Note the indication for the use of aminocaproic acid. How to wash the nose with aminocaproic acid: is it possible? Aminocaproic acid - tablets

Aminocaproic acid: instructions for use


Active substance: aminocaproic acid - 5.0 g (in 100 ml of solution) or 10.0 g (in 200 ml of solution).

pharmachologic effect

Inhibits blood fibrinolysis. By blocking plasminogen activators and partially inhibiting the action of plasmin, it has a systemic hemostatic effect in bleeding caused by increased fibrinolytic activity of plasma. In addition, aminocaproic acid inhibits the activating effect of streptokinase, urokinase and tissue kinases on fibrinolysis, neutralizes the effects of kallikrein, trypsin and hyaluronidase, and reduces capillary permeability.


With intravenous administration, the effect of the drug appears after 15-20 minutes. The half-life (T 1/2) is 4 hours. Excreted by the kidneys, and 40-60% - unchanged. In violation of the excretory function of the kidneys, there is a delay in the excretion of aminocaproic acid, as a result of which its concentration in the blood increases sharply.

Indications for use

It is used to stop and prevent bleeding caused by increased fibrinolytic activity of the blood, as well as conditions of hypo- and afibrinogenemia. The drug is prescribed for surgical interventions on organs rich in fibrinolysis activators (lungs, brain, uterus, prostate, thyroid and pancreas, adrenal glands); after surgery on the heart and blood vessels; with extracorporeal circulation; burn disease; at premature detachment placenta; complicated abortion, uterine bleeding; during operations in the ear, throat, nose, nosebleeds; in diseases of internal organs with hemorrhagic syndrome (gastrointestinal bleeding, bleeding from Bladder etc.) Aminocaproic acid is also used to prevent secondary hypofibrinogenemia during massive transfusions of canned blood.


Hypersensitivity to aminocaproic acid, hypercoagulable states with a tendency to thrombosis and embolism, impaired renal function, disorders cerebral circulation, disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome, bleeding from the upper respiratory tract unknown etiology, pregnancy.

Dosage and administration

Intravenously. The daily dose for adults is 5-30 g.

If necessary, achieve quick effect(acute hypofibrinogenemia) is administered intravenously in drops up to 100 ml of a sterile 5% solution per isotonic solution sodium chloride at a rate of 50-60 drops per minute. Within 1 hour, a dose of 4-5 g is administered, in case of ongoing bleeding - until it stops completely - 1 g every hour for no more than 8 hours. With continued bleeding, infusions are repeated every 4 hours.

Children are administered intravenously at the rate of 100 mg / kg in the first hour, then 33 mg / kg / hour. Maximum daily dose is 18 g/. Daily dose for children under 1 year - 3 g; 2-6 years - 3-6 g; 7-10 years old - 6-9 g. In case of acute blood loss: children under 1 year old - 6 g, 2-4 years old - 6-9 g, 5-8 years old - 9-12 g, 9-10 years old - 18 g. Duration of treatment - 3-14 days.

In acute fibrinolysis, when the content of fibrinogen in the blood drops sharply, the administration of aminocaproic acid must be supplemented with a subsequent infusion of fibrinogen.

Side effect

Rhabdomyolysis, myoglobinuria, acute renal failure, subendocardial hemorrhage, decreased blood pressure, orthostatic hypotension, bradycardia, arrhythmias, nausea, diarrhea, convulsions, headache, dizziness, tinnitus, nasal congestion, skin rashes.


Symptoms: severe symptoms side effects. At long-term use there is a risk of myalgia, muscle weakness, rhabdominolysis, myoglobulinuria, acute renal failure, a sharp inhibition of fibrinogenesis.

Treatment: symptomatic therapy. It is necessary to monitor the level of creatinine phosphokinase in order to avoid the development of muscle damage.

Interaction with other drugs

Anticoagulants (direct and indirect) and antiplatelet agents reduce the effect of the drug.

Application features

Preparation for intravenous administration applies only in stationary conditions! The purpose of the drug should be carried out under the control of the concentration of fibrinogen in the blood and the time of blood clotting. The drug is recommended to be used under the control of coagulogram. During the period of treatment with the drug, it is desirable to exclude the use of fatty foods.

Precautionary measures

Use with caution in diseases of the heart and kidneys (due to the risk of developing acute renal failure). Cannot be used for bleeding upper divisions urinary system due to the risk of intrarenal obstruction in the form of glomerular capillary thrombosis.

Use during pregnancy and lactation.

The use of the drug during pregnancy is contraindicated. It is inappropriate to use aminocaproic acid in women in order to prevent increased blood loss during childbirth, because. possible thromboembolic complications. Information about the penetration of aminocaproic acid into breast milk missing, so breast-feeding during treatment it is recommended to stop.

Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and engage in other potentially dangerous species activities requiring increased concentration attention and speed of psychomotor reactions.

The drug is intended for use in a hospital setting.

Release form

In 100 ml bottles in pack no. 1, no. 56, or in 200 ml bottles in pack no. 1, no. 40.

Self-medication can be harmful to your health.
It is necessary to consult a doctor, and also read the instructions before use.

Aminocaproic Acid Powder - antihemorrhagic (hemostatic), hemostatic agent used for bleeding caused by increased fibrinolysis.
The mechanism of specific action is due to competitive inhibition of plasminogen activators and partial inhibition of plasmin activity (in high doses), as well as inhibition of biogenic polypeptides - kinins.
It inhibits the activating effect of streptokinase, urokinase and tissue kinases on the processes of fibrinolysis, neutralizes the effects of kallikrein, trypsin and hyaluronidase, and reduces capillary permeability.
Shows moderate anti-allergic and anti-shock activity; increases the antitoxic function of the liver. It inhibits the proteolytic activity associated with the influenza virus, inhibits the proteolytic activity of hemagglutinin. Improves some cellular and humoral indicators of specific and non-specific protection in respiratory viral infections.
Pharmacokinetics. After oral administration, it is rapidly absorbed in the upper sections. gastrointestinal tract. The maximum concentration in the blood in adults and adolescents is reached after 2 to 3 hours. It practically does not bind to blood proteins. Partially (10 - 15%) biotransformed in the liver; the rest is excreted by the kidneys mainly unchanged. During the day, about 60% of the administered dose is excreted from the body (with normal function kidneys).
In case of violation of the urinary function, cumulation of the drug is possible.

Indications for use

Indications for the use of the powder Aminocaproic acid are: prevention and treatment parenchymal bleeding, hemorrhages from the mucous membranes, menorrhagia, bleeding from erosions and ulcers of the stomach and intestines. Prevention of bleeding during operations on the liver, lungs, pancreas. Different kinds hyperfibrinolysis, including those associated with the use of thrombolytic drugs and massive transfusion of canned blood. As symptomatic remedy- bleeding due to thrombocytopenia and qualitative inferiority of platelets (dysfunctional thrombocytopenia).

Mode of application

Powder Aminocaproic acid appoint inside, during or after a meal, dissolving the powder in sweet water or drinking it. The daily dose for adults is divided into 3-6 doses, for children - 3-5 doses.
Moderately pronounced increase in fibrinolytic activity. Adults are usually prescribed in a daily dose of 5-24 g (5-24 packets).
For children under 1 year old single dose is 0.05 g/kg of body weight (but not more than 1 g). The daily dose for children is: under the age of 1 year - 3 g (3 packages), 2 - 6 years - 3 - 6 g (3 - 6 packages), 7 - 10 years - 6 - 9 g (6 - 9 packages) . For adolescents, the maximum daily dose is 10 - 15 g (10 - 15 packets).
Acute bleeding (including gastrointestinal). Adults are prescribed 5 g (5 packets), then 1 g (1 packet) every hour (for no more than 8 hours) until the bleeding stops completely. Daily dose for children with acute blood loss: under the age of 1 year - 6 g (6 packages), 2 - 4 years - 6 - 9 g (6 - 9 packages), 5 - 8 years - 9 - 12 g (9 - 12 packages), 9 - 10 years -
18 g (18 packets).
Subarachnoid hemorrhage. Adults appoint a daily dose of 6 - 9 g (6 - 9 packets).
Traumatic hyphema. Assign at a dose of 0.1 g / kg of body weight every 4 hours (but not more
24 g/day) for 5 days.
Metrorrhagia associated with intrauterine devices. Assign 3 g (3 packets) every 6 hours.
Prevention and control of bleeding during dental interventions. Adults appoint 2 - 3 g (2 - 3 packages) 3 - 5 times a day.
For adults, the average daily dose is 10 - 18 g (10 - 18 packets), the maximum daily dose is 24 g (24 packets).
The course of treatment is 3 - 14 days.
The duration of treatment is determined individually and depends on the severity of the disease. According to the indications, repeated courses of treatment are possible.

Side effects

From the side of cardio-vascular system: orthostatic hypotension, subendocardial hemorrhage, bradycardia, arrhythmias. From the digestive system: nausea, diarrhea. From the blood coagulation system: with prolonged use (more than 6 days) of high doses (for adults - more than 24 g per day) - hemorrhages. From the side of the central nervous system: headache, dizziness, tinnitus, convulsions. Other: catarrhal phenomena of the upper respiratory tract, skin rash, myoglobinuria, rhabdomyolysis, acute renal failure.
Side effects are rare and dose dependent; when the dose is reduced, they usually disappear.


Powder contraindications Aminocaproic acid are: increased individual sensitivity to aminocaproic acid, a tendency to thrombosis and embolism, all hereditary and secondary thrombophilias, disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome, gross hematuria, severe violations kidney function, pregnancy, lactation.


Powder Aminocaproic acid contraindicated in pregnancy. It is inappropriate to use in women in order to prevent increased blood loss during childbirth, since thromboembolic complications may occur. If necessary, use during lactation, breastfeeding should be discontinued.

Interaction with other drugs

When taking the powder Aminocaproic acid inside well combined with thrombin. The effect of the drug is weakened by antiplatelet agents and anticoagulants of direct and indirect action. Joint application with estrogen-containing contraceptives, blood clotting factor IX increases the risk of thromboembolism.


Powder overdose symptoms Aminocaproic acid: Gain side effects, thrombus formation, embolism. With prolonged use, it is possible to develop the opposite effect - hemorrhage.
Treatment: withdrawal of the drug, symptomatic therapy.

Storage conditions

Store in a dry place at temperatures between 8°C and 25°C. Keep out of the reach of children.
Shelf life 2 years.

Release form

Aminocaproic acid - powder for oral administration.
1 g of powder in bags No. 1 or in coupled bags No. 2, or in coupled bags No. 4 (No. 2x2), No. 10 (2x5) in a cardboard box.


1 packet of powder Aminocaproic acid contains aminocaproic acid 1 g.


Precautions are prescribed for heart disease, liver and / or kidney failure.
It is not recommended to use the drug for hematuria (due to the risk of developing acute renal failure).
With prolonged use (more than 6 days) of high doses (more than 24 g per day for adults), hemorrhages may occur due to inhibition of platelet aggregation and adhesion.
With menorrhagia, effective reception from the first to last day monthly.
During drug therapy, it is recommended to check the fibrinolytic activity of the blood and the level of fibrinogen.

main parameters


Aminocaproic acid is a hemostatic drug that inhibits the conversion of profibrinolysin to fibrinolysin.


  • Powder for solution for intravenous use;
  • Granules (Aminocaproic acid for children);
  • 5% solution of the agent in isotonic sodium chloride solution.

The drug is used orally, intravenously and externally. Aminocaproic acid is often used in the nose for the treatment and prevention of diseases of infectious origin.

pharmachologic effect

According to the instructions, Aminocaproic acid is an inhibitor of fibrinolysis. The drug produces a specific hemostatic effect when various bleeding due to increased fibrinolysis. This process is associated with the blockade of plasminogen activators and partly with inhibition of the influence of plasmin. The drug inhibits kinins - biogenic polypeptides that are formed in the body from α-globulins under the influence of kallikrein.

Aminocaproic acid is an anti-allergic agent. In addition, the drug enhances the function of the liver, aimed at the destruction of toxins, and reduces the permeability of capillaries.

This drug has a low toxicity. 15-20 minutes after intravenous administration, the action of drugs begins. Excretion of aminocaproic acid occurs through the kidneys - approximately 40-60 percent is excreted in the urine as early as 4 hours after ingestion. If the excretory function of the kidneys is impaired, then the substances of the drug are retained in the body and their concentration in the blood increases sharply.

Indications for use

The use of aminocaproic acid is indicated for following states and diseases:

  • Bleeding (afibrinogenemia, hypofibrinogenemia, hyperfibrinolysis), bleeding due to surgical operations and pathological conditions which are accompanied by an increase in fibrinolytic activity of the blood (during intracavitary, neurosurgical, gynecological, thoracic and urological surgical interventions, including those on the prostate and pancreas, as well as the lungs; after dental procedures, tonsillectomy; during operations using a heart-lung machine);
  • Diseases of internal organs with hemorrhagic syndrome;
  • Premature detachment of the placenta, complicated abortion;
  • hypoplastic anemia;
  • state of shock;
  • Massive transfusions of canned blood in the presence of the likelihood of secondary hypofibrinogenemia;
  • Burn disease.

Method of application and dosage

Intravenous administration of the drug to adults is indicated in the amount of 4-5 g dissolved in 250 ml of a 0.9% sodium chloride solution. This dosage is used for acute bleeding. The drug is administered within 1 hour. Maintenance therapy - doses of 1 g (in fifty ml) every hour until the cessation of blood loss. But you can not use the product in this way for more than 8 hours. The daily dose of aminocaproic acid ranges from 5 to 30 g.

The daily dosage of Aminocaproic acid for children is:

  • up to a year - 3 g;
  • from 2 to 6 years - 3-6 g;
  • from 7 to 10 years - 6-9 years.

In acute blood loss Aminocaproic acid is indicated for children in such doses:

  • up to 1 year - 6 g;
  • 2-4 years - from 6 to 9 g;
  • 5-8 years - up to 12 g;
  • 9-10 years - 18 years

Treatment lasts from 3 to 14 days.

If the drug is taken orally, then it should be washed down sweet water. The initial dose, according to the instructions for Aminocaproic acid, is 5 g, after which the dosage is reduced to 1 g, which must be taken every hour for 8 hours until the bleeding stops. The approximate daily dose is 10-18 g, the maximum is 24 g. The dose of aminocaproic acid for children is 50-100 mg per kg of weight.

Also, the drug is used locally - the bleeding surface is sprayed with a chilled solution or a napkin soaked in the drug is placed on top.

Side effects

From the instructions for Aminocaproic acid, it is known that the drug can cause dizziness, nausea, headache diarrhea, tinnitus, orthostatic hypotension, arterial hypotension, arrhythmia, bradycardia, catarrhal phenomena of the upper respiratory tract, skin inflammation, convulsions, shortness of breath, skin rashes, kidney failure, muscle weakness, hearing loss.

Contraindications for use

The drug is contraindicated in:

  • Individual intolerance;
  • Tendencies to thrombosis and thromboembolic diseases;
  • Kidney diseases with impaired function;
  • Coagulopathy based on diffuse intravascular coagulation;
  • DIC;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Violations of cerebral circulation;
  • Bleeding from the upper respiratory tract of unknown origin.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

The drug is not prescribed to pregnant and lactating women. This remedy inappropriate in cases where there is a possibility of increased blood loss during childbirth, because in postpartum period thromboembolic complications may develop.

Additional Information

In addition to the fact that aminocaproic acid is widely used in surgery to stop bleeding and in blood transfusion, due to its versatility, the range of applications is quite wide.

Aminocaproic acid in the nose is prescribed as an excellent prevention of influenza and SARS, because it strengthens blood vessels in the sinuses, increases blood clotting, and reduces the risk of nosebleeds. In addition, the drug resists the development of allergies and edema, reduces the amount of discharge from the nasal passages.

To protect yourself from viruses, it is necessary to instill aminocaproic acid into the nose 2-3 drops 4 times a day, in the treatment of the disease - every three hours. On average, the course of treatment lasts up to a week.

The advantage of this use of the drug is that it can be instilled during pregnancy. Dosage in this case is 3 drops three times a day. You can also add treatment vasodilators if allowed by the doctor.

As such, the modern pharmacological industry does not produce drops, therefore, with medicinal purposes apply a 5% solution of aminocaproic acid.

Terms and conditions of storage

The drug must be stored at temperature regime from 0 to 20 degrees in a dry dark place.

If an intravenous solution is used, then it should be used immediately after preparation and should not be stored further.

Regardless of the form of release, the drug should be stored out of the reach of children.

It is important to note that if there is a precipitate in the solution or if it becomes cloudy, if a suspension or flakes appear, if the package is leaking, the drug becomes absolutely unsuitable for use.

Shelf life medicinal product is 3 years.

Latin name: aminocaproic acid
ATX code: B02AA01
Active substance: Aminocaproic acid
Manufacturer: Kraspharma, Russia
Vacation from the pharmacy: Without recipe
Storage conditions: t from 2 to 25 C
Best before date: 3 years.

Aminocaproic acid is a drug from the group of hemostatics, widely used in surgery and gynecology to stop bleeding.

Indications for use

Aminocaproic acid should be used when:

  • Symptomatic therapy in case of bleeding provoked by thrombocytopenia, as well as defective function of platelet cells
  • Prevention possible bleeding during operations on the pancreas, liver, and lungs
  • warning and complex treatment bleeding that occurs during internal organs and mucous membranes, with erosive diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Treatment of menorrhagia
  • Hyperfibrinolysis of various origins, including that developed with the use of thrombolytic drugs and after a blood transfusion procedure
  • holding medical therapy with SARS, influenza and their prevention.

Composition and forms of release

Aminocaproic acid 5% (1 ml) contains the only active ingredient, which is e-aminocaproic acid. The solution also includes saline and prepared water.

Aminocaproic acid powder (1 g) includes epsilon-aminocaproic acid in an amount of 1 g.

Colorless injection solution aminocaproic acid is poured into glass bottles of 100 ml and 200 ml.

White fine-crystalline powder is packaged in bags (1 g), inside the box there are 10 bags.

Medicinal properties

According to the radar, the name of the drug on Latin coincides with the INN (international generic name). Epsilon-aminocaproic acid ( chemical formula represented by NH2(CH2)5COOH) is one of the artificial analogues of such a substance as lysine. It inhibits fibrinolysis, while saturation of lysine-binding receptors occurs, they contribute to the binding of plasmin to fibrin.

The mechanism of action is based on the inhibition of biogenic polypeptides - kinins, the action of kallikrein, hyaluronidase, and trypsin is neutralized. A decrease in the permeability of capillary walls is recorded, antihistamine activity is manifested, the detoxifying function of liver cells increases, and the process of antibody formation is inhibited.

With intravenous infusion, the effect of the use of epsilon-aminocaproic acid is observed after 15-20 minutes. A high degree of absorption is recorded, highest level in plasma is achieved after 2 hours. The half-life is 4 hours.

Approximately 40-60% of the administered dose is excreted in its original form with the participation of the renal system. In case of impaired renal function, an increase in plasma aminocaproic acid is observed.

Aminocaproic acid: complete instructions

Price: from 30 to 60 rubles.

A 5% solution is used for infusion and intravenous administration. In the case of acute hypofibrinogenemia, aminocaproic acid (solution for infusion) in a volume of 100 ml of the solution is administered at 50-60 drops / min., The duration of the infusion is 30 minutes. During the first hour, it is necessary to administer 4-5 g of this drug (corresponding to 100 ml), then the dose is reduced to 1 gram (approximately 20 ml) for 1 hour for 8 hours until the bleeding stops completely. If re-opening of bleeding is recorded, it is recommended to administer drugs at a time interval of 4 hours.

The calculation of the dosage of the medicine for children is 100 mg per 1 kg of body weight for 1 hour, then 33 mg per 1 kg of body weight for an hour. It should be noted that the maximum daily dosage drugs should not exceed 18 grams per 1 m 2.

Daily dosages:

  • Adult patients - from 5 to 30 g
  • babes in age group up to 1 year - no more than 3 g
  • Toddlers in the age group from 2 to 6 years - from 3 to 6 g
  • Children in the age group from 7 to 10 years - no more than 6-9 g
  • Children from 11 years of age are prescribed the same dosages as adults.

In case of occurrence acute blood loss recommended use of such doses of medicine:

  • Children up to a year - the introduction of 6 g of the drug is indicated
  • Babies from 1 to 4 years old - no more than 6-9 g should be administered
  • Children from 5 years old to 8 years old - the dose is 9-12 g
  • Children in the age group from 8 to 10 years - 18 g of medication is prescribed.

The duration of treatment therapy averages from 3 to 14 days.

How is the powder prescribed?

accept medicinal powder inside after preliminary dilution with water during a meal or immediately after. It should be noted that the daily dosage is divided into 3-6 doses, for children - 3-5 applications.

With a slight increase in fibrinolytic activity, a daily dosage of 5 to 23 g is prescribed.

Dosages for children:

  • Up to a year - 0.05 g per 1 kg of body weight
  • For babies from 1 year to 7 years - no more than 3-6 g
  • Children from 7 to 11 years old should take no more than 6-9 g of medication
  • Adolescents (from 11 years old) - a dose of 10-15 g.

In the case of medical therapy for acute bleeding, the use of 5 g of drugs is prescribed, then the dose is reduced to 1 g per hour until the bleeding is completely stopped. Appointment for children:

  • Up to a year - no more than 6 g
  • From 1 year to 5 years - about 6-9 g
  • 5-9 years - no more than 9-12 g
  • 10-11 years - the dose should not exceed 18 g.

During the treatment of subarachnoid type of bleeding, it is recommended to drink 6-9 g of the drug.

Traumatic hyphema: prescribed to calculate the dosage as follows - 0.1 grams per 1 kg of body weight, taken every 4 hours for the next 5 days.

Dental pathologies: take 2-3 g up to 5 r. during the day.

  • Up to 2 years - taking 1-2 teaspoons 4 r. during the day
  • Children 2-6 years old - shows the use of 1-2 tbsp. spoons 4 r. per day
  • Children from 6 to 10 years old are prescribed 4-5 g of medication per day
  • From the age of 10 - it is indicated to take 1-2 g of drugs 5 r. per day.

It is also recommended to use aminocaproic acid topically. Cotton turunda is wetted into the solution, and then laid for 10 minutes. in the nose, the procedure is carried out with a time interval of 3 hours. You can also bury medicinal solution directly into the nasal passages, 4-5 drops. Intranasal use of the solution during an epidemic and for prevention - 4 p. throughout the day, the duration of therapy is determined individually.

Contraindications and precautions

The drug should not be used for:

  • The presence of excessive susceptibility to the components
  • The development of hematuria
  • coagulopathy
  • Tendency to thrombosis
  • Hypercoagulation
  • Serious kidney pathologies
  • Pregnancy, breastfeeding
  • Deterioration of cerebral circulation.

With extreme caution, the drug is used for pathologies of the cardiovascular system and liver, hematuria, detection of cryptogenic bleeding (localized in the upper urinary tract).

Cross-drug interactions

You can simultaneously use hydrolysates, various anti-shock solutions, as well as glucose.

Do not mix the solution with other drugs.

Side effects and overdose

The following side effects may occur:

  • Severe nausea with frequent vomiting
  • Rhabdomyolysis
  • Swelling of the nasal mucosa
  • Myoglobinuria
  • tinnitus
  • Diarrhea
  • Skin rashes
  • The development of a convulsive syndrome
  • Lowering blood pressure
  • Signs of orthostatic hypotension
  • Kidney pathologies
  • Subendocardial hemorrhage.

There is an increase negative manifestations possible formation of blood clots. At long-term treatment hemorrhage may develop.

Symptomatic therapy is indicated, the medication is canceled.


Moscow endocrine plant, Russia

Price from 227 to 1802 rubles.

Tranexam refers to hemostatic drugs, has an antifibrinolytic effect, helps to eliminate inflammatory process and signs of allergy. Basic active ingredient represented by tranexamic acid. Available in the form of tablets and solution.


  • May be given during pregnancy
  • Eliminates angioedema and skin manifestations allergies
  • High efficiency.


  • May cause thromboembolism
  • Should not be used simultaneously with blood products
  • Released by prescription.

Aminocaproic acid in the nose of children is prescribed with enviable regularity. But many parents are baffled by its main pharmachologic effect- hemostatic.

Why would a child be prescribed a hemostatic agent in the form of an intravenous solution, especially if he does not have nosebleeds? Are there strong indications for its use in various ENT pathologies?

What is aminocaproic acid: indications for use

Aminocaproic acid or, as doctors often call it, ACC is a fairly old and studied drug that has found wide application in surgery and gynecology. But in the annotation to it there is not a single word about indications for use in otolaryngology.

Nevertheless, it is often prescribed by doctors of the old school for ENT pathologies. In such cases, it is used to:

  • elimination of swelling of the mucous membrane and a feeling of nasal congestion;
  • reducing the amount of mucus produced;
  • reducing the severity of the inflammatory process, in particular, with rhinitis of allergic origin;
  • stop nosebleeds.

Since ACC is a compound close to human body, in many cases it is even prescribed to prevent the development of complications in mild forms of rhinitis.

But such preventive measure is indicated only in the presence of a child's tendency to nosebleeds or diseases accompanied by increased capillary fragility.

Thus, the medicine is indicated for:

  • rhinitis of any etiology,;
  • all types of sinusitis;
  • adenoiditis;
  • nosebleeds;
  • influenza and acute respiratory infections.

Also, aminocaproic acid is often instilled into the child's nose during the so-called cold season.

This is due to the fact that ACC topical application quite safe and rarely causes development undesirable consequences and side effects.

Despite her high efficiency, in the treatment various diseases even moderate it should not be used alone. The drug has a maximum effect only as part of complex therapy.

How does the drug work? What is included

ACC is present in the domestic pharmaceutical market in two forms:

  • powder for oral administration;
  • solution for infusion.

Each of them has its own indications for use and composition. But for the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract in children, the last form of release is mainly used - a solution.

It consists exclusively of 5% aminocaproic acid, and saline and water for injection are used as solvents.

It is packaged in bottles of different sizes. But more often there are bottles of 100 and 250 ml.

But there are its analogues on the market in such a dosage form: Tranexam, Tugin, Trenax, etc.

Such an extensive list of indications for the use of ACC is due to the large number pharmacological properties drug. It provides:

  1. hemostatic effect, since it is one of the components of the blood coagulation system;
  2. anti-allergic effect, as it belongs to important role in the reactions of the immune system;
  3. anti-edematous effect, which is explained by blocking the development of allergic reactions;
  4. antiviral action, due to binding to cell components and preventing the ability of viruses to produce substances necessary for their vital activity.

It also reduces the permeability of the walls of blood vessels. But this can not always be considered the dignity of the drug, since sometimes this effect can do a disservice.
Source: website For example, if there is a need for an urgent administration of a certain drug, its absorption will be somewhat slowed down as a result of maintaining the effect of ACC.

But such a risk in pathologies of ENT organs is minimal. The only thing that parents can note when using it to treat children is a slightly slower onset of effect when using topical corticosteroids, which is incomparable with positive impact drugs on the strength of the vessels of the mucous membrane.

Thus, the action of aminocaproic acid on the nasal mucosa is complex.

And although her application, she is not among the vasoconstrictor drugs. Therefore, addiction does not develop to it, which allows the use of the medication for an almost unlimited time until complete recovery.

Contraindications and side effects

Despite all the apparent safety of aminocaproic acid, it should not be used for:

  • individual intolerance;
  • diseases and conditions associated with increased clotting blood, including thrombophilia and thrombosis;
  • serious pathologies of the kidneys;
  • circulatory disorders, in particular, in the syndrome of disseminated intravascular coagulation.

Most of the contraindications relate to the drug in forms intended exclusively for oral administration or with direct infusion of a sterile solution intravenously.

In the treatment of diseases of the ENT organs, it is not necessary to drink ACC, therefore the only significant contraindication to its use is the presence of hypersensitivity(allergies).

You can suspect something is wrong by the appearance of discomfort, manifested by itching, burning sensation, increased swelling. AT similar situations should be immediately or warm boiled water if the latter was not at home.

Instructions for use in the nose of aminocaproic acid

Apply this drug can be different depending on the type of existing violation. Instructions for use recommends using it in the form of:

  • drops in the nose with a cold;
  • turundas, impregnated with the agent, with bleeding;
  • inhalation with adenoiditis.

The acid solution used for nasal instillation should be at human body temperature or at least room temperature so as not to provoke vasospasm.

Therefore, after taking the liquid from the vial into the syringe, it should be held in a tightly clenched hand for several minutes.

The drug has no age restrictions, so it can be taken by both adults and children, including infants.

It is not contraindicated for local use also pregnant and lactating women, but patients of these categories can use the remedy only after prior consultation with a doctor.

Aminocaproic acid for a cold

The drug is great for colds. Its regular use not only helps to normalize nasal breathing by eliminating puffiness, but also to reduce the amount of snot.

But its action is not as fast as that of vasoconstrictors. It is more cumulative, but at the same time more persistent.

ACC is rarely used for ARVI, especially in mild forms, more often it is used for severe bacterial infections accompanied by prolonged runny nose.

ACC can be safely used in combination with any other medicines used in the treatment of ENT diseases, including antibiotics, corticosteroids, vasoconstrictors, etc.

Aminocaproic acid nose drops: how to drip a child?

The method of using the medicine is simple. The solution for infusion is drawn into a syringe, piercing a rubber stopper with a needle, and, after removing the needle, instill 1-2 drops into each nostril for a child under 12 years old every 5-6 hours.

Is it possible to drip into the nose of children of the first year of life? Yes, but only if prescribed by a pediatrician.

If we talk about how to bury ACC in the nose of a baby, then you should put the baby on his back and drop 1 drop into each nostril. Manipulation is repeated up to 3 times a day.

As a rule, the course of treatment is designed for 5-7 days. But in severe cases on the recommendation of a doctor, it can be continued.


If during the instillation of the solution it accidentally gets into the eye, rinse the eye with plenty of water.

If you experience any visual impairment, you should immediately contact an ophthalmologist!

Inhalations with aminocaproic acid for a child

The drug is widely used for inhalation. They are carried out only with the help of a nebulizer, the use steam inhalers or any household appliances is unacceptable in this case.

The recipe for how to dilute a solution for a nebulizer is quite simple: 2 ml of a solution for intravenous administration is diluted with 2 ml of saline and placed in a special container of the device.

It is important not to open the drug vials completely, but to draw required amount liquid with a syringe by piercing the rubber stopper with its needle.

The duration of one procedure is 5 minutes, for children one session is enough inhalation therapy per day. As a rule, the course of treatment is designed for 3-5 days.

The procedure is carried out an hour after eating. Also after it is not recommended to eat, drink and go outside for an hour.

How to apply with adenoids in children?

Adenoiditis is inflamed pharyngeal tonsil, as a result of which it swells and increases in size. Depending on the size of the tonsil, there are 4 degrees of adenoids, among which the 1st is considered the easiest, and the 4th is the most severe.

Usually, signs of the disease make themselves felt at 2-4 years old, when the child begins to attend preschool institutions and face a lot pathogenic microorganisms. They consist in:

  • prolonged runny nose;
  • constant snoring at night;
  • mucus dripping down back wall nasopharynx;
  • bouts of dry cough, etc.

Not so long ago, the removal of adenoids was considered the only way treatment of pathology, but modern otolaryngologists and even the popular pediatrician E. O. Komarovsky advise not to make such radical decisions until the age of 6–7.

By this age, proper care for the child timely treatment ARI and exacerbations of adenoiditis, the disease can regress on its own, that is, pass.

This will help ACC, which is widely prescribed by otolaryngologists for adenoids. It can be used as drops and inhalation.

The drug is especially effective in initial stages pathology. It helps to eliminate puffiness, which usually gives patients the greatest discomfort.

The use of the drug in the form of inhalation allows you to deliver it directly to the inflamed tissues of the pharyngeal tonsil, where the drops cannot reach. It leads to prompt elimination symptoms of adenoiditis and subsidence of the inflammatory process.

ENTs are prescribed a 3–5-day course of inhalations in combination with corticosteroids, colloidal silver preparations, homeopathic remedies etc. This is enough to stop acute inflammation.

How to wash the nose with aminocaproic acid: is it possible?

There is debate about the safety of this procedure, but most agree that

After all, in large quantities aminocaproic acid can cause irritation of mucous membranes. And since flushing is associated with the risk of swallowing the drug, the risk of side effects in the form of:

  • skin rash;
  • violations of the digestive tract;
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • convulsions;
  • lowering blood pressure.

Thus, washing the nose with this medication can only be carried out by a qualified nurse exclusively on doctor's orders.

Aminocaproic acid for nosebleeds

In case of bleeding, you can drip the solution into the nose, as in the treatment of a cold, or soak cotton swabs (tampons) that are injected into the nostrils. At the same time, it is absolutely impossible to throw your head back so as not to provoke blood flow into the trachea.

As a rule, these measures are sufficient to quickly stop bleeding.

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