What are the benefits of hazelnuts. Harm of hazelnuts. The benefits of hazelnuts for the body

In the article we discuss hazelnuts. You will learn the chemical composition and beneficial features walnut. We will tell you how and where hazelnuts grow, list the areas of application of the nut and consider a list of contraindications to its use. Following our advice, you will learn how to properly clean hazelnuts, dry and store.

Hazelnut is the fruit of a woody perennial shrub of the Birch family (lat. Betulaceae). Hazelnut is known as large hazel, Lombard or hazelnut.

At the ripening stage, the fruit is surrounded by red-green leaves. The nut has a rounded, slightly elongated shape. The length of the fruit is not more than 2.5 cm, the diameter is up to 1.5 cm. The hazelnut kernel is protected by a hard shell. Nuts grow singly or in clusters of 3-6 fruits.

How hazelnuts grow

Large hazel is an unpretentious plant, resistant to low temperatures up to -50 degrees, but it grows and develops better in a warmer climate with an abundance of light. Hazelnuts prefer moist forest soils.

AT wild nature large hazel reaches a height of 10 meters. For the extraction of nuts on an industrial scale, low shrubs are grown from 3 to 5 meters high. Hazel is found in southeastern Europe and Asia Minor. Hazelnuts are cultivated in the USA, Great Britain, Greece. The record holder for growing nuts is Turkey, in this country 75% of the world's hazelnuts are produced.

When is the hazelnut harvested?

Hazelnuts bear fruit in September. A ripe nut easily falls out of the plush (leaves surrounding it). A young hazel bush gives up to 3 kg of hazelnuts. A shrub at the age of 15 years brings up to 10 kg of nuts. The life expectancy of a plant is no more than 40 years.

The chemical composition of hazelnuts

Hazelnut contains:

  • polyunsaturated fats;
  • proteins;
  • essential amino acids;
  • vitamin A;
  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin E;
  • starch;
  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • Sahara.

Hazelnut calories

Hazelnuts are 70% fat. Calorie 100 gr. nuts - 650 kcal.

Useful properties of hazelnuts

Thanks to its rich composition, hazelnuts have a lot of useful properties. It has a general strengthening effect on the body, improves lymph circulation and prevents the development of oncological tumors.

Hazelnut strengthens the walls of blood vessels, normalizes heartbeat and increases hemoglobin levels. Walnut cleanses the liver of toxins and toxins, and also removes them from the body.

Hazelnut strengthens muscles, improves skin elasticity, improves the condition of hair and nails. An oil is produced from the nut, which is used to treat skin diseases.

The benefits and harms of hazelnuts depend on the amount of nuts eaten. Excessive use of the product may cause backfire. Overeating a high-calorie nut leads to metabolic disorders and obesity.

The use of hazelnuts

Hazelnuts are widely used in traditional medicine to strengthen the immune system, improve performance of cardio-vascular system and gastrointestinal tract. Nuts, shells, leaves and bark of the plant are used as medicinal raw materials. Based on them, medicinal tinctures are made.

The nutritional properties of nuts are highly valued in cosmetology. Hazelnuts are used to produce oil, which is used in pure form or add to cosmetics for skin and hair care.

The high calorie content of hazelnuts allows it to be used in dietetics. Walnut energizes the body and satisfies the feeling of hunger for a long time.

Hazelnuts are widely used in cooking. It is used raw, dried and fried. Walnut is added to main dishes, salads, sauces, pastries and desserts. Nut paste is made from hazelnuts.

How many hazelnuts can you eat per day

To prevent stress on the digestive system, do not abuse the high-calorie nut. Daily rate- no more than 50 gr. hazelnuts a day.

Hazelnut for women

Hazelnut normalizes hormonal background which is very important for women. Walnut improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails. It can be used during pregnancy and while breastfeeding.

Hazelnut for men

Hazelnut renders beneficial effect on the male body. Walnut increases testosterone production, improves spermatogenesis and normalizes work prostate which is good for men. Regular use of hazelnuts increases potency.

Hazelnut during pregnancy

Thanks to balanced composition, hazelnuts have a beneficial effect not only on the body future mother but also on the body of the baby. Walnut promotes proper formation and development of the fetus.

Hazelnuts while breastfeeding

Walnut improves the quality of breast milk, increases its fat content. Hazelnut stimulates lactation and improves taste qualities milk. The daily norm of a nut during lactation is 5-8 pcs.

How to split a hazelnut

Special tongs are used to crack nuts. If not, then pliers or a hammer will do. Keep in mind that the shell can scatter to the sides, so be careful. Use a cloth bag to clean with a hammer. Put nuts in it and only then knock on them, so you protect yourself from splinters, and the table from debris.

How to Roast Hazelnuts

After you have removed the shell, the nut must be peeled. When raw, the husk is difficult to remove, so hazelnuts are fried over low heat for 5 minutes. You don't need to add oil. After frying, the nuts cool and peel. In order not to peel each nut separately, lay them on a towel, cover with a second one on top and move your palms over it, pressing on the fruits.

Hazelnuts in the oven

You can use the oven to roast hazelnuts. Nuts are laid out thin layer on baking sheets and put in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 5 minutes. Peel nuts in the manner described above.

Honey with hazelnuts

The combination of hazelnuts with honey enhances beneficial actions on the body. Honey acts as a biological conductor active substances. This tasty and healthy product is loved by children. It is useful to eat honey with hazelnuts in autumn and spring to strengthen the immune system and avoid infectious diseases.

hazelnut oil

Hazelnut oil is obtained by cold pressing. The product has a fluid and light texture, light yellow color and a pleasant nutty aroma. The oil is used in its pure form, and also combined with other components. The tool is used in medical purposes, in cosmetology and cooking.

Hazelnut tincture

For tincture, green hazel fruits, mature nuts and shells are used. The tool is used to treat oncology, skin diseases and diseases. respiratory tract. Tincture cleanses the body, removes toxins and toxins. It must be used carefully, not exceeding the dosage.

Hazelnut tincture


  1. Hazelnuts - 2 tablespoons.
  2. Honey - 15 ml.
  3. Vodka - 500 ml.

How to cook: Grind nuts, mix with honey and pour vodka. Infuse the remedy at room temperature within 3 weeks. Filter the finished tincture through a strainer or gauze.

How to use: Take 1 tablespoon before meals 2 times a day. The tool can be used externally to treat burns and abrasions.

Result: Tincture strengthens the immune system, cleanses the body, normalizes the cardiovascular system.

hazelnut allergy

When the body does not absorb the protein contained in nuts, an allergic reaction occurs. Allergy symptoms:

  • skin manifestations: redness of the skin, itching, swelling;
  • work disruption respiratory system: runny nose, cough, sneezing;
  • digestive disorders: nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps;
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system: dizziness, lowering blood pressure.

If you experience any symptom of an allergy, you should stop eating hazelnuts and consult a doctor.

Contraindications and restrictions

Contraindication to the use of hazelnuts - individual intolerance to the nut.

Eating hazelnuts should be done with caution if you have:

  • tendency to be overweight;
  • metabolism is disturbed;
  • severe form of diabetes;
  • diseases of the pancreas.

Where could I buy

Hazelnuts are sold in many grocery stores and supermarkets. The price for 1 kg of nuts in shell is 350-400 rubles, peeled hazelnuts cost 500-600 rubles. per kilo, price roasted nut- 800-900 rubles for the same amount.

How to store hazelnuts

Hazelnuts are stored in glass jars or containers with lids. It is important that the nut does not come into contact with other products during storage, this can impair its taste. The main storage rule is low humidity. At high humidity the nuts are moldy and rotten.

The shelf life of peeled hazelnuts is 2-3 months. Nuts in a shell keep useful properties within 1-2 years.

Hazelnuts are the fruit of cultivated hazel. The hazel itself can grow both in the forest and in household, so man quickly adapted the wild nut to his needs. Positive traits nuts for health were obvious, but as it soon became clear, he is a real storehouse for men, and the benefits of hazelnuts for the body are undeniable.

The value of a nut for men

Hazelnuts contain many useful substances for men:

  1. tocopherol (vitamin E) as a prevention of cancer and to slow down aging;
  2. calcium to strengthen bones;
  3. B vitamins to improve the functioning of the heart and muscles;
  4. zinc, which positively affects the production of testosterone;
  5. potassium, which improves the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems;
  6. iron essential for blood.

The role of hazelnuts in the fight against cholesterol

Let's find out how hazelnuts are useful for men, and how it affects men's health. First of all, let's pay attention to cholesterol - the main cause of atherosclerosis. The problem of cholesterol is especially relevant in the 21st century, as people eat more and more fatty foods, fast food, abuse alcohol. All this brings atherosclerosis to a leading position among diseases leading to death.

Atherosclerosis is also relevant for men, because together with high level cholesterol they get obesity, heart problems, hypertension, and loss of male sexual vigor. Due to the content of tocopherol, the nut not only cleans the blood vessels from "bad" cholesterol, but also improves the work of the testicles to produce healthy sperm.

Due to the fact that the nut contains a minimum of carbohydrates, but at the same time, hazelnuts are rich in healthy fats, several cores will help not only to get enough without harm to health, but also to restore male power. Even in Russia, women were advised to give their husband several times a week hazelnuts so that he does not suffer from sexual impotence. The product is effective prophylactic in the fight against prostate problems.

hazelnuts for stress

The beneficial properties of hazelnuts for men are also manifested in its anti-stress properties. It's no secret that severe stress can cause long-term sexual problems. It seems that there is no disease, but men are more and more eager to relax than to indulge in love pleasures. Nut kernels will also help to overcome such depressive moods. They have unique property normalize work nervous system, so hazelnuts for potency is simply irreplaceable. With it, depression will go away, and sexual desire will return.

How to eat hazelnuts

In order for the male nut to bring the most benefits, you need to buy unpeeled nut fruits. Most perfect option- plant a bush in the country, and you need to buy seedlings from the nursery, so as not to make a mistake and not choose a wild plant variety. The plant is quite unpretentious, so after a few years a man can harvest his own crop and provide himself with this valuable product for the whole year.

It is best to eat kernels in the morning, but do not overdo it - you are allowed to eat no more than fifty grams of a nut per day, and this is not so much. Before using the kernels, it is recommended to soak them for half an hour in cold water- so the nut is better absorbed.

For daily use, it is better for a man to set the norm - 5-6 nuts a day and not exceed it, so as not to harm health. If you eat hazelnuts more than the recommended amount, you may experience headache due to vascular spasm.

Why hazelnuts can be harmful

The usefulness of hazelnuts is obvious, but do not forget that the nut can bring not only benefits, but also harm. It is not recommended to use nuts in the following cases:

  • if a man suffers diabetes;
  • with pathologies of the liver;
  • with diseases of the pancreas;
  • when allergic reactions occur.

It should be borne in mind that hazelnuts are quite difficult to digest. His the energy value is 667 kcal per hundred grams of product. - Approximately 20 percent are proteins, and 60 percent are fats. Therefore, if a man does not lead active image life, does little sports, then such a calorie content can provoke discomfort in the stomach - nausea, heaviness.

Those who spend a lot of calories can eat a nut without any special restrictions, remembering only the recommended daily allowance product. If a man has contraindications to the use of this type of nuts, you should not eat it, it can be harmful to the body, and the nut should be replaced with another product.

Hazelnut for men's health is indispensable tool in the fight against sexual impotence and diseases of the genital organs. With the daily use of only a few kernels, a man can ensure his health for many years.

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Hazelnut (cultivated hazel) is no less valuable than its forest counterpart. In the old days, he was credited with numerous magical properties. People believed that he would protect from the evil eye and damage, protect from lightning strikes, drive rodents out of the house, and prevent the snake from crawling into the dwelling.

In addition, people appreciated its nutritional properties and actively used nuts to improve the body.

Modern scientists have proven the benefits of hazelnuts for the body. Of course, its magical properties have not been studied, but its composition is well known, which includes a large number of useful substances. And, thanks to which hazelnuts are recommended to be included in the diet of people who monitor their own health.

About how hazelnuts are useful for the human body, why it should be included in your diet, we will talk with you today. And also find out what contraindications there are for its use.

What is useful hazelnuts?

Immediately, we note that this nut is very high in calories. It is comparable in calories to white bread, wheat bread, full fat milk or chocolate. Therefore, do not get too carried away with it if you follow your figure. It is enough to eat 10-15 nuts a day to benefit from this wonderful nut and not harm the figure.

If you are wondering what is the benefit of hazelnuts for human health? Let's just say that the benefits of it are significant. Hazelnut contains valuable oil, organic acids. There are vitamins E, group B. There are also minerals, including salts of calcium, potassium, there are iron and magnesium. And most importantly, hazelnuts are rich in easily digestible protein, necessary for normal operation human body.

Medicinal properties hazelnuts

Hazelnuts are extremely beneficial for the cardiovascular system. The potassium and calcium contained in it help to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, have a beneficial effect on smooth muscle heart muscle, while maintaining its elasticity. This nut is very useful for varicose disease, thrombophlebitis, if present trophic ulcers ah shins, as well as problems with capillaries.

It is recommended to use it for people suffering from blood diseases, anemia. It is recommended to use it to cleanse the body, as it eliminates putrefactive processes in the intestines. Especially effective with the help of a nut is the cleansing of the liver.

You can include it in the diet of diabetics, as it contains a minimum of carbohydrates. High content vitamin E together with protein contributes to the improvement and growth muscle tissue. In addition, it has been established that cultivated hazel is an excellent prophylactic against cancer.

The benefits of nuts for women's health

For the fair sex, hazelnuts are simply irreplaceable. Regular use of these nuts contributes to the preservation of youth and beauty of the skin and hair. This is facilitated by vitamins, fatty acids that are part of the nucleoli.

Doctors recommend including hazelnuts in the diet of pregnant women. It is very useful for nursing mothers. This is due to the fact that its nucleoli contain folic acid, which prevents the development congenital pathologies. In addition, vitamin E, phosphorus, calcium contained in the nucleoli minimize the risk of miscarriage, promotes strengthening, proper formation bone tissue in children. At the same time, hazelnuts are much less likely to cause allergies in pregnant women than other varieties of nuts.

Men's Health Benefits

According to proctologists, every man should eat a small amount of nuts per day (40-50 g). Hazelnut has a beneficial effect on the male reproductive function prevents the development of infertility. In addition, cultivated hazel reduces the risk of developing inflammatory process prostate, enhances potency.

Contraindications to taking hazelnuts

Like any other very useful product, with excessive use, hazelnuts can be harmful to health. Therefore, they should not be abused. For a daily intake, 30-50 g of nuts is enough. If you eat more, headaches may begin, since a large amount of this product can provoke a spasm of cerebral vessels.

You also need to remember that it should not be given to children with diabetes, and also to those who have serious illnesses liver.

And one more very important note: never buy nuts already shelled. Remember that as soon as the shells are removed from the nuts, the destruction of the beneficial substances contained in them immediately begins, and the nucleoli lose their healing properties. Therefore, buy whole nuts, and after peeling them from the shell, eat them immediately.

And do not store nuts for a long time. Approximately six months after purchase, they dry out, lose most of their useful properties. Eat freshly picked nuts, do not overeat, consider contraindications and be healthy!

Hazelnut, the benefits and harms described in this article, is a cultural variety - common hazel ( Corylus avellana)

Hazelnut is a fairly large nut with many useful properties. It helps a lot with the common cold. Excellent for the treatment of more severe diseases. It can be eaten raw, fried. Healing nut oil is made from it.
The most common varieties are known: Crimean, Badem, Kerasud. All of them are equally useful. The only difference is the thickness of the shell and appearance. In the old days, hazelnuts were considered a magical nut. Ancient people sincerely believed that this particular nut was even able to save human life.

But is everything so simple? After all, hazelnuts have another side, which can cause irreparable harm to health, especially if abused.

The benefits of hazelnuts for the body

The energy value of the nut is very high - 667 kcal. However, it is almost impossible to recover from it, since it contains almost no carbohydrates. It is this property that makes it possible to successfully use hazelnuts for diet food. It is invaluable for children, adults, the elderly, pregnant women, nursing mothers. The use of hazelnuts stimulates the work of many body systems.

The benefits of hazelnuts for the heart system

The vitamins that are part of the nut perfectly stimulate the work of the cardiovascular and muscular systems. Contained potassium, calcium have a beneficial effect on the smooth muscles of the heart and vascular walls. Thanks to hazelnuts, they remain quite elastic.


Scientists have proven the invaluable benefits of nuts in the fight against oncology. Hazelnut contains a special substance - paclitaxel. That it stops the process of random division cancer cells, markedly inhibits the growth of pathological processes. And for healthy people is the prevention of cancer.

Circulatory system.

Various blood diseases and even anemia are diseases in which the use of hazelnuts is simply necessary. In the most miraculous way, it benefits the vessels, veins. In diseases such as thrombophlebitis, varicose veins veins, the use of nuts prevents the occurrence of blood clots.

Nervous system

Hazelnut has a truly unique ability. It perfectly strengthens the nervous system. Quite effective in the aftermath nervous diseases expressed by insomnia, severe headaches, strong irritability. AT winter period walnut perfectly copes with beriberi, thereby eliminating the likelihood of stressful situations.

The benefits of hazelnuts for bones

The presence of micro, macro elements (iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium, etc.) are directly involved in the formation of the skeleton. That is why children should definitely introduce hazelnuts into their diet. In addition, these substances help strengthen teeth.


Pounded hazelnuts with milk prevents coughing and shortness of breath. Its healing properties help in the treatment of bronchitis, lung diseases.

Benefits of hazelnuts for men

Men suffering from prostatitis should include 40-50 grams of hazelnuts in their diet. Walnut will not only delay the approach of old age, but also prevent Alzheimer's disease.

breastfeeding mother

The use of hazelnuts stimulates increased milk retention in the mother. Prevents the process of gas formation in the baby.

Harm of hazelnuts

The nut brings invaluable benefits, but unlimited use can cause the body and substantial harm. Few contraindications, but need to know them.

It is better to refuse hazelnuts or limit consumption to a minimum for such cases:

  • Liver diseases. The high calorie content of nuts and great content fat has a rather tangible burden on the liver. For people suffering from any problems with this organ, the use of hazelnuts is highly undesirable.
  • Metabolism. Caution should be taken to hazelnuts by people suffering from disharmony of metabolism.
  • Harm to the gastrointestinal tract . Digestive system. Nuts are very long and hard to digest, so when problems with the gastrointestinal tract It is better to completely exclude hazelnuts from the diet. People even with healthy digestive tract it is worth chewing the nuts thoroughly enough, because. there is a possibility of too much load on the digestive system.
  • Diabetes. People, especially children, who have a severe form of diabetes, hazelnut is simply contraindicated.
  • Obesity. In view of high calorie from this product should be completely abandoned to people who are more or less obese.
  • Allergy. Sufficient caution should be introduced into your diet for those people who suffer from allergic reactions, because hazelnuts are quite a high allergen.

Abuse. Highly important condition- the use of an exclusively daily norm (30-50 g per day). Overeating is fraught with consequences, severe headaches, vasospasms, and sometimes disorders of the gastrointestinal system.

If you follow the rules for the use of hazelnuts, then it will not cause any harm, and health and in moderation and taking into account contraindications will benefit the body. Health to you!

Hazelnuts: Calorie 704 kcal. Proteins - 16g. Fats - 66.9g. Carbohydrates - 9.9g.

How to grow healthy and tasty hazelnuts

The most purchased nuts are still walnuts and hazelnuts. Unfortunately, they are very expensive, and not everyone can afford to eat this. useful product. If there is a summer cottage available, then it becomes possible to grow it yourself. It is enough just to get acquainted with some rules and features.

What to Consider Before Boarding

Before you plant hazelnuts, you need to choose the right area for growing. It turns out that the hazelnut is an unpretentious plant, it is easy to plant, care for, but still something needs to be taken into account.

It can grow in any type of soil, but still you want to have a healthy plant on the site, so you should not use soil where there is water or sand alone.

The land needs to be fertile with timely watering.

It is desirable that the allotted area be flat.

Hazelnuts can be planted in spring, but most best time it will be autumn.

It is better to choose a place sunny and protected from the winds.

Preparing for landing

It is necessary to dig up the earth, observing the depth, which should be approximately 40 cm. For any plant, it is best that there is a breathable and porous earth.

But if it is planned to plant a nut in the spring, the ground is prepared in the fall, if in the fall, then in the spring the earth is dug up, and it is, as it were, preparing for the upcoming planting of hazelnuts, that is, it is saturated with useful microelements and the necessary moisture. Therefore, after digging, the soil is immediately fed with humus and complex mineral fertilizers.

Planting hazelnut seedlings

In order to plant a hazelnut seedling, it is necessary to dig a hole to a depth of about 60-70 cm, depending on the size of the plant. It is better to do this a few months before planting. It is important when digging a hole to lay the upper fertile layer on one side of the hole, and the lower, clay layer on the other.

As soon as everything is prepared, the roots of the walnut seedling are soaked in a clay solution, then lowered into a pit, they try to straighten the roots, and begin to fall asleep. upper layer earth, and the one that was at the bottom is placed on top, since the top one is more fertile.

It is desirable to compact the soil well, but it is better not to level the surface, you will need a small recess for watering. Therefore, it is immediately necessary to water the hazelnuts. It usually takes about 15-20 liters of water. It must be remembered that nuts love moisture and grow better.

In order for the seedling to develop well, it should not have an aerial part larger than 20-25 cm, so all excess will have to be cut off with pruners.

For a young nut, especially at first, support will be needed, so a peg must be driven in nearby.


Planting a nut with a ready-made seedling is not particularly difficult. If everything is done correctly, it will definitely be accepted. In the future, it is necessary that it begin to grow and develop so that you can finally get your first harvest.

At first, you will have to monitor soil moisture and irrigate. Walnut loves moisture so much that you need to pour 3 buckets for each seedling. If the summer is dry, you will have to water even more.

To obtain nuts, it is important that they are pollinated. It will be better if several hazel trees grow nearby at once, when the wind blows they will be pollinated, but the distance between them should not exceed 4 meters.

The development of the nut will depend on the fertility of the soil, moisture, sufficient sun, weather conditions, varieties. The first nuts can be harvested after 5 years, in the future it will be possible to receive an annual harvest.

But a lot depends on the correct fit, compliance with the conditions of care, on the climate.

In the wild, hazelnuts can be found in the eastern and southern parts of Europe, in the expanses of Asia Minor, in North America, Sweden, Italy, on the southern coast of France and in Germany. However, many manage to cultivate hazelnuts in the warm regions of our country, due to which it is becoming increasingly popular. Valuable qualities have been studied thoroughly, but can a nut harm? Let's talk about everything in more detail.

The composition and properties of hazelnuts

Hazelnuts, like other types of nuts, include many fatty acids. They account for more than 60% of the total volume. But don't worry, fats are represented as unsaturated acids, which are required internal organs and human systems.

Athletes love the nut for the accumulation of proteins, they are in the order of 22%. Calorie serving 100 gr. is 666 units. There are practically no carbohydrates in nuts, so you should not worry that if you use them regularly, you will harm your figure.

Hazelnuts are very often included in the menu of a person who adheres to diets. Also, the beneficial properties of the nut make it possible to include it in the diet of children, the elderly, men, girls, women during pregnancy.

Hazelnuts contain pyridoxine, thiamine, riboflavin, and other vitamins from group B, which have a positive effect on the activity of the human nervous system. Also, B vitamins are necessary for muscles, heart, blood vessels and brain.

Not without the participation of tocopherol, otherwise it is called vitamin E. This compound has excellent antioxidant properties. Tocopherol displays toxic substances and prevent the impact free radicals to healthy cells.

Hazelnuts are famous for the accumulation of a rare substance - pacletaxel, which is part of cancer drugs. Pacletaxel not only prevents the formation of new capillaries in the area of ​​the tumor, but also blocks the blood flow. As a result, the neoplasm resolves faster.

In addition to the inclusion of the above compounds, hazelnuts are not deprived of iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, copper, zinc, cobalt, selenium, chromium and other equally valuable elements.

Walnut concentrates glycerides, alimentary fiber, flavonoids. In combination, these substances improve blood quality and cleanse the channels of cholesterol plaques.

Useful properties of hazelnuts

  1. The product is famous for its ability to lower body temperature. To this end, it must be combined with raisins, rubbed into gruel and taken in a teaspoon 5 times a day with hot tea.
  2. The product is used for the treatment and prevention of oncology. Of course, in an independent form, the nut will not cure cancer, but it will be an excellent tool for healing in combination with medications.
  3. Based on hazel bark traditional healers prepare decoctions and tinctures. In the future, these funds are used to treat rheumatism, trophic ulcers, hemorrhoids, and dermatological problems. Decoctions to some extent treat dysentery and colds.
  4. There is a lot of protein in hazelnuts, protein is necessary for compaction of bone tissue and rapid muscle building. In combination with mineral compounds such as fluorine and phosphorus, teeth and nails are strengthened.
  5. Tocopherol and retinol, which are part of the nuts, are responsible for the beauty of hair and skin. These natural antioxidants cleanse the body of toxins and other poisons, promoting weight loss.
  6. Nuts are prescribed for patients after a recent illness or operation. Hazelnut quickly restores strength, saturates the body essential minerals and vitamins.
  7. The product is used to increase immunity in people who often get sick. Just a handful of nuts a day will protect the body from viruses and seasonal colds in the off-season. Hazelnuts must be taken on the road and vacation to make it easier to endure climate change.
  8. Nuts have a positive effect on the work of the male reproductive system and potency. Hazelnut enhances sperm motility and quality, improving the fertility of children. The product must be eaten by couples who plan to conceive a child.
  9. Nuts have a positive effect on activity digestive system. Hazelnut accelerates the absorption of food, reduces the frequency of its fermentation in the esophagus, eliminates possible swelling and constipation.
  10. Hazelnuts are of particular value to people who have heart disease. Walnut is necessary to prevent arrhythmia, bradycardia, stroke, myocardial infarction and other pathologies. Also, due to the purification of blood channels from cholesterol, atherosclerosis is prevented.

  1. Since ancient times, women have regularly eaten nuts to maintain their health and beauty at the proper level. Unique composition hazelnuts suppresses the negative effects environment per person.
  2. In a mandatory order, it is recommended that women eat nuts. As a result, you will have healthy, strong and shiny hair. To maximize the result, it is recommended to additionally apply masks based on egg yolk.
  3. Nut oil has no less benefit. The composition is famous for its excellent antioxidant properties. Correct Application raw material effectively eliminates acne, abscesses and other skin ailments.
  4. Numerous studies have shown that hazelnuts have a positive effect on the treatment of infertility. In addition, the nut is widely known in the world of nutrition. Raw materials are recommended to be used as a snack instead of the usual food.
  5. The product has found its application in the field of cosmetology. A crushed walnut mixed with olive or corn oil acts as a body and face scrub. Regular procedures eliminate cellulite and age spots on the face.
  6. Hazelnut is widely used for weight loss because it has the ability to increase metabolic processes in the body. Again, its nutritional properties allow you to curb your appetite. A person eats less, but eats up and gradually loses weight.

The benefits of hazelnuts for pregnant and lactating

  1. Hazelnuts will bring invaluable benefits to girls during gestation. The nut contains an abundance folic acid and tocopherol, which are essential during pregnancy.
  2. Vitamin E helps the body resist various ailments. In addition, the enzyme significantly reduces the likelihood of miscarriage.
  3. Pregnant girls need to consume nuts so that the fetus in the womb is formed in accordance with the term. Reduces the likelihood of developing birth defects.
  4. Hazelnuts are indicated for consumption by women during lactation. The rich composition of the nut saturates breast milk microelements, makes it more nutritious and useful. Walnut will help get rid of buckwheat in milk and improve fat content.

  1. Hazelnuts should become an integral part of the diet of men. Walnut contains a huge amount of protein. The product is widely known among athletes. The systematic eating of hazelnuts allows for short term build muscle mass.
  2. Regular workouts at the gym and proper nutrition help you create the perfect body. Remember, without perseverance, you will not achieve the desired result. Hazelnuts help the body produce testosterone, which is important for men.
  3. In addition, experts recommend eating hazelnuts in order to prevent the development of prostatitis. Walnut protects the body from negative impact environment during strenuous exercise.
  4. It has been proven that raw materials significantly increase potency. For good health It is enough to eat 40 grams every day. hazelnuts. sexual function will work without interruption even after 50 years.

The benefits of hazelnuts for children

  1. Hazelnuts are recommended for children to eat not only as a treat, but also as excellent remedy from various ailments. Nuts strengthen physical state child and immune system. Raw materials must be eaten for general development bone and muscle tissue. Fat metabolism accelerates in the body.
  2. From hazelnuts, you can make your own delicious treat in the form of nut butter. The kids will love this treat. The composition has nutritional properties and is easily absorbed by the body. The daily norm of nuts for children should not exceed 12 pieces.
  3. In ancient times, hazelnuts were given to children to prevent gas formation in the intestines. To fix the problem, you need to prepare nut milk. To do this, lightly fry 100 gr. nuts, chop and pour 500 ml. homemade milk. Stir in vanilla for taste.

Hazelnut contraindications

  1. Despite the invaluable benefits, hazelnuts are forbidden to be included in the diet of people who suffer from diabetes at an advanced stage. Raw materials are also contraindicated when chronic disease liver.
  2. An adult should not eat more than 50 grams daily. raw materials. Otherwise, a severe headache will occur. Active ingredients in nuts provoke a spasm of blood vessels in the brain.
  3. Hazelnut is contraindicated for consumption when atopic dermatitis, obesity, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver. It is also worth considering the individual intolerance of raw materials.

The main value of hazelnuts lies in its nutritional properties and fully balanced chemical composition. The product practically does not contain carbohydrates, but it contains enough fatty acids and proteins to ensure the full functioning of the human body.

Video: what is the use of hazelnuts

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