Everyone's favorite raw peanuts - the benefits and harms of peanuts. Roasted peanuts: benefits and harms for women

Peanuts were grown by the indigenous people of America long before it was discovered by H. Columbus. It was brought to Europe by the Spanish conquistadors, after which it gained mass popularity. The name "peanut" has firmly come into use. Is he really like that? What are peanuts - is it a nut or bean pod? Let's figure it out, and at the same time find out how to grow it in our own garden, because it's quite real.

What is a peanut?

Under this name, a whole genus of leguminous plants is combined, including, according to rough estimates, about 70 species. The origin of the word "peanut" probably has ancient Greek roots, in translation it means "spider" and is associated with a mesh pattern on the fruit. The genus of these plants belongs to or Moth, and their fruit, in turn, is called a bean or pod. It is unilocular, the seeds in it are arranged in a row. Here is the full answer to the question of whether a peanut is a nut or a bean pod. It's definitely a bean. At the moment, only one species is known outside of South America - this is the cultivated peanut. The plant is actively cultivated all over the world, in America, Asia, Europe. The maximum yield was achieved in Israel.

Cultural peanut (peanut): description

This is an annual plant with a height of 25 to 70 centimeters. has a rod structure and is quite branched. Peanut stalk 4-5-sided, pubescent or bare. Lateral branches, depending on the variety, can be erect (bush forms) or creeping. The arrangement of the leaves of the plant is regular, the length is different - from 3 to 10 cm. They are paired, entire, elongated and pointed. The stipule fuses with the petiole. The flowers of cultivated peanuts can be yellow-red or white, collected in short racemes.

Why are peanuts called peanuts?

The argument about whether peanuts are nuts or bean pods has already been answered. But the question arises, how do they end up in the ground, if Peanuts are an amazing plant, and this fact is a confirmation of this. Flowering lasts only about a day. After fertilization occurs, the growth process of the gynophore (outgrowth of the receptacle) begins. It gradually lengthens and, together with the ovary, burrows into the soil, where the further development of the bean and its maturation take place. The flowering of the plant itself is quite long, begins in June and continues until autumn. One plant can produce up to 40 beans.

Is it possible to grow a peanut on your site?

The question of whether it arises among summer residents and gardeners very often, because everyone wants to have something interesting, if not exotic, on their site. Many people know, love and grow peas. So peanuts - this is his, he not only looks like him, but also agricultural technology is just as simple. The main requirement is hot summer. Peanuts are very thermophilic, and if the temperature drops below +15, then growth practically stops. The decision on the expediency of its landing must be taken taking into account this factor. If the temperature drop is short-term, then the beds can be covered with special material or film. Growing peanuts in the conditions of the southern regions is easy and simple, in the middle lane it is also possible, but temporary shelter may be required, in the Urals and Siberia in open ground conditions it is a little difficult, only if the summer is very hot, which cannot be guaranteed.

Sometimes peanuts are grown at home, which is also quite acceptable. However, it is worth remembering that you will not get a big harvest from this. Seeds can be purchased at a specialized store or ordinary peanuts on the market, only they must be in shell. Choose a pot not very deep, but wide. It is best to use the soil purchased, do not forget to pour a drainage layer on the bottom of the dishes.

soil for peanuts

Members of the genus Peanuts are legumes, and they all love light, fertile, and well-drained soils. There should be no stagnant moisture in the soil. Choose a sunny place for peanuts, it will not grow in the shade, the plant is very sun-loving.

You can plant a peanut when the soil warms up to at least 15 ° (not earlier than the second half of May). On the prepared bed, make holes 10 cm deep, place them in a checkerboard pattern at a distance of 30-50 cm. There should also be a significant space between the rows (25-30 cm), since the plants are sprawling and with a powerful root system.

Seed preparation

Seeds before planting can be soaked for 12-24 hours, before hatching. Before planting, water the hole, put two or three nuts in it and sprinkle with earth. Shoots appear quickly enough, and they also grow intensively. In regions where the spring is long or cool, you can also plant peanuts. Growing is possible in seedlings. Nuts should also be soaked in water, and then planted to a depth of about 5 cm in small pots (8-10 cm high). This should be done around the beginning or middle of April.

Watering and fertilizing

Peanuts are very sensitive to excess moisture in both soil and air, they do not like it. Therefore, in terms of watering, everything is quite simple. It is enough to slightly moisten the soil once a week, if there were rains, then this is not necessary. Mature plants are watered only in the case of a very dry summer, and then only until the moment when the ovaries burrow into the soil.

Peanuts respond well to the application of mineral fertilizers. It is best to add them to the soil in the process of digging and arranging beds. Use complex preparations.

Peanut care

Knowing how to grow peanuts in your summer cottage, you can always get a small crop of nutritious nuts. The culture is very unpretentious and simple in agricultural technology. Care before flowering and fruit formation consists mainly in the timely weeding of the beds from weeds and loosening the soil.

A distinctive feature of peanuts is that its flower blooms in the morning and fades by evening, during which time it must be pollinated, only under this condition a fruit is formed. When the ovary gradually sinks down and burrows into the soil, the first hilling can be carried out. How this is done is known to everyone who grows potatoes on the plot. The procedure is repeated several times throughout the season as needed.

Peanut seeds, as well as its young shoots, can become easy prey for birds, so it is recommended at first to either cover the plants or install a scarecrow in the garden.


The yellowing and drying leaves and stems of the plant will inform you that it is time to harvest peanut fruits. As a rule, this happens in the fall, in mid-September. The bush must be dug out very carefully, it is best to use a pitchfork for this. It is not necessary to separate the roots from the stem. Plants are gently shaken off the ground and dried whole. They need to be hung or laid out on a dry surface in a well-ventilated, non-damp area. After ten days, you can safely separate the peanuts in the shell from the dry plant. The fruits need some more time to dry. The shell should dry completely and become thin and brittle. After that, you can extract nuts from it. Under favorable environmental conditions and proper agricultural technology, up to 500 g of fruits can be obtained from one peanut bush.

Having received an answer to the question of whether peanuts are nuts or bean pods, you can safely start growing them. Agrotechnics is extremely simple and does not entail special expenditures of time and effort. But how much joy there will be from a crop grown by oneself.

Peanuts can be found everywhere: from free sale to exotic fillings in chocolate and sweets. This type of nut is in no way inferior to the walnut in terms of popularity, and in some countries (for example, America) pastes and oils are made from it.

The chemical composition of the peanut

The benefits of peanuts lie primarily in its vitamin and mineral complex and do not lag behind other nut counterparts. This composition of vitamins is contained in one peanut nut:

Peanuts are rich in fiber, which has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract, magnesium, which forms strong muscles and bones, amino acids that regulate cholesterol, folic and nicotinic acids.

Useful properties of peanut

Useful properties of peanuts appear in any form: raw, roasted, ground into a powder for confectionery and mashed into a paste. However, it is raw and dried that is richest in microelements. Daily consumption of a small handful of nuts will lead to the following consequences:

  1. Increased health of cardio-vascular system. Firstly, harmful cholesterol is burned and the risk of blockage of blood vessels is reduced, which will prevent the development of such an ailment as. Secondly, the walls are strengthened and the permeability of blood through them improves, and this reduces the likelihood of a heart attack, angina pectoris, and stroke.
  2. Peanuts are used for anticancer therapy due to its antioxidant properties. Antioxidants (biokanin and genistein) hinder the activity of free radicals, which cause aging of the body and the occurrence of neoplasms.
  3. P-coumaric acid and carcinogens nitroamines give peanuts the ability to reduce the risk gastrointestinal cancer. Two tablespoons of peanuts, eaten twice a week, reduce the likelihood of developing neoplasms in men by 27% and in women by 58%. If you take oil in such a dosage, then the gallbladder will be cleansed of excess bile and stones will not form in it.
  4. For athletes peanut diet will be a good addition to the main activities. The incoming elements will be more quickly decomposed into components and converted into energy needed for training and other physical activity. Walnut will help with building muscle mass and increasing overall performance.
  5. Not bad prevention of diabetes and obesity due to the mineral manganese, which accelerates the absorption of incoming nutrients and regulates sugar levels. Despite the fact that peanuts become more caloric at two years and older, weight-prone people whose diet includes peanut butter are much less likely to become obese and succumb to glucose spikes.
  6. If you use a peanut in the first trimester and before pregnancy, the fetus immediately begins to form healthy nervous system. And if you continue to use after childbirth, you can reduce the manifestations of postpartum depression.
  7. Vitamin E, fatty acids, magnesium, zinc, omega-3 acids and other elements increase the benefits of peanuts for skin, prevent psoriasis, acne rashes, eczema, acne. The skin gets rid of redness and irritation, returns a smooth texture, renews itself faster and gets rid of damaged cells. Applied externally and internally, peanut oil will cope with age-related wilting, the formation of wrinkles and lines, protect against dangerous ultraviolet radiation, and restore firmness and elasticity.
  8. Used as a food and as a cosmetic, the peanut improves hair condition. It nourishes curls with a complex of beneficial acids and trace elements, heals the epidermis of the head and hair roots. The blood circulation between the cells improves, which makes them better nourished and stronger, and this, in turn, prevents baldness, saturates the natural color with a noticeable shine.

It should be remembered that the beneficial properties of peanuts will not manifest themselves from a single use. To achieve results, you need to use it in a course of at least a few weeks, but preferably months, if there are no contraindications.

For women, peanuts are useful at any age, not just during pregnancy. Having iron in its composition, it helps to make menstruation easier for the fair sex, when a certain amount of blood is lost. And constant blood loss reduces hemoglobin, this is especially acute with age, during menopause. Peanut dishes will help improve the health of women suffering from anemia.

In the postpartum period, the introduction of peanuts into the diet will improve the production of milk and its quality, which, in turn, will fill the baby's body with vitamins. Tryptophan affects the production of serotonin, which helps to get rid of depression after childbirth.

Antioxidant properties will reduce the risk of neoplasms in the mammary glands and genitals.

The benefits of peanuts for men

Men also do not hurt to introduce a handful of this product into their diet, no matter what age they are and no matter what profession they belong to.

The benefits of peanuts for men, first of all, is to “balance” the hormonal background: thanks to selenium, more testosterone is produced. The problem with potency is also resolved and the quality of sexual life is improved.

Modern middle-aged men, and this is somewhere around 35-40 years old, are at increased risk. This applies to the work of the heart and blood vessels. Potassium, which is contained in peanuts, restores vascular tone and evens out the heart rhythm.

And for those who are actively engaged in exercises, running, trying to keep themselves in shape, peanuts will help build muscle and recover faster after intense workouts.

The harm of peanuts for the body

This type of nut has a fairly high allergenic properties, so people who are allergic to peanuts or simply have an increased sensitivity should refrain from it. With hypersensitivity and presence, there is a risk of developing a cross allergy to peanuts. The site site does not recommend such people to use peanuts without discussing with a doctor.

During pregnancy, when most foods become unpredictably dangerous, peanuts should be introduced into the diet in small portions. First, 2 or 3 nuts, then increase by 1 nut. If there are no allergic reactions, you can switch to a larger amount in consultation with your doctor.

It should be remembered that roasted peanuts are quite high in calories and will not suit people on diets.

A harmless serving of peanuts is 15-20 nuts per day. From an excess of the product (about 400 mg per day), sodium begins to accumulate in the body, which leads to swelling. Therefore, people who have a tendency to edema should also refrain from peanuts.

Peanuts are an annual herbaceous plant that belongs to the legume family. Nuts (fruits) are enclosed in pods with several things in each. Peanuts grow mainly in countries with a humid and warm climate. The flower is yellow and only blooms for one day. After pollination, the ovary appears, and the elongated pedicel gradually descends to the ground. Having reached the soil, it burrows into it. There Peanuts begin to ripen. That is why this plant is called Peanut. Peanuts also have underground flowers. They are located at a depth of about 20 centimeters. Pods also develop from them. Now, through the efforts of breeders, more than 72 species of this plant have been bred. They differ from each other in size and color: from purple to variegated. It is possible that the name of the plant has Greek roots and is translated as "spider" due to the similarity of the fruit pattern with the cobweb.

Until now, there is no consensus on where exactly the homeland of the nut is located. Some believe that this is South America, and some prefer Africa. It is believed that thanks to the Spanish conquistadors, the nut from Latin America came to Africa and Asia, and only then to North America. Until now, peanuts are found in ancient excavations that date back about a thousand years.

Peanut Properties

What are the benefits of peanuts? Peanut contains the most unique amino acids, biotin, polyunsaturated acids, trace elements, vegetable fats and vitamins such as B1, B2, PP, D. Nut contains about 35% protein and 50% fat. Peanut proteins have an optimal ratio of amino acids. This contributes to their good absorption by the body. Fats have a weak choleretic effect and are very useful for gastritis and peptic ulcer. Regular use of peanuts improves attention, memory, hearing, normalizes potency, improves the functioning of the liver, heart and other internal organs. In addition, the folic acid contained in nuts is able to renew cells. There is absolutely no cholesterol in peanuts, which makes it indispensable for those people who have problems with the circulatory system.

Recent developments by scientists have proven that the peanut contains a substantial amount of antioxidant substances that help protect cells from harmful free radicals. Polyphenols, in particular, contribute to the prevention of heart disease, ischemia, atherosclerosis, premature aging and various types of cancer.

French scientists use peanuts in the treatment of hemophilia, while achieving very good results. Given that the nut contains a large amount of fiber, it is prescribed to combat constipation. It contributes to the natural cleansing of the intestines and stimulates its activity.

Including peanuts in your meals just a few times a week will prevent the formation of gallstones and significantly reduce the risk of colon cancer. It should also be noted that roasted peanuts are 25% higher than raw peanuts in terms of the amount of polyphenols. In general, we can safely say that peanuts are one of the champions in antioxidant properties and are second only to pomegranate in this.

Peanut can also be used as a calming product for excessive nervous excitability. It is great for insomnia and fatigue. During a serious illness, it is simply necessary to eat some nuts every day. The oil is often used in wound healing. It is enough to eat only 25 nuts a day and the general state of health will improve, wrinkles will smooth out. And for those who lead an active lifestyle and go in for sports, regular consumption of peanuts is simply necessary to maintain vitality and vigor.

Eating peanuts

Oddly enough, but the peanut has long been considered not only harmful to use, but even dangerous. The location of the conquistadors in South America is to blame for this. The climate turned out to be unusual for them, but for some reason frequent headaches and fatigue were not associated with it, but with peanuts. Therefore, at first, peanuts were used exclusively to create lantern oil. Europeans also did not immediately want to accept this product. And only in the 19th century, peanuts entered their diet. History claims that a Frenchman named Condamine was a fierce advocate and supporter of the use of the peanut. The original young man spent his whole life promoting this product.

Africans immediately appreciated the benefits of the product. After all, peanuts are not only a protein for humans, but also a good nitrogen fertilizer. Residents of the hot continent prepare soups from nuts, add it to rice or millet. And in China, peanuts gained popularity as an elite food that only fairly wealthy people could afford. Now this country is one of the main suppliers of nuts to other countries. In China, peanuts are raw materials for the preparation of more than three hundred types of products. Chinese peanuts are of excellent quality and, in addition, are quite affordable.

But the peanut is especially popular in the USA. The annual cultivation of this crop in the country reaches about 450,000 tons. There, peanuts are mainly used to make everyone's favorite butter, as well as chocolate and margarine. For Americans, breakfast without peanut butter is often unthinkable. There are several types of peanut butter: refined non-deodorized, refined deodorized and unrefined. Butter is spread on a sandwich or toast. Sandwiches spread with jelly and peanut butter are very popular among Americans. Peanuts are added to cookies and various sauces to give them a nutty flavor. And once they were fed to slaves, since peanuts were very cheap and nutritious. Agricultural chemist George Washington Carver played a major role in the distribution of the walnut to the United States. It was he who invented about 300 goods and products from peanuts. Great demand for peanuts appeared during the Second World War, due to its high nutritional value. This nut has also found its application in agriculture as feed for livestock. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that November is considered “Peanut Butter Month” in America.

In Russia, the peanut appeared around 1825. It began to be grown in some botanical gardens of the country as an overseas curiosity. However, there was no particular excitement about this product. The easiest way to consume it is to eat a few raw or lightly roasted beans. However, peanuts can be added to salads, soups, and even pasta with meat. Fried chicken or fish sprinkled with peanut crumbs will taste great. And even more so, no one will refuse ice cream with peanuts. It's tasty and healthy.

There are a lot of dishes that are prepared using peanuts. Simple and complex, classic and original. The choice is huge. HozOboz offers many recipes for every taste.

Peanuts for men

The unique ability of the walnut to increase potency and libido is widely known to many. In addition, peanuts are often recommended for the treatment of infertility, not only male, but also female, as this remedy normalizes the balance of hormones in the body. Improving blood, preventing heart disease, boosting immunity is a great help for men who lead an active lifestyle.

Peanuts during pregnancy

In principle, the beneficial properties of peanuts are equally important for both men and women. The only moment that can be an exception is pregnancy. After all, it is at this time that a woman has to take care not only of her health, but, above all, of the health of the baby she carries under her heart.

So should you eat peanuts during pregnancy or not? Opinions differ on this matter. For some time it was believed that the use of peanuts during this period could provoke the appearance of an allergy to it in a newborn child. Recent studies by British scientists have proven that this is not at all the case. Of course, the risk of an allergic reaction increases several times, but this does not mean that an allergy will be necessary. True, this risk is present only if the family already has allergies. Therefore, as they say, away from sin. It is worth being patient and not provoking undesirable phenomena. But, if you really want to, then you should know when to stop.

Peanuts for a nursing mother

The baby was born and it seems that you can breathe a sigh of relief. However, some of the resulting freedom does not always concern food. Foods that were not recommended by doctors as nutrition during pregnancy continue to be banned. The same goes for peanuts. The baby's body is still too weak to expose it to various stresses. Therefore, in order to avoid possible troubles, it is better to exclude from your diet or minimize the use of peanuts, which are a fairly strong allergen. Although this is an individual question, it is better to wait until the child is 3-4 years old. At this age, the daily norm should not exceed 10 nuts per day. Peanuts are sometimes even recommended for the treatment of diathesis in children.

Peanuts for children

Walnut is often used in cooking. This applies to nuts or butter. Peanuts sweet and salty, glazed and chocolate, butter and paste. How often do parents indulge their beloved children with such delicacies. However, before treating a child with peanuts, you should know what kind of benefit it will bring to a growing body.

Peanut contains:

  • A large amount of nutrients and protein, which makes it the most valuable product intended specifically for baby food.
  • Nuts improve memory and attention, and this is so useful for the development of the child's body.
  • With such a disease as a cough, you can add a few chopped nuts to any porridge. Such food will surely please the baby and will be extremely useful.
  • The benefits of peanuts will manifest themselves only if you use it correctly.

Like every product, peanuts also have harmful properties. These include:

  1. Fresh peanuts contain digestive enzyme inhibitors. They can significantly impede the absorption of protein from food.
  2. Peanuts are the strongest allergen, so you should be extremely careful when using them in food.
  3. A nut that has not been stored properly can contain aflatoxins. These substances negatively affect the functioning of the liver. When buying peanuts, you should pay attention, first of all, to its smell and appearance. If the storage rules are violated (especially at high humidity), a fungus may appear on the surface. This is a mold that releases toxins that are harmful to the human body. Moreover, it is impossible to detect it with the naked eye.
  4. Raw nuts in some cases can cause indigestion.

All these indicators can reduce the positive effect of the product to zero. In order for the product to bring only benefits, you should know how to choose it correctly. It is worth considering the following points:

  • When purchasing peanuts in a store, you should pay attention to the color of the nuts. They should not have any stains or streaks. The surface must be uniform and even.
  • A musty smell is an indication that the peanut has not been stored properly. Unfortunately, storage rules are not always followed. This is especially true of markets and food stalls. The prices are lower and the quality is worse. Therefore, you should try to avoid dubious savings by buying a cheap low-quality product.
  • And, of course, it is important to pay attention to the general sanitary conditions of the place where the sale takes place.

It should be remembered that excessive consumption of roasted nuts can lead to excess weight. So the mass obesity of Americans is not unreasonably associated with the excessive consumption of peanut products. Peanut husks can cause allergies, so it must be removed. Fortunately, it is quite easy to remove, especially after frying. And, again, everything needs a measure.

Buy or grow?

Despite the fact that the homeland of the peanut is warm countries, you can try to grow it yourself. And it is not necessary to have a large plot of land for this. A small garden or even a window sill is suitable for this. In addition, it will be very interesting to observe the growth of the plant. Growing peanuts is a fun activity. The plant loves loose and warm soil, which must first be dried and dug up. Planting seeds is carried out no earlier than the soil warms up to 10 degrees. It is best to do this at the very beginning of May. Between the beds should be a distance of at least 60 centimeters. I pre-soak the seeds in warm water. You can use a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Of course, the fruits must be raw, not fried. For several weeks, the landing is covered. The cover is removed only when the weather becomes warm enough.

Then the earth should be constantly loosened and watered well, while not flooding. Once every thirty days, the plant is spudded. And during flowering, the soil should be loose. This will make it easier for the plant to reach the ground. The crop can be harvested in early autumn. Yellowed leaves will show exactly when to do it. On one bush can grow up to 40 fruits. Peanuts prefer light or light shade. Growing peanuts at home is exactly the same. Only on the windowsill it can be done all year round. Store peanuts in cloth bags unpeeled.

Peanuts - contraindications

First of all, it is an allergy to this product or an individual intolerance. Moreover, the allergy to peanuts manifests itself quite strongly. It can cause burning, itching and swelling of the larynx. Those who have problems with the pancreas and liver should be especially careful with peanuts. The use of Chinese walnut is not recommended for arthritis, arthrosis and gout.

  1. For all its beneficial properties, the peanut diet is contraindicated for proteins. Their fur deteriorates and their eyesight weakens. The reason for this phenomenon has not yet been elucidated.
  2. It was calculated that to make 350 grams of butter, exactly 549 nuts would be required.
  3. In the US, 40 million people eat peanut butter every day.
  4. The fear that peanut butter will stick to the palate is called arachibutyrophobia.
  5. It is on this oil that divers prefer to cook food, since it does not smoke even at very high temperatures.
  6. The color of peanut fruits depends on the color of the soil. On light soils, a light-colored nut will grow, and on dark soils, a dark one will grow.
  7. Do not assume that peanuts are just a wonderful popular treat. It is, among other things, used in the manufacture of dynamite.

Now peanuts are the second most important legume (after soybeans), which is used not only for food, but also in medicine and industry. However, unfortunately, in order to increase productivity and protect the plant from harmful insects, unscrupulous producers are increasingly using large doses of herbicides and insecticides, thereby reducing the benefits of the nut to zero.


Peanut has a choleretic effect, it is useful for people with gastritis and gastric ulcer, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the genitourinary system, renews skin cells, improves hearing, memory and attention.

Peanuts, the benefits and harms of which have long been proven by scientists, contain proteins that are so necessary for the human body, which make them very satisfying and nutritious. Everyone knows and loves the taste of these nuts, but not everyone knows that peanuts are a valuable oil crop, since they are legumes, which means they contain 60% healthy fat and 30% vegetable protein. That is why the bulk of the nut crop is processed into oil.

Harvest of peanuts

The highest grades of delicious and healthy peanut butter, which is not inferior in taste to olive oil, are used for the preparation of high-quality canned fish, premium margarine, confectionery and bakery products, as well as in pharmacology. The lowest grade peanut oil is used in soap making. Peanut proteins are used in the production of high-quality vegetable wool - ardila, the manufacture of plastics, glue and many other products.

Despite the beneficial properties of peanuts, their improper use can harm the body. Therefore, there are some contraindications for their reception:

  • with a tendency to allergies;
  • in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas;
  • with violations of the liver;
  • with increased blood clotting;
  • with varicose veins;
  • with arthritis and arthrosis;
  • with gout.

The peanut, the benefits and harms of which we are considering today, affects the biochemical processes of the human body and has a persistent phytotherapeutic effect on it. The antioxidants contained in these nuts protect living cells from the harmful effects of free radicals.

The unique substances in peanuts have a similar composition to those found in red wine, which is considered one of the best remedies for the prevention of cardiovascular disease (see contraindications for drinking wine).

Peanuts for cardiovascular disease prevention

Because of this, peanuts are recommended for the prevention of heart disease and cancer. Its medicinal properties are used for protein deficiency, for sclerotic vascular disorders, hemophilia, for weight loss with overweight in women and men, and for children's diathesis. These beans are also very useful for the human nervous system: they help with insomnia, soothe with nervous overexcitation, eliminate harm from physical overwork, help to quickly restore strength and overall well-being.

But we must not forget that peanuts, like them, have a high calorie content and can harm the slimness of the figure. Therefore, for weight loss, it is still not worth abusing this wonderful medicinal product. Nutritionists recommend the optimal dose of peanuts per day, equal to 30 grams. It should be noted that during frying, the nutrients of nuts are mostly destroyed, so it is better to eat them in their natural raw form.

Useful and medicinal properties of peanuts are the ability to increase potency, improve erective function and increase the amount of quality sperm. In addition, the benefits of peanuts for men and women are applied in the treatment of infertility.

The benefits of peanuts for men and women

Peanuts increase immunity, help to remove fatigue and irritability. Peanuts contain tryptophan, a natural amino acid that produces serotonin in the body, which has an impact on a positive attitude and good mood in a person. From this it follows that the use of peanuts helps fight depression and blues.

Peanut diet for women

Everyone is probably wondering, but what are the benefits and harms of peanuts for weight loss? According to scientists from America, peanuts are an excellent way to improve and maintain a slim figure. Many of the Hollywood star women who meticulously control their weight have long been using its dietary properties for weight loss in their diet. Only 25 nuts a day help to normalize the activity of the circulatory system, promote better regeneration and elasticity of the skin, as well as smooth out fine wrinkles.

Thanks to all their wonderful properties, peanuts are an excellent dietary product for weight loss, helping to reduce and control body weight. The high protein content in its cores gives you quick satiety and helps you not feel hungry for longer. Nut proteins are quickly and without residue digested by the body, which prevents it from gaining weight. Peanut diets for weight loss include not only the nuts themselves in raw or fried form, but also delicious and no less healthy peanut butter (and has similar properties and contraindications).

The benefit of peanuts for women who dream of a slim figure is that with such a diet for weight loss, other foods do not need to be abandoned. You should only eat healthier foods and monitor portion sizes, because any overeating is harmful to beauty and harmony. Snacks between meals should be replaced with peanuts or butter, but remember that 100 grams of these products contain about 500 kcal. Therefore, in order for such a diet to benefit the figure, and not harm, nutritionists recommend eating them no more than one tablespoon per day.

This plant is native to South America. The climate is warm and not too spoiled by rains. Maybe this is what explains the unusual feature of fruit ripening. But about everything in order.

What does the name "peanut" mean? Indeed, this discrepancy is immediately noticeable - real nuts ripen on trees or shrubs, and not at all in the soil like tubers or root crops. In addition, from the point of view of botany, peanuts belong to the legume family, and here something in common is already traced - take at least the shape of the pods and the fruits located in them, as well as the taste of these unripe "nuts" so reminiscent of the taste of green peas. In this case, why do they form, deepening into the soil, and not under the rays of the sun, as, for example, in beans or beans? The explanation for this "behavior" can be the dry climate of the places of natural growth of peanuts, in which plants, trying to save precious moisture from the scorching heat, hide pollinated flowers to form ovaries in the soil.

If you observe the development of the plant, you will notice that the fruits are first of all tied on the flowers that are closest to the ground. Those that are taller, even if they had fertilization, but they could not “burrow” into the ground in time, inevitably die. And although peanut flowers are self-pollinating, they live only for a day, so the ovaries are far from being formed on everyone.

Peanut is a southern culture, thermophilic, but annual. This makes it possible to grow it very successfully even in our climate. Having created the necessary conditions for the growth, development and fruiting of peanuts, it will be possible not only to observe the unusual vegetation of the plant and understand for yourself whether peanuts are a nut or legumes, but also to enjoy “snacks” from your own garden.

The benefits of peanut

It is difficult to find a person who has not tried peanuts, because they are present in many food products - in confectionery, all kinds of desserts, in sauces and pastes, in pastries and bakery products. Due to its taste and low cost, it is perhaps the most used nut in the food industry. Someone is a fan of nutty sweets, someone likes to nibble them in a fried salted form, and someone likes the delicate and thick consistency of peanut butter. So what is the use of this product and is it safe to consume it in unlimited quantities?

Positive qualities of peanuts:

  • This is a very nutritious product, well absorbed by the body. Its calorie content is 658 kcal per 100 grams. Fats - 45.2 g (almost the daily norm of an adult), proteins - 26.3 g and carbohydrates - 9.9 g, while, given the plant origin of the product, you should not worry about the presence of cholesterol. Conclusion: recommended for convalescent patients (as part of dietary nutrition); people who have great physical activity (quick recovery); pregnant and lactating (providing with vitamins and increasing the calorie content of breast milk); people suffering from low weight, as well as a growing child's body (as an additional food).
  • Now about vitamins. Group B, which affects many metabolic processes in the body, the appearance and even the mood of a person, is represented almost in its entirety. A special place (half of the daily requirement in 100 g of nuts) is occupied by folic acid (B9), which is responsible for the well-being of the circulatory and immune systems in the body. Let not so much ascorbic acid, but vitamin E - the key to youth and strength - in 100 g of nuts is more than half of the daily requirement. And a real panacea for many serious ailments is vitamin PP, the necessity and importance of which is recognized by most progressive physicians. Conclusion: peanuts are included in the diet of pregnant women (reduces the risk of developing fetal pathologies); for diseases of the joints (arthritis, osteochondrosis, injuries), hypertension, gastrointestinal tract (normalizes metabolic processes, removes toxins), patients with cardiovascular diseases (prevention and recovery after heart attacks), as well as low hemoglobin and beriberi.
  • As for micro and macro elements, peanuts contain a lot of phosphorus, potassium and magnesium, and there is also sodium, iron, selenium, manganese and zinc. It is difficult to overestimate such a "generosity" of peanuts, because 100 g of nuts per day can provide up to 70% of the substances necessary for the proper nutrition of our body's cells.

But when consuming peanuts, you should remember that moderation is needed in everything!

What is the danger of peanuts?

Given the high calorie content of nuts, they should be used very limitedly by people who are overweight, as well as those who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

Peanuts, however, like any other product, should be carefully included in the diet of baby food. Indeed, in addition to the fact that a growing organism does not always successfully cope with a large amount of incoming fats (and there is enough of it in nuts), the possibility of allergic reactions is not excluded. Therefore, they are given to children only from the age of 3, starting with 2-3 nuts a day. If everything went well, the dosage can be gradually increased, bringing up to 10-12 pieces. Pediatricians consider this a sufficient amount, but if the child tolerates peanut treats well, then you can increase the recommended rate. If the baby has a poor appetite and does not reach his age group in weight, then a few nuts between feedings will be a healthy snack.

When using a peanut, an allergy can appear after a couple of minutes, and after 5-6 hours. The reaction is expressed in the following symptoms:

  • skin rashes, often accompanied by itching and pain;
  • swelling and redness, gradually spreading from the source of occurrence along the surface of the skin;
  • soreness of the larynx, turning into swelling of the entire oral cavity (a clear sign of anaphylactic shock);
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • acute pain in the abdomen.

If any of these symptoms appear, you should stop eating nuts and consult a doctor. Timely medical care is especially important when symptoms of anaphylactic shock are detected, in which the risk of death reaches 20%. The first thing to do is to immediately call an ambulance, and while waiting for the doctors to arrive, lay the victim on his back, turn his head to one side and ensure the maximum flow of fresh air.

Taking antihistamines improves the condition of patients, but in the future, people with allergic reactions to the consumption of peanuts should be very careful when choosing food. You should especially carefully study the composition of desserts, because often negligent manufacturers, stating expensive nuts in the name, actually replace them with the cheapest peanuts, notifying this on the label in the smallest print.

Another danger that can be fraught with the use of peanuts is its quality. Failure to comply with the rules for storage and transportation of the product can lead to deterioration and accumulation of a toxic substance - aflatoxin (one of the most powerful and dangerous allergens). An unpleasant smell, mold on the shell, rancid taste of nuts - all this indicates their unsuitability.

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