but we don't owe him anything either! For a long time it was believed that only men should do minor repairs around the house ... Therefore, we needed them, because who will do this work? But ladies! Those times are over! This ends Long story

    Situation No. 3 Everything happened in a crowded place, one of the people around saw everything and the gopnik did not run away, but lies and groans plaintively or died.

    From the book Knife in Hand [Legal features of national self-defense] author Gernet Victor

    Situation No. 3 Everything happened in a crowded place, one of the people around saw everything and the gopnik did not run away, but lies and groans plaintively or died. If any of the bystanders saw what happened, then IMMEDIATELY (!), MANDATORY (!), until the witness (whether) ran away (and who wants to

    “Requires. Moaning. Screaming. Calling…”

    From the book Invisible Bird author Chervinskaya Lidia Davydovna

    “Requires. Moaning. Screaming. Calling…” Demands. Moaning. Screaming. Calling. I hear nothing. Dies, you say, this and that ... I hear nothing. You haven't decided whether there is a God or not, Still, the morning will come, A unique distant dawn... Hands and roses. Recognition. This is the collapse of the dark worlds. I

    From the book Among Smells and Sounds author Pluzhnikov Marius

    I see nothing, I hear nothing Simulators have existed for a long time. Sometimes it seems that this vice is as ancient as lies, deceit, untruth. From childhood, everyone knows the cunning fox Alice and the cat Basilio, who tried to deceive the gullible Pinocchio. And their fellow Russians

    See nothing, hear nothing

    From the book In the world of smells and sounds author Ryazantsev Sergey Valentinovich

    I see nothing, I hear nothing Simulators have existed for a long time. Sometimes it seems that this vice is as ancient as lies, deceit, and untruth are ancient. From childhood, everyone knows the cunning fox Alice and the cat Basilio, who tried to deceive the gullible

    5.4. Childhood Diabetes in the USA: So far we see nothing, we know nothing…

    From the book Violation carbohydrate metabolism author Monastyrsky Konstantin

    5.4. Childhood diabetes in the USA: So far, we see nothing, we know nothing ... Let me remind you once again of the sad statistics - 15.7 million Americans (almost 6% of the US population) suffer from diabetes. About 200,000 Americans will die of diabetes this year and more than 800,000 will be diagnosed.

    Do nothing, say nothing, be nothing

    From the book Home Diplomacy, or How to Establish a Relationship Between Parents and Children author Kabanova Elena Alexandrovna

    Do nothing, say nothing, be nothing Yes it is the right way avoid criticism. A kind of nirvana of inaccessibility. Or unattainable nirvana? In general, one who gets into it cannot be reached, but it cannot be hit. And therefore, any figure, including a cult one,

    From the book Explanatory Bible. Volume 5 author Lopukhin Alexander

    11. That is why my insides groan like a harp for Moab, and my heart for Kirkharesh. The prophet, hearing that this is the work of the righteous wrath of God against the Moabites, pities them even more, because he realizes how hard it is to fall under the wrath of the Most High. The inside groans - the cry of the prophet

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