When does menstruation start in babies? Causes of irregular menstruation in girls. Hygiene rules during menstruation

  • When a daughter needs mom's help
    • Can girls use tampons
    • How to choose sanitary pads
    • The importance of maintaining a menstrual calendar
  • "I must be dying!" - so thought the heroine of the novel "The Thorn Birds" when she began her first period. However, even today, in the age of Internet technologies and universal literacy, such incidents happen not only to girls, but even to their mothers, who do not always know what is normal and what is pathology during the formation of the menstrual cycle.

    Today we invited Elena Nikolaevna NEKHOROSHKOVA, a pediatric gynecologist of the highest category, from the clinic "Shine" to talk about the first menstruation in girls.

    “9-10 years today is no longer considered a pathology...”

    - Elena Nikolaevna, what are the age limits for the onset of the first menstruation? And how significant is the deviation from them?

    In the Siberian region, the onset of menstruation usually occurs no later than 14.5 years. There are girls whose menstruation begins even at the age of 9-10 - today this is no longer considered a pathology. But if this happens before eight or after 14.5 years, then health problems can already be suspected, and mothers should immediately sound the alarm and examine their daughters.

    - What problems are we talking about?

    A very wide range: endocrine diseases, genetic pathologies, and in general, in girls with chronic diseases, menstruation begins later. Very often, children who have been diagnosed with disorders in the central nervous system at the time of birth are also prone to delay. But in girls with ischemic lesions at birth, menstruation often begins earlier than expected. But still I repeat: now the first menstruation (menarche) has increasingly begun to happen at 9-10 years old, while we do not find any violations.

    - Why is menstruation so “younger”?

    To be honest, no one knows this, although research is being done. It is not known why the ovaries “start up” earlier, the central nervous system reacts earlier. It is known that puberty occurs faster in girls of southern nationalities - this, perhaps, is all.

    - How important is it that the onset of menstruation correlates with other secondary sex characteristics?

    If a girl's period begins without the development of secondary sexual characteristics, this indicates very serious problems. Most likely, this is oncology: tumors of the ovaries, adrenal glands, in general, the genital area, or serious lesions of the central nervous system. Be sure to see a pediatric gynecologist. Since this is always a rather serious pathology, parents need not only to worry, but to sound the alarm!

    ” - Still, sexual development should begin with the growth of the mammary glands, then axillary-pubic hair growth, and only then - the beginning of menstruation. It is believed that from the beginning of the growth of the mammary glands to the first menstruation, 2-2.5 years should pass.

    - When should a regular menstrual cycle be established?

    After menarche, a regular cycle can be established throughout the year. Let me remind you that a cycle is the period from the first day of the previous menstruation to the first day of the next. They must arrive no less than 21 days and no more than 35 days. By duration - a maximum of 7 days (with all the spotting). If menstruation is more frequent, or after a year the cycle has not been established, be sure to contact a pediatric gynecologist.

    ” - There is a situation when a girl has her first menstruation and ... does not end. Parents need to monitor the situation very carefully, because it may be associated with a bleeding disorder. Abundant and prolonged first menstruation is also a serious reason to see a doctor.

    "No hot foot baths, no heating pads, no ice on the stomach! .."

    Are the first periods painful?

    The first menstruation should not be painful. If this happens, once again I advise you - be sure to go to the doctor! There can be many reasons, up to the underdevelopment of the reproductive system.

    - Are there any physiological causes of severe pain?

    In an adult woman, the endometrium in the uterine cavity, as it were, is fragmented and comes out in “pieces”. And in girls, the bend between the cervix and the body of the uterus is quite sharp, and the inner layer, separating in a “cast”, and not in fragments, gets stuck at the exit from the uterus. The uterus must contract strongly in order to push it all out of itself. These increased uterine contractions are perceived by girls as pain. What can be done? Try to find a position during which this pain goes away. Either lie on your stomach or take a knee-elbow position.

    Can medications be used to relieve pain?

    ” - Grandmothers used to say that “you need to warm your feet.” In fact, this should never be done with pain during menstruation! No hot foot baths, no heating pads, no ice on the belly!

    It was once believed that antispasmodic drugs, such as no-shpa, help well, we used them quite widely. Some of them helped, some not so much. Today, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs based on indomethacin, mefinamic acid are considered the best drugs for painful periods: nise, ketonal (namely ketonal, not ketanov!) That is, drugs that act as pain mediators and relieve inflammation.

    ” - If the pain lasts an hour or two, then this is normal. The girl drank tea, lay down, got distracted, and the pain went away. But if the pain syndrome is pronounced, and it lasts more than a day, then you need to anesthetize. The pain cannot be tolerated.

    Very often, girls who have problems with neurology perceive this pain more acutely. Some complain (in addition to pain in the lower abdomen) of nausea, vomiting, dizziness, up to fainting. In this situation, the help of a neurologist is definitely needed. You need to contact a specialist twice a year, carry out treatment that improves cerebral circulation, you may need courses of sedatives, physiotherapy. All this is indirectly directed to anesthesia.


    - What is considered in girls to be abundant and scanty?

    ” - During menstruation, no more than 80 grams of blood should be released. For the entire menstrual period, one pack of pads should go.

    Usually in adolescence complaints of poor discharge extremely rare - this is the prerogative of an older age. Most often, the root of the problem lies in the increase in male sex hormones. Menstruation that lasts less than 2-3 days is also a violation, like menstruation, during which there is little discharge.

    If the pads are changed within an hour and a half, this already indicates bleeding. Bleeding is dangerous with anemia, a drop in hemoglobin levels, and many other problems can arise against this background. Heavy menstruation should lead to the idea that there are problems with blood clotting, possibly related to heredity. We have laboratories in the city that study hemostasis, including at the genetic level. It is necessary to identify the causes and then choose the tactics of treatment. Such an analysis is given once in a lifetime, and a girl who will become pregnant and give birth in the future should be aware of the existence of these problems.

    If the girls bleeding occurs in the middle of the cycle, this may be a reaction to ovulation, although it most likely indicates hormonal disorders. Ovarian cysts, endometrial hyperplasia... An accurate diagnosis can be made by your doctor.

    Finally, sometimes girls in adolescence have uterine bleeding, which are called juvenile. With an irregular cycle, they can at first be confused with menstrual cycles, but they differ in acyclicity and duration - when they appear, you should definitely consult a doctor!

    - And what is the treatment of such bleeding?

    First of all, you need to find out their cause - the tactics of treatment depend on this. But, I must say, many parents are frightened when hormonal drugs are prescribed to stop bleeding (if this cannot be done in another way). I want to say that hormone therapy is used both to stop bleeding "here and now" and to prevent such situations in the future.

    ” - There is no need to be afraid of hormones! Very often, people who do not know about the mechanism of their action draw scary pictures in their imagination. In fact, the situation is no different from the problem, for example, with poor eyesight. If a person does not see well, he puts on glasses. If a girl has few hormones, we add them. Hormonal drugs are a boon!

    The dose of active substances in modern preparations is so low, there are so few side effects that there is nothing to fear. In addition, if hormonal drugs are prescribed for girls, they are prescribed for a very short period of time. Believe your doctor: if he prescribes them, then it is necessary! Find common ground and help your child.

    What else should parents pay attention to?

    Very often, mothers with girls come to the reception who complain of menstrual irregularities, headaches, dizziness, sleep disturbances, memory disorders ...

    ” - When you start looking, you see red stretch marks on the skin of the thighs, buttocks, mammary glands, like in pregnant women - stretch marks. Parents think that this is due to the fact that the daughter has recovered dramatically, and these are hormonal disorders. If you see stretch marks in your girls (sometimes boys have them), you need to be alarmed.

    This is a rather serious pathology associated with dysfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary system of the brain. And this violation, in turn, is often a consequence of ischemic damage to the central nervous system, which was diagnosed in a child at birth! Up to a year, parents treat this disease, look after the child, and then they consider that everything is over. In fact, ischemic damage to the central nervous system does not go anywhere, it remains with a person for life. And at a later age, if the child is not treated, not observed, it can manifest itself as a hypothalamic syndrome, including weight gain, and menstrual irregularities, in adults even infertility. Deterioration can be provoked by viral infections and stress: exams, divorce of parents, death of loved ones.

    Everything is interconnected, so do not be surprised if at the appointment with a teenage gynecologist they start asking you how the birth went and if the girl had an acute respiratory infection!

    “A daughter with all problems should seek help and advice from her mother ...”

    - Now there are a lot of personal hygiene products that can be used during menstruation. How not to drown in this sea of ​​gaskets? How to choose them correctly? Can a girl use tampons?

    Girls who are not sexually active should not use tampons. A tampon that has been in the genital tract for some time swells. The infection “clings” to it, moreover, by removing it, you can damage the hymen. Some young athletes, however, try to use tampons, sometimes successfully, but everything is very individual here.

    ” - Teenage girls, as a rule, do not yet have such self-control as an adult woman, they can simply forget about a tampon. And he should be in the genital tract no more than one and a half, maximum - 2.5 hours.

    Recently, girls who have inflammatory processes in the external genital organs often come to the reception. And often they are caused by allergies! Therefore, I recommend choosing hypoallergenic pads for the first menstruation. According to my personal observations, Discreet, Milana, Naturella gaskets showed themselves best in this regard. If there is no allergic reaction, then, of course, you can use whatever you want, including pads with fragrances.

    What else would you recommend to mothers of teenage girls?

    A mother for a girl should be a friend so that her daughter, with all her problems, turns to her for help and advice. Of course, menstruation should be told long before they appear. (how to do this explains the family psychologist Ksenia Salakhutdinova in ) . During the first menstruation, you need to help with hygiene, and also teach the girl to keep a menstrual calendar! A girl must come to the gynecologist's appointment with a menstrual calendar, where you need to mark the days of menstruation - then you can immediately see how regular the cycle is. I urge all my patients, especially young ones, to keep such a calendar, and as a doctor I ask mothers to pay special attention to this!

    Good luck and health!

    Interviewed by Olga Strikun

    The first menstruation in girls is considered the beginning of gynecological age, denoted by the term "menarche". Menstruation indicates that significant changes have occurred in the girl's body. The preparation of the body for conception, pregnancy begins. The restoration of the menstrual cycle will occur within 3 years. Therefore, the appearance of the first menstruation does not guarantee readiness for childbirth.

    Approximately 2 years before the onset of menstruation, the body begins to rebuild. A teenager is changing beyond recognition. It was during this period that complex relationships appeared between parents and daughter. It is considered normal if a girl's period begins between the ages of 12 and 14. Along with this, there is the concept of early puberty, when menstruation begins at 9 years old. There is also a late menarche, when menstruation comes at 16 years of age. The menstrual cycle is a complex process in which the reproductive system, endocrine, and central nervous systems are involved. All components of one process must be ready for this. The appearance of the first menstruation is influenced by many internal and external factors.

    The presence of the first menstruation does not mean that they will go regularly from month to month. A break of up to 6 months is possible, which is also considered normal. It is impossible to predict the nature of the discharge. But they are rarely abundant. Often the first menstrual flow of blood is scanty or moderate. A lot of blood is a sign of pathology or illness.

    Factors affecting the onset of menstruation

    Approximately 2 years before the onset of menstruation, the girl's body begins to change physically. The girl begins to form feminine features of the body. Mom guesses what might be behind this, and the daughter continues to lead a carefree lifestyle, not paying attention to significant changes. Postpone or may be the following factors.

    • genetic predisposition. Doctors have identified a pattern - the daughter's menstruation begins at the same age as her mother. If this happened to the mother at the age of 9, then the arrival of menstruation at this age in the daughter is not considered a deviation. The same situation is with late menarche.
    • Physical development. In girls, breasts begin to grow, hips are rounded, a waist appears. This happens under the influence of sex hormones, which prepare the body for adulthood. If there is an accelerated physical development, then the critical days will come earlier. A pattern is noted - menstruation begins when the girl reaches a weight of 45 kg. In overweight girls, menstruation begins faster.
    • Psycho-emotional state. The state of the nervous system affects the establishment of the monthly cycle. Under the influence of severe stress and constant nervous tension, menstruation can come earlier or much later. The same factor affects the duration of critical days, the nature of the discharge, and the frequency.
    • Nutrition girls. A complete diet is the key to full development. If there is a deficiency of vitamins, minerals and other useful components, menstruation will be delayed.
    • Health problems in the past. Injuries in the genital area, serious viral diseases, diseases of internal organs affect the timing of the onset of the first menstruation in girls. The doctor can clarify the picture with health.
    • The presence of diseases. The reason for the delay may be deviations in the functioning of the endocrine system, inflammatory processes of the reproductive system, and improper development of organs.

    The influence of some factors can be weakened. For example, change the diet, create a favorable environment for calming the nervous system. Diseases can be cured with the right treatment. But it is almost impossible to accelerate physical development or influence genetics.

    Signs of the first menstruation

    Menarche often occurs suddenly, unexpectedly. Although this process is preceded by many changes that determine the onset of the first menstruation.

    • physical changes. Along with the growth of the chest, rounding of the hips, hairs begin to appear in the pubic area, armpits. The activity of the sebaceous glands increases. This is followed by excessive sweating, the appearance of acne on the face, chest, back. Some teenage girls often start to have a headache, dizziness appears, periodically.
    • Changes in the psyche. The nervous system is under tremendous stress. Changes begin to occur 2 years before the girl's period. Nervousness, mood swings, tearfulness, depression, nervous breakdown, excitability are observed. All these signs are intensified on the eve of critical days.
    • Vaginal discharge. Approximately 3 months before the start of the first menstruation, the girl has a discharge in the form of leucorrhoea. A teenager discovers white or yellow spots on panties. Over time, their number increases. On the eve of critical days, there are a lot of them. If the girl does not experience burning, itching, the phenomenon is considered the norm. The presence of discomfort indicates the development of thrush under the influence of hormones.
    • Painful sensations. Approximately, but for 3 days the lower abdomen. It has to do with the work of the uterus. The organ contracts to shed off the epithelium layer. At first, this will be difficult. The process is accompanied by pain, weakness, poor health.

    Starting from the age of 12, a teenager needs to be prepared psychologically for the arrival of critical days. Have a delicate conversation, explain what's what. What to do when the first menstruation begins. Mom needs to prepare for this too, buy pads in advance. A teenager should carry a hygiene product with him in a secret pocket of a briefcase, handbag. In case your first period starts at school. Spend a lot of time on sex education.

    Features of the first menstruation

    In an adult woman, the menstrual cycle lasts 28-30 days. The duration of menstruation is from 3 to 7 days. Teenage girls have irregular cycles. The delay can be up to 3 months. If the arrival of the next menstruation is delayed, you need to visit a doctor. Usually the menstrual cycle is restored by the age of 18 or within 2 years after the start of the first menstruation.

    The number of allocations is also ambiguous. With a well-established cycle, the volume of blood lost is almost the same. What can not be said about the monthly girls. The first menstruation is characterized by a small release of blood. Brown discharge may be present instead. If the first menstruation is accompanied by bleeding, you should consult a doctor. There shouldn't be too many outliers.

    Pain in the abdomen appear 2 days before menstruation. Disappear on the 3rd day after the start. This is a normal phenomenon, since changes occur in the body associated with the end of the egg development cycle. If the pain is severe, it is necessary to show the girl to the doctor.

    The first menstruation in girls is accompanied by general weakness, dizziness, drowsiness. You can give sedatives in the form of valerian tincture or herbal tea from chamomile, lemon balm, mint. Pain can be eliminated with analgin, paracetamol, citramon. Do not give too many pills.

    Hygiene products

    The first menstruation in girls begins unexpectedly for themselves and suddenly for their mother. As a means of hygiene is better. They can be purchased or homemade. For the most part, it all depends on what the girl's mother uses. In any case, the gasket must be of high quality. First, you can buy a product with the designation "normal", with the image of 3 drops. As well as pads for daily use with 1-2 drops.

    When making gaskets with your own hands, you must use pure natural material. Most often, cotton, cotton wool, gauze, bandage are used. The easiest way is to wrap cotton wool with gauze, sew a piece of cellophane to the panties. Attach the pad of your own making with a pin to the panties. On the Internet you can find a pattern, a detailed description of a more complex process for making gaskets.

    Despite the fact that tampons are widely used by modern women, it is better to protect girls from this hygiene product. There are many reasons for this. From the toxic material of tampons to the threat of developing gynecological diseases. A qualified doctor can explain in more detail.

    Hygiene rules during menstruation

    It is very important to explain to the girl how to behave during menstruation. Increased physical activity the day before, during menstruation, leads to pain, bleeding. If girls start their first period at school, they should ask the class teacher to go home. Unusual changes will occur in the body that can scare the girl. Mom needs support. This is especially true when menstruation begins at an early age.

    The washing procedure should be carried out at least 2 times a day. Use clean warm water without intimate hygiene products. You can add a little potassium permanganate to the water. This substance will reduce the number of pathogenic harmful microorganisms that develop in the secretions of the blood. Change pads as they fill up. With scanty secretions, hygiene products are changed every 5 hours.

    The first menstruation is stressful for a girl, an important event for her mother. Better when the teenager is ready for this than everything will collapse suddenly. Early sexual education should take place in a form accessible to the child, in accordance with his age. If the girl does not trust her mother, you can take her to a consultation with a doctor.

    Menstruation sooner or later comes in the life of every girl. Menarche - as the first menstruation is called in medical language - plays a big role in the development of a teenager. By the beginning of menstruation, the girl should be prepared. If earlier girls learned about menstruation from friends or older sisters, today there is a lot of information on this topic on the Internet. It is not surprising that even before the onset of menarche, girls know almost everything about menstruation: how long the first menstruation lasts, and at what age menstruation begins in girls. However, even the most advanced sources of information do not provide answers to all questions. Therefore, menstruation is an excellent opportunity to talk with the mother not only about the physiological process itself, but also about what a woman should be like and what role menstruation plays in her life.

    When they start

    Most often, the first menstruation occurs at the age of 13, but this is a conditional concept. For many girls, they begin at the age of 10 or 15, and sometimes later. It depends on many factors, including:

    • heredity;
    • living conditions and food;
    • diseases;
    • development features.

    Usually, southern peoples, gypsies and many others begin their first period at 11 years old or even earlier. Most often, such girls even outwardly look older than their peers, and by the age of 15-16 they look like fully formed women. This is due not only to a subconscious psychological attitude, when menstruation in gypsy families is considered the beginning of adulthood and soon after her daughter is married off, but also with developmental features. Therefore, for those who have among their relatives people of southern blood, menstruation for the first time can come at 12 years old and earlier.

    Menstruation for a girl is very important and necessary, the appearance of bleeding is a whole event. With their arrival, a large number of questions arise in a small head, to which it is difficult for a child to find an answer. Do not be afraid and upset, you should know: "When your period appears, you will become an adult girl." This is natural for the female body. Thanks to this feature, in the future, you will be able to give life to your baby.

    In adolescents, menstruation occurs at different ages. The reason for this:

    • The hormonal state of the child;
    • Features of hereditary genetics. It is highly likely that the daughter will go through puberty in the same way as her mother. Menstruation will start around the same age.
    • How formed is the child (his weight and height). Tall girls are more likely to have early periods than thin and small girls.
    • Nutritional features.
    • Places of residence (city - village);
    • physical activity;
    • The mental state of the child. Stressful situations delay puberty and the onset of menstruation.
    • Diseases that a child has suffered in early childhood also lead to a later onset of menstruation.

    According to statistics, the puberty of girls in our country comes with a cold snap, September - February. It's impossible to explain. Most likely, during the spring - summer, with good nutrition, a large amount of vitamins, the final formation of adolescents occurs.

    The best definition is given by the body itself, it gives certain signals that precede the appearance of menstruation.

    Most girls are very afraid of growing up. Or rather, the arrival of menstruation, suggesting that something could go wrong. The appearance of bleeding leads them into a state of shock.

    The main reason for the appearance of menstruation:

    • Change in hormonal status. It begins to change at about 11 years old;
    • Formation of female organs;

    In the formed organ of the uterus, the necessary connective tissue, the endometrium, appears. It serves as a place - fastening of a mature egg. Such cells mature once a month. This indicates that the body is ready to give birth to a child. But we become mothers at an older age. Therefore, every month, a cell in which life has not originated is forced to separate and leave the body. Such her output was called menstruation. Every month, a cell is born and leaves the walls of the uterus.

    Signs of the first menstruation

    Menahre is the medical name for regular bleeding in women. Marks the end of puberty.

    Approximately one or two years before their onset, girls develop breasts, hair begins to grow on the armpits and pubis, hips increase, and weight gain is possible.

    Somewhere, approximately six months before the onset of bleeding, white discharge begins to stand out from the female organs. This is a completely natural process, you should not be afraid. Their color may be white or slightly yellowish.

    Before the most monthly take place:

    • Pain in the lower abdomen, back;
    • Sudden change of mood;
    • Malaise, increased sleepiness;
    • Change in taste preferences, lack of appetite.

    This is a normal state for a maturing organism.

    How do periods start for the first time?

    Just before the start of women's days, incomprehensible sensations will come to you:

    • The chest will become sensitive, there will be a slight burning sensation in it;
    • One day you will want to cry and laugh;
    • The bottom of the tummy, and the lumbar region will pursue aching pain;
    • Rashes will appear on the skin.

    What time do girls have their first period

    The final formation of adolescent girls falls on the age from 11 to 14 years. As a rule, the main period of formation begins from 12 to 13 years. But there are deviations from the norm.If your child's women's days began much earlier than 11 years old, or they have already turned 14, but they have not yet begun, you need to visit an endocrinologist and a gynecologist.

    Such an early appearance of critical days indicates hormonal disorders, which is the result of an improper diet. Consultation of a narrow specialist will help to correct some features of the body.

    A special role is assigned to the mothers of teenage girls, they must become for their girls both a girlfriend and a mother at the same time. Talk about all sorts of options, protection, including too. Your daughter should know all the physiological characteristics of her body, and no one else will tell you better than her mother. Distorted information from girlfriends and older girls has a bad effect on an unformed psyche. As a rule, not all girls trust their mothers, especially their sex life, but the younger generation begins quite early. Therefore, if you do not want to become a grandmother, start a conversation.

    First menstrual age

    Each teenager has his own characteristics of the body. For some, eight is not too early, but for some, fifteen is just right. Therefore, you should not be upset that your girlfriends have already begun, and you are still a child. Your body knows better what is best for you.

    The only correct way to find out when your women's days begin is to take a closer look at your body. The second option is to talk to your mom. You are her child, which means that your genes are the same. Therefore, the ripening period will be the same as hers.

    It is worth carrying with you, so just in case, a gasket. Such pleasant surprises usually come unexpectedly. A small red spot appeared on the underwear, rather cling to the pad. You have become a grown woman! The first discharges do not have such intensity as regular ones. Most likely finished in one day. They can be from brown to red, and this is normal.

    Hygiene takes a special place during bleeding. Do not forget about it.

    First menses early

    The arrival of early menstruation indicates that the girl's body stops growing, all its energy is directed to puberty. If such maturation occurred at the age of eight, it is necessary to immediately contact a specialist.

    The onset of the first menstruation at this age is directly related to:

    • Failures of the hormonal system of the body;
    • Improper nutrition and non-compliance with the regime;
    • Unbearable physical activity;
    • Features of the structure of the body.

    The child's brain is responsible for the growth of the child. His condition is directly related to the appearance of menstruation. Possible pathologies, such as the pituitary gland and hypothalamus, lead to early puberty. Because of this, the level of hormones in the blood increases, which is a consequence of the early maturation of the egg, bleeding.There is an opinion that the appearance of menstruation at such an early age will lead to an early menopause in the future.

    If your child has a hormonal system failure, it means that in the recent past she had to endure a strong nervous shock. As a result, parents need to be prepared for early periods. Do not forget to prepare the child for this, otherwise it will be another shock for her.

    Excessive knowledge about sexual life leads to early bleeding. Their provocateurs are Internet resources, TV shows, too frank behavior of parents. Genetic inheritance also plays a big role. The constitution of the girl's body directly affects the appearance of early bleeding. The earlier a child has a female outline of the body, the faster women's days will come.

    Also, the accelerated appearance of menstruation is affected by food. With regular use of some of them, the risk of early ripening increases.

    These include:

    • Products with altered DNA;
    • Spicy, sour, too salty dishes.

    Also influenced by:

    • Increased physical activity;
    • Lack of vitamin components;
    • overweight;
    • Sudden changes in weight.

    Studies have shown that a lack of vitamin D in a growing body leads to early puberty. There is an opinion that early development in girls increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes, metabolic disorders, malfunctions of the thyroid gland in the future.

    First menses late

    Late puberty refers to the period from 16 to 17 years. This is evidenced by the boyish chest. If by this period it has not begun to form, you need to urgently make an appointment with a doctor.

    Possible pathologies lead to late maturation:

    • The ovaries are not fully developed;
    • Improper development of female organs;
    • Malfunctions of the pituitary gland;
    • Hormonal failures, improper functioning of the thyroid gland;
    • The psychological state of a teenager.

    Frequent viral infections transferred at an early age lead to disturbances in the functionality of the female organs, a consequence of the late appearance of menstruation.

    A possible cause of late maturation may be insufficient weight. Excessive elegance leads to a later appearance of menstruation. It is because of this that estrogen is poorly produced, or not produced at all. He is responsible for women's health and the arrival of regular bleeding. Due to the lack of body fat, its production is reduced to zero. A normal fat ratio of 17% to body weight is considered.

    It is not worth delaying a visit to the doctor. Only with a comprehensive examination will it be possible to identify the cause, and choose the right treatment.

    If you do not seek help from specialized specialists, the development of an adult girl will remain at the level of a teenager. In the future, she will have problems with appearance, health. At a young age, treatment is fast and effective. Launched at an older age, treatment is not amenable.

    Can the first period be heavy?

    The amount of bleeding depends on many factors, and every girl is different.

    Abundance is affected by:

    • The individual structure of the constitution of the body;
    • genetic inheritance;

    If the girl's mother these days pass with great blood loss, then the daughter will have to come to terms with this fact.

    Usually the first bleeding is not heavy, it passes quickly. It is worth talking with the child all the possible moments. She should not be afraid, but accept these days as a necessary part of her life. And yet, it is during this period that you need to start visiting a doctor. Visits to him will become commonplace, and the child will not be embarrassed in the gynecologist's office.

    Delayed first period

    The appearance of bleeding in a very early and late age period causes anxiety in parents. Such failures in the body also include a delay in the first menstruation. Such complications require mandatory consultation and examination by a doctor. WDelays can be associated with a sharp weight loss or weight gain, or become a consequence of ovarian diseases.

    The cycle stabilizes throughout the year. During this period, it will change a lot, the entire female system is completing the formation, the work of all organs and appendages is getting better. The hormonal system is stabilized. For many teenagers, a clear cycle is established during the first six months.

    If it has not returned to normal, measures must be taken to find out the reason for such delays.

    They may occur due to:

    • Poor development of the reproductive system;
    • Transferred diseases that have acquired a chronic form;
    • Improper functioning of the endocrine system;
    • Failures or pathologies of the nervous system.

    Such delays are usually eliminated with effective treatment of the thyroid gland. It is because of it that an imbalance of hormones occurs, which leads to delays.

    With the moral and physical overstrain of the child, cycle delays may occur. It will be enough for the girl to devote a little more time to rest so that he adjusts. It is at night that the endocrine system releases a large amount of hormones. The correct mode is to normalize the physical and moral condition of a teenager.

    Why the first period may be brown

    Bloody discharge during the first menstruation is very often brownish in color, after a while they turn into the normal expected red color. In this case, the discharge can be practically absent, be normal or very strong.

    Dark red discharge is considered normal. But there may be deviations from the norm, often accompanied by a specific smell. Brown menstruation is a generalized concept. There can be many reasons for this.

    Perhaps the appearance of spotting, brownish bleeding at the beginning of menstruation, on the second, third, or last day. Basically, this color indicates that severe stress has been transferred. Disruptions of the hormonal system also affect the color of the discharge.

    When the period of formation and maturation of the girl occurs, the hormonal background changes, as a result of which the discharge becomes brown.

    Scanty first periods

    Such bleeding has a small amount of discharge and ends in two days. They are usually brownish. They appear due to the fact that the endometrium is rejected too slowly, while it comes out, the blood secretions coagulate, their color changes.

    This suggests that the body has failed, the endometrium is not produced in the right amount. As a result, it will be difficult for such girls to get pregnant.

    Pain on the first day of menstruation

    Acute pain on the first day of bleeding indicates possible inflammatory processes:

    • urinary system;
    • Kidney;
    • Appendages;
    • Hormonal disorders of the body.

    It is recommended to take painkillers. During menstruation, the uterus contracts, which causes slight discomfort and pain. As a rule, the pain threshold is not very high, it is tolerated normally. If there are deviations, consult a doctor, undergo an examination.

    How long are the first periods

    The duration of bleeding depends on the body of a teenager, it is different for everyone. On average, the duration is 3-5 days. Variations are possible from 2 to 7 days. The greatest blood loss occurs in the first two days.

    In view of the fact that each person has his own nature, it is impossible to establish norms and take them as the only correct decision. Each girl will eventually establish her own cycle, the number of days allotted for menstruation. They will be the norm for her.

    You need to pay attention to the mother of a teenager if the bleeding is short up to 3 days, or long-term, more than 7 days.

    If blood loss falls within 1-2 days:

    • Possible malfunction of the ovaries;
    • Lack of produced hormones.

    If blood loss is more than 7 days:

    • Possibly elevated estrogen levels
    • The uterus contracts badly, and therefore, it is constantly filled with blood.

    Normal is the allocation of about 50-150 ml of blood for the entire period of menstruation. In the first days, the greatest outpouring of blood occurs.

    During this period, sweating increases, and, accordingly, the smell emitted during menstruation. It is worth devoting more time to water procedures and body hygiene. If these rules are not observed, it is possible not only to increase the smell, but also inflammation of the female organs.

    First menstruation

    The first time there may be a small amount of blood released, so to speak, a daub. The first menstruation manifests itself in a small amount of discharge, it may be brown. The next time, approximately on the second day, normal discharges begin, then they decrease. Approximately on the 4th - 5th day, spotting may be present.

    First menstrual cycle

    The duration of the first bleeding can be from 3 to 7 days. The period of occurrence of bleeding is from 21 to 35 days.

    A whole year after the start of the first bleeding, the cycle stabilizes, so there will not be an exact schedule every month. There may be a delay between the first and second bleeding. Normally 1.5-2 months. As soon as the hormonal state of the girl stabilizes, the discharge will begin exactly on schedule.

    Is it possible to get pregnant after the first period

    Having such a conversation between mother and daughter is not easy, but necessary. You can not put off such a conversation until later, expecting that your daughter will cope with all the questions herself. When puberty occurs, the period of maturation of the egg ends, respectively, there is a possibility of pregnancy. You do not need to rely on the fact that a teenager knows and understands the full degree of responsibility.

    Not all girls understand that with unprotected intercourse, you can get pregnant the first time. It will be problematic to bear a healthy child, since the young mother herself is still a child.

    That is why it is necessary to explain to the girl that she has become an adult. Now, like all adult ladies, she can become pregnant.

    To avoid such unpleasant moments, it is worth remembering the rules of contraception. These can be condoms, if the relationship with a partner is regular - oral contraceptives. If there is a suspicion of pregnancy or sexual intercourse was without proper protection, you should consult a doctor on the same day or the next, to take postcoital drugs, and exclude a possible pregnancy.

    Such a conversation does not mean that a girl can begin her adult life. Mom should focus on this. The conversation is more informational. If you are afraid, or doubt your competence, sign up for a consultation with a doctor, the gynecologist will correctly tell the child about the possible consequences.

    Test when the first menstruation begins

    To understand this issue, you need to pass the test, and answer a few simple questions:

    • How old are you now?
    • Are armpit hairs starting to grow?
    • How long ago did you start growing breasts and did it burn?
    • What is your height?
    • What is your weight?
    • Have you had white discharge, and for how long?

    With more positive answers, the age of the child is 11-14 years old, weighing more than 40 kg, there is a high probability that women's days will begin in the near future. If at this age the outlines of the chest are already visible, hairs have appeared on the armpits and pubis, the girl is 11 years old, you need to make an appointment with a gynecologist. Your daughter is at the age when puberty is coming to an end.

    And in their company, the girls were embarrassed to discuss such issues. As a result, many girls, when they had their first period, were too scared. They developed despair, panic and fear that they were seriously ill or might bleed to death. Not every girl dared to tell her mother about everything, and because of this, menstruation for a fragile psyche became a severe test.

    Today, virtually any girl by puberty already has knowledge of what menstruation is. And as a result, the first menstruation, as a rule, is not too deep a shock for them. But this does not mean that a mother should not talk with her daughter about puberty and the occurrence of menstruation. It is very important that your girl learns about all the features of the female body from you, and not from her girlfriends.

    What is menstruation, the first signs of menstruation, when menstruation appears for the first time, what can be their first delay? In our article you can find answers to these and many other pressing questions.

    Menstruation (menstruation) is a special phase of the monthly cycle, during which the functional layer of the mucous membrane of the uterus is detached, and blood discharge from the vagina occurs. During each monthly cycle, the female body prepares for the onset of pregnancy: the blood supply to the uterus improves, the endometrium begins to thicken in order to make it easier for the fertilized egg to attach. The first signs of a delay in menstruation are the non-occurrence of menstruation on time. The occurrence of menstruation indicates that pregnancy did not occur in this month.

    The onset of the first menstruation in adolescent girls is not evidence of the body's complete readiness for pregnancy, it is most likely a sign that pregnancy is possible from now on.

    Age of first menstruation

    The first menses occur at about 12 to 16 years of age. Gynecologists have such a definition as "gynecological age". And the first menstruation is just the beginning of the gynecological age. This age is determined by the number of years that have passed since the first cycle of menstruation began. In addition, it is the occurrence of the first menstruation that speaks of the formation of the monthly cycle and puberty.

    If the girl's first menstruation appears at the age of eight or nine, or is absent at the age of 17, parents should seek help from a pediatric gynecologist. This deviation from the norm in some cases may be only a physiological feature of the girl.

    The timing of the appearance of the first menstruation in girls will depend on:

    • diseases transferred in childhood;
    • physiological development;
    • diet;
    • hereditary factor;
    • nationality and place of residence;

    In addition, emotional stress can delay or bring closer the onset of menstruation for a long time, and cause an already established cycle to fail. In no case should this factor be neglected. An interesting fact is that often the first menstruation occurs in girls in the autumn or winter. Scientists believe that this is facilitated by a winter diet, which is based on meat products, marinades and pickles.

    The reasons why a girl's menstruation begins at the age of 17-20 may be the following: hormonal imbalances, malnutrition, endocrine system disorders, nervous system disorders, etc.

    The first signs of the onset of menstruation

    Two years before the first menstruation (menarche), the girl experiences cardinal changes in her physical condition, behavior and emotional mood. The figure takes on a more feminine form. The hair in the armpits and in the pubic area becomes dark and hard, the external genitalia increase slightly in size. In connection with hormonal changes, the work of the sebaceous and sweat glands intensifies, and as a result, acne appears on the face, chest, and back of the girl, the hair roots grow fat faster.

    3-4 months before the first menstruation, vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea) changes significantly. They become plentiful and can be both liquid and viscous in consistency. The main difference between such whites and discharges that appear with infections of the genitourinary system is a white or transparent color and the absence of an unpleasant odor.

    Before the onset of menstruation, pain in the lower abdomen may disturb. They can be both minor and strong. A few months before the first menstruation, the girl has manifestations of PMS: causeless headaches, severe mood swings (tearfulness, aggression, apathy), fatigue, drowsiness.

    Duration of the first menstruation

    The first time menstruation, as a rule, go from three to seven days. The duration of the cycle of menstruation is 21-35 days, while the beginning of the menstrual cycle is considered the first day of menstruation. The menstrual cycle for a year after the first period can be unstable. The delay after the first menstruation can be from one and a half to three months. You should not worry about this, this is because in adolescents, the hormonal background is only being established.

    The amount of blood lost during menstruation and the intensity of pain depend on hereditary factors and the individual characteristics of the body. For example, if a mother has heavy and painful periods, it is likely that her daughter will have the same pattern.

    You should seek medical help if:

    • after three years after the onset of the first signs of puberty, menarche did not appear;
    • the monthly cycle has not stabilized after a year after the first menstruation;
    • thirteen-year-old girls do not show signs of puberty;
    • the girl had hair on her body and face;
    • the first menstruation is heavy and accompanied by severe pain (the cause may be various infections, inflammatory processes in the body, imbalance of hormones);
    • the first delay in menstruation is 3 months or more;
    • failures appear in the monthly cycle after it has stabilized;
    • menstruation lasts more than seven days;
    • menarche are absent, but there were severe pains in the lower abdomen.

    Moderate pain during menstruation should not be a cause for concern, they may appear due to the fact that the hymen interferes with the normal flow of blood, or due to intense sports.

    Despite the fact that a properly inserted tampon into the vagina does not have any effect on the integrity of the hymen, which has a high elasticity, medical experts still recommend using sanitary pads during the first menstruation. They allow you to visually control the volume and nature of blood secretions.

    Compliance with the general rules of personal hygiene is what a mother should talk to her daughter about first. During menstruation, the girl should bathe at least twice a day, change pads regularly, not allowing them to be completely saturated with menstrual blood. After all, blood is a favorable environment for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria.

    How to prepare a teenage girl for her period

    All girls during puberty should definitely visit a pediatric gynecologist. A medical specialist will tell the girl about all the features of the menstrual cycle and prepare her for the first menstruation.

    Mothers play an important role. They are obliged to prepare their daughters for the appearance of the first menstruation and tell them in detail about the monthly cycle, what danger early sexual intercourse can carry, what are the first signs of a delay in menstruation, how to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy. It is very important that the conversation be friendly, and not reminiscent of moralizing, so that the girl does not withdraw into herself.

    Parents should become a support and support for their child and learn to see in him a person who is worthy of respect in order to avoid the difficulties of adolescence that appear with the first menstruation.

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