What is dangerous rotten tooth. What will happen if you do not treat your teeth: what complications it threatens. Dream teeth. Wangi's Dream Interpretation

visit dental clinic for many people is, especially if we are talking about the removal of the roots of the tooth.

Modern medicine allows you to perform this procedure without pain, discomfort and complications.

In what situations is surgery necessary?

It is not uncommon for teeth to break, fall out, and the root remains inside the gums - this is the main indication for its removal. Leaving the root if the tooth is destroyed is dangerous, as inflammation may begin over time, pus may appear.

The presence of a root can be determined by following symptoms:

  • with "twitching" at the site of a lost or extracted tooth;
  • characteristic sharp (pressure while eating);
  • swelling of the soft tissues of the gums;
  • redness, inflammation;
  • suppuration and.

It is necessary to remove the root as soon as one of the listed symptoms has manifested itself. Do not put off visiting the dentist, as this can lead to serious consequences up to blood poisoning.

Small spine, but daring

Tooth root extraction is a surgical intervention that should only be performed by a specialist. The complexity of the operation is due to several factors:

  • tooth size;
  • the state of the tissues around it;
  • gum defects (if any);
  • placement within the gums.

It is also important to take into account contraindications, since they affect the choice of removal technique.

The main contraindications are:

  • ARI and SARS;
  • mental disorders in the acute phase;
  • diseases of the central nervous system;
  • recovery period after hypertension or heart attack.

In some cases, according to the doctor's indication, the root is removed in a hospital setting.

In most cases, the dentist will offer, despite the fact that the process of removing a completely destroyed tooth, in which only the root remains, will practically not deliver negative feelings- this also shows the peculiarity of the operation.

Difficulties during the operation may arise if the root is removed after the crown has broken or the root is deep in the hole.

It is also difficult to pull out twisted and thickened roots. In other cases, the work of a dentist in this direction is considered easy.

Preparing for the operation

Preparation for the operation is carried out according to general scheme: examination of the oral cavity and directly the area in need of special attention dentist.

At this stage, a choice is made - it must take into account age features, the presence / absence of diseases, characteristics of the body, for example, allergies to medications.

Also at this time, the doctor who will carry out the intervention selects the necessary instrument.

Immediately before the operation, the dentist conducts an examination of the gum tissue to determine if there are any or suppurations.

The information obtained during the survey allows to make detailed plan future work. The operation is performed by a doctor wearing gloves and a mask.

After that comes the turn of hygienic processing. oral cavity to keep bacteria out of the wound.

Sometimes, before proceeding with the removal of the root, the doctor must first remove plaque or those located near the site of the operation.

Then the patient should rinse his mouth or Eludril, so you can achieve maximum sterility - up to 90% pathogenic microorganisms and bacteria die, which significantly reduces the possibility of infection of the wound.

In the event that it is to be difficult removal, then an additional stage of hygienic treatment is the treatment of the skin of the face with alcohol, as well as a solution of Chlorhexidine bigluconate.

After that, a sterile towel or a special cape should be placed on the patient's chest so as not to stain the clothes.

Pain relief is part of the preparation for tooth extraction. Preparations should be chosen carefully, taking into account the state of human health. Sometimes it is necessary to make a preliminary incision in the gums, especially if the root is deep in the hole or is not visible during visual inspection.

What tools are used?

The following types of instruments are used for the operation:

  • syringes;
  • elevators of various types;
  • drill.

Based on what tools will be selected for the operation, certain work methods are selected.

For a successful procedure, it is necessary to perform detachment of the circular ligament of the tooth or syndesmotomy. It is carried out regardless of the chosen method. In addition, the choice of method depends on where exactly the removal is required.

Then one of the following methods is applied:

  1. Root pulling with tongs on the upper jaw produced by tool with straight ends. In the event that it is required to remove the roots of molars, then wide bayonet forceps are used, or as they are also called universal, since they are used to extract roots anywhere on the upper jaw.
  2. Rotation technique or rotation should be used if the operation involves the removal of the root of a single-rooted tooth, or if the roots of multi-rooted teeth are located separately. In the event that the roots are connected, then they must be dislocated.
  3. On the mandible root removal technique is also successfully applied tongs. In most cases, beak-shaped forceps are used. The removal technique is similar to the actions for removing the roots of the upper jaw.
  4. Extraction of the roots of the teeth elevators- Another widely used technique in dentistry. She also suggests that a syndesmotomy will be performed at the first stage of the operation. Then the working part of the elevator is carefully inserted between the tooth root and the wall of the gum alveolus and all the necessary actions are taken to remove the root. In the case when it is necessary to carry out dislocation, the elevator is used as a lever.

In the photo, the removal of the root of the tooth with forceps

Removal methods - there are three main ones

Modern dentistry performs several types of operations to extract the roots of teeth.

So, with the use of what methods modern dentists remove the roots of teeth:

  1. Hemisection or partial removal tooth and root. It is carried out in most cases on the molars located on the lower jaw. The technique allows you to completely exclude the development of pathological processes. The affected root with an adjacent crown or top tooth. After that, the teeth and roots located next to the removed root are sealed.
  2. Amputation or complete removal of the root. This technique is used when it is necessary to perform an operation on the upper jaw. First, you will need to completely expose the roots of the teeth if they are poorly visible or located deep inside the jaw. This means that the doctor exfoliates the mucous tissues on the gum. After that, the root is cut off with a drill and removed from the hole using universal forceps. At the final stage, the space is filled with a special medical staff- osteoplastic material.
  3. Cystectomy or removal formed on the root of the tooth. The operation is carried out as follows: it is necessary to expose upper part root, then identify the cyst and remove it. At the end, the doctor fills the resulting space and adjacent tissues with osteoplastic material.

Removal of the root of the tooth and subsequent suturing of the holes - a visual video:

Modern methods of root removal are performed under local anesthesia. Sometimes a special one is carried out, but this is done only in a hospital setting and if a person is undergoing treatment for the underlying disease.

Therefore, the operation is painless for the patient.

Special cases

Sometimes rooting takes place in unusual conditions.

The following are called special cases:

  • root extraction in case the tooth is destroyed;
  • the presence of gum disease, for example,.

Also, special situations should include the presence serious illnesses, for example, diabetes or epilepsy, where certain types of pain relief are highly discouraged.

In addition, children under 12 years of age may need to remove the roots, in which case the operation also takes place in an unusual mode.

Thus, root extraction is a painless operation, does not take much time and does not require long recovery after her. A variety of techniques will allow you to perform dental intervention, taking into account all the characteristics of the body, so you should not postpone your visit to the doctor.

Removal of the root of the tooth

One of the most annoying dental procedures, it is considered to be the removal of the tooth root, which can occur in different ways, depending on the location, the presence pathological changes surrounding tissues, its size. All this determines whether the procedure will be complex or simple, but the implementation of such a manipulation should be carried out only by a specialist, and only in the surgical office of dentistry. As a rule, difficulties arise if the root residue is located deep in the gum, which is more often the result of an unsuccessful previous operation.

Symptoms of the root of the tooth

Symptoms of a problem root of a tooth

A root damaged due to trauma, or during incorrect treatment, as a rule, worries the patient with the occurrence of pain or discomfort of a less pronounced nature. And if the root remains during the extraction of the tooth, then most often the patient feels discomfort for a long time, he is haunted by the feeling that something is interfering. There are times when the remainder of the root does not make itself known for a long time, and its presence can only be diagnosed on an x-ray, but this is rare. Basically, the patient is always aware of this. But most people ignore the body's signal about the existing problem, and categorically refuse to visit the dentist, which often leads to the development of complications.

Complications in the presence of a root residue

If the tooth has been destroyed due to trauma, the risk of infection increases wound surface, in this case the rest of the root must be urgently removed and the damaged tooth socket and gums should be sanitized. If the cause of the destruction was caries, then the presence chronic focus infection provokes the development of the inflammatory process ligamentous apparatus teeth and gums. In turn, local inflammation of the gums can turn into chronic form and cause periodontal disease. In this case, the infected and inflamed hole will heal much worse.

The presence of a part of the root in the thickness of the bone often leads to the development pathological process surrounding tissues.

In any case, the untimely removal of the roots of the teeth sooner or later becomes the cause various complications. The vast majority of applications are already in absolutely advanced stage, due to the presence of a stereotype that the extraction of teeth and their roots is a painful procedure.

Pain before removal

Despite the characteristics of each organism as a whole, namely the pain threshold, sensitivity, suspiciousness, for the most part, the removal of the tooth root is a painless procedure. To date, the extraction of the roots of the teeth occurs under local anesthesia, which is carried out immediately before the operation. A competent calculation of the dosage of the anesthetic allows you to maintain the analgesic effect throughout the entire procedure, regardless of whether it takes several minutes or two hours, regardless of the location and form of the process (acute or chronic), regardless of the instrumentation used.

Surgeon's Instrumentation

For each group of teeth, there is a certain toolkit that the surgeon prepares in advance before the extraction of the tooth root.
Modern dental surgical instruments presented various types tongs and elevators. Both types of tools work on the principle of a lever.

Types of forceps

  • To remove teeth and roots located on the upper and lower jaws
  • Forceps for removing crown (with a preserved crown) teeth and roots
  • Forceps for the removal of individual groups of teeth in the upper and lower jaws
  • Removal forceps big first, big second, upper molars
  • Forceps for extraction of teeth in the lower jaw, used with limited mouth opening

Tooth extraction forceps

The design of each type of tongs is not the same, it differs depending on anatomical structure and the location of the tooth relative to the dentition, as well as depending on the structure of the tooth crown and the number of roots.

For example, the removal of a central or lateral incisor in the upper jaw is performed with straight forceps. Removal of small molars in the upper jaw is carried out using S-shaped forceps.

When removing teeth and roots of the lower jaw, beak-shaped forceps are used.

Types of elevators

Most common in dental practice three types of elevators:

  • Straight
  • Angular
  • bayonet

And just like tongs, each type of lever elevator is designed to separate group teeth, regarding their location in the dentition, are also used at the discretion of the doctor, regardless of the location of the root.

Basic principles of tooth root extraction

The actual process of removing the root of the tooth is carried out in different ways, depending on the location of the damaged tooth, its integrity and the presence of pathological changes in the surrounding bone tissue.

In the absence of inflammation, with special tools, namely a narrow flat raspator or trowel, the surgeon separates the circular ligament from the neck of the tooth, and the gum from the edge of the alveolus. Then carefully and carefully apply the forceps.

In the presence of inflammation and as a result of melting of the surrounding tissue, the deepest application of the forceps is less difficult. There is no need to use special tools.

Often, an attempt to remove the root of a tooth with forceps does not bring results, in which case they come to the use of elevators. The main difference from working with forceps: the elevator is inserted between the root of the tooth and the wall of the hole, or between the roots.

Work with single roots of the upper jaw is carried out by a direct elevator. The angular version of the device allows you to quickly work with the lower jaw.

But it is not always possible to extract the remaining root only with forceps and elevators, because some teeth have two or more roots. In this case, the surgeon resorts to the help of a drill that is indispensable at all times. The roots of the teeth are separated from each other, and then easily removed from the hole with typical tools.

The only case when, regardless of the selected instrumentation, the experience of the doctor, and the degree of development of the process, difficulties may arise is the removal of the root of the wisdom tooth.

Features of wisdom tooth root removal

Features of wisdom teeth removal

Wisdom teeth themselves are special teeth, even with their most physiological development. But in most cases, they grow perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the jaw, roughly speaking, across the roots of the remaining teeth, which often leads to a number of complications even in the process of eruption. And most often, wisdom teeth are removed almost immediately.

But there are cases when the wisdom tooth is completely formed, even with the wrong axis. In the presence of a tooth crown, the surgeon can subjectively evaluate the correct location of the tooth and its roots, but when the crown part is missing or it is destroyed, even a subjective assessment becomes impossible. In this case, the patient is prescribed an X-ray examination, during which the location of the roots will be clarified.

Perhaps the need mandatory application x-ray, when removing the roots of wisdom teeth, is its main feature. After an x-ray diagnosis, the root of the wisdom tooth is removed according to the basic rules and principles. Also, a set of tools, which is selected with the obligatory consideration of the location of the root and the presence of its anomalies, becomes not quite usual.

About removing the root in general

Regardless of location, removal of the root of a tooth is not complicated operation and reviews, more than positive, not such a terrible and painful procedure.

The actual process of removing the tooth root is carried out under anesthesia, and in case of postoperative pain, you can safely take an anesthetic, it is advisable to discuss this with your doctor in advance. Often, after the removal of teeth, or individual roots, the surgeon prescribes an antibiotic or anti-inflammatory drug. complex action, which will relieve pain.

Tooth root removal video, which will help you understand the essence of the process, and the methodology for its implementation, you can see here. Perhaps, having studied the issue in detail from the inside, taking into account all the nuances, people who are afraid of dentists will stop worrying while sitting at the doctor’s office, and those who were not afraid will be able to explain to the opposite camp why it’s not so scary and painful. Thus, motivating a person to seek dental care in a timely manner.

Dental science distinguishes many diseases that are associated with all kinds of damage to the gums and teeth. The vast majority of them are associated with insufficient hygiene measures and pathogens.

At the same time, they are not so scary. After all, almost everything can be easily and fairly quickly cured with the help of modern drugs and various modern techniques treatment.

Having found a small carious cavity we don't worry too much. After all, a specialist will cope with this problem literally in one visit, cleaning and sealing. The same can be said about lost teeth There are specialists in prosthetics in every dental clinic.

However, there is another disease that causes a lot of trouble - rotten teeth. Quite often, several teeth are affected at the same time. At the same time, it is impossible to correct the situation by filling and bleaching.

In adults

More often this disease is diagnosed in the adult part of the population. This is due to the fact that over time a large number of factors affecting the whole organism as a whole and the state of the oral cavity in particular.

One of the most common diseases in dentistry is caries. In essence, it means decay. Caries begins to appear from the upper - crown part.

However, in some cases, the process may not start from the crown, but from the bottom - the roots. Then they notice it much later, and then it is much more difficult to cope with the consequences.

Stages of destruction and symptoms

There are several stages of this disease. Each of them manifests itself in a different way.

Among other things, rotten teeth create a very unpleasant external impression. That is why people suffering from this disease cease to communicate actively, become withdrawn and unsociable.

All this complicates life quite a lot, and, moreover, is fraught with negative consequences for the whole organism and the impact on the work of individual systems and organs.

Why do they appear?

There are quite a few reasons that serve as the beginning of the process of tooth decay. All of them can be conditionally divided into several groups or categories, depending on whether these are internal or external factors.

The first is the reasons that appear through the fault of the person himself.

The second group is external circumstances that do not depend on the patient.

  1. Bad environmental situation in most inhabited areas. These include polluted air, bad water, which contains a large amount harmful additives and impurities, as well as the frequent deficiency of fluorine in it.
  2. Plays a very important role heredity. After all, any problems with enamel or tooth development in general increase the risk of decay.
  3. Having some (temporary and infrequent) physiological conditions . This includes the period of intensive growth in adolescents, pregnancy and breastfeeding. At this time it changes hormonal balance and all the forces of the body are directed to completely different goals.

The third group - the presence of general and dental diseases

  1. Diseases of periodontal tissues. It can be both gingivitis and periodontitis and periodontal disease, which are more difficult to treat and have a stronger effect on the teeth.
  2. Diseases gastrointestinal tract, liver, thyroid gland, infectious diseases related to dental, and others.
  3. The presence of a cyst in the gum near the roots. This is a hard-walled formation that can be filled with pus. If the infection goes further, then the teeth are also subject to decay.

In children

So annoying and even dangerous phenomenon occurs not only in adults. Quite often, tooth decay begins in young children. Moreover, this can happen even before the entire row of milk teeth is formed.

Often parents are very frightened by the speed of this process. After all, just a few months after eruption, rotting can reach an already obvious and complex stage.

For children, there are no special individual causes of this disease. They are the same as for adults. However, some of them are more important.

  • First, it's huge consumption of caramel and other sweets to which children are not indifferent.
  • Secondly, children often don't spend enough time hygiene procedures . Therefore, all destructive factors act much stronger.
  • Thirdly, one of the reasons appears, which can be conditionally attributed to heredity. it malnutrition and the use by the mother during pregnancy of any harmful and unauthorized substances, including drugs.
  • Fourth, milk teeth are much more susceptible to both external and internal factors . That is why all the processes that contribute to decay are faster.

As soon as the parents discover the initial stages of tooth decay in a child, you should immediately contact pediatric dentist. It is almost impossible to cope with this problem on your own at home.

During pregnancy

Pregnancy is a very special state of a woman's body. Literally everything is undergoing restructuring, the hormonal balance is changing. This happens because all the forces nutrients and so on to the maximum are given to the unborn child, and the woman herself begins to experience a lack of all this.

In particular, the development of the baby requires the withdrawal of calcium and phosphorus in the body. That is why, if this deficit is not filled in time, quite often at this time teeth begin to deteriorate rapidly.

The process of decay that has begun is a constant source of infection, which may well go further and damage the baby or adversely affect its development.

Therefore, already with the appearance of the very first symptoms that accompany initial stage diseases, you should immediately consult a specialist. Many doctors - both dentists and gynecologists - call the second trimester the most favorable and safe time for medical dental procedures.

However, if the signs of the disease appeared earlier, then you should not postpone the visit to the clinic, as harm from running process decay can be much greater than from the treatment itself.

Consequences for the body

In addition to purely external troubles (repulsive appearance, bad smell), which affect psychological condition of a person, it should be noted that tooth decay can adversely affect the body as a whole.

Doctors even trace the relationship of this disease with the unsatisfactory state of the entire skeletal system. This may cause later arthrosis and polyarthritis.

Pathogenic microbes, invariably accompanying decay, are carried by blood and saliva throughout the body. As a result, they are affected or start to work incorrectly. internal organs, at first glance, completely unrelated to infection in the mouth. There is also the possibility of rotting overflowing onto the bone that forms the jaw, then the brain can also be affected.

How to deal with this disease?

In any case, for the treatment of decaying teeth is used A complex approach. First of all, be sure establishes the underlying cause of the disease. After that, be sure appropriate drugs and procedures are prescribed.

This is necessary, because if the cause is not eliminated, then the treatment of symptoms will give only a short-term result.

Simultaneously with the elimination of the cause, the necessary dental treatment. Depending on the stage of the disease, these measures may be different. However, in any case, foci of infection are also established and must be eliminated.

To the complex curative measures, most likely, the rejection of bad habits, restructuring the food system, strengthening hygiene measures.

In any case, you should not try to cure decaying teeth on your own, as the problem can be significantly aggravated and then more difficult to fix. Modern dentistry is painless and very effective, so do not be afraid to go to the doctor.

And don't forget about prevention proper care because any disease is easier to prevent! Let's watch a short video:

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Dental problems are familiar to almost everyone, but some people ignore visiting the dentist, submitting to fears of procedures.

As a result, there is a need to remove the root of the tooth, which could have been avoided if the patient had consulted a doctor in a timely manner.


Inflammation of the root can also occur in a healthy-looking tooth if a person does not follow the rules of hygiene (or does it incorrectly). Jaw injuries and infection in the carious hole can also be the culprit.

inflammation of the infectious type

If you constantly postpone the treatment of a diseased tooth, then it can be quickly lost - it will gradually begin to collapse, leaving behind a rotting root system. All this is accompanied unpleasant sensations which can manifest itself in acute and chronic forms.

acute form

At acute form the patient experiences, which occurs not only during meals, but also from the slightest touch to the area of ​​\u200b\u200binflammation.

Take off pain symptom impossible with any analgesics.

All this is accompanied by an increase in temperature, poor appetite and insomnia. Weakness and fatigue appear.

As a result, a person is not able to fully work. Over time, the problem can be seen visually - the cheek swells at the site of inflammation. This suggests that cysts have formed at the root and.

If you do not immediately consult a doctor, then inflammatory process will capture soft tissues and they will start to fester.

Chronic form

Continuing to ignore visiting the dentist, the patient brings the situation to a chronic form.

At this stage sharp pain becomes dull, and the person calms down in the hope that everything went by itself.

However, the inflammation continues to develop and pus accumulates in the focus, the smell and taste of which can be felt in the mouth.

Pain and discomfort occur periodically, when chewing. This state is temporary, like "the calm before the storm." There is a process of cyst formation, and.

As a result, the root rots and the tooth loses its stability. inevitably, and along with the patient, you can lose neighboring ones, the roots of which have already entered the stage of inflammation.

Complications in the presence of a root residue

Sometimes the dentist deliberately leaves the tooth root in the oral cavity during prosthetics. This situation is allowed if it is healthy and not damaged.

If a root remains after the removal of a carious or injured tooth, this is already a problem that may not bother you at first, gradually overgrowing with soft tissues.

If the root remains during the extraction of the tooth, troubles will begin in the future, for example:

  • if there was a trauma to the jaw, and the tooth broke, then the root system could also suffer, collapsing into tiny fragments. It is they who can then cause soft tissue injury, which will lead to an inflammatory process;
  • dental remains affected by caries continue to rot, overgrown with fistulas and cysts. Even if the hole overgrows, pyogenic microbes will continue their destructive action. Visually, it is difficult to notice immediately, but infected particles can enter the blood, through which they are transported to other organs.

After the extraction of a tooth, the root remains - what to do? To avoid a threat to life, the remnants of the root system must be removed before it overgrows. The doctor determines the degree of neglect of the problem using x-rays, because during the operation you cannot miss a single piece of the root.


Surgery to remove the remnants of the root is a painful procedure, so anesthesia will be required.

To remove the roots of the teeth without pain (relatively) apply local anesthesia, making blocking injections in the area of ​​​​inflammation.

Painkillers are selected individually for each patient, based on his sensitivity and pain threshold. In some cases, resort to general anesthesia by injecting the drug into a vein.

In both cases, the amount of pain medication will depend on the complexity and duration of the operation. It can take a few minutes or a couple of hours.

Surgeon's Instrumentation

It is better to remove root residues from an experienced surgeon who is fluent in professional skills and uses a variety of tools in his work.

For example, forceps and elevators are selected for each specific tooth. These hand tools work like a lever, but require some experience.

Types of forceps

Forceps are the main tool for removing the roots of teeth. The forceps used by surgeons are of 2 varieties: one for removing teeth, the other for removing root residues. In this case, one forceps is used for the lower jaws, and others for the upper jaws.

Forceps with medium jaws for removing the dental roots of the upper jaw

When choosing a tool, the dentist takes into account the location of the tooth on the jaw, as well as the patient's ability to open his mouth wider. The presence of a crown, the condition of the dentition is also important, therefore each type of forceps has its own design features.

So, for example, to remove the root system from the lower jaw, the doctor will take beak-shaped forceps. On the top, he will remove the small molars with an S-shaped instrument, and the central ones with straight forceps.

Types of elevators

Where tongs are powerless, elevators are used, outwardly resembling locksmith tools. They are divided into 3 types: straight, bayonet and angular.

Which of the elevators to use, the doctor decides based on the specific situation and the complexity of the operation:

  • a direct elevator is used for extraction in the upper jaw, and it does not matter if the tooth is multi-rooted or not. Sometimes they also remove the disconnected roots on the lower jaw (in the molars);
  • angular work exclusively on the lower dentition. Here there are 2 types of elevators with an angular arrangement of the working part to the right or to the left;
  • a bayonet-shaped elevator with a peaked working part is used only to remove a large lower molar, the third in a row.

Each of these tools has rounded ends to minimize the risk of injury.

Basic principles of the operation

Each operation to remove tooth roots has its own characteristics. They depend on the degree of neglect of the situation (i.e. there is inflammation or not), on the integrity of the bone and soft parts, the presence of pathologies in the dentition, the location of the problem.

So, if the inflammatory process has not yet begun, then the doctor carefully separates the gum from the alveoli and the ligament from the neck of the tooth. To do this, he uses special tools - a trowel and a rasp. Only then forceps are applied to the root.

Extraction of the root of the tooth with forceps

With inflammation, soft tissues become more pliable and there is no need for additional instruments. Removal rotten root The tooth is dispensed with the use of forceps alone.

If the forceps failed to remove root residues, then elevators are already used, which are inserted between the walls of the hole and the root or between the roots. The tool acts on the principle of a lever, pushing the bone remnants out.

Complex tooth extraction with separation of the roots is carried out using a drill. With its help, the root system is first divided into parts, and then forceps or elevators are already used.

The more neglected the problem, the more time-consuming the process of extracting the root will be.

Wisdom tooth root removal

Particular difficulty arises when removing the root of the wisdom tooth. By itself, it differs from the rest of the teeth, since its root grows perpendicular to the others. This factor must be taken into account by the surgeon when removing remnants.

Removing the root of the "eight"

Usually such teeth are removed immediately in the process of their growth, so that in the future they do not cause problems. However, if a person rarely visits the dentist, then the “wise” tooth has time to fully form.

Before deleting it, you need to do X-ray, which will clearly show the directional location of the root system.

The procedure for removing the root of a wisdom tooth is not much different from the main one, unless you have to pick up special tools.

Tooth root removal: cost

To remove the roots of the teeth, the price is not much different from the usual extraction procedure - from 1500 to 2500 rubles.

Sometimes the cost also includes anesthesia, x-ray, delivery additional tests and consultation with an anesthesiologist.

Then the amount for the procedure can increase to 5000 rubles.

About the removal of the root of the tooth, the reviews agree on one thing - the procedure is very painful. Therefore, skimping on anesthesia is definitely not worth it.

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How is the removal of the root of the tooth - the video in front of you:

A visit to the dentist is not a pleasant event, but it is essential to keep your teeth healthy and intact. It is worth starting the situation without surgical intervention no longer manageable. This procedure is more complicated than preventive sanitation, but at modern development medicine is not as painful as it seems at first glance.

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