Type 1 diabetes vaccine. Childhood vaccinations and juvenile diabetes (type I diabetes). Medical Research Results

In San Diego, the results of a small pilot study of a vaccine against type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM) in children were presented at the American Diabetes Association conference.

Unfortunately, the results are disappointing - two injections of silica glutamate decarboxylase (alum-GAD) applied 30 days apart do not delay the onset of the disease and do not have a preventive effect.

Has several stages. In the first stage, patients develop antibodies to glutamate decarboxylase, pancreatic islet enzyme, and another islet antibody. During this period, there are no clinical symptoms and the level of glycemia remains normal. In the second stage of the disease, prediabetes develops and antibodies continue to circulate, and it is only in the third stage that clinical symptoms appear and a diagnosis is usually made.

Previous small studies have shown that alum-GAD therapy is associated with preservation of beta-cell function in individuals with early-stage type 1 DM, but this has not been confirmed in large analyses.


Dr Larsson and colleagues from Lund University (Sweden) randomized 50 children in the first and second stages of type 1 diabetes into the study and included their group or alum-GAD.

Inclusion in the study was carried out from 2009 to 2012, patients were followed up for 5 years.

The median age was 5.2 years (4 to 18 years). At the time of inclusion in the analysis, 26 (52%) children already had impaired glucose tolerance.

Children were given 20 µg alum-GAD or placebo subcutaneously twice 30 days apart. An oral and intravenous glucose test was performed prior to injection and every 6 months during the follow-up period.


  • No serious adverse events were noted in any patient during the follow-up period. The use of alum-GAD has not been associated with rapid progression to diabetes or the development of any other autoimmune disease.
  • The analysis showed no effect of alum-GAD on the delay or prevention of type 1 DM. After 5 years, DM was diagnosed in 18 children; there were no statistically significant differences between the groups (P = 0.573).

Despite the negative results of the study, the search for preventive drugs and effective molecules, the use of which is possible in the early stages of diabetes, should continue, experts say.

Every year, new treatments for type 1 diabetes appear in medicine. This is due to the fact that pathology is getting younger from year to year, and medicine does not stand still.

Type 1 diabetes mostly affects young people. But in the modern world, medicine does not stand still. Patients often wonder if there is anything new in the treatment of type 1 diabetes? What innovations will soon overcome the disease?


News in the fight against type 1 diabetes in 2016 came from the American Association, which introduced a vaccine against the disease. The developed vaccine is completely innovative action. It does not produce antibodies against the disease like other vaccines do. The vaccine blocks the production of a specific immune response to pancreatic cells.

The new vaccine recognizes blood cells that attack the pancreas without affecting other elements. For three months, 80 volunteers participated in the study.

In the control group, it was found that pancreatic cells are able to self-repair. This increases the secretion of your own insulin.

Prolonged use of the vaccine leads to a gradual decrease in insulin dosage. It should be noted that no complications were observed during the clinical trials.

However, vaccination is ineffective in patients with a long history of diabetes. But it has a good therapeutic effect during the manifestation of the disease, when an infectious factor becomes the cause.

BCG vaccine

The Massachusetts Science Laboratory has conducted clinical trials of the well-known BCG vaccine, which is used to prevent tuberculosis. Scientists have concluded that after vaccination, the production of white blood cells, which can affect the pancreas, decreases. Along with this, the release of T cells is stimulated, which protect beta cells from autoimmune attack.

Observing patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus, a gradual increase in the population of T-cells has been noted, which has a protective effect. Over time, the secretion of their own insulin came to normal levels.

After two vaccinations with an interval of 4 weeks, patients showed a significant improvement in their condition. The disease has passed into the stage of stable compensation. Vaccination allows you to forget about insulin injections.

Encapsulation of pancreatic beta cells

A good result for the treatment of diabetes is the latest biological material that can deceive one's own immune system. The material became popular thanks to scientists from Massachusetts and Harvard University. The technique has been successfully tested on laboratory animals and had no side effects.

For the experiment, pancreatic islet cells were grown in advance. The substrate for them was stem cells, which, under the influence of the enzyme, were transformed into beta cells.

After obtaining a sufficient amount of material, the islet cells were encapsulated with a special gel. The gel-coated cells had good nutrient permeability. The resulting substance was administered to experimental laboratory animals suffering from diabetes mellitus by intraperitoneal injection. The prepared islets were inserted into the pancreas.

Over time, the pancreatic islets produce their own insulin, limiting themselves from the influence of the immune system. However, the lifespan of the implanted cells is six months. Then a new replanting of protected islets is required.

Regular injection of islet cells wrapped in a polymer shell makes it possible to forget about insulin therapy forever. Scientists plan to develop new capsules for islet cells with a prolonged lifespan. The success of clinical trials will be the impetus for maintaining long-term normoglycemia.

Brown fat transplant

Brown fat is well developed in newborns and hibernating animals. In adults, it is present in small quantities. Functions of brown adipose tissue:

  • thermoregulation;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • normalization of blood sugar levels;
  • reduced need for insulin.

Brown fat does not affect the occurrence of obesity. The reason for the development of obesity is only white adipose tissue, and this is the basis of the mechanism of transplantation of brown fat.

The first news in the treatment of type 1 diabetes with brown fat grafting was provided by scientists at Vanderbilt University. They transplanted fatty tissue from healthy laboratory mice into experimental specimens. The result of transplantation showed that 16 out of 30 sick laboratory mice got rid of type 1 diabetes.

Developments are underway to allow the use of brown fat in humans. Given the undeniable positive results, this direction is very promising. Perhaps this particular transplant technique will be a breakthrough in the treatment of type 1 diabetes.

Pancreas transplant

The first news about a pancreas transplant from a healthy donor to a person with diabetes mellitus began to spread as early as 1966. The operation allowed the patient to achieve stabilization of sugars. However, the patient died 2 months later from autoimmune pancreatic rejection.

At the present stage of life, the latest technologies have made it possible to return to clinical research. Two types of surgical interventions for diabetes mellitus have been developed:

  • replacement of the islets of Langerhans;
  • complete transplantation of the gland.

Islet transplantation requires material obtained from one or more donors. The material is injected into the portal vein of the liver. They get their nutrients from the blood by producing insulin. Until the end, the function of the pancreas is not restored. However, patients achieve stable compensation of the disease.

The donor pancreas is surgically placed to the right of the bladder. Your own pancreas is not removed. Partially, she still takes part in digestion.

Anti-inflammatory drugs and immunosuppressants are used to treat postoperative complications. Suppressive therapy stops the aggression of one's own body to the donor material of the gland. It is thanks to postoperative treatment that most surgical interventions end in success.

When transplanting a donor pancreas, there is a high risk of postoperative complications associated with autoimmune rejection. A successful operation permanently relieves the patient of insulin dependence.

insulin pump

The device is a syringe pen. The insulin pump does not save the patient from injecting insulin. However, the frequency of reception is significantly reduced. This is of great convenience to the patient. The diabetic independently programs the device, setting the parameters of the required insulin therapy.

The pump consists of a reservoir for the drug and a catheter, which is inserted into the subcutaneous fatty tissue. The medicinal substance is received by the body continuously. The device independently controls blood sugar.

In 2016, the well-known company Medtronik released a pump for mass consumption. The new system is easy to use, has the ability to self-clean the catheter. Soon the insulin pump will be available to a wide range of consumers.


New treatments will soon replace insulin injections. Every day, scientists publish news in clinical advances. In the future, modern technologies will make it possible to defeat the disease forever.

The high prevalence and high mortality from causes scientists around the world to develop new approaches and concepts in the treatment of the disease.

It will be interesting for many to learn about innovative methods of treatment, the invention of a vaccine against diabetes, and the results of world discoveries in this area.

Treatment of diabetes

The results in treatment achieved by using traditional methods appear after a long period of time. Modern medicine, trying to reduce the achievement of positive dynamics of treatment, is developing more and more new drugs, using innovative approaches, getting better and better results.

In the treatment of type 2 diabetes, 3 groups of drugs are used:

  • (2nd generation).

The action of these drugs is aimed at:

  • decreased absorption of glucose;
  • suppression of glucose production by liver cells;
  • stimulation of insulin secretion by the action on pancreatic cells;
  • blockage of cells and tissues of the body;
  • increase insulin sensitivity of fat and muscle cells.

Many drugs have disadvantages in terms of effects on the body:

  • weight gain, ;
  • , itching on the skin;
  • disorders of the digestive system.

The most effective, reliable is considered. Has flexibility in application. You can increase the dose, combine with others. When co-administered with insulin, it is permissible to vary the dosage, reducing.

The most proven method of treatment for type 1 and type 2 diabetes has been and is insulin therapy.

Research here is also not standing still. With the help of genetic engineering, modified short- and long-acting insulins are obtained.

The most popular are short-acting and long-acting insulin.

Their joint use most accurately duplicates the normal physiological secretion of insulin produced by the pancreas, and prevents possible complications.

A breakthrough in the treatment of type 2 diabetes was the practical experience of Dr. Shmuel Levit in the Israeli clinic Assut. At the heart of his developments is the gravicentric concept, which changes traditional approaches, bringing to the fore the change in the patient's habits.

The computer blood monitoring system created by Sh. Levit controls the work of the pancreas. The appointment list is compiled after decoding the data of the electronic chip, which the patient wears for 5 days.

To maintain a stable state in the treatment of patients with type 1 diabetes, he also developed an apparatus that is attached to a belt.

He constantly determines blood sugar and with the help of a special one introduces an automatically calculated dose of insulin.

New therapies

The most innovative treatments for diabetes include:

  • use of stem cells;
  • vaccination;
  • cascade blood filtration;
  • transplantation of the pancreas or parts thereof.

The use of stem cells is an ultra-modern method. It is carried out in specialized clinics, for example, in Germany.

In the laboratory, stem cells are grown, which are planted in the patient. It forms new vessels, tissues, restores functions, normalizes glucose levels.

Reassuringly declared itself vaccination. For almost half a century, scientists in Europe and America have been working on the creation of a vaccine against diabetes.

The mechanism of autoimmune processes in diabetes mellitus is reduced to destruction by T-lymphocytes.

A vaccine created using nanotechnology should protect pancreatic beta cells, restore damaged areas and strengthen the necessary surviving T-lymphocytes, since without them the body will remain vulnerable to infections and oncology.

Cascade blood filtration or extracorporeal hemocorrection is used for severe complications of diabetes.

Blood is pumped through special filters, enriched with the necessary medicines, vitamins. It is modified, freed from toxic substances that negatively affected the vessels from the inside.

In the world's leading clinics, in the most hopeless cases with severe complications, transplantation of an organ or its parts is used. The outcome depends on a well-chosen anti-rejection agent.

Video about diabetes from Dr. Komarovsky:

Results of medical research

According to data for 2013, Dutch and American scientists have developed a BHT-3021 vaccine against type 1 diabetes.

The action of the vaccine is to replace the beta cells of the pancreas, substituting itself instead of them for the destruction of the immune system by T-lymphocytes.

Rescued beta cells can start producing insulin again.

Scientists called this vaccine "reverse action vaccine" or reversed. It, suppressing the immune system (T-lymphocytes), restores the secretion of insulin (beta cells). Usually, all vaccines strengthen the immune system - a direct effect.

Dr. Lawrence Shteiman of Stanford University called the resulting vaccine "the world's first DNA vaccine" because it does not create a specific immune response, like a conventional flu vaccine. It reduces the activity of immune cells that destroy insulin without affecting its other links.

The property of the vaccine was tested on 80 volunteer participants.

Studies have shown a positive result. No side effects have been identified. In all subjects, the level of C-peptides increased, which indicates the restoration of the pancreas.

Formation of insulin and C-peptide

To continue testing, the vaccine has been licensed to biotech company Tolerion in California.

In 2016, the world learned about a new sensation. At the conference, Lucia Zarate Ortega, President of the Mexican Association for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Autoimmune Diseases, and Salvador Chacón Ramirez, President of the Victory Over Diabetes Foundation, presented a new vaccine against type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

The algorithm for the vaccination procedure is as follows:

  1. 5 blood cubes are taken from a patient from a vein.
  2. 55 ml of a special liquid mixed with physiological saline is added to a test tube with blood.
  3. The resulting mixture is sent to the refrigerator and kept there until the mixture is cooled to 5 degrees Celsius.
  4. Then heated to a human body temperature of 37 degrees.

When the temperature changes, the composition of the mixture changes rapidly. The resulting new composition will be the desired Mexican vaccine. You can store this vaccine for 2 months. Treatment with it, along with special diets and exercise, lasts a year.

Before treatment, patients are invited right there, in Mexico, to undergo a complete examination.

The achievements of Mexican research have been internationally certified. This means that the Mexican vaccine has received a "start in life."

The relevance of prevention

Since innovative methods of treatment are not available to everyone suffering from diabetes, the prevention of the disease remains an urgent issue, because type 2 diabetes is just the disease, the ability not to get sick of which mainly depends on the person himself.

Proper nutrition is paramount in prevention.

It is necessary to limit sweet, starchy, highly fatty foods. Exclude alcohol, soda, fast foods, fast food and dubious preparation, which includes harmful substances, preservatives.

Increase fiber-rich plant foods:

  • vegetables;
  • fruit;
  • berries.

Drink purified water up to 2 liters during the day.

A group of American and Dutch scientists have developed a genetically engineered "reverse-acting vaccine" for the treatment of type 1 diabetes (insulin-dependent), and successfully conducted the first phase of its clinical trials. Unlike conventional vaccines, BHT-3021 does not activate, but suppresses the patient's immune system, thereby restoring normal insulin biosynthesis. The work was published in the journal Science Translational Medicine.

The basis of the pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes is the insufficiency of insulin production by beta cells of the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas, caused by their destruction under the influence of an autoimmune process. The main target of attack by immune killer cells - CD8-positive T-lymphocytes - is proinsulin, a precursor of insulin.

In order to reduce the hyperactivity of the immune system and protect beta cells, the authors, specialists from Stanford (USA) and Leiden (Netherlands) universities, developed the BHT-3021 vaccine using genetic engineering methods, which is a circular DNA molecule (plasmid) that plays the role of a vector for the delivery of the proinsulin genetic code. Once in the tissues and body fluids, BHT-3021 "takes the hit" - diverts the attention of killer cells, thus generally reducing their activity, while not affecting the rest of the immune system. As a result, beta cells regain their ability to synthesize insulin.

The Phase 1 clinical trial of BHT-3021, which has previously been shown to be effective in an animal model, involved 80 patients over the age of 18 diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in the past five years. Half of them received weekly intramuscular injections of BHT-3021 for 12 weeks, and the other half received a placebo.

After this period, the vaccine group showed an increase in the level of C-peptides in the blood, a biomarker indicating the restoration of beta-cell function. No serious side effects were recorded in any of the participants.

BHT-3021 is still far from commercial use. It has been licensed by California-based biotech company Tolerion, which intends to continue clinical trials of the vaccine in a wider range of patients. It is expected that 200 young people diagnosed with insulin-dependent diabetes will take part in them. The scientists want to test whether BHT-3021 can slow or stop the progression of the disease at an early stage.

Type 1 diabetes is believed to affect about 17 million people worldwide. Most often, they fall ill with young people - children, adolescents and adults under 30 years old.

The news is on everyone's lips: a vaccine against diabetes has already appeared, and soon it will be used to prevent a serious illness. A press conference was recently held led by Salvador Chacón Ramirez, President of the Victory Over Diabetes Foundation, and Lucia Zarate Ortega, President of the Mexican Association for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Autoimmune Pathologies.

At this meeting, a vaccine against diabetes is officially presented, which can not only prevent the disease, but also its complications in diabetics.

How does the vaccine work and is it really capable of defeating the disease? Or is this just another commercial scam? This article will help you to understand these issues.

Features of the development of diabetes

As you know, diabetes is an autoimmune disease in which the functioning of the pancreas is disrupted. With the development of type 1 pathology, the immune system adversely affects the beta cells of the islet apparatus.

As a result, they stop producing the glucose-lowering hormone that the body needs - insulin. This disease affects mainly the younger generation. During the treatment of type 1 diabetes, patients need to constantly inject the hormone, otherwise a fatal outcome will occur.

In type 2 diabetes, insulin production does not stop, but target cells stop responding to it. This pathology develops when maintaining an improper lifestyle in people older than 40-45 years. At the same time, some people are more likely to develop the disease. First of all, these are people with a hereditary predisposition and overweight. During the treatment of type 2 diabetes, patients need to adhere to proper nutrition and an active lifestyle. In addition, many have to take hypoglycemic drugs to control their sugar levels.

It should be noted that over time, the first and second types of diabetes cause various complications. With the progression of the disease, the pancreas is depleted, diabetic foot, retinopathy, neuropathy and other irreversible consequences develop.

When should you sound the alarm and contact your doctor for help? Diabetes is an insidious disease and can be almost asymptomatic. But still, you should pay attention to such signs:

  1. Constant thirst, dry mouth.
  2. Frequent urination.
  3. Unreasonable hunger.
  4. Dizziness and headaches.
  5. Tingling and numbness of the limbs.
  6. Deterioration of the visual apparatus.
  7. Rapid weight loss.
  8. Poor sleep and fatigue.
  9. Menstrual disorders in women.
  10. Problems of a sexual nature.

In the near future, it will be possible to avoid the development of the “sweet disease”. Type 1 diabetes vaccine can be an alternative to conservative treatment with insulin therapy and hypoglycemic agents.

New approach to diabetes therapy

Sugar level

A new method of treatment of type 1 diabetes, both in children and adults, is autohemotherapy. Conducted studies of such a drug have proven that it has no side effects. Scientists note that patients who were vaccinated experienced a significant improvement in health over time.

Mexico is the originator of this alternative technique. The essence of the procedure was explained by MD Jorge Gonzalez Ramirez. Patients take blood samples of 5 cubic meters. cm and mixed with saline (55 ml). Further, such a mixture is cooled to +5 degrees Celsius.

The diabetes vaccine is then given to the person, and over time, the metabolism adjusts. The effect of vaccination is associated with the following processes in the patient's body. As you know, the body temperature of a healthy person is 36.6-36.7 degrees. When a vaccine is administered at a temperature of 5 degrees, a heat shock occurs in the human body. But this stressful state has a beneficial effect on metabolism and genetic errors.

The vaccination course lasts 60 days. However, it must be repeated every year. As the inventor notes, the vaccine can prevent the development of serious consequences: stroke, kidney failure, blindness and more.

However, the introduction of a vaccine cannot give a 100% guarantee of a cure. It's a cure, but not a miracle. The life and health of the patient remains in his hands. He must strictly follow the recommendations of a specialist and be vaccinated annually. And, of course, no one canceled the special diet either.

Medical Research Results

Every 5 seconds on the planet one person develops diabetes, and every 7 seconds someone dies. In the US alone, about 1.25 million people suffer from type 1 diabetes. The statistics, as we see, are quite disappointing.

Many modern researchers argue that one vaccine that is very familiar to us will help overcome the disease. It has been used for over 100 years, it is BCG - an inoculation against tuberculosis (BCG, Bacillus Calmette). By 2017, it was also being used in the treatment of bladder cancer.

When the immune system destroys the pancreas, pathogenic T cells begin to be produced in it. It is they who negatively affect the beta cells of the islets of Langerhans, preventing the production of the hormone.

The results of the study were stunning. Participants in the experiment were given the TB vaccine twice every 30 days. To sum up, the researchers found no T cells in the patients, and in some type 1 diabetics, the pancreas started producing the hormone again.

Dr. Faustman, who organized these studies, in the future wants to conduct experiments with patients who have a long history of diabetes. The researcher wants to achieve lasting therapeutic results and improve the vaccine so that it becomes a valid treatment for diabetes.

The new study will be conducted in people between the ages of 18 and 60. They are going to be given the vaccine twice a month, and then reduce the procedure to once a year for 4 years.

In addition, this vaccine was used in children from 5 to 18 years of age. The study proved that it can be applied in this age category. No adverse reactions were identified, and the remission rate did not increase.

Prevention of diabetes

While vaccination has not become widespread, moreover, its further research is being carried out.

Many diabetics and people at risk have to follow conservative preventive measures.

However, such activities will also help reduce the likelihood of developing the disease and its complications. The main principle is: lead a healthy and diet.

A person needs:

  • follow a special diet that includes complex carbohydrates and foods high in fiber;
  • engage in physical therapy at least three times a week;
  • get rid of extra pounds;
  • regularly monitor the level of glycemia;
  • sleep well, establish a balance between rest and work;
  • avoid strong emotional overstrain;
  • avoid depression.

As you can see, modern medicine is looking for new ways to deal with the disease. Perhaps very soon, researchers will announce the invention of a universal vaccine against diabetes. In the meantime, you have to be content with conservative methods of treatment.

The video in this article talks about the new diabetes vaccine.

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