All the minerals that people need. Students must be able to. What are trace minerals

But also inorganic nutrients. The last group includes various salts, inorganic complexes and water.

The role of minerals in the body

Mineral components constantly come with food in the form of complex structures, as part of salts, which in physiological environments break down into charged particles - ions. Normally, the concentration of mineral components in the body is constant. It is ensured by a balance between input and output. Minerals have no energy value, which does not diminish their importance.

Functions of minerals in the body

  • Inorganic substances provide normal osmotic pressure all human biological fluids.
  • As an integral part of vitamins, enzymes, hormones, mineral elements are involved in the regulation of metabolism.
  • The plastic role of minerals in the body is expressed in the formation of hard tissues: bones, teeth.
  • Ions take part in the transmission of impulses, ensuring the operation of the entire nervous system.
  • Mineral components perform important role in the process of blood coagulation.
  • The main functions of minerals in the cell are reduced to providing a constant osmotic pressure of the protoplasm - the internal biological environment.

Depending on the concentration in the body, minerals are usually divided into macroelements and microelements. Sometimes ultra trace elements are isolated. Classification is important for narrow specialists. People who care about the composition of a healthy diet, it is enough to know the most important functions of minerals in the body.

Functions of minerals in the body

  • Calcium is the most important and scarce mineral element. It plays the role of a building substance and a participant in many metabolic reactions. Not surprisingly, calcium supplements often markedly improve general state person. Effective absorption of calcium in the alimentary tract occurs when balanced diet normal functioning of all organs.
  • Magnesium ensures the functioning of the heart and nerves, enhances the secretion of bile, improves bowel function.
  • Potassium performs the most important function of minerals in the cell, normalizes water-salt exchange, ensures the perception of nerve impulses by receptors.
  • Sodium is also contained in the cell, is involved in the normalization of pressure. Sodium combined with potassium is important for ensuring the work of cardio-vascular system.
  • Phosphorus is part of the brain, muscles, and other organs. Phosphorus is integral part enzymes, nucleic acids, a special substance - ATP. The latter applies to compounds with high internal energy. They are called macroergic, they provide energy supplies for muscle contraction. The lack of minerals in the body disrupts the formation of ATP, glucose metabolism.
  • Sulfur is a part of amino acids, vitamins, hormones. Sulfur is essential for normal protein metabolism, hair growth, and skin renewal. Amino acids containing sulfur (cysteine, cystine), in combination with vitamin E and ascorbic acid slow down the aging process.
  • Chlorine ions are an integral part of the hydrochloric acid of gastric juice and other body fluids. The ions activate an enzyme, such as amylase, which breaks down starch. Amylase is found in human saliva.

Elements found in the body in lower concentrations

  • Iron is an important factor that ensures respiration and blood formation. Its atoms are an integral part of the complex hemoglobin protein, which carries oxygen molecules to all organs and tissues.
  • Copper is involved in hematopoiesis, the work of the nervous system, provides a normal state connective tissue. There are enzymes that contain copper atoms.
  • Iodine is a very important chemical element. It is involved in the synthesis of thyroid hormone. Lack of iodine leads to a reduced content of the hormone, metabolic disorders in general. An excess of the mineral in the body can also be harmful to the thyroid gland.
  • The lack of fluorine provokes the appearance of caries, disorders of bones and joints. According to the recommendations of dentists, many toothpastes are fluoridated to prevent changes in dental tissue.
  • Chromium ions have different charges. An ion with a charge of +3 is a must for a person. It is involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates. An ion with a charge of +6 is toxic and is not found in food raw materials. It is especially important to maintain a normal concentration of chromium in people of mature age.
  • Manganese enters the human body through breathing, eating. Absorbed very weakly. It is an integral part of enzymes, therefore, provides biochemical reactions.
  • Nickel was classified as a useful mineral not so long ago. It is involved in the absorption of iron by the body. A person needs nickel from natural raw materials. Synthesized nickel-containing substances can be hazardous.
  • Zinc is an integral part of enzymes, is responsible for growth, puberty; plays a significant role in the formation of taste, olfactory sensations; improves the condition of the skin, hair; ensures the functioning of the nervous system, digestion. AT last years an important function of zinc in providing normal state prostate.
  • Selenium has long been considered a toxic, carcinogenic element. At the end of the last century, the important role of selenium in providing many physiological processes. Selenium ensures the functioning of the heart, preserves blood vessels from atherosclerosis, and together with vitamin E slows down the aging process.

The functions of minerals in the body are varied and significant. To provide normal operation of all systems, you need to include foods with a high concentration of useful chemical elements in the diet.

Sources of minerals

  • The optimal supplier of calcium are cottage cheese, dairy products, cheeses, beans, greens. The calcium content in the listed products can reach 1 g per 100 g of product. In meat, fish, vegetables, fruits it is much less.
  • Magnesium deficiency is rare. There is a lot of it in cereals, legumes, apricots, grapes, prunes.
  • Potassium is found in raisins, potato peels, dried apricots, legumes, sea ​​kale. With significant physical exertion, accompanied by copious excretion sweat content of these products in the diet should be increased.
  • Sodium is found in all foods. Additional quantities we absorb with table salt. There is no sodium deficiency in the body. It is important not to create an excess of it.
  • High concentrations of phosphorus are found in the liver of animals, fish roe. AT herbal products: beans, cereals, phosphorus is also a lot. It is absorbed from such sources worse.
  • Sulfur enters the human body with protein food. With a normal protein content in the diet, the need for sulfur is satisfied.
  • Chlorine comes in excess with table salt. Chlorine deficiency can be observed in metabolic disorders.

Sources of minerals found in the body in small amounts

  • Iron is found in many foods: vegetables, meat, beans, eggs, berries, apples.
  • Copper is found in many food raw materials. Its content is noticeable in green vegetables, liver, egg yolk. Copper deficiency in the body is very rare.
  • Iodine is contained in sufficient quantities in seafood, in plants that have grown on soil with a high content of this element. Considering the importance of iodine, its chronic shortage in water and soil in many areas, some food products are enriched with iodized salt.
  • Fluorine is found in many food raw materials due to its high content in water and soil. In addition to products, fluoride enters the body from toothpastes, powders, and mouth rinses.
  • Chromium enters the human alimentary tract with the liver, brewer's yeast. In a lower concentration, chromium is found in potato peel, beef, cheese, wholemeal flour.
  • Manganese is contained in the amount required by a person in cranberries and tea.
  • Zinc is rich in liver, meat, legumes, pumpkin seeds A significant amount of zinc enters the body with drinking water.
  • The content of selenium in foods is highly dependent on the content in water, soil. In China, a lot of selenium is found in expensive varieties of green tea. It turned out that increased concentration explained high content selenium in local soil. Selenium is also abundant in seafood, cereals, and meat.

How many minerals do you need per day

Sufficient quantity necessary elements It enters the body of the average person with food, subject to a varied diet. An important factor in the formation of high-quality food raw materials is proper farming, timely analysis of soil and water. The lack of minerals in the body is manifested in a general deterioration due to violations of the entire metabolism. With specific loads, the first signs of insufficiency, which can only be detected by a specialist, you need to take additional drugs.

The answer to the question "How many minerals should be consumed per day if necessary" you can find in the accompanying information for the drugs. It is important to remember that mineral complexes are similar in mechanism of action to medicines. Neglect of the recommendations of doctors, manufacturers is fraught with serious health problems.

An excess of minerals in the body can show different manifestations

  • Large amounts of poorly soluble calcium compounds can provoke the formation of stones in the excretory ducts.
  • Excess amounts of sodium can cause edema, increased pressure, and heart problems.
  • Large amounts of copper disturb skin harm the liver and kidneys.
  • An excess of fluorine disrupts the absorption and utilization of all essential nutrients.
  • Excess iodine in some pathologies of the thyroid gland can aggravate the disease.

When using synthetic mineral preparations, it is important to take into account the opinion of professionals, not to overdo it yourself.

The role of water in the human body

Water, not being a direct nutrient, is part of food products, constantly enters gastro- intestinal tract person. In plant and animal raw materials, water is contained inside the cells, in the intercellular space, is a solvent, provides appearance, the taste of products. The human body also has water inside the cells, outside the cells, in physiological media: blood, lymphatic fluid, etc. In general, a person consists of 70% water. In women, the elderly, the water content is somewhat less than in men, young people.

The functions of water in the body are varied

  • Water stabilizes the structure of protein-enzymes, promotes the implementation of metabolic transformations.
  • The transfer of all nutrients in the body takes place in aqueous solutions. This is the transport role of water in the body.
  • Removal of waste products from the body takes place with the participation of water.
  • Thanks to water, body temperature is maintained at a constant level.
  • The osmotic function of water in the cell is to maintain intracellular pressure.
  • Water takes part in all processes of digestion of food, as a reagent and as a solvent. Gastric juice, blood, lymph, others biological fluids are aqueous solutions.
  • Water is contained in the tissues that create the shape and mass of the body. This is the plastic function of water in the body.

Water exchange in the body

The man is dynamic system where constant metabolism takes place. Water is no exception. The body uses internal (endogenous water) and external, coming through the organs of nutrition, respiration, and skin. The volume of internal water formed per day reaches 400 ml, the volume of water coming from outside should be 1750-2200 ml. A concrete answer to the question "How much water should I drink per day?" depends on the climate in which a person lives, the volume physical activity, work efficiency excretory systems, diet.

The amount of internal water formed also significantly depends on the composition of the consumed products. When utilizing 100 g of fat, 107 g of water is released, carbohydrates - 66 g of water, proteins - 41 g of water. The functions of water in the cell are performed both internally and from outside. With active muscle loads, hypothermia of a person, more internal water is formed.

When exchanging water in the body, 1500 ml is excreted through the kidneys, 650 ml through the skin, 350 ml through the lungs, and 150 ml through the intestines. With active physical work extraction is intense. Losses must be compensated.

How much water should you drink per day

A variety of sources agree that you need to drink 2 liters of water per day. The advice is generally correct. It is useful to remember that when used instead of conventional products dried fruits, cereal mixtures and other products with a reduced moisture content, the volume of drinks should be increased. During the heat, with active physical exertion, the total amount of water drunk can reach 5 liters per day.

Lack of water in the body creates a feeling of thirst. The signal occurs when there is a decrease in water in the cells, their "drying", a decrease in the volume of the intercellular fluid. In parallel, there is dryness in the oral cavity, which can be aggravated by smoking, talking, shortness of breath. False thirst caused by secondary factors, can be satisfied by rinsing, wetting the mouth.

Lack of water in the body, not associated with smoking, active conversation is fraught with metabolic disorders. A 20% decrease in body weight due to dehydration leads to lethal outcome. True thirst must be satisfied plentiful drink. It is advisable to use mineral spring water. The quality of water should be given no less attention than the quality of food, the diversity of the diet.

Excess water in the body increases the load on the excretory, cardiovascular system. The physiological volume of fluid must be constant. Composition constancy internal environments called homeostasis. The body strives to maintain a homeostatic state. It is necessary to maintain a reasonable balance between lack and excess of water in the body.

Understanding the essence of physiological processes will help to form healthy style life.

Minerals for the body are the candles of life. They must have sufficient energy and health and detoxify the body. Without enough, we accumulate heavy metals to carry out various functions in body.

Mineral depletion is indeed the root cause of most diseases. Thus, it is important to constantly replenish your body with the mineral elements that it consumes on a daily basis.

Unfortunately, in today's world, natural nutrient-rich soil is becoming increasingly rare. Centuries of vegetation growth and aggressive modern methods agriculture has brought many of the earth's minerals to the surface, where they have been washed away.

Synthesized fertilizers are usually applied to farms and deposits where minerals are depleted. But artificial chemical fertilizers provide only enough mineral matter to maintain the life of the plants. Numerous minerals essential for human life are not replenished.

Experts estimate that 90 percent of Americans suffer from mineral imbalances and deficiencies. If you are one of them - be, then because of exercise, stress, or a diet of refined, nutrient-poor foods - your body will suffer from fatigue, thyroid and adrenal problems, food cravings, and numerous health symptoms, including muscle cramps.

Mineral deficiencies also lead to the accumulation of toxic metals. Metal toxicity causes all kinds of health problems that prevent modern medicine. Nor do they pay close enough attention to chronic heavy metal toxicity and mineral deficiencies.

Toxicity is a major health consequence if you don't add minerals. Not only does your body lack the basic materials it needs to perform, but it leaves you more vulnerable to our toxic modern world.

Minerals for the body: their functions

Your body is truly a masterpiece, formed from minerals. Chemical, enzymatic and electrical processes happening in your body every moment. These processes can only function properly if the proper balance of minerals is constantly supplied to your system.

Iron for your blood, sulfur for your muscles, calcium for your bones, and the aggregation of many other elements in balanced amounts help ensure your body functions properly.

Minerals are used for thousands of processes in the body, namely:

  • Digestion, absorption and assimilation.
  • Formation and control of numerous enzyme systems of the body.
  • Synthesis of hormones.
  • Reducing damage from toxic substances.
  • The movement of vitamins, hormones, minerals and other nutrients to the desired tissues and organs.
  • Regulate the interrelated functioning of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, hormones.
  • In cellular metabolic processes organism.

Almost everyone is deficient in minerals

Unfortunately, almost everyone today is deficient in minerals. The main reason is a nutritionally deficient diet. However, even if you eat the perfect organic food, you will still suffer from mineral deficiencies.

For many of my clients who have been eating well for years, this comes as a surprise. Because they are, in essence, mineral deficiencies based on their analysis. mineral properties hair. The reason is due to a combination of the following factors:

GMO. A rationally bankrupt, genetically modified food supply. Soil is depleted in most of the world, and hybrid crops are designed for depleted soil but don't contain nearly as many minerals. This is well supported by USDA statistics that have been measuring the mineral content of soils since the early 1900s.

organic deficiency. Even organic farms have mineral-deficient soil.

hybridized products. Hybrid fruits and vegetables are deficient in minerals. The more a plant breeds to have desired characteristics, such as longevity of linen or tougher hides to survive the journey, the more nutrients suffer.

Superphosphate fertilizers. Fertilizers such as sodium, phosphorus, and potassium make foods grow faster, leaving less time to absorb nutrients from the soil.

Chelating pesticides. Pesticides are heavily sprayed on food crops, using chelating minerals from weeds, killing them. The pesticide also chelates minerals from the soil. The pesticide continues to do its job of chelating (removing) the minerals in your body when you eat those leftovers from regular foods.

refined food. Eating unnaturally refined white flour, white rice, white sugar and table salt takes minerals from your body to process the body.

Nutritional supplements. Several thousand chemical food additives found in processed and prepared foods inhibit nutrient absorption.

Gluten. Eating large amounts of wheat and other irritating gluten-containing foods damages the intestinal tract, reducing nutrient absorption.

raw foods. Eating too many raw foods worsens nutritional deficiencies. Of course, some foods can only be eaten raw. Vegetables need to be cooked to get the minerals inside the plant cell walls. We don't have a digestive system to break down the hard walls of plant cells in raw foods to get enough nutrition from them.

birth defects. Even babies are extremely imperfect because their mothers are malnourished and toxic, and the conditions are passed directly from mother to child.

Poor digestion. Many people have poor digestion due to bad diet, intestinal infections, stress, fatigue, improper food preparation and wrong eating habits (too fast food) that will interfere with mineral absorption.

The only people who are not deficient in minerals feed and grow their own produce in mineral soil, or they go the extra mile to replenish their soils every year. It will also be people who buy natural, organic grass, meat, eggs and raw foods. Good example- Amish.

What causes mineral imbalances?

Many factors cause mineral deficiencies and imbalances. I have listed many of the issues related to people's food and eating habits above, but there are many more factors that contribute to mineral imbalances:

Stress. It can actually deplete minerals from the body. Stress reduces the digestive capacity of most people and quickly uses up vital minerals.

Toxic metals and chemicals. They can replace minerals at enzyme binding sites and interfere with mineral absorption.

Fatigue. Fatigue reduces digestive capacity in a vicious cycle, leading to more disease. Many people today suffer from adrenal and thyroid problems that contribute to fatigue. If you are addicted to sugar and caffeine, you probably have adrenal and/or thyroid problems.

Wrong drinking water . Tap water is unsafe due to the addition of chlorine, aluminum, fluoride, and possibly copper. There are other types of water that do not hydrate the body, such as reverse osmosis. The only type of water I recommend is spring water because it is the best hydrator and contains many trace elements.

medicines, birth control pills and much more. All of them are toxic to the body. Take medical preparations usually irritates the intestinal tract and impairs digestion. Most drugs also interfere and use nutrients.

Taking the wrong supplements. Taking minerals and vitamins that are not compatible with your body chemistry. This is a common mistake and can cause further mineral resource imbalances. Minerals are very bulky and you should consult your doctor to correct the lack of minerals.

Unhealthy Lifestyle. Many people do not get enough sleep and stay up too late. We need at least 8 hours every night. Excessive exercise also causes huge loss of minerals. Exercise is good, but should be done in moderation (about 3-4 times per week).

negative emotions. Emotions such as anger, fear, anxiety and more contribute to stress and use a lot of minerals.

Minerals for the Body: Why You Need Chelated Minerals

Chelated minerals are the best form of minerals.

There is a significant difference between chelated minerals and inorganic minerals such as calcium from oyster shells.

Chelated minerals consist of a mineral attached to an amino acid to provide better absorption than is possible with inorganic minerals. They are easier to carry into the camera.

Organic chelation is the natural process of creating an amino acid, peptide or polypeptide fence around a mineral so that it is available for absorption and use in the body. Minerals found in plant and especially animal tissues are already chelated. But since we cannot get all the minerals we need from food, we must supplement.

Less expensive supplements use mineral oxides, phosphates, sulfates, or gluconates. They are sometimes referred to as weak chelates. They are not as well absorbed as true chelates. Laboratories use only true chelated minerals. Their minerals are associated with amino acids derived from rice protein.

Mineral supplements can also be in the form of colloids called colloidal minerals. Colloids are larger, solid particles that are suspended but do not dissolve in a liquid. Unlike popular literature, colloids are poorly absorbed. That's why it's safe to take silver, which is toxic when it's in colloidal form.

Heavy metal pollution is big problem for many mineral supplements, especially traces and some colloidal minerals. I would not recommend colloidal minerals from ancient sea beds. Laboratories have tested a number of these products, and they all contain highly toxic metals.

Minerals for the body are different forms. There are 92 known mineral elements, 22 others have been suggested, and hundreds of isotopic variations.

Not surprisingly, scientists are only now beginning to discover the effects and relationships of minerals in our human systems, such as how minerals help maintain a healthy balance and what negative effects created by mineral imbalance.

What are trace minerals?

You can collect silver coins, wear a platinum ring, or have gold fillings. You've probably drunk tea poured from a copper teapot, eaten cookies from a fancy tin container, or traveled on a titanium plane.

But did you know that these elements and many more - in very small, balanced trace amounts - are important for your health? While micronutrients are no longer as plentiful in the foods you eat, they are abundant in the mineral-rich waters of the Earth's oceans and seas.

Many of the trace minerals once abundant in soil are now found only in the oceans. In the oceans they are in their proper proportions - the same basic proportions found in healthy human bodies.

This healthy, complex balanced proportion of minerals and trace elements found in seawater is beneficial for human body. Today, these life-affirming sea waters contain all the minerals and elements needed to sustain human life.

For this reason, I recommend taking seaweed to get all of your micronutrients. It has every mineral you need like brown seaweed if it is born from the ocean. Kelp also contains some heavy metals, but also contains alginates, which bind to heavy metals and take them out of the body.

Minerals for the body - mineral energy!

How do you correct your mineral deficiencies? You can start by making sure you are getting enough minerals in your diet.

Eat 6-8 cups of cooked organically grown vegetables every day.

Juice is a great form of concentrated minerals. In addition, you must take daily chelated minerals such as calcium, magnesium, zinc, and selenium, as well as mineral supplement such as kelp.

Check out our Comprehensive Juice Page and learn everything there is to know about juice!

A multivitamin/mineral will give you the rest of your minerals. Many people take minerals, but they are not enough.

Check with your doctor before taking mineral supplements. You need to first figure out what you are lacking and what you may have an excess of. Only after your doctor recommends a mineral supplement for you can you start consuming it.

It is impossible to know the exact amounts and ratios of the minerals you need without doing a hair mineral analysis. A hair mineral analysis will tell you what dosage of each mineral you need and in what proportion. This is the key to restoring health.

People who supplement with adequate levels of minerals experience a difference in their health and well-being when replenishing these vital nutrients. I hear this every day in my practice. It's time for you to start supplementing the body minerals your body desperately needs.


Minerals play an important role in the body. What are minerals? First of all, these are natural inorganic compounds and their components that enter the body from outside, that is, they are not produced in the body itself. The role of minerals in the human body is diverse. They carry all the necessary vital functions, such as the formation of the skeleton, bones, teeth, and participate in the metabolic process.

Minerals enter the body with food. Therefore, in order for the body to have a sufficient supply minerals, you should know which mineral performs a certain function. In the article we will talk about the most basic minerals, without which the body simply cannot exist.

Without calcium, a person would have problems with musculoskeletal tissue and teeth. Thanks to calcium, a person does not break bones when falling, and when hit, hematomas are less formed on the body. The teeth of such people are stronger than those who have a minimum amount of calcium.

Calcium is a vital mineral, especially for young children and women during pregnancy and in the premenopausal period. Most calcium is found in milk and its products, in eggs, fish and seafood, nuts, buckwheat and legumes.

Sodium. Thanks to sodium arterial pressure always normal, the nervous system is protected from stress, the gastrointestinal tract works properly, thanks to the production of digestive enzymes.

Sodium enters the body with table salt. But it is worth noting that too much salt intake can lead to disastrous results. Salt in large quantities retains fluid in the body, causing swelling and disrupting the cardiovascular system.

The role of this mineral is high. Potassium is responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses, for blood hemoglobin, blood pressure and heart function. Potassium deficiency can lead to diseases such as hypertension and myocardial infarction.

Potassium is present in potatoes, apples, bananas, apricots, grapes, dried apricots, raisins and cabbage.

The energy of our body depends on the amount of magnesium. If there is enough magnesium, then the person is hardy, energetic, efficient. With a lack of magnesium in a person, the psyche can be disturbed, as well as undulating pains in the region of the heart and calf muscles.

Source of magnesium - beans, peas, buckwheat grain, nuts, cocoa and rye bread.

Phosphorus. Like calcium, it is indispensable for bones, teeth and muscles. Responsible for many vital important processes in the body.

We get phosphorus from animal products. Most of it is found in meat, fish, milk and fermented milk products, as well as in cereals and bread.

Thanks to iodine, metabolism and the production of thyroid hormones occur in the body. With a lack of iodine, vision deteriorates and increases thyroid.

Iodine is found in fish and seafood, milk, spinach, seaweed and iodized salt.

Deficiency of this mineral can lead to diabetes, since chromium is responsible for the level of glucose in the blood. Thanks to him, metabolic and energy reactions occur.

Chromium is found in meat, liver, cheese, rye bread, almost all vegetables and brewer's yeast.

Fluorine. This mineral protects against tooth decay, bone integrity, and increases hemoglobin.

Fluoride is found in milk, eggs, fish and seafood, fai, and cereals.

Participates in hematopoiesis, hemoglobin level depends on it and digestive system person.

Contained in the liver, apples, guarantors, kiwi, legumes and bread.

No less important than all other minerals. Zinc is involved in digestion, metabolism, is responsible for human growth, as well as for immunity.

Zinc is found in meat, liver, eggs, fish, nuts, lettuce, rye bread and cheese.

This mineral is a natural antioxidant that is responsible for cell growth.

Most often, selenium is found in meat and fish, as well as in cereals.

Chlorine. A valuable mineral, with its help, the formation of gastric juice, bile, pancreatic enzymes and blood plasma occurs.

Chlorine is found in table salt and bread.

molybdenum and manganese. Respond bone, muscle, connective tissue in the body. With their help, iron is produced in the liver.

But do not overdo it, as a mineral-rich diet can lead to reverse processes in the body. Remember! Food should be varied.

Iron is a vital trace element, without which it is impossible to imagine a normally functioning organism. It is necessary for normal metabolism and is involved in almost all metabolic processes.

Participating in the processes of hematopoiesis (responsible for the state of red blood cells) and hemoglobin synthesis, iron provides oxygen to all tissues of our body. More than 2/3 of the iron in the body is bound in hemoglobin, the blood protein responsible for transporting oxygen.

Iron promotes tissue regeneration and improves performance immune system. It enhances the activity of enzymes, normalizes cellular respiration and the development of muscle tissue. It ensures the normal functioning of the heart and blood vessels, regulates hormonal metabolism.

It should be noted that the use of vitamin C helps to significantly improve the absorption of iron.

Iodine is an essential trace element necessary for the synthesis of thyroid hormones, on which metabolism depends, mental capacity, the course of pregnancy, the health of the newborn and much more.

Iodine stimulates the immune system and activates oxidative reactions in the body. It is necessary for the normal functioning of the central and peripheral nervous system: it regulates their excitability and functional activity. It has a positive effect on the nervous regulation of cardiac activity (especially in old age). It has a beneficial effect on the mental and physical state, emotional tone. It has a positive effect on the state of intellectual activity of a person.

Iodine regulates energy metabolism, activates the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, which leads to a decrease in body fat and cholesterol.

Potassium is one of the three macronutrients that a person needs in large quantities. It is extremely important for health, as it is the main intracellular cation that maintains water-salt and acid-base balance. Regulates blood pressure and removes excess fluid from the body. Ensures the normal functioning of the heart: participates in nervous regulation heart rate and heart rate.

Potassium is a catalyst for the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates. Promotes the conversion of glucose into energy. Potassium is involved in the conduction of nerve impulses and maintains normal neuromuscular excitability and conduction. Stimulates thought processes and improves the supply of oxygen to the brain, prevents some forms of depression.

In addition, potassium acts as an antioxidant, limiting the activity free radicals and promotes the removal of toxins.

Impossible without calcium healthy body, because it regulates almost all intracellular processes, is actively involved in the formation of bone tissue, in the process of growth and activity of cells, in the process of blood coagulation, in immune protection body and, of course, in the absorption of nutrients.

Calcium is an enzyme activator and improves the absorption of vitamin B12.

Regulates permeability cell membranes, has a beneficial effect on blood circulation.

Necessary to maintain stable cardiac activity, is involved in the regulation of nerve conduction. Normalizes digestion by neutralizing free hydrochloric acid in the stomach, has a protective effect on the gastric mucosa.

Raises defensive forces body, has a beneficial effect on the synthesis of nucleic acids and protein in muscles.

Magnesium is perhaps one of the most important minerals for our body. The synthesis and functions of more than three hundred different enzymes depend on it.

Magnesium is important for the functioning of the cardiovascular system: it restores the heart rhythm, leading to a decrease in myocardial oxygen demand, and normalizes blood pressure. Helps maintain vascular health and prevent formation cholesterol plaques. Regulates blood circulation.

Magnesium is actively involved in the formation of bone tissue, relaxes the skeletal and smooth muscle, promotes better assimilation calcium and increases the bioavailability of vitamin B6.

As part of the hormone synthesis process, magnesium relieves the symptoms of menopause and PMS.

Participates in the transmission of nerve impulses, so it is called the "anti-stress element." It helps to suppress depression, relieves migraine.

Some forms of magnesium (magnesium oxide, magnesium sulfate) can have a laxative effect, ensuring regularity of the stool.

Manganese is one of important trace elements necessary for our body to grow, maintain reproductive function, strengthen bone tissue and normal metabolism. Participating in the regulation of carbohydrate and fat metabolism, manganese prevents fatty degeneration of the liver and promotes the utilization of fat, helps to reduce the level of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. There is evidence that manganese is involved in the synthesis of insulin.

Manganese is necessary for the synthesis of chondroitin and is an important constituent of glucosamine. He normalizes mineral metabolism and promotes the absorption of calcium, accelerating the restoration of cartilage. Manganese helps to reduce stiffness in the joints, maintains a full-fledged bone structure, reducing the risk of joint deformity.

Improves the functioning of the nervous system, normalizes muscle tone and restores sensation in the limbs.

Zinc and vitamin C will help increase the absorption of manganese.

O useful properties copper people learned a very long time ago, back in the days of Aristotle and Galen.

Copper is essential for metabolism because it plays an important role in the biosynthesis of hemoglobin. Takes part in the formation of connective tissue structures: collagen and elastin - the main components of bone and cartilage tissue, skin, lungs, walls of blood vessels.

Regulates blood pressure and normalizes the work of the heart muscle. Reduces the level of cholesterol, sugar and uric acid in the blood.

Copper has powerful bactericidal properties.

Normalizes the functioning of the nervous system and improves sleep.

It has the ability to neutralize the negative effects of free radicals, saturates cells with oxygen.

Selenium is a key trace element that ensures the normal functioning of the enzymatic and antioxidant systems of the body: it is part of a number of important enzymes and hormones.

It is an integral part of a factor that suppresses necrotic processes inside cells. Prevents premature aging processes.

Selenium not only exhibits antioxidant properties, but in some cases it can take on the functions of vitamin E and stimulate the production of antioxidants in the body.

Actively stimulates the immune system and improves general well-being. Reduces the frequency of allergic reactions. Has antiviral activity.

Selenium supports the normal functioning of almost all organs and systems, especially the heart and liver. Effective in various conditions associated with disruption of the cardiovascular, musculoskeletal and endocrine systems.

The most important value of chromium for humans is associated with its participation in the regulation of the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates.

Chromium is involved in the process of assimilation of amino acids at the cellular level and stimulates metabolic processes in muscles and their growth. It not only effectively burns fat, but also helps insulin to carry out one of its main functions? delivering glucose to cells.

By actively regulating the level of insulin and cholesterol in the blood, chromium prevents premature aging.

Normalizes the immune system and improves the overall tone of the body.

Zinc is present in all organs, tissues and body fluids. Takes part in almost all metabolic processes, positively affecting the action of many hormones and glands internal secretion. Improves the formation of hemoglobin and red blood cells.

Zinc is essential for the formation of proteins and nucleic acids. It has detoxifying activity. Important for the normal functioning of the immune system: stimulates the production of antibodies and white blood cells.

Increases the body's resistance to infections and promotes wound healing. Has anti-inflammatory activity.

Zinc maintains healthy teeth, is essential for hair and nail growth, and the secretion of sebaceous glands.

It plays an important role in the transmission of nerve impulses in the brain.

Regulates acid-base balance organism.

The value and role of minerals in the human body

Dr. Linus Pauling, twice laureate Nobel Prize, states: "You can trace each disease or pathological condition mineral deficiency". Minerals are chemical elements that are found in the earth's crust. They are divided into two categories: micronutrients and macronutrients. The body needs macronutrients in large quantities, while we need micronutrients in small quantities.Minerals are necessary for the life of the body and are involved in many processes:

1. give strength to our skeleton;

2. connect organic structures (proteins and lipids);

3. activate enzyme systems;

4. control water balance(osmosis and excretion);

5. regulate acid-base balance;

6. enhance the effect of neuromuscular transmission;

7. interact with hormones, vitamins, and other metabolic regulators.

In addition, they are in the body in a certain ratio. A deficiency in one of the minerals can upset the balance of other minerals in the body. Every mineral that is present in small amounts in the soil is important for the body. For example, traces of vanadium play a role in glucose metabolism. Minerals are absorbed from the soil by plants. Plants that enter the body with food are digested and absorbed along with minerals. Modern farming takes into account only 2 element in the soil: phosphorus and potassium. This increases growth and yield, but makes the plant susceptible to disease, and as a result, they are treated with pesticides.

Currently, scientists note the depletion of the soil around the world. Farmland has fewer minerals per 20%, than a hundred years ago. As a result, the amount of minerals in plants decreased. White flour loses 60% calcium, 67.9% copper, 75.6% iron, 48% molybdenum, 15.9% selenium, 85.8% magnesium and 84.7% manga. US scientists are concerned about this situation. The Department of Agriculture has gone on record saying that "stopping soil erosion and degradation will be extremely costly."

Due to the depletion of the soil, our food is poor in minerals. The loss of minerals in food is also due to the refining of food, i.e. it is extremely difficult to make it comply with European quality standards.

And at the same time real natural food does not pass European control, does not fit into the standards, it is too alive, deteriorates too quickly, bacteria and other living creatures are bred on it, which European standards by no means can miss on the counter. How can this bacteria-infested milk be sold in a store! But chemical, dead, where not a single bacterium can survive, this can be on the counter. So it turns out that it seems that under the auspices of the struggle for purity, for compliance with standards, a high-quality, natural product survives from the market, and any surrogate for it is actively promoted. The whole problem is that they began to consider quality not at all. Today, a quality product is considered to be a product that does not deteriorate for a long time, on which no infection is bred, in general, a dead product ...

The lack of minerals in plants and food determines the lack of minerals in the body. Therefore, we can cover the deficiency of minerals with the help of dietary supplements.

colloidal minerals from NSP contains a concentrated complex of 64 minerals (macro- and microelements) that accumulate in plants naturally. The colloidal suspension form provides high-quality delivery and absorption of minerals at the cellular level, which allows the body to maximize the use of each ingredient and facilitate their absorption. For the manufacture of the drug, minerals are used from ancient deposits of plant origin found in the center of Utah.

And finally, a few words about the role of the main macro- and microelements for the human body.

SODIUM. daily requirement adult healthy person in this element is 4-6 d. Sodium maintains the osmotic pressure of the blood, with an increased intake, promotes the excretion of potassium from the body, participates in water metabolism and many biochemical reactions. Increased sodium intake causes fluid accumulation in the body, edema and increases blood pressure. In the diet of people living in industrialized countries, the content of sodium is usually increased. At the same time, about 7 g of sodium, and as a food additive in cooking - from 6 to 18 d. As a preventive measure for development hypertension additional intake of sodium in the composition daily ration Not recommended.

PHOSPHORUS. The daily requirement of a healthy adult is 1,2 d. It is one of the main components of bone tissue. Phosphorus is also necessary for the reaction of energy metabolism, it has a positive effect on libido, is involved in most metabolic reactions, including such as the formation of nucleoproteins, which are responsible for cell division and reproduction of offspring. This element must enter the body in a certain ratio with calcium. The optimal ratio of these elements is considered to be 1:1.5 (Ca:P).

CALCIUM. The daily requirement of an adult healthy person is about 1 d. Calcium is the main element of bone tissue. It is also involved in the regulation of cell membrane permeability and has an effect opposite to sodium. Calcium is involved in the mechanisms of blood coagulation, has an anti-stress effect. It promotes the excretion of heavy metal salts and radionuclides from the body, exhibits an antioxidant effect, has an anti-allergic effect, is a probiotic, and performs antioxidant functions. Calcium deficiency can provoke the development of hypertensive crises, toxicosis during pregnancy, increased blood cholesterol levels, the development of osteoporosis, and reduces the mechanical strength of bones. The body must be supplied in a certain ratio with phosphorus.>>> Metabolism in cartilage and bone tissue. >>> Signs of calcium deficiency...

ZINC. The daily requirement of an adult healthy person for zinc is 15 mg. At present, the participation of zinc in the formation of immunity and the maintenance of the function of the male gonads has been established (it is an integral part of the male sex hormone dihydroxytosterone). This is probably why in most it is contained in the tissues of the testicles and the pineal gland, which is also directly related to the implementation of the sexual function of men and women. Zinc is also included in a large number enzymes that ensure metabolism, for example, catalyzing the metabolism of nucleic acids, ensuring the implementation of the biological action of vitamins A and folic acid(hematopoiesis). Considering great importance zinc in metabolism, its prolonged deficiency in the diet can lead to the development of many diseases: infertility, loss of sexual activity (sexual infantilism), decreased immunity, skin diseases, the development of anemia; zinc deficiency enhances the growth of tumors, disrupts the growth of hair and nails. It has been established, for example, that the appearance of white spots on the nails in most cases occurs due to a deficiency of this mineral element. Supports thymus function (synthesis of T-lymphocytes)

Signs of zinc deficiency in the body ...

>>> Zinc lozenges

IRON. The daily iron requirement for an adult is 1-2 mg. With food, it should come at least 10-15 mg, since it is poorly absorbed (usually at the level 10-20%). Iron is the main element of hemoglobin and myoglobin, which gives the red color to meat. Iron is part of a number of enzymes - catalysts for redox processes. Iron deficiency is associated with widespread anemia, especially in pregnant women. Iron and copper have a synergistic effect.

COPPER. The daily requirement of the body for copper: 30 mcg / kg - for adults, 80 mcg / kg - for young children, 40 mcg / kg - for older children. Copper is involved in hematopoiesis and large numbers metabolic reactions, being an integral part of many enzymes. The need for copper increases with inflammatory diseases and a person's tendency to diseases of the joints. Copper, zinc and iron have a synergistic effect on each other. Therefore, when eliminating the deficiency of one of these trace elements, it is important to take into account their synergistic properties and include sources of the other two in the diet. Signs of copper deficiency ....

MANGANESE. The daily requirement of an adult for manganese 2-3 mg. With food (considering digestibility), it should be supplied 5-10 mg. Like other trace elements, manganese is involved in all types of metabolism, activating the function of many enzymes. Special meaning manganese has in the implementation of the functions of the sex glands, the musculoskeletal system, the nervous system. It is believed that it may have a preventive effect in relation to the development of insufficiency coronary arteries heart disease, diabetes, thyroid pathology, disorders of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. With age, the absorption of manganese decreases, so after 50 years, a deficiency of this microelement is possible. Manganese deficiency symptoms...

MOLYBDENUM. Daily intake for an adult - approx. 150 mcg. It is part of a number of enzymes involved in the detoxification of substances foreign to the body. Promotes the retention of fluoride in the body and thus prevents the development of caries, as well as the metabolism of iron in the liver. The most important function of molybdenum is considered to be the ability to accelerate the breakdown of purines and remove from the body uric acid, which, with its optimal intake into the body, contributes to the prevention of the development of gout. However, with excessive intake of molybdenum in the body, "molybdenum gout" may develop, which should be paid attention to when taking preparations containing this trace element. Its daily amount should not exceed the recommended dose.

Signs of lack of molybdenum ....

COBALT. The average daily intake for an adult is about 8 mcg. Cobalt is part of vitamin B 12, participates in the exchange fatty acids, in carbohydrate metabolism and the implementation of the function of folic acid. Its main biological action is to help synthesize hemoglobin.

Signs of Cobalt Deficiency....

CHROMIUM. Approximate requirement of an adult for this microelement 100-200 mcg. biological activity for humans, it shows only trivalent chromium. It contributes to the maintenance of blood sugar levels, the prevention of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disorders, reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood. According to published data, Africans have twice as much in the body, the inhabitants of the Middle East - almost 4,5 times more, and Asian countries - in 5 times more chromium than residents Western countries. This is believed to be one of the reasons why degenerative diseases that are common in Westerners are much less common in the East.

Signs of Chromium deficiency in the body ...

SELENIUM . The need of an adult 150-200 mcg. It has pronounced antioxidant properties, which allows the use of this microelement for prevention. oncological diseases provoked by chemical influences and radiation. Selenium stimulates the formation of antibodies and thereby increases the body's defense against infectious and colds. Participates in the production of red blood cells, helps maintain and prolong sexual activity. Almost half of the selenium contained in male body located in the seminiferous tubules of the testicles. He is lost with ejaculate. Therefore, for men who lead an active sex life, the need for this trace element is higher than for women. Selenium activity is increased in the presence of another antioxidant, vitamin E. In areas where selenium intake is insufficient, there is an increase in cancer. The diet of the population of industrialized countries is poor in this trace element, so additional sources of it are required.

Signs of Selenium Deficiency..

IODINE. The daily requirement of an adult is 200 mcg. Iodine is necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, it is part of its hormones (thyroxine, triiodothyronine). With a lack of iodine, endemic goiter and cretinism develop. Signs of iodine deficiency... >>>Thyroid and iodine.

SILICON. The daily requirement of an adult in this trace element is presumably 20-40 mg. It is believed that he takes part in reactions that provide the density of the structure of fibrous tissues, giving them elasticity. It is of particular importance for the formation of the structure of the skin, hair, nails.

VANADIUM. The daily requirement of an adult has not been determined, but it has been established that, on average, in a well-balanced diet of the population (according to the USA), vanadium is 20-30 mcg. Modern research proved that vanadium sulfate has a beneficial effect on both forms of diabetes insulin dependent (type 1) and insulin independent (type 2). It is believed that it is involved in the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, in young people it inhibits the formation of cholesterol and reduces the content of lipids in the blood, and also prevents the development of caries, contributing to the mineralization of teeth and their preservation.

SULFUR. The daily requirement of an adult healthy person is about 850 mg. Sulfur is contained in the anti-neuralgic vitamin B1 (thiamine). The superficial layers of the skin are especially rich in sulfur; they contain sulfur in keratin and melanin. Melanin is a pigment that protects the lower layers of the skin from ultraviolet radiation(in the form of a tan). Increases resistance to radiation, toxins, participates in the formation of insulin, promotes DNA repair.

BOR. The adult human body contains about 20 mg of boron. The daily requirement for boron in an adult is about 1 mg. More than half total boron is found in bone tissues, boron is also found in the liver, kidneys, lungs, spleen, muscles, nervous tissue and brain, blood and adipose tissue. Boron in the human body performs a number of functions: it improves the structure of the bone skeleton, improves the metabolism of calcium, phosphorus, fluorine, zinc and magnesium, and also affects the conversion of vitamin D in the body.

Approximately 4% of the human body mass consists of minerals. Every day the body needs more than 100 mg of essential minerals, and up to 100 mg of trace elements.

What are minerals

Minerals are inorganic substances that form in the depths of the earth. The content of minerals in food varies geographically, that is, it all depends on the content of the soil in which this or that product was grown.

It turns out that minerals play a very important role in the health of every person. Minerals are nutrients necessary for our body that contribute to the functioning of all organs. Few people understand exactly how minerals affect our body.

Minerals help the body process the food we eat. Thanks to minerals, new energy and strength appear in the human body, tissues of the body are restored and regenerated.

Almost all minerals enter the human body along with the food and water that we consume. The body does not produce itself useful material and minerals.

Wholesome nutrition allows you to get all kinds of minerals and nutrients from meat, fruits, vegetables, grains and dairy products.

What are the minerals

There are two types of minerals:

Macrominerals. Macro from Greek - big. The human body needs large amounts of macrominerals, and smaller amounts of micronutrients. The group of macrominerals includes:

  • calcium,
  • phosphorus,
  • magnesium,
  • sodium,
  • potassium,
  • chloride,
  • sulfur.

Microelements. Micro is from the Greek for small. Trace elements are also very important and necessary, although the body needs more macro minerals. Scientists are still arguing how many minerals of this group a person needs daily. This group of minerals includes:

  • iron,
  • manganese,
  • copper,
  • cobalt,
  • fluoride,
  • selenium.
Functions of minerals

Minerals perform three main functions in the human body:

  • Ensuring the formation of tissues of bones and teeth.
  • Supports normal heart rhythm, muscle contractility, neural conduction, acid-base balance.
  • Regulation of cellular metabolism: Minerals become part of enzymes and hormones that regulate cellular activity.
Which minerals do what?

Magnesium- a mineral for heartburn, prevents or lowers the formation of acid in the stomach. Also, it helps to crush kidney stones, helps with prostatitis, treats aggressive behavior in alcoholics, protects against radiation, helps with heart problems and epilepsy (reduces the frequency of seizures).

  • The daily norm of magnesium is 270 - 300 mg.
  • Foods containing magnesium: nuts, spinach, bread, fish, meat.

Calcium- a mineral that is necessary for muscle contraction, blood clotting, protection of the cell membrane. The proper functioning of the human heart depends on the calcium content in the body. Prevents the most devastating effects of menopause: loss bone mass, which in turn leads to fractures of bones, curvature of the spine, loss of teeth.

  • The daily intake of calcium is 700 mg.
  • Foods rich in calcium: Milk, cheese and other dairy products, green leafy vegetables (broccoli, kale, but not spinach), soybeans, tofu (bean curd), nuts, fish (which can eat bones like sardines) .

Magnesium and calcium absorb each other's action because calcium needs an acid, and magnesium prevents the formation of acid.

Sodium- a mineral rich in sea ​​salt helps oxygen and nutrients enter the cells of the body. Sodium prevents or reduces muscle pain caused by strenuous exercise. Have you ever noticed that there is pain in the side or spasm in the leg while running? The more you sweat, the more sodium leaves the body, which causes cramps and cramps.

  • The daily norm of sodium is 6 g.
  • Foods containing sodium: finished products(which you salt during cooking), prepared meats (bacon), cheese, canned vegetables.

Potassium- an opponent of sodium, but both minerals help control the body's water balance. Potassium prevents muscle atrophy, helps regulate heart rate and blood pressure.

  • The daily requirement for potassium is 3,500 mg.
  • Foods that contain potassium: sunflower seeds, bananas, beef, shrimp, oysters, chicken, turkey,.

Iodine- a mineral thanks to which the body is provided with energy, and the thyroid gland functions without failures. Lack of iodine can lead to severe weight loss.

  • The daily norm of iodine is 14 mg.
  • Products containing iodine: sea fish and seafood, grain products.

Iron- a mineral that provides pink color cheeks and glitter in the eyes. When there is not enough iron in the body, anemia occurs. With the help of iron, oxygen is distributed throughout the body, iron is very important for the formation of hemoglobin.

  • The daily norm of iron is 9 - 15 mg.
  • Foods rich in iron: liver, beef, beans, nuts, dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins), brown rice, tuna, eggs, baked potatoes, broccoli.

Manganese- a mineral that helps with diabetes, multiple sclerosis and myasthenia gravis.

  • The daily norm of manganese is 0.5 mg.
  • Products containing manganese: tea, bread, nuts, green vegetables (peas, green beans).
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