Alternative treatment of hearing loss 2 degrees. Recipes of folk remedies for hearing loss. Chinese gymnastics "Heavenly Drum"

How can hearing be improved in the presence of hearing loss? This question is relevant for a large number of people. However, not everyone wants to start professional treatment in a hospital, but prefer to use folk methods at home. The choice of such treatment does not guarantee a positive prognosis, but in some cases it is quite possible to cure hearing loss in this way. Let's take a look at some effective tips below.

Types of hearing loss and its causes

To understand whether it is possible to cure hearing loss in a particular case, it is necessary to determine its type and degree of progression.

For this you need to go complex diagnostics in medical institution or audiology center.

There are two main types of hearing loss:

  • Conductive. Hearing is reduced due to damage to the sound conduction system of the ears. Need to restore correct work chains.
  • Neurosensory. Violation of the processing and transmission of impulses involving the cochlea and auditory nerve. Treatment is longer and more difficult as complex parts of the system are affected.

Hearing loss is characterized by four stages. Deafness can be cured only through medical intervention, and not always. In this case, it is important to learn to live with hearing loss, to adapt to the lack of the ability to normally perceive acoustic signals from the outside.

Reasons for deviations can be:

  • infectious diseases;
  • complications after otitis, meningitis;
  • loud sounds and "acoustic garbage";
  • ear and head injuries;
  • congenital anomalies;
  • reception medicines;
  • influence of toxins and chemicals, etc.

Comprehensive problem solving involves teaching patients how to live with the problem. Communication skills, perception of the surrounding world are mastered, classes are held with a psychologist.

Folk recipes and home methods

How to properly treat hearing loss at home, so as not to harm yourself, should be considered in more detail. All events can be divided into several categories:

  • traditional drug therapy;
  • folk prescriptions for hearing aids;
  • food;
  • massage;
  • special exercises.

After the patient will be diagnosed and the exact problem of hearing loss will be determined, the doctor will prescribe a course of medications. Most of them, in the absence of complications, can be taken at home, without visiting the hospital. Use the prescribed remedy only in accordance with the instructions of the treating specialist. Treatment is based on the use systemic drugs to improve blood flow and nervous activity and the use of local medicines. These include drops and sprays for the ears, ointments and various alcohol warming preparations.

You can make a substitute tool yourself. Folk recipes allow to achieve the effect of pain relief, removal of inflammation and swelling, wound healing and recovery normal functions ears. For the manufacture of these medicines, natural ingredients are used, so you need to first find out the body's reaction to each component.

The following substances have a positive effect on hearing:

  • propolis;
  • beeswax;
  • Bay leaf;
  • succession;
  • calamus root;
  • geranium;
  • onion and garlic juice;
  • viburnum;
  • Birch tar;
  • almond oil.

Recipes for local external use and regular internal consumption are used.

To achieve better hearing, you need to eat right. It is important for the body to receive enough vitamins A and E. You also need to learn how to live without alcohol, do not smoke, visit more often fresh air and play sports.

As for such a direction as, in the treatment of hearing loss, it is used by many specialists. You can attend 2-3 classes, and then do it yourself at home. The following directions are distinguished:

  • Ear massage. It consists in pulling and bending the auricles, circular motions and pressure.
  • Ear drum massage. influences membrane mobility. This is pressing the palms to the ears, creating a vacuum and a small pressure difference with the help of the fingers.
  • Urinary massage. Pressing and rubbing, pulling and neat twisting. Affected biologically active points, turns out positive impact for the whole organism.

There are other exercises to improve hearing. For example, with hearing loss, treatment based on oriental breathing practice will help. One of the directions in yoga, Bhastrika Pranayama, due to slow deep breaths and exhalations, allows in some cases to completely restore hearing.

To really restore hearing with hearing loss, use only proven methods. You must first consult with your doctor.

Auditory dysfunction - partial (hard of hearing) or absolute (deafness) inability to perceive surrounding sounds. Inflammatory processes can provoke the development of pathology in auditory analyzer, common infections, barotrauma, prolonged exposure noise, damage to the auditory nerve, etc.

Distortion indicates a problem sound signals and difficulty in understanding the speech of the interlocutor. Ignoring the signs leads to even greater hearing loss and the development of complete deafness. Deafness treatment folk remedies allows you to eliminate inflammatory processes in the organ of hearing, which leads to partial or full recovery sound perception.

The reasons

According to statistics, approximately 8% of all inhabitants on the planet suffer from hearing loss. At the same time, the development of persistent hearing loss may be due to a wide range of environmental and biological factors. The effectiveness of the treatment of pathology largely depends on the cause that provoked the decrease in hearing acuity. The main experts include:

  • hypertension;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • Meniere's disease;
  • age-related changes;
  • lead or mercury poisoning;
  • ear pathologies (otitis media, eustacheitis);
  • serious traumatic brain injury;
  • uncontrolled use of antibiotics;
  • blockage of the auditory canal with sulfur plug;
  • infectious diseases (flu, pharyngitis, tonsillitis).

It should be noted that the treatment of hearing with folk remedies will be effective only if there is no damage in the circuit. auditory ossicles, ear labyrinth and tympanic membrane.

If a auditory dysfunction was provoked by a serious injury, it will be possible to eliminate the violations only after undergoing surgical treatment.

How to improve hearing at home? The cause of hearing loss is very often a blockage of the external auditory canal with a sulfuric plug. If it completely covers ear canal, there is a feeling of congestion in the ears, as well as resonation of one's own voice in the head (autophony).

To soften and eliminate sulfur plugs, the following types of folk remedies can be used:

  1. almond oil: instill 5-6 drops of warmed oil daily into sore ear within 10-15 days;
  2. onion juice: grind 1 onion on a grater, then squeeze the juice with cheesecloth. Put 3-4 drops of the juice into the blocked ear for 2 weeks;
  3. hydrogen peroxide: slightly warm a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, then drip 5-6 drops of the product into ear canal.

After softening, the plug must be removed from the ear canal. To do this, the head is dipped in water so that the ears are under water. This creates the conditions for rapid evacuation plugs from the ear canal.

Deafness treatment

Baked onion is one of the most effective means alternative medicine to eliminate hearing loss. The composition of the product includes substances that have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in cells, which accelerates the process of tissue regeneration. It is advisable to use baked onion juice in case of chronic inflammatory processes in the middle ear cavity.

For cooking medicinal product would need:

  1. make a recess in one bulb;
  2. put in the formed recess 1 tsp. dill seeds;
  3. bake the onion in the oven until a brown crust appears;
  4. chop the onion and squeeze the juice out of it.

To eliminate deafness, it is necessary to instill 7-8 drops of juice into the affected ear daily for a month.

Important! Do not use onion juice in the treatment purulent inflammation at the stage of their exacerbation. severe irritation ear mucosa will only accelerate the spread of purulent foci.

The development of hearing loss may be associated with impaired blood circulation in the ear, which negatively affects the trophism of tissues. To resume normal blood microcirculation, herbalists recommend using propolis tincture. She has a pronounced irritant, which contributes to increased blood supply to the mucous membranes in the middle and outer ear.

Unlike synthetic drugs, folk remedies for deafness do not contribute to a decrease in local and general immunity. The misuse of antibiotics is often the cause of pathogenic flora in the ear cavity. To eliminate purulent processes that provoke hearing loss, cedar tincture can be used.

Cedar tincture - natural antiseptic, which contains useful microelements, vitamin C, as well as vitamins B and E. To prepare the tincture, you need:

  1. pour 1 glass pine nuts alcohol or vodka;
  2. let the tincture brew in a dark place for 30 days;
  3. strain the prepared remedy.

How to restore hearing at home? To eliminate hearing loss caused by inflammation or damage to the auditory nerve, it is enough to drink 50 ml of water daily with 10 drops of tincture diluted in it. The course of treatment averages 1-2 months.

Calamus tincture

Air - unique product, which has antispasmodic, analgesic, decongestant and tonic effects. According to many phytotherapists, herbaceous plant accelerates the process of tissue healing. His medicinal properties due to the presence of such useful substances like vitamin C, tannins, choline, essential oils, zinc, manganese, etc.

Regular use of the remedy allows you to restore normal blood circulation in the mucous epithelium, which lines the surface of the ear cavity. The soothing and regenerating effect of the product leads to the elimination of hemorrhagic rashes that occur with bullous otitis media and other types of ear pathologies that provoke the development of deafness. How to restore hearing at home?

To prepare medicinal tincture, necessary:

  1. grind the washed calamus root;
  2. using gauze to squeeze the juice;
  3. mix juice with 20% alcohol in a ratio of 1:1;
  4. infuse the solution in a dark place for 2 weeks;
  5. drink 1 tsp. tincture three times a day before meals.

Important! Alcohol tinctures should not be used by patients suffering from hyperacidity stomach. Irritation of the stomach lining can cause ulcers.

Today, the problem of hearing loss is becoming more and more urgent, because hearing impairments are diagnosed in people different ages. Even a slight hearing loss can lead to total deafness, and in order to avoid serious complications, it is necessary to stop this process as soon as possible. Assistance in treatment and rehabilitation will be provided by funds traditional medicine to reduce symptoms and slow down the progression of the disease.

What is hearing loss

Deafness can be caused various reasons determining the degree and type of disease

Hearing loss is called hearing loss, in which the speech of the interlocutor is hardly perceived at short and medium distances. Some patients do not hear whispers, and communication with the outside world becomes a serious problem. The disease is one of the most common and occurs in both newborns and the elderly.

The main symptom of the disease is hearing loss and impairment, as well as slurred speech, dizziness, tinnitus, nausea and vomiting. AT childhood hearing loss is accompanied by a delay in development, perception and speech.

If the disease was diagnosed in childhood, then influenza, acute respiratory infections, otitis or measles can become its cause. In adult patients, hearing loss is usually associated with industrial noise and high level vibration, atherosclerosis or poisoning heavy metals. Elderly people develop hearing loss due to age-related changes auditory nerves and inner ear.

Classification of the disease: degrees and types

Today, there are several classifications of hearing loss, depending on a number of factors. According to the degree of development, the disease has 4 degrees:

  • the first degree (from 26 to 40 dB), in which the patient does not hear quiet sounds and cannot make out speech at a great distance;
  • the second degree (from 41 to 55 dB), in which in a noisy environment the patient cannot distinguish conversation or quiet sounds;
  • third degree (from 56 to 70 dB) - the patient hears only loud speech, a joint conversation in a group of people or talking on the phone is difficult;
  • the fourth degree (from 71 to 90 dB), in which the patient does not hear the speech of the interlocutor, cannot talk on the phone, and perceives loud speech with difficulty.

Depending on the level of the lesion, there are three types of hearing loss:

  • conductive, which occurs when there is an obstacle in the path along which the sound travels. This may be damage to the eardrum or auditory ossicles, tumors, various pathologies, sulfur plug, otosclerosis, external or otitis media;
  • neurosensory or sensorineural, in which the pain threshold when perceiving sounds. This type of disease is accompanied painful sensations when the sound barely exceeds the threshold of hearing. It may be due to infectious (measles or meningitis) or autoimmune diseases, pathology of the auditory nerve, strong household and industrial noise, taking a number of antibiotics containing monomycin and gentamicin, as well as lead or mercury poisoning;
  • mixed, developing in the presence of several factors that provoke the development of sensorineural and conductive hearing loss. Complex hearing aids are used to correct the disease.


Remedies made from bay leaf are often used to treat hearing loss and impairment.

Bay leaf infusion is used as drops in the ears - it is effective for sensorineural hearing loss. Pour two tablespoons of chopped laurel with a glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, and then strain. Drip 4 drops twice a day in each ear. The course of treatment is 30 days.

Drops in the ears fragrant spices can be prepared in another way: grind a few leaves into powder, pour 1 tablespoon of 9% vinegar and 100 ml of vodka. Infuse the remedy for 14 days in a dark, cool place. Drip three times a day for the first week - 1 drop, the second week - 2 drops in each ear.

Prepared from melissa alcohol tincture, which is effective in sensorineural hearing loss. The product contains 2 tablespoons of grass and 6 tablespoons of vodka. Mix everything and insist for several days. Bury 3 drops in each ear twice a day, treat for a week.

A decoction of calamus root will help improve hearing and relieve the symptoms of a conductive type of disease. Pour 1 tablespoon of raw materials with a glass of water, boil for 30 minutes, add water to the original volume and cool slightly. Take a third cup three times a day before meals. A decoction according to this recipe can be prepared from lingonberry leaves.

How to heal with oils

Almond oil will help stop the development of the sensorineural type of the disease. For treatment, it is necessary to instill 3-4 drops of oil into the ear every day: on the first day - in left ear, on the second day - on the right, and so on. The course of treatment is 1 month, after a 10-day break it must be repeated.

Garlic combined with camphor oil is excellent tool Helpful in the treatment of conductive hearing loss

Conductive hearing loss caused by sulfuric plugs in the ears can be cured by this method: chop a clove of garlic until a slurry is obtained, add camphor oil to it, mix and lubricate a flagellum made of cotton wool or a bandage. Before going to bed, put it in your ear for 10 minutes, then throw it away. Repeat the procedure for 5 days. This remedy is contraindicated for the treatment of children under 2 years of age.

Laurel oil helps to stop hearing loss with mixed hearing loss and get rid of headaches. Prepare the oil as follows: chop the bay leaf, add to vegetable oil, pour into a glass container and close. Infuse the remedy for 2 weeks, then use it to rub the temples or as ear drops twice a day, 2 drops in each ear.


Propolis is considered one of the the best means hearing loss treatment. The product is used in combination with medical alcohol and olive or other vegetable oil. Propolis must be dissolved in a small amount of alcohol, and then a little oil is added. Make a thick swab out of cotton or bandage, soak it in the product and insert it into the ear canal. After 36 hours, it must be carefully removed. The course of treatment is 10 procedures, which must be carried out with a break of 1 day.

No less effective is a product based on propolis and sea buckthorn oil, which must be mixed in a ratio of 1: 3. Soak a cotton flagellum in the medicine and place it in the ear. Leave the swab on for 6 hours, then remove. The procedure must be repeated daily for 1 month.

Warm dry compresses

salt and river sand- fixed assets used for dry warm compresses with hearing loss

Warm dry compresses are suitable for the treatment of any type of hearing loss, excluding hearing loss caused by purulent or inflammatory processes. "Local" heat enhances blood flow and promotes the recovery process. In addition, such a compress reduces pain and "shooting" in the ear, which is felt when swallowing.

Salt or river sand is used as the basis for dry compresses. Heat the product in a dry frying pan, and then wrap it in a tight linen fabric. Attach to the ear and fix the bandage. The compress should be warm, not hot, it is recommended to do it at night and leave until the morning. The course of treatment is at least 1 month.

Other folk remedies

A common complication of otitis media is conductive hearing loss. Fresh lemon for a week will help restore hearing and get rid of headaches. Every day in the morning you need to eat a quarter of a lemon along with the peel. The effect will be even more obvious if you first smear the lemon with natural honey.

Onion treatment is excellent for a mixed type of illness. Heat a part of the bulb, wrap it in a clean bandage and place it in the ear canal as deep as possible before going to bed, but leaving a piece of the bandage outside. In the morning, carefully remove the compress from the ear. The procedure must be repeated every evening for three weeks. At the same time, it is recommended to instill 2 drops of onion juice, diluted in half with water, into the nose twice a day.

Breathing exercises for hearing problems

One of the most effective and common ways to get rid of hearing loss mixed type is breathing exercises. It can be used in combination with other means and methods for patients of all ages. This exercise is called Bhastrika Pranayama, a practice used by yogis.

Exercise is best done outdoors or in a well-ventilated area. First, exhale through the nose, trying to completely push the air out, the stomach is pulled inward as much as possible. Then follows deep breath: the belly becomes round. In one approach, it is recommended to perform 324 breaths and exhalations, each of them should be slow and as deep as possible. Initially, you can limit yourself to only 40-50 breaths, gradually increasing their number, since dizziness can begin from a large amount of air. Within two or three months breathing practice hearing will be much better.

Video: an example of the Bhastrika Pranayama exercise

The effectiveness of the treatment of neurosensory hearing loss (reviews)

Feedback on the use of propolis:

Last year I "picked up" a very severe complication after influenza in the form of acute purulent otitis media. After treatment, my hearing deteriorated greatly, apparently eardrum after inflammation deformed, became less flexible. For a month, I inserted cotton flagella moistened with propolis tincture into my ears at night. And on weekends and during the day at home with these flagella went. By the end of the month of such treatment, the hearing was completely restored, the noise and hum in the ears disappeared. Very good folk remedy.

is a phenomenon most often encountered by older people. Left untreated, it can lead to complete deafness and the inability to perceive human speech and other sounds. In medicine, the disease has its own name - hearing loss, the degree of its manifestation is different, respectively, and the severity too. For you can use different methods, how traditional medicine, and folk. Moreover, the second is more popular especially among adults.

Hearing loss - degree and types

In each person, the disease manifests itself in different ways and, first of all, it depends on what degree it develops. There are 3 degrees of the disease:

  1. Light degree or the first - at a distance of three meters a person can still hear a whisper, as for ordinary speech, he hears it at a distance of four meters. The slightest noise and interference will interfere with normal speech perception.
  2. The average degree - at a distance of two meters a person hears a whisper, and normal loud speech at a distance of about three meters. Often the patient asks to repeat a word or a whole phrase.
  3. Severe - the patient hears ordinary speech from a distance of one and a half meters, he practically does not perceive whispering, even if the interlocutor is nearby. When communicating there are difficulties, patients need a hearing aid.

In addition to the degrees of manifestation, the disease can be divided into two types: neurosensory, conductive. In the first stage, the development of the disease provokes damage to the auditory nerve, as well as infections, stress, and so on. A deaf person feels uncomfortable and shy in society, he cannot fully communicate, listen to music, and so on.

Folk methods of treatment

Treatment of hearing loss with folk remedies is patience and overwork. Don't expect a positive result to be noticeable after two or three days. In order to get rid of the problem completely with such means, it sometimes takes several months.

Medicine does not perceive folk remedies very well, many doctors even believe that this can be dangerous. But as practice shows to achieve positive result Still, you can, most importantly, use safe and proven methods for this.

Propolis against hearing loss

Hearing improvement with hearing loss can be done with the help of ordinary propolis. There are several treatment options in this case.

First: you will need forty grams of the plant, it must be washed with water. After it dries, chop and transfer to glass jar. Add one hundred grams of vodka and close the lid, leave to infuse for two weeks. Shake the contents of the container every day.

After this time, filter the tincture, cotton swab clean the auricles, moisten the swab in the resulting product and insert into the ear for twelve hours. You need to repeat such manipulations every day, the course of treatment is two weeks.

The second treatment option: if propolis in pure form no, take a tincture based on it, as well as oil of corn, olives and sea ​​buckthorn oil, in a ratio of 1:4. Mix everything, you should get a consistency in the form of an emulsion. Make a flagellum, then soak it in the medicine that you got and insert it into your ear for three days. After this time, remove the flagellum, let it rest for a day and repeat the procedure again. Such manipulations must be performed within two months. The auditory canals will be cleared in this way.

Garlic for hearing loss

in the treatment of folk remedies involves the use of garlic. Prepare a clove of garlic in advance, as well as a press, use it to squeeze out the juice, then mix it with olive oil. The resulting remedy is instilled into the ears one drop at a time, make no more than two instillations per day. In order to achieve visible results you need to undergo a treatment duration of which is three weeks. After that, you need to take a break, and then repeat the treatment again.

Another option for this treatment is as follows: rub the garlic on a grater, take three drops of camphor oil for each clove of garlic. Put the resulting mixture on a piece of bandage, roll it into a flagellum and insert it into your ear all night. You can cure the disease in two weeks of such procedures.

There is also a third treatment option. You will need half a liter of alcohol, three hundred grams of chopped garlic, this must be combined in a container. For three weeks, the mixture is infused, all this time it must be stirred. Thus, the disease is treated from the inside - drink 20 drops of medicine every day, it is better to add it to one hundred milliliters of milk.

Onion treatment

Can the disease be treated by other means? If, in addition to deafness, you constantly have noise in your ears, then you can use a bow. From small head juice is squeezed out, after which it is buried in the ears in three drops. The course of treatment lasts three weeks.

Take one large onion, peel it, carefully make a well in the middle, then put in one small spoonful of cumin. The onion needs to be baked in the oven, as soon as its color becomes ruddy, pull it out, and then squeeze out the juice. Up to four times a day, you need to bury it in a sore ear, after a month of such procedures, you can feel significant relief.

Treatment with pine nuts

How to treat hearing loss with nuts? There are also traditional method such treatment, that is, the ingredient is also used by doctors, or rather manufacturers, for the manufacture of medicines.

So, pour one hundred grams of nuts with one hundred milliliters of vodka and leave for forty minutes in a dark place. The resulting tincture should be filtered and drunk every day before breakfast, 10 drops. There is another option for such treatment - you will need a glass of nut shells, pour 220 ml of boiling water over them and leave for forty minutes. The finished broth should be divided into two parts and drunk in two doses.

It is not difficult to treat hearing loss with folk remedies in this way. In addition, it has a positive effect on the entire body as a whole.

Treatment with rye bread

If you have hearing loss, treatment with folk remedies involves the use of rye bread. You will need 150 gr. rye flour, some fruits from juniper, as well as 6 grams of cumin. Combine all ingredients and bake a small cake.

No need to wait until the cake has cooled, it should be used in this form. Carefully remove the crust, take the alcohol and pour it into the pulp. Put everything on your ear, and lie down in this position for a while. As soon as you feel that the cake is cooling down, remove it. Soak a cotton swab in almond oil and insert it into the ear canal for a while.

Bay leaf treatment

Bay leaf can be used for treatment. The disease is extremely serious and should not be allowed to take its course. There are several treatment options using lavrushka.

You will need a few bay leaves, they need to be crushed, you will need two tablespoons. Pour the leaves into a glass of boiling water and leave to infuse for two hours. As soon as the time is up, the broth must be filtered, and then instilled three drops into the affected ear several times a day. The course of such treatment is two weeks.

Another treatment option: finely chop five leaves, transfer to a container. Pour a spoonful of 9% vinegar there, as well as 100 milliliters of vodka. Mix everything and pour into a glass container, everything should be infused for fourteen days. Every day, it is recommended to stir the tincture or just shake it.

The resulting tincture is filtered and instilled two drops three times a day. On the eighth day, drip three drops, and so on until the fourteenth day. It is impossible to name the exact period of such treatment, it all depends on how advanced the disease is.

The third treatment option is to chop the bay leaf and separate three spoons, mix them with 15 ml of sunflower oil. Wait a week, all this time the mixture should be infused. Lubricate the whiskey with medicine several times a day, and also instill two drops in each ear. If necessary, you can extend therapy, but not more than a week.

Depending on the form of the disease and its degree, folk remedies can achieve good results in treatment. However, you should not self-medicate if you have not been to the hospital and you have not been examined by a doctor. If you do not know the diagnosis, you can not improve your condition, but worsen it.

In addition to the main treatment, you need to monitor your lifestyle, eat right, do not abuse bad habits wearing hats. After all, it is much easier to prevent the development of the disease than to fight it later.

Folk remedies for hearing loss and hearing loss
The most famous and effective folk remedies for hearing loss are propolis and garlic. They help especially well if deafness is caused by otitis media or vascular disorders. Propolis is used as follows: 10% tincture is mixed with vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:3. Gauze flagella are impregnated with this emulsion and inserted into the ear canal for 24 hours. The course of treatment is 15-20 procedures. Some knead propolis in my hands in the form of a flagellum and insert it into my ear.

Garlic is used in the form of juice, mixing it with olive oil in a ratio of 1:3. Instill 1-2 drops in each ear for 15-20 days. A week later, the course is repeated. Often in folk treatment for hearing loss, grated garlic is also used: it is also mixed with camphor oil - for 1 clove of crushed garlic - 3 drops of camphor. oil, wrapped in gauze and inserted into the ear (HLS 2007, No. 18, p. 31, 2006, No. 22, p. 31)
These folk remedies for hearing restoration work well for almost all causes of hearing loss.

How to improve hearing with viburnum
In a 79-year-old man, one ear was completely deaf, and the other was a little dull. Was constant noise in my head. It was possible to cure deafness with the help of turundas with viburnum juice. He took 5-6 berries, pierced them with a needle, squeezed out the juice, added the same amount of honey and mixed. I soaked cotton flagella with a thread inside in this juice, inserted them at night, and pulled them out by the strings in the morning. The man's hearing improved after 10 procedures, and after 20 days, the hearing was completely restored, the noise in the head disappeared. (HLS 2011, No. 2, p. 32)

Hearing loss and congestion treatment
If deafness is caused by sulfuric plug, then instillation of 7 drops of warm almond oil into the ears will help. In addition, within 45 days you need to drink this drink: 1 tsp. dilute birch tar in a glass of milk and drink throughout the day. (HLS 2011, No. 3, p. 23)

Drops against hearing loss
Take 3 parts of oak bark and 2 parts of calendula and linden flowers. Pour 20 g of the collection with a glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours. Instill 3 drops of this remedy into each nostril. This recipe protects against many diseases of the ear, throat and nose. (HLS 2011, No. 3, p. 23)

Geranium Hearing Restoration
Women began to lose their hearing with age. She managed to get rid of deafness with the help of geranium: she took 2 leaves, squeezed the juice and instilled 2 drops into her ears. You need to do this 10 days in a row 1 time per day. She gave the same recipe to a neighbor, and her hearing was also restored. (HLS 2011, No. 5, p. 33) .
Hearing can be restored if you wash your hair with an infusion of marsh geranium grass (2001, No. 20, p. 11).

How to restore hearing with breathing
For many years the woman was tormented chronic otitis media, she constantly dripped drops into her ears, the inflammation passed for a while, but then it started again. As a result, she completely lost her hearing. The doctor said that at her age (63 years) it is no longer being treated. Then she began to look for folk remedies for the treatment of deafness. I read about breathing exercise yogis - bhastrika pranayama. It is performed in a clean, well-ventilated room. Begin by exhaling through the nose. At the same time, the stomach is drawn in, and when you inhale it becomes convex, like a ball. The woman did the exercises slowly, holding on to the headboard. If she started to feel dizzy, then she lay down, rested and started all over again. For a day you need to do 324 breaths. Start with a small amount and increase every day. Three days later she began to hear. (HLS 2011, No. 11, p. 33)

Folk treatment for hearing loss with laurel
An 88-year-old woman lost her hearing completely. From folk remedies, her daughter chose bay leaf treatment. 5 fresh leaves should be brewed with a glass of boiling water, wrapped and insisted for 3 hours. Drink 1 tbsp. l. three times a day 30 minutes before meals. And instill 5-6 drops into the ears. This old woman did not really believe in folk remedies, so she drank the infusion for only a week, instilled drops 2 times a day, 3-4 drops in each ear, without any faith in success. But after a while I started hearing again. 4 years have passed since then hearing aid, which the doctor advised to buy, did not use. The rumor has been restored. (HLS 2011, No. 8, pp. 39-40). The same folk remedy helps with otitis media (HLS 2008, No. 8, p. 5).

Hearing improvement with beetroot juice.
Boil the beetroot in its skin, squeeze the juice out of it, bury it in the ears 3-4 times a day and always 3-4 drops at night. Boiled beet juice relieves puffiness, improving patency nerve impulse, has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action. The course of treatment is 1.5-2 months. (HLS 2010, No. 9, p. 33)

Golden mustache against deafness.
The man was paralyzed and couldn't hear at all. I watched TV through headphones, my wife had to scream very loudly. Therefore, she decided to treat hearing loss with folk remedies. She made him a tincture of a golden mustache - she crumbled her knees into 1/3 of a bottle, poured vodka to the top and insisted for 21 days. I gave my husband this tincture to drink three times a day, diluting it in 50 ml of water. First, three days for 1 tsp, then three days for 1 dessert spoon, then 1 tbsp. spoon until the end of the month. And suddenly the husband began to hear, now he does not need to scream and he watches TV calmly.
If the first time does not help, then rest for 10-15 days and take another course. (HLS 2010, No. 5, p. 33)

How to restore hearing after otitis media - folk remedies for the treatment of hearing loss.
From a conversation with Dr. Sciences Nikolaev M. P
The following folk remedies will help restore hearing:
1. Warm the ear often with dry heat.
2. Drip mint tincture into the ear: three drops every three hours for a week. Prepare the tincture as follows: 2 tbsp. l. crushed mint leaves pour 200 ml of vodka, leave for 7 days, strain.
3. Chew propolis for as long as possible throughout the day. At night, instill 5% propolis tincture 1 drop into the ear. Course 2 weeks
4. Eat 1/4 quarter of a lemon with peel daily.
5. Lubricate the ear canal with burdock juice boiled to a density. Do this 2-3 times a day. (HLS 2010, No. 16, p. 13)
6. Bury plantain or wild garlic juice in the ear - 3-5 drops each
7. Compresses in the ears of grated garlic and camphor. oils (recipe see above)
8. Angelica tea or calamus infusion restores hearing: pour 15 g of dry calamus rhizomes into 500 ml boiled water and put on water bath for 30 minutes, 10 minutes to insist, strain. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment for hearing loss is 2 months.
9. Bury at night 5-6 drops of almond oil ((HLS 2006, No. 22, pp. 28-29 - also from a conversation with Dr. Nikolaev))

How to improve hearing - a few folk methods.
The woman began to be tormented by noise in her left ear, her hearing decreased by 30%. Dr. med. Sciences Nikolaev M.P. on the pages of the newspaper gives her the following advice:
1. Eat 1/4 lemon with peel daily
2. Drip almond oil into the ears 2-3 times a day, 6-7 drops. Oil can be bought at a pharmacy. After the procedure, close the ears with cotton wool for several hours.
3. Drip plantain juice into the ear - 1-2 drops each. Plantain juice helps to soften sulfuric plugs, prevents the occurrence of tinnitus.
4. To improve hearing, you need to do the following procedure: grind a clove of garlic, drip on it camphor oil, about 3 drops, twist the mixture into gauze and insert into the ear. Hold until it starts to burn. Then take out the turunda, after 20-30 minutes you can insert it again. Try to keep the compress for at least 30 minutes. After that, insert dry cotton wool into the ear and tie a scarf for the whole night. The course is 10 days, if it was not possible to improve hearing, then conduct another 1 course in 10 days.
(HLS 2009, No. 13, pp. 24-25)

Deafness - treatment with ASD-2 fraction.
The man is 65 years old and 20 years of them he has tinnitus. All this is happening in the background. cervical osteochondrosis, violations cerebral circulation. AT last years happened a sharp decline hearing - could not hear the speech of the interlocutor. Doctors refused treatment, because they did not find any danger in his position. Then the patient decided to take the ASD-2 fraction. Already on the third day of admission, he heard the noise from the operation of the refrigerator and the purring of a cat. he drank a fraction of 2 sessions a month later, general scheme. The noise in the ears did not disappear, but the hearing returned almost completely. (HLS 2008, No. 23, p. 16)

White lily oil.
White lily oil helps to cure deafness and hearing loss: fill a jar with lily flowers and pour vegetable oil, store in the refrigerator. For otitis and hearing loss, instill 2-3 drops in each ear at night and close cotton swab. With this medicine, the woman managed to cure her son. This folk remedy also helped two neighbors who lost their hearing after the flu - after two procedures they began to hear normally (HLS 2007, No. 20, p. 31)

Folk treatment of deafness and hearing loss with onions
Saves from deafness onion, baked in the oven with cumin seeds. After cutting off the top of the bulb, make a hole and pour cumin seeds into it. Put the top back in place and bake the onion for 30 minutes. Squeeze out the juice and bury three drops in the ear at night. The course of treatment is 10 days (HLS 2007, No. 23, p. 31)

Restoration of hearing
A folk remedy will help from hearing loss: brew a string in a teapot and drink it like tea. The course is 20 days, then a break of 10 days and a new course of treatment. The man managed to restore his hearing in 1 course. (HLS 2006, No. 1, p. 32)

Hearing loss exercise
The woman began to hear badly, decided that it was sulfur plugs and went to the otolaryngologist. The doctor found no blockages and sent her home without prescribing any treatment. And the hearing kept getting worse. Somehow she noticed that if you insert forefinger into the ear and pull it out sharply, as if cleaning the ear from water, a sort of cotton is heard, and hearing improves for a short time. Then she began to do this exercise on purpose, simultaneously on both ears 50 times in a row. 2-3 times a day. Hearing is gradually improving. (HLS 2006, No. 24, pp. 31-32)

Wild garlic juice folk remedies for the treatment of hearing loss
To improve hearing, instill 6-7 drops of wild garlic juice into the ear for 2-3 weeks. The procedure is quite painful, especially if there is a tumor in the ear. Lubricate the skin around the ear amaranth oil to take off sharp pain. Liquid will flow out of the diseased ear, there is no need to be afraid - this tumor resolves. (HLS 2003, No. 21, p. 9)

Treatment of deafness with clover
The woman was treated for deafness and tinnitus with red clover. I brewed a pinch in 500 ml of boiling water. She insisted for 2 hours and drank 2-3 sips 2-3 times a day. I drank for a long time, the whole winter. And in the spring I began to hear the chirping of chicks in the birdhouse, the sound of the TV being quietly turned on. The noise in my head is gone. Before the treatment, she did not even hear her own voice. You can also use clover tincture on vodka (fill a liter jar up to half a jar with clover and pour vodka to the top, insist until tea color), drink 1 tbsp. l. 1 time per day at night. The course is the entire portion, then a 10-day break and the next course. (HLS 2002, No. 13, p. 22).

How to improve hearing with calamus
Calamus rhizome powder is used to improve hearing, vision and memory. The roots must be dried and crushed. Take 1 tsp. powder per day with water. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks. (HLS 2001, No. 20, p. 11)

Pour 15 g of lemon balm with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, filter. Take 2 tbsp. l. 5-6 times a day. (2001, No. 20, p. 11)

Tar in folk remedies for the treatment of hearing loss
The woman began to lose her hearing, constantly making noise in her ears. I read the recipe in the folk medicine book: 1 tsp. birch tar stir in a glass of milk and drink in three divided doses. She bought tar in a pharmacy, but she could not dissolve it in milk - it stuck to the walls of the glass. She did not like this treatment and she decided to treat deafness in a different way: she smeared auricle tar, tied a handkerchief so as not to stain the pillow and went to bed. Already in the morning, the noise in the ear disappeared and the acuity of hearing increased. She did 4 treatments. While everything is fine, noise and deafness do not return (2012, No. 7, p. 32)

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