Kidney disease test. What tests to take to check the kidneys Which tests are the most informative

If you feel a sharp pain in the lumbar region, which bothers you more often at night, you should pay attention to the health of your kidneys. It is urgent to see a doctor and undergo an examination. But pain is not always the only sign, they can often occur during secondary exacerbations during inflammation.

Symptoms of the disease

If you are concerned about the following 17 symptoms:

  1. Frequent urination, especially at night, more than 2 times a night.
  2. You experience pain when you urinate
  3. Blood in the urine
  4. Different color of urine
  5. There are flaky impurities
  6. Bad smell of urine
  7. Blood pressure at around 140/90
  8. Dehydration
  9. The kidney is palpable (normally it should not be at all)
  10. Edema, puffiness appeared
  11. General weakness and malaise
  12. The temperature rose to 37.5 degrees
  13. Insatiable desire to drink
  14. Decreased amount of urine
  15. Decreased appetite
  16. Decreased weight
  17. Anemia, without previous blood loss
  • Eat salty, spicy, meat products, etc. (be sure to control the amount of protein consumed, per day it should not exceed 0.7 grams per 1 kg of human weight)
  • If you use alcohol, drugs
  • If you have diabetes or lupus
  • When taking drugs that inhibit the functioning of the kidneys (such as - Acyclovir, Biseptol, Aspirin diuretics)

If any of the above symptoms bothers you, you need to urgently consult a doctor who will prescribe a competent examination for you.


Tests for kidney disease:

  • UAC (general blood test) - will show if there is inflammation (material is taken from a finger in the morning, always on an empty stomach)
  • Biochemical analysis - the material is taken from a vein, on an empty stomach. This type of analysis determines the amount of creatinine, a product that is excreted from the body by a healthy organ, and its excess from the norm will indicate a particular problem.
  • Urine should also be included in the examination.

There are several types of urinalysis:

  • General - it should be noted that it must be taken by absolutely any person, even if kidney disease did not bother you and does not bother you, twice a year. Doctors say that many diseases can be prevented at the initial stage, and when obvious signs appear, these are already secondary symptoms of ongoing diseases.
  • Sample according to Zemnitsky - all the urine excreted per day is collected. This is done as follows: the day is divided into 8 parts of 3 hours each. Clean dishes are taken, a portion allocated for 3 hours is collected in it. You should get 8 bowls. This method will show the change in the quantitative composition.
  • according to Nechiporenko - the result of the analysis will show inflammatory processes.
  • Reberg's test - with the help of it, the amount of creatinine in the urine is determined.
  • On Bence-Jones protein - helps to detect malignant neoplasms.

Rules for collecting urine

    On the eve, do not take alcoholic beverages, spicy, salty, foods with food coloring.

    The material is taken in the morning, immediately after waking up, the last urination should be no later than 5-6 hours before.

    The external genitalia should be washed and dried before sampling.

    Use a clean container (now you can easily buy them at a pharmacy)

    Start urination, do not immediately insert the container, skip the first part, i.e. collect an average portion (does not apply to the Zemnitsky sample)

    Close container tightly.

    Should be submitted within 2-3 hours to the laboratory

The safest is ultrasound examination (ultrasound), it can be performed as often as necessary. It is indicated even for infants. On the contrary, such a method as: CT, MRI is contraindicated for psycho-unstable patients, and for children. With caution - pregnant and lactating. Methods that are carried out with the help of irradiation (such as x-rays) are contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, cancer patients.

Let's consider each method separately:

  • Ultrasound - gives an overall picture: appearance, dimensions, is used in the diagnosis at the initial stage.
  • Urography and scintigraphy are methods with the introduction of a contrast agent, used to evaluate the circulatory system of the kidneys and the genitourinary system.
  • X-ray - used to obtain an objective visual picture. apply no more than once a year. Since the radiation dose is used.
  • Computed tomography - allows the most accurate examination, is used only for its intended purpose.

Sometimes after all the examinations, there is a need to do a biopsy. In the event that there is a suspicion of the presence of formations on the kidneys.

A small piece of tissue is plucked off with a special tool. The method is painful - it is used under anesthesia.

How to carry out diagnostics at home?

It is not possible to fully diagnose the kidneys at home, but there are still ways that will reveal the essence of the problem:

  • Sharp spasmodic pains indicate a rapidly developing inflammatory process.
  • The pain is constant, pulling, indicates the presence of chronic diseases.
  • You can make a visual assessment. It is necessary to collect urine in a jar and evaluate whether it contains flakes, blood, curdled sediment, whether the color has changed. If these signs occur, then an urgent need to visit a doctor.
  • You can collect all the daily discharge and estimate their number. If they are less than 1.8 liters, or more (2.5 liters), this also indicates deviations.
  • It is worth paying attention to puffiness around the eyes, legs.
  • Repeated or vice versa infrequent urge to go to the toilet should also alert - the norm is 4-6 times a day.
  • It should also alert if you have an insatiable feeling of polydipsia (thirsty to drink), reduced appetite, impotence, unnatural pallor of the skin.

The most common kidney diseases and their symptoms.

  1. Urolithiasis - mainly occurs due to the use of spicy, salty, acidic protein foods. If you live in hot climates. Stones can occur as a result of other diseases of the genitourinary system, and due to trauma and diseases of the bones. When stones move along the ureter, the mucous layer is damaged, blood may appear in the urine.
  2. Pyelonephritis is an inflammatory disease of the kidneys. May be asymptomatic. Acute pyelonephritis is accompanied by high fever, lethargy, pain in the lumbar region.
  3. Glomerulonephritis - characterized by damage to the glomeruli of the kidneys. replacing them with connective tissue. Often occurs in a latent state, is diagnosed by identifying changes in the analysis of urine.
  4. Nephroptosis - omission or twisting. Most often found in women. The cause of the pathology, insufficient amount of internal fat. It can develop due to rapid weight loss, excessive physical exertion, prolonged vertical position. The symptom is an increase in blood pressure.
  5. Renal failure - occurs as a result of poisoning, past kidney diseases, can develop against the background of hypertension, diabetes, smoking tobacco. Causes violations of the water-salt balance. If the disease is diagnosed in time, it can be completely cured.

The body has the most important organ that purifies the blood and removes harmful substances. These organs are the kidneys. Problems with this organ entail damage to the entire body. Therefore, it is necessary to know how to check the kidneys, choose a specialist to contact and a list of necessary tests.

The main indicators of impaired kidney function

If a person notices any of the following symptoms, you should immediately contact a medical specialist:

  • blood pressure is constantly rising;
  • in the process of urination, the patient catches an unpleasant odor, blood often appears in the urine itself;
  • frequent urge to empty the bladder. The highest frequency is observed at night;
  • the amount of urine noticeably changes up or down;
  • when emptying the bladder, pain is felt;
  • sharp or pulling pain sensations are regularly observed in the lower back;
  • with problems with the kidneys, edematous condition of the face and legs is noticed;
  • appetite decreases and is accompanied by unquenchable thirst;
  • shortness of breath is fixed.

If, upon detection of these indicators, immediately undergo a medical examination, the patient will be able to prevent the development of many diseases, and their early finding will contribute to an easy cure.

But there is another reason to take care of a consultation with doctors in advance - taking medications that affect the functioning of the kidneys.

Risk group - who needs to monitor kidney function

If a person often drinks alcoholic beverages, smokes or is forced to take a lot of pharmacological agents, he needs to carefully monitor the health of his filtering organ.

The appearance of pathologies in the kidneys is often provoked by malnutrition, the appearance of excess weight or diabetes.

Kidney check at home

Home conditions will not allow you to accurately diagnose kidney problems, but certain ways to check for the presence of diseases in the kidneys. Initially, you need to remember whether the person had acute pain - a sign of renal colic or aching pain (prolonged illness).

The first method involves collecting morning urine in a transparent or white container. Then it must be carefully examined - there should be nothing foreign in the urine and it will be yellow. If the color changes, you should immediately go to see your doctor. Red or brown urine is the highest level of danger.

The second method is based on counting the volume of urine excreted each day. It is very simple to change - you should empty your bladder in one container throughout the day. At the end, you need to determine the amount.

The normal volume of urine is two liters. With a noticeable deviation from this figure upwards, polyuria is observed, and to a smaller extent, oliguria.

Urine check

In fact, all people are required to undergo a urine test every six months. Working laboratories count erythrocytes and leukocytes and find out a lot of related characteristics. Urine is also checked for harmful impurities.

For the diagnosis of kidney disease, there is not only general urinalysis:

  • method according to Nechiporenko - used to determine the processes of inflammation;
  • Bence-Jones protein analysis - reveals malignant tumors or other formations.

General blood analysis

To take a blood test for kidney disease, you will need blood from a finger and a vein.

Blood from a finger reflects the concentration of creatinine and the appearance of uric acid, and venous blood will determine the presence and level of inflammation.

What are the requirements for this analysis? The day before delivery, you must completely abandon the use of alcoholic beverages and pharmacological agents.

You also need to reduce physical activity and immediately before donating blood, you can not eat.

What else can be analyses?

What tests should be taken if the results obtained are not enough? In this case, the specialist directs for additional research:

  • Ultrasound - ultrasound shows structural changes in the kidneys, if any. Absolutely safe even for children.
  • X-ray - reveals a variety of renal formations. Sometimes urography is required, which is initially accompanied by the introduction of contrast.
  • Scintigraphy - in comparison with ultrasound, reveals more parameters. In particular, it determines the size and dysfunction of internal organs.

Common kidney diseases and their symptoms

The kidneys have an extensive list of various pathologies. A small part of the pathologies occurs constantly.

Urolithiasis disease

The most important symptom of the disease is considered renal colic. They appear due to the fact that the stone comes out of the kidneys into the ureter, thereby injuring its walls and disrupting the normal flow of urine. The pain covers the entire pelvic area, and in some cases reaches the inner thighs.

With renal colic, the pain never disappears. Particles of blood are noticeable in urine, in rare cases - sand.

Inflammatory processes

Cystitis and pyelonephritis are common pathologies of the kidneys, which are accompanied by inflammatory processes in the kidneys or ureter.

With such diseases, fever, reduced appetite and noticeable lethargy are recorded. The lumbar region constantly feels heavier. There are acute or aching pain syndromes.

There is a constant urge to urinate, accompanied by pain. Examination of the kidneys in this case is required immediately, this will help maintain the health of the organs and the kidney tissue itself.

All existing methods are used to check the kidneys, this gives an accurate result. Therefore, each person must know what tests to take to check the kidney.

If a person has “bags” under the eyes, and the skin has become gray and dry, then there has been a malfunction in the urinary system. Do not postpone a visit to a specialist to examine the kidneys and adrenal glands, as well as assess their functional activity.

How to check the kidneys, the urologist or nephrologist will tell you. During the diagnosis, serious complications can be avoided. Treatment at an early stage of any disease allows you to quickly achieve the desired results, to avoid unwanted surgical intervention.

When to go to the doctor

It is rare to find a person who regularly undergoes a complete examination of the body. Most people delay the visit to the doctor, swallow handfuls of pills and convince themselves that the pain, cramps, tingling will soon disappear. And only with an exacerbation of symptoms are recorded for an appointment. This tactic is extremely dangerous, especially when the kidneys hurt.

Paired organs rid the blood of toxins and toxins, regulate blood pressure, take part in metabolism. Even a slight disturbance in their work will quickly affect the functioning of all vital systems.

Modern methods of diagnosing kidneys are painless, do not cause any discomfort to a person. Be sure to undergo an examination procedure for people with such a clinic of kidney damage:

  • high blood pressure;
  • frequent nighttime urination;
  • decrease in the volume of separated urine;
  • pain in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • burning and cutting when emptying the bladder;
  • change in color and smell of urine.

Examination of the kidneys should not be postponed if even one of the above symptoms of abnormal functioning of the urinary system appears. Experts recommend twice a year to conduct a thorough diagnosis of paired organs.

A complete medical examination is important for people with congenital or acquired kidney pathologies. If there is a hereditary predisposition to urolithiasis or glomerulonephritis, it is necessary to regularly examine the child from infancy.

If there are pulling pains in the side, you should check the functioning of the kidneys.

Diagnosis at home

It is not possible to conduct a full kidney test at home. But if you suspect a violation of their work, you should determine the area of ​​\u200b\u200blocalization of pain, try to analyze your feelings:

  • sharp, acute spasms indicate a rapidly developing inflammatory process in the structural elements of the kidneys (calyces, pelvis, parenchyma, tubules);
  • pulling, aching pains that appear when hypothermia or the use of spicy foods occur with sluggish chronic pathologies.

Also at home, you can check urine for the presence of impurities. To do this, you need to collect urine in a transparent container and carefully examine it. If you find fresh blood, dark blood clots, flakes, curdled sediment, you must make an appointment for a consultation with a urologist.

A daily urine test will help evaluate kidney function. Within 24 hours, it is necessary to collect urine in a calibrated container, and then measure the resulting volume. If it does not exceed 1.5-1.8 liters, then the kidneys have lost the ability to fully filter the blood and excrete urine. A significant volume (more than 2.5 liters) means that the urine contains little uric acid and its compounds, toxins and protein breakdown products. The kidneys cannot fully concentrate urine, which causes serious damage to the entire body.

Kidneys should be examined for changes in urine color

What analyzes are most informative

After conducting an external examination of the patient and listening to his complaints, the urologist will tell you where to start the examination and what tests are needed. As a rule, the results of laboratory and biochemical studies of urine and blood are tender for making an initial diagnosis. In urine, the content of white and red blood cells, as well as epithelial tissues, is determined. Be sure to evaluate the transparency, color and specific gravity of urine. The concentration of cylinders, proteins and glucose is a determining factor in the presence of an infectious focus in the kidneys.

An informative method for studying the work of paired organs is the daily volume of urine. It is necessary to hand over to the laboratory the urine collected during the day, excluding the first emptying of the bladder. In this way, it is possible not only to establish the presence of an inflammatory focus, but also the place of its localization in one of the organs of the urinary system.

In order to determine the type of pathogenic agent, laboratory assistants inoculate a biological sample into a nutrient medium. This method reveals the sensitivity of microorganisms to antibacterial drugs that will be used in the treatment.

  • from a finger to establish or refute the inflammatory process and the degree of its spread;
  • from a vein to determine the concentration of proteins and urea.

For reliable test results, you must not eat for 12 hours before the procedure. If you suspect an endocrine etiology of a decrease in the functional activity of the kidneys, you can not drink any liquid and even brush your teeth. People with systemic diseases should have laboratory tests every 6 months.

Modern diagnostic methods

After studying and evaluating the results of laboratory tests, it is necessary to examine the kidneys to determine the extent of their damage. The methods of diagnosis are chosen by the doctor depending on the age of the patient and the suspected disease. Research methods that use radiation are strictly prohibited for pregnant women.

Computed tomography is used to examine the kidneys.

Such informative examination procedures as computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging are not prescribed for young children and people with mental pathologies. During the check of the kidneys, it is necessary to maintain complete immobility for an hour, which these categories of patients are unable to do. Typically, such studies of various levels of complexity are carried out:

  • ultrasound procedure. The procedure allows you to assess the condition of the calyces, pelvis and tubules, differentiate benign and malignant neoplasms, determine the localization of the infectious focus. The study allows you to detect stones in the kidneys or bladder, suggest their chemical composition. This is the only diagnostic method that has no contraindications and does not require special training;
  • urography. The method is indispensable for establishing the degree of damage to the vessels of the kidneys, assessing the blood supply in the organs of the urinary system. Before the procedure, patients are injected with a contrast agent. After its distribution through the veins, arteries and capillaries, the smallest vessels are visualized on the computer screen. Urography is contraindicated in people who have individual sensitivity to a contrast agent;
  • x-ray study. During the procedure, the human body receives a dose of radiation that is considered safe. Pictures are not always informative, since images are obtained only in one or two projections;
  • scintigraphy. The static method allows you to determine the shape of the kidneys, their location relative to each other, to assess the degree of damage to the pelvis and calyces. During dynamic scintigraphy, patients are injected with a contrast agent. On the monitor screen, the specialist monitors the movement of blood through the pelvic vessels in real time, checks the integrity of veins, arteries and capillaries;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging. The procedure is contraindicated in patients with pacemakers, dental metal implants and even tattoos. There are also some restrictions for pregnant and breastfeeding women. The modern diagnostic technique allows obtaining three-dimensional images of the kidneys, evaluating the work of a single kidney after the removal of another. After the end of the study, the patient receives a transcript of the results within 15-20 minutes;
  • CT scan. This diagnostic method is carried out to study possible damage to the renal structural elements, evaluate the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment, and determine the area of ​​surgical intervention. With the help of CT, it is possible to assess the condition of the kidney before making a decision to remove the second one.

When examining the kidneys, the urologist always examines the bladder using cystoscopy. To do this, a thin catheter with a built-in camera is inserted into a hollow organ, and the diagnostic results are visualized on a computer screen.

Cystoscopy refers to auxiliary methods for recognizing a decrease in the functional activity of the kidneys. If blood or pus is found in the urine, then it is necessary to determine the localization of the inflammatory focus.

Ultrasound is an effective method for checking the kidneys

Many modern diagnostic methods are contraindicated or not very informative for some patients (pregnant women, people with prostheses containing metal). Using endoscopic technique, the urethra and bladder are examined. By setting the built-in camera so that the opening of the ureters is in the field of view, you can find out if the kidney is bleeding.

After carrying out all laboratory and instrumental studies, sometimes there is a need for a biopsy.

This morphological diagnostic method is used to differentiate malignant and benign neoplasms of the kidneys, liver, and lungs. Using a special endoscopic instrument, a small piece of a biological sample is plucked off for further examination in the laboratory.

For those people who care about their health, unexpected diagnoses are not terrible. They pass all examinations on time, immediately make an appointment with a doctor if their general condition worsens or if pathological signs of inflammation appear. Diagnosis of kidney disease at an early stage avoids long-term treatment in a hospital.

The kidneys are a vital part of the body. They remove toxins by filtering more than 200 liters of blood daily, maintain blood pressure, control homeostasis, metabolism and are responsible for the synthesis of certain hormones.

Kidneys are designed for 150-200 years of functioning. However, many of us, careless about our health, use up this reserve in less than 40 years.

After passing the test, you will be able to generally assess the state of your excretory system. Remember that the later you detect kidney disease, the more difficult it will be to cure.

Do you have lower back pain - to the left and / or right of the spine?

B) occasionally

B) never

Do you have puffiness (puffiness) under your eyes?

A) constantly

b) sometimes in the morning

Is it difficult for you to slip into your shoes or take off your rings in the evening? Are there any marks left on the legs from the gum of the socks?

A) Yes, I had to give up the rings, with the exception of the wedding

B) Sometimes it happens, especially if I drink a lot of liquid

Do you feel heaviness in your legs?

A) Yes, often

B) Happens after a long day

B) very rarely

A) several times a week

b) several times a month

C) No more than once every few months

A) I live with him

b) Sometimes when I'm tired

C) Rarely, I am generally a positive person

Do you notice severe weakness in the evening, increased fatigue during exercise, dry mouth?

A) Yes. I come home and immediately go to bed. I try to avoid physical activity.

C) No, sometimes I get tired, but in moderation.

Have you noticed any pathological changes in previous urine tests?

b) it used to be

Do you have cloudy or dark urine?

b) Something similar

Have you noticed lately that the amount of urine has increased with the same amount of fluid intake?

A) Yes. Maybe not just recently.

B) Possibly. But I did not count how much I drink.

B) nothing like it

Have you had any kidney infections?

A) There was pyelonephritis / glomerulonephritis, even several times

b) Once upon a time

B) No, never

Do you suffer from diabetes, gout, hypertension, systemic diseases? Do you have congenital anomalies in the structure of the kidneys?

A) Yes, with frequent exacerbations (crises)

B) Yes, but I am undergoing therapy and everything is calm

Summing up:

If you have more "A" answers: Your kidneys are not to be envied. You may already be aware of the existence of kidney disease. If not, your body just screams about it and requires help. You need to adhere to a strict diet (refuse alcohol, meat, spices, salt), drink a lot and be sure to see a doctor for a competent diagnosis and prescription of drug therapy.

If you have more "B" answers: Something is wrong in your body. Are you very tired? Not in the mood? Do you often have a headache? Take care of yourself. Even if you do not have specific symptoms, such as lower back pain, we recommend that you see a doctor and have a urine test. Early diagnosis will prevent the development of complications!

If you have more "B" answers: Your kidneys are fine! But you should not let everything take its course: limit alcohol in your diet, drink water and juices (2 liters per day), try not to overcool, and then the kidneys will serve you for the entire allotted time!

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