Calcemin or Calcium-d3 nycomed - which is better to choose. Calcemin or Calcium d3 Nycomed - which is better and more effective

Osteoporosis is one of the pain points» modern humanity. as show latest research, dietary calcium intake may not be enough to prevent disease risk. But it can be reduced by taking calcium supplements and regulators of its metabolism. Drugs such as Calcemin or Calcium D 3 Nycomed are complex calcium-containing drugs that are indicated for the prevention of osteoporosis. Let's take a look at their main characteristics and features in a short review.

There are contraindications, use after consulting a doctor

Calcemin or Calcium D3 Nycomed: what's the difference?

Calcemin and Calcium D 3 Nycomed - drugs based on a combination cholecalciferol(vitamin D3) and calcium. They are included in pharmacological group drugs that regulate phosphorus-calcium metabolism.

In nature, cholecalciferol is produced in the skin from cholesterol by the action of UV light. Then it must undergo several more chemical transformations in the liver and kidneys to become calcitriol, the very substance by which calcium is absorbed in the intestines and reabsorbed in the kidneys. The combination of vitamin D3 with calcium eliminates the need for intense insolation in the summer on the beach or in the solarium, especially since many people with age are contraindicated in such procedures due to comorbidities and cancer risk.

Calcium in the composition Calcium D 3 Nycomed is contained in the form of a carbonate salt in the amount of 1.25 g. Vitamin D is present in the preparation at a concentration of 5 μg, which corresponds to a bioactivity of 200 IU.

The main difference between Calcemin and Calcium D3 Nycomed is that the minerals copper, zinc, boron and manganese, which are important for osteogenesis, are added to Calcemin. They are found in the form of oxides and salts:

These minerals play important role, regulating enzymatic reactions aimed at maintaining bone health and more. Zinc is essential for maintaining immunity, cell growth, DNA and protein synthesis (read). Boron is involved in the metabolism of vitamin D, while copper and manganese are involved in the formation of the intercellular bone matrix.

In addition, there is Calcemin, how it differs from Calcium D 3 Nycomed, which contains calcium only in the form of carbonate.

What is better Calcemin or Calcium D3 Nycomed to compensate for vitamin D and calcium deficiency? In Calcemin, the amount of calcium and cholecalciferol is less compared to Calcium D 3 Nycomed. Calcium salts (carbonate and citrate) in it are 5 times less, and vitamins - 8 times. This should be taken into account when calculating the required daily dose of calcium in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis.

Another difference between Calcium D3 Nycomed and Calcemin is that the first is available in the form of chewable tablets with a mint or orange flavor. And Calcemin is produced in the form of tablets for oral administration.

comparison table
Calcemin Calcium D 3 Nycomed
Active ingredients: Calcium citrate and calcium carbonate (250 mg pure) + vitamin D (50 IU), zinc (2 mg), copper (500 mcg), boron (50 mcg), manganese (500 mcg). Calcium carbonate (1250 mg) + Colecalciferol (in 1 tablet 500 mg of calcium (in pure form) + 0.005 mg (200 IU) vitamin D).
Release form: Regular coated tablets Chewable mint or orange flavored tablets
Qty per pack: Banks with tablets of 30, 60, 100, 120 pcs. Bottles with chewing gum. tablets: 20, 30, 50, 100 pcs.
Manufacturer: Russia Norway

Calcium D3 Nycomed Forte and Calcemin Advance

Reinforced versions conventional drugs calcium

In the line of both brands, there are release forms with an increased dosage of some active ingredients. Among the components of Calcium D 3 Nycomed Forte, the amount of cholecalciferol was doubled, the dose of calcium was left the same. The tablets have a lemon flavor.

The difference between the composition of minerals: magnesium is added at a dose of 40 mg, and it contains more other components than Calcemin:

  • calcium 2 times
  • vitamin D 4 times,
  • boron 5 times,
  • manganese by 3.6 times,
  • copper 2 times,
  • zinc by 3.75 times.

Price and manufacturer

Calcemin is produced by Sagmel (USA). The price of 30 tablets of the drug is in the range from 240 to 287 rubles. Calcium D 3 Nycomed is produced by Nycomed Pharma (Norway). The cost of 30 tablets is from 195 to 214 rubles.

At first glance, it seems that the remedies we have described can be considered “vitamins” and their intake does not have to be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. This is not entirely true. To answer the question, Calcemin or Calcium D3 Nycomed, which is better for your body, should be provided to a specialist. Indeed, the drugs are similar in principle of action, the lists of indications and contraindications for them are almost the same, but only a doctor after an examination can prescribe proper treatment. In some cases, in addition to taking calcium-containing tablets, special preparations are needed to maintain calcium metabolism, for example, Foroza, Tevabon, Ostalon Calcium-D.

  • In case if daily menu does not saturate the body adequately, it is advisable to start taking dietary supplements and vitamin complexes.

    There are contraindications, read the instructions or consult a specialist

    With a dilemma: Complivit calcium or Calcium d3 Nycomed which is better for you, read the instructions and contraindications, which are identical for both drugs.

    In addition, calcium-containing supplements are not prescribed for children under 3 years of age. The use of tablets during pregnancy and lactation should be under medical supervision, as constituent components able to cross the placental walls and breast milk.

    If you pay attention to the form of the inlet, it is identical for the two preparations: chewable tablets with mint and orange flavors. The difference between Calcium d3 Nycomed and Calcium Complivit is that it is available in boxes of 20, 30, 50 or 100 tablets. The packaging of his opponent's pills is quantitatively more diverse and is presented in five different variations.

    It is quite difficult to decide which is better: Complivit calcium d3 or Calcium d3 Nycomed, since the drugs are analogues and are not inferior to each other in efficiency and quality. Both active additives are within the same price category, despite the fact that the first drug is produced in Russia, and the second in Norway.

    In conclusion, we want to remind you that no supplements and synthetic vitamin complexes can fully replace fruity and vegetables balanced menu. They are recommended to be taken when real deficit essential substances. Also, excessive intake of calcium and vitamin D salts in the body can adversely affect metabolic processes, the functioning of the glands. internal secretion and hematopoietic systems.

    Lack of calcium in the body: how much to hang in grams?

    Hello dear friends!

    I decided to devote another pharma circle to OTC calcium preparations. Usually on the shelves of showcases they take place among vitamin and mineral complexes. But when we talked about them, I left this group "for later" to talk about it in more detail. She deserves it.

    So let's fill this gap.

    To better understand calcium supplements, here are a few basic things to remember:

    1. Calcium is a macronutrient that is not formed in the body and must be supplied from the outside, since the strength of our bones depends on it.
    2. Calcium is not only the basis of the skeleton. This is something without which the work of muscles is impossible. Muscle fibers interact with ATP and contract only in the presence of calcium ions. This means that calcium is also needed for heart contractions.
    3. In order for all systems of the "ship" to work normally, this "ship" needs calcium constantly in certain quantities: for an adult - 1000 mg per day. For pregnant women - 1200. For people over 65 years old - 1000-1200 mg. For children, the norm depends on age: mg
    4. An assistant for its absorption is vitamin D. In calcium preparations, we see its active metabolite, vitamin D3. In principle, he himself is able to form in the skin under the influence of ultraviolet rays. Only often with this in our life tension. Vitamin D3 not only improves calcium absorption, it also slows down its excretion in the urine. Daily rate: for children IU, for adults - 600 IU, for the elderly - 800 IU.
    5. The main sources of calcium are hard cheese, milk, cottage cheese, sardines, nuts, sesame. For example, if you drink a liter of yogurt a day or eat 200 g of parmesan cheese and you are not yet X, you do not need additional calcium.
    6. The main sources of vitamin D are butter, egg yolk, fish. And don't forget about the sun. If it is a frequent visitor in your area, and you go for a walk every day, this is what the musculoskeletal system needs.
    7. At the age of over 65, the ability to form vitamin D in the skin decreases by 4 times.
    8. The lack of calcium in the body leads to the fact that he begins to look for it inside himself, borrowing from bones and teeth. The risk of fractures increases, teeth begin to crumble.
    9. In the bones constantly occur: 1). educational processes bone tissue(osteoblast cells are responsible for this) and 2). its destruction (responsible - osteoclasts).
    10. How younger man, the more intense are the first ones. The older - the second. With age, calcium is actively washed out of the bones, they become brittle, and each fall can be the beginning of the end, as this is fraught with a fracture of the femoral neck. Further, events most often develop as follows: immobility - congestive pneumonia - death.
    11. Why does osteoporosis develop after menopause? Because estrogens inhibit the activity of osteoclasts. And with a decrease in the amount of estrogen, their "subversive activity" increases.
    12. Osteoporosis develops not only in women, but also in men for the reasons described above.
    13. Osteoporosis, unfortunately, does not hurt. At first. I didn't make a reservation. It's "unfortunately". Since I already wrote somewhere that pain is a kind of morse code that gives a person signals that trouble has happened in his state. And with osteoporosis, everything is covered. But from a frivolous fall it happens serious injury, and only then it becomes clear that skeletal system problem.

    When I worked as a consultant in a pharmacy a few years ago, I was sent to study densitometry. Do you know what it is? This is a study that allows you to determine the density of bone tissue, and therefore, to identify osteoporosis on early stages without waiting for fractures.

    The study was outrageously simple and took about 10 minutes. Bone density was checked on the bones of the forearm. The idea was great: to put such a densitometer in a pharmacy, and to offer every visitor of respectable age to pass free examination in which case to recommend calcium preparations.

    But for some reason this idea never came to fruition. Perhaps this was due to a license for such activities, perhaps with other points that I was not informed about. And the idea was amazing! And the person would be aware of his problem, and the pharmacy could increase sales of calcium preparations many times over.

    Now I have a question for you:

    Most likely, the fact that the teeth quickly deteriorate, the nails exfoliate, that one fracture is followed by another, or that it heals for too long. Or maybe they complain of cramps? Although there are many reasons for them.

    They may also complain of hair loss and brittle nails. But hair loss is not a sign of calcium deficiency, since there is no calcium in the hair. Yes, and its nails contain 800 times less than in the bones. Therefore, in the indications for calcium preparations, you will not find anything similar.

    And their main purpose is the prevention of osteoporosis and its treatment (in combination with other drugs).

    When does calcium deficiency develop in the body?

    Calcium preparations are especially needed:

    1. When a person does not like dairy products, he does not eat fish, nuts, herbs, eggs, and other foods containing calcium.
    2. With intolerance to dairy products.
    3. When a person has chronic problems with the intestines, due to which the absorption of calcium is impaired.
    4. If he lives in areas where there is very little sun.
    5. When he has a disease thyroid gland or parathyroid glands that regulate the amount of calcium in the body.
    6. When he takes immunosuppressants for a long time (glucocorticosteroids, cytostatics). They also lead to the leaching of calcium from the bones.
    7. Over 50 years of age and early menopause among women.
    8. With artificial menopause, when a woman has had her ovaries removed, and estrogens are not produced.

    What is calcium?

    There are several types of calcium compounds. But we are interested in the content of "pure" calcium.

    • Calcium carbonate (40% "pure" calcium);
    • Calcium citrate (21% "pure" calcium);
    • Calcium gluconate (9% "pure" calcium);
    • Calcium lactate (13% "pure" calcium).

    Who has been working in a pharmacy for a long time, remembers that earlier doctors calcium gluconate was administered to the right and to the left. But look: it turns out that it contains only 9% of "pure" calcium. This is how much you need to eat it to get at least half the daily intake of calcium?

    Most often, calcium carbonate is present in preparations and dietary supplements. As it passes through the stomach, it reacts with hydrochloric acid, which results in carbon dioxide. That is why after taking these drugs, bloating, belching, and other stomach discomfort are possible.

    And yet, the producers loved it. Apparently for high content it is pure calcium and cheap.

    Unlike it, calcium citrate does not react with hydrochloric acid of the stomach and does not give such side effects. In addition, it alkalizes urine, preventing the formation of kidney stones.

    And now we will analyze the popular calcium-containing products.

    Popular calcium supplements

    (I remind you that the norm of calcium for adults per day is 1000 mg, vitamin D - 600 IU. But do not forget that a person receives part of this amount with food, plus vitamin D is formed in the skin under the influence of sunlight).

    Calcium-D3 Nycomed - chewable tablets.

    Vitamin D3 - 200 IU.

    In a word, a completely normal dosage.

    For prevention, it is taken in a tablet 1-2 times a day (depending on the diet). For the treatment of osteoporosis, a tablet 2-3 times a day.

    Complivit Calcium D3 - also chewable tablets. The composition and mode of application is similar to Calcium-D3 Nycomed.

    Natecal D3 - chewable tablets. More calcium carbonate - 1500 mg (= 600 mg of pure calcium), vitamin D3 - 400 IU, therefore it is especially convenient for the elderly: 2 tons per day - and get daily allowance, even if you do not get these valuable substances with food.

    Vitrum Calcium + D3 - coated tablets. Optimal for those who find it easier to swallow than chew.

    Standard dosage: calcium carbonate - 1250 mg (500 mg of pure calcium), vitamin D3 - 200 IU.

    Indications: prevention of calcium deficiency in case of its insufficient intake with food.

    But for older people there is another remedy. It.

    Vitrum Osteomag - coated tablets. It is recommended to people of advanced age for the prevention of osteoporosis, women in menopause. Another of his indications is bone fractures.

    It contains calcium carbonate in a small dosage - 600 mg, and vitamin D3 in a standard dosage of 200 IU, but it contains a number of trace elements that are also very important for bone formation and improving calcium absorption: magnesium, zinc, manganese, copper, boron.

    Calcium Sandoz Forte. Contains 500 mg or 1000 mg pure calcium.

    An interesting drug. First, this effervescent tablets, therefore, it can be recommended to those who prefer liquid forms. Secondly, it contains calcium carbonate and lactogluconate, and among the excipients is citric acid. Dissolving in water, under the action citric acid carbonate is converted to calcium citrate. Calcium from citrate is absorbed 27% better than from carbonate, and I have already said above that the probability stomach discomfort less when taken.

    There are several forms of release: both 500 mg (1t. 2 times a day), and 1000 mg each, where one tablet contains daily dose calcium. Although they still believe that for better absorption at a time it is better to take no more than 500 mg of pure calcium. But situations are different. It is convenient for someone to take a pill once a day and forget it.

    True, vitamin D3 is absent. Therefore, if it does not come with enough food, or the area of ​​\u200b\u200bresidence does not differ sunny weather must be taken separately.

    Osteokea - tablets and solution.

    It is taken 1 t. 2 times a day. Judging by the composition, it is more suitable for the prevention of osteoporosis and other bone problems, for example, with a lack of foods in the diet - sources of calcium and vitamin D.

    Osteokea solution - if I understand correctly, is registered as a dietary supplement. Although now I don’t care much here: dietary supplements or a drug. I look at the composition. Sometimes it is very medicinal in dietary supplements. But this does not apply to the Osteokea solution. Dosages of active substances are not indicated. So recommend how prophylactic with a lack of calcium in the diet. Suitable for those who do not like to take pills.

    And we still have Calcemin and Calcemin Advance.

    Calcemin - coated tablets.

    Contains calcium citrate and calcium carbonate. It doesn't specify how much of what, and that annoys me. Is it hard to point out? So it was done on purpose. Most likely citrate "the cat cried." Pure calcium only 250 mg.

    And vitamin D3 modestly. Total 50 IU

    True, there are also bone-forming minerals: zinc, copper, manganese, boron. But can they compensate for the obviously insufficient amount of calcium and vitamin D3? Or compensates better assimilation calcium from citrate?

    Indications are standard: prevention of osteoporosis, deficiency of calcium and trace elements, which no one determines in our country, and treatment of osteoporosis (in combination with other drugs).

    Calcemin Advance. Here calcium is 500 mg, and vitamin D3 is 200 mg, plus trace elements: magnesium, zinc, copper, manganese, boron.

    As you can see, the composition is more therapeutic than that of Calcemin. True, the manufacturer writes the same indications and doses in one and the other.

    In order not to be confused, I suggest: Calcemin - prevention of osteoporosis, calcium deficiency in the diet, Calcemin Advance - treatment of osteoporosis (in combination with other drugs), bone fractures.

    As you can see, the market offers various forms calcium preparations: for every taste. Want to chew? Please. Do you want liquid? Be kind. Do you want regular tablets? And it is.

    In a word, ask about the preferences of the buyer.

    The same drug is used for both prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. It's all about the frequency of administration: for prevention 1-2 times a day, for treatment 2-3 times a day.

    But there are drugs that are optimal for the elderly. These are Calcium-D3 Nycomed forte, Vitrum Osteomag, Natekal D3.

    Purely for prevention, in my opinion, Osteokea is intended.

    A few words about the possibility of kidney stones formation while taking calcium supplements: I think that if the kidneys, endocrine glands, and liver are working normally, this is out of the question. Moreover, I found several publications that say that calcium prevents the formation of stones, because. binds oxalates and phosphates in the intestine, which reduces their excretion in the urine and the likelihood of stone formation.

    And what do you think about this?

    What else do you need to ask, warn about when you sell calcium supplements?

    Leave all your suggestions and comments in the comment box below.

    But new riddle from buyers: what would that mean?

    See you on the blog for hard workers of the pharmaceutical business!

    With love to you, Marina Kuznetsova

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    Compare Calcemin Advance and Calcium D3 Nycomed

    During menopause, older women purchase Calcemin Advance or Calcium-D3 Nycomed. What is better to take for the treatment of osteoporosis, they find out by examining the composition and properties of the drugs, because each of them has its own characteristics and indications for use.

    Calcemin Advance

    The drug is used to treat osteopenia in women over 45 years of age. It contains the following ingredients:

    Copper provides the process of collagen synthesis, takes part in the formation of red blood cells and skin pigments. With osteoporosis, the body needs to get enough zinc to produce hormones:

    The lack of copper and manganese leads to deterioration of the bone tissue. Vitamin D is essential for strengthening the immune system, reducing the risk of hip fracture, and preventing the development of cancer and heart disease.

    Who and when is the drug prescribed

    Diet, rich in products, containing a large amount of phosphorus, in old age leads to the development of osteoporosis. Therefore, it is so important to consult a doctor in time and undergo an examination.

    Calcemin Advance is prescribed for the treatment of patients with atrophic gastritis regardless of acidity gastric juice. The drug is recommended for patients suffering from hypocalcemia, Graves' disease or thyrotoxicosis.

    Contraindications for admission

    The diagnosis is final, but the patient cannot take Calcemin Advance for certain reasons.

    Treatment with the drug is not carried out in the event of the development of the following pathological conditions:

    • hypercalcemia;
    • fracture of the femoral neck with immobilization;
    • allergic reaction;
    • renal failure;
    • circulatory disorders.

    The patient should not self-medicate, so as not to harm health. In the early stages of the disease, it is necessary to adjust the therapy by replacing drugs that are hazardous to health with similar drugs.

    Admission rules and side effects

    For proper assimilation calcium medicine is taken according to the doctor's recommendation. Adults drink a tablet with meals 1 time per day. Exceed single dose not recommended, because a large amount of the active substance affects the absorption of iron and zinc in the intestine.

    At the time of taking the drug, you must stop smoking. taken pill drink down large quantity water or milk. During treatment, they follow a diet, eat foods rich in phytoestrogens.

    Calcium-D3 Nycomed or Calcemin Advance is well tolerated by elderly patients if the instructions are strictly followed during treatment and the recommended dose is not exceeded.

    In some cases, the patient develops side effects:

    If dizziness occurs during treatment, anti-vertigo medications are prescribed to reduce the chance of falling.

    Sometimes after taking Calcemin, the patient develops swelling, redness and itching. skin. In this case, you must stop treatment and seek medical help.

    Calcium-D3 Nycomed

    Patients often ask the question of which medicine is effective in the fight against osteoporosis. On the early stages diseases, the process of restoring bone tissue is provided by the drug Calcium-D3 Nycomed. In patients over 65 years of age, after a course of treatment, bone mineral density increases, and the likelihood of fractures decreases.

    Indications for admission

    The drug prevents osteopenia in the event that the patient has given up smoking, corrected body weight. Treatment to prevent deformity lumbar spine. The drug is well tolerated by patients long-term use does not cause hypercalcemia.

    In more complex cases, Calcium-D3 Nycomed is prescribed for the prevention of osteoporosis during hormone therapy. At long-term treatment monitor the calcium content in the urine.

    If the disease is too advanced, phosphorus-calcium metabolism changes. The drug is recommended for the treatment of patients with impaired bone density. The medicine lowers alkaline phosphatase six months after the start of treatment.

    The drug reduces pain syndrome in the spine, prevents a sudden fracture of the neck femur in older women. Calcium-D3 Nycomed is recommended for the treatment of juvenile osteoporosis, pain in the lower extremities.


    The drug should be used with caution in people with kidney failure. The drug is not recommended for patients suffering from phenylketonuria or urolithiasis.

    Individual patients have an individual course of the disease, but with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, its administration is not recommended. In patients with active form tuberculosis during treatment with Calcium-D3 Nycomed, side effects develop that worsen the course of the underlying disease.

    The patient needs to study the rules for taking the drug and pay attention to the peculiarity that the tablet should be kept in the oral cavity until completely dissolved.

    The dose of the drug depends on the age of the patient, individual sensitivity to the active substance, hereditary factors that determine unusual reactions to taking Calcium-D3 Nycomed.

    Side effect

    In addition to the positive therapeutic effect the drug causes the appearance of unwanted symptoms:

    Adverse reactions develop after a single dose of the entire daily dose of the drug. The patient develops dry mouth, constipation, heart rhythm disturbance.

    The drug, taken in large doses, has toxic effect to the nervous system.

    Complivit calcium D3 or Calcium D3 Nycomed?

    Many vitamins and minerals are especially beneficial for joints, muscles and bones. The required amount can be successfully obtained by balancing and diversifying your diet. In the event that the daily menu does not saturate the body adequately, it is advisable to start taking dietary supplements and vitamin complexes.

    The article will consider two active dietary supplements Complivit calcium d3 and Calcium d3 Nycomed, the constituent components of which are necessary for the formation of bone strength and density, maintaining the health of articular joints and strengthening muscles.

    What is better Calcium D3 Nycomed or Complivit Calcium D3?

    Chewable tablets "Complivit Calcium D3" and "Calcium D3 Nycomed"

    Let's start the comparative analysis with a review of the active ingredients, which are similar for the two drugs and are contained in the same dosages.

    • Calcium carbonate is an essential mineral needed for blood clotting, bone density, nerve conduction, and muscle contraction. This inorganic chemical compound is obtained naturally or synthetically. The calcium-containing substance is designed to normalize the electrolyte balance, work endocrine glands, prevent allergic manifestations. Chemical element in higher doses necessary during pregnancy, lactation, active growth and in old age.
    • Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) performs the most important physiological role- regulates mineral metabolism especially calcium. Given organic compound ensures the creation of the necessary concentrations of calcium in the blood, organizes its absorption from the intestine, excretion with metabolic products. Vitamin D3 is responsible for the growth and strengthening of cartilage, muscle and bone tissue.

    The difference between Calcium Complivit and Calcium D3 Nycomed can be traced in the composition of its excipients, which includes vivasol, a sodium chemical compound that promotes rapid dissolution and an increase in the bioavailability of the drug. This fact is an advantage of Calcium Complivit.

    What is better to take - Calcium D3 Nycomed, Calcemin or Calcemin Advance

    Calcium D3 Nycomed and Calcemin are medicines based on cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) and calcium. The drugs are included in the pharmacological group of drugs that control phosphorus-calcium metabolism in human body.

    Calcium D3 Nycomed

    This complex is used both for the treatment and for the prevention of the following diseases:


    The main contraindications to the use of the drug are:

    • tuberculosis occurring in an open form;
    • sarcoidosis;
    • serious pathological processes in the kidneys;
    • nephrolithiasis (kidney stone disease);
    • individual immunity of the drug components;
    • increased amount of calcium in the urine and blood;
    • hypervitaminosis of vitamin D3;
    • up to three years of age.

    Dosage and method of application

    The drug is intended for oral use. The tablet can either be chewed or sucked after a meal. If the drug is used as a prevention and treatment of calcium and vitamin D3 deficiency, then the recommended doses will be as follows:

    • for adults - 1 tablet from one to three times a day;
    • for children after 5 years of age - 1 tablet up to two times during the day;
    • for kids, the dosage is prescribed by the attending doctor.

    If osteoporosis is being prevented, then adults are prescribed one pill twice a day. For treatment this disease the dosage will be different - one tablet three times a day.

    Side effects

    Undesirable manifestations that may develop while taking the drug Calcium D3 Nycomed include the following:

    • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • allergic reaction;
    • hypercalcemia or hypercalciuria.

    Use during pregnancy

    The drug Calcium D3 Nycomed is allowed to be used during pregnancy, but it is necessary to strictly adhere to the dosage prescribed by the doctor and the duration of the course of therapy. To choose the right expectant mother course of treatment, specialist in without fail will schedule tests. This is necessary to determine the amount of calcium in the body. If this microelement is supplied more than the norm, this can significantly strengthen the bones of the unborn baby, which will cause complications during the process of labor.


    Direct indications for use vitamin complex Calcemin are:


    • individual intolerance to any component of the drug;
    • urolithiasis disease;
    • as well as patients who have not reached the age of 5.

    Dosage and method of application

    Calcemin is intended for oral administration. As a treatment for adult patients, including expectant and nursing mothers, as well as for children from 12 years of age, the standard dose is 1 tablet 2 times a day. For children - 1 tablet throughout the day.

    As a preventive measure - 1 tablet per day. The duration of therapy is determined by the doctor and depends on the patient's condition and the nature of the course of the disease.

    Side effects

    Taking Calcemin can cause the following reactions body:

    • violations in the work of the digestive tract;
    • manifestations of allergies;
    • hypercalciuria or hypercalcemia.

    Application during pregnancy

    Calcemin during pregnancy and during breastfeeding is recommended to take 1 tablet twice a day before meals or during meals. The drug must be prescribed by the doctor after the tests.

    Calcemin Advance

    • for the prevention of osteoporosis, as well as in the composition complex therapy this disease;
    • for women who are in a period of natural menopause or caused by surgery;
    • for patients taking corticosteroids and immunosuppressants for a long time;
    • as a therapy for diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
    • to eliminate calcium deficiency in adolescence.


    A direct ban on the use of the drug Calcemin Advance are:

    • individual immunity of the components of the drug;
    • urolithiasis disease;
    • hypercalciuria, hypercalcemia;
    • the age of the patient is up to 12 years.

    Method of application and dosage

    The drug is taken with food. For treatment, adults and children over 12 years of age are recommended to take 1 tablet 2 times a day. As a preventive measure - 1 tablet per day.

    Side effects

    While taking the drug, you may experience:

    • nausea, vomiting, flatulence;
    • hypercalcemia and hypercalciuria;
    • allergy manifestations.

    Use during pregnancy and lactation

    During pregnancy and breastfeeding, women must necessarily coordinate the intake of the drug with the attending doctor.

    You should know that the daily dose of calcium should not be more than 1500 mg, and vitamin D3 - no more than 600 IU. If more than the maximum dose enters the body of a pregnant woman, then hypercalcemia develops. And this can provoke mental and physical defects in the unborn child. physical development. It should also be borne in mind that in lactating women, calcium and vitamin D3 penetrate into breast milk.

    Comparative characteristics of drugs

    Let's get acquainted with distinctive features preparations containing calcium and vitamin D3.

    What is the best drug?

    In order to determine which drug should be taken: Calcium D3 Nycomed or Calcemin, as well as what is better during pregnancy, you need to compare the drugs with each other.

    The main difference medication Calcemin from Calcium D3 Nycomed is the presence in the first preparation of a complex of minerals - zinc, copper, manganese and boron. If we talk about the quantitative indicator of calcium, then in the drug Calcium D3 Nycomed it contains 5 times more.

    All of these drugs serve good sources to replenish the body with calcium. These drugs are used both for the treatment of osteoporosis and in preventive purposes. However, it should be noted that there are more contraindications to the use of Calcium D3 Nycomed. And this reduces the number of patients who can take this medication.

    Patient reviews

    Reviews of those who took preparations containing calcium and vitamin D3 are mostly positive. Patients say that the body not only receives the necessary dose of trace elements, but at the same time the condition of nails, hair, and tooth enamel improves. It is noted at the same time that side effects develop if the patient violates the doctor's recommendations.

    What better Calcium D3 Nycomed or Calcemin Advance or Calcemin? Only the attending doctor can answer this question, taking into account the patient's state of health, the characteristics of the body and the course of the disease, and the results of the examination. The drugs described above are not “simple vitamins”, therefore it is strongly not recommended to engage in self-prescription of these drugs. Entrust this to a specialist to prevent unwanted consequences.

    Complivit Calcium D3

    Complivit Calcium D3 is a complex that includes calcium at a dosage of 500 mg and vitamin D3 at a dosage of 200 IU. The drug prevents the occurrence of osteoporosis and bone fragility, strengthens teeth, hair and nails. Calcium is also needed for blood clotting and for the passage of nerve impulses in the muscles.

    The complex is recommended for use by women over 40, especially during menopause, as the process of calcium leaching is activated. During pregnancy and lactation this drug will become additional source calcium. Children in the period of growth also need a full intake of calcium in the body.

    • The most low price compared to similar complexes
    • Form: chewable tablets
    • Weak mint taste of the tablet
    • Calcium carbonate is not absorbed as well as citrate (see Calcemin)
  • Calcium D3 Nycomed and Calcemin are medicines based on cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) and calcium. The drugs are included in the pharmacological group of drugs that control phosphorus-calcium metabolism in the human body.

    This complex is used both for the treatment and for the prevention of the following diseases:

    • deficiency of calcium and vitamin D3;
    • osteoporosis.


    The main contraindications to the use of the drug are:

    • tuberculosis occurring in an open form;
    • sarcoidosis;
    • serious pathological processes in the kidneys;
    • nephrolithiasis (kidney stone disease);
    • individual immunity of the drug components;
    • increased amount of calcium in the urine and blood;
    • hypervitaminosis of vitamin D3;
    • up to three years of age.

    The drug is intended for oral use. The tablet can either be chewed or sucked after a meal. If the drug is used as a prevention and treatment of calcium and vitamin D3 deficiency, then the recommended doses will be as follows:

    • for adults - 1 tablet from one to three times a day;
    • for children after 5 years of age - 1 tablet up to two times during the day;
    • for babies 3 - 5 years old, the dosage is prescribed by the attending doctor.

    If osteoporosis is being prevented, then adults are prescribed one pill twice a day. For the treatment of this disease, the dosage will be different - one tablet three times a day.

    Side effects

    Undesirable manifestations that may develop while taking the drug Calcium D3 Nycomed include the following:

    • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • allergic reaction;
    • hypercalcemia or hypercalciuria.

    Use during pregnancy

    The drug Calcium D3 Nycomed is allowed to be used during pregnancy, but it is necessary to strictly adhere to the dosage prescribed by the doctor and the duration of the course of therapy. In order to choose the right course of treatment for the expectant mother, the specialist will prescribe tests without fail. This is necessary to determine the amount of calcium in the body. If this microelement is supplied more than the norm, this can significantly strengthen the bones of the unborn baby, which will cause complications during the process of labor.


    Direct indications for the use of the Calcemin vitamin complex are:

    • osteoporosis;
    • insufficient intake of calcium in the body in adulthood and adolescence, during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


    • individual intolerance to any component of the drug;
    • urolithiasis disease;
    • as well as patients who have not reached the age of 5.

    Dosage and method of application

    Calcemin is intended for oral administration. As a treatment for adult patients, including expectant and nursing mothers, as well as for children from 12 years of age, the standard dose is 1 tablet 2 times a day. For children 5 - 12 years old - 1 tablet throughout the day.

    As a preventive measure - 1 tablet per day. The duration of therapy is determined by the doctor and depends on the patient's condition and the nature of the course of the disease.

    Side effects

    Reception of Calcemin can provoke the following reactions of the body:

    • violations in the work of the digestive tract;
    • manifestations of allergies;
    • hypercalciuria or hypercalcemia.

    Application during pregnancy

    Calcemin during pregnancy and during breastfeeding is recommended to take 1 tablet twice a day before meals or during meals. The drug must be prescribed by the doctor after the tests.

    Calcemin Advance

    • to prevent osteoporosis, as well as in the complex therapy of this disease;
    • for women who are in a period of natural menopause or caused by surgery;
    • for patients taking corticosteroids and immunosuppressants for a long time;
    • as a therapy for diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
    • to eliminate calcium deficiency in adolescence.


    A direct ban on the use of the drug Calcemin Advance are:

    • individual immunity of the components of the drug;
    • urolithiasis disease;
    • hypercalciuria, hypercalcemia;
    • the age of the patient is up to 12 years.

    Method of application and dosage

    The drug is taken with food. For treatment, adults and children over 12 years of age are recommended to take 1 tablet 2 times a day. As a preventive measure - 1 tablet per day.

    Side effects

    While taking the drug, you may experience:

    • nausea, vomiting, flatulence;
    • hypercalcemia and hypercalciuria;
    • allergy manifestations.

    Use during pregnancy and lactation

    During pregnancy and breastfeeding, women must necessarily coordinate the intake of the drug with the attending doctor.

    You should know that the daily dose of calcium should not be more than 1500 mg, and vitamin D3 - no more than 600 IU. If more than the maximum dose enters the body of a pregnant woman, then hypercalcemia develops. And this can provoke defects in mental and physical development in the unborn child. It should also be borne in mind that in lactating women, calcium and vitamin D3 penetrate into breast milk.

    Comparative characteristics of drugs

    Let's get acquainted with the distinctive features of preparations containing calcium and vitamin D3.

    Calcemin Calcemin Advance Calcium D3 Nycomed
    Compound Calcium - 250 mg in its pure form) + vitamin D (50 IU), as well as zinc -2 mg, copper - 500 mcg, boron - 50 mcg, manganese - 500 mcg. Calcium - 500 mg in pure form + vitamin D (200 IU), zinc - 7.5 mg, copper - 1 mg, boron - 250 mcg, manganese - 1.8 mg, magnesium - 40 mg. Calcium - 1250 mg + Colecalciferol - one tablet contains 500 mg of pure calcium + 200 IU of vitamin D.
    Release form Coated tablets Coated tablets Chewable tablets with orange or mint flavor.
    Amount in a package In a jar - tablets of 30, 60, 100, 120 pieces. In a jar - tablets of 30, 60, 120 pieces. Chewable pill bottles of 20, 30, 50, 100 pieces.
    Country of origin / price Russia / the cost of the drug (30 tablets) - 195 - 214 rubles. Russia / price (30 tablets) - from 140 to 170 rubles Norway / package price (30 tablets) - from 150 to 190 rubles
    Use during pregnancy It is prescribed only by a specialist at a gestational age from 21 to 40 weeks. It is allowed for pregnant women after the 20th week of pregnancy, if there are strict indications. The dosage and duration of therapy is prescribed by the attending physician. May be taken throughout pregnancy, but strict observance dosage prescribed only by a doctor.

    What is the best drug?

    In order to determine which drug should be taken: Calcium D3 Nycomed or Calcemin, as well as what is better during pregnancy, you need to compare the drugs with each other.

    The main difference between the drug Calcemin and Calcium D3 Nycomed is the presence in the first preparation of a complex of minerals - zinc, copper, manganese and boron. If we talk about the quantitative indicator of calcium, then in the drug Calcium D3 Nycomed it contains 5 times more.

    All of these drugs are good sources for replenishing the body with calcium. These drugs are used both for the treatment of osteoporosis and for preventive purposes. However, it should be noted that there are more contraindications to the use of Calcium D3 Nycomed. And this reduces the number of patients who can take this medication.

    Normally, each person should receive daily with food a sufficient amount of mineral and vitamin elements that ensure the full functioning of the organs and systems of our body. But, as practice shows, to provide yourself and your loved ones with a 100% balanced and healthy diet is often difficult. So, great amount of people on the planet suffers from a lack of calcium, which is essential for the course of many metabolic processes and to maintain musculoskeletal health. Various medicines can be used to make up for such a deficiency, and today we will give our thoughts on what to choose in a pharmacy - Calcemin or better Calcium D3 Nycomed or Complivit Calcium D3 - which is better?

    What is better Calcemin or Calcium D3 Nycomed?

    Both of these drugs are based on a combination of two main components, represented by cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) and calcium. Both of them are designed to optimize phosphorus-calcium metabolism.

    Calcemin is available in the form of tablets that are coated film sheath. Each of them is a source of calcium (250 mg) in the form of calcium citrate and calcium carbonate, cholecalciferol (or colecalciferol) - vitamin D3 (50 IU), as well as zinc, copper, manganese and boron.

    Calcium D3 Nycomed is available as chewable tablets with different flavors, each contains calcium (500mg) in the form of calcium carbonate and colecalciferol (200 IU).

    Among the indications for the use of Calcemin is the prevention and complex therapy of osteoporosis of various origins (see the article Osteoporosis on Wikipedia). In addition, the drug helps to compensate for calcium deficiency and minerals at different groups population, in particular adolescents and pregnant and lactating women.

    Calcium D3 Nycomed is prescribed in principle in the same situations: to compensate for the deficiency of calcium or vitamin D3, as well as in the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis or its complications (fractures).

    The dosage of such drugs, in principle, is the same. Children from five to twelve years of age should take one tablet once a day, adults and adolescents take one tablet twice a day. When using both medications during breastfeeding, it should be borne in mind that their components (in particular vitamin D3) are able to penetrate into breast milk.

    The instructions for Calcemin indicate that it can be used in the treatment of children from the age of five. At the same time, Calcium D3 Nycomed can be used in the treatment of children from three years old, but only under the supervision of a doctor and with a possible dosage adjustment.

    Calcemin is produced in the USA and Russia, thirty tablets can be purchased for about three hundred and fifty rubles.

    Calcium D3 Nycomed is produced in Norway, the cost of fifty tablets is about three hundred rubles.

    If you choose between Calcemin and Calcium D3 Nycomed, then you should give preference to Calcemin. Firstly, it contains both calcium carbonate and calcium citrate, while Calcium D3 Nycomed contains only calcium carbonate. Accordingly, the body can absorb more calcium from Calcemin, but the likelihood of stone formation against the background of its intake is lower.

    Secondly, Calcemin contains not only calcium and vitamin D, but also a number of minerals that are important for the full-fledged calcium metabolism in the human body. Only a doctor can choose the most suitable medicine in each case.

    What is better Calcium D3 Nycomed or Complivit Calcium D3?

    Complivit Calcium D3 is available in the form of chewable tablets, each of which contains calcium (500 mg) in the form of carbonate, as well as vitamin D3 (200 IU).

    As for Calcium D3 Nycomed, this drug, as we have already found out, is also available in the form of chewable tablets and is characterized by a similar composition.

    Due to the same content of active substances, both drugs have similar indications for use. But consumers should pay attention not only to active ingredients, but also on excipients in the composition of such drugs. So, for example, Calcium D3 Nycomed contains sorbitol, which makes its use impossible for patients with glucose intolerance. A Complivit calcium D3 contains lactose, which must be taken into account in the presence of lactase deficiency.

    The difference between these medicines is also in the manufacturer. So, as we have already found out, Calcium D3 Nycomed is produced in Norway. Its cost is approximately three hundred rubles for a bottle of fifty tablets.

    Complivit calcium D3 is produced by a Russian pharmaceutical company, thirty tablets of such a drug can be purchased for one hundred and fifty rubles, and one hundred for four hundred rubles.

    It is quite difficult to determine which of the medicines is better, since they are completely identical in terms of the content of active substances. The doctor will help you choose the most appropriate medicine in each case.

    When choosing drugs to compensate for the lack of vitamins and minerals in the body, it is important not to forget that they are best used as an integral part of complex therapy under the supervision of the attending physician. It should be borne in mind that all medicines have certain contraindications for use and can provoke adverse reactions. In parallel with their use, it is imperative to organize a proper and balanced diet.

    Calcium d3 nycomed - effective drug, which is used to restore the exchange of calcium and phosphorus in the body. The imbalance of these elements provokes the appearance of dangerous diseases.

    As part of combination drug there is calcium carbonate and a substance that ensures the absorption of the main component - cholecalciferol. However, sometimes it is necessary to select analogues cheaper than calcium d3 nycomed.

    Description of the drug

    The drug is used to replenish calcium stores. The mineral normalizes bone density. It is essential for healthy hair, nails and muscles.

    The substance is also involved in in large numbers processes that take place in the body. Deficiency of this substance can cause bone pathologies and other disorders.

    Calcium helps to manage inflammation and minimize the risk of developing allergies. Its presence in enough helps the body to function nervous system, restore the balance of hormones, activate individual enzymes.

    This substance helps to cope with stress and protects cells from oxidation. In addition, the mineral allows you to reduce weather sensitivity.

    Cholecalciferol is special form vitamin D, which is easily absorbed by the body. This substance is involved in the regulation of calcium-phosphorus metabolism. It is also used to treat rickets. The substance has special meaning for normal functioning hearts.

    Vitamin provides correct work nervous system. It is also required for blood clotting. The interaction of the ingredients of the drug helps to stop the synthesis of the hormone, which leads to bone porosity.

    The substance is used in such situations:

    • replenishment of the lack of substances that are the ingredients of the drug - calcium and vitamin D;
    • osteoporosis - the drug is part of a combination therapy;
    • prevention of osteoporosis;
    • adolescence.

    In this case, the tool has some contraindications. These include the following:

    • children's age less than 5 years;
    • sarcoidosis;
    • kidney failure;
    • phenylketonuria;
    • urolithiasis disease;
    • excess cholecalciferol or calcium.

    With great care medicine administered to elderly patients. This can only be done by a doctor.

    List of cheap analogues of Calcium d3 nycomed

    How to replace this drug, the doctor must decide. A list with prices will help you choose a specific tool. In this case, the specialist must take into account the characteristics of the human body.

    So, the main analogues of the drug include the following:

    All of these agents can be used to combat osteoporosis. They are also often used for preventive purposes.

    When choosing cheaper analogues, it is worth considering that they may not be as quickly and fully absorbed by the body as the original. They are also often inferior to the remedy for therapeutic effects.

    Complivit calcium d3 or calcium d3 nycomed - which is better?

    Many are interested in: calcium d3 nycomed or complivit - which is better? The second substance is produced in the form of tablets that taste orange and mint. The medicine contains 500 mg of calcium. The product also contains 400 IU of vitamin D3.

    The drug belongs to the category of calcium phosphate regulators. Tablets have round shape and have a white tint. Thanks to the use of the drug, it is possible to establish the exchange of calcium and phosphorus. The substance copes with the exhaustion of the joints, increases bone density.

    Calcium is required for the functioning of such body systems:

    • forms bones;
    • normalizes the spread of nerve impulses;
    • restores the functions of the cardiovascular system;
    • increases blood clotting.

    The main indications for the use of the drug include the following:

    • prevention and elimination of osteoporosis and its consequences - this is most often observed during menopause and the use of hormones;
    • replenishment of the lack of vitamin D3 and calcium.

    Vitamin D3 allows you to get the following results:

    • provides excellent absorption of calcium by the body;
    • takes part in the mineralization of bone structures and teeth.

    30 tablets of medicine cost about 250 rubles. 100 tablets will cost about 400 rubles.

    Calcid or calcium d3 nycomed - what to choose?

    It's biologically active additive which is produced in the form of tablets and capsules. The basis of the drug is calcium, which is obtained from eggshell. It also contains vitamins B, A, D, E, PP.

    The shell contains many trace elements and calcium, which normalize metabolic processes in the human body. Calcide is made in a special way, which helps to preserve the maximum of valuable substances.

    The main indications for the use of the drug include the following:

    100 tablets of this substance will cost about 140 rubles.

    Calcemin or calcium d3 nycomed

    Calcemin or calcium d3 nycomed - which is better? This worries many people. Calcemin is produced in tablet form. In addition to 500 mg of calcium, the product contains 200 IU of colecalciferol. Also in the composition there are magnesium, zinc, copper, manganese, boron.

    it american remedy is actively used to eliminate osteoporosis of various origins and to combat lesions of the musculoskeletal system.

    The medicine is not allowed to be used to treat children under 12 years of age.

    The price of 30 tablets of medicine is about 420 rubles. 60 tablets of the drug can be bought for 620 rubles.


    When choosing osteogenon or calcium d3 nycomed, it is important to remember that the first remedy is also produced in tablet form. The amount is selected by the doctor depending on the pathology.

    Usually adult patients are prescribed 2-4 tablets twice a day. For prevention, you can use 1 tablet twice a day. This must be done within 3 months.

    This substance is well tolerated. Sometimes it provokes side effects in the form of allergies, which are associated with high sensitivity to the medicine.

    The tool is allowed to be used during pregnancy and lactation. However, it should not be used in patients under 18 years of age. Also, the limitations include complex forms of kidney failure and severe hypercalciuria. The cost of the medicine is approximately 700 rubles.

    Calcium asset

    The product is produced in tablet form. It is used as a food supplement. The composition contains 50 mg of calcium and 50 IU of vitamin D3. The medicine restores the structure of bones. Calcium, which is present in the composition, is quickly absorbed.

    The presence of phosphorus and vitamin D3 in the composition improves the absorption of calcium, which enters the body with food. The tool is actively used for all kinds of lesions of the musculoskeletal system.

    To key indications medication use includes the following:

    The cost of 80 tablets of the substance is about 140 rubles.

    Calcium gluconate or calcium d3 nycomed?

    This product is manufactured in various dosage forms- powder and tablets. Also on sale are ampoules with a solution. The drug contains calcium salt of gluconic acid. Thanks to the use of the tool, it is possible to achieve the following actions:

    The cost of the product depends on the form of release and packaging. It can range from 4 to 400 rubles.

    Calcium d3 nycomed - effective medicine, which makes it possible to replenish the deficit important elements in the body. At the same time, the tool is quite expensive, so it often becomes necessary to choose more available analogues. To find a suitable replacement, you should consult with your doctor.

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