What to eat in the evening is not high-calorie. What can you eat in the evening and what is better to refuse

Good day to you, my dear readers! What do you think you can eat after 6? A good question, which suggests that you can still eat in the evening. Indeed, after 6 pm life does not end, and the stomach, which does not know what, insistently requires food.

And he does it right, because after a break between meals for more than 10 hours, our body turns on a kind of accumulation mode - it begins to store food in stocks to the maximum. You don't have breakfast at 4 am, do you? So, you can not only have dinner, but you need to.

Let's figure out what kind of food you can eat after 6 pm and even before bedtime, in order to lose weight at the same time.

What to eat after 6 to lose weight?

I would like to clarify right away that 6 pm is a very conditional time. In fact, it is recommended to eat no later than 4 hours before bedtime. Therefore, if you go to bed at 12 at night, then you may well eat the last time at 8 o'clock.

And this recommendation applies not only to those who want to lose weight, but also to those who want to effectively restore their strength overnight. The fact is that at night our body produces a special hormone that gives us strength, builds new cells and rejuvenates the body.

Moreover, there are foods that you can eat at least at night, and they will not interfere with your gaining strength and losing weight.

And an important note: you can eat after 6 and other foods and dishes, but in order for you to lose weight, your dinner must be light - low-fat and low-carb.

We'll talk about examples later.

Eating After 6: General Principles

Let's discuss the general principles of evening meals - there are not so many of them.

To lose weight, after six you need to eat protein foods (always low-fat) and fiber. It is protein and fiber that do not cause weight gain when you eat them even in the evening, even at night.

But carbohydrates and fats will only slow down your weight loss, and in cases of busting with them, they will even add unnecessary weight to you.

Dinner after 6 pm: the most reliable options

The most reliable option for evening meals are dairy protein products (necessarily low-fat) and fiber.

It would be ideal to eat low-fat cottage cheese or kefir (however, any fermented milk product is suitable - ryazhenka, varenets, etc.) with fiber (and these are well-known bran, which are widely used for weight loss).

Such a set will not let you get better, even if you eat it right before bed. Take kefir, add bran to it, wait until they swell a little, eat and go to bed calmly.

Evening food: other examples

In addition, non-starchy vegetables can be eaten as a late dinner. These are all types of cabbage, pepper, pumpkin, zucchini, cucumber, tomato. Berries are also not forbidden, and, of course, a variety of greens.

From protein foods, you can also eat an omelet (especially an omelet from some proteins), lean fish and seafood - all of these are quite light.

What is undesirable to eat in the evening?

So, what after 6 (more precisely - 4 hours before bedtime) is not necessary to eat?

Fats and simple carbohydrates (flour, sweet) are definitely not suitable for eating in the evening.

Meat, even dietary white poultry meat, is better not to eat at night, because. meat is digested for a long time - 4-7 hours, and not only will it not allow "weight loss" processes in the body to start, but it will also interfere with your restful sleep.

As for dairy products, in the evening it is better to exclude cheese - this is a rather fatty product.

Fruit is also undesirable, because. most fruits contain quite a lot of carbohydrates.

What food should you choose for dinner?

Based on the listed products allowed in the evening, try to choose something that seems satisfying to you, and, most importantly, tasty.

It's easy - protein meals are always very satisfying. It remains to figure out how to cook them so that dinner is a success.

In the evening, you are allowed all methods of cooking without fat - stewing, steaming, grilling, baking.

For example, fish baked in a bag with spices will decorate any table, and a steamed omelet is much more tender than fried. Seafood stewed with vegetables is a rather gourmet meal, and cottage cheese with berries is almost a dessert. In a word, you can eat deliciously, and at the same time lose weight 🙂

Is it possible to lose weight if you fast after 6?

Pretty popular myth. However, there is some truth in it, although for most modern people it still does not work.

When a break in food intake is more than 12 hours, then enzymes (proteins that regulate various chemical processes in our body) begin to store fat in fat cells. And this is absolutely normal - the mechanisms for storing energy are turned on, because fat for the body is also energy.

So if you stopped eating after six, then be kind enough to have breakfast before six in the morning. Does not work? Then eat a light dinner, and do not let the body make additional fat reserves.

Even if you are the lucky one who has no appetite at all in the evening, drink at least a glass of kefir or eat an apple. Then new fat deposits due to long breaks between meals will not appear.

So, eating after 6 is allowed even for those who want to lose weight. It's all about making the right choice. I wish you easy harmony! And don't let your dinner look like a dull strict diet!

P.S. By the way, read about nutrition for weight loss: - 10 correct answers with portion sizes and other useful information.

P.P.S. And a little about "magic". Why in quotes? How else can you relate to perspective? Oddly enough, but it really looks like magic... Read the details at the link.

Mini Tips for Weight Loss

    Reduce portions by a third - that's what will help to build! Short and to the point :)

    Put supplements or stop? When this question arises, it is definitely time to stop eating. This body gives you a signal about imminent saturation, otherwise you would have no doubt.

    If you tend to overeat in the evenings, take a warm shower before dinner. 5-7 minutes, and you already have a completely different mood and attitude to food. Try it - it works.

    No matter how tasty the food is, you will eat it many more times. This is not the last meal of your life! Remind yourself of this when you feel like you can't stop and are convulsively swallowing piece after piece.

If you are faced with the problem of excess weight and want to thereby maintain the effect obtained forever, then you must have certain knowledge.

The following factors contribute to the appearance of excess weight:

  • Eating large amounts of food, overeating;
  • Abuse of harmful products and fast food;
  • Constant overeating in the evening and at night.

The last problem most worries many losing weight people. I want to eat in the evening, because at this time the body tries to stock up on various substances in case of unforeseen energy costs.

Many are worried about the question of whether to eat at all in the evening. The answer is very simple: it is necessary, and it is mandatory. The fact is that the feeling of hunger triggers the process of fat accumulation in the body. The brain responds to a hunger strike by turning on an energy-saving mode in case such hunger strikes happen again in the future. Then it turns out that the energy that should have been spent throughout the day goes into fat. And so in a circle. Then we will deal with the question of what to eat in the evening to lose weight.

What foods are allowed to eat in the evening when losing weight

The first rule of the evening meal is that you need to eat three or four hours before bedtime. The folk principle of "no eating after six" will not work if you go to bed around two in the morning.

If you are suddenly overcome by a feeling of hunger, and the clock shows a rather late time, read the list of what to eat in the evening in order to lose weight or at least not gain weight:

  • A glass of yogurt will satisfy hunger better than, for example, a piece of cake;
  • A small portion of cottage cheese;
  • Not too sweet fruits: apples, oranges, grapefruits;
  • Lean meat, best boiled chicken fillet;
  • Egg;
  • Vegetable salad without dressing;
  • unsweetened yogurt;
  • Ryazhenka.

What is better to eat in the evening in order to lose weight, you can choose for yourself. The main thing is that the feeling of hunger is satisfied. Choose exactly the product that you really love, because the feeling of dissatisfaction will provoke another bout of hunger.

When you open the refrigerator in search of the next serving of food, consider whether you really want to eat. Perhaps your appetite has made itself felt. This is easy to check. Appetite is a capricious child who knows only one word "I want". He cannot decide anything, he only expresses his desires. Hunger is an absorbing feeling that clearly makes it clear that if you do not eat now, then you will not have enough energy for the normal functioning of the body.

What foods should not be eaten in the evening?

Before you decide what you can eat in the evening, remember the list of foods that you absolutely cannot eat:

  • flour products;
  • Sweets;
  • Cereals;
  • Fatty and fried foods;
  • fast food;
  • Nuts;
  • liquid meals;
  • Sweet vegetables (bananas and grapes).

If you chose dairy products for an evening snack, then remember that contrary to the popular opinion that losing weight people need to choose a low percentage of fat content, this rule categorically does not work. The lower the fat content of dairy products, the more harmful they are to the body. Dairy fats do not form extra centimeters at the waist, but they are safe for health.

To remove toxins from the body in the evening, you need to eat grapefruit. It is the best fat burner. In addition, this fruit normalizes the digestive system.

Thus, the evening meal is very important, it is necessary to eat at this time of day. Choose light, low-fat foods for this snack. Of course, you need to use it without overeating. Following these rules, you will quickly put the figure in order and save the result for a long time.

It is unlikely that someone has not heard the wisdom that "dinner should be given to the enemy." We will not be so categorical. Whether or not to refuse an evening meal, everyone is free to decide for himself, but it’s not worth it to have a snack just before going to the side. After all, the body will not have time to digest this meal before sleep, but at night all the processes in it will proceed much more slowly. As a result, there will be a cutlet with potatoes or fish and rice hanging undigested until waking up. Which is not good for health.

So nutritionists advise to have dinner at least 4 hours before bedtime for a reason. The fact is that during this period, food as a whole is digested and partially absorbed. But even if your dinner takes place at the recommended time, you should be careful about the choice of products for it. In the afternoon, the activity of the digestive system decreases, the liver, gallbladder, pancreas begin to work more slowly than during the day. All this must be taken into account. And refuse heavy, high-calorie, fatty, spicy foods. Carbohydrates are also not recommended, especially easily digestible ones (white bread, sugar, sweet fruits, cakes, etc.), however, it is also better to refuse complex carbohydrates in the form of cereals and potatoes. In the evening, the body processes glucose very poorly, therefore, everything sweet is also prohibited, alas, you need to be careful with fresh fruits and dried fruits.


Sugar and flour of the highest grade - all this very quickly raises the level of sugar in the blood, but after a sweet pie, this one also drops rapidly and you want to eat with renewed vigor. In addition, it is refined foods that are primarily deposited on the hips. Nothing useful remains in them after industrial processing, and glucose and starch - as much as you like.

red meat

Especially fried, but baked or boiled is also not worth it. The fact is that red meat contains a large amount of tyrosine, which increases the level of adrenaline. Therefore, it is best to eat it in the morning, by the evening the level of adrenaline will return to normal and you can sleep peacefully. White poultry and lean fish can be recommended as a light protein component of dinner.

Smoked meats and sausages

Smoked meat, boiled and raw smoked sausage, boiled pork and other goodies contain the amino acid teramine. It increases the production of norepinephrine, a substance responsible for the production of nerve impulses. Its excess excites our brain, does not let us fall asleep. They don’t say that smoked meats are too fatty and harmful.


We usually eat refined rice. And it absorbs too well. It has a lot of starches and, accordingly, fast carbohydrates. So it is better to refuse rice and other cereals in the afternoon.


Even a small piece of dark chocolate in the afternoon will do great harm to both weight loss and well-being. Firstly, it has too much sugar, that is, fast carbohydrates, and secondly, it contains caffeine. So chocolate, as well as other sweets, is recommended to be eaten only in the morning.


They are very high in calories and very fatty. Think about it, a handful of nuts contains up to 600 kcal. This is more than half of the daily diet for losing weight. Those who are not on diets should still avoid nuts. There is too much fat in them (although useful), for the last meal of the day - not too healthy and easily digestible food.

sweet fruits

Grapes, apricots, peaches, watermelon, melon are healthy foods, but they contain a lot of sugars, fast carbohydrates. So it is advisable to refuse them in the evening and eat them only in the morning. It is also better not to eat dried fruits.

True, if you feel that it is not in your power to refuse dessert in the evening, grapes are better than cake.

Horseradish and mustard

Horseradish and mustard, or rather hot sauces based on them, are what drive away sleep well and for a long time. In addition, in the afternoon, the gastrointestinal tract is not so active and may not be able to cope with spicy food, and this can cause heartburn and other discomfort.


Salted and pickled vegetables are too heavy for the stomach, they often cause heartburn, which can cover even not immediately after dinner, but just when you go to bed.

Fast food

This goes without saying, but we will still include hamburgers and other "fast food" in the list. Such products are very fatty, salty, often spicy, they have a lot of sugar. Fat cutlets on rolls are poured with sweet sauce. It is generally very harmful, and even more so in the evening. A heavy stomach, at least, is provided to you all night.

What can you eat in the evening

At our disposal for dinner are: various fish (preferably not too fatty), crustaceans and molluscs, white poultry meat, rabbit, almost all vegetables, dairy products, eggs, unsweetened fruits. In terms of volume, the portion eaten for dinner should not be more than two of your palms folded in a boat.

Eating at night is harmful - we all know this, including those who are not keen on losing weight. In fact, the concept of harmfulness in this case, as in many others, is relative. Not everyone can refuse late dinners, especially if the day was very active, and if active training took place in the afternoon. Well, then you should not starve yourself, but the choice of foods that you can eat in the evening should be approached responsibly, because the body loves to store everything eaten at this time in fat. However, you can arrange a late dinner for yourself, which will allow you to get rid of the feeling of hunger, and at the same time will not harm your figure and good sleep. To do this, you need to know what you can eat at night when losing weight.

First, about the simplest. Our body often tends to confuse hunger and thirst. If you feel like you want to eat when it would be better not to, then try to trick your stomach by drinking glass of water. This option, which you can drink at night to lose weight, contains no calories and is completely safe for the figure. If the water did not help, and you still want to eat, then pay attention to the following products.

Protein products

Protein is the best option for what to eat at night to lose weight. These foods saturate well, allow you to forget about hunger for a long time, in addition, all of them are deposited in muscle mass, and not in fat, and cause the body to burn more calories, which contributes to weight loss. Choose protein foods that are low in fat. For example, you can safely eat a piece of boiled chicken breast, steamed fish, a boiled egg or a protein omelette. In general, it is believed that in the evening it is worth leaning on protein products.

Cottage cheese

Continuing the theme of proteins, we cannot but mention low-fat cottage cheese, which can also be consumed in the evening. Feel free to include it in the list of products that you can eat at night when losing weight. The protein contained in it is absorbed by the body easily and quickly - within 1.5 hours. Cottage cheese is useful for athletes and for those who just want to lose weight. It is better to choose a product with a low percentage of fat content. Do not add sugar to it - it is better to use cinnamon or a small amount of berries to make the dish tastier.


Kefir at night for weight loss is the most popular option among losing weight. This product will in no way provoke weight gain, and, in addition, will help improve sleep and normalize bowel function. A fermented milk drink satisfies the appetite well and can saturate no worse than a full dinner. It is better to drink kefir at night to lose weight low fat without sugar and all kinds of artificial additives.

For a late dinner, you can cook a low-calorie kefir soup. Take a liter of kefir, chop 1-2 cucumbers, a couple of cloves of garlic and a bunch of dill, fill it all with a fermented milk drink. Get a delicious and safe dinner. You can also replace kefir with curdled milk or low-fat yogurt.


Milk lovers can treat themselves to a glass of this drink before bed. Milk at night for weight loss is also useful because it helps fight insomnia. If you have trouble sleeping, then drink a warm drink to which you can add a teaspoon of honey.


Fruit is not so easy. Despite the fact that they contain healthy fiber and many vitamins, some of them contain a large amount of sugar, which can seriously slow down the process of losing weight. It is important to choose the right fruits. As an evening snack, unsweetened and low-calorie fruits are suitable.

Apples at night when losing weight - an ideal option to dull hunger. It is better to choose green fruits that are low in sugar. To make it easier for the body to absorb the apple, peel it. However, keep in mind that apples tend to whet the appetite in some people. To avoid this, you can bake them and eat them with cinnamon. The latter, by the way, has strong fat-burning properties.

A good option is citrus. Orange at night for weight loss, for example, has a low calorie content, includes a lot of fiber and vitamin C, so it is suitable for a late treat. Another good option is grapefruit for weight loss at night, which has a negligible calorie content, and at the same time contains enzymes that activate the fat burning process. You can also eat kiwi, pears, pineapple, watermelon, various berries and other low-calorie foods from fruits.

But with bananas it is better to wait until the morning. They have a fairly high calorie content, in addition, their chemical composition contributes to the fact that the body is charged with vivacity and energy, which we clearly do not need in the evening. The same goes for grapes and other very sweet fruits.


Most vegetables are foods that you can safely eat at night when losing weight. Almost all of them are safe for the figure, except, perhaps, potatoes and other starchy ones. Particular attention can be paid to the so-called products with a negative calorie content, for the assimilation of which the body spends less energy than it receives in the end. You can eat cucumbers, tomatoes, greens, radishes, carrots, cabbage and so on. You can also use homemade vegetable juices.

Products can be eaten in clear water or cook from them simple meals such as various salads. You can also add various spices - cinnamon, cumin, ginger, curry, turmeric. They help improve metabolism and speed up fat burning processes even in the evening.

What can not be eaten at night when losing weight?

We figured out what you can eat at night to lose weight. Mostly proteins and plant foods. In addition, there is an extensive list of products that you should refrain from in the evening. Most of them, getting into the body before going to bed, remain there until the morning, poisoning the body. In this case, a person, waking up in the morning, feels weak, lethargic and tired, because he does not fully rest. This also leads to a set of extra pounds. So, at night it is categorically not recommended to use the following food groups:

  • Any fast food and snacks: chips, crackers, burgers, popcorn - these products have a lot of calories, fats and simple carbohydrates, while they do not normally saturate, so it is better not to eat them in the evening. And in principle, for those who follow the figure, it is better to cross them out of your diet.
  • Fat meat. It takes a very long time to digest, so it will not let you sleep well and can lead to a set of extra pounds. Do not eat fatty meats at night.
  • flour products, baking, pasta. These products are well energized, so they are suitable for consumption in the first half of the day. In the evening, they are recommended to be avoided. They can be digested quickly, but are likely to be deposited as unwanted fat.
  • Chocolate and others sweets. It is absolutely impossible to eat them in the evening - simple carbohydrates before bedtime are a direct path to mass gain.
  • Dried fruits. Although they are healthy on their own, they are high in fructose, so you should not eat them in the evening. If you love dried fruits, then save them for breakfast or an afternoon snack.
  • Avocado. A useful product, but high-calorie and including a fairly large amount of fat, therefore, again, it is better to eat it during the day.
  • Sweet yoghurts. Although fermented milk products are healthy, store-bought yogurts contain a huge amount of sugar and all kinds of preservatives. It is better to take the same kefir and add some berries and honey to it. It is better to refuse carbonated oxen. Alcohol at night is also not a good idea. It can provoke sleep problems, and even an unpleasant headache in the morning.

As you can see, there are many delicious and healthy foods that you can eat late at night, even if you are losing weight. Do not starve yourself, as this can lead to breakdowns. It is better to choose something from the permitted products, which not only will not lead to weight gain, but will also contribute to weight loss.

10 foods you can eat at night on video

Those who want to lose weight have learned the axiom in order to achieve results - you can’t eat after six in the evening. To some extent, this information is correct. But only on condition that the next meal will be no later than 10 hours later. Otherwise, the body, excited by the long absence of nutrients, turns on the mode of accumulation of fat reserves.

As a result, instead of the expected harmony, extra pounds appear. Therefore, it is worth rephrasing the statement - the last time you can eat 4 hours before bedtime. If you neglect this, then in the middle of the night, waving your hand at everything, there is a high probability of emptying the refrigerator.


The modern rhythm of life leads to the fact that during the day nutrition is inadequate. In the evening, a light dinner satisfies the feeling of hunger for a short time. And now it is impossible to sleep at night, the mind draws appetizing images of food. This is the most common reason.

Stressful situations are a constant companion of a person. Food for many is a kind of antidepressant. In this case, products that are classified as unhealthy are selected. When eating problems, control over the amount and timing of food intake is lost. As a result, the issue of excess weight is added to all the troubles.

The presence of gastritis or peptic ulcer can also provoke food at night. But this case requires medical treatment and dietary nutrition. All these actions will be prescribed by a doctor.

In the evening, it will save you from feeling hungry and will not interfere with getting rid of excess weight. It's important to make a list. There are times when hunger is confused with thirst. Therefore, it is worth drinking a glass of clean water and, perhaps, you will no longer want to eat. For this purpose, you can use chamomile, mint or green tea. If the desire to eat is not lost, then you should choose dinner from the allowed list:

  • Dairy products with low fat content. For example: cottage cheese, kefir, homemade yogurt, curdled milk. If you eat them regularly, the digestive system will improve. The addition of fruits and berries will change the usual taste. But sugar and jam at night is not the best solution.
  • Fruits and nuts. The best choice would be an apple and a handful of almonds. Bananas, grapes are undesirable - they are high in calories. You can make a dessert from kiwi, orange, apple, grapefruit and season with unsweetened yogurt or lemon juice.
  • Protein omelet and vegetable salad. Such a dinner will give the necessary amount of proteins and vitamins. For dressing vegetables, use a small amount of vegetable oil.
  • Oatmeal. A plate of porridge is good not only for breakfast, but also in the evening. Its taste can be improved with raisins, any berries and suitable fruits.
  • Vegetable soup. A fragrant dish that can satisfy even the most hungry. It is especially pleasant to eat a portion in the cold season.
  • Chicken or turkey fillet, lean beef. It is important to choose the right cooking method. Suitable boiled or baked version. Avoid fried foods for dinner.
  • Stew with seasonal vegetables. They should be stewed, boiled or steamed. In this case, the food will contain a minimum of fat. Potatoes are allowed, but in small quantities: not as the main component, but as an additive. The emphasis is on various types of cabbage, bell peppers, carrots, pumpkin, zucchini and eggplant.
  • Fish and seafood. Squid, shrimp, low-fat varieties of sea fish will give the body important trace elements and protein. You can eat rice and vegetables as a side dish.
  • Sandwich. It is cooked on whole grain bread, with vegetables and a piece of boiled meat. Mild spices and, most importantly, no mayonnaise will add taste. Eating this dish for dinner is a pleasure
  • Honey. It can be eaten with tea or added to cottage cheese. Product norm 1–2 tsp.

Protein and fiber-rich foods will do no harm. A good option for eating at night would be a drink made from a lactic acid product with the addition of oat bran. Its use will not allow you to get better and will provide a feeling of satiety for a long time. To bring the bran to the desired state, they are pre-steamed, and then mixed with the dish. You can add the product to porridge, soup, stew.


You can not fill the stomach indiscriminately with all sorts of products. This rule applies not only to the evening meal, but also to other meals. But for dinner, it is especially important to refuse the following:

  • Energy drinks and alcoholic drinks. The former will not allow you to enjoy a night's rest, while the latter contain a large number of calories.
  • Fried meals. A serving of French fries and a pork chop will no doubt solve the problem of hunger, but is it worth eating such a dish and loading the digestive system at night? The result can be nightmares.
  • Spicy condiments. They are able to increase appetite and excite the nervous system.
  • Salty foods. They make it difficult to withdraw fluid, which threatens with swelling. To prevent this from happening, refrain from eating them for dinner.
  • Sweets. Confectionery products do not allow you to relax, in addition, they contain a large amount of sugar, fats and other not very useful substances.
  • Flour products. If you have pastries, cakes, pastries and even bread with an ideal figure for the night, you will have to say goodbye. The fact is that they cause an increase in blood sugar, insulin is released. This is the shortest way to get better.
  • Cheese. It is worth refraining from it, especially for the processed product. High fat content is not the best indicator for choosing food at night.
  • Bean cultures. Their benefits are undeniable, but it is better to eat them in the daytime. Discomfort in the intestines from digestion can interfere with a night's rest.
  • Strong tea and coffee. These drinks can excite the nervous system, which is not good in the evening.

Experts in the question: “How to eat in the evening and not get better” share little tricks:

  • To avoid overeating during dinner, try taking a warm shower first. Appetite will no longer be so brutal.
  • Before you eat, spend a minute exercising so you don't indiscriminately gobble up everything.
  • There comes a moment when the taste of food becomes less interesting - this is a signal for the end of the meal. Listen to the signs of the body so as not to overeat at night.
  • Use the "10 Calm Spoons" rule. Try to eat the first ten fillings of the cutlery as slowly as possible. Saturation will come faster.
  • Light sleep will provide a special cocktail. A glass of kefir will require half a tablespoon of ground cinnamon and ginger. Another ingredient is a pinch of powdered pepper. All components must be thoroughly mixed until smooth. For these purposes, a mixer or blender is suitable. A small addition of freshly squeezed orange juice will help improve the taste.

In any case, you can choose dishes suitable for dinner and eat them at night without the risk of gaining excess weight. However, it is worth planning your day in such a way to get rid of this habit. At night, all organs of the body must rest, this also applies to the stomach. But situations are different, so it’s better to eat healthy foods than not sleep from hunger all night.

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