Why does inflammation of the appendages occur in women? Symptoms, treatment, prevention. What pills or herbs can be taken for inflammation of the appendages

Gynecologists around the world note that recently the most common disease among the female population is adnexitis or salpingo-oophoritis. In other words, it is an inflammation of the appendages - the ovaries and fallopian tubes. The causative agents of this disease are not only pathogenic or conditionally pathogenic microflora (gonococci and streptococci), but also certain living conditions.

Doctors emphasize that one of the causes of inflammation of the appendages is reduced immunity. Frequent stress, problems at work, and physical activity affect the overall health of a woman. This suppresses the immune system, thereby creating favorable conditions for the development of various inflammatory processes, including adnexitis.

Types of inflammation

An inflammatory process called adnexitis most often occurs due to the spread of pathogenic bacteria in the genitals. Pathogenic microbes, getting into the fallopian tube, spread further to the ovaries. At the same time, edema is formed immediately - the pipe lengthens and thickens.

Cause inflammation of the appendages:

  • specific microorganisms, which include causative agents of sexually transmitted diseases;
  • non-specific, these include various streptococcal, staphylococcal, enterobacteria, etc.

Microbes infiltrate the walls of the ovaries and fallopian tube, forming serous (inflammatory fluid with a high content of leukocytes). It violates the integrity of the epithelial cover of the uterine walls and, as a result, solders them with the ovaries, forming a single inflammation. Adnexitis in severe form can be purulent.

Inflammation of the appendages is classified according to several criteria - by formation, by localization and by the nature of the course. We will review these classifications below.

Acute, chronic and unspecified

Spicy adnexitis usually develops rapidly with pronounced symptoms. The body temperature rises to 39-40 degrees, there are also strong sharp pains in the lower third of the abdomen, which can spread to the entire peritoneum. Also, acute inflammation is divided into subforms - toxic and septic.

Chronic adnexitis not strong pulling pains in the lower abdomen are characteristic. The temperature can rise to 37-38. After 7-10 days it subsides before the next relapse.

unspecified adnexitis may be completely asymptomatic. It is revealed quite by accident, for example, when contacting a gynecologist for a completely different reason.

Single sided and double sided

Unilateral adnexitis- this is an inflammatory process of the appendages, occurring either on the right or on the left side. According to statistics, left-sided is more often found.

Bilateral adnexitis- a process in which both parties are affected by the infection. It is the most severe form of the disease and requires immediate medical attention.

secondary or primary

Primary- an independent disease in which the infection enters the appendages along one of the paths and is localized there. This may be an infection introduced from outside or conditionally pathogenic microflora, subject to reduced immunity.

Secondary is an inflammation that develops on the basis of other diseases. For example, the infection passes from nearby organs in which pathological processes occur, such as appendicitis or enteritis.

Serous or purulent

Serous adnexitis characterized by the fact that there is an accumulation of serous fluid in a large volume, which leads to swelling and inflammation of the appendages. Fluid accumulates in the cavity of the uterus and fallopian tubes and prevents the normal outflow of fluid into the vagina.

Purulent adnexitis accumulation of purulent fluid or purulent formations is characteristic. A purulent formation is dangerous because it can open up and lead to peritonitis. This condition requires immediate consultation and treatment.


The main causes of inflammation of the pelvic organs are, of course, pathogenic and opportunistic organisms, as well as various inflammations in the body and reduced immunity. Often, various fungal infections, especially of the genus Candida, become the causative agents of inflammation, or a mixed infection is detected.

Below is a list of the most common infections leading to inflammation of the appendages in women:

There are several ways of penetration of pathogenic microflora. These include the following.

Ascending. The infection enters the uterus from the vagina, into the tubes, and then into the ovaries. In other words, it is called urinogenic. This is the most common route of infection.

Descending (lymphogenic). The infection enters the appendages due to the existing inflammation of nearby organs in the abdominal cavity with lymph outflow.

Hematogenous. The infection enters with the blood stream. For example, diseases such as tonsillitis, tonsillitis, caries contribute to the occurrence of adnexitis.

Knowing the ways of infection, it is possible to prevent further harmful consequences.

Risk factors that provoke inflammation of the appendages

Specialists in the field of gynecology say that at the present time, when there are practically no moral restrictions, adnexitis and a number of other diseases, especially sexually transmitted diseases, are haunted by modern society.

Factors that provoke inflammation of the appendages:

  • unprotected intercourse;
  • Frequent change of partners or relationship with a partner who has several of them;
  • Abortions and childbirth with complications;
  • Sexual infections in the past;
  • hypothermia;
  • Stress and depression;
  • Intrauterine contraception;
  • Non-compliance with intimate hygiene;
  • Non-standard sexual intercourse;
  • Cervical erosion;
  • SARS and ARI.


Often women confuse the symptoms of inflammation of the appendages with symptoms of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or appendicitis. They try to relieve the pain syndrome with the help of various analgesics or endure pain, which can lead to complications. For any ailment, you should contact a specialist to establish an accurate diagnosis and treatment.

Symptoms of inflammation of the appendages differ depending on the nature of the course of the disease.

Ostroy Adnexitis is characterized by pronounced symptoms:

  • an increase in body temperature up to 40 degrees;
  • sharp sharp pain in the lower abdomen, which can spread throughout the abdominal cavity and radiate to the lumbar region;
  • general lethargy, headaches and nausea;
  • various discharges from the vagina, both watery or cheesy, and purulent with a sharp unpleasant odor;
  • there may be blood impurities.

At chronic the course of the disease:

  • a short-term increase in temperature to 37-38 degrees, accompanied by mild pulling pains in the lower abdomen;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • various concomitant diseases of the urinary-genital system: cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis, etc.

Unrevealed adnexitis is almost asymptomatic, in an erased form. Usually nothing to worry about. It depends on the state of the immune system and the type of pathogen. The main danger is the transition to a chronic form, since a woman does not seek medical help.

In any form of adnexitis, the most severe consequences can be infertility, ectopic pregnancy and purulent complications that require immediate surgery, which can lead to the removal of the fallopian (fallopian) tubes.


Diseases of the pelvic organs are characterized by a long course with relapses and are not always treatable. If you do not pay attention to the symptoms of inflammation of the appendages in time, this can lead to infertility and ovarian dysfunction.

It should be noted that the risk group includes women aged 16 to 30. This is due to the active period of sexual activity, as well as general living conditions.

If symptoms of inflammation of the appendages appear, you should consult a therapist. After the survey is assigned:

  • Gynecological examination;
  • Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs;
  • transvaginal examination;
  • General blood analysis;
  • General urine analysis;
  • A smear to detect pathogenic microflora.

If the information obtained is insufficient, the underlying cause of the disease is not clear, or there are any comorbidities that are not compatible with the standard treatment regimen for inflammation of the appendages, the attending physician may order additional tests.

Treatment Methods

The treatment regimen is selected by a specialist individually, depending on the form of the disease and the presence of concomitant diseases.

Basically, women undergo complex treatment, since in most cases, the causative agent of the infection is not detected alone. Under complex treatment is meant not only the destruction of the infection that caused inflammation, but also the treatment of diseases of adjacent abdominal organs or other diseases that were the root cause.

There are several approaches to the treatment of inflammation of the appendages:

  • Medical;
  • Physiotherapy;
  • Surgical;
  • Alternative.

Gynecologists categorically do not recommend self-medication, especially when it comes to the selection of medicines. An ineffective method can lead to a chronic course of the disease. In order for the treatment to be effective and not lead to relapses, it is recommended that both partners be examined, since the causative agent may be a genital tract infection.

Medication treatment

The most common treatment for inflammation of the appendages with timely treatment is medication. Treatment with a single drug is used very rarely. Basically, a combination of several drugs is prescribed, and sometimes, in combination, physiotherapy.

First of all, an antibiotic is selected to destroy the pathogenic flora. Commonly used groups include:

  • Penicillins;
  • Fluoroquinolines;
  • macrolides;
  • Aminoglycosides;
  • Nitroimidazoles;
  • Lincosamides.

Also, along with an antibiotic, analgesics, antipyretics, antihistamines and immunomodulators can be prescribed. Douching, suppositories and vaginal ointments are locally prescribed.

When taking antibiotics, it is necessary to take some kind of probiotic to preserve the normal microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, since dysbacteriosis can also lead to a relapse of inflammation of the appendages.

Consider the most common drugs used as monotherapy in the treatment of adnexitis, depending on the type of infection.

Metronidazole 500 ml

With inflammation of the appendages caused by Trichomonas, 3 p. per day for a week. In severe cases of the disease, 1 gr. per day intravenously. This drug is antibacterial and antiprotozoal. Able to act on the simplest: Trichomonas, Pneumocystis, Toxoplasma, etc.

Erythromycin 500 ml

Chlamydial adnexitis is applied 4 r. a day before meals. This antibiotic belongs to the group of macrolides. Acts bacteriostatically. The spectrum of action includes gram-positive and some gram-negative microorganisms.

Co-trimoxazole 480 ml

With gonococcal inflammation of the appendages - 2 p. in a day. It is a broad-spectrum combined antimicrobial drug.

Tetracycline 250 ml

Doctors often prescribe a combination of drugs, as this is a more effective approach.


For the treatment of inflammation of the appendages, you can turn to traditional medicine as a natural supplement. But, treatment with folk remedies is used only for the chronic form of adnexitis or as a preventive measure. With an exacerbation, alternative methods will not be effective and may bring the opposite negative result.

Basically, for the treatment of adnexitis, decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs with anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects are used.

Tampon based on a decoction of chamomile do to eliminate pain symptoms and as an antibacterial agent: 2 tbsp. dry raw chamomile, pour a glass of boiling water. Leave for 1 hour and strain. Store in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days. In the prepared decoction, moisten the swab and insert it into the vagina as deeply as possible. Take out in the morning. The course of treatment is designed for 2 weeks.

Potentilla goose infusion drink in order to remove the inflammatory process from the inside. Prepare it like this: 2 tbsp. dry raw cinquefoil goose pour 2 tbsp. boiling water. Leave for 1 hour and filter. Take orally 1 time per day before meals, 250 ml. The course is designed for 3 weeks.

Kale juice and aloe tampon helps to reduce the symptoms of the inflammatory process and eliminate the sensation of pain and itching. It is necessary to 1 tbsp. aloe juice add 1 tbsp. cabbage juice. Soak a tampon, insert into the vagina before going to bed. Take out in the morning. Carry out the procedure for two weeks.

Oat infusion improves immunity and cleanses the blood, which contributes to the fastest recovery from adnexitis. For half a liter of boiling water, add 2 tbsp. oats, 2 tbsp. peppermint, 3 tbsp. dry birch leaves. Let cool. Add 1 tbsp. honey and lemon juice. Take 100 ml 4-5 r. in a day.

Alternative methods of treating inflammation of the appendages should be consulted after consulting a doctor. With adnexitis, treatment with traditional medicine, excluding medication, will be ineffective.


Gynecologists say that if you follow simple rules for maintaining health, you can easily avoid the risk of diseases of the pelvic organs.

Preventive measures include:

  • You should strengthen your immunity, not be subjected to stress and stress;
  • Eat enough vegetables and fruits, or drink multivitamins;
  • Reduce consumption of spicy foods and alcohol;
  • Once every six months, any woman needs to visit a gynecologist for a preventive examination;
  • Give preference to only protected sexual intercourse;
  • Observe the rules of intimate hygiene and do not overcool.

It is also important to treat any gynecological diseases to the end, in order to avoid inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs.

Pain in the appendages indicates inflammation (). This process begins with the mucous surfaces of the fallopian tubes and gradually captures the ovaries. If you start, then the disease will go into a chronic stage. Adhesions will appear in the ovaries, and as a result, infertility may occur. Sometimes a neglected disease leads to an abscess.

Alarm signals indicating the need for treatment of the appendages:

  • pain in the groin;
  • frequent urination with pain;
  • nausea;
  • pain during sexual contact;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • high temperature (with an acute form of inflammation).

How to treat appendages in women?

To recover, you need to fight the infection and strengthen the immune system.

  1. Most often, the doctor conducts antibiotic therapy - treatment. They are assigned based on what infections were found. Do not take antibiotics of your own choice. Consult with a specialist! Together with antibiotics, antihistamines are prescribed so that there is no intoxication.
  2. In addition to the treatment of appendages, antibiotics are prescribed suppositories that have an anti-inflammatory effect. They act locally, directly on the inflamed organs. There are suppositories that strengthen the immune system (a decrease in immunity is one of the causes of inflammation of the appendages).
  3. In chronic adnexitis, physiotherapy is performed.
  4. An extreme measure in the treatment of appendages is endoscopic surgery.

Folk remedies for the treatment of appendages are used in addition to the main one prescribed by the doctor. Here is some of them.

It is possible to treat appendages at home only after an accurate diagnosis of the disease.

Pain in the appendages requires immediate treatment and follow-up. Don't let it become chronic.

Each person at least once in his life was supercooled, after which there was a cold and inflammation of the internal organs. The most dangerous and unpleasant condition for a woman is when she has a cold of the appendages, that is, the organs that perform the reproductive function in her body. Inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes leads to severe complications and even infertility.

Why inflammation occurs

When a woman does not warm well in the cold season, the risk of developing inflammatory processes increases. With hypothermia, all the forces of the body are spent on warming up, so its protective function is reduced. Viruses and bacteria can easily enter the body.

The infection can directly penetrate the genitals of a woman and cause disease of the appendages. This form is called ascending. Either the inflammatory process penetrates to the ovaries and fallopian tubes through the blood and lymph from other organs in which the pathology has arisen.

In addition to hypothermia, there are other factors that increase the risk of developing inflammation in the appendages:

  • stress;
  • unprotected sex;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • overwork;
  • debilitating diets;
  • bad habits.


If a woman has a cold of the appendages, she can recognize it by the following symptoms:

When the inflammation of the appendages has a sluggish form, a woman may not feel obvious symptoms of the pathology. To determine the presence of such a form, you must regularly visit a gynecologist.

What to do if you have a cold appendages

If a woman notices symptoms of inflammation of the appendages, she needs to go to the hospital. There she will have to undergo an examination by a gynecologist, do an ultrasound of the appendages, take a smear from the vagina and a general blood test.

Based on the results of these studies, the gynecologist can diagnose "salpingoophoritis" or "adnexitis" - this means that the ovaries and fallopian tubes are blocked.

In a mild form, the disease is treated on an outpatient basis. The acute stage of the disease with complications requires the constant supervision of the doctor for the patient, so it is better to go to the hospital.

A woman with inflamed appendages must comply with bed rest, follow all doctor's orders and follow a diet.

Treatment methods prescribed by the doctor consist of:

  • antibiotic therapy;
  • symptomatic therapy;
  • restorative therapy;
  • physiotherapy.

Medical therapy

  • Polygynax;
  • Terzhinan;

In order for a woman's body to recover faster, vitamins, dietary supplements, homeopathic remedies and hormonal contraceptives are prescribed.

Physiotherapy methods

After the acute process of inflammation has passed, a woman can begin treatment with physiotherapy.

The most effective methods are:

If the inflammation of the appendages has led to an ovarian abscess, adhesions of the fallopian tubes, or an accumulation of pus in the uterine cavity, then the patient will undergo surgical treatment.

Folk remedies

  1. Inflamed appendages can be heated with rock salt, which relieves pain well. Before that, it must be heated in a pan, wrapped in a towel. Before doing the procedure, you need to consult a doctor, since in case of an abscess in the female appendages, any warming is prohibited.
  2. Dried walnut leaves need to be poured with boiling water, insist 4 hours. Drink infusion 3 times a day for 1 tbsp. l.
  3. Appendages can be cured by douching with herbal decoctions. For this purpose, you can use chamomile, yarrow, succession, sage, oak bark and calendula.
  4. You can brew 50 mg of coltsfoot, thyme and oak bark in 1 liter of water. Drink 3-4 times a day after meals.

A patient with congested appendages should follow a diet:

  • reduce the amount of salt consumed;
  • remove sweet, fatty and smoked foods from the diet;
  • during an exacerbation, do not eat protein;
  • the diet should consist of sour-milk dishes, cereals, vegetables and fruits.

Possible consequences

Inflammations that have arisen due to the fact that a woman has a cold of the ovaries can lead to the following consequences:

  • adhesions and scars on the fallopian tubes;
  • hormonal disruptions, menstrual irregularities;
  • abscess and necrosis of the appendages;
  • removal of appendages;
  • infertility.

To prevent such complications, a woman needs to undergo full treatment under the supervision of a gynecologist.


To prevent diseases of the appendages, you need to adhere to such preventive measures:

  • in the cold season, protect the genitals and legs from the cold;
  • wear not synthetic, but natural clothes;
  • observe the hygiene of the genitals;
  • avoid unprotected sex;
  • eat right and spend time actively in the fresh air;
  • eliminate bad habits from life.

Expectant mothers need to be especially careful. After all, pregnancy already reduces the immunity of a woman, so the body does not need extra stress in the form of hypothermia.

One of the most common diseases of the female reproductive system is adnexitis (salpingoophoritis) - inflammation of the uterine appendages. The pathological process can affect both one and both ovaries. In addition, the fallopian tubes may also be involved. There are two forms of the course of the disease: chronic and acute. The opinion that sluggish adnexitis is not capable of causing serious health problems is erroneous. To avoid a number of complications, one of which is a violation of reproductive function, you need to know how to treat inflammation of the appendages correctly.

Is hospitalization necessary

Adnexitis refers to a number of inflammatory diseases that involve treatment in a hospital setting. With inflammation of the appendages, a woman must observe physical and sexual rest, in addition, it is necessary to stabilize her psycho-emotional state.

Therapy of salpingo-oophoritis in a hospital setting involves the appointment of the following drugs:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • painkillers;
  • desensitizing drugs.

Symptoms of adnexitis are quite pronounced and painful. The inflammatory process in the genitourinary system is accompanied by a sharp rise in temperature to 39 degrees. In order not to “lubricate” the vivid clinical picture of the disease, it is not recommended to take painkillers before the arrival of the ambulance.

The inflammatory process in the ovaries and fallopian tubes is of a bacterial nature, therefore, antibacterial drugs are considered the main drugs designed to stop adnexitis. It is best to give preference to broad-spectrum drugs that have a long elimination and half-life. It happens that the disease has long been left to chance and there is a threat of sepsis. In this case, it is advisable to combine the intake of several antibiotics. In severe situations, both oral and intravenous administration of the drug can be used.

Long-term antibiotic therapy in most cases leads to an imbalance in the intestinal microflora. The reproduction of beneficial microorganisms is inhibited, while the number of pathogenic microbes begins to grow. During the elimination of salpingo-oophoritis, you can get rid of such a nuisance with special preparations (prebiotics and probiotics). Among the most effective drugs in this group are: Linex, Bifiform and Biosporin.

There are also combined medicines, in addition to strains of beneficial bacteria, containing substances that promote the growth of beneficial intestinal microflora. These drugs include Acipol and Hyalact.

Treatment of adnexitis of a purulent form requires surgical intervention. Today, to eliminate the pathological process, a minimally invasive method is used to visualize what is happening in the small pelvis - laparoscopy. During the operation, a competent doctor can not only eliminate the already diagnosed inflammation, but also detect (with subsequent treatment) concomitant gynecological diseases.

When the disease becomes acute or subacute, a certain diet should be followed. The main rule is the use of hypoallergenic food, so chocolate, mushrooms, canned food and other similar products should be excluded from the menu. You should also limit the daily intake of fast carbohydrates and salt. As a heat treatment of food, it is better to choose boiling or stewing with a minimum amount of vegetable oil.

With an inflammatory process on the ovaries, the treatment course usually lasts from 2 to 3 weeks.

Recovery period

It is known that antibiotic therapy has a lot of side effects, one of which is an upset of the gastrointestinal tract. To avoid the negative consequences of the struggle for the health of the genitourinary system, you need to take only pills prescribed after examining the attending physician and passing the necessary tests.

The nutrition of a woman who has undergone an inflammatory process in the genitourinary system should be enriched to the maximum with all kinds of vitamins and minerals. The choice of a balanced diet helps to increase the body's resistance to pathogenic microorganisms. In addition, a sufficient intake of trace elements necessary for health ensures the activation of metabolic processes in the affected areas. To maintain the body weakened by the disease, the doctor may recommend a vitamin and mineral complex, selected taking into account the characteristics of women's health.

Adnexitis, which is in remission, does not imply the appointment of a special diet

After stopping the acute inflammatory process, the woman is prescribed the procedures necessary to restore the body:

  • magnesium (either with potassium or zinc) electrophoresis;
  • vibration massage;
  • ultrasonic impact;
  • biostimulation.

The use of such treatment methods during the rehabilitation period provides a resolving effect, anesthesia and prevents the formation of adhesions.

Also in the stage of remission, a good healing effect is exerted by:

  • healing mud;
  • paraffin therapy;
  • baths with sulfide or sodium chloride mineral water;
  • Spa treatment.

Often, salpingoophoritis is not the only gynecological disease that a woman suffers from. The presence of benign neoplasms or tumors (for example, uterine fibroids) is a contraindication to mud therapy.

Alternative methods of treatment of adnexitis

When choosing how to treat inflammation of the appendages, it is necessary to be guided by the pathogenesis of the disease. Adnexitis is a serious disease that has a bacterial nature, so the therapy is based on the use of antibacterial drugs. The uncontrolled use of herbal preparations and other (non-traditional) therapeutic methods can lead to various, sometimes very serious complications.

Inflammation of the appendages in women begins when the body's immune defenses weaken. That is why at home it is useful to strengthen the immune system with the help of various herbal preparations.

Plants that may be useful in salpingo-oophoritis should not only have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, but also have a healing effect. Among the herbs that provide such an effect, there are:

  • pharmaceutical chamomile;
  • yarrow;
  • calendula;
  • nettle;
  • elecampane.

Therapy using herbal ingredients involves both oral infusions and decoctions, and their use for douching, compresses, lotions and baths. Various herbal infusions in the treatment of adnexitis are also used for cleansing enemas.

For the treatment of salpingo-oophoritis of various forms, you can use an infusion of field yakut. To prepare it, you need 1.5 tbsp. spoons of dried raw materials and 200 ml of boiled water. The drug must be infused in a sealed container for 4 or 5 hours. Strained through a strainer or gauze, the remedy is taken about 5 times a day for a teaspoon (every 4 hours).

For douching with an inflammatory process in the reproductive system, a mixture collected from 10 g of lime blossom, 15 g of pharmacy chamomile flowers and oak bark is suitable. Dried herbs pour ½ liter of boiling water and leave to cool completely. Strained infusion is used for morning and evening douching.

To prepare a bath useful in the treatment of adnexitis, you will need 50 g of juniper berries and stalks. The plant is poured with a bucket of boiling water, insisted for 120 minutes, filtered and poured into the bath.

Most often, inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes is diagnosed in young women of reproductive age (20-40 years)

How to prevent complications?

In order to avoid the treatment of the inflammatory process in stationary conditions, it is necessary to observe preventive measures. This will help to avoid hospitalization and long-term therapy.

The following recommendations will help prevent epididymal disease:

  • women of any age should never (even on the hottest days) sit on damp earth or stones;
  • feet should not be allowed to get wet and hypothermia of the legs;
  • after swimming in ponds or a pool, you should not stay in a wet swimsuit for a long time (it is best to have a spare dry one with you);
  • women who experience regular stress need to stabilize their emotional state;
  • at least 2 times a year from the moment of the first menstrual bleeding, girls are required to visit a gynecologist;
  • promiscuity should be avoided in order to avoid the addition of infections that are transmitted during sexual contact;
  • it is necessary to prevent abortions using barrier contraceptives (except for the intrauterine device);
  • foci of a sluggish inflammatory process in the body (for example, carious teeth or chronic tonsillitis) can lead to infection in the genitourinary system, so they must be eliminated in a timely manner;
  • women should not abuse smoking and alcohol;
  • at any age, it is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene (do not use other people's towels, wash regularly, change underwear daily, choose cotton fabrics for everyday wear).


So that the inflammatory process in the area of ​​​​the appendages does not end on the operating table, having felt the first symptoms of malaise, you should consult a doctor. The transformation of acute salpingo-oophoritis into a chronic stage also does not bode well, so the treatment complex must be correctly compiled by a competent specialist. By following the recommendations given by the gynecologist, inflammation of the uterine appendages can be completely cured and possible complications can be prevented.

Inflammation of the uterine appendages occurs at a young age, occupies a leading position in the structure of female pathology, is characterized by a tendency to a chronic course, which leads to the appearance of a persistent pain syndrome, impaired reproductive and sexual functions, involving other body systems in the pathological process.

Once transferred, the inflammatory process of the uterine appendages, in some cases leads to infertility, and if this happened three times, the risk increases threefold. Therefore, the problem is considered one of the most acute in clinical gynecology.

Causes of inflammation of the uterus

Most often, inflammatory diseases of the tubes and ovaries are diagnosed in females under the age of 24, and after crossing the thirty-year age limit, their frequency decreases - this is due to an increase in protective antibodies in the cervical canal and a change in sexual behavior.

The main causes of pathology include:

  • penetration into the fallopian tubes and ovaries of pathogenic microorganisms (chlamydia, staphylococci, gonococci, Escherichia coli);
  • diagnostic and therapeutic interventions;
  • weakened immunity;
  • change of sexual partner;
  • intrauterine device;
  • abortions;
  • sexual relations during menstruation.

In many cases, inflammation of the ovaries and tubes occurs against the background. Anaerobic microorganisms that multiply in the vagina during this process reduce the protective properties of the mucus of the cervical canal, facilitating the spread of ascending infection.

Hypothermia and stress, sudden climate change, environmental degradation, increased work without rest, poor nutrition can provoke the disease - all these risk factors favor the awakening of a possible latent infection.

Signs and symptoms of inflammation of the appendages

Inflammation can be acute, subacute and chronic. Symptoms of acute inflammation of the uterine appendages are characterized by the following picture:

  1. Severe pain in the suprapubic abdomen and lower back;
  2. An increase in temperature from subfebrile to high hyperthermia;
  3. sweating;
  4. Chills;
  5. Violation of urination;
  6. Bloating of the intestines;
  7. nausea or vomiting;
  8. General weakness;
  9. Purulent or bloody discharge from the vagina.

The first signs of inflammation of the appendages in a woman with an acute course of the disease often appear during or after menstruation, with a change in sexual behavior, after the introduction of an intrauterine device.

Chronic inflammation may have a similar picture with an acute process, but is accompanied by periodic exacerbations. The disease is provoked by hypothermia, stressful situations, hard physical work.

Symptoms of chronic inflammation of the appendages include:

  1. , in the vagina;
  2. Depressed psychological state;
  3. Failure of the menstrual cycle;
  4. Rise in temperature;
  5. Violation of sexual desire;
  6. Pain during sexual contact;

In women suffering from any form of inflammation of the appendages, an adhesive process of the pelvic organs occurs, but it is most pronounced in chronic course.

Inflammation of the appendages and pregnancy

A prolonged inflammatory process has a bad effect on the work of the female reproductive organs. If the disease is brought to a chronic stage, then it can affect the ability to bear children.

Chronic processes in the uterine appendages in many cases occur with hormonal insufficiency of the ovaries and contribute to:

  • the occurrence of premature birth;
  • abnormal labor activity;
  • intrauterine infection of the fetus;
  • untimely discharge of amniotic fluid.

Often leads to, and when intrauterine occurs, it threatens with a miscarriage.

Since the symptoms of inflammation of the appendages in women are quite serious, then the treatment should be carried out in a hospital. Timely initiated adequate therapy reduces the number of possible undesirable consequences. The basis of methods for treating inflammation of the uterine appendages is:

  1. Antibacterial therapy;
  2. Detoxification therapy;
  3. Immunocorrective therapy.

In antibacterial therapy, several groups of drugs are used. Among them are drugs with metronidazole, representatives of penicillins, cephalosporins, tetracyclines, clindamycin, aminoglycosides. Their combined use makes it possible to qualitatively influence the most common spectrum of pathogens.

With incomplete treatment against the background of the absence of symptoms, the inflammation will begin again. Therefore, the course of antibiotic treatment should be completed in full and for as many days as the doctor prescribes.

Detoxification therapy is carried out with crystalloid and detoxification solutions with the inclusion of Hemodez, Ringer-Locke, Reopoliglyukin, glucose solutions. The appointment of infusion therapy is justified by the development of intoxication.

As an addition to the main treatment, drugs that have an antiviral, immunomodulatory effect are prescribed. If problems with immunity are serious, the introduction of donor immunoglobulins is indicated. The use of immunomodulating agents contributes to a more rapid elimination of the pathogen from the body.

To reduce inflammation, relieve pain and prevent the development of adhesions during inflammation of the appendages, candles are used. In the form of suppositories, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (dicloberl), enzymes (longidase) and herbal preparations are prescribed. Determining the dosage and frequency of drug administration is the prerogative of the gynecologist.

Candles do not replace antibiotic therapy and are used only in combination with drugs of various effects.

In the chronic course of inflammation, during the period of remission, spa treatment and physiotherapy are indicated. With a pronounced pain component and a widespread adhesive process, surgical intervention is possible to dissect and remove adhesions, restore patency of the fallopian tubes.

Complications and consequences of inflammation

Adhesions are the most serious complication diagnosed after inflammation of the appendages. These areas of connective tissue splice together the organs of the small pelvis, sometimes neighboring organs (intestinal loops) are drawn into this process.

Pathological complications include:

  • accumulation of fluid or pus in the fallopian tube;
  • tubo-ovarian abscesses;
  • obstruction of the fallopian tubes (complete or partial);
  • abscess rupture followed by peritonitis.

The transferred inflammation of the appendages can cause infertility, menstrual irregularities and ectopic pregnancy.

Prevention of inflammation of the appendages

Regular examination by a gynecologist is one of the important preventive measures. Prevention of inflammation of the appendages is:

  • in the use of a condom during casual sexual intercourse;
  • compliance with hygiene rules;
  • in the timely and proper treatment of genital infections;
  • having a permanent sexual partner.

A healthy lifestyle, general strengthening activities contribute to the restoration of immunity. Women definitely need to monitor their health, not to overcool, and also avoid stressful situations.

Thus, inflammation of the uterine appendages is an important problem of modern gynecology. Timely therapeutic intervention in infectious and inflammatory processes of internal organs allows you to preserve the childbearing function of a woman and prevent the development of serious consequences. The result depends on the tactics of the doctor and the right medicines.

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