How long does it take for the product to pass into breast milk? How many hours does it take for food to pass into breast milk?

Breast milk combines a large amount of nutrients coming from the mother's body. In addition, this unique product contains specific antibodies that form the child's immunity in the first year of life.

Breastfeeding women should avoid congestion in the mammary glands, as it is equally harmful to the child and the female body.

Characteristics of breast milk

The full growth and development of a newborn baby occurs only if the body receives the required amount of nutrients. Mother's milk is an invaluable source of nutrition. The harmonious composition of this product provides:

  • fast and easy absorption;
  • the intake of the required amount of vitamins and minerals;
  • the formation of beneficial microflora in the lumen of the large intestine;
  • maintaining the body's defenses, and the formation of resistance to infectious diseases;
  • intellectual and physical development of the newborn.

The mammary glands of the expectant mother begin to increase in size already in the last months of pregnancy. This is one of the components of preparing the female body for the birth of a child. An increase in breast volume occurs due to the growth of glandular tissue that produces milk.

After the formation of milk in the glandular tissue, it enters through the milk ducts of the gland into the region of the nipple halo, where the excretory ducts are located. If the baby is correctly attached to the breast, then there is a uniform stimulation of the nipple and emptying of the mammary glands through all the ducts.

When the baby performs mechanical stimulation of the nipple area, the production of the hormone prolactin, which stimulates the lactation process, is activated in the female body. Thus, the more often stimulation occurs, the more milk will flow into the mammary glands.

Varieties of breast milk

Colostrum is the precursor to breast milk. This product has a very fatty texture, and it contains all the components necessary for the child. The production of colostrum may stop on the first day after birth, but, as a rule, this happens 3 days after the birth of the child.

The composition of colostrum includes a minimum amount of water, so the volume of production of this product is much lower than that of breast milk. A nursing woman should not worry, since the amount of colostrum that comes from the mammary glands is quite enough for the baby.

The next step is the appearance of breast milk. It is less caloric, and comes in significant volumes. During the first months, a newborn baby receives a large amount of antibodies from breast milk. Thanks to this, the body of the baby is completely safe.

Depending on the location, milk is divided into the following types:

  • Fore milk. Located on the inner surface of the mammary glands. The color of the foremilk is light, closer to transparent. The composition of such milk includes a large amount of carbohydrates and proteins.
  • Medium milk. It contains fewer proteins, but more carbohydrates.
  • Back milk. Hind breast milk contains a large amount of fat, which causes its high density. Most babies eat foremilk and middle milk during feeding, leaving portions of hindmilk unattended. The remote location of the rear portions makes it difficult to suck out such milk. If the baby eats only the front and middle portions, then this will lead to rapid saturation for a short period of time.

Applying a newborn to the second breast is recommended only after the emptying of the first breast.

How often is breast milk renewed?

A nursing mother should carefully monitor the diet during lactation. Some foods in the diet can cause health problems for the newborn. It takes from 2 to 9 hours from the moment of eating food to the ingestion of its components into breast milk. A young mother should monitor the behavior of the baby.

Alarming symptoms are excessive restlessness, moodiness, crying, refusal to breastfeed, stool disorders and frequent regurgitation of food. If the child has one of the symptoms, then the woman should analyze her diet for the last 24 hours.

The use of such products leads to the appearance of alarming symptoms:

  • all kinds of nuts, pumpkin and sunflower seeds;
  • legumes, cauliflower and white cabbage, broccoli (increase gas formation in the intestines);
  • caffeinated products;
  • products from whole milk (provoke intestinal colic in a child);
  • spices, spicy dishes, smoked meats (affect the taste of breast milk).

Renewal of breast milk occurs after each feeding of the child, provided that the baby has completely emptied the mammary gland. The more often the baby is applied to the breast, the faster the milk is renewed. If we are talking about changing the chemical composition of milk, then the reference point is the concentration of substances in the blood.

Journal → How long does it take for food to pass into breast milk?
Various substances, both harmful and beneficial, enter the bloodstream from the small intestine. Imagine: you ate meat. It went into my stomach after a few minutes. If at this time you attach the baby to the chest, then what you eat will not affect the composition of the milk in any way. After 3-4 hours, the meat is in the small intestine. And it stays there for the same amount of time. It is now that it gives its elements into the blood. And when she gets into the mammary glands, she leaves there many of the things listed as raw materials for milk: liquid, protein, a strictly defined part of fats, some minerals and, unfortunately, hormones, if the animals were injected with them for growth.
But fat-soluble vitamins and iron are not. The gland will develop their analogues on its own. All this will go to the baby until the meat is digested and passes into the large intestine. Therefore, it makes no sense to express if you are afraid that hormones from the “wrong meat” will get into the milk. They will again and again enter the bloodstream for almost a day, and from the blood into milk. Therefore, for such cases, it is worth keeping a supply of milk in the freezer. But what about other products and their ingredients?
If you ate a lot of raw vegetables or fruits, a few fresh buns, drank milk or compote from cherries, apricots or cherries, then a lot of gases are formed in the intestines during processing, which will partially go into the blood, from the blood into milk, and from milk - to the baby.
To prevent this, before, during or immediately after products that cause discomfort, take some kind of sorbent (activated carbon, smecta, polyphepan). Keep in mind that the sorbent will not be transmitted to the baby with milk, so you need to give him a children's absorbent drug. Just do not overdo it, because in addition to harmful substances, it also removes vitamins and minerals from the body.

FEEDBACK IN MILK: after 1 hour.

KEEPING ON: 2-3 hours.

The more you eat foods rich in water-soluble vitamins, the more of them will be in milk. These are ascorbic acid (citrus fruits, cranberries, parsley, currants, cabbage, rose hips), nicotinic acid (liver, pork, seafood, cheese, chicken, eggs, carrots, tomatoes, potatoes, beans, corn, cereals, mint, parsley, nettle) , thiamine (wheat bread, beans, peas, spinach, liver, kidney, pork and beef, yeast), riboflavin (mushrooms, liver, pine nuts and almonds, eggs, cheese, cottage cheese, rose hips, spinach, mackerel, goose meat), and pyridoxine (eggs, shrimp, oysters, salmon, tuna, ham, chicken, beef, lamb, liver, cottage cheese, cheese, germinated grains, potatoes, peas, carrots, beans, greens, tomatoes, cereals, nuts, seeds, berries and fruits (especially bananas).
Since these water-soluble vitamins are not stored in the body, you will need to ensure that your baby receives them daily through the breast. The more of them on your plate, the more their content in milk.
But it is useless to fight anemia in infants by supplementing your menu with foods and preparations rich in iron. It is quite enough in any mother's milk. The problem is rather in the peculiarities of its assimilation by the baby. The doctor will prescribe the necessary measures (for example, the introduction of complementary foods or iron supplements for children).
The same goes for calcium. The mammary gland itself will take as much of it from the mother's body as the baby needs - no more, no less. Therefore, you need to lean on cheese and fish in order to keep your own bones and teeth healthy.

GOES INTO MILK: after 1-2 hours.

KEEPING ON: 1-3 hours.

They enter milk along with food, drinks, some drugs and herbal infusions through the blood at different times. Citrus fruits, red vegetables, fruits and berries, seafood, chicken eggs, soy, honey, nuts, grapes, mushrooms, coffee, chocolate, cocoa can provoke rashes in infants (promoting the release of histamine). Also, whole cow's milk. This does not mean that all these useful products should be excluded, just that they should not be abused. And to accustom the crumbs to them, eating a little bit is even useful.
In addition, sausages, sauerkraut, cheese, and long-frozen products are rich in histamine. It is advisable to abandon synthetic vitamin complexes, drugs in soluble shells, fluorine and iron preparations, and herbal extracts. And it is simply unacceptable to often eat foods containing aspirin (storable milk, sweet carbonated drinks), glutamates (crispy chips, industrial crackers), nitrates (vegetables that look like a model), saccharin, cyclamates (read the composition of what you buy). In fact, it is better to buy one-component products: cereals, flour, butter, vegetables (soak the latter in water before cooking, because all the toxins enter the milk)!
In addition, you should not drink more water in order to quickly cleanse the body of the allergen: this way it is even more absorbed into the blood! It is better to take a sorbent.

GOES INTO MILK: on average - after 40-50 minutes.

CONTINUES TO DO: with vegetables - 6-8 hours, with cow's milk - 3-4 hours, with flour - 12-15 hours. E-supplements - about a week.

Fat and sugar
The amount of fat in a woman's milk depends on her physical characteristics and remains constant no matter what and how much she eats. It makes no sense to lean on fatty foods so that the baby becomes chubby - only you will become chubbier. Just feed your baby more often. But sugar from muffins and cakes also sweetens milk.

GOES INTO MILK: after 10 minutes.

CONTINUES TO DO: half an hour.

Many pharmaceuticals are allowed to be drunk while breastfeeding, but on the condition that they are taken as an urgent measure, designed for only one or a few times. If you are forced to drink medicine all the time (for example, an oral contraceptive), then the situation is already more serious. In any case, the instructions for pharmaceuticals indicate the time when they enter the bloodstream and when they are excreted. From this and proceed, building a feeding schedule. Be sure to consult your doctor. And remember that the effect of many drugs on breastfeeding has not been studied in practice for ethical reasons (you can’t experiment on babies!).

GOES INTO MILK: read the instructions for the period when the drug enters the bloodstream.

CONTINUES TO DO: read the instructions for the period of elimination from the blood.

To popularize breastfeeding, foreign pediatricians began to argue that a glass of dry wine or a glass of beer a day would not bring much harm to either a nursing mother or her baby. Is it true?
Alcohol enters the blood at the moment when you feel intoxicated, even the lightest. And it is displayed - when your normal state of health is fully restored. It all depends on the amount drunk, the strength of the drink, body weight and metabolic characteristics.

GOES INTO MILK: after 2-5 minutes

CONTINUES TO DO: 2 hours - several days

Young mothers are often interested in how long it takes for food to get into milk? You can’t wait for an exact answer to this question, because each product is absorbed differently, requires less or somewhere more time for absorption. One thing is for sure - all the products that enter the stomach are deposited in mother's milk.

Relationship between food and feeding

If the food was eaten at lunchtime, and the mother decided to feed the baby immediately after the meal, then the new product eaten by the mother will not have any effect on the child.

Milk is renewed every 2-3 hours when the mother feeds the baby. The question is still relevant, since different products have different assimilation and processing times. As soon as food enters the intestines, raw materials are formed from which the body receives substances, minerals, vitamins, etc. Blood carries throughout the body all the macroelements of the digestive system, after which they are absorbed into milk. The fluid that has entered the mammary gland remains there until required - until it is necessary to produce a new portion of the milk treat for the child.

If there were growth hormones in the meat (introduced during the production and processing of products), then they enter the mother's milk along with the liquid. The child receives these hormones through food.

Liquid, proteins, carbohydrates and dense fats are absorbed into the glands and remain there for several hours. During the formation of milk, a woman may feel a tingling, firmness of the breast.

When the milk is ready to be fed to the baby, an open channel is formed inside the breast through which the food flows. Some mothers try to express after drinking a glass of alcohol, eating a piece of smoked fish or another product.

Duration of absorption of fresh food

Some mothers love to eat very much, and this is not a crime. To have a lot of milk, you should eat carefully, the products must contain vitamins. If a nursing mother lacks something summery and light, fried and steamed is tired, then she can eat a few raw green apples, exotic fruits, a few raw vegetables, fresh buns and delicious hot bread; wash everything down with cherry compote or cherry juice.
All products will definitely get into the intestines, and, therefore, into the blood and through breast milk to your baby.

In order not to deprive yourself of such an opportunity (after all, cherries grow only 2 months a year), before or after taking these products, you must drink activated charcoal or polyphepan. Tablets do not enter the blood without being transmitted to the baby. To this end, the child must also take the form of an adsorbent for children. The smallest dose is enough for only bad minerals to leave the body, while the good ones remain and have a beneficial effect on the intestinal flora.

It will get into the milk in 60-70 minutes. If the mother immediately began to express, the rate of hit increases significantly. The duration of absorption after entering the glands is 3-4 hours.

Nutrients and soluble vitamins in the composition of products - they also affect the composition of milk. If a nursing mother needs vitamins, like parsley, beets, citrus fruits, cranberry juices, fresh cabbage, rose hips and its products, are not included in milk. Mom must consume the ingredients herself in order to pass them on to the child. There is also no cumulative effect in:

The list of products is very large, and the more of them on the plate, the better it will be for mother and child. As soon as the mother needs to introduce complementary foods, the doctor should prescribe vitamins for the child in the form of syrup so that the baby receives the dose that he is used to. At the same time, the woman herself should try to ensure that the food daily is a portion of fish or cheese.

The transition to milk occurs after 2 hours. The duration of absorption is 3 hours after the splitting of the products.

Duration of absorption of allergic products

If a mother has a habit of pampering herself with various juices, citrus fruits, berries, red fruits, smoked meats, sausages, sodas when she is breastfeeding, you should remember that all these ingredients will get into breast milk very quickly. The child may develop rashes in the form of red dots. This is not diathesis, but a clear allergic reaction. It occurs due to the release of histamine and glutamate. Below is a table that shows which products contain these substances.


Products containing histamine

Products containing aspirin

Products containing cyclamates


sausages, sauerkraut, frozen ingredients, herbs.


chips, crackers.

milk with a long shelf life, sweet soda.


saccharins, chewy sweets.

All these ingredients and products are able to be absorbed into the bloodstream and enter the milk very quickly. Before taking it is necessary to eat the sorbent, if it is impossible to refuse. The rate of absorption into breast milk is 20 minutes!

If you continue to eat these products, then in the mother's body the substances will be all the time - when taken with vegetables - up to 6 hours, with milk - 3.5 hours, with bakery products - up to half a day, food additives (E) - up to 1 week .

Fats, drugs, alcohol

These products are combined into one category not by useful properties, but by the degree of importance for the female and children's body. Fats will enter the woman's blood 15 minutes after eating the product. Fats enter breast milk and remain there in the amount required by the baby. True, no matter how much mom eats, sweets and fats will flow into the blood for another 20 minutes, no more.
If the child needs to get better, do not eat sweets. Mom will recover, and the child will receive as much fat as is not enough for absorption by the body.

Medicines are prohibited for nursing mothers, but there is a list of medicines that are allowed to be taken. Before taking, you should always read the instructions, which say how long the substance enters the bloodstream and how it is excreted. Some manufacturers cannot specify what the absorption time of a particular substance is, and how long it takes to reach the milk. All this is done for ethical reasons, since no one will experiment on infants.

Alcohol - it is absorbed into the blood at the time of feeling a slight dizziness, intoxication. The degree of absorption depends directly on how much alcohol is drunk. A person's body weight, metabolic rate, and the strength of the drink also greatly affect. Alcohol will enter the milk after 2 minutes. It will remain in the body for several days.

Therefore, in order not to risk the health of the most important person in life, you should not even try to conduct experiments, even if you really want a sip of champagne for your anniversary.

Of course, you know that breast milk is produced not at all in the stomach, but in the mammary glands of the mother. Therefore, one should not think that everything that was in the woman’s plate is immediately sent to the baby’s milk. However, some elements from the mother's diet are still present in it. How long does it take for food to pass into breast milk? What products affect its composition? What to eat is bad for the baby? We will answer these and other questions of newly-made mothers later in the article.

What gets into breast milk and how?

How long does it take for food to pass into breast milk? First of all, let's remember the school biology course. Both harmful and beneficial substances are absorbed into the human blood in the small intestine.

3-4 hours after eating your lunch is in the small intestine. About the same time it is digested in this organ. There, the products give the nutrients to the blood. And already she, in turn, saturates breast milk with them: proteins, a certain proportion of fats, minerals and even hormones (if the animal whose meat you ate was fed with special preparations containing growth hormones).

All of the above will enter breast milk until the hour when food leaves the mother's small intestine and moves into the large intestine. Therefore, there is no point in expressing milk if the woman realized that she had eaten the "wrong" product. Harmful elements will enter the bloodstream (and then into breast milk) during the day. In such cases, it is important to have several bottles of frozen milk.

Gas generating products

We continue to analyze how long food enters breast milk. It is important to know this about gas-producing foods - those that cause gases in an infant. Such food includes raw fruits and vegetables, compotes, fresh juices from them, as well as fresh pastries and milk.

During the processing of this food, gases are formed in the mother's intestines. Some of them enter the bloodstream. Hence, in breast milk.

To prevent this, before or after eating such food, a woman should take a sorbent (activated charcoal, Smecta, for example). The medicine is not passed with breast milk to the baby. Therefore, with gases, the child is given an additional children's adsorbent medicine. It is important not to overdo it: along with harmful drugs, it removes useful substances, vitamins and minerals from the body.

How long does it take for food to pass into breast milk? In this case, after 1 hour. It will continue to flow for another 2-3 hours.


So called healthy foods containing water-soluble vitamins. A new mother should try to eat such food as often as possible. This includes the following:

  • The content of ascorbic acid. Cranberries, citrus fruits, currants, parsley, wild rose, cabbage.
  • The content of nicotinic acid. Pork, liver, cheese, seafood, eggs, chicken, cereals, beans, potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, corn, nettles, parsley, mint.
  • Thiamine. Wheat bread, kidney, peas, spinach, beans, yeast, pork, beef, liver.
  • Riboflavin. Almonds, mushrooms, liver, pine nuts, cottage cheese, cheese, eggs, wild rose, mackerel, goose, spinach.
  • Pyridoxine. Bananas, shrimp, eggs, tomatoes, beef, sprouted grains, lamb, cheese, chicken meat, cottage cheese, potatoes, peas, greens, cereals, nuts, berries.

It is important to note that water-soluble vitamins are not stored in the mother's body. Therefore, it is possible to increase their content in breast milk only by eating a sufficient amount of food listed above daily.

How long does it take for food to pass into breast milk in this case? After 1-2 hours. At the same time, useful elements continue to enter the bloodstream for another 1-3 hours.

Anemia and calcium deficiency

What about anemia? There is enough iron in breast milk, it makes no sense to eat food, drink preparations containing this element. Here the problem is different. The body of the baby can not cope with the absorption of iron.

This also applies to calcium. In mother's milk it is exactly as much as the baby needs. Therefore, mom should lean on fish and cheese for only one purpose: to ensure healthy bones and teeth.


How long does it take for food to pass into breast milk and to a baby with HB? It is important to know the answer to this question regarding products containing allergens. What applies to them? Pay attention to the following:

  • Citrus fruits, berries, red vegetables and fruits, seafood, grapes, soybeans, chocolate, honey, coffee, chicken eggs, cocoa. May cause rashes in the chest. This does not mean that these products should not be consumed at all. It's just worth "accustoming" the baby to them a little bit.
  • Whole cow's milk. Again, the product should not be abandoned. The main thing is not to abuse it.
  • Sauerkraut, cheese, sausages, frozen products. They contain large amounts of histamine.
  • Extracts from herbs, drugs in a soluble shell, preparations containing iron and fluorine, synthetic vitamin complexes.
  • Sweet soda, long shelf life milk.
  • Crackers, chips. It contains glutamates.
  • "Artificial" vegetables. "Rich" in nitrates.
  • Products containing saccharin or cyclamates (check the ingredients on the package).

Nutritionists do not advise mothers to drink more water if they want to flush the allergen from the body. So it is only more absorbed into the blood. Breastfeeding women need to pay more attention to single-component products. Give preference to vegetables, fruits, cereals, milk, butter, homemade cakes.

How long does it take for food to enter breast milk and baby in this case? On average, after 40-50 minutes. And yet she continues to do:

  • Vegetables: another 6-8 hours.
  • Cow's milk: 3-4 hours.
  • Flour products: 12-15 hours.
  • Products with E-additives: within 24 hours.

Fat and sugar

Let's debunk a popular misconception. Many new mothers find that by consuming high-fat foods, they help their baby become more chubby. But this is far from true. Preferring such food, a woman primarily contributes to the accumulation of fatty tissues in her own body.

If you want your baby to grow up strong and healthy, just breastfeed him more often. But what about sugar? In order not to overdo it with the content of this element in breast milk, give up cakes, sweet muffins. These products over-sweeten it.

How long does it take for food to pass into breast milk? Komarovsky (doctor, breastfeeding specialist) claims that fat and sugar get into it within 10 minutes after the mother ate a product rich in these elements. They continue to flow into the blood (and then into breast milk) for another 30 minutes.

Medicines: is it possible?

How long does it take for breastfeeding food to pass into breast milk? This issue is especially of concern to women who are forced to take various pharmaceuticals while breastfeeding.

Yes, taking medications for HB is possible. But only in one case - if it is an urgent measure, on which the state of health, the life of the mother depends. Usually, a single dose of the drug is allowed in consultation with the doctor. Maximum - several applications.

Medications and GV

However, there are drugs that give the desired effect only with periodic systemic use. A good example is oral contraceptives. How to be here? Be sure to consult your doctor about their use.

The instructions for the pharmaceutical agent can also help the case. It always indicates how long the drug enters the bloodstream, when it is excreted from the body. Based on this, it is worth building a schedule for feeding the baby.

Another important aspect: not all drug manufacturers have information about how detrimental the intake of such a drug by a mother with HB is. Everything rests on ethical considerations: experiments on babies are strictly prohibited.

How long does it take for the medicine to enter the mother's bloodstream? You will learn about this by reading the instructions for the drug. How much it will continue to flow into the blood is indicated in the same place. At the same time, the components of the drug will also pass into breast milk.


You already know how long it takes food to get into and out of breast milk. And what about alcohol? The question is rather ambiguous. After all, pediatricians seek to popularize breastfeeding among the population. Therefore, experts often dispel myths about certain prohibitions. For example, there are many foreign pediatricians who claim that a glass of beer, a glass of dry wine a day will not harm either a nursing mother or a baby. Is it so?

When alcohol enters the bloodstream, it is easy to feel without complicated calculations. This happens the moment you start to feel a little drunk. It's also easy to know when it's output. You feel that you are returning to your usual normal state.

The intervals depend on many factors at once: the characteristics of your body, the strength and amount of alcohol you drink, body weight, metabolic rate. On average, alcohol begins to enter the milk within a few minutes after ingestion. The process can last from 2 hours to several days.

How long does it take for food to pass into breast milk? Kefir, citrus fruits, meat, pastries, products with E-additives - everything has its own time intervals. The same goes for taking drugs and alcohol.

Breastfeeding is a long and often difficult process that raises many questions for a woman.

Every mother is not averse to pampering herself with different delicacies, but their effect on the child's body can be negative.

In order for nutrition to be beneficial and joyful not only for the mother, but also for her baby, you need to know how long the food enters breast milk.

Moms think that foods high in fat or polyunsaturated acids increase the fat content of milk.

And vice versa, if you eat only lean food, then the milk will become dietary.

This is not so, do not believe such statements.

People who claim this are not familiar with the physiology and process of milk production.

But in any case, mother's milk is the best and healthiest food for a baby!

It is important to understand that the female body produces exactly the kind of milk that the born baby needs.

If you put a child on the breast of a mother who is not your own, then problems may appear in the form of a gastrointestinal disorder.

Expert opinion

Vikulova Alla Petrovna — consultant on GV

Lactation consultant, doula.

Healthy nutrition is the key to the proper development of the body. In order for the baby to grow well, mom needs to eat right.

Daily food should include fruits, vegetables, cereals, dairy products, meat and fish.

Thus, the child will receive many vitamins and useful microelements necessary for development.

Duration of absorption of fresh food


Human milk is a natural source of calcium. His baby always receives in the required quantities, regardless of the mother's diet.

Sometimes a baby can take too much calcium, and the remaining amount is not enough to maintain the normal health of the mother.

In this case, she needs to increase her daily portions of dairy products and fish.

Read more about the proper nutrition of a nursing mother in the following video:

Basic nutrition for breastfeeding mothers

The rate of food processing in the gastrointestinal tract depends on how quickly the eaten gets into breast milk. Consider using the table the time for which food is absorbed into milk.

The use of sorbents

When using carbonated drinks, pastries, legumes, there are often problems with the stomach of both the mother and the baby. Bloating is observed, heaviness and other unpleasant consequences are felt.

In this case, the adoption of different sorbents is allowed. To improve the well-being of a nursing woman, you can use activated charcoal, and her baby - "Smecta".

Sorbents remove all harmful substances from the body. However, their frequent use cannot be justified. First of all, the mother should monitor her diet so as not to harm the health of the baby.

In this case, you will not have to use sorbents once again and cause inconvenience to the crumbs.

Breastfeeding can increase the immunity of the baby and accelerate its growth. Every mother should make this process painless for the baby. To do this, it is better to give up junk food at least until the introduction of complementary foods.

This will help to raise a healthy child who will not need vitamins and will always delight his beloved mother. A daily variety of dishes in a woman's diet will help avoid problems with the development of a baby tummy and make milk the most useful.

Opinion of Dr. E. O. Komarovsky

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