What does acclimatization depend on? What is reacclimatization. Who needs to pay special attention to themselves in a changing climate

The body suffers to the same extent after rest. It is believed that the symptoms of reacclimatization are more pronounced in children, but a change in lifestyle can equally affect adults.


Despite the overwhelming awareness of the majority, you still have to deal with people who are not familiar with the term "acclimatization", and in fact the awareness of travelers plays a significant role in how the body adapts to new climatic conditions.

You should be especially prudent if a person is sensitive to even the slightest changes in the weather, not to mention the fact that abrupt change temperature regime extremely undesirable (from autumn to heat, and then back).

Acclimatization and reacclimatization are most difficult for children and the elderly, and the presence of chronic diseases is directly related to the risk of their exacerbation after vacation.

A change in the climatic zone can cause symptoms of acclimatization and re-acclimatization in adults and children, for example, a trip to the tropics in the autumn-winter period, and then returning to the usual climate will provide stress to the body. All systems and organs can respond to the unusual conditions of nature, climate change and nutrition, as well as water.

The most common symptoms of acclimatization after the sea include signs of a cold ( sharp rise temperature, sore throat, etc.), a reaction from the gastrointestinal tract (indigestion, pain in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting), a change in the general condition ( general weakness and apathy, dizziness, headache, sleep disturbance).

Changes in well-being can appear after two or three days and last for about a week.


When choosing a vacation spot with a child, common sense should prevail, it is not for nothing that pediatricians recommend taking children to exotic countries only after 3 years. This is associated with the risk of pronounced symptoms of acclimatization and reacclimatization. The latter can last after a vacation at sea for a week or even more. When planning a vacation with a child, you need to calculate its duration - at least two weeks, but the best choice- a place close to the native climate. For a complete vacation with children, it is important to strengthen the child's body with vitamins that will allow immune system easier to deal with climate change. It is advisable to consult a pediatrician before the trip, who will conduct an examination and possibly give recommendations regarding vaccination, medicines for a first-aid kit, as well as warn about possible reactions organism to a new geographical location for the child.

Reacclimatization in children is manifested already upon returning home. As a rule, her symptoms are smoothed out, pass quickly and imperceptibly. However, much depends on individual characteristics the child's body, so it must be borne in mind that it will take some time to get involved in the usual rhythm of life.


Returning from warmer climes for almost half of the vacationers ends with malaise, which occurs differently for each person.

Air travel (round trip) is the cause of exacerbation of chronic diseases. At risk are people with cardiovascular diseases (pressure drops during takeoff and landing), violations cerebral circulation, pregnant women with diabetes. In addition, forced immobility in the cabin of an aircraft (especially during long flights) is dangerous due to a violation of blood circulation in the vessels of the lower extremities. With a total flight duration of 9-10 hours, or even more, serious problems can arise not only for passengers with chronic diseases peripheral vessels, but also in quite healthy people who are unaware of the presence venous insufficiency. Also harmful to blood circulation are long tourist trips (10-12 days) by bus or road trips, which received in Lately huge popularity.

Cardiologists warn that cores are prone to exacerbations when changing weather conditions, adaptation and re-acclimatization is much more difficult for them (dizziness, palpitations, pressure surges, a feeling of lack of air). In hypertensive patients, low blood pressure may develop, and in hypotensive patients, it can jump sharply.

Solution. In the presence of chronic cardiovascular disease after a vacation, you must definitely see your doctor. He will refer you for seasonal examinations and maybe adjust the treatment regimen, which usually consists of prescribing new drugs or changing the dosage permanent funds therapy. Remember to take blood thinners (100-150 mg of cardioaspirin per day).

With the appearance or aggravation of symptoms such as swelling, heaviness in the legs, spider veins, you need to consult a phlebologist. Pain in the legs, a burning or cold feeling, redness and numbness of the legs signal serious illness deep vein thrombosis, which can lead to grave consequences, so for medical care must be contacted immediately.

Symptoms of SARS, or "vacationer's runny nose" (running nose, sore throat, fever, fever) - is considered quite normal reaction body to return from vacation.

Solution. Do not self-medicate and do not take antibiotics, it is dangerous to do this without a doctor's prescription. The best option to quickly get in shape: vitamin drink (broths of wild rose, cranberries, lingonberries, tea with lemon, etc.), you can take vitamin C in pharmacy form(1-2 g per day for two to three days). Before going to bed, you can take a relaxing bath, for example, with essential oils of pine, juniper, citrus, and then drink a glass warm milk with honey.

Another danger is related to food: many tourists have to deal with intestinal poisoning, the cause of which may be unusual food (exotic and not only). In order to chronic gastritis, colitis or peptic ulcer made themselves felt, it is enough to eat more fatty foods with spices. This means that serious troubles lie in wait for travelers craving exotic delicacies, tasting can end with food allergies. In addition, during the holidays, many people often abuse alcohol, and the immune system simply cannot withstand such a load.

Solution. If after the holiday there is a feeling of heaviness, abdominal pain, heartburn or belching, increased gas formation, suffer from constipation or diarrhea, you need to seek help from a gastroenterologist, take tests and undergo an examination prescribed by a specialist. Appearance skin rashes- a good reason to visit a dermatologist, allergist and gastroenterologist. Skin manifestations often indicate food allergies, dysbacteriosis and other problems, the true cause of which lies in the disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

Missing home homemade food, many of us often make the mistake of spontaneously eating hearty borscht, fried potatoes, dumplings and other delights, but this is not worth doing, nutritionists recommend a smooth transition, give the body a little time to get used to everyday life.

Solution This is a light diet vegetable salads without mayonnaise, vegetarian soups, boiled lean meat, poultry, fish (ideal for steaming), cereals, dairy products.

While on vacation, you may become unwell even from plain water that is used for cooking, even if there is a direct threat of infection intestinal infections she does not represent, but her mineral composition may be more different from the usual for the body. Most often there is a small laxative effect caused by increased concentration in water natural sulfates of sodium and magnesium. However, the content of a large amount of calcium salts, and even in a hot climate and increased sweating, can adversely affect the course urolithiasis.

Solution. In the presence of chronic inflammatory diseases kidney or urolithiasis after returning from a long trip, you must visit a urologist, pass urine tests, undergo an ultrasound examination.

Psychologists note that even after the most have a nice rest The body is under a lot of stress.

Often the first days at home are clouded unpleasant sensations: weakness, fatigue, insomnia, Bad mood, laziness, the feeling that immunity is reduced.

Solution. Get out of vacation gradually, planning to return a few days before you start work. Spend this time in peace calm atmosphere Get enough sleep, get back to your normal lifestyle.

To increase immunity, nasal interferon or Derinat can be used for 3-4 days. For tone, the intake of tincture of Eleutherococcus, ginseng, Schisandra chinensis helps.

Effective in the morning cold and hot shower and in the evening a relaxing bath with soothing herbs.


Exactly at autumn period after vacation, an exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract occurs.

This is due to stress, which manifests itself as a result of the change of warm weather to cold weather, irrational nutrition, etc.

  • Gastritis manifested by dull or sharp pain, heaviness in the epigastrium, heartburn, belching, nausea. The danger lies in the fact that the disease can develop into a stomach and duodenal ulcer.
  • peptic ulcer characterized by severe pain in the "spoon" after eating or between meals, nausea, vomiting after eating, weight loss, general weakness.

Both diseases require an immediate visit to the doctor, who will prescribe antibacterial, enveloping, acid-reducing gastric juice, sedatives and other drugs, as well as a diet plan.

For prevention, it is better to exclude strong broths, smoked, spices, coffee, canned food, carbonated drinks from the diet, fresh bread. Stick to fractional nutrition, take infusions of St. John's wort, flax seed, birch buds, linden fruits, sea buckthorn oil.

  • Chronic pancreatitis associated with inflammation of the pancreas, which leads to heaviness in the left hypochondrium, profuse diarrhea, high temperature, general weakness. In the treatment of pancreatitis, thermal procedures are prohibited.

The first two days you can not eat, then limited to low-fat foods: white meat or fish, cottage cheese, cheese (in small quantities).

From the diet exclude fried, spicy, fatty foods, alcohol, strong broths, sour juices, spices and smoked meats. Treatment is carried out under the supervision of a gastroenterologist!

  • Biliary dyskinesia appears severe pain in the right hypochondrium, flatulence, bloating, nausea, stool disorders. Nutrition provides for the exclusion of fatty, smoked, spicy food, alcohol. During treatment, the functions of the liver and gallbladder are normalized with the help of drugs, antispasmodics are used to relieve seizures, and physiotherapy and medicinal herbs are used to achieve remission.
  • Cholecystitis manifested by prolonged aching or paroxysmal pain in the abdomen ("under the spoon" and on the right side), a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, nausea, belching, flatulence.

With extreme exacerbations of the disease, the patient is hospitalized. In other cases, it is ambulatory treatment antibiotics, antispasmodics and anticholinergics, between exacerbations, physiotherapy, herbal decoctions (milk thistle, corn stigma, plantain) are prescribed. In addition, fried, fatty, spicy, spicy, smoked foods, coffee and alcohol are excluded from the diet. During periods of calm, fruits, vegetables, and grains are beneficial, as fiber lowers cholesterol levels in bile.


The main thing in the treatment of all SARS is the use of symptomatic therapy: proper drinking regimen, taking antipyretic and antihistamines, vitamin C. It is important to drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day so that the body copes with its loss due to heavy sweating at high temperature. Compliance drinking regime promotes liquefaction of sputum and its discharge when coughing. To replenish useful substances use drinks containing vitamins and minerals ( mineral water, juices, berry fruit drinks).

  • Antipyretic drugs reduce fever, reduce inflammation and have an analgesic effect.
  • Antihistamines it is recommended to use if ARVI is complicated by nasal congestion, strong discharge from the nasal mucosa. They cope well with puffiness and facilitate the course of the disease.
  • For the treatment of colds more convenient to use classic complex medicines, which include paracetamol, an antihistamine and vitamin C (there are children's and adult formulas). Children's preparations can be in water-soluble form, in the form of effervescent tablets with a pleasant taste. Such drugs do not damage the gastric mucosa, provide a quick intake active substances and effectiveness occurs immediately after administration. In addition, the child is much more pleasant to drink delicious medicine.
  • It is advisable for adults to use folk remedies(as the main method or addition to drug therapy): coltsfoot infusion (anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antipyretic effect); milk decoction of sage leaves (indicated for bronchitis and cough); essential oils(lemon, lavender, mint, pine) give an antiviral effect.

Any trips associated with changing climatic zones can, as you know, cause feeling unwell in a new place. This is especially true for people with poor health and, in general, for all those who, in principle, do not tolerate sudden changes in weather conditions. So any vacation in a region with an unusual climate can be a source of not only pleasure, but also dangers for the human body.

Human acclimatization is, in essence, a process of adaptation to changing climatic and geographical conditions, adaptation to new unusual environmental factors. A kind of restructuring of the body takes place - the usual level of its balance with the external environment, which has developed in the conditions of a permanent place of residence, for some time (perhaps for a long time) is replaced by a new one, adapted to the changed environment with a different climate. As if "pulled out" from the familiar environment human body forced to adapt to new conditions, restoring balance with the environment. And, of course, such a process is not always easily tolerated by people. Even healthy and accustomed to various loads people in the first days after a change of place may feel some discomfort, lose appetite, work capacity and have problems with sleep.

This is especially true for extreme climatic conditions. Let's say a person from the Urals suddenly leaves for Peru or a hot West African country, for example, Cameroon. In the first case, he will have to survive acclimatization in high mountain conditions with low content oxygen and atmospheric pressure. In the second - acclimatization in an extremely hot climate, combined with high humidity air. Add the change of time zones to the climate change, and you get a not too cheerful picture of the first few days.

Acclimatization in a hot climate

Most tourists are concerned about the issue of acclimatization in the hot climate, which dominates the popular resorts, where thousands of vacationers flock every season. It’s understandable - I really don’t want the whole vacation to go down the drain because of possible problems with health. And they may well arise, especially in older people or those with chronic diseases, who traditionally endure climate change worse. The usual signs of hard acclimatization for them are general weakness, headaches, sleep disturbance, disorders of the nervous and cardiovascular systems and exacerbation of chronic diseases such as, for example, hypertension, rheumatism, etc.

In some countries with a hot climate, a person acclimatizes more or less calmly. The main factor in this case dry air is when the human body gives off heat through sweating. Sweat evaporating from the surface of the body thus maintains the necessary thermoregulation. True, in too arid or, for example, desert regions, the irritant is the ubiquitous dust, to which a person, however, also adapts over time.

Another thing is countries where high humidity and lack of wind superimpose on a hot climate. Here, sweat cannot evaporate so easily, which is why there is a violation of thermoregulation. The consequence of this is overheating of the body, increased breathing and heart rate, reduced blood supply. internal organs and some other not so pleasant phenomena. A person in such conditions is constantly thirsty.

In general, all these signs gradually soften and disappear during acclimatization, but many people still cannot fully adapt to such climatic conditions. Separately, it should be said that the process of acclimatization in hot countries with high humidity can lead to more serious consequences than a simple malaise. This, for example, thermal shock caused by excessive overheating of the body, and heat cramps with a large loss of mineral salts with sweat.

All this, of course, can be prevented by various preventive methods. This is primarily cooling and air conditioning in the premises, as well as the correct water-salt regime - to drink, completely quench your thirst, it is only after eating, and the rest of the time just rinse your mouth. As for meals, it is best to do this in the morning and evening, avoiding the heaviest daytime hours. In hot regions, it is worth wearing loose and light clothing, as well as indulging in cool showers and rest breaks. Of course, it will not be superfluous to take with you on a trip and pharmaceutical products that might come in handy in the new location. Antipyretic drugs such as paracetamol, ibuprofen or diclofenac can be such drugs. Given the frequent cases of fever and overheating in the early days, their presence in the travel kit will be more than justified. Also, in some cases, lavomax can be useful, which suppresses the spread of the influenza virus, SARS and hepatitis, which often await vacationers at resorts.

Acclimatization in the mountains

Sometimes acclimatization in the mountains can be very difficult, especially in high mountain conditions, for example, while traveling in the Andes. The main factors responsible for poor health in such an area are low Atmosphere pressure and an insufficient amount of oxygen in the air, due to which a person at an altitude of over 2000 meters can develop oxygen starvation. When a person adapts to high-altitude conditions, ventilation of the lungs increases, the content of hemoglobin and erythrocytes in the blood increases. Sometimes an increase in altitude leads to the fact that a person develops the so-called mountain, or altitude sickness, caused by oxygen starvation. The symptoms of this disease are well known - this is a rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, the appearance of tinnitus, constant headaches and dizziness, nausea, general weakness of the body and some others. In this case, the patient should stop climbing the mountains, go down to a lower area and be completely at rest. As therapeutic measures - breathing with oxygen and carbogen, warming the body with heating pads.

In order to mountain acclimatization passed without serious problems, you should follow a few rules. Firstly, to follow a special tactic of climbing, not overcoming more than 500 meters a day and staying at the reached height for a couple of days, which, for example, can be diversified with walks in the countryside and mountain villages. Trite - do not rush to rise. The overall diet should be reduced, since digestion works worse in high altitude conditions, and preference should be given to low-fat and acidic foods from food. Also in this climate, the body requires a large number of water (about 4 liters per day), and it would be useful to pamper him at least a couple of times a day hot food. Pharmaceuticals that may be helpful during mountain acclimatization include multivitamins, enzymes, eubiotics, and brain boosters.

Acclimatization in cold climates

Briefly, we can also mention the features of acclimatization in the northern latitudes - after all, there are also many people who want to watch the aurora borealis or go on an Arctic cruise. Apart from low temperatures, which everyone is aware of, this region can also experience a lack of ultraviolet radiation (the so-called "light starvation") and strong magnetic storms that do not contribute to a satisfactory state of health. Violating the light regime, for example, leads to insomnia. Other possible unpleasant moments are loss of appetite, fast fatiguability, sleepiness during the day. To facilitate acclimatization, it is worthwhile to properly organize nutrition, eating more high-calorie foods than usual (by 15-25%). Will not interfere with constant use ascorbic acid and other vitamins. Of course, you should also take care of warm and not blown clothes. It is not recommended to indulge in alcohol in a cold climate - here it only interferes with acclimatization.

In general, no matter how difficult the process of acclimatization in certain climatic zones, with a competent approach and minimal knowledge, it can be largely avoided. negative consequences, and the rest in the end will not be hopelessly spoiled by health problems.

Some parents are afraid to go on vacation with their children to an area with a different climate, as they are afraid of difficult acclimatization. But you really want to sunbathe on the warm sea coast. But, if you know the basic rules of prevention, then many problems can be avoided. In this article, you will learn what acclimatization is, symptoms in children, and basic preventive measures.

The concept of acclimatization and the reasons for its occurrence

natural biological process, which is necessary in order to help the body get used to the changed environmental conditions.

Most often, this process is especially pronounced in children with a change in climate and geographical conditions. This can be explained age characteristics organism and immature immunity. The reasons for acclimatization are a sharp change in environment, time zone and other factors.

General signs of acclimatization

Acclimatization in children in most cases makes itself felt approximately on the second day after the change of conditions. It is noticed that what less baby the more difficult he is going through this process. Often, parents take this phenomenon for a cold and treat their child incorrectly.

You need to know that acclimatization in babies can manifest itself:

  • elevated body temperature;
  • cough;
  • loss of appetite;
  • runny nose;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • lethargy and irritability.

The acclimatization period in children can last approximately 1-2 weeks, although in adults all symptoms disappear in a few days.

Features of acclimatization at sea

Possible problems with getting used to the sea climate worry all parents, especially those who go on such a trip with the whole family for the first time. It is worth advising to go to the sea with small children only on long-term vouchers, since if the entire vacation takes 7-10 days, then acclimatization will take all this time and the baby will not be able to have a good rest, and parents too.

Usually benefit from sea ​​air children begin to receive only in the second week of rest. Also, parents need to know that you should not immediately go to the beach with the whole family upon arrival, as children's body you need to rest in order to recuperate. In addition, you do not need to plan long excursions and active entertainment for the first days after arriving at the resort. Then acclimatization in children at sea will be easier.

Features of acclimatization after the sea

Quite often, the child begins to complain of feeling unwell after returning from vacation. This happens if the child's body has weaned from the previously familiar conditions and again needs the process of addiction. This adaptation is called reacclimatization. In order to help the child, you should give him a good night's sleep and drink a course of vitamins.

Acclimatization in children after the sea, the symptoms of which are fatigue, lethargy and diarrhea, is a rather serious test for a child. Therefore, it is better if the first days after arrival he does not attend school or kindergarten.

The process of acclimatization in infants

Acclimatization is the hardest for children. infancy. Most often it lasts at least three weeks. The course of this process depends on the set external factors, such as the state of the immune system, the presence of any diseases, and so on. Acclimatization in children at sea has pronounced symptoms, and much depends on the mother, since her psychological condition affects the well-being of the baby.

An unusually long journey, a completely different atmosphere and a change in climatic conditions - all this affects the baby, so it is very important for a mother to have good mood so that the child feels that nothing bad is happening.

Acclimatization is much easier if the baby is on fresh air, therefore, it is best to choose not noisy resort towns, but small villages as a vacation spot. Traveling to the sea with a baby who is not yet a year old is best done either in June or September.

Treatment of acclimatization in children

The body's adaptation process to changing climatic conditions does not have a specific treatment algorithm, since this is not a disease, but a natural one. physiological process. It is impossible to cure it, you just need to wait until the body fully adapts. But in this case, treatment of symptoms should sometimes be applied.

Acclimatization in a child and temperature often accompany each other. In this case, it is imperative to give him antipyretic medications, which include Efferalgan or Panadol. When coughing, the baby should take Ambrobene or Flavomed. If acclimatization is accompanied by a sore throat, then it is worth giving the child homeopathic medicines and vegetable rinses, but sprays should not be used, as they can further undermine immunity.

Often, during the period of getting used to the new climate, children may complain of nasal congestion and runny nose. Then it is best to give them preparations based on natural oils or sea ​​water. Digestive disorders, such as nausea or vomiting, require the use of antibacterial and antiemetic drugs, which must be prescribed by a doctor.

The stress of travel and sudden change of scenery can cause a small traveler to develop allergy symptoms in the form of itching, various redness and pimples. To get rid of such symptoms, it may be necessary to take antihistamines such as Claritin or Diazolin, or even complex treatment medicines.

If the temperature of the child exceeds 38.5 ° C or the baby complains of abdominal pain, then you should definitely show him to the doctor.

There are a few tips that can reduce the chance of a child experiencing signs of acclimatization when traveling by sea:

  1. It is best to choose places for relaxation that are in your time zone or where the time difference does not exceed 3 hours. It is quite easy to do this, because in our country there are many good resorts on the sea coast.
  2. If the change in climatic conditions is gradual, then this will help the child's body get used to them without any consequences. Therefore, it is best to travel by train or car.
  3. It is preferable to choose vouchers, the duration of which is 2-3 weeks. This will help the young tourist get used to the new climate, have a good rest and at the same time avoid such a phenomenon as acclimatization in children after the sea.
  4. It is also best to relax with a child at sea in the summer, so that there is no sharp change in temperature conditions.
  5. Before the trip, you need to pay special attention to the health of the child, since healthy baby much easier to endure climate change. A month before the trip, you should start giving your child vitamins. It is also worth a few days before the trip to limit the contact of the child with other children, that is, not to let him go to school or kindergarten.
  6. Also, before going to the sea, especially if you live in a colder climate, you need to gradually prepare the child's body for the heat. To do this, you can visit a bath or sauna with him.
  7. In the first days of rest at sea, it is best to follow the same daily routine that you had at home. While the child is acclimatizing at sea, postpone long excursion programs and always be close to the baby to support him.
  8. It is very important to take care of the nutrition of your child. It is preferable if it is the same as at home. If you live in the private sector or in guest houses with a shared kitchen, then you will have a great opportunity to cook his favorite dishes for the child. If you will eat in restaurants or cafes, we recommend that you choose establishments with a children's menu.
  9. Also, when relaxing at sea with a child, you need to give him to drink more water. It is best to give preference to bottled water. In order to calculate how many milliliters of water per day your child should drink at sea, multiply his weight by 30.

Several ways to facilitate acclimatization

If, nevertheless, acclimatization in children at sea manifested itself, then Komarovsky and other doctors give some recommendations that can alleviate this temporary problem. To do this, during the acclimatization period, you need to provide the child with peace and abandon recreational activities and visits to crowded places.

It is also quite important in the very first days to control the time spent by the child in the sun. getting used to southern sun should be gradual.

In addition, if he gets burned, it will only worsen his well-being and cause a big blow to the immune system, which has already been weakened due to climate change. It is very important to use sunscreen. It is best to choose a product that has the highest protective factor and is suitable for children. It is also necessary to ensure that the baby constantly wears a hat.

During acclimatization, the little traveler often loses his appetite. You need to understand that the child refuses to eat not because of his whims, but because of the state of the body, and not force him to eat. You will see that in a couple of days he himself will ask you for supplements.

General conclusions

Such a process as acclimatization causes symptoms in children that are quite strong and similar to colds. But it is worth knowing that such a phenomenon has an extremely favorable prognosis and usually disappears by the middle of the vacation. After that, the child will be able to enjoy the warm sea and strengthen his immune system.

If you follow the tips given here, it will help make your family vacation even better. It is very important at this moment to take care of the comfort of the child and surround him with attention and care. And then everything will pass quickly enough, and you will remember the rest only with pleasant memories.

Video in which a pediatrician tells parents how to respond to acclimatization in children:

Warm sun and a golden beach, what else can all vacationers dream of? Wherein acclimatization at sea seems like a nice addition. It should be noted right away that if you prefer to relax on the Azov or Black Sea coast our country, then most likely you will not experience any side effects from nailing on the beach. However, young children can still be influenced by an unfamiliar environment.

Symptoms of acclimatization after the sea described by many modern therapists and pediatricians. First of all, it is worth understanding what can cause such a state of the body. Most residents of modern cities are very sedentary image life. At the same time, even sports training many citizens prefer to spend in indoor sports halls. Fresh air is rather a gift from above. If we talk about the coast of the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov, then there are practically no large industrial centers. In addition, it itself releases a large amount of oxygen, in which other substances are dissolved. minerals. Often when city dwellers, especially those traveling by car, get out of the vehicle to breathe in the sea breeze, for the first time they can experience minutes in the fresh air. slight dizziness. However, this effect wears off after a few minutes.

Often the symptoms of "feeling unwell" are associated with changeable temperature zones. At the same time, it should be remembered that most of The Azov coast is located in the zone of the temperate continental belt, so the processes of acclimatization here are much more imperceptible. It is no coincidence that people often come to the Azov resorts with small children, who are most acutely experiencing sudden temperature changes.

The Black Sea, especially its southern part in the Sochi region, is already distinguished by the fact that the territory is climatically located in tropical zone. Therefore, the temperature indicators here are significantly different from the neighboring Azov coast.

How is acclimatization manifested after the sea?

Most often, the symptoms are almost completely similar to a cold. Often in the first days of their stay at sea, vacationers begin to experience headache. Also, many begin a slight runny nose and even cough. At the same time, there is no increase in temperature. We can say that all these signs are more like allergic reaction.

IN severe cases, there is an increase in temperature. Of course, with such a complicated course of the “tourist illness”, it is necessary to contact medical institutions.

Another manifestation of acclimatization is stool disorder. It is no secret that the chemical composition of water in different regions of the country may differ slightly from each other. Therefore, when drinking raw, not boiled moisture, diarrhea can occur. If the symptoms of a "false" cold are likely to go away on their own, then this problem requires only drug treatment. Thus, sea ​​acclimatization symptoms most often similar to mild allergic reaction. That is why it is not a disease, but a normal reaction of the body to climate change.

How to avoid acclimatization at sea ?

To completely eliminate backlash organism to change the climate should be adhered to not complicated rules that will help at least, alleviate all unwanted symptoms. First of all, do not immediately take off your clothes and run into the sea. In general, on the first day, doctors do not recommend water procedures. Such a sharp stress for the body can cause significant damage to a weakened immune system.

Because acclimatization at sea, How mild cold, in the early days, especially if you feel unwell, it is worth replacing water procedures with walks along the coast. It is especially useful to do them barefoot. It is best for the promenades to choose morning and evening time days, but at noon it is better not to go out into the sun.

TO sunbathing also need to get used to gradually. So, for example, for the first time, you should not sunbathe for more than ten minutes. At the same time, doctors categorically forbid staying in the sun from 11 am to 5 pm. During this period there is big risk get a sunburn.

To the question How many last acclimatization at sea? You can answer, so that in healthy adults, the symptoms disappear already on the second third day. At the same time, about 50% of vacationers may not even experience the above symptoms. The maximum period for which the body must fully get used to the new conditions can last up to 5-7 days. If a runny nose and others negative manifestations climate change does not go away, then most likely this is not acclimatization, but real colds. In this case, you must consult a doctor.

Acclimatization after the sea is common problem that travelers may encounter. Often the symptoms are very similar to a mild cold. It is important that all negative manifestations pass without medical treatment. Acclimatization at sea is one negative effect, which often occurs among vacationers coming to the south on vacation. It often affects young children, as well as the elderly and immunocompromised people.

Our expert:
Elena Kurbatova
Therapist FKUZ Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Voronezh region

Change your daily routine

If possible, review your regimen 3-5 days before departure.

  • Are you flying west? Then the rise at 9-10 o'clock, on the side - not earlier than midnight, dinner is finally late.
  • Are you heading east? Do the opposite: get up at about 6, have dinner no later than 18:00, and go to bed around 21:00.
So you will prepare in advance for the resort daily routine.

Keep in mind that in the western direction it is more convenient to go on a morning or afternoon flight, and in the eastern direction - in the evening. If the journey is long, it is wiser to break it into several stages and fly with transfers, so it will be easier for the body to cope with the change of time zones.

TIP: no matter how much you want to go to bed immediately upon arrival at your destination, be patient - adaptation will go faster.

Drink more water on the plane

In an airplane, the air is dehydrated, so your mucous membranes dry out, they become less protective substances, such as lysozyme. And this is a green corridor for bacteria and viruses, which with a dear soul will cling to the body against the background of a decrease in immune responses caused by acclimatization. Therefore, drink water on the road, and refrain from alcohol and coffee - they only increase the release of deficient fluid. (By the way, we also have such material: “We strengthen the immune system competently.”)

Restore the water-salt balance

So there you are. Where it is hot, the body works in cooling mode - it sweats. Accordingly, you lose a lot of moisture and salts. To establish a water-salt regime, drink mineral water with potassium, sodium and magnesium (2-2.5 liters per day)– the loss of these micronutrients can cause muscle weakness and convulsions. It makes sense to take preparations containing K, Na and Mg to the resort and take 1 tablet 3 times a day until the problem disappears. It does not make sense to drink such funds in advance - the necessary substances do not accumulate.

Less physical activity in the early days

Walk less, give up long excursions. You'll still have time, but for now, sleep more and try to avoid the open sun - overheating provokes nausea and vomiting, and this is again the loss of fluid and salts.

eat right

Yes - the right carbs (whole wheat bread, unrefined cereals, fruits, vegetables) and protein that is easily digestible (seafood, fish, cottage cheese). No - fatty, spicy, smoked, fried, such food is still difficult for the stomach to digest, it also has acclimatization. It is especially useful to eat foods rich in vitamins C and E. Bell pepper, kiwi, citrus fruits, green pea, avocado, almond, vegetable oil. By the way, it would be great to eat the same way before the trip.

Royal jelly helps to facilitate acclimatization, unless, of course, you have allergies. Three times a day, put a tablet under the tongue and hold until completely absorbed - and so on for a week.

Acclimatization after vacation

Those who quickly coped with acclimatization and managed to have a good rest are entitled to a bonus game - another adaptation period, but already at home. Get used to family again low temperatures much easier, but an ultraviolet hunger strike can affect general condition. When you return, you can easily catch a cold or at least fall into depression: post-holiday depression is a reality.

The recipe is simple - dress for the weather, get enough sleep (for this you need to know how to sleep properly), spend more time outdoors in natural light, sunlight will help to quickly restore disturbed biorhythms. Royal jelly as a general tonic is also useful here.

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