Mastodinone or cyclodinone: pros and cons. Cyclodinone for mastopathy: patient reviews and treatment effectiveness Alternative herbal preparations for the treatment of mastopathy

Sometimes it seems to me that when God was handing out female beauty, all the fair sex stood in line for velvety skin, thick and strong hair, and other important "things", but I ... It's not at all clear where I was worn. In a word, all the "women's troubles" that can only be got to me. Oily skin, oily hair, increased hair growth, and most importantly- irregular cycles and hellish period pains are all my own.

Half a year ago, I nevertheless took up my women's health and started visiting gynecologists. I complained about irregular periods (delays reached up to 2-3 months) and severe pain during menstruation. Three gynecologists in paid clinics shrugged their shoulders and could not understand what was happening to me ...

Arriving at the state hospital, another doctor examined me, took smears and advised me to drink Cyclodinone 1 tablet in the morning on an empty stomach for 3 months before receiving the tests. She assured that he was not hormonal, there would be no harm from him.

I honestly did not believe that some herbal remedy would solve the problem of my whole life and make my body function like normal people.

Price: 542 rubles for 30 tablets

They say that for the effect you need to drink it for at least 3 months. But I began to notice changes after 10 days of taking it. At the moment, I finish drinking the second pack.

What has changed after taking Cyclodinone "+"?

1) "+" I began to feel the onset of ovulation(pulling feeling in the lower abdomen, as if before menstruation). And according to the doctors, one of the reasons for my irregular cycles was the non-occurring ovulation.

2) "+" The cycle was restored after 20 tablets drunk! New periods came without delay.

3) "+" Abundance and pain on the first day of the cycle disappeared. Now I can lead a normal life during my period, and not wallow at home, writhing in pain.

Cons "-" after taking Cyclodinone?

1) My chest began to hurt very badly during PMS. Before the reception, she was also sick, but it was tolerable, and now she is inflated so that it seems that she is about to burst. In general, this phenomenon is strange, since Cyclodinone, on the contrary, should reduce the amount of prolactin ...

2) DEPRESSION during PMS! I didn’t expect this at all, because I usually never believe that pills can somehow affect the emotional background. But a fact is a fact. During the PMS period, all feelings seem to be aggravated, it covers with some kind of negativity, I want to swear with everyone, everything around is annoying. Before meeting with Cyclodinone, this had never happened to me. I have always been calm as an elephant in PMS.

"Cyclodinone" is a preparation of plant origin. It belongs to the group of herbal remedies that are used for various menstrual disorders and premenstrual syndrome. The composition of "Cyclodinone" is an ordinary plant. A dry extract is prepared from its fruits, which is the basis and the only active ingredient of the drug.

The drug "Cyclodinone" exists in two forms of release:

Tablets "Cyclodinone". They are covered with a shell, round in shape, convex on both sides, turquoise. 1 tablet contains an extract from the fruits of the common rod (4 mg).

Drops "Cyclodinone". They are transparent, yellow-brown in color, have the aroma of prutnyak fruits. 100 g of these drops contains 240 g of the extract from the fruits of the common rod.

Description of "Cyclodynon"

This herbal preparation normalizes the content of sex hormones in the blood of a woman. It has a so-called dopaminergic effect, thereby reducing the amount of the hormone prolactin. When this hormone in the blood is higher than the norm, the process of ovulation and the maturation of follicles in the ovaries is disrupted, which leads to a violation of the ratio between progesterone and estradiol, which manifests itself in violation of menstruation.

Another action that "Cyclodinone" has, used in any form: tablets and drops, is the stimulation of the formation of connective tissue in the mammary glands. At the same time, the ducts expand, pathological processes in the chest decrease and soreness decreases.

Indications for the use of the drug "Cyclodinone"

  • The drug "Cyclodinone" is indicated for women who have violations in the amount and ratio of sex hormones. It is used for the following pathologies:
  • Menstrual disorders (irregular menstruation, lack of ovulation).
  • Infertility, which arose due to insufficient development of the corpus luteum of the ovary (it is responsible for the process of fertilization and nutrition of the embryo).
  • Mastodynia (painful sensations in the mammary glands, depending on menstruation). Often this condition is accompanied by swelling in the chest, an increase in skin temperature over the mammary gland. Such symptoms are combined into one concept - mastopathy.
  • Premenstrual syndrome (a condition that is accompanied by increased irritability, tearfulness, headache that occurs a few days before menstruation).
  • Menopause and its accompanying symptoms (hot flashes, irritability, headaches, jumps in blood pressure).
  • Polycystic ovaries (a condition in which cysts of various sizes appear on the ovaries - cavities filled with fluid). It is used in the event that the disease is caused by a violation in the ratio of prolactin, estrogens and progesterone.
  • Endometriosis (a condition in which the cells of the endometrium - the inner lining of the uterus - go beyond their normal limits). In rare cases, they can spread to other organs and systems.
  • Acne on the face, which are associated with violations in the hormonal background of a woman.

Contraindications to the use of the drug "Cyclodinone"

Despite the fact that "Cyclodinone" is a herbal preparation, it has some contraindications for use:

Allergic reactions to the fruits of the prutnyak or other components of this medicine.

Children's age up to 12 years.

Pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding.

Overdose and side effects of "Cyclodinone"

There are no data on cases of overdose, no one complained about exceeding the prescribed amount of the drug.

Side effects of "Cyclodinone":

From the gastrointestinal tract - nausea, vomiting, pain in the abdomen.

On the part of the skin - a rash of various sizes, urticaria.

From the side of the central nervous system - headache, dizziness, agitation, hallucinations, confusion, respiratory failure.

Instructions for use "Cyclodinone"

Taking the drug "Cyclodinone" should last at least 3 months. There is no break during menstruation. If the condition improves before the end of the course of treatment, do not stop taking it. If after a course of therapy the signs of the disease return, after consulting with a specialist, continue taking the drug.

Instructions for drops "Cyclodinone": shake well before use, because a precipitate may form. So that the drops are of the same size, keep the bottle with the drug strictly vertically. You need to drink 40 drops 1 time per day (morning or evening). If necessary, drink water.

Instructions for tablets "Cyclodinone": 1 tablet per day to swallow without chewing. Drink some water or any other drink.

The use of the drug does not depend on food intake and time of day. The interval between two doses should be 24 hours (+/- 2 hours).

special instructions

When planning pregnancy and in the presence of hormonal abnormalities and related diseases, it is recommended to drink a full course of the drug and be re-examined. In the event that the menstrual cycle has returned to normal, the likelihood of becoming pregnant increases several times.

The drug in the form of drops contains alcohol in the amount of 17-19 vol.%. In case of pathological craving for alcohol or driving a vehicle, it is better to choose a tablet form for treatment.

Despite the fact that "Cyclodinone" is a hormonal drug, it still belongs to plant substances. Therefore, a woman taking Cyclodinone as a treatment will not find changes in her own weight.

With caution, "Cyclodinone" is prescribed for diseases of the liver, kidneys, epilepsy and brain injury.

If there is no effect after the course of treatment with Cyclodinon, it is necessary to undergo a second examination and switch to treatment with synthetic or natural hormones.

Analogues of "Cyclodinone"

Similar drugs that can be taken instead of "Cyclodinone" include: agnucaston, an extract of the fruits of the common rod.

A preparation of plant origin, the active substance of which is the common rod (Agnus castus). It is also called sacred vitex or Abraham's tree.

Indications for the use of cyclodinone:

  1. Violation of the menstrual cycle.
  2. Premenstrual syndrome.
  3. Mastodynia (pain in the mammary glands before menstruation).
  4. Hyperprolactinemia (increased prolactin levels of a non-tumor nature).
  5. Hormonal imbalance caused by long-term use of hormonal contraceptives.

Is it possible to drink cyclodinone with menopause?

With menopause, cyclodinone is not taken. For this, there are more effective

Mechanism of action of cyclodynon

The composition of vitex - the main active component of cyclodinone, includes iridoids, flavonoids, ascorbic acid, alkaloids, agnuzide glycoside, tannins, essential oils, trace elements, organic acids, quinone, limonene, bornyl acetate, camphor.

The components of cyclodinone normalize the concentration of sex hormones due to the dopaminergic effects of the drug.

Cyclodinone reduces the level of prolactin in the body with non-tumor hyperprolactinemia. (If prolactin is elevated due to - Cyclodinone will be ineffective). With an increased level of prolactin, the secretion of gonadotropins is disrupted, which can disrupt the maturation of follicles and the ovulation process. As a result, the corpus luteum is not formed, which leads to an imbalance between . This leads to a violation of the menstrual cycle, the appearance of spotting in the second phase of the cycle, starting from its middle. Cyclodinone normalizes the second phase of the menstrual cycle. By reducing prolactin in the body, proliferative processes are reduced, the growth of connective tissue in the mammary glands.

Side effects of cyclodinone

When taking cyclodinone, allergic reactions, psychomotor agitation, confusion and hallucinations (rarely) may occur. The breast may decrease in size - this is both a disadvantage and an advantage, since this means that the manifestations in the mammary glands also decreased, and the risk of developing .

Already after a few tablets of cyclodinone stop if the cause of their loss was hyperprolactinemia.

Cyclodinone may shorten the menstrual cycle.

Sometimes drowsiness occurs during therapy with cyclodinone, , depressive states, appetite increases, craving for sweets increases, appears , body weight increases. The appearance of these symptoms is not necessary, each organism reacts to drugs individually. Such symptoms can be caused by an increase in the level of progesterone, a hormone responsible for preparing the body for pregnancy. The chances of getting pregnant after taking cyclodinone increase, which is important when .

How to take Cyclodinone

1 tablet in the morning, without chewing, with a small amount of liquid. Or 40 drops of Cyclodinone solution diluted in water. Treatment with cyclodinone carried out for 3 months, without taking a break for menstruation.

The price of Cyclodinone is about 350 rubles.

Cyclodynon or Mastodinone?

Unlike Cyclodinone , Mastodinon, in addition to the common prutnyak, includes:cobalt (used as a homeopathic remedy for painful periods, inflammation of the female genital organs, irritability), European cyclamen,Strychnos Ignatia (contains strychnine - improves the transmission of a nerve impulse in the interneuronal synapses of the spinal cord), Iris Versicolor (effective for ), Lily Lancefolia (has a calming, analgesic and hemostatic effect).

Preparations Mastodinone and Cyclodinone are contraindicated during the period and breastfeeding.

Often on the forums there is a question about which drug is better for the treatment of mastopathy - Mastodinone or Cyclodinone. Both contain extracts of medicinal plants, are suitable for the treatment of mastodynia and menstrual irregularities, but at the same time they have a number of fundamental differences. The article will tell about the properties of the drugs, the features of the application and which one is better to use to eliminate mastopathy.

Mastodinone is a non-hormonal herbal remedy that has a wide spectrum of action and is often prescribed by mammologists for mastopathy and mastodynia.

It contains the following plants:

  • Prutnyak ordinary. It has an anti-cancer effect and restores the balance of estrogen and progesterone hormones, therefore it is used in the complex therapy of cysts, fibroids, myomas, endometriosis and other female diseases. This is a shrub with pale blue flowers, up to 4 meters in size. All parts of the plant contain iridoids, flavonoids, essential oils and tannins, which determine the medicinal properties of the rod. Its extract reduces the synthesis of prolactin and estrogen.
  • Basil-leaf stalk. The people also call buttercup blue or female root. For medicinal purposes, the root part of the plant is used. The use of drugs with its extracts leads to contraction of the uterus and vasoconstriction. Therefore, in the folk medicine of the eastern countries, the stalk was used during childbirth to stimulate contractions. In addition, buttercup blue normalizes the menstrual cycle, facilitates the manifestations of menopause, eliminates blood clots in the veins.
  • Kasatik is multi-colored. An effective migraine remedy.
  • Tiger lily. Eliminates painful sensations during menstruation and has a positive effect on the nervous system.
  • The chestnut is bitter. Has a calming effect.
  • Alpine violet. Helps to normalize the menstrual cycle, is used in the treatment of infertility.

Herbal ingredients are the main advantage of the drug, since the active compounds of medicinal herbs are included in metabolic processes more naturally and cause less harm to the body compared to synthetic agents. Often it is prescribed as an alternative to hormonal medications, because Mastodinone is suitable for long-term use by women of any age and interacts well with other drugs.

Mastodinone is available in the form of tablets or drops. The course of treatment is 1 month, without a break during menstruation. If necessary, it can be repeated. If a patient has a cystic or adenomatous form of mastopathy, the dosage is doubled. But the final decision on the duration of treatment and the amount of the drug is taken by the doctor after establishing an accurate diagnosis.

Mastodinone is well tolerated and has virtually no side effects. In rare cases (mainly with an overdose), nausea and stomach discomfort, skin rash, weight gain are possible. In addition, the prutnyak extract can have an exciting effect on the nervous system of some women, as a result of which headaches, nervousness, and confusion are observed. To avoid this, you should dissolve the drug in a sufficient amount of water before taking it, which should be done half an hour after a meal.

Contraindications to the use of Mastodinon can be:

  • allergic reactions or individual intolerance to the components;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • age up to 12 years;
  • alcoholism (the product contains ethanol).

After the course of administration, Mastodinone acts on the body in the following way:

  1. Reduces pain.
  2. Gradually regulates the balance of hormones.
  3. Prevents the formation of malignant cells in the body.
  4. Reduces the symptoms of premenstrual illness (irritability, anxiety, feeling of depression).

In addition, the main ingredient of the drug - prutnyak extract, reduces the synthesis of prolactin and eliminates prolactinemia - the first cause of premenstrual syndrome and mastodynia.

Given the properties of Mastodinon, it is prescribed to treat menstrual cycle disorders, infertility (caused by underdevelopment of the corpus luteum due to an incomplete luteal phase), fibrocystic mastopathy and cyclic disease.

Thanks to its effectiveness, the drug has gained confidence among patients and in professional circles of doctors.

Cyclodinon, as well as Mastodinon, is made in the form of tablets and drops, contains extracts of medicinal plants. It consists of an extract of the fruits of the prutnyak in a ratio of 0.192-0.288 g per 100 g of solution or 3.2-4.8 mg in one tablet. Ethanol, mint flavor, sorbitol and polysorbate, water are added as auxiliary components.

Cyclodinone in the form of drops is a liquid mass of a yellow-brown hue with the aroma of a rod. Tablets - green-blue, matte, round convex shape.

The action of the drug is based on the properties of one medicinal plant - common prune, which is responsible for reducing the production of the hormone prolactin and eliminating hormonal imbalances. As a result, the menstrual cycle is regulated, the cyclic syndrome disappears.

Prolactin also contributes to the growth of connective tissue structures in the mammary gland and an increase in the milk ducts. A decrease in the level of the hormone stops the pathological process and reduces discomfort.

Cyclodinone is used for the following diagnoses:

  • mastodynia and mastalgia;
  • failure of the cycle of menstruation;
  • premenstrual illness.

Tablets are best taken in the morning, without chewing and drinking plenty of water. Drops can also be diluted, shake the contents of the vial before use. The course of treatment with Cyclodinone is 3 months without interruption and then another 1 month to consolidate the result.

Cyclodinon, like Mastodinon, does not contain hormones, but affects the hormonal background by affecting the area of ​​the cerebral cortex, which is responsible for the functioning of the ovaries. Thus, the woman's well-being improves, the menstrual cycle normalizes, and pain disappears.

Side effects from the use of Cyclodinone are very rare and are manifested by dizziness, nausea and pain in the stomach, skin reactions, impaired consciousness and even hallucinations.

The analogue is the drug Agnukaston (it is identical in composition and is produced by the same pharmaceutical company Bionorica).

It is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating mothers, patients with individual intolerance to the components or allergies to common prune and those suffering from alcoholism (contains ethyl alcohol).

Despite its herbal composition and safety, the use of the drug should be agreed with the doctor after a thorough study of the patient's hormonal background. Self-treatment with Cyclodinone can lead to even greater disorders.

It is necessary to contact a gynecologist and stop the drug if there are reactions from the gastrointestinal tract or skin rash. Cyclodinone tablets contain lactose. This can cause stomach pain and diarrhea in patients with intolerance to it.

Mastodinone or Cyclodinon in the treatment of mastopathy

Both drugs are non-hormonal herbal remedies and are used to treat diseases associated with hormonal disorders.

But they also have a number of fundamental differences:

  1. Cyclodinone is a monopreparation, the main component of which is an extract of the fruits of the common plantain. While Mastodinon, in addition to the prutnyak, has a number of important medicinal plants in its composition (cornflower-like cobalt, alpine violet, tiger lily and others).
  2. Various indications for use. Cyclodinon is a drug aimed at the treatment of gynecological diseases (menstrual irregularities, cyclic illness, mastalgia). Mastodinone has a wider range of properties and is used to eliminate fibrocystic mastopathy and infertility.
  3. Both drugs regulate the level of female hormones, but Mastodinone affects the concentration of prolactin, and Cyclodinone balances the amount of several hormones.

It is impossible to do an independent replacement of one drug with another. Appointments should be made by an experienced doctor, and only after a blood test for hormones and an accurate diagnosis.

Feedback on the use of Mastodinone and Cyclodinone

Women who used Mastodinone for mastopathy note a decrease in discomfort after the first month of taking it, and after 3 months (full course), a second ultrasound examination showed a decrease in large seals, complete resorption of small ones, and the disappearance of pain. But in the prevailing number of cases, the drug is used in combination with others (for example, Progestogel) and helps in the early stages of diffuse fibrous mastopathy.

The advantages of taking Mastodinon include:

  1. Reducing pain and resorption of seals in mastopathy.
  2. Natural composition.
  3. Cessation of symptoms of premenstrual illness.
  4. Alignment of the menstrual cycle.
  5. Neutral taste.


  1. In rare cases, but still, some women experienced side effects of the drug in the form of a skin rash, weight gain, aggression, depression, apathy.
  2. The price is above average. For a full course, 3 packs of the drug are needed, at a price of about 500-600 rubles.
  3. The duration of treatment and the result is not immediately felt. According to reviews, the pain disappears only after a month of taking Mastodinon.

As for Cyclodinone, patients who used the drug also note its effectiveness in regulating the menstrual cycle, reducing the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome and herbal composition. The disadvantages are the same as those of Mastodinon: high price, side effects, in some cases it was not suitable for patients and turned out to be ineffective.

More often it was used to reduce prolactin levels and normalize the menstrual cycle. Cyclodinone was prescribed as an alternative to hormonal drugs with minor failures and no contraindications.

In general, the effectiveness and safety of both drugs can be noted, which are also suitable for long-term use and for all ages (over 12 years).

Alternative herbal preparations for the treatment of mastopathy

As noted earlier, Agnukaston, the same German manufacturer, is a complete analogue of Cyclodinone. As for Mastodinon, there are no funds absolutely identical with it in terms of composition. There are only medicines that have a similar therapeutic effect, but the active substances are different.

Here are examples of some of them:

  • Dysmenorm. Homeopathic preparation with four active ingredients (sacred vitex, honey bee, meadow backache, officinalis rosemary), which is effective for the treatment of menstrual disorders and fibrocystic changes in the mammary gland. Reduces engorgement and pain. It also affects the concentration of prolactin in the blood and regulates the ratio of hormones.
  • Remens. It is often used for menopause and hormonal imbalance. Contains herbal ingredients. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and improves blood microcirculation, therefore it is sometimes used for the complex treatment of infectious processes in the pelvic organs.
  • Tribestan plus. Contains an extract of Tribulus terrestris plant and ginseng root. It is prescribed to improve the functioning of the reproductive organs in both men and women. In men, it increases the quantity and quality of spermatozoa, in women it stimulates ovulation, increases sexual desire, and reduces the manifestations of menopause.

  • Angelica Forte. Not a drug, but a plant-based dietary supplement. The composition contains an extract of angelica (Chinese angelica), which normalizes the balance of hormones and has an anti-inflammatory effect. It is used to eliminate gynecological diseases and as a good antispasmodic. Prevents the formation of blood clots in the vessels in women who take contraceptives. Also, one of the components of Angelica Forte is the royal jelly of bees, which has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, activates the immune system, improves mental and physical activity.
  • Gynopower. Synthetic preparation based on herbs, which has a tonic effect on the male and female body. It rejuvenates and strengthens the reproductive system, improves immunity, regulates the menstrual cycle, stimulates the synthesis of the hormone estrogen, increases libido in women.
  • Lifemin. Contains extracts of hops, wild yam root, angelica chinensis, pueraria lobed and pearl powder. It has an anti-stress effect, stimulates blood circulation in the pelvic organs, reduces the manifestations of menopause. It also improves the condition of the skin, nails and hair follicles, normalizes the mineral metabolism of bones and prevents the development of osteoporosis.
  • Normomens. The drug is based on medicinal plants - garden ginger, hay fenugreek, common vitex, forest apple tree. Like Mastodinone, it reduces the synthesis of prolactin and is used to treat fibrocystic mastopathy, mastalgia, and infertility. Has antitumor activity. Apple tree extract is a natural antioxidant and sedative.

With timely access to a gynecologist with the help of homeopathic herbal preparations, the appearance of prolactinemia and its accompanying disorders can be prevented. Mastopathy is also easily cured in the primary stages. Early diagnosis of diseases makes it possible to avoid aggressive hormone therapy and normalize the hormonal background with gentle means based on herbal extracts.

All the best!

This medicine can only be taken as directed by a doctor.

A few years ago, I first encountered mastopathy. For a long time I endured discomfort in the mammary glands, which appeared on the eve of the days of ICS, considering this a variant of the norm. Then, nevertheless, I could not stand it and went to a mammologist, who, on the basis of examinations, branded me with a diagnosis of "adenosis" - mastopathy, in which glandular tissue grows. Where? I'm only 22, I have no health problems. The doctor just shrugged his shoulders: all the problems of the female breast are from nerves and hyper-responsibility. He prescribed minimal symptomatic treatment and recommended an annual ultrasound scan.

For a couple of years, I regularly appeared for examinations once a year. The situation has not changed. And then suddenly my fibrous mastopathy turned into cystic.

It turned out after an extraordinary ultrasound, to which I rushed, losing my slippers, when my chest began to whine so that I woke up at night, and in the left breast I found (with my own hand) giant pea-sized balls. On ultrasound, however, the "giant balls" turned out to be nodules with a diameter of 3-5 mm, but what discomfort they brought, not at all small!

As a treatment, the doctor chose a course consisting of mastopathy collection of herbs, homeopathic cyclodinone and indole. I must say, the treatment saddened me: doctor, such horror is happening to me, and you are prescribing some herbs for me!

There was no trust in the collection of herbs - what will they give me? Herbs are for prevention.

Indole - in general, an incomprehensible remedy, about which they write in the reviews that the formations in the breast from it only become larger.

Cyclodinone - something designed to normalize the cycle and get rid of PMS. From my own experience, I already know that the drugs prescribed by doctors to "NORMALIZE" my already normal CYCLE do not bring anything good.

Cyclodinone is a drug for the treatment of menstrual irregularities, chest tightness and pain, and premenstrual syndrome. It is a phytopreparation, since it contains only natural plant components.

I doubted for a long time whether or not to start taking the prescribed drugs, hoping that the doctor knew better, I decided. My review of the use of cyclodinone in mastopathy and the results of this treatment.


It has a dopaminergic effect, which causes a decrease in prolactin production, i.e. eliminates hyperprolactinemia. An increased concentration of prolactin disrupts the secretion of gonadotropins, as a result of which disturbances in the maturation of follicles, ovulation and the corpus luteum phase may occur, which further leads to an imbalance between estradiol and progesterone. It is this hormonal imbalance that causes menstrual irregularities and mastodynia. Cyclodinone normalizes the ratio of gonadotropic hormones, which leads to the normalization of the second phase of the menstrual cycle.

With the level of prolactin, by the way, everything is in order, but testosterone is increased. Therefore, I was sure that this drug was by.

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Violation of the menstrual cycle, premenstrual syndrome, mastodynia.

Here, too, almost everything is gone. In addition to mastodynia caused by cysts, nothing bothers me.

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The drug is available in the form of drops and tablets. It is more convenient for me to take pills - small, smooth, green-gray-blue.

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For 30 tablets you will have to pay at least 500 rubles. This is for a monthly course. According to the instructions, the course should be 3 months with a daily intake of one tablet.

In my case, the course was 2 months of admission, a month break, after which there was a control visit to the doctor. Then the course of Cyclodinone was extended for another 2 months, in total this is my fourth pack.

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Individual hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

The drug should not be used during pregnancy, as well as during breastfeeding.

Side effects
Allergic skin reactions are rare. There are reports of rare cases of transient psychomotor agitation, confusion and hallucinations.

special instructions

In case of pain in the mammary glands and / or weakness, depression, as well as in case of menstrual irregularities, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

If in the case of side effects and contraindications I have no complaints, then regarding the "special instructions" even before taking the question arose: how can a drug intended to treat a problem aggravate the problem? Well, yes, the body of each is individual, and it is impossible to predict the result. But still, it's rather unpleasant, when taking a medicine, to hope for a "maybe".

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It so happened that in the first days after the appointment, the only drug purchased from the list was Cyclodinone. There were no other drugs in the local pharmacy, and I had no time to go to another one.

After two days of taking Cyclodinone, the pain in the breast became less, the constant aching pain disappeared. I was finally able to sleep at night NORMALLY!!! Well, I thought it was the placebo effect. But the pain did not return. A week after the start of the intake, the breasts, which had previously become dense, heavy and swollen before the days of ICS, were blown away. Of course, on the one hand, this pleases, because it means no discomfort, but on the other, what girl will be happy with breast reduction

During the period of taking the drug, the breasts did not swell before menstruation. During the period of "rest" from the drug - too.

The cycle itself goes very smoothly, without abrupt transitions from phase to phase: beginning, ovulation, end, MS. I always feel this transition, accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen and weakness. Now the cycle runs without jumps.

According to the results of the first course, ultrasound and examination by a doctor showed that the cysts had not decreased, but the engorgement of the mammary gland had passed and the condition of the gland itself had improved. But the doctor did not promise an absolute cure for the problem in a month, and said that such an improvement is very significant.

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I continue to take Cyclodinone, and at the end of the course I will supplement the review.

At the moment, I recommend Cyclodinon in the treatment of mastopathy!

Health to you! Thank you for your attention!

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My other reviews on medical procedures and medications:

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