Foods rich in manganese. Foods rich in manganese. What foods contain manganese

And minerals, first of all, they talk about calcium, iron, or another advertised nutrient. People who are more careful with their diet may recall the benefits of foods containing, for example, zinc or magnesium. But there are many substances whose properties are less known, but for the body they play a crucial role. One of these is manganese.

The role of manganese for humans

Manganese (Mn) became a topic of discussion in the 1930s, when researchers concluded that the human body needed a certain amount of this mineral on a daily basis. In particular, for the normal functioning of the nervous system and brain. It has been calculated that the adult human body contains approximately 15-20 mg of manganese. It is concentrated in the kidneys, pancreas, liver and bones.

Mn Functions:

  • the health of bone tissue and the activity of metabolic processes depend on it;
  • participates in the formation of connective tissues;
  • promotes calcium absorption;
  • enhances the performance of thyroid hormones and genital organs;
  • regulates blood sugar levels.

But perhaps the most important task of manganese in the human body is the fight against free radicals. This powerful antioxidant seeks out and neutralizes harmful particles in the body, thereby preventing the potential threats they pose.

Other properties

For bones. Studies show that a decrease in manganese in the body leads to a deterioration in the condition of bones. In particular, the bone matrix, formed from a complex of microelements and minerals, changes. Deficiency of one of the nutrients leads to total modifications in its structure. Reduced consumption of foods rich in manganese provokes bone loss.

For skin. Manganese is essential for the production of the enzyme prolidase, which is responsible for the formation of collagen (a structural component of the skin). In addition, this antioxidant mineral protects the epidermis from the negative effects of free radicals and prevents the formation of cells that cause oncological formations. In addition, manganese protects against the negative effects of UV rays. Studies show that deficiency of Mn-products is almost always manifested by a rash that disappears after the restoration of mineral balance.

To maintain sugar levels. Manganese is one of the trace elements on which the adequacy of gluconeogenesis (the conversion of various biological substances into sugar) depends. Usually this process cannot proceed without the participation of some, and they, in turn, require the presence of Mn in the body. Scientists do not undertake to state unequivocally that there is a relationship between the amount of this mineral in the body and the development of diabetes. But as a result of the experiments, it was found that Mn deficiency leads to an increase in blood sugar.

Free radical protection. As already noted, manganese is a powerful antioxidant that protects the body from the negative effects of free radicals. People on a diet low in Mn often experience increased free radicals, skin problems, and symptoms of asthma.

Sources in food

Many healthy foods contain reserves of manganese. In particular, excellent sources of this trace element are among grains, legumes, vegetables and fruits.

Most of them contain almost 100% daily value of Mn in only 1 serving. For example, in 100 g of oatmeal there is within 96% of the daily requirement of manganese.

In food, the mineral is relatively well preserved. After cooking, most of the manganese remains in legumes (minor losses of the trace element during heat treatment are noted). A little more of the nutrient is lost in other vegetables under the influence of high temperature. However, wastage rates can be easily reduced by minimizing cooking time and contact with water. For example, if spinach is cooked for a short time, then the loss of manganese will be reduced by about 10 percent.

There are not so few sources of Mn among natural foods. Therefore, even with an acute deficiency of a microsubstance, it is not difficult to make a menu from food saturated with a useful element. Do you want to increase the concentration of the mineral in the body? Then the recommendations of nutritionists will help you choose the right foods for your daily diet.

sample menu

Breakfast. An excellent option for a morning meal is oatmeal with fresh raspberries. Both products contain high amounts of manganese.

Dinner. Preparing a hearty and tasty dinner rich in manganese is not a problem, since almost all vegetables contain this element. Green soup or beetroot soup (beetroot is the richest source of Mn) is suitable as a first hot dish. This nutrient is found in the ingredients of most soups: carrots, onions, garlic and others. For the second, as a side dish, cook rice (ideally brown) with beef and a salad of leafy vegetables with soy sauce. Finish your meal with a dessert - fresh juice from strawberries or grapes.

Dinner. At the end of the day, you can treat yourself to vitamin spinach with buckwheat, or a vegetable or fruit salad. Before going to bed, drink a cup of mint or lemon balm tea.

Throughout the day, various types of nuts (almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, pistachios, coconut), fruits and berries (figs, kiwi, bananas, pineapples and all tropical fruits, blackberries, strawberries) are suitable as healthy snacks throughout the day.

Table of manganese content in food
The product's name Product Quantity Amount of manganese (mg)
Hazelnut 200 g 8,4
pistachios 200 g 7,6
Peanut 200 g 3,82
Soya 200 g 2,84
Barley 200 g 2,39
Wheat 200 g 2,22
Spinach 200 g 1,82
beet tops 200 g 1,48
A pineapple 200 g 1,46
Mushrooms 200 g 1,22
Chard 200 g 1,16
Beet 200 g 1,1
Rosehip (dried) 200 g 1
Potato 200 g 0,76
Brussels sprouts 200 g 0,7
Onion 200 g 0,64
Broccoli 200 g 0,6
Strawberry 200 g 0,56
Asparagus 200 g 0,56
Cabbage 200 g 0,54
Apricot 200 g 0,44
Tomatoes 200 g 0,42
Carrot 200 g 0,34
Cauliflower 200 g 0,32
Eggplant 200 g 0,22
Celery 200 g 0,2
Cucumber 200 g 0,16
brown rice 1 glass 1,76
chickpeas 1 glass 1,69
Lentils 1 glass 0,98
Raspberry 1 glass 0,82
Green pea 1 glass 0,72
Buckwheat 1 glass 0,68
Blueberry 1 glass 0,50
Millet 1 glass 0,47
Green bean 1 glass 0,36
Cranberry 1 glass 0,36
Rye 0.5 cup 1,44
Basil 0.5 cup 0,24
Dill 0.5 cup 0,06
oats 0.25 cup 1,92
Pumpkin seeds 0.25 cup 1,74
Walnuts 0.25 cup 1,02
Sesame 0.25 cup 0,89
Sunflower seeds 0.25 cup 0,68
cashew nuts 0.25 cup 0,66
Almond 0.25 cup 0,53
Mint 2 tbsp. l. 0,9
Soy sauce 1 st. l. 0,09
Carnation 2 tsp 2,53
Cinnamon 2.h l. 0,91
Black pepper 2 tsp 0,74
Garlic 6 cloves 0,30
Banana 1 medium 0,32
Corn 1 head 0,13
figs 1 medium 0,06

nutritional deficiency

A typical non-vegetarian diet contains approximately 2-7 mg of manganese per day. But "herbivores" are able to provide themselves with almost 10 mg of the element daily (the norm is 5-10 mg / day). Therefore, it is very difficult to become deficient in Mn by eating a varied menu rich in vegetables. And most of the products from our daily table are excellent sources of manganese.

But one should not exclude the possibility of developing Mn deficiency, which can be caused by a variety of health problems (the most common is malabsorption of nutrients).

A person is most likely not getting enough manganese in their diet if:

  • there were signs of hypertension;
  • the work of the heart worsened;
  • bones hurt;
  • increased cholesterol;
  • vision, hearing and memory deteriorated.

A very severe mineral deficiency can lead to female infertility, osteoporosis, pancreatic cancer, and cardiac problems.

Interaction with other substances

Studies have shown that the body more intensively absorbs manganese from food with iron deficiency. Excess ferrum, on the contrary, prevents the absorption of Mn.

And magnesium also affects the intensity (slightly impair) the absorption of manganese from food. But do not be afraid, this remark only works if there is already an existing Mn deficiency.

It is almost impossible for a healthy person to be poisoned by manganese from food (the upper permissible intake level for adults is 11 mg per day). But in some people, an excess of the mineral is possible even without the use of pharmacological supplements. Since in some products the concentration of this microelement is quite high, and with problems of the digestive system, the adequacy of the absorption of nutrients is violated. For example, if you eat foods that contain the maximum amount of manganese every day, it is likely that the recommended daily allowance will be slightly exceeded. Nutritionists have calculated: the most adequate daily dose of manganese: 2 mg per 2000 kilocalories.

Remember these rules, and then any food will not only be a joy, but also a benefit.

The role of manganese in nature is in the proper development of the cells of the human body. This element takes part in all vital processes of the body. The presence of this element is a prerequisite for the full absorption of thiamine (vitamin B1), iron and copper, which are necessary for the function of hematopoiesis. Manganese organizes the process of building body cells, including nerve cells, so its role in ensuring a healthy lifestyle is irreplaceable.

Manganese is widely distributed in wildlife, the earth's crust is also rich in this mineral, but this element does not occur in its pure form, but is included in many ores in the form of special compounds.

The main functions of manganese in the body

  • Positively affects the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • Promotes the production of neurotransmitters (physiologically active substances in the body responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses);
  • The influence of manganese on the formation of bone tissue was noted;
  • Responsible for maintaining immunity, protecting the human body from infections;
  • The influence of manganese on the process of digestion and normal metabolism was noted.

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What foods contain manganese

To maintain the optimal amount of the mineral in the human body, you should know which foods contain manganese. It is thanks to your own knowledge that you can provide the body with a balanced diet and prevent the deficiency and excess of the element. Products containing manganese are available and widely available. Foods containing this mineral can easily provide the body with the required daily dosage. This is due to the fact that the products contain the required amount of this element.

100 g of nuts contain 0.2-0.4 mg of manganese

Manganese is retained only by unrefined, natural products that have not been subjected to heat treatment. For people who have an excess of manganese, it is recommended that foods rich in this element be handled carefully.

Animal sources

Animal sources contain a minimal amount of manganese, so it is almost impossible to make up for the deficiency of this mineral with their help.

  • Meat - all kinds, except pork;
  • Offal - kidneys;
  • Fish, crayfish and crabs;
  • Dairy products - cheese.

plant sources

A large amount of manganese is found in plant food sources, mainly in grains, legumes, berries and greens.

  • Olive oil;
  • Fruits - lemon, grapes;
  • Vegetables - cauliflower and white cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, radishes;
  • Legumes - peas, beans;
  • Greens - dill, parsley;
  • Cereals - rye, wheat, millet, buckwheat, oatmeal, rice;
  • Berries - cranberries, bird cherry, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, black currants;
  • honey and cocoa;
  • All types of tea and nuts.

Daily norms of manganese

The daily norm of manganese for an adult organism is on average from 0.2 mg to 0.3 mg per 1 kg of human weight.

Daily Value for Children

On average, a child's body should receive at least 1-2 mg per day.

  • 5-7 years - from 0.07 to 0.1 mg / kg;
  • 7-14 years - from 0.09 mg / kg.

Daily Value for Women

The female body needs 2.5 to 5 mg of manganese per day. Physical activity, an active lifestyle, the period of pregnancy and lactation, require large reserves of this mineral from the body.

The lack of an element in pregnant women can lead to congenital pathologies of the fetus, such as pathological development of the limbs, joint fusion and skull deformity.

Daily Value for Men

An adult male body needs 6 mg of manganese per day, and during physical exertion, these needs are 7-8.5 mg.

Lack of manganese in the body

The lack of manganese in the human body leads to the emergence of pathological conditions that are difficult to correct. Deficiency of this element in a person leads to the following consequences:

  • Weakness, irritability, fatigue;
  • Bronchospasm and chronic runny nose;
  • Arthrosis and osteoporosis - the elderly;
  • Overweight;
  • Convulsions in children and psychomotor retardation.

Currently, the deficiency of this mineral is a fairly common phenomenon, which is associated with improper and unbalanced nutrition, as well as environmental pollution. Stressful situations also negatively affect the reserves of the element, spending them to ensure the integrity of cell membranes.

Excess manganese in the body

The role of manganese in the human body is very important, but its excess can lead to serious consequences, after which even a young body is very difficult to recover. An excess of manganese in the body can lead to a deterioration in iron absorption and the development of anemia, a deterioration in the state of the nervous system, and a violation of calcium absorption.

In case of an overdose of this element, foods rich in it should be excluded from the diet. Symptoms of an overdose of this mineral are typical for people with Parkinson's disease, as well as workers in hazardous industries: steelmaking, electrical stations and oil refineries.

Preparations containing manganese

Manganese preparations should be used only after consultation with a specialist, who must determine its content in the body without fail. Uncontrolled intake of such drugs can lead to an imbalance of the trace element, which is accompanied by characteristic symptoms.

  1. Stay Healthy - allows you to fight weakness and depression. The composition contains other minerals and vitamins, and is the best complex preparation to date, containing manganese;
  2. Centuri 200 - has an effect on strengthening the immune system, supports the human body in the fight against infections. Plays an important role in eliminating manganese deficiency;
  3. Manganese II acetate is an ideal catalyst in organic synthesis.

(Mn)- is a chemical element that is part of many tissues, but in large quantities can be found in the liver, brain, kidneys and pancreas.

It is also a component of many enzymes involved in the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. In addition, manganese is responsible for the proper functioning of the nervous system (in combination with calcium, it is especially suitable for women with premenstrual syndrome or PMS), and has a great influence on the level of libido and sexual activity, affects fertility.

Manganese is also an important component of bones, affects the condition of the skin and plays an important role in the production of thyroxine, which is an inactive form of the thyroid hormone. It is an element that protects the body from free radicals and promotes the absorption and storage of iron.


  • required for normal brain function
  • used to treat certain nervous disorders
  • required for protection against oxidative processes
  • participates in the process of energy production
  • required for melanin production, synthesis of fatty acids, proteins and nucleic acids
  • required to create normal bone structure
  • plays an important role in the production of tyrosine


  • epilepsy
  • Alzheimer's disease
  • schizophrenia
  • hypotension
  • diabetes
  • heart disease
  • atherosclerosis
  • arthritis

Deficiency symptoms:

The lack of manganese contributes to the delay in physical development, the formation of bone defects, reduced fertility and disorders of the nervous system. Deficiency is thought to be associated with an increased risk of epilepsy.

Symptoms of manganese deficiency are:

  • dysfunction of the skeletal system - bone deformities (manganese deficiency accelerates the development of osteoporosis), growth inhibition, impaired coordination of movements, joint pain, and sometimes uncontrollable seizures.
  • hearing loss, tinnitus
  • nervous system disorder: fatigue, frustration, anxiety
  • decreased libido, reduced sexual activity, and even infertility
  • dry and cracked skin, weak nails, split ends, hair loss

You should be aware that when taking oral contraceptives, the absorption of manganese is inhibited, which can contribute to the development of its deficiency.

An acute shortage of manganese negatively affects our cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems, and can lead to anemia. In addition, there may be problems associated with disturbances in lipid metabolism and decreased tissue insulin sensitivity.


Not a single case of excessive consumption of manganese with food has been recorded. An increase in the amount of this element in the body can be caused by exposure to dust or smoke that contain impurities of manganese. Then there may be disorders of the central nervous system that resemble Parkinson's disease. In addition, an excess amount of manganese in the body can lead to abnormal functioning of the liver and thyroid gland.

Manganese interacts with antibiotics!

Manganese interacts with some antibiotics - can reduce the amount of antibiotics that are absorbed by the body and therefore reduce their effectiveness. To avoid this, take manganese supplements at least one and preferably two hours before or after taking medications.

Table - Diet Sources, Manganese in Foods:

This element can be found in significant quantities in cloves, oatmeal, whole grain cereals (especially wholemeal bread, rye), dried legume seeds (especially beans). It is also found in seafood, buckwheat, nuts (especially pine nuts, hazelnuts, and Italian nuts), and tofu.

Of the vegetables that contain more manganese, these are parsley root, spinach, cabbage, cauliflower, beets, beans, as well as pineapples and apricots (including dried ones).

In addition, manganese include brown rice, cocoa, peanuts, pumpkin seeds, dark chocolate, black and green tea (one cup of green tea contains about 0.41-1.58 mg of manganese, and black tea is approximately 0.18-0. 77 mg of this element). Table 1 shows the content of manganese in some foods.

Table 1. Content of manganese in100 gindividual food products
product manganese (mg)
hazelnut 4,20
oatmeal 4,19
walnuts 3,60
wholemeal rye bread 2,74
seeds 2,61
16% cocoa powder 2,49
brown rice 2,40
buckwheat 2,04
white beans, dried seeds 2,00
peanut 1,50
White rice 1,01
pumpkin seeds 1,00
dried apricots 0,93
bittersweet chocolate 0,77
barley 0,75
parsley root 0,58
broccoli 0,53
banana 0,42
parsley 0,42
milk chocolate 0,38
baked pie 0,32
lettuce 0,28
spinach 0,26
cauliflower 0,23
White cabbage 0,23
pork liver 0,23
sardines in tomato sauce 0,11
grape 0,09
Apple 0,08
cornflakes 0,07
tomatoes 0,06
strawberry yogurt 1.5% fat. 0,05
tuna in oil 0,05
pork, pork 0,05
ser camembert 0,04
beef, fried 0,04
whole chicken eggs 0,03
gouda cheese 0,03
fresh cod 0,02
smoked cod 0,02
milk 2% 0,02
bold cottage cheese 0,02
Chicken's leg 0,01
pork, raw ham 0,01

Dose - Dietary Intakes of Manganese for Various Populations

population groups, Manganese
Nutritional standards [mg/day] Maximum safe dose without health risk
Children 1-3 years old 1,2 2
Children 4-8 years old 1,5 3
Boys 9-13 years old 1,9 6
Male youth 14-18 years old 2,2 9
Men 19-70 years old 2,3 11
Girls 9-13 years old 1,6 6
Youth women 14-18 years old 1,6 9
Women 19-70 years old 1,8 11
Pregnant women 2,0 11
breastfeeding women 2,6 11

In principle, a deficiency of this element is rarely observed, but the consequences associated with this condition are very harmful to the body. The versatility of manganese in the diet is the basis for its consistent supply, and the variety of sources of the element allows us to choose for us, regardless of allergies or preferences, a nutritious product that will satisfy the need for manganese.

Dietitian, Associate Professor Z.M. Evenshtein in his book “Health and Nutrition” writes about the following benefits of manganese:

  1. Participates in metabolism;
  2. Creates favorable conditions for the accumulation of glycogen by the liver. Glycogen is the body's essential reservoir of glucose;
  3. Prevents fatty liver;
  4. Favorably affects the formation of hemoglobin;

manganese deficiency.

Insufficient intake of manganese is accompanied by:

  1. growth retardation;
  2. Violation in the reproductive system;
  3. Increased bone fragility;
  4. Metabolic disorder.

Manganese deficiency in the body can be avoided by eating the right foods.

What foods contain manganese?

  1. Well, first of all, a lot of the mineral is present in cereals. The leader is oatmeal 5050mkg per 100g of oatmeal. There is still a lot of it in rye flour 2590mcg, oatmeal 3820mcg, buckwheat 1560mcg per 100g of product.
  2. Dairy products contain very little manganese. Most of the mineral in Dutch cheese is 100 mcg per 100 g of product, and in milk there are only 6 mcg per 100 g.
  3. Manganese is found in vegetables. Beets 660mcg, lettuce 300mcg, carrots 200mcg, onion 230mcg, garlic 810mcg per 100g of product.
  4. Fruits and berries. Of the fruits in terms of manganese content, the leader is apricot 220 mcg. Among the berries, the most manganese in gooseberries is 450mcg per 100g of berries. Currants 180mcg, strawberries 200mcg, raspberries 210mcg (per 100g).
  5. Manganese is found in meat products. These products include lamb 35mcg, beef 35mcg, pork 285mcg, beef liver 315mcg, chicken 19mcg per 100g of product.
  6. Manganese in fish food. Pink salmon 50mcg, carp 150mcg, chum salmon 50mcg, pollock 100mcg, herring 120mcg, mackerel 100mcg, greenling 100mcg, hake 120mcg, squid 170mcg per 100g of product.

Analyzing the above data, we can conclude that the leader in manganese content are grain crops. Already 50g of oatmeal per day will fill the daily requirement of manganese. Therefore, cereals should be an integral part of the proper nutrition of a person who monitors his health. In the diet of pregnant women, nursing mothers and children, milk porridges and cereals with meat must be present, because in addition to this mineral they contain

Now it is not difficult to carry out water supply to a private house - there would be time and financial possibilities. Many people use wells as a source of water. Well, if you are lucky, and the water in the well meets sanitary and other standards. And if not, and does it contain harmful chemicals? The same manganese is found in water is not so rare. And if its concentration is too high, the water must be purified. Today we will talk about how to do it better.

From this article you will learn:

    How does elevated manganese in water affect the human body

    Why manganese is dangerous in water, and what are the standards for its content

    How can manganese be determined in water

    What methods are used to purify water from manganese

    What filters are used to purify water from manganese

What effect does manganese in water have on the human body

People learned to use manganese for their own purposes a very long time ago. Another naturalist from Ancient Rome, Pliny the Elder, wrote about a type of magnetic iron ore, with which you can lighten glass. Perhaps Pliny would have gone further in his research, but he died during the eruption of Vesuvius. In the 16th century, the famous alchemist Albert the Great called this mineral magnesia. And only at the end of the eighteenth century, the Swedish scientist Karl Schelle determined that magnesia had nothing to do with magnetic iron ore, but was a compound of an unknown metal. The first metallic manganese in 1774 was received by Schelle's friend, the chemist Johan Gottlieb Gann.

Manganese is a very common element, ranking fourteenth in abundance on the planet. It is literally everywhere: in the earth, in water, in plants and animals. The properties of manganese are such that it can be used in a wide variety of areas of life - from industry to medicine. Even in everyday life, the use of manganese is not uncommon.

There is very little manganese in the human body, a microscopic amount, but its importance is difficult to overestimate. For example, without manganese, we would not be able to absorb vitamin B1, which is responsible for the functioning of the nervous and digestive systems of the body. Even the normal functioning of the heart depends on B1, and therefore on manganese. With insufficient amounts of it, the risk of developing diabetes increases. Also, this microelement helps the normal development of the skeletal system.

We cannot do without a certain dose of manganese in the body. And this number has long been calculated by medical scientists:

    The norm per day for an adult is up to 5 mg;

    For a child under 15 years old - 2 mg;

    For a child up to a year - 1 mg.

However, as Hippocrates said: "Everything is a medicine, and everything is a poison - it's all about the dose." Same with manganese. A large amount of this trace element in the body will not bring a person anything good. If the manganese content is exceeded eight times, brain functions are impaired. The most dangerous is systematic manganese poisoning.

How manganese appears in natural waters

There are not so many safe sources of water for drinking today. As a rule, any natural water has to be purified, which is what water treatment plants do. In some areas of our country, the soil is especially rich in manganese salts, and when using water from underground sources in these areas, a corresponding problem arises. Excess manganese from water must be removed to maintain human health.

Manganese is not often found in its pure form, but it is part of a large number of minerals. Some acidic and ferruginous ores also contain manganese. It would seem, what does this have to do with water sources, how does manganese get into them? There are two main ways:

    Natural. Manganese is washed out by water from the minerals containing it. Also, in very significant quantities, it can enter the water from decomposed aquatic animals and plant organisms (especially blue-green ones).

    Man-made. These are wastes of chemical enterprises and metallurgical plants discharged into water bodies. Some agricultural fertilizers also contain manganese, which then enters the water.

Is there a lot of manganese in the water as a result? Much depends on the area and on what kind of water is meant. It is least of all in sea waters - about two micrograms per cubic decimeter. In the river - from 1 to 160 mcg. But the absolute champion here is groundwater. They can contain hundreds or even thousands of micrograms per cubic decimeter. Quite often, manganese is found in water along with iron, although its concentration is lower.

The amount of manganese in water is not constant, it changes depending on the season. In winter and summer, the content of heavy metals in water bodies is higher due to stagnant water. But in spring and autumn, the situation is exactly the opposite. There are other factors that affect the level of manganese in drinking water. For example:


    The amount of oxygen;

    pH (hydrogen indicator);

    How actively aquatic organisms absorb or, conversely, excrete manganese;

    Are reservoirs connected to local lakes or rivers;

    The amount of manganese that got into drains, etc.

According to the World Health Organization, the amount of manganese in water should not exceed 0.05 milligrams per liter. Unfortunately, they are not followed everywhere. In the USA, for example, manganese content in some places exceeds the permissible level by ten times. In Russia, the established norm for drinking water is no more than 0.1 milligrams per liter. However, the same figure is also relevant for household water.

What threatens the excess of manganese in water

When there is too much manganese in water, it is bad for not only human health. Much more chemically resistant household appliances and even the plumbing system also suffer.

The influence of manganese on the plumbing system and household appliances:

    Due to manganese deposits, the permeability of water pipes is deteriorating, and their service life is reduced.

    The same applies to the heating system: manganese deposits in pipes reduce heat transfer.

    Pipes can become completely clogged - "thanks" to manganese bacteria. Everything happens in the same way as in the case of the action of iron bacteria.

    A large amount of manganese in water is bad for electrical appliances. Scale in a kettle or washing machine is often formed just because of this substance.

    If black spots appear on plumbing or household appliances, this may be an indication that the manganese content in the water is too high.

Human health is much more fragile than household appliances. That is why the water you use must be carefully monitored. If suddenly a slightly yellowish tint appears near the water and it becomes unpleasant in taste, not only by itself, but even in tea or coffee, this is a sure sign that the concentration of manganese in it is unacceptably high.

What exactly is dangerous excess manganese in the human body? First of all, a negative effect on the nervous system. For children, this is especially dangerous. Studies have shown that a high concentration of manganese in a child's body can affect his intellectual abilities.

If the concentration of the metal in the body is too high, general poisoning may occur. Main symptoms its the following:

    A person's appetite decreases;

    Headache and dizziness;

    There are cramps, back pain;

    There are mood swings;

    The patient has a general breakdown and apathy.

If you constantly drink water with a high concentration of manganese, then:

    The condition of the skeleton may worsen;

    It is possible to reduce muscle tone, even develop muscle atrophy;

    It is not excluded the appearance of allergies;

    The kidneys, liver, small intestine, and even the brain can be affected;

    There is a high risk of developing cancer and Parkinson's disease.

Why is the high content of manganese in water dangerous for the human nervous system

Manganese is a heavy metal that tends to gradually accumulate in the body. With the constant use of water with an excessive concentration of manganese, sooner or later the human nervous system will suffer. Here you can highlight three stages of illness:

In the first stage, disorders of the nervous system are functional in nature. A person gets tired faster, he periodically or even constantly wants to sleep. Arms and legs weaken, symptoms of vegetative dystonia appear. There is increased sweating and salivation. Facial muscles, on the contrary, can be weakened, which will inevitably affect facial expressions. Muscle tone also decreases, numbness is felt in the arms or legs.

The mental activity of such a patient also changes, although this is not always noticeable to an outside observer. This is expressed in the following terms:

    The area of ​​interest of such a patient becomes more limited;

    Activity also decreases;

    The ability for associative thinking is dulled;

    Memory weakens.

It is significant that the patient cannot adequately assess his condition. Therefore, focal neurological symptoms of intoxication are quite difficult to diagnose even for a specialist. In this case, if the cause of the disease is not identified in time (namely, a high concentration of manganese in the body), then the disease can be started. Then the damage can become irreversible.

In the second stage of the disease, the symptoms of toxic encephalopathy increase. Namely:

    The person becomes more and more apathetic;

    He is increasingly sleepy;

    General weakness progresses, efficiency decreases;

    The mnestic-intellectual defect deepens;

    There are signs of extrapyramidal insufficiency: slowness of movements, weakening of facial expressions, involuntary muscle contraction, etc.

In addition, the activity of the endocrine glands is disrupted, signs of numbness of the extremities become more pronounced. The second stage of the disease is very dangerous. The fact is that even if the cause of the disease is found and there is no more contact with manganese, the process does not stop there. Moreover, for a few more years it will only develop. It will eventually be possible to suspend the disease, but most likely it will not be possible to achieve a final recovery.

The last stage of poisoning - manganese parkinsonism - is characterized by severe disorders of motor functions. In the patient:

    The pronunciation is broken;

    Speech becomes monotonous, handwriting becomes slurred;

    The face is mask-like;

    Very low physical activity;

    Spastic-paretic gait (a person spreads his legs too wide when walking, he sways from side to side);

    Paresis of the feet - when while walking the foot can "drag" along the ground.

In addition, involuntary excessive muscle movements occur - mainly in the legs. Sometimes, on the contrary, muscle tone is significantly reduced. The mentality of the patient also changes. People who have been poisoned with manganese experience apathy or, conversely, are overly complacent and even euphoric. Unreasonable laughter or crying is possible. Often a person does not understand that he is sick, or believes that his illness is not serious. The mnestic-intellectual defect progresses. The patient does not determine the time well, his memory deteriorates, problems arise both in professional and social activities.

The consequences, as you can see, are very severe. That is why it is so important to determine the cause of the disease in time. And if it is a high concentration of manganese in the water, you need to take immediate action. It should be remembered: the human body receives manganese not only by eating food cooked in "bad" water. In this case, even just brushing your teeth or washing your face with contaminated water is very dangerous.

To purify water from manganese, use

How to determine manganese in water

It is no coincidence that manganese is called the eternal companion of iron. If there is iron in the water you use, manganese is also there. But not vice versa. Even when there is no iron in the water, manganese may well be present. We have already talked about the consequences of an overabundance of this element in the human body. Therefore, water from manganese must be purified.

How to notice that there is a high concentration of manganese in the water without doing a special chemical analysis? There are several signs to look out for:

    Water becomes cloudy and dark if manganese compounds are present in it;

    Notice the smell. If it seems unusual to you, this is already an alarming sign;

    If the water is left to stand, a black precipitate will fall to the bottom of the dish;

    When there is a lot of manganese in the water, then after a long contact with it, your hands and nails will definitely turn black.

And this is not all the signs. If such water is boiled, then a black coating will remain on the dishes. Water with a high manganese content not only has a strange smell, but also an unpleasant astringent taste. Dark spots on plumbing, deposits in water pipes or even their complete blockage are also the “fault” of this element. Do you feel that the apartment has become colder? It is possible that manganese deposits have appeared inside the heating system, which complicates the heat transfer process.

The presence of at least one of these signs is already a reason to think well. In this case, it is necessary to immediately limit the consumption of water with the possible presence of manganese in it. And be sure to do an analysis by contacting a sanitary station or a private laboratory. Results will be provided to you in approximately 3-7 days.

How is water purified from manganese

To begin with, experts analyze the water for the concentration of manganese, and only after that they choose the most appropriate method for its purification.

Manganese in terrestrial rocks is most often in the form of a salt, which is highly soluble in water. Therefore, in order to purify water from manganese, it is necessary to make sure that this element ceases to be soluble. This is where chemistry comes in. Divalent manganese is converted to tri- or tetravalent manganese by oxidation. Manganese hydroxides with valences 2 and 3 are almost insoluble in water.

There are several methods for oxidizing manganese:

    With the help of strong oxidizing agents that increase the redox potential of the medium. At this value, the pH of the water is not regulated.

    Weak oxidizing agents are used with a simultaneous increase in the pH value of the water.

    Raise the pH value of the water, using strong oxidizing agents at the same time.

Bivalent manganese is converted to tetravalent manganese hydroxide and deposited on the filters. In addition, he himself turns into a catalyst, which accelerates the process of oxidation of the divalent manganese remaining in the water with the help of dissolved oxygen.

Methods for removing manganese from water

Manganese aeration

This method is very affordable, and therefore the most common. Serious aeration of manganese is carried out, then filtration. First, free carbon dioxide is isolated from the water under vacuum, which increases the pH to 8.0–8.5 units. After that, it's the turn of the filter. It is used as a granular filler, for example, quartz sand.

However, this method is not suitable for all cases. It is not used if the permanganate oxidizability of water is more than 9.5 mgO2 / l. To use this method, the presence of ferrous iron in water is required, which, when oxidized, turns into iron hydroxide. It, in turn, absorbs divalent manganese and oxidizes it. Another condition: compliance with a strict ratio between manganese and ferrous iron - seven to one. However, the last point can be artificially corrected by adding iron sulfate to the water.

catalytic oxidation

The tetravalent manganese hydroxide (formed on the filter surface by the metering pump) oxidizes the divalent manganese oxide. The trivalent oxide obtained after this is oxidized with the help of dissolved oxygen to a state insoluble in water.

Demanganation with potassium permanganate

It can be used for purification of both underground and external waters. Potassium permanganate oxidizes manganese dissolved in water, turning it into oxide, which dissolves in water much worse. Manganese oxide, in turn, is a good catalyst for dissolving divalent manganese. To get rid of 1 mg of the latter, you need 1.92 mg of potassium permanganate. With this ratio, 97 percent of divalent manganese will be oxidized.

After that, the water must be filtered using a special coagulant, then a sand filler is additionally used. Sometimes ultrafiltration equipment is also used.

Introduction of oxidizing reagents

Various reagents are used to oxidize manganese in water. But mostly it is chlorine, its dioxide, sodium hypochlorite and ozone. It is very important to take into account the pH level of the water. If chlorine is added to water with a pH of at least 8.0–8.5, then a good effect will have to wait about an hour and a half. Sodium hypochlorite works the same time. Often treated water needs to be alkalized. This is done in cases where oxygen acts as an oxidizing agent and the pH of the water does not reach 7 units.

Calculations show that for the conversion of divalent manganese to tetravalent, 1.3 mg of the reagent substance should be taken per mg of manganese. But this is in bare theory; in practice, much more oxidizer is usually required.

Chlorine dioxide or ozone, when treated with water, act much faster - only about a quarter of an hour. True, only if the pH of the water is 6.5–7.0 units. According to stoichiometry calculations, 1.35 mg of chlorine dioxide or 1.45 mg of ozone will go to 1 mg of divalent manganese. But again, more ozone will be required than in theoretical calculations. This happens because in the process of ozonation, manganese oxides decompose ozone.

In general, there are several reasons why more reagents are required than indicated in the calculations. Many factors influence the process of manganese oxidation in water. For example, this is the pH level of water, the presence of organic matter in it, the duration of the reagents used. A lot depends on the equipment that is used for the process. Practice shows that potassium permanganate usually needs to be taken 1-6 times more, ozone - 1.5-5 times, and chlorine oxide may even be required in 1.5-10 times the amount.

Ion exchange

Ion exchange involves hydrogen or sodium cationization of water. To effectively remove manganese salts dissolved in water, it must be treated in two layers of ion-exchange material. Two resins are used for this: cation-exchange resin with H+ hydrogen ions and anion-exchange resin with hydroxyl ions OH-. They are used simultaneously and sequentially. This mixture of resins replaces water-soluble salts with hydroxide OH- and hydrogen H+ ions. When these ions are combined, the most ordinary water molecules are obtained without the presence of salt in them.

At the moment, this method of getting rid of water from impurities of manganese and iron is the most promising. The main thing in it is to choose the right combination of ion exchange resins.


This method is based on the conversion of water into steam with its subsequent concentration. We all know that the boiling point of water is 100°C. But this does not mean that it will be the same for other substances. This method of water purification from manganese is based on the difference in boiling points. Pure water boils first and turns into steam. Other elements evaporate only after most of the water has boiled away. Thus, we get pure, without impurities, water. The technology is simple and understandable to everyone, but very energy-consuming.

Filters for water purification from manganese

Filters in this case are not so easy to choose. Here it is necessary to act according to the system. First, determine the composition of the water to be purified from manganese. Secondly, to designate the minimum requirements for the quality of water after its filtration. Thirdly, when choosing a cleaning system, you need to pay attention to the following points:

    on the pH level of the water;

    The amount of oxygen or carbon dioxide in the water;

    Is there ammonia or hydrogen sulfide in the water;

    The characteristics of the water supply are also important: its performance and water pressure.

After that, you can proceed to the choice of filter material for purifying water from manganese. There are a few of them that are the most popular.


SUPERFEROKS filtering material is designed to remove iron and manganese ions dissolved in water, as well as to reduce water turbidity and color. The basis of the filtering medium is a durable natural material "pink sand" with a catalytic film deposited on its surface, consisting of higher oxides of manganese. The action of SUPERFEROKS is based on 2 principles: sorption (due to the porous structure of the material) and catalytic oxidation. When water is filtered, manganese oxides in the catalytic film accelerate the process of oxidation of ferrous iron to ferric iron with the formation of the corresponding hydroxide. Due to the porosity of the material structure, the formation of ferric hydroxide occurs both on the surface of SUPERFEROX grains and inside its pores, which leads to an increase in dirt capacity and an acceleration of the process of water deironing. The resulting iron hydroxide is able to catalytically oxidize divalent manganese with the formation of practically insoluble hydroxides Mn(OH)3 and Mn(OH)4. When the filter resource is exhausted, in order to restore the properties of the filtering medium, it is necessary to regenerate the installation with a reverse flow of raw or purified water (more efficiently with a water-air mixture).

Ferosoft B

Multi-component ion-exchange loading FeroSoft is designed for a comprehensive solution of problems in water treatment systems. This load consists of several ion-exchange resins of different granulometric composition that allow you to effectively remove hardness salts (Ca2+ and Mg2+), iron impurities (Fe3+ and Fe2+), manganese (Mn2+), organic compounds from the source water. The load is designed to solve the most typical problems with drinking water, it is most suitable for use in water treatment systems of country houses and cottages.

Where to buy filters for water purification from manganese

It is difficult for an unprepared person to independently choose a suitable filter for water purification. Fortunately, there are specialists for this.

Biokit employs professionals to help you choose the best option. Moreover, there is no fundamental difference whether this is an existing water treatment system, or it is still at the design stage. The optimal decision will be based on the provided data.

Biokit also offers a wide range of reverse osmosis systems, water filters and other equipment that can restore tap water to its natural characteristics.

Our specialists are ready to help you:

    Connect the filtration system yourself;

    Understand the process of choosing water filters;

    Pick up replacement materials;

    Troubleshoot or solve problems with the involvement of specialist installers;

    Find answers to your questions over the phone.

Entrust water purification systems from Biokit - let your family be healthy!

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