Sienko's new appointment. Schemes of Oleg Sienko at Uralvagonzavod? A tram is not a tank: why Uralvagonzavod can produce Armata, but not an iPhone on rails

Due to serious financial problems, the head of Uralvagonzavod may be replaced by Deputy Head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Alexander Potapov

At the very end of 2016, Vladimir Putin, with a stroke of the pen, took and transferred Uralvagonzavod to the state corporation. This was the only chance to save the enterprise without new financial expenses, which the federal budget can no longer afford. Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, who oversees the military industry, said that Rostec will help Uralvagonzavod. Earlier, the official asked Vladimir Putin to remove Sienko.
The document signed by Vladimir Putin on the transfer of UVZ to Rostec states that within 18 months all assets must be transferred to a state corporation managed by Sergey Chemezov. This means that at about the end of the same time, law enforcement agencies will “tackle” Oleg Sienko.

There was even a candidate who would replace Sienko in his post. This is the deputy head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Alexander Potapov.

How UVZ was destroyed

At the moment, the net debt of Uralvagonzavod is 276 billion rubles!

UVZ is in a catastrophic situation, only Alfa-Bank is demanding more than 7 billion rubles from the enterprise! But everything may not end with debts, apparently, the top managers of the state-owned enterprise tried to defraud the bank in a fraudulent way. Specifically, Alfa made claims against UVZ's subsidiary, ChTZ-Uraltrak LLC. In November 2016, it became clear that the company was going bankrupt.

But the Transdiesel bureau, which is part of ChTZ, tried to bankrupt ChTZ-U. They just tried to scam a private bank! But the authorities did not allow the fraud to be carried out. But on the other hand, the Sienkovites created a new enterprise on the basis of ChTZ-Uraltrak - the Chelyabinsk Center for Forging Competences. It turns out that the "daughter" of UVZ remained only on paper.

It is worth noting that, in addition to Alfa-Bank, the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works (MMK), known for its lobbyists, also wants to return its finances, to which structures under the control of Oleg Sienko owe 65.041 million rubles (case No. A60-44238 / 2014). Viktor Rashnikov's company intends to recover "for the supplied metal for the production of railcars."

Claims have accumulated from OAO Ural Steel, which is part of the Metalloinvest group (case No. A47-10730/2014), and OAO Izhstal (case No. A60-43005/2014). The courts also received claims from carrier companies — Freight One Company (case No. A60-32244/2014), Novotrans Holding Company (case No. A40-161834/2014) and a number of others. And the company, Tokem Trading House, wants to declare bankrupt OJSC Scientific and Production Corporation Uralvagonzavod, which owes a relatively small amount of 1.8 million rubles, but cannot pay it back!

In 2016, a company called Avangardstroy filed a lawsuit to declare bankrupt JSC Ural Transport Engineering Plant (Uraltransmash, part of NPK Uralvagonzavod). Again, a claim for less than 10 million rubles.

It should be noted that UVZ's subsidiary, Omsktransmash, is inundated with claims for the recovery of debts for products delivered or work performed. Here, the total amount of debt is 2.3 billion rubles. Note that another "daughter" of UVZ - "Uraltransmash" was able to remain on the market solely on the loan of the state "Gazprombank".

“Credit funds are provided to the enterprises of the corporation for a period of five years under the provision of state guarantees. The provision of state guarantees for a loan issued by Gazprombank has been approved by the Interdepartmental Commission for Monitoring the Financial and Economic State of Organizations of the Military-Industrial Complex – Executors of the State Defense Order,” UVZ said in an October 2016 statement.

Oleg Sienko

UVZ "Tractor Plants" (KTZ), which owes an astronomical 72.6 billion rubles, is also in a serious crisis. In September 2016, it became clear that VEB "could issue a stabilization loan and decide on a reorganization scheme." But the unspoken condition was the accession of the entire UVZ to Rostec, which happened recently. Moreover, thanks to Chemezov, UVZ received state guarantees for 25.7 billion rubles to refinance the debt.

It is worth noting that Uralvagonzavod constantly received subsidies from the budget. So, at the end of 2015, the Kremlin “gave the go-ahead” to provide Uralvagonzavod with state guarantees for 17 billion rubles!!!

How UVZ "came to such a life"

Mr. Sienko headed Uralvagonzavod back in 2009. This was the beginning of the serious problems of the enterprise. For the first year, UVZ showed a loss of 7.2 billion rubles. Before Sienko, I must say, the plant had a profit.

Already by 2014, the net loss of Uralvagonzavod for the year amounted to 4.8 billion rubles! Sienko could not even pay PR people for advertising!

Sienko's management cannot be called innovative. He, according to a number of media, has promoted the initiative to ban the use of old cars. What happened? Operators do not buy new cars - “operators and owners of rolling stock prefer to replenish the fleet by renting. New wagons in a weak market do not pay off.”

It got to the point that in 2015 UVZ did not pay a five-month wage arrears to the Novy Stil subsidiary factory in Karpinsk for the supply of workwear! At the same time, more than 250 employees of ChTZ-Uraltrak LLC threatened with protest rallies against non-payment of wages. This situation could not be called otherwise than a complete collapse.

Meanwhile, Sienko fed the generals and authorities with tales that the Armata tanks would be cheaper than the American Abrams. This is true, only a 100% devaluation of the ruble is not the merit of Sienko!

Only Abrams has already produced 10,000 pieces of equipment, and the Armata has stalled on Red Square. This does not mean that the tank project is bad, experts unanimously call it promising. But here the price of it can increase significantly. But Sienko “feeds” the public with PR, for which, as we wrote above, he does not always pay! “UVZ has serious problems with production and sales, both in the civilian (railway) and military (tank) sectors. For example, tanks produced at UVZ are not in great demand from the military department. Not only are they rapidly becoming obsolete, but they are also too expensive (about 130 million rubles per car).”

Yes, the Ministry of Defense is even suing Sienko. So, on January 11 last year, UVZ lost a court case to the defense department because of a tank that broke down (!) in the Taman division, which was under warranty. The Capital Arbitration ordered the company to pay 1.8 million rubles. Managers did not want to resolve the issue without a trial ...

Dita Von Teese instead of Almaty

Sienko does not pay PR people and hard workers. But Oleg Viktorovich spares no money for his birthday. On February 13, 2016, shortly before the day of Defender of the Fatherland Sienko, 400 people threw a banquet in the large hall of the European shopping center. The cost of this event is 10 million rubles!

Do you think this is the first time Sienko has been having a party? No, before that, on the southern coast of France, the head of UVZ ordered for himself and his top managers the singer CC Ketch and the diva Dita von Teese. The cost of dancing services of an erotic star is 25 thousand dollars!

Dita Von Teese

But now 2016 is coming, something needs to be done with Uralvagonzavod. And Sienko offers his "strategy" - Oleg Viktorovich's subordinates presented an exclusive tour of military-industrial tourism - "Voentur"!

“It will allow tourists to get acquainted with military equipment and the history of the famous Uralvagonzavod. As part of the tour, guests will be able to visit the territory of UVZ closed to the public, will be allowed into the workshops of the enterprise, historically associated with the production of special equipment, ”the company said in a statement.

Prior to that, Sienko began to promote UVZ tanks in computer games!

It looks like Mr. Sienko's "games" are over. Within 18 months or earlier, all the assets of Uralvagonzavod and financial statements will be in the hands of Rostec. After that, questions about birthdays for 10 million rubles, non-payment of workers and the growth of UVZ debt to 276 billion rubles will already be asked by investigators to Oleg Viktorovich.

This person is a prominent figure in the business environment. He is far from being a novice in business, and Oleg Sienko positions himself as a brilliant manager. But not all experts agree with this statement, especially in the light of the events that took place at the time when the businessman began to manage the large Uralvagonzavod enterprise. He was really threatened with bankruptcy, and Oleg Sienko tried to solve this problem at the expense of state guarantees. But the products manufactured from the plant were in low demand, so there was no money to pay off state loans, as a result, they had to borrow more ... But even the financial crisis at Uralvagonzavod did not prevent the entrepreneur from celebrating his anniversary on a grand scale and pomp.

So who is he, businessman Oleg Sienko, who could become not just anyone, but the governor of a large region? Let's consider this question in more detail.

Years of childhood and youth

Oleg Sienko is a native of the city of Bataysk (Rostov region). He was born in 1966. As a child, the future businessman showed a serious interest in cycling and even managed to achieve the status of an international master of sports in this type of discipline. It is noteworthy that in the period from 2008 to 2010, Oleg Sienko headed the Cycling Federation in the country. But having received a certificate of maturity, the young man chose a different profession. He became a student at the Orenburg Interregional Institute of Management (Department of Economics) and graduated from this university in 1997. In 2000, Oleg Sienko (height - 173 cm) received a diploma in economics and enterprise management (Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas). Then he will become a graduate of the graduate school of the Academy of Economics under the Government of the Russian Federation.

Work days

The young man began his career in Siberia.

In 1988, Oleg got a job as an instructor in the Youth Initiative of Irkutsk association. This structure belonged to the local city committee of the Komsomol. But then the USSR collapsed, and there was an opportunity to do business.

management positions

After some time, the career of an economist quickly went uphill. In the early 90s, Oleg Sienko, whose biography is known to few, heads the enterprise ZAO Malitrans. In the second half of the 90s, he led the commercial structures Mega-Oil and Most-Oil.

In 1998, a graduate of the Orenburg Interregional Institute of Management received the position of assistant to the first deputy general director of OAO Mezhregiongaz, Oleg Zhilin. Soon Sienko was offered to head the executive body of Gazkomerts LLC, and he did not refuse the offer.

At the beginning of the 2000s, an already experienced manager was entrusted with the reins of one of Gazprom's subsidiaries, which is specialized in gas supplies to the EU countries.

In 2003, Oleg Sienko became deputy head of the Strategic Development and Corporate Governance Department of Itera Oil and Gas Company. A few years later, the manager will again head the Board of Directors of the Gazkomerts company, and soon after that he will become the chairman of the executive body of the Kirov enterprise Lepse.


At the end of the 2000s, Oleg Sienko really turned into a knowledgeable and experienced manager at the enterprise. Proposals to head this or that structure rained down on him as if from a cornucopia. But in 2009, he chose the leadership of the Uralvagonzavod enterprise, which produced T-90 tanks and the legendary Armata tracked platforms.

Scale of the problem

But things at the plant left much to be desired. JSC "Russian Railways" at one fine moment abandoned the products of "UVZ". Enterprise A multi-million dollar loan was issued in Alfa-Bank. The financial structure wanted to achieve bankruptcy of the enterprise through the courts. But the government came to the rescue. Gazprombank refinanced the loan, but serious financial claims against UVZ remained with the businessman; officials could not turn a blind eye to this problem either. One way or another, but first of all, those who worked at the plant suffered from it.

For many months, UVZ employees were not paid salaries, but this did not prevent Oleg Sienko from celebrating his 50th birthday grandiosely and on a grand scale, and not just anywhere, but in the European shopping center. The celebration of the anniversary cost 10 million rubles.

In a word, the plant was bent every year: the debt hole was getting deeper, and there was nowhere to sell products. And at some point there were rumors that another person would solve the problems of the enterprise, since Sienko was predicted to be the governor of the Sverdlovsk region, but there were no personnel changes. In addition, in 2015, the candidacy of the head of UVZ was considered as a successor who was supposed to leave the post of head of Russian Railways.

Awards, personal life

Sienko has many prestigious awards, including: the medal of the Moscow Region "For Distinction in Service in the Ground Forces", the Order of St. Seraphim of Sorovsky II degree,

Is Oleg Sienko happy in his personal life? The marital status of this experienced manager is known only to a narrow circle of people. Some sources wrote that he was not officially married. But the photo shows that the businessman is wearing a wedding ring.

The ex-general director of the Uralvagonzavod Corporation, Oleg Sienko, received a high position in the Russian Copper Company - he became the first vice president. Prior to this, the top manager, who gave UVZ eight years, had not been heard from since his resignation in March 2017. Recall that earlier the ex-director was predicted a position in and even.

Russian Copper Company is a Russian industrial holding headquartered in Yekaterinburg. The structure includes 11 mining and metallurgical enterprises in the Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk, Orenburg, Novgorod regions, as well as Kazakhstan. Chairman of the Board of Directors of RMK Igor Altushkin

Oleg Sienko gave an interview to URA.RU.

Oleg Viktorovich, for a whole year you were off the agenda and public. Have you given yourself time for sybaritism, even if you have been idle for a month?

No, I didn't mess around at all. Idleness is a dangerous disease, it is too early to suffer from it. He dealt with various issues, solving problems that, due to lack of time, had previously been postponed.

It was very unexpected to learn about your appointment to the Russian Copper Company, and therefore it is torn by curiosity. I remember back in November, describing the installation of a monument to Emperor Alexander III in Crimea, the media…

There was a story, yes. It's good that they called it that.

And it was you who erected that monument with Igor Altushkin [Chairman of the Board of Directors of RMK] - that's when the job offer appeared?

We have been cooperating for a long time. Last year, the head of RMK made me an offer. To be honest, I was in thought for a long time, we decided that we would return to this conversation in the new year. There were several conversations, and we agreed that, probably, there is a time to be mutually beneficial to each other. So in February "the dream came true of the workers and peasants" (quote from a poem by Sergei Mikhalkov).

- There are as many as 11 vice-presidents in the RMK. What is your specific profile?

I am the first vice president. In a company, everyone has their own tasks, and rightly so, because a rider needs a stirrup, a hunter a gun, and nothing else.

- And in the circle of your duties - the capture of the world?

- [laughs] Taking over the world, flying with Elon Musk to Mars - is not among my tasks yet. The circle of my questions is the interaction with the federal authorities (GR).

- Communication with the "celestials" that is?

No, with the "celestials" let the "celestials" and talk. I have GR and questions related to the promotion of the company.

Well, since we mention the federal authorities, why didn't they go there? You were expected to be assistants to the president, I remember. You are in the personnel reserve of the Kremlin, I checked.

Even in some kind of gold, not copper [laughs].

- Exactly, so why not politics?

I'm sharp for politics.

Wasn't it scary to go into private business in Russia after a state corporation with its regular supply of government orders?

Mechanical engineering, in which I worked - hard labor. There was no government order there - everything was absolutely gnawed out, pulled out, proved. When you have more than 9,000 pickers (suppliers of components for the main products), you understand how difficult everything is. RMK has built a good business strategy, and it needs to be polished, and this takes time. The company is young, it was created from scratch and has grown very seriously. If people have enough strength, energy, talent to make such a powerful platform, everything else will come, these are questions of strategy. As in prey: I found a stone, then it needs to be cut, then polished to make it shine brighter - this is the last thing that is happening right now.

Physically, where do you plan to be more often? The second mayor of Nizhny Tagil, Valentina Isaeva, mentioned in an interview that you preferred Moscow - it even looked like a slight reproach.

At my previous job, I was where I needed to be. It is wrong to sit in Nizhny Tagil in front of the executive director and interfere with his work, and not to promote interests in the federal authorities or not be present at key negotiations on export deliveries. The wolf is fed by the legs, and not by the lair way of life. So RMK has a wide geography, where it will be necessary - there I will be.

Will you invite people from your previous team, perhaps with whom it was especially comfortable to work, or will you go on alone?

I'm not ready to talk yet, we need to look around. People are recruited for specific tasks, not the other way around.

Igor Altushkin is fond of aggressive sports: practical shooting, martial arts, promotes boxing, fights without rules, wrestling.

What are you talking about, this is the economy of modern Russia - this is a constant struggle, and I have been doing this for a long time. So all these things morally, at least, I fully support.

The company has a lot of social projects that it intends to implement: in Chelyabinsk - an arena, in Yekaterinburg - a temple, a sports academy. Will you dive into these questions too?

The huge social burden that the company shouldered did not take, but it took on itself - this is the initiative of the head of the company. And this is a big responsibility: here it is necessary not only to complete something, but also to maintain it later - this is an image that requires constant attention. If my help in these matters is needed, I will, of course, begin to deal with this.

By the way, about the image. At the last Innoprom, the UVZ stand has practically disappeared - this is a corner in the whole set of Rostec subdivisions. On the contrary, the RMK stand has been considered one of the main attractions of the exhibition for the second year in a row. Which option is closer to you personally?

I am flattered that we were pioneers with a stand and the exhibition was promoted to the skies, including with your help. All this depends on the view of the leader: someone does not see beyond the nose, and someone looks into the future. It is necessary to maintain the image of the company, because if the power is not shown, it means that the company has fewer prospects. When a company shows work, and people then pull themselves into it with the appropriate mindset, thinking about the future. I think we raised young people who turned into people with a different level and stage of thinking.

In 1997 - Graduated from the Interregional Institute of Management with a degree in Economics, in 2000 - the Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after I.M. Gubkin with a degree in Economics and Enterprise Management, in 2001 - postgraduate studies at the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation.

In 1988, he worked in Irkutsk as an instructor for the Youth Initiative of Irkutsk Association of the Irkutsk City Committee of the Komsomol.

Since 1992 - General Director of CJSC "Malitrans", in 1996-1998 - Director of the companies "Most-Oil" and "Mega-Oil".

In 1998, he became an advisor to Oleg Zhilin, First Deputy General Director of OAO Mezhregiongaz, and the following year, he became chairman of the board of directors of OOO Gazkomerts.

In 2002, he was appointed General Director of OOO Gazexport, a subsidiary of Gazprom that supplies gas to Europe.

In 2003, he became Deputy Chairman of the Board - Head of the Strategic Development and Corporate Governance Department of Itera Oil and Gas Company.

In 2006, he returned to the post of chairman of the board of directors of the Gazkomerts company, then headed the board of directors of OJSC LEPSE Electric Machine Building Plant (Kirov).

On April 16, 2009, he was appointed General Director of OJSC Scientific and Production Corporation Uralvagonzavod (Nizhny Tagil), replacing Nikolay Malykh, who had been in charge of the enterprise since 1997. It is believed that the appointment of Sienko took place at the initiative of the General Director of Russian Technologies Chemezov.

Professionally engaged in cycling, master of sports of international class. In 2008, he became president of the Russian Cycling Federation. In 2010, he resigned due to the workload at his main place of work.

In 2012, he headed the Russian-Algerian Business Council, being unanimously elected by the Russian part of the council.

In 2013, he became a member of the Board of Directors of the United Shipbuilding Corporation.

He was awarded the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree.

He was awarded the medal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "For Distinction in Service in the Ground Forces".

He was awarded the Order of St. Seraphim of Sarov II degree.

Winner of the Prize "Results of the Year of the Urals and Siberia - 2009" in the nomination "Manager's Debut of the Year".

"Honorary Engineer".

Honorary citizen of the city of Volchansk.

In 2011, he became a laureate of the annual interregional award "Results of the Year of the Urals and Siberia-2011" in the "Anti-Crisis" nomination - "for the best tactics for overcoming adverse situations." In the same year, the Federal Agency for State Reserves of the Office for the Urals Federal District awarded Sienko with a certificate of honor "for his great contribution to strengthening the defense capability of Russia."

In 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016, he entered the TOP-1000 Russian Managers according to the Kommersant newspaper, taking eighth, second and four times first place among the heads of machine-building enterprises, respectively.

In June 2012, he was awarded the Gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation for his active participation in the election campaign for the election of the President of the Russian Federation.

March 17, 2014 "for many years of conscientious work, a great contribution to the development of domestic industry and in connection with the 20th anniversary of the Federation Council" was awarded the medal "Federation Council. 20 years".

In August 2014 he became an Honorary Citizen of the city of Shakhty.

In June 2015 he became an honorary citizen of the city of Nizhny Tagil.

In 2016, he was awarded the Pyotr Gubonin medal (“for his great personal contribution to the development of the Russian transport complex”), the M.T. Kalashnikov, as well as a diploma from the State Duma (“for active social and political activity”).

Not married.


It is obvious that the members of the team of Sergei Lukash did not lose ties with each other even after being expelled from Gazprom. And it was not by chance that we singled out Oleg Sienko among others, who, after leaving Miller, falls into the circle of another influential person - Sergei Chemezov. It is unlikely that Sienko's appointment as chairman of the board of directors of the Kirov OAO Electric Machine-Building Plant Lepse was done without patronage. D. Manturov, now the Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade, and then the General Director of Oboronprom and an associate of Chemezov, is also a member of the Board of Directors here. By the way, it is known that at the end of last year Chemezov offered Sienko to head the Russian Cycling Federation. It is also known that the head of Russian Technologies, Sergei Chemezov, is showing interest in Russian chemical enterprises.

Scandals.Ru, 04/09/2009

They tell a joke: after Sienko, the Ural Carriage Works will be called the Ural Bicycle Plant (the general director is the head of the Russian Cycling Federation). “There are no quality management solutions. They stupidly lead to the bankruptcy of the enterprise, close the production of road-building equipment, out of 168 employees of the design bureau they want to leave only 41. Although there are not enough high-quality personnel: to install an automatic loader for tanks, they still invite an old man of one 75-year-old, ”they tell an almost military secret my interlocutors. And they repeat again: such reductions are because Sienko's team came to liquidate the plant. Everyone understands this and remembers: Malykh walked around the city with one guard, and Sienko has 15 of them.

URA. en, 06/03/2009

Mdaaa, and what happened to Putin's billions?! "A lover of striptease" Oleg Sienko, General Director of OAO NPK Uralvagonzavod, again spent his vacation on the Cote d'Azur of France. However, as gossip reports, UVZ is doing "not so well" this year. If last August the guests of the party "VTB-Leasing" and UVZ were entertained by Dita von Teese and "Modern Talking", now the oligarchs from the state were content with rappers unknown to the general public, writes Bozena Rynska in Gazeta.Ru.

A party on the most expensive piece of the Cote d'Azur, in the Grand Hotel, VTB-Leasing, together with UVZ, arranges the second year in a row. "The latter, due to its pro-Putin orientation, does not advertise its equity participation in the event of the rich and famous, nevertheless, along with Andrey Konoplev, a member of the board of directors of VTB-Leasing, Oleg Siyenko, the general director of UVZ, was also in charge this evening," reports a secular observer.

“From the party itself, there was a feeling that VTB-Leasing and UVZ are not doing as well as their guest Rustam Aksenenko [son of former Deputy Prime Minister Nikolai Aksenenko],” Rynska notes. A secular chronicler gives an example: last year the guests were fed "from the belly - order anything on the menu of the Grand Hotel, the owners pay", and this time the guests ate what they give and drank what they pour. "The auction of the unprecedented generosity of VTB-Leasing has ended," the observer concludes. (At the last party, a special striptease act performed by Dita Von Teese, ex-wife of Marilyn Manson, could cost the oligarchs at least $25,000, the media noted)., 08/22/2012

As the majority shareholder and member of the board of directors of Motovilikha Yuri Medvedyuk said, before applying to the TFR, the company's shareholders tried to resolve issues with Zagidullov peacefully.

At the same time, Yuri Medvedyuk recalled the fact that recently in Motovilikha, one of the shareholders, the state corporation Uralvagonzavod, attempted to change the general director. And she, too, according to Medvedyuk, met the interests of Marat Zagidullov.

“Oleg Sienko (head of Uralvagonzavod) and Zagidullov are friends, we have a lot of facts that point to this,” says Medvedyuk. - And the change of the general director is the easiest way to slow down any case initiated at the request of the enterprise, and nullify the claims from the shareholders.

Izvestia, March 18, 2013

In 2013, Semyon Mlodik, deputy general director of the Uralvagonzavod corporation, was detained in Moscow at Sheremetyevo Airport while trying to fly to Kyiv.

Mlodik was accused of stealing about 273 million rubles as the chairman of the board of directors of Promtractor-Vagon CJSC (part of the Tractor Plants, KTZ concern). Oleg Sienko's deputy, according to investigators, acquired a stake in CJSC Promtractor-Vagon through controlled companies, and then sold it to one of his offshore companies.

The security forces then began to seriously look at the activities of the management of Uralvagonzavod.

After all, the general director of UVZ could not fail to notice how his deputy takes almost 300 million rubles offshore?! After all, Siyenko couldn't suddenly "take it and go blind"!

It is also worth noting that the first time Semyon Mlodik was detained on the evening of October 4, 2012, and he left only in December 2012. That is, for almost two months Sienko did not let go of his deputy suspected of embezzlement!

And when, in July 2013, the Kalininsky District Court of Cheboksary stopped criminal prosecution against the ex-director of ChTZ-Uraltrak LLC (part of NPK Uralvagonzavod) Semyon Mlodik for alleged money laundering due to the statute of limitations, rumors appeared that

Sienko tritely "dismissed" his ex-deputy. Rumor has it that the investigation and litigation in the case of the deputy head of UVZ was deliberately delayed, and the case was eventually closed after the statute of limitations expired., May 25, 2016

The appointment of Dubrovsky to the post of governor of the Chelyabinsk region should be viewed as a victory for a group associated with UVZ and its general director Oleg Sienko, says Evgeny Minchenko, general director of the Minchenko Consulting Foundation. In his opinion, Dubrovsky's work at Uralvagonzavod gave a good impetus to the career of the newly-minted head of the region. Rashnikov and his MMK, where Dubrovsky worked in recent years, were not mentioned in the conflict around Yurevich, at least publicly, the political scientist notes. The owner of Magnitogorsk is firmly in the top three most influential people in the Chelyabinsk region and is considered the richest person in the region.

RUSPRES, 01/16/2014

Uralvagonzavod is considered one of Vladimir Putin's favorite enterprises. During the campaign for elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation, UVZ joined Putin's Popular Front "with the entire labor collective." Later, this largest defense enterprise in the region played an important role in the presidential campaign. "Worker from Nizhny Tagil" Igor Kholmanskikh appeared on Putin's "Direct Line" with a proposal to help deal with the opposition, after which he was appointed presidential envoy to the Ural Federal District. Yevgeny Shkolov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of UVZ, became an adviser to the President on personnel matters. Now Kholmanskikh is busy creating the movement "In defense of the working man".

In total, budget injections into Uralvagonzavod and guaranteed state orders, thanks to Putin's generosity, already reach 300 billion rubles.

At the same time, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation criticized UVZ products for the high cost and obsolescence of tanks, and Russian Railways for the low quality of cars. And after Sienko's meeting with Putin at the beginning of last year, the trade unions convicted the "stripper lover" of providing the then prime minister with incorrect information about the average salary at the enterprise.

Upmonitor. en, 22.08. 2012 G.

On March 21, 2014, Uralvagonzavod entered into a cooperation agreement with ChTPZ. At the same time, Mr. Sienko was not embarrassed by the fact that on March 13, 2014, the owner of the Chelyabinsk Pipe Rolling Plant (ChTPZ), Andrey Komarov, was detained (later arrested) for trying to bribe a federal official with a bribe of $ 300 thousand.

And then another scandal followed, when it turned out that Mr. Komarov, with whose structure Sienko signed a partnership agreement, is friends with the sponsor of the Right Sector, the current governor of the Dnipropetrovsk region of Ukraine, Igor Kolomoisky. Moreover, Komarov, judging by the media, even repeatedly went on vacation with Kolomoisky.

These are the "wonderful" business partners of the general director of Uralvagonzavod. As the saying goes, "Tell me who your friend is, and I'll tell you who you are!". But, if Oleg Sienko likes to build partnerships with friends of Igor Kolomoisky, then a completely logical question arises: “Are the political interests of Russia important for the head of UVZ? Or maybe he just wants endless government subsidies?!

The Moscow Post, 05/25/2016G.

The general director of Uralvagonzavod, Oleg Sienko, is reproached for not caring about the subsidiaries of his enterprise at all. As a result, Mr. Sienko never ceases to criticize the local authorities.

So, for example, at the beginning of August 2014, at an extraordinary session of the Regional Council of People's Deputies of the Kemerovo Region, parliamentarians recognized the situation at the CHPP of Yurginsky Machine-Building Plant LLC (Yurmash is part of UVZ) as an emergency situation (ES), which could lead to a human sacrifice”, stated in the resolution of the regional council.

As a result, on August 8, 2014, the state of emergency was officially introduced at the Yurga CHPP.

“There is a strong opinion that the owners have taken over the enterprise, but they don't know what to do with it. In practice, the company is evading responsibility for the future fate of the Yurga Machine Plant, ”the local media wrote at the time.

The Moscow Post, 07/29/2016G.

The political ambitions of Uralvagonzavod CEO Oleg Siyenko, who, according to media reports, can claim the post of governor of the Sverdlovsk region, led to a series of conflicts, both at the regional and federal levels. Against this background, the production process at Uralvagonzavod, according to experts, was actually collapsed.

At the same time, according to experts, in the struggle for power in the Sverdlovsk region, Oleg Sienko, the general director of Uralvagonzavod, has the main lever for putting pressure on Kuyvashev - this is Igor Kholmanskikh, the plenipotentiary representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Urals Federal District, who previously served as head of the assembly shop of OAO "Scientific and production corporation "Uralvagonzavod" named after F. E. Dzerzhinsky." (Workshop No. 130, assembly production of tanks - ed.)., 14.08.2014G.

There was a tragedy in the army. The crew of the tank died during the exercises, 3 people - tank commander Lieutenant Delyus Garipov and privates Yevgeny Taktarov and Alexei Khartasov.

Sad as it is to admit, there is nothing surprising in the fact that Uralvagonzavod delivered a defective tank. The management of the plant, headed by the general director Oleg Sienko, actually brought it to the handle. In 2013, when there were no sanctions yet, losses for 9 months of work amounted to a billion rubles. And for the same period of the previous year, net profit exceeded 9 billion rubles. The volume of proceeds from the sale of railcar products decreased by more than 40%.

RUSPRES, 04/01/2015

According to the UVZ report, the company's net loss for the first half of 2015 amounted to 5.26 billion rubles. The corporation's revenue fell by 34.4% to 25 billion rubles.

In particular, revenue from the production and sale of railcar products amounted to 2.66 billion rubles, which is almost 7 times lower than the same indicator for the first half of 2014.

The main reason for the reduction in revenue in this area is "a decrease in demand for railway products." The agricultural and road-building direction is practically dead. UVZ keeps afloat solely due to the state defense order.

But how does Oleg Sienko get out of this "predicament"? Perhaps he is changing economic policy? Everything is much simpler: Uralvagonzavod continues to pull money from the state. So, in September 2015, the Russian government approved the provision of state guarantees to Uralvagonzavod for 17 billion rubles.

And in early June 2015, the government agreed on the provision of state guarantees to the Uralvagonzavod corporation for 20 billion rubles. This is three times less than the UVZ management requested. And earlier, Oleg Sienko said that the Uralvagonzavod corporation expects 21.5 billion rubles of state guarantees from the government.

In 2014, UVZ also asked for money. For example, in October 2014, the management of the Uralvagonzavod corporation applied to the Russian government with a request to provide the enterprise with state guarantees for loans in the amount of 35-50 billion rubles. According to Sienko himself, these additional finances were necessary for the enterprise to implement the federal program (FP) "Development of the military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation until 2020."

Until 2020, it is planned to allocate about 150 billion rubles for the modernization of all production facilities of the Uralvagonzavod corporation. It turns out that Sienko turned his sponsored company into a real “black hole”, where budget money is literally “sucked in”.

Moscow Post,February 12, 2016

But what do we actually have? Remember Gorbachev's words that perestroika must begin with oneself? This is not about Sienko and his team. Oleg Viktorovich has 8 deputies - just like Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev. Please note: half of them have Moscow phone numbers. Why not Tagil or Yekaterinburg? Unclear. What are all these people doing in Moscow? It's also unclear. It is only clear that remote control is a sweet thing. And, we believe, highly paid.

And finally, a few words about the consequences (sorry for the tautology) of a beautiful life. In February, Mr. Sienko was scolded by the public and the media for spending exorbitantly on his birthday, which Mr. Director celebrated, of course, in Moscow. 400 guests came to the European shopping center, $300,000 was estimated to have been spent. Oleg Viktorovich was walking against the backdrop of strikes by UVZ workers who protested against non-payment of their salaries ... But we remember that this is all nonsense, it's okay. Mikhail Zharich has already explained everything to everyone ...

General newspaper, 06/03/2016

The head of the Accounts Chamber Tatyana Golikova was asked to check the activities of the head of Uralvagonzavod Oleg Sienko, who, according to media reports, allegedly arranged a banquet for 10 million rubles.

An appeal to the Accounts Chamber was sent by the first deputy chairman of the commission of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation (OP) on social policy, labor relations and the quality of life of citizens Georgy Fedorov.

“I ask you to check the activities of Sienko, since he runs an enterprise owned by the state, and such celebrations of the head of a state-owned enterprise during a deep crisis in which the Russian economy is in, look like a “feast during the plague,” Fedorov wrote in an appeal to which he refers "RIA News".

Information about the banquet in honor of Sienko's anniversary appeared on the LifeNews portal the day before. According to the resource, a banquet for 400 people was held on February 13 in the large hall of the European shopping center. The portal indicated that well-known actors and show business figures, Marina and Valentin Yudashkin, Alika Smekhova, Anita Tsoi, Igor Krutoy and others, were also invited to the anniversary to the head of the state-owned company. Photos of the stars were published on the publication's website. The media estimated that the total cost of the banquet could be 10 million rubles. or even exceed that amount. The portal notes that Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, who oversees the military-industrial complex, and Denis Manturov, head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, also came to congratulate Sienko.

RBC, February 16, 2016

The Deputy Prime Minister, who oversees the military-industrial complex, wrote a corresponding letter to President Vladimir Putin. In it, he also proposed to change the head of Uralvagonzavod, the Vedomosti newspaper reports, citing sources. According to them, Rogozin expressed dissatisfaction with the work of the general director of the enterprise Oleg Sienko and the difficult financial situation of the enterprise, noted that the performance of work on the state defense order was in jeopardy. According to the interlocutor of the publication, the president instructed the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Ministry of Economic Development to work out Rogozin's proposals.

Uralvagonozavod (UVZ), which is part of the Rostec corporation, is bankrupting the management company (RTX), owned by Sergei Shpak. The essence of the claims has not yet been reported. At the end of last year, UVZ announced a debt of RTX of 1 billion rubles for the resale of cars to Kazakhstan. And earlier, the court with RTH was recovered in favor of UVZ 287.7 million rubles.A conflict arose between UVZ and RTH due to the use of a bogie on the basis of which the cars are used.In September last year, UVZ withdrew the license for its production from the Novozybkovskiy Machine-Building Plant (NMZ), which is part of the RTH. And this led to the fact that since February, Rostransnadzor banned the use of cars produced by NMZ. UVZ's actions, according to representatives of the RTH, are destructive both for the industry and for itself. As a result, UVZ incurs losses. Okay can state interests be indifferent, but their own? partners and therefore almost went around the world, having accumulated debts in the amount of 276 billion rubles. After joining the Rostec plant, its head, Sergei Chemezov, apparently began to "clean up" Sienko's gray schemes. And he started with the licensing of bogies produced by UVZ. There are two types of bogies: innovative and conventional, on the basis of which 85% of the entire fleet of cars is produced. Innovative gives the right to a discount and an empty run. Also, the production of innovative cars on its basis is sponsored by the state.
Oleg Sienko granted licenses to everyone who used carts under different conditions. Apparently, they depended on the size of the "kickbacks" received by the ex-director. Now the licensing policy is changing. They are trying to put everyone on an equal footing. And, of course, not everyone likes it.

Sergey Chemezov will bring order to UVZ?

UVZ had the most acute situation with Altaivagon, which signed a contract in 2013 for 10 years. For UVZ, the terms of the contract are simply onerous. But, probably, they were quite suitable for Oleg Sienko personally. Only it is no longer in the factory.

Altaivagon cannot obtain a polymer part for the production of an innovative trolley. Its only licensed supplier, LLC NPP Unikom-Service, supplies only through UVZ. As a result of the conflict, Altaivagon disrupted the supply of cars for SUEK. At the same time, products were shipped to UVZ and Russian Railways car repair enterprises. -100, on the basis of which many manufacturers made clones.Some had to abandon them and enter into new agreements with UVZ.Rostec's tough policy may lead market participants to start creating their own alternative carts.However, another option is to revise license agreements , and UVZ, apparently, no. In another way, after Oleg Sienko, you can’t restore order at the plant. Oleg Sienko's schemes?

It is interesting to follow how UVZ worked under Oleg Sienko. The founders are individuals who are closely related to each other through other companies belonging to them, which are located at the same address: Pervouralsk, Moskovskoye, 3.

NPP "Unicom-service" supplied UVZ products for 1.46 billion rubles. And 60 million rubles. "UBT-Uralvagonozavod", which is the main customer of UVZ.

The amount of contracts is 76 billion rubles. But UBT Uralvagonozavod delivered products worth 7.6 billion rubles. Russian Railways and 1.9 billion rubles. UVZ. And where is this organization of the case for the difference of almost 70 billion rubles?

And now everything becomes clear, since UVZ is one of the founders of the company. Did billions of rubles return to him? What are these "runs"? Oleg Sienko can probably tell about this. And not only about this. In 2013, UVZ decided to supply springs from its supplier through Industrial Technologies LLC. The scheme is simple - deliveries do not go directly and part of the money, apparently, settles in a one-day company. Under Chemezov, they decided to bankrupt the company. Apparently, in order to cover their tracks. And it turned out that she also had a debt to BZRP of 65 million rubles. After that, another company began to win tenders for the supply. BZRP has 4 contracts with UVZ for the amount of 367 million rubles, and Transmashgroup has 4 contracts with UVZ for the amount of 346 million rubles. An amazing coincidence in terms of the number of contracts, given that BZRP and Transmashgroup do not work with anyone else. But where did the 21 million rubles settle? We can also recall another company of Oleg Sienko, UVZ-Logistics. Its founder is UBT Uralvagonozavod. The results of "UVZ-logistics" are impressive.

Evil tongues say that Oleg Sienko had a lot of one-day firms through which money could be withdrawn from UVZ. Through them, Sienko could also receive "kickbacks" for his bogies from car builders. Walk like that?

In 2016, Oleg Sienko celebrated his 50th birthday on a grand scale. . Alsu, Dmitry Malikov, Vladimir Kuzmin sang for the hero of the day. A total of 400 guests were invited. Oleg Sienko loves to take a walk. Somehow he organized a party on the Cote d'Azur of France, where CC Katch sang for him. And all this happened against the backdrop of "curving" enterprises, to which Oleg Sienko applied his hands. And after all many of them had defensive value. It is even surprising that the "brilliant manager" was not accused of treason, but was allowed to leave his post in peace. However, maybe Sienko will also be called to account. Some of the car builders will be indignant at the fact that the new management of the plant requires licensing from them. Was everything decided with Sienko? Since March, Oleg Sienko has been sitting quieter than water and lower than grass. And that says a lot. Perhaps the payback is still waiting for him.

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