Causes of indigestion in young children. Dyspepsia in children

If the child is sick, vomits, but there is no body temperature and diarrhea, this cannot be called a disease. But this symptomwarning sign to a parent, talking about a violation in the functioning of the baby's body or the first sign of illness.

Vomiting is an unpleasant sign provoked by unconditioned reflex a person who helps to get rid of what prevents him from functioning normally, the cause of which is various diseases. The process is going on undigested food, through contraction of the pylorus.


Gagging without diarrhea and without fever may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Morning and general lethargy, impotence.
  • Frequent salivation and involuntary swallowing.
  • Violent palpitation and shortness of breath.
  • Prolonged nausea.
  • Sweating.
  • Paleness of the skin.

Fever, diarrhea are absent when regurgitation in an infant. It occurs both in a monthly baby, and in a year, two years and up to three years. Most often, regurgitation stops at 7 months.

  • Repeated sudden, single fountain, nausea is absent.
  • Pale skin.
  • Tight, hard abdomen.

If the child feels well, in the presence of these symptoms, you should not worry. Spitting up after eating is a natural phenomenon of becoming digestive system. Signs of regurgitation are dangerous, independent of eating food, when the skin turns blue, the baby's temperature drops, and repeated vomiting occurs.


The process of eruption through the mouth without diarrhea, temperature, depending on the influence factor, is divided into types:

  • Psychogenic vomiting, the cause of which is problems with the central nervous system in children. The psychogenic type is diagnosed in a teenager, a child of 6-7 years old, rarely in a small child. This type includes kinetosis - the process of motion sickness in transport: land, water, resulting in vomiting.
  • The urge to vomit is caused by the presence of gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Eruption of stomach contents without fever, caused by poisoning.

The reasons

Vomiting without fever, diarrhea indicates absence pathological problems with health. An exception to the rule may be a traumatic brain injury, problems with cardiovascular system. Eruption of the contents of the stomach without additional signs.

Vomiting is a consequence of a number of diseases, the causes of which are many. The causes of the psychogenic type are mental disorders, rumination, strong excitement, stress. Associative ( appearance and smell) the eruption also occurs through a psychogenic species.

Diseases of the central nervous system: epilepsy, hypoxia, meningitis, migraine, increased cranial pressure accompanied by eruption of gastric contents. foreign body in the stomach, reflux disease, dysmotility and congenital diseases resulting in gastric emptying.

Vomiting without other symptoms is a consequence of pathologies: lactic acidosis, the syndrome of cyclic eruption of gastric contents, which occurs periodically with severe migraine, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases.


Severe consequences can occur with vomiting with fever. But the presence of such in asymptomatic eruptions of the contents of the stomach is diagnosed extremely rarely.

The regurgitation observed in babies does not cause health complications. Psychogenic species in a child also do not cause consequences. Complications can be if the associative, related to this species, will become fixed and there will be repeated vomiting.

frequent, severe vomiting does not pass without consequences. Dehydration is a sign of complications. Periodic vomiting in rare cases leads to the mass entering the lung system, which causes aspiration pneumonia.

Periodic urges with concomitant intense sweating of the child lead to hyperkalemia.


The diagnosis is not difficult. Vomiting, which is not characterized by temperature, loose stools, narrows the list possible diseases. Examination of the baby, anamnesis - the first thing the doctor should do. The anamnesis will allow you to learn about the past diseases of the child, about his condition from birth.

The information necessary for the correct diagnosis is the age of the baby, its weight. Next, the skin is examined for the presence of a rash, an assessment of the neurological condition is made - it is excluded or confirmed convulsive syndrome. The abdomen is palpated to check the condition of the muscles.

The parent tells the doctor about concomitant symptoms: pain in the abdomen, head, blanching, tinnitus, and others. The specialist should tell about her character: single or multiple, unexpected, indomitable, was she at night or happened in the morning. It is important to say about the frequency: every hour or less. Did the baby feel better after vomiting, did the condition not change, or was there a deterioration? Color, consistency, smell, the presence of foreign objects, mucus are the necessary characteristics.


For getting additional information worth taking tests. An appointment for a child to take tests occurs in rare cases when the doctor doubts the reliability of the data received or there is a suspicion of a certain ailment.

The procedure involves the donation of blood and urine for a general analysis. Blood is examined for the level of reticulocytes, albinum, coagulability is studied.

What to do

Without fever, diarrhea, vomiting is mostly rare. In this case, there is no need for treatment. It is only necessary to independently monitor the condition of the child. The presence of repeated attacks with deterioration requires urgent intervention by a specialist.

home treatment

To treat at home means to establish a gentle diet for the baby. Injured gastric mucosa requires special attention. It doesn't matter if it was a single or continuous vomiting.

To eliminate dehydration, it is worth giving the child water, another liquid. It is better to give rehydron purchased at a pharmacy. Give children up to a year to drink a spoonful at intervals of several minutes. After vomiting in a three-year-old, drink rehydron several tablespoons with identical intervals. From the age of three and older - one and a half, two spoons.

Alternative medicine

To safe methods treatment of the consequences of impaired functionality of the stomach include:

  • Weak tea, preferably green - eliminates the feeling of nausea, alleviates the condition.
  • Making mint, chamomile tea helps with psychogenic vomiting. The baby calms down, the condition is normalized.
  • Currant juice (freshly squeezed) helps to get rid of nausea.
  • Quince baked helps to recover from vomiting and subsequent drinking.
  • Boiled cooled water with the addition of lemon, honey.

Nausea with urges is the case when the child should drink plenty of fluids, including acidic juices. The reason for this is the presence of vitamin C in them, which helps to restore the body, give strength. Before using the method of treatment, consult a doctor. Alternative medicine, which has a different assortment of herbs, has contraindications for the treatment of children.


The post-emetic state of the child needs plentiful drink, good nutrition. Especially if a girl or boy has dehydration. Quantity required water for drinking depends on the age of the child.

It is worth eating cereals on the water, lean meat, dairy products should be chosen with a lower fat content. Reduce portions, increase the number of meals. Sweets, fatty foods should be excluded from the diet until complete recovery. Fruits, mostly citrus fruits, freshly squeezed juices are a must for full recovery, the body requires vitamins, trace elements.

Walking on fresh air necessary to improve well-being. Many diseases are caused by oxygen starvation. Requires ongoing work mental health his child, if the cause of vomiting was a traumatic event.

In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the nervous system, you should follow the doctor's recommendations. Well-executed prophylaxis will save you from negative consequences, strengthen the immunity of the baby.

Unfortunately, the human body, and in particular, its digestive system, are very vulnerable to exposure. external factors. The current ecological situation, poor quality of food products, as well as wrong image the life that most people lead – all this leads to health problems that need to be addressed.

Malfunctions of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract can occur for many reasons. And it’s good if the cause of such failures was a one-time overeating or harmless indigestion. It is much worse when the causes of such problems are poisoning of various origins, including viral ones, as well as various diseases, in particular, cholera, salmonellosis, dysbacteriosis, hepatitis and many other unpleasant ailments.

Our article will consider the drug polyphepan, indications for use this medicine, a description of some clinical situations, and some comparative analysis with its analogues will also be carried out.


Alas, many people are too careless about their health, often underestimating the level of the problem. Food poisoning, which is perceived by the patient as something harmless and passing without a trace, is no exception. However, this is not quite true.

In general, poisoning invariably manifests itself in the form of nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, however, depending on the cause and stage of the disease, clinical picture may have other, rather severe symptoms.

Food poisoning can be classified into several types:

  1. bacterial food poisoning. As a rule, the infection in this case enters the body through food. Nausea and other symptoms can appear within an hour after eating low-quality food.
  2. Chemical food poisoning. Here, the symptoms appear already half an hour after infection and contain, against the background of vomiting and diarrhea, very unpleasant signs, such as: dizziness, excessive sweating, increased salivation, pain in the abdomen, discomfort from changes in pressure in the eyeballs, as well as an unclear and clouded consciousness.
  3. Viral food poisoning. Symptoms here are somewhat more moderate. Against the background of general signs of poisoning, chills, an increase in body temperature can be observed, which occurs within 12-48 hours after eating contaminated food.

What to do? Polyphepan

Instructions for use this drug suggests its use in the following manifestations:

  • chronic intoxication resulting from infectious diseases;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • hepatitis of various groups;
  • typhoid fever;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • various pathologies of the digestive tract;
  • pancreatitis;
  • metabolic disease;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • intestinal dyspepsia;
  • postoperative complications of an inflammatory nature;
  • enterocolitis.

In addition, the drug can be prescribed in case of food or drug allergic reactions, such as toxidermia, Quincke's edema, bronchial asthma, hay fever, allergic bronchitis and others.

In case of poisoning, analogues of this medicine are often used. Here questions such as: which is better, Polyphepan or Enterosgel, may arise. With regard to the effectiveness of drugs, the opinions of patients agree that they are approximately the same in their action. However, Polyphepan is much cheaper than Enterosgel. This makes it more popular, although the doctor's prescription for a particular drug may depend on his personal views.

Polyphepan is also used in the prevention and treatment of alcohol addiction including hangover.

Polyphepan: contraindications and side effects

The drug can not be prescribed in the following cases:

  • intestinal atony;
  • constipation;
  • gastric or duodenal ulcer in the acute stage;
  • anacid gastritis;
  • pregnancy.

If it is necessary to use Polyphepan during lactation, breastfeeding should be stopped for this time.

As side effects that occur in some cases when using Polyphepan, you can list:

  • the occurrence of constipation;
  • various allergic reactions (in persons with hypersensitivity to the drug
  • hypovitaminosis B, D, E, hypocalcemia.

In case of occurrence of undesirable signs of any nature, it is necessary to immediately consult with your doctor.

Polyphepan: dosage

The medicine is taken orally one hour before meals 3-4 times a day. The dosage for an adult is 1 tablespoon, which must be washed down copious amounts drinking water.

For children aged 1-7 years medicinal dose is 10 ml at a time.

A portion of Polyphepan can also be filled with water and used as a solution.

When acute manifestations disease, the medicine is taken for 3-5 days. At chronic intoxications and allergic diseases the course of admission is about two weeks.

Enterosgel, Polyphepan or Laktofiltrum: which is better medicines you will be helped to determine your personal preferences, as well as your doctor.

Take care of your health, follow the rules of personal hygiene and balanced diet, using quality products nutrition. Reach out in a timely manner medical care and to the help of modern medicines and be healthy!

Pancreatitis: causes

What causes pancreatitis? This question is asked by everyone, having heard this diagnosis. Inflammation of the pancreas can occur in acute form or become chronically ill. Among the complications of the disease is the development diabetes, pathologies of the digestive system and even oncology. To prevent a threat, you need to know about its primary sources.

Causes of pancreatitis

Pancreatic disease is an inflammatory process that is localized in the pancreas.

According to medical statistics, in more than 70% of cases, the cause of such organ damage is alcohol abuse. However, despite the fact that the remaining 30% are divided among themselves by other factors ( malnutrition, hereditary predisposition, etc.), this does not make pancreatitis a rare occurrence.

Moreover, disorders in the digestive system and the occurrence of pancreatic disease are increasingly attacking younger people and even children. Although before the risk group fell on the elderly aged 50 years of both sexes.

  • Alcoholic products are what causes pancreatitis. Enzymes contained in pancreatic juice, when drinking alcoholic beverages, significantly increase in concentration. Drinking slows down the flow of juice and can trigger its activation before it reaches the intestines, as it should be normal. It is not uncommon for a spasm of the sphincter to occur, which is responsible for skipping enzymes and blocking incoming food. He is between duodenum and iron. Alcohol becomes the culprit of a malfunction in its functioning, for example, the sphincter does not open in a timely manner, so the juice accumulates in the pancreatic ducts.
  • An abundance of spicy and fatty foods are the next most popular causes of pancreatitis. It is no secret that fats and spices adversely affect the state of the digestive system. The greatest danger is the use of sharp and fatty foods on an empty stomach, and if with all this you also drink a meal with alcohol, pain and seizures cannot be avoided. Statistics are relentless: most often acute pancreatitis falls on holidays when having eaten from the belly as much as possible junk food(richly seasoned with mayonnaise, fried with spices, etc.), finish off the diet with alcoholic beverages - a truly explosive mixture. Such attractive and tasty causes of acute pancreatitis can eventually even lead to death.
  • Another cause of pancreatitis is through a complication of cholelithiasis. It accounts for 1 case out of 5. The ducts of bile and pancreas merge before entering the intestine. If the stone gets into this "channel", naturally it can block the way, and then the enzymes will not get to their destination. This will cause inflammation in the gland and result in a number of negative consequences: indigestion, pain syndrome, diarrhea, etc.
  • Injuries to the abdomen can also cause pancreatitis, which can cause characteristic symptoms such as pain, nausea, vomiting, and elevated temperature body. To this factor include inflammatory processes internal organs peritoneum, and not just bruises and penetrating wounds in the gland.
  • Viral hepatitis, as a rule, becomes the reason for the development of acute pancreatitis. The causes of inflammation can also be hidden under the complications of the same flu or other infectious diseases.

As you can see, there are many factors that cause pancreatitis. Pictures illustrating inflammation clearly show what the pancreas experiences during pathological changes. In order not to start the situation in a timely manner, contact a specialist for complete examination, and the following symptoms will be the impetus for action:

  1. Pain that radiates to the back and predominantly left side hypochondria.
  2. The nature of pain sensations is closer to girdle, however, it can be replaced by aching and acute pain.
  3. The body temperature may rise, as well as the heart rate.
  4. An upset of the gastrointestinal tract is manifested by violations of peristalsis: flatulence, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, heartburn, nausea, hiccups, vomiting, etc.
  5. A state of weakness and lethargy that covers even after a long rest and sleep.

Be vigilant, because health is the most precious thing we have!

No one can name a clear list of the causes of this disease. However, there are a number of factors that can provoke it. First of all, they include errors in nutrition. Other "provocateurs" can be:

emotional, psychological, mental state; enhanced selection of hydrochloric acid; insufficient level motor function stomach; lowering the threshold of sensitivity of its walls to stretching; organ infection bacteria Helicobacter pylori.

The evacuation and motor disorders of the main digestive organ include:

gastroparesis (delay in emptying the stomach); its dysrhythmia (violation of the rhythm of wave-like contractions of the walls of the organ, with the help of which the movement of its contents is carried out); violation of its accommodation (an increase in volume, not accompanied by an increase in intragastric pressure).


To common features stomach disease called dyspepsia include:

heartburn (burning sensation in epigastric region); belching (involuntary swallowing of air); hiccups (jerky convulsive contraction of the diaphragm); nausea, often ending in vomiting; pain in the abdomen; heaviness and feeling of fullness in the stomach and epigastrium; excessive gas formation; fast saturation.

In addition to the above symptoms, children may experience:

neurotic disorders, dizziness, poor appetite, sleep disturbance.

Depending on the prevailing signs, three variants of a functional disease are distinguished:

ulcer-like (hungry and night pains in the pit of the stomach, disappearing after taking not even a large number food or antacids); dyskinetic (rapid satiety, feeling of bloating and heaviness in the gastrointestinal tract, nausea); nonspecific (complaints cannot be differentiated).

Diagnosis of gastric dyspepsia in a child

Diagnosis of functional gastric dyspepsia is carried out only after all possible reasons organic character. Spends it pediatric gastroenterologist or pediatrician. The diagnosis is established on the basis of the results of the following activities:

clinical examination, collection and analysis of anamnesis of life and disease; conducting instrumental and laboratory studies.

In the presence of characteristic symptoms, the child is carried out:

ultrasound examination of organs located in the peritoneum; x-ray of the stomach; endoscopic examination(esophagogastroduodenoscopy); electrogastrography; coprogram; intragastric sounding; examination of feces for helminthiasis, H. Pylori; sowing on acute intestinal infections; biochemical tests of the liver.

Since this disease may be associated with problems of the nervous system, consultation is necessary. child psychologist and a neurologist.


A single mild form of the disease resulting from the consumption of poor-quality or unsuitable food does not pose a danger to the life and health of the child, if the cause of its occurrence is eliminated as much as possible. short time. But if the dyspeptic disorder takes on the character of an intensive long time illness, without consulting a specialist is indispensable.

Simple dyspepsia can develop into toxic form requiring long-term treatment various medicines. Other consequences of untimely detection and treatment of the disease are:

lack of appetite; a sharp decline body weight; stomach bleeding(Mallory-Weiss syndrome).

The latter occurs due to frequent repeated vomiting. In the place where the esophagus passes into the stomach, there is a rupture of the mucous membrane. Such a complication can pose a threat not only to health, but also to the life of the patient.


Force " lazy stomach» work better by:

eat slowly, chewing food thoroughly; establish a clear regimen for its intake in order to accustom the stomach to a certain routine; eat more often, but in small portions; minimize or completely eliminate chocolate, sugary carbonated drinks, animal fats from the diet for a while; The last meal should be at least two hours before going to bed.

What does a doctor do

The treatment of the disease, which takes place in severe form is carried out in a hospital. The doctor may prescribe:

enzymes that will help improve digestion; sorbents for removing toxins from the body; antispasmodics that help relieve pain; prokinetics that stimulate gastrointestinal motility.

After removing the symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to restore intestinal flora. This can be done with the help of lacto- and bifidobacteria. In especially severe cases, it is carried out:

hydration parenteral therapy(transfusion of saline and plasma replacement solutions or plasma); symptomatic treatment(introduction of cardiovascular, antipyretic drugs, drugs against seizures).


In order to avoid the occurrence of an ailment or serious complications, if it already exists, it is necessary, first of all, to take care of the correct balanced diet appropriate for the age of the child. In addition, to preventive measures include the following measures:

prevent babies from consuming excess food, nursing mothers need to monitor their diet, observe hygiene and the timing of the introduction of complementary foods, treat infectious and general somatic diseases of children in a timely and adequate manner, monitor their correct daily routine, minimize the number of stressful situations, accustom children to a culture of consumption food.

You will also learn how untimely treatment of gastric dyspepsia in children can be dangerous, and why it is so important to avoid the consequences. All about how to prevent gastric dyspepsia in children and prevent complications.

And caring parents will find on the pages of the service full information about the symptoms of gastric dyspepsia in children. How do the signs of the disease in children at 1.2 and 3 years old differ from the manifestations of the disease in children at 4, 5, 6 and 7 years old? What is the best way to treat stomach dyspepsia in children?

Take care of the health of your loved ones and be in good shape!

Indigestion in medicine is commonly referred to as dyspepsia. This is a complex of symptoms that occurs in children and adults as a result of a violation of the processes of digestion of food in the stomach. The disorder may be functional when absent organic lesion Gastrointestinal tract, or is one of the signs of a disease.

  • dyskinetic (manifested by heaviness in the epigastric zone, a feeling of fullness, nausea, belching);
  • ulcerative (hungry pain in the stomach);
  • non-specific (a combination of signs from the first two options).

Possible diseases

In some cases, dyspepsia is only a symptom of an organic pathology of the digestive system. The most common diseases that are accompanied by indigestion:

  • gastritis;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • duodenal ulcer;
  • gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD);
  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • oncology;
  • chronic gastroduodenitis;
  • cholecystitis.

Most adults and children experience intermittent dyspepsia from time to time. Her reasons:

1. violation of the diet;

2. overeating;

3. eating on the go, dry food;

4. intolerance to a certain product;

5. early introduction of complementary foods in infants;

6. abuse of sweet, carbonated drinks and coffee;

7. stress;

8. frequent consumption of fatty, spicy foods;

9. physical exercise immediately after eating;

10. pregnancy;

11. helminthiases.

Signs and symptoms

In adults, the symptoms of dyspepsia are characterized by a feeling of heaviness and fullness in the epigastric region, pain in the stomach, belching and heartburn, nausea, loss of appetite, bad aftertaste in the mouth. There may be flatulence and stool disorders in the form of diarrhea or constipation.

To get rid of indigestion, exclude:

  • raw vegetables and fruits;
  • rich yeast and confectionery;
  • canned food;
  • fatty and fried foods;
  • spicy and salty;
  • carbonated drinks and juices;
  • strong coffee and tea.

Folk remedies for indigestion

They quickly help get rid of mild forms of indigestion:

1. A decoction of marjoram seeds - pour 2 teaspoons of ground marjoram or caraway seeds with a cup of boiling water, let it brew for 25 minutes and drink 100 ml twice a day.

2. Celery - not only useful product, but also an excellent folk remedy for indigestion. You can take freshly squeezed juice from its roots in small portions several times a day or prepare an infusion: brew 5 g of chopped celery in 1 liter of boiling water, insist for 7 hours, take 100 ml several times a day.

3. Collection: anise fruits, buckthorn bark, yarrow, licorice root. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of water and boil for at least 7 minutes, strain and drink half a mug 2 times a day.

Treatment folk remedies effectively eliminate dyspepsia and serve as a method of preventing the occurrence of indigestion.

Dyspepsia in young children is a very common ailment associated with a disorder digestive function. And with simple, and with toxic, and with parenteral dyspepsia, a diet is shown to the child. Before prescribing treatment, a mandatory medical examination of the baby is necessary. The simplest folk remedy for signs of this disorder is rice water.

Simple intestinal dyspepsia in children: causes, symptoms, diet and treatment

Most often, dyspepsia in children occurs in the first year of life. This term refers to acute digestive disorders, characterized by the appearance of vomiting, diarrhea. There are three types of dyspepsia in children: simple, toxic and parenteral.

Dyspepsia simple is an acute functional disorder of digestion. If such dyspepsia occurs, then more often in children who are on breastfeeding. There is a dependence: the more weakened the child, the more likely it is that he will develop acute disorder digestion.

Already due to some anatomical and physiological features, the gastrointestinal tract of an infant is predisposed to minor functional disorders; gastric juice differs in rather small acidity and low activity of enzymes; low and enzymatic activity of pancreatic juice. The main cause of simple dyspepsia in children is feeding errors. What are the errors? For example, about more frequent feedings than required; also about overfeeding, when the child, due to the abundance of milk from the mother, eats more than he needs. Another point that contributes to the occurrence of simple dyspepsia is a sharp transition from chest to artificial feeding. Simple dyspepsia in young children can be observed if food is introduced into the child's diet that is inappropriate for his age, coarser food that his intestines cannot cope with. Overheating of the child's body contributes to the occurrence of dyspepsia.

General state suffers little at first. The child may be restless, his appetite is reduced. In some cases, sleep suffers. The skin is pale. When spitting up and vomiting, an excess amount of food is thrown out of the child's stomach or food that is unsuitable for the child's age is removed. Body temperature is normal. Over time, diarrhea appears; during the day, loose stools happen from 5 to 10 times; the type of feces is characteristic - they are frothy or watery, have a greenish color, they contain lumps of undigested food (saponified fat). Another symptom of simple dyspepsia in children is flatulence, which is manifested by rumbling in the abdomen, and bloating can also be noted. Often leaves gases with an unpleasant sour smell.

Among the complications of simple functional dyspepsia in young children should be called anthritis, otitis, pneumonia, pyelitis. If simple dyspepsia has lingering course, the child's body resistance decreases, which increases the likelihood of other infectious and inflammatory diseases. Also, with advanced intestinal dyspepsia, anemia develops in children.

Isolated cases of vomiting and diarrhea in a child are not grounds for special concern of the mother (unless, of course, she is sure that they are caused by indigestion). But if vomiting and diarrhea recur, you need to call a doctor to the child. Until the doctor comes, the child should not be fed; can only be given to drink (tea, boiled water); the allowable volume of liquid given is 120-150 ml per kilogram of the child's weight per day. A diet for dyspepsia in children is prescribed by a doctor after examining the child and in accordance with his age. If necessary, enzymes are prescribed. Return quickly good health vitamin therapy helps a child in the treatment of dyspepsia (ascorbic acid, vitamin, etc. are prescribed additionally).

Toxic intestinal dyspepsia in children

Dyspepsia toxic is a more severe form of acute gastrointestinal disease; characterized by the presence of a toxic syndrome. With toxic dyspepsia in children, metabolism and neurohumoral mechanisms are disturbed.

Toxic dyspepsia develops as a result of the same reasons that cause simple dyspepsia. However, in addition to alimentary disorders, the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the gastrointestinal tract also plays a significant role. The child's body is also affected by toxic products, which are formed during the incomplete breakdown of food, and toxins released by bacteria. These substances are absorbed in the intestines, enter the bloodstream, are carried with the bloodstream throughout the body and have toxic effect to the central nervous system, cardiovascular system, liver and many other internal organs.

The onset of the disease is often sudden: vomiting and diarrhea appear. The general condition of the child is rapidly deteriorating; the child becomes capricious and irritable, then lethargic; loses interest in what is happening around. If on the first day there was vomiting 2-3 times, then in the following days it can become persistent and be not only after each meal, after a sip of water, but even with an empty stomach. In the vomit, in addition to food debris, bile, mucus, and in severe cases, also blood are found. Loose stools - 10 to 20 times a day - frothy in the first days, then watery, greenish color. Due to vomiting and diarrhea, dehydration quickly develops. The child's weight is significantly reduced; skin and mucous membranes become dry, lose elasticity, facial features become sharper, a large fontanel sinks. Toxic substances the nervous system and liver are affected. The child, excited at the beginning of the disease, soon becomes inhibited, and at some point there comes a clouding of consciousness. The skin is pale
-gray. Reflexes are weakened. Falling down arterial pressure, the pulse quickens; breathing becomes shallow and frequent. The temperature at the onset of the disease can rise to 39-40ᵒС, but in some cases it remains normal or even decreases slightly.

When the first symptoms of dyspepsia appear in children, treatment should be started immediately: for this, a district pediatrician is urgently called to the house. When the diagnosis of toxic dyspepsia is established, the child is hospitalized. Important good care, hygiene, fresh air, long restful sleep. Stop feeding for quite a long time - up to a day; at this time, the child is assigned the so-called water-tea diet. Only after that - strictly dosed feeding. In order to improve the digestion of food from the third or fourth day from the start of treatment, pepsin with hydrochloric acid, pancreatin, and sometimes natural gastric juice are prescribed. If vomiting is repeated persistent, gastric lavage is indicated. Plasma, 5% glucose solution, Ringer's solution, etc. are administered intravenously. Antibiotic therapy is carried out. Vitamins are prescribed: vitamin C, A, B1, B2, pantothenic acid, etc.

Parenteral functional dyspepsia in young children

Parenteral dyspepsia - a violation of the function of digestion, accompanying any disease of an infectious nature.

Most often, parenteral functional dyspepsia develops in children who become ill with pneumonia, otitis media, etc. Toxic products released pathogenic bacteria and viruses, affect the central nervous system, disrupt regulatory mechanisms, reduce the activity of the digestive glands; due to exposure to these toxic products, the motility of the gastrointestinal tract is also disturbed. Microbes from the lower intestines penetrate into the overlying ones, which causes the appearance of many symptoms characteristic of dyspepsia.

In the vast majority of cases, the symptoms of parenteral dyspepsia in children develop along with the symptoms of the underlying disease. That is why parenteral dyspepsia is not considered as an independent disease. The child has frequent regurgitation and vomiting; diarrhea several times a day. The child is restless and capricious, his sleep and appetite suffer. In some cases, signs of intoxication develop.

In the process of treating functional dyspepsia in children, the underlying disease is treated. With minor symptoms of dyspepsia, the doctor prescribed unloading diet; if toxicosis is strongly expressed, treatment is carried out as with toxic dyspepsia.

Revealing primary signs intestinal dyspepsia in children, the following recommendations should be followed:

  • in isolated cases of vomiting and diarrhea, review the diet of the child; perhaps the introduction of new dishes has become too much of a burden for the child's body; new dishes should be introduced little by little and gradually;
  • in case of repeated cases of vomiting and diarrhea (yes, if the body temperature still rises), it is urgent to call the district pediatrician or an ambulance;
  • in addition to the fact that with vomiting and diarrhea the child loses a lot of fluid, he also loses salt; therefore, until the doctor comes, the mother can give the child to drink a little lightly salted water;
  • in cases where the child has repeated diarrhea, the mother should show the soiled linen to the doctor; examining the feces of a sick child can significantly help the diagnosis;
  • if mucus and blood are found in the baby’s stools, an urgent consultation of a pediatrician is necessary (mucus and blood in feces- one of the signs of such a formidable disease as dysentery);
  • with frequent loose stool the child should be washed every time you change clothes, this will help to avoid skin irritation; buttocks and perineal area are also recommended to be treated with baby cream; the microscopic layer of the cream well protects the skin from subsequent irritant faeces.

Treatment of functional dyspepsia in children with folk remedies

For the treatment of functional dyspepsia in children, folk remedies will help alleviate the condition of the baby.

  • rice broth: take 1 teaspoon of rice, pour 3-4 glasses of water and cook over low heat until the rice is boiled, strain the finished broth through 1 layer of gauze; give a sick child to drink a warm decoction of 1-2 tablespoons every 2-3 hours.
  • Take a warm decoction of lingonberry leaves; preparation of a decoction: crush the dried leaves with a pestle in a mortar into powder, pour 1 teaspoon of raw materials with a glass of water, cook at a low boil for no more than 5 minutes, after which the product should be infused in a sealed container with room temperature within 45 minutes, strain through cheesecloth, squeeze out the remaining raw materials; drink to a child of the first year of life 1 teaspoon of decoction 4-5 times during the day;
  • Take a warm infusion of blackberry leaves; preparation of infusion: pour 1 teaspoon of dried, powdered leaves with a glass of boiling water and insist in a sealed container at room temperature for about 2 hours, strain through 1-2 layers of gauze; a child of the first year of life drink an infusion of 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day half an hour before feeding.
  • At folk treatment dyspepsia in children is recommended to drink a decoction of English oak bark. Preparing the decoction: grind the dried bark (which is collected from young oak branches) as thoroughly as possible, pour 1 teaspoon of the powder with a glass of water and cook at a low boil for about 15 minutes, then quickly cool the decoction, strain through 2 layers of gauze, add boiling water to bring amount of funds to the original; for a child of the first year of life, take 1 teaspoon of decoction 4-5 times a day;
  • Take a warm decoction of pomegranate peel; preparation of a decoction: crush the dried peel in a mortar with a pestle to a powdery state, pour half a teaspoon of the powder with a glass of boiling water and, placing it on a boiling water bath, heat the product on it for about 15 minutes, then tightly wrap the dishes with a towel and leave for 1.5-2 hours, strain the finished broth through 2 layers of gauze; give a child of the first year of life to drink 1 teaspoon of decoction 2-3 times a day.
  • For the treatment of dyspepsia in children with folk remedies, you can take an infusion of blueberries with a well-pronounced fixing, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. Preparation of the infusion: thoroughly crush the dried fruits with a pestle in a mortar, place 1 teaspoon of raw materials in a thermos, pour a glass of boiling water and insist for several hours, strain through 1-2 layers of gauze, squeeze the raw materials that have absorbed water thoroughly; a child of the first year of Life to drink 1 teaspoon of infusion 3-4 times a day; with diarrhea, you can give the baby and warm jelly, cooked from fresh fruit common blueberry.
  • Another good remedy from dyspepsia in children - an infusion of walnut leaves. Preparation of the infusion: take fresh young walnut leaves, cut them as small as possible with a knife, pour 8-10 g of raw material with a glass of boiling water and insist, wrapping the dishes tightly with a towel for 45 minutes, strain through 1 layer of gauze, squeeze out the remaining raw material; for a child of the first year of life, take an infusion of 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.

Feeding a child must be correct. All questions regarding proper feeding mom can ask the precinct pediatrician. In the cold season, dress the child so that his body does not overheat; in the warm season - do not allow the child to stay in the sun for too long. If the child was still in the sun for a long time during the walk, you should not rush to feed - it is recommended to wait at least half an hour. Give the child a drink enough liquids.

A condition such as indigestion can have completely different symptoms, but at the same time it is difficult to confuse it with any other disease. Indigestion, or as it is called in the tongue medical workers, dyspepsia, is found more and more often among people. This is explained quite simply: people are starting to move less and more and more to eat "harmful" foods and "street food" or fast food.

1 Signs of dyspepsia

No matter how strange it may sound, but most people not only do not eat right, but do not even think about how to do it accordingly. Having a snack on the go or even eating quickly, in a hurry, in your own kitchen, a person runs the risk of “rewarding” himself with dyspepsia soon.

This disease can manifest itself in the form of rather unpleasant symptoms:

  • cramps in the stomach;
  • feeling of nausea;
  • manifestation of heartburn;
  • rapid satiety with food;
  • bloating;
  • belching.

Spasms in some cases may not be fully felt. Other symptoms may take their place. discomfort which can hardly be called pain. But of course, they do not cause pleasant feelings either. Nausea can often turn into vomiting. In addition, a person with such an ailment as indigestion very quickly feels that he has eaten or even overeaten, although at the same time he can eat a very small part of the usual portion. Dyspepsia, moreover, is often accompanied by such manifestations from the gastrointestinal tract as heartburn, belching and increased gas formation.

By characteristic symptoms can distinguish the type of dyspepsia. So, for example, with the so-called fermentative dyspepsia, appears characteristic swelling stomach, you can hear the incessant rumbling in the intestines, secreted great amount fetid gases. foam stool with fermentative dyspepsia, it is slightly colored, but has a strong sour smell.

If dyspepsia is putrefactive, then the stool with such a violation is saturated rather dark color and the smell of decay. General intoxication the body at the same time causes a deterioration in appetite, low work activity and excessive weakness.

Fatty dyspepsia resulting from the consumption of excessive fatty foods, accompanied by light plentiful stools with a greasy sheen.

All of the symptoms discussed above can occur regardless of whether a person received physical activity after eating or not.

2 Etiology of the disease

Dyspepsia, as noted above, most often occurs due to malnutrition. To obtain proper treatment, it is necessary to carry out the necessary diagnostics and find out real reasons development of dyspepsia. If the causes that caused the development of indigestion are determined in a timely manner, then the disease will not require complex and long treatment. In addition, the identification of the factors that provoked the occurrence of indigestion will avoid the recurrence of such a situation in the future.

Indigestion in a child also has a place to be. The reason for this may be the discrepancy between the volume of food or its composition with age-related physiological characteristics of the development of the stomach and intestines in children. Such manifestations are especially frequent in the first year of a child's life.

It is important to understand that treatment will largely depend on what exactly becomes the cause of the disease. In some cases, it is necessary to take pills, while in others the treatment will be aimed at correcting psychological state sick.

For example, if we are talking about functional dyspepsia caused by malnutrition, then therapy in its essence is the observance of a special diet.

Functional dyspepsia can develop due to the following reasons:

  • fast food intake;
  • binge eating;
  • the use of a large number of fried, spicy foods;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • caffeine;
  • violation of the diet;
  • physical activity immediately after eating;
  • stress;
  • bacteria Helicobacter pylori;
  • external factors.

Haste when eating does not allow a person to chew it thoroughly, as a result of which rather large pieces enter the stomach, and gastric juice is secreted in a smaller amount. This discrepancy leads to pain in the stomach and disruption of the entire gastrointestinal tract.

"Harmful" spicy, fried, smoked foods in combination with carbonated drinks also have a negative effect on.

In order not to have signs of indigestion, after eating, you should not immediately start with a heavy physical labor. In addition, it is important to avoid long-term stress on the body.

With organic indigestion, the reasons are somewhat different. First of all, they are associated with existing problems in the work of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • diseases of the stomach and duodenum;
  • gastroesophageal reflux disease;
  • manifestations of pancreatitis or cholecystitis;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • tumor formations inside the gastrointestinal tract or pancreas,
  • heartburn;
  • noticeable weight loss.

Regardless of what causes the onset of the disease, it is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner for appropriate recommendations.

3 Seeing a doctor and diagnosing

The occurrence of dyspepsia does not always indicate that the treatment will involve pills or surgical intervention, but in order to prevent this option, it is necessary to consult a doctor in time. But who to go to if dyspepsia is not considered a full-fledged disease?

If you have symptoms of dyspepsia, you should consult a doctor general practice- to the therapist. If necessary, he can refer the patient to an appointment with a gastroenterologist or oncologist.

It is especially important to see a doctor if you still have difficulty swallowing, vomiting with sputum, loss of appetite, weight loss, pale skin, increased temperature indicators body, changes in laboratory tests.

The age of the patient is also of particular importance. So, if dyspepsia appeared in a person over 45 for the first time, then this can serve as a signal of a serious disorder in the body.

After receiving and consulting a doctor, as a rule, a thorough diagnostic examination is prescribed, which will not only reveal the degree of development of the disease, but also eliminate the likelihood of the formation of other, more serious diseases. Such, for example, a diagnostic variant of the examination is the method of fibrogastroduodenoscopy with a biopsy. This test determines if the patient has peptic ulcer, GERD, tumors of the esophagus and stomach.

Holding ultrasound allows you to discard doubts about the presence or absence of diseases of the liver, pancreas, thyroid gland and gallbladder. In addition, it is quite important to conduct a study to determine the degree of infection of the patient with Helicobacter pylori bacteria. Monitoring based on intragastric pH-metry will help exclude the presence of GERD. Among other things, quite often scheduled general analysis blood. It can be used to determine the presence inflammatory process or development of anemia.

In addition to all the diagnostic methods described, sometimes they also use the study of gastroduodenal motility, analysis of feces for occult blood, 13C-octane breath test.

If, during all the studies, the diagnostic results do not allow establishing organic disorders, then the diagnosis of "functional dyspepsia" is made and the treatment, accordingly, is carried out on the basis of the diagnosis.

Interestingly, sometimes even the examination itself and its results, indicating that any serious illness absent, become a kind of treatment, the so-called "placebo effect". The patient does not even have to take pills.

4 Treatment activities

Treatment of indigestion can often be done without taking medicines. To do this, all you just need to choose an individual system of dietary nutrition, which would exclude the use of foods intolerable to the human body. To this can be added a ban on the consumption of alcoholic beverages and the cessation of smoking tobacco products.

In a positive way on the state of the body and general well-being the patient will be affected by walking in the fresh air for at least an hour and a half before bedtime. It is also useful to engage in physical exercises with a moderate power load. Such exercises include, first of all, fitness classes, swimming, classes in the gym.

If during diagnostic examination experts found that infection with Helicobacter pylori bacteria became the provocateur of the disease, then eradication therapy is prescribed, which involves the complete destruction of the bacterium in the body. Such treatment should be carried out strictly under medical supervision.

Take off symptomatic manifestations it is possible with the use of antisecretory preparations of aluminum antacids, which include Almagel, Gaviscon, Maalox, Gastrocid.

In addition, inhibitors are also used proton pump- Pantoprazole, Omeprazole, Lansoprazole. Peristalsis stimulants are also used, which not only eliminate pain, but also neutralize the effect of hydrochloric acid. The course of treatment with these drugs is determined by the attending physician. If after a certain line of improvement is not achieved, then the frequency of administration and dose of drugs should be replaced.

Often, in the treatment of functional dyspepsia, it is important not to take medications, but to normalize the emotional and psychological atmosphere around the patient. Establishing comfortable relationships at work and at home, observing the regime of work and rest can significantly improve the patient's condition and even completely eliminate the recurrence of symptoms of dyspepsia. In some cases, it is possible to use antidepressants or psychotherapy methods.

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