Cyclodinone: indications for use, contraindications and possible side effects. Cyclodinone for hormonal disruptions in women Overdose and side effects of "Cyclodinone"

The number of detected cases of mastopathy is inevitably growing. This is due both to the improvement in the diagnosis of pathology, and a true increase in the number of sick women. Mastopathy has various clinical forms, symptoms and manifestations. Therefore, the treatment in each case is individual. How effective and when are Mastodinone and Cyclodinone effective in mastopathy? Is it worth spending time on such treatment?

Read in this article

A little about the causes of mastopathy

The health of the mammary glands depends on many factors. This is a kind of reflection of the state of the whole organism. The following organs most closely functioning with the mammary glands can be distinguished:

  • all parts of the reproductive system (uterus, ovaries, etc.);
  • the pituitary and hypothalamus, which are the "conductors" of the body;
  • thyroid gland and some other endocrine organs;
  • the liver, since here the main part of the sex hormones is synthesized.

Serious diseases of one area will soon lead to changes in the mammary glands, which in most cases manifests itself as mastopathy.

If we talk about hormonal disorders, then the most important role in the development of the disease is played by the following:

  • Prolactin. It directly affects the transformation of the mammary glands associated with lactation. And under his "team" milk production begins. Therefore, with an excess of prolactin, an uneven increase in the lobules occurs, their incomplete restructuring. As a result, seals appear, nodes - mastopathy.
  • Estrogens are responsible for increased growth and reproduction of breast tissue. It is under their action that the mammary glands begin to grow.
  • Gestagens "control" the action of estrogen. If the balance is disturbed, excessive tissue formation occurs and, as a result, mastopathy - foci of increased proliferation.

Thus, the whole problem lies in the imbalance of sex hormones. Therefore, the main task of drugs for the treatment of mastopathy is to restore balance as much as possible.

Is it worth taking herbal remedies for mastopathy

There is no single treatment for mastopathy yet, and there are no such schemes that would allow you to get rid of the disease forever. Therefore, phytopreparations (including dietary supplements and) occupy one of the leading positions for the treatment of this pathology. The following advantages of such treatment can be distinguished:

  • minimum side effects;
  • there are practically no contraindications;
  • non-toxic, do not give an additional load on the liver;
  • cumulative effect, i.e. even after stopping treatment, the effect persists for some time;
  • systemic action - there is a regulation of many functions of the body, and not a point effect.

Officially selected complexes are safer to use than self-assembled ones. In the latter case, the risk of poisoning and improperly formed composition is much higher.

Based on this, herbal medicine for mastopathy is a fairly effective and safe treatment. But the effectiveness will be much higher if it is taken in combination with the main drug therapy.

The principle of operation of cyclodinone

Cyclodinone is not a hormonal drug, it contains only a plant component.

The active substance is an extract from the fruits of the common plantain. The components of the plant, entering the human body, provide an effect on the dopaminergic receptors of brain neurons. In fact, the active substance works as an inhibitory mediator in nerve connections. This means that when it is exposed, there is a decrease in the activity of certain brain structures.

As soon as the active substance (prutnyak extract) enters the pituitary gland and hypothalamus, it causes inhibition of the production of prolactin here. This is the main therapeutic effect of Cyclodinone.

A decrease in the release of prolactin leads to a partial or complete restoration of the balance between estrogens and gestagens. And also the hormone itself no longer stimulates the proliferation of mammary gland tissues so intensively. As a result, over time, the manifestations of mastopathy decrease, new foci are not formed, and the old ones undergo the correct transformation.

You should not expect too fast and noticeable results during treatment with Cyclodinone. The drug gently and tactfully tries to establish a balance in the body, so its effectiveness can be judged no earlier than 3-4 weeks of admission. And the total duration of treatment can be several months.

Watch the video about the drug:

Possible side effects of cyclodinone treatment

Despite the fact that Cyclodinone is a herbal preparation, it affects nerve conduction and brain function. Some side effects may be associated with this treatment with the drug, although they are rare. The main adverse reactions include the following:

  • the occurrence of headaches and even migraines, dizziness;
  • temporary confusion and psychomotor agitation, hallucinations;
  • nausea and vomiting, discomfort in the epigastric region;
  • various kinds of allergic reactions (from small rashes to anaphylactic shock and Quincke's edema).

If there is any suspicion of intolerance to the drug, you should immediately stop taking it and, if necessary, contact your doctor in the future.

Also, while taking Cyclodinone in the middle of the cycle, slight spotting may appear - evidence of ovulation. This is permissible in the first or second month of admission, but if a spotting occurs, you should continue to be examined by a doctor to identify other causes.

Scheme of application for mastopathy

Cyclodinone regimens do not differ depending on the pathology. The drug is available in the form of drops and tablets. General guidelines are as follows:

  • take the medicine should be in the morning, since it is at this time that the production of prolactin is maximum;
  • tablets should be taken with water (200-300 ml), and drops can be diluted in liquid or concentrated;
  • when choosing tablets, it should be borne in mind that they contain lactose in the composition, therefore, if it is intolerant, it is better to give preference to drops;
  • liquid form contains ethyl alcohol.

The total duration of treatment depends on the severity of the symptoms of the pathology. Courses are recommended for at least 3 months, the maximum period is not limited.

The optimal period is considered to be taking the medicine for another month and a half after the moment when all the symptoms of the pathology are gone. For example, after the uncomfortable and unpleasant sensations in the mammary glands have disappeared, and positive dynamics is noticeable by ultrasound.

If you take pills - one in the morning is enough, if you take drops - 40 times a day. No need to take breaks, even during menstruation. The only situation for cancellation is suspicion or confirmation of pregnancy, during which it is not recommended to take the remedy.

What will help with mastopathy better - Cyclodinon or Mastodinone

Cyclodinon includes only one medicinal component, while Mastodinone is a mixture of extracts of six other plants. Each drug acts systemically, which is why they have blurred boundaries of indications for use.

The principles of action of Cyclodinone and Mastodinon are similar. Both drugs affect the dopamine receptors of brain structures, thereby reducing the production of prolactin. The only difference is in the extracts of plants that give such an effect.

Cyclodinon can also effectively fight mastopathy, like Mastodinone. But the first should be preferred in the following cases:

  • if the girl is not yet 30 years old;
  • in the case when, against the background of mastopathy, there is a pronounced premenstrual syndrome;
  • if there are concomitant cycle disorders.

General principles for the treatment of mastopathy

Mastopathy is subject to complex treatment. This approach is primarily due to the lack of a unified theory of the development of the disease.

Mastopathy in most cases needs conservative treatment, and only with a nodular form, surgery is sometimes resorted to. This is necessary either for large fibroadenomas, or if their malignant nature is suspected.

The main treatment of mastopathy is symptomatic, aimed at regulating sex hormones and maintaining the health of the organs of the reproductive and endocrine systems. The main groups of drugs:

  • Vitamin complexes, especially those containing A, E, C. It is also possible to assign separate groups. The fact is that, for example, vitamin E has a progestogen-like effect. Entering the body, it may try to balance the sex hormones. Vitamin A enhances the action of E, and, like C, is necessary for the normal functioning of the antioxidant system. It neutralizes free radicals that are formed during metabolism and contribute to cell mutations.
  • Phytotherapy, which is not limited to industrial complexes, but includes a large number of herbs to eliminate the symptoms of mastopathy and combat its symptoms.
  • Hormonal drugs that create an artificial background of estrogens and progestins. With the right medicine, all the symptoms of mastopathy go away, the ultrasound picture improves somewhat and the rate of progression of the pathology decreases. The best option is mini-pills, which contain only the progestogen component. And also it is Duphaston, Byzanne and others. All of them should be selected by a doctor, taking into account all indications and contraindications.
  • Immunomodulatory and general tonic, such as tincture of echinacea, eleutherococcus and the like.

Cyclodinone is an effective and safe drug for the treatment of all forms of mastopathy, as well as some other gynecological diseases. By accumulating its action, by the end of 2 - 3 weeks of admission, you can get a significant result. But the most optimal option for using the drug is in combination with other means. This way you can achieve faster and better results.

Only a specialist can choose the optimal therapy regimens, taking into account the entire clinical situation.

Mastopathy is a hormonal disease, so its treatment takes a lot of time and is associated with certain difficulties. Often, drugs only relieve symptoms, and after the end of the course of therapy, the disease returns. Therefore, doctors in the vast majority of cases prescribe hormonal medications to patients. Can herbal preparations normalize hormonal levels? Cyclodinone drops and tablets remain one of the most discussed in this aspect.

Composition of Cyclodinone and method of administration

Cyclodinone belongs to herbal preparations and is an officially registered phytotherapeutic medicine. The main active ingredient of the drug is an extract of common prune (Fructis Agni casti). In drops, its content is 24 mg per 100 g, and in tablets - 4 g. These are one of the highest doses of this medicinal plant that are found in medicines. According to doctors, it is this high concentration that allows you to effectively treat mastopathy and relieve its symptoms.

Among the excipients that make up Cyclodinone:

  • Povidone (enterosorbent).
  • Potato starch.
  • Silica.
  • Magnesium.
  • Iron oxide yellow (E172).
  • Cellulose.
  • Talc.
  • Titanium dioxide (E171).

Cyclodinone refers to monopreparations of plant origin, excipients are in its composition in small concentrations and have little effect on the body. Therefore, contraindications for use are mainly associated with individual intolerance to the drug.

Despite this, it is unacceptable to use it without a doctor's prescription. If there are seals in the mammary glands, pain, a feeling of heat or heaviness, it is necessary to undergo all the necessary examinations and only after that proceed with treatment. The mammologist will tell you the correct dosage, the duration of taking the drug, in addition, he will prescribe a complex treatment - additional medicines, ointments, massages. Without diagnosis, you can miss the development of breast cancer, in which conventional therapy is ineffective.

Cyclodinone with mastopathy is prescribed for a long course, you need to drink it for at least 4-6 weeks. According to the doctor's prescription, the duration can be increased up to 3-4 months. The drug is taken in the morning - 1 tablet or 40 drops, regardless of the meal. In the event that a cystic or adenomatous form of mastopathy is diagnosed, the dosage is doubled.

The action of the rod and the normalization of hormonal levels

An important role in the pathological process of tissue degeneration in mastopathy is played by an increased content of the hormone prolactin in the blood. The hormone is able to influence the production of others, suppress the synthesis of female sex hormones estrogen, disrupt the pituitary gland that produces gonadotropic hormones, including follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). Such failures are key to the development of mastopathy. And if the problem is in prolactin, drugs that act on estrogens and gonadotropic hormones are not able to help.

Hormonal imbalance is manifested primarily in menstrual irregularities - irregular menstruation is observed, the time intervals between them sometimes differ by 5-14 days. After the pathological ratio of hormones affects the tissues of the mammary glands - mastopathy develops.

Prutnyak extract helps to normalize the level of prolactin and, as a result, helps to restore the balance of sex and other hormones. Therefore, before using the drug, it is imperative to take tests for hormones - Cyclodinone will be useful only to those women who have detected excessive prolactin synthesis.

In childbearing age, such an imbalance affects fertility, it is difficult for a woman to become pregnant and bear a child. Therefore, the drug will be especially useful for patients 25-35 years old.

Indications for use

The main indication for taking Cyclodinone is mastopathy of various forms and stages, including fibrous and cystic. It is suitable for the prevention of breast cancer, if benign neoplasms are provoked by increased prolactin. With such diagnoses, a mammologist or gynecologist will prescribe a drug as part of complex therapy. Separately, Cyclodinone is used for such complaints and problems:

  • Menstrual disorders - delays, irregular menstruation, menstruation lasting 1-2 days.
  • Mastodynia - swelling of the chest, pulling dull pain, discomfort when touched.
  • Mastalgia - severe pain in the mammary glands.
  • Premenstrual syndrome - insomnia, irritability, discomfort in the chest.
  • Painful menses.

The drug Cyclodinone is often prescribed not only for a specific diagnosis. It can be used as a symptomatic treatment for common disease conditions. For example, mastodynia worries 50% of women of childbearing age, and cycle disorders occur in every third.

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 15 minutes


There is probably no such woman in the whole world who would not dream of a beautiful and high breast. And this dream is quite feasible. It's just a matter of money and motivation.

Without any doubt, breasts should please their mistress . An inferiority complex has never brought joy to anyone.

But is it worth it to decide on such a serious operation? Are there really serious reasons and indications for it? What are the consequences? And what is mammoplasty in general?

What is mammoplasty and why is it needed?

Over the past centuries, many ways have been invented to change the shape (and, of course, volume) of the breast. Not without special cosmetic procedures and products, without homeopathy, clothes, folk remedies and hydromassage (which, by the way, is very effective due to the increase in blood microcirculation). Nowadays mammoplasty is considered the most effective method of breast correction , surgical method. She means correction of the volume, shape, contours, nipple or areola of the breast .

Many new-fangled clinics and plastic surgeons, appearing like mushrooms after rain on screens, radio and in advertising, promise "any whim for your money." In this particular case, luxurious breasts. And quickly, with holiday discounts and safely.

A conscious decision to turn to mammoplasty is a serious step in which mistakes can be fraught with loss of health . It is worth remembering that for the female body, any intervention by a surgeon is stressful. Therefore, the grounds for such a decision should be not just iron, but reinforced concrete.

Decided on mammoplasty? What you need to know before the procedure!

What you need to know about implants Types of implants for mammoplasty.

Implant cost - far from the first criterion for his choice. The selection is strictly individual. The shape of modern implants is close to the natural shape of the breast - anatomical ("frozen drop on the wall"), which will hide the contours of the implant. The only common feature for all implants is the silicone shell and purpose. Everything else depends on personal wishes and medical indications.

Pre-simulation provides the opportunity visualize the future results of mammoplasty and choose the best option.

Types of mammoplasty:

  1. Breast augmentation. The shape, in this case, is brought closer to the classical one, or preserved, and the volume of the chest is given according to desires.
  2. Breast reshaping (tightening). Contours are changed by adjusting the skin frame and removing excess skin.
  3. Full breast lift and its reduction. The most traumatic option, with many stitches and the inability to feed the child.

Why is mammoplasty done? When is it really needed?

As a rule, a woman goes for such an operation for herself, her beloved, dreaming of admiring male glances and bathing seasons without embarrassment and discomfort. But there are other reasons that encourage women to take this step.

When is it possible and when not to do mammoplasty? Contraindications for mammoplasty.

Indications for correction of the mammary glands:

  • The desire of the patient
  • Macromastia (excessive breast enlargement);
  • Micromastia (underdevelopment of the mammary glands);
  • Breast involution (after pregnancy, childbirth and feeding);
  • Ptosis (sagging).

Contraindications for mammoplasty:

  • Oncology, blood diseases, infectious diseases and serious diseases of internal organs;
  • Age less than eighteen years;
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Preparation for mammoplasty: what happens before and after the operation.

The nuances of mammoplasty: how is the operation performed?

Time plastic operations from an hour to four hours. The operation is followed by a recovery period, invariably characterized by a number of restrictions. Extract the patient occurs one day after mammoplasty.

In the early days there is postoperative edema , subsiding after two weeks, and pain syndrome. In rare cases, bruising. Within a month after the operation, wearing compression underwear is indicated. Restrictions in work and physical activity - within a week after the operation.

What are the complications after mammoplasty?

Any operation comes with a risk of complications. Mammoplasty is no exception.

  1. Around the installed prosthesis, after a certain time after the operation, the body forms a capsule-shell. It is able to move the implant, which can result in hardening and asymmetry of the mammary glands . This problem is solved by the method of capsular contracture. When deciding to remove the capsule, the prosthesis is removed and replaced with a new implant.
  2. Complications of mammoplasty can be infection, bleeding, and slow wound healing . In case of bleeding, a second operation is performed to remove the blood that collects inside. To stop the spread of the resulting focus of infection, the implant is removed and replaced with a new one. As a rule, the formation of infection is typical for the first week after surgery.
  3. Exacerbation (or loss) of sensitivity of the mammary glands is one of the complications. In most cases, these complications are short-lived. Although there are exceptions.
  4. Breast implants are required to be tested for strength. But they, unfortunately, are not immune from collisions with sharp objects. As a result of such a collision, there is a risk of opening a hole in the shell of the prosthesis and penetration of the solution or silicone into the tissues of the body. Usually this problem is solved by replacing the prosthesis. As for the penetration of the saline solution into the tissues, it is absorbed by the body. Danger of damage in the risk of silicone penetration into the tissue (the woman may not feel the damage).
  5. In the presence of an implant, a woman is shown mammography only by doctors who are specially trained and familiar with the method of examining the breast with a prosthesis.

Stages of the operation - how is the mammoplasty operation performed?

Operation planning:

  • The study of individual characteristics with the subsequent conclusion and decision on the method of surgery, based on the characteristics of the breast and skin.
  • Discussion of possible options for solving the necessary task, risks and limitations. (The doctor must know about taking medications, vitamins and bad habits).
  • Providing information about anesthesia, the cost of the operation and the technique of its implementation (the insurance policy does not cover the cost of mammoplasty).

Direct operation:

The incision, depending on the structure of the breast, can be made under the armpit, along the border of the areola or under the breast. After the incision, the surgeon separates the skin and breast tissue to create a pocket behind the chest wall muscle or behind the breast tissue. The next step is to place the selected implant into it.

Cons of mammoplasty:

Breastfeeding after mammoplasty

Can I breastfeed my baby after mammoplasty? What exactly will happen during pregnancy and childbirth, given the operation, no one can predict. All organisms are individual. Of course, a woman whose biography contains the fact of mammoplasty should carefully approach both pregnancy planning and examinations, pregnancy itself, the appearance of a child and its feeding. Here you can not do without the advice of experts.

During pregnancy, the following changes occur in the mammary glands:

  • Darkening of the skin around the nipples (and the nipples themselves);
  • Darkening of the blood vessels (occurs due to increased blood flow to the chest);
  • breast augmentation;
  • Yellow discharge (or colostrum);
  • Exacerbation of breast sensitivity;
  • Elevation of the glands on the surface of the peripapillary region;
  • Protrusion of veins.

Expectant mothers, whose pregnancy occurs after mammoplasty, should take care of the breasts with great diligence . It will be useful to attend special classes for this situation for pregnant women, do exercises, properly organize the diet and do not forget about massage and a contrast shower.

Harm to the health of the child, according to plastic surgeons, implants do not cause. But still, one should not forget about the risks associated with the presence of these prostheses in the breast (unexpected injury to the implants can harm the health of both). Therefore, breastfeeding mothers should conduct breast examinations more often to exclude such situations.

Before talking about such a drug as "Cyclodion", prescribed by doctors for breast cancer, you should understand this disease and the cause of its occurrence. Consider the composition of the drug and determine its contraindications and side effects that affect the disease.

Breast cancer is the most common malignant tumor of one or both breasts in women. The disease is characterized by aggressive growth, as well as a tendency to metastasize. According to studies, one in eight women is diagnosed with this disease, and almost one in three have a tendency to develop breast cancer.

Most patients are 40 years of age or older. But every year, cancer also affects women under 30 years old.

Reasons for the development of cancerous tumors:

  1. Heredity is one of the main reasons for the formation of tumors. Very often, blood relatives are carriers of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, which are responsible for the formation of tumors.
  2. Individual characteristics of the woman's body. Lack of childbirth, pregnancy and breastfeeding. As well as late pregnancy, earlier onset of the menstrual cycle.
  3. Fibroadenoma, fibrocystic mastopathy is the most dangerous pre-cancerous disease.
  4. Taking hormonal drugs.
  5. Long-term use of contraceptives.
  6. radioactive influences.
  7. Diabetes, obesity, hypertension.

Some symptoms of breast cancer:

  • The formation of dense nodules, bright red skin of the chest, often a high body temperature rises,
  • In a malignant process: the skin is retracted, wrinkles or cavities are formed, "lemon peel", swelling of the skin, inflammation of the axillary lymph nodes.
    There are 4 stages of cancer development.

What is "Cyclodion"?

"Cyclodion" is a herbal remedy. The active ingredient is an extract of tinder fruit. Available in the form of tablets and drops.

The principle of operation of the drug is the suppression of the formation of a large amount of pituitary hormone. Reduces the synthesis of prolactin. Increases the formation of connective tissue, expanding the milk ducts. Eliminates pain syndromes.

But despite the above positive qualities and natural herbal composition, the drug has a number of contraindications:

  • "Cyclodion" has a strong effect on the nervous system, leads to increased excitability. Since the psychological state of a woman with this disease is unstable, these phenomena will further aggravate the situation. This condition can lead to confusion, loss of orientation in the area. It also leads to increased fussiness, motor activity. Increases the risk of a nervous breakdown.
  • Auditory or visual hallucinations.
  • Also, "Cyclodion" often causes allergic reactions - itchy rash, urticaria, Quincke's edema. During breast cancer, the skin on the surface of the mammary glands is subject to changes, and allergic reactions can finally spoil the skin condition and cause pain.
  • Causes diarrhea, bloating and abdominal pain. Diarrhea most often includes beneficial substances that the body needs to fight cancer.
  • Has incompatibility with many drugs. Reduces therapeutic efficacy.
  • The drops contain alcohol. The use of alcohol (alcohol) is strictly prohibited in any cancer. Since, when taken orally, alcohol destroys healthy cells, which are so necessary for a woman's body in this period.

If this drug causes these symptoms, then it is recommended to stop taking it immediately.

According to some doctors, Cyclodinone is able to normalize the endocrine system and increase the chances of conception. But there are many opinions on the forums regarding the advisability of taking this drug in view of the wide range of negative effects on the body. What are the side effects of Cyclodinone?

The work of the reproductive system largely depends on the hormonal background. Often, due to improper production of a particular hormone, a couple cannot conceive a child for a long time. To adjust the hormonal balance, there are many drugs, among which Cyclodinone is a certain popular herbal preparation, the active substance of which is the extract of the common prune.

Its main function is to normalize the content of sex hormones in the blood of a woman's body, providing a dopaminergic effect. Due to this, it is possible to reduce the level of prolactin in the body. So, with a high content of this hormone, a violation of ovulatory processes and folliculogenesis is observed, which leads to an imbalance of progesterone and estradiol.

Another action provided by this drug is the stimulation of the formation of connective tissues in the mammary glands. Due to this, there is an expansion of the ducts, a decrease in the risks of developing pathological processes in the mammary glands and a decrease in their sensitivity.

Release form of the drug Cyclodinone: in tablets and drops. What to take this means, in what dosage, the doctor-reproductologist recommends. It is also worth considering that this remedy has a number of contraindications and side effects. Therefore, before taking this herbal remedy, be sure to consult a specialist.

If a positive effect after therapy with this agent is not observed and the examination confirms this, then, in most cases, the doctor prescribes therapy to the patient based on synthetic or natural hormones.

Indications for the use of this tool are the following conditions:

  1. Menstrual disorders - irregular periods, anovulation cycles, etc.
  2. Infertility, provoked by the underdevelopment of the corpus luteum in the appendage.
  3. Mastodynia - increased sensitivity of the mammary glands during menstruation and PMS. This condition can also be characterized by swelling of the breast, an increase in local temperature in the region of the mammary glands.
  4. With a pronounced PMS, causing discomfort. Here, in addition to swelling of the mammary glands, headaches, increased irritability and emotional instability are observed.
  5. PCOS is polycystic ovary syndrome. Cyclodinone is prescribed if the pathology is provoked by an imbalance of prolactin, progesterone and estrogen in a woman's body.
  6. Endometriosis is a disease associated with uneven growth of the inner layer of the uterine mucosa.
  7. Problems with the skin - acne, rashes - provoked by hormonal imbalance.
  8. Climax and symptoms accompanying it.

Contraindications and side effects

There are a number of contraindications to the use of the drug:

  • individual intolerance to the active substance;
  • it is forbidden to take the drug to children under 12 years of age - this is due to the fact that it is at this age that the formation of the hormonal system occurs, and an additional intake, even plant hormones, can disrupt the system;
  • the phytopreparation in the form of a solution is made on the basis of alcohol, therefore, it is contraindicated for patients who have undergone treatment for a chronic form of alcoholism;
  • lactose is present in the composition of the drug, therefore, patients with individual intolerance to this substance are not recommended to take Cyclodinone;
  • during childbearing and breastfeeding.

How to take Cyclodinone, a doctor will prescribe. Therefore, I would like to emphasize once again: only a qualified specialist can prescribe this or that drug, taking into account the need for it and the physiological characteristics of the patient's body. Self-medication can lead to irreversible consequences.

If after taking the remedy there are any signs of an allergic reaction in the form of itching, redness, burning, etc., then you should immediately stop the course of treatment with Cyclodinone and seek the advice of a specialist in order to prescribe replacement therapy.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to combine the intake of Cyclodinone with the use of alcoholic beverages. This can provoke the development of various kinds of side effects and lead to serious violations of the hormonal system.

As for side effects, herbal medicine can provoke:

  • from the gastrointestinal tract - vomiting, nausea, pain in the abdomen;
  • in relation to the skin - rashes, itching, redness, urticaria;
  • from the side of the central nervous system - headaches, dizziness, emotional instability, hallucinations, clouding of mind, disruption of the respiratory system.

With a pronounced allergic reaction, it is necessary to take an antiallergic drug, for example, Cetrin. After stopping the manifestations of allergies, it is recommended to drink as much liquid as possible over the next few days, which will allow the allergens to be removed from the body.

Such a side effect is possible only if the woman does not comply with the doctor's prescription regarding the dosage and frequency of taking the drug, and with individual intolerance.


The drug has a number of analogues, not similar in composition, but identical in therapeutic effect. These include:

  • Angelica Forte;
  • Dysmenorm;
  • Lifemin;
  • lutein;
  • Mastodinon;
  • Normomens;
  • Remens;
  • Basin;
  • Tribestan Plus;
  • Utrozhestan
  • Femiwell;
  • Estrovel.

As for analogs, here we are talking about other side effects. Therefore, if there is a need to replace Cyclodinone, then it is better to choose it together with the doctor, taking into account the current state of the body and its physiological characteristics.

Does Cyclodinone help to get pregnant?

When taking Cyclodinone at the stage of pregnancy planning, many patients note that it really helps not only to normalize the menstrual cycle, but also has a positive effect on the functioning of the entire reproductive system as a whole.

According to reviews, 6 out of 10 women, after completing the course with this remedy, were able to get pregnant throughout the year.

But at the same time, some note the low resistance of the drug: for example, after its withdrawal, there was a return to the state of the body in which it was before undergoing therapy. PMS returned, menstrual irregularities were observed. This effect is an indication that the drug is not a panacea and it may not be suitable in each individual case.

Also, the low efficiency of this phytopreparation is observed in the absence of indications for its use. Against this background, the current state not only does not improve, but is rapidly deteriorating, provoking the development of pathological conditions in the reproductive system.


At the end of this publication, I would like to say the following: the hormonal system of women is unique and its work depends on a number of points. As such, there is no panacea for the normalization of a particular process in the body: for some, preparations based on the fruits of the common prutnyak are suitable, and for some, synthetic agents will be more effective. All this is purely individual. Therefore, only a doctor should prescribe this or that drug: he will prescribe an appropriate examination in order to determine the current state of the body and, on the basis of this, select the most appropriate treatment.

What have you heard about this drug? Perhaps you or someone you know took it as prescribed by a doctor? Share with us your opinion and interesting information, which may even be very useful for someone! Leave your comments at the end of the post.

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