Unprotected intercourse in the middle of the cycle is the likelihood of pregnancy. The best days for pregnancy in terms of physiology. Calendar for determining ovulation

What days after menstruation can you get pregnant? A question that occupies the minds of many of the fair sex. Someone needs this information to become a mother as soon as possible. Or, conversely, how probable way contraception if pregnancy this moment undesirable. In any case, the information provided will be useful to everyone. So, what is the probability of getting pregnant after menstruation? We will talk about this now.

What is the menstrual cycle

The menstrual cycle is a change in the female reproductive system recurring every month. The first day is taken as the beginning of the period. menstrual bleeding, for the end - the first day of the next menstruation. Most often, the cycle averages 28 calendar days. But sometimes there are fluctuations in its duration from 21 to 35 days. In this case, the cycle includes four main phases: menstrual, proliferative, ovulation, luteal.

During the first - menstrual phase- the woman begins the usual monthly bleeding. At normal functioning female body it lasts from three days to a week. At this time, the uterus rejects the unfertilized egg, which comes out along with spotting.

During the proliferative period, the body prepares for the upcoming ovulation. Average duration phase - 14 days from the end of menstruation.

It is the next ovulatory phase- most auspicious time for planned conception. Critical Role released to luteinizing hormone. He, influencing the follicles, prepares the cervix for successful interaction with sperm. The destruction of the follicle occurs - and the finished egg rushes on its journey through the fallopian tubes to the uterine cavity. There, with a favorable outcome, her fertilization will occur. The egg cell lives no more than two days, but sometimes it remains active for only 12 hours.

Next is the luteal phase. The duration of this period ranges from ten to sixteen days. The corpus luteum (the so-called previously destroyed follicle) begins the production of progesterone. This hormone prepares the lining of the uterus to receive a fertilized egg. At this time, the uterus becomes ready for the development of pregnancy. If attachment of the fetal egg did not occur, then corpus luteum, dying, stops the production of progesterone. This causes the destruction of the mucosa - and the menstrual phase begins.

Is there a chance to conceive immediately after menstruation

This is what the menstrual cycle looks like when viewed from the inside. And the answer to the question "When can I get pregnant after menstruation?" quite obvious. This is the ovulatory phase. But it is still not worth completely excluding the possibility of conception almost immediately after the completion of the cycle.

Pregnancy immediately after the completion of menstruation. Is it possible to?

Is it possible to get pregnant after menstruation? This is a fairly common question that worries many women. Indeed, there are a number of reasons that can explain the onset of pregnancy as soon as the next menstruation has ended.

short cycle

excessive short cycle in combination with prolonged periods can cause an unplanned pregnancy. There is a fairly simple explanation for this. The egg matures and does not come out on the 14-16th day of the cycle, as it happens. The whole process falls directly on the days when the woman is still bleeding, that is, during these 5-6 days. The ovulatory period automatically falls around the tenth day of the cycle, so the likelihood of getting pregnant immediately after menstruation is quite high.

Irregularity of menstruation

unstable female cycle, when its duration constantly fluctuates, suggests that in this case the calendar method of protection is completely unsuitable. Ovulation occurs each month at different days and almost impossible to trace. That is why two red stripes may appear on the test quite unexpectedly for you. Causes irregular cycle can become stressful, excessive physical exercise, climate change (for example, a trip to hot countries) and many others.

Too "tenacious" spermatozoa

Male cells are extremely tenacious, so they continue to remain biologically active for a week. But there are instances that have not lost their combat effectiveness and for a whole decade after penetrating into the cavity female uterus. Sperm in this case remain active until the moment of maturation of the egg. Therefore, pregnancy is almost impossible to avoid.

Maturation of multiple eggs

Under certain circumstances, a pair, and sometimes more eggs, mature in the female body at the same time. For some reason, one of them, remaining unfertilized, leaves the uterine cavity during bleeding. Therefore, quite often such allocations are taken for normal menstruation. At this time, the second egg is safely attached to the walls of the organ and begins its development. Pregnancy in this case is a huge surprise.

long periods

Normally, bleeding should last no more than 5 days. If the duration increases to a week or more, then this period includes the time of egg maturation. That is, it becomes almost completely ready for release even before the end of bleeding. And taking into account the life expectancy of spermatozoa (this is 7 days, at least), the probability of conception just a few days after the end of the discharge is very high.

Period after ovulation

Quite a rare situation, but not an exception. Sometimes the egg, maturing, does not leave the uterine cavity, despite the fact that there was bleeding. In this case, conception occurs immediately after the completion of menstrual flow.

Bleeding not related to menstruation

Some diseases that affect the cervix can cause such spotting. They can be provoked too active movements men during sexual intercourse. Sometimes they coincide with the period of the expected menstruation and therefore do not frighten the woman. But it is at this moment that an unplanned fertilization of a mature egg can occur.

The most favorable days for planned conception

So, we continue to talk about what days after menstruation you can get pregnant. At regular cycle with a classic duration of 28 days maximum probability conception falls on the time interval from the tenth day of the cycle to its seventeenth day. This is the so-called "fertile window". The rest of the time, the likelihood that a woman will become pregnant is much lower.

But such “correct” cycles are a huge rarity, so it is very problematic to determine the period of ovulation. And you can get pregnant almost any day.

We calculate the onset of ovulation

The ovulation period does not have an exact time frame, so the egg can begin to actively move at a completely inopportune moment. There is a certain formula that allows you to calculate the approximate time of ovulation. First of all, you need to calculate the average number of days in a monthly cycle. A calendar that every woman should keep will help here. The last 6 cycles are taken. Then 14 days are taken away (this is average duration luteal phase). The resulting number will be the most favorable day for conception.

What days after menstruation can you get pregnant?

A little higher, some of the factors affecting the onset of pregnancy at the end of menstruation were considered. However, this is more of an exception to the rule than the rule. And if we talk about such a conception, then the probability is very, very small. The most unfavorable days of the cycle are the first and second days. They are characterized the largest number blood secreted by the uterus, and this makes it almost impossible for the embryo to fully attach to the walls of the organ.

The last six to ten days before next menstruation- relatively safe time, but to state with an accuracy of one hundred percent that in given period pregnancy is impossible, also impossible. This should be remembered by ladies choosing calendar method protection. At the same time, it is possible to calculate the “safe” and “dangerous” periods of conceiving a baby only if the menstrual cycle is just perfect, and there are also no medical problems from the female reproductive system. Of course, women for whom this technique contraception is the only one available, it remains to be advised to be a little more careful and listen more carefully to your inner feelings.

But many women are concerned about a completely different problem, how to quickly get pregnant after menstruation. And in order for conception to occur in the very near future, it is necessary to determine the period of ovulation. This will help the formula that we considered earlier. You can also purchase special ovulation tests at the pharmacy or use the temperature method. This method requires daily measurement of the temperature of the vagina for a month. High temperature indicators indicate that ovulation has occurred. Now you know how to get pregnant after your period. We hope that you have received answers to your questions.

The female menstrual cycle is a complex chain of processes in the body, hormone-regulated. Normally, in its middle (usually 12-15 days after the start of menstruation), ovulation occurs - a mature egg breaks through the ovary and leaves it. It is during this period that conception is possible. On other days, the probability of fertilization, although not excluded, is significantly reduced. Changes in a woman's body are strongly influenced by external and internal factors. Due to illness, stress, overwork, the cycle can go astray, and ovulation will occur on any other day. That is why it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant during menstruation. Since everything depends on individual indicators- age, duration of menstruation, health status, etc.

The likelihood of pregnancy with a regular cycle

A normal menstrual cycle in a girl can last from 21 to 35 days, most often 28. The countdown should start from the first day the discharge begins and until the first day of the next menstruation. The duration of blood release is from 3 to 7 days, on average - 5. With a 28-day cycle, two weeks from the onset of physiological bleeding, ovulation should occur. 4-5 days before and the same after the release of the egg from the follicle are considered dangerous, during which the probability of becoming pregnant is more than 90%.

If a girl's menstruation occurs clearly on the calendar, the cycle is set, and its duration is more than 26 days, then the chance of getting pregnant when having sex during menstruation is minimized. An exception may be failures in the body that cannot be predicted - hormonal changes, delayed ovulation, too early release of the egg. But healthy women such surprises are rare.

The situation is completely different with girls who have a short cycle. If its duration is 21 days, then ovulation will occur on the 10th day, that is, only 5-6 days from the end of menstruation. A failure for several days is enough due, for example, to minor stress, and sexual intercourse during menstruation without the use of contraceptives will result in pregnancy. And in some situations, violations are not required menstrual cycle, since spermatozoa that have reached the uterine cavity can exist there for up to 7 days. Accordingly, if sex occurred at the end, when the discharge is already insignificant, then the girl can become pregnant during her period.

Is it possible to get pregnant with PPA in safe or fertile days(ovulation period), if used as contraception, it is acute actual topic for partners who do not plan to have a child.

Coitus interruptus (EPA) is sexual intercourse in which a man removes his sexual organ from a woman's vagina before ejaculation (ejaculation).

Is it possible to get pregnant with a forced interruption of sexual intimacy depends on many factors:

  • days before ovulation or after;
  • periods that are individual for each woman - from the menstrual cycle, PPA after childbirth or contact during menstruation;
  • the duration of the life cycle of the egg, as well as the viability and activity of male spermatozoa.
    Before making hasty conclusions, is it possible for a girl to become pregnant after interrupted intercourse or not, it is necessary to understand physiological processes occurring in the female body.

How does ovulation occur in a woman's body:

  • Follicular stage - a follicle is born in the ovary, in which the egg matures. This period can last from 9 to 13 days;
  • Important! For each lady, the process and time of cell formation proceeds in accordance with individual features, content hormonal level and functionality of internal organs;
  • Upon reaching right size the egg breaks the bladder (follicle), penetrating into the fallopian tubes to meet with male gametes. Do not forget that spermatozoa can be delivered to the female genital tract in advance;
  • Therefore, the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant in 3 days of ovulation, even in an interrupted act, directly depends on accidental (or intentional) entry into the tubes, as well as survival male cells;
  • Luteal stage - a body forms at the site of the rupture (usually yellow color). These days (2 weeks) are characterized by increased production hormones that help a woman get pregnant.

Whether it is possible to get pregnant during conception depends on the successful connection of the finished egg and the motile sperm.

Strong hugs

If fertilized egg is absent, the body is destroyed and fertilization does not occur, ovulation may be delayed to a later date.

Many young girls are surprised - what is the reason and why I became pregnant during an interrupted act.

Young couples who are just beginning to use interruption of sexual contact in their sexual pleasures are confident that this is a proven method of protection over the years.

There is often an erroneous belief that if they consciously stop the act, then pregnancy is not able to occur.
However, from a physiological point of view, the likelihood of conception with PPA is quite high, since there are many factors that contribute to fertilization.
Let us consider in detail how you can get pregnant with an interrupted intercourse, as well as all the pros and cons of using the interrupted intercourse method.

What is PPA in terms of gynecology

As described above, the essence of the PPA method is to interrupt sexual intimacy before the onset of orgasm, that is, before the onset of ejaculation. Many believe that if sperm does not enter the vagina, then conception is impossible.

Yet experts in the field of gynecology argue the opposite. They are absolutely in solidarity with the fact that the probability of becoming pregnant with interrupted sexual contact is quite high.

Moreover, doctors responsibly declare that when using

PPA there are all chances of getting pregnant with coitus interruptus are real even the first time.

What circumstances can cause an unplanned pregnancy:

  • loss of self-control - there are not many men who can completely control the situation at the moment of orgasm, so a drop of sperm may well fall into the uterus;
  • pre-ejaculate (the so-called lubricant released from the penis at the time of arousal) contains a certain amount of male gametes that can fertilize an egg;
  • accidental ingestion of seminal fluid on the external female genital organs increases the risk of conception, because some spermatozoa are hyperactive and super mobile;
  • during repeated sexual intercourse, sperm may enter - after the first intimacy, the man's channel is not completely cleared of the seed, which increases the chances of conception, if the act is interrupted a second time, then the chances increase significantly.

Spermatozoa are very mobile

How not to take into account the fact that a whole legion of 10 million male cells gets along in 1 ml of sperm, most of which are ready for fertilization. And for fertilization, only one sperm is enough.

PPA method as a method of contraception

Despite the low effectiveness of interrupting sexual contact, this method has not only disadvantages, but also advantages.

PPA Benefits:

  • simplicity - the technique does not need to do complex manipulations, it is enough to remove the genital organ from the woman's vagina in a timely manner;
  • saving is a free pleasure that does not require costs;
  • accessibility - an interrupted act is ideal for spontaneous intimacy, when there are no other means of protection at hand, and for those who practice PAP, sex is possible everywhere and always;
  • clarity - many do not understand the principle of operation of more complex methods of contraception, believing that they are harmful to the female body, for example, intrauterine caps, spirals or hormonal contraceptives;
  • allergy - PPA has no contraindications, when as the use of some medicines or methods for contraception causes rejection in a certain number of women;
  • sensations - many do not want to use condoms, as they block the sensual touch.

As you can see, all the advantages come down mainly to the ease of the PPA method. However, simplicity is not a guarantee of safety and efficiency.

Cons of the method:

  • even with the ideal practice of PAP, the chances of getting pregnant are not excluded, and for practitioners they regularly increase significantly, especially in the fertile phase, when conditions are favorable;
  • psychological discomfort - constant tension that requires self-control over time leads to a decrease in libido, problems in obtaining true pleasure and orgasm;
  • for men - there is a risk of developing prostatitis, impotence and infertility;
  • for both partners - the risk of spreading diseases associated with genital infections or internal organs;
  • the use of the PPA method on a regular basis often leads to difficulties in conception, since for false feeling safety partners notice late that one of them has problems with reproductive functions.

It is worth noting that the minuses are of great importance, an order of magnitude greater than the bases of the pluses.

Health promotion

Although there should be strong arguments for using PPA for some pairs, this method is quite (or only) acceptable.

In this way, you can protect yourself by observing simple rules:

  • do not use this method during ovulation;
  • maintaining a calendar in which you will mark the beginning and end of menstruation monthly, as well as the days of possible ovulation;
  • it should be borne in mind that this calendar is effective with cycle stability, when each day of menstruation closely coincides with the previous cycle;
  • personal hygiene - with several sexual contacts, a man is recommended to urinate after each act to remove the remnants of the seed;
  • to identify dangerous period measure and record basal body temperature;
  • the discharge of a woman is also an indicator of pregnancy, which must be monitored;
  • refrain from alcohol before intimacy, so as not to lose self-control at the peak of pleasure;
  • just in case if a man loses self-control, keep on hand contraceptives or vaginal preparations to prevent conception;
  • Do more pregnancy tests to be on the safe side.

With a delay in menstruation, it is recommended to visit a gynecologist as soon as possible to exclude unwanted pregnancy.
Moreover, in every woman, the conception of a child should awaken certain signs - pain in the abdomen, gastrointestinal upset, the appearance of cystitis, the chest may ache, there may be changes in behavior psychological nature etc.

Try to listen to yourself so as not to miss this moment.

Test denies pregnancy

A lecture by a qualified doctor on a video on the use of the PPA method and other contraceptives will help to fully answer the question - is it possible to get pregnant with interrupted sexual contact.

What are the chances of getting pregnant with an interrupted act?

The probability of an unwanted pregnancy in partners who have taken advantage of coitus interruptus depends on the presence of an egg in the fallopian tubes at the time of intercourse.
The danger lies not only in the life cycle of the finished egg, but also in the presence of male gametes waiting for her in the female environment.

The most favorable days for conception are determined by the following parameters:

  • the egg has a maximum functionality within 24 hours, then it is either fertilized or dies;
  • gametes are of two types, the first live 24 hours, others - up to 3 days (very rarely up to 5);
  • when spermatozoa enter the female genital tract 2-3 days before the maturation of the egg, they are quite capable of fertilizing it.

Accordingly, the chances of getting pregnant during the fertility phase when intercourse is interrupted are as high as possible, both 2 days before and after the appearance of the female cell.

However, this does not mean at all that the remaining time is guaranteed to be safe.

For example, an egg can form later or, conversely, earlier than due to certain conditions- stress, delayed menstruation, the presence of pathology, or the lady had a hormonal failure.

An interesting fact is that hormone surges in one cycle can provoke the development of two eggs.

The process of getting pregnant

The likelihood of conception with PPA largely depends on menstruation.

The most effective period for applying the coitus interruptus method is menstruation, a few days before and after the cycle.

However, even this period cannot serve as a 100% guarantee of security. Especially with prolonged periods, when one menstrual cycle changes the time of the next one.

Accordingly, some risk of getting pregnant during menstruation is not excluded.

PPA statistics and pregnancy

Pregnancy statistics during interrupted intercourse indicate certain data after research:

  • 10 days before the onset of menstruation and after approximately 17 days (inclusive), the probability of conception is significantly reduced;
  • in the middle of the cycle (on the days of ovulation), the chances of getting pregnant increase to 33% or more, some experts insist on 45%;
  • the Pearl index (failure rate) reaches 18% of women who become pregnant with the regular use of the PPA method - this is very high percent, given that the lower the Pearl index, the more reliable the method of contraception;
  • score on a 10-point scale for PPA - on the days of ovulation it reaches 9, at the very beginning of the cycle it is 7, after the period of ovulation it is 5, directly during menstruation (with bleeding) it drops significantly to 3. Please note that it has never been noted zero chance.

And also according to medical statistics and reviews of true PAP practitioners this method is the cause of abortion in 60% of cases.

Is it dangerous to interrupt sexual intercourse?

When using the PPA method, a man must constantly control the situation.

Conversation of two hearts

On the one hand, regular containment of ejaculation (directed inwards Bladder or out) speaks of possession in a man great strength will.

Another thing, if we start from the psycho-emotional policy of the method. Constant control process blocks the pleasure of sex and acts on a man in a rather depressing way.
Psychological trauma from regular interrupted contact gradually leads to violations of sexual functions, causes disorders nervous system different nature develop serious neurotic states.
The use of PPA for women still threatens big problems for women:

  • psychological dissatisfaction can lead to the loss of sensual pleasure and orgasm in principle;
  • manifestation of inadequate reactions to intimacy, irritability, unwillingness to make love;
  • occurrence pain lower abdomen;
  • development risk female pathologies- interrupted intimacy during menstruation can provoke endometriosis, endometritis, inflammation of the uterus and its appendages.

Misconceptions of PPA couples

Although the interrupt intimacy is in a dubious way protection against unwanted pregnancy, but about 70% of couples at least occasionally use it.

There are many myths that unwittingly characterize this method of contraception:

Myth 1. The PPA method is absolutely safe, since there are no gametes in the penis before the eruption of seminal fluid.

Some amount of semen before ejaculation is present in the genitals. Therefore, the question should sound differently: is this amount of sperm capable of leading to conception.

Future mom

Even after urination, spermatozoa remain in the urethra. Do not forget, life cycle nimble male cells is about 2 to 7 days.

Myth 2. The choice in favor of an interrupted act speaks of the irresponsible approach of a man to the process of protection.

According to statistics, most couples in age category 18-45 year olds have used PPA at some point in their lives.

Myth 3. The reliability of PPA as a method of contraception reaches up to 95%.
According to statistics, every third couple who use interrupted sex sooner or later receives news of the onset of pregnancy.
It depends on the combination of circumstances or on the wrong interruption of intimacy. Fact a large number PPA misses refutes the misconception about the high degree of reliability.

Choosing a method of protection, men are guided by the following principles:

  • in 1st place - the preservation of sensory sensations at the time of sexual contact;
  • in 2nd place - protection against unwanted conception;
  • 3rd place - fear venereal infections etc.

And only in the 6th place do men take into account the opinion of their partner.

So, during each menstrual cycle in a woman's ovaries. She comes out of the ovary and begins to move along fallopian tube towards the uterine cavity. If at this time it meets with a sperm, fertilization occurs and further, if favorable, pregnancy. If such a meeting does not occur, the egg dies. Oddly enough, even knowing general scheme pregnancy, many men and women have absolutely no idea when having sex without consequences.

Get it done in 48 hours

You will be surprised, but the egg retains the possibility of fertilization for only two days from the moment it leaves the ovary. If during this period you do not meet with a spermatozoon, there can be no talk of any pregnancy. Simply put, a woman is able to conceive an extremely short period of time. These same " dangerous days”, as they are commonly called - and there is ovulation or the middle of the menstrual cycle. Sexual contact during the release of the egg and the next two days is the most dangerous in terms of possibility. A logical question arises, but then contraception should be used for every sexual contact? Everything is simple. Despite the fact that the life span of the egg is very short, the situation is influenced by many indirect factors, which are not always taken into account.

Before and after

Firstly, not every woman's menstrual cycle is regular and works like clockwork. Hormonal background may change due to moving to another region, illness or severe stress, and all this automatically shifts the menstrual cycle up or down. So it turns out that even with a regular cycle and a predicted date of ovulation, you can miscalculate and not get into a safe period.

Another factor that must be taken into account is the ability of spermatozoa to maintain their viability inside a woman's body for several days after intercourse. That is, you can have sex even in quite days, and the male reproductive cells will simply wait for the release of the egg already in place. That is why gynecologists recommend most carefully 4-5 days before the expected start of ovulation and another 3-4 days after - just in case. After all, it also happens that you expect one day, and it comes a little later.

But about a week after ovulation, the days for conception begin. The egg, whenever it leaves the ovary, has already died, so the sperm simply have nothing to fertilize. Before the onset of menstruation, during it and 2-3 days after, you can have sex without fear.

Not every woman has access to the joys of motherhood. Therefore, every adult representative of the fair sex at least once asked herself the question: “What are the chances of getting pregnant?” This is primarily due to a change in priorities - ironically, the ideal period for pregnancy falls on the time of study, career, so planning a child for many couples postponed for 10 years. But even if everything is in order with health and age, not everyone succeeds in conceiving a child. What are the chances of getting pregnant and how to increase them?

Age and chances of getting pregnant

Age is one of the main reproductive factors in both sexes. Time is always relentless. If a woman wants to have a baby, then greatest chance getting pregnant is provided at 20-24 years, after which the probability gradually decreases, and the risk of infertility increases. And although men reproductive period much longer, the probability of having healthy children at 45 is much lower than at 20.

Is there a chance of getting pregnant if you are already old? According to family planners, they are four times lower in a woman at 40 than at 25. This means that than more years passes, the more time you need for conception to occur, and, moreover, various diseases, which are usually detected over the years, can interfere with the bearing of the baby. What are the chances of getting pregnant in older couples? According to medical statistics, 6% of women aged 35 and 23% of 38-year-olds cannot conceive a child for more than three years in a row with regular sexual activity. This is mainly due to health issues. The following factors reduce the likelihood of conception:

  • depletion of the egg reserve;
  • shortening of the menstrual cycle;
  • thinning of the endometrial layer in the uterus;
  • increase in the viscosity of the vaginal secretion;
  • diseases, damaging organs reproduction (endometriosis, polycystic ovaries, chlamydia);
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Chances of getting pregnant after period

The very possibility of conception in women is associated with the cycle of ovulation - the maturation of the egg. And this, in turn, occurs only in certain days menstrual cycle. How to determine the chances of getting pregnant after menstruation, based on your ovulation calendar? Very simple. The ovulation cycle is divided into three periods:

  • the period of perfect sterility, when the probability of fertilization of the egg is zero;
  • a period of partial sterility, when there are still chances of getting pregnant after menstruation;
  • the period most favorable for conception.

According to the ovulation calendar, the period of partial sterility begins with last day menstruation and continues until ovulation. She, in turn, occurs 14 days after the first day of menstruation, but can also fall on days 11-13 of the cycle. By latest research The greatest chance of getting pregnant falls at the time of ovulation. The probability in this case is 33%. The day before ovulation, the chances of getting pregnant reach 31%, two days drop to 27%, three days - only 16%. These figures are related to the viability of spermatozoa, which is decreasing every day. The longer the gap between intimate contact and ovulation, the less chance of getting pregnant. The probability of conception remains even 5 days before ovulation, although it is too low. And for six and more days, as well as after the release of the egg, it is minimal. It should be remembered that these data are relevant only for women with a regular cycle.

What are the chances of getting pregnant if menstruation occurs after trying to conceive? This does not always mean that you have failed. AT rare cases after fertilization of the egg, menstruation still continues, but the discharge is scanty and smearing. If this is your case, then you have every chance of getting pregnant after your period.

couple lifestyle

In absolutely healthy spouses who do not have problems with bad habits, there are much more opportunities for conception than for smokers and patients. Sometimes you need to change your lifestyle in many ways so that difficulties recede.

What factors affect the chances of getting pregnant? These, first of all, include the weight of a woman - its lack (less than 50 kg) and excessive excess lead to a violation of the ovulation cycle.

The ability to conceive decreases with psycho-emotional overload. According to research, in men who experience regular stress, the testicles produce less sperm.

How do coffee and cigarettes affect the chances of getting pregnant? Basic research this issue has not yet been addressed. However, according to some reports, caffeine and nicotine slow down the production of sperm and make them less mobile, and therefore capable of fertilization.

The ability to conceive is also affected by temperature regime- both men and women should avoid hypothermia and overheating in the genital area, as well as circulatory disorders due to tight or uncomfortable clothing, since all these factors reduce reproductive function.

How to increase your chances of getting pregnant

To successful conception need to prepare in advance. If a woman takes oral contraceptives, you need to cancel them a few months before planning. Some contraceptives continue to work some time after stopping - these include oral contraceptives, hormonal injections, rings, etc.

Consider the ovulation cycle when planning a pregnancy. For women who have an irregular or too long egg, it is best to use the measurement method to determine the release of the egg. basal body temperature body every morning. During ovulation, it rises. Within 2-3 days before the increase in basal temperature, the chances of getting pregnant are as high as possible.

How to know you need professional help

At healthy couple, leading a regular sexual life(about twice a week), conception can occur within a year, provided that the expectant mother is under 35 years old. If this does not happen, it is worth contacting family planning specialists. If the lady took contraceptives, then three months can be added to the period allotted for independent attempts at conception. If a woman is 35 years old, then a visit to the doctor should be scheduled after six months of unsuccessful attempts.

A specialist is worth a visit if you have endometriosis, inflammatory diseases pelvic organs, history of miscarriage, or age 40 years or more. Is there any chance of getting pregnant in this case? In most situations, the answer is yes. The only question is how much time and resources it will take.

The possibility of conception in a woman is completely absent in postmenopause (when menstruation stops completely), as well as after surgery to remove the ovaries or to affect the fallopian tubes.

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