A small red spot on the head. Causes, symptoms of red dots on the penis. Inflammation of the foreskin

Every man is very scrupulous about his dignity. Therefore, even the slightest deviation from the norm is regarded as a mortal danger. Often, men after unprotected regular sex, oral or anal, can find the appearance of red dots on the head of the penis. And these can be symptoms of both a sexually transmitted disease, and any other inflammatory or skin disease. But even diseases related to the type of sexually transmitted diseases cannot always affect a person only through sexual contact. You can pick up an infectious microbe when visiting public places, when in contact with the blood or seminal fluid of the patient, when using general hygiene products.

What diseases can provoke rashes on the penis?


The main and most common disease that accompanies red dots on the penis is balanitis. This is an inflammatory lesion of the skin of the head of the penis, often this inflammation also captures the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe foreskin - balanoposthitis. There are several types of this disease:

  • Irritative balanitis appears due to excessive irritations of a diverse nature:
  1. mechanical
  2. chemical
  3. bacterial
  4. fungal
  5. and so on

Symptoms of simple balanitis are as follows:

  1. swelling of the head of the penis
  2. increased blood flow to the vessels of the penis
  3. maceration of the skin, that is, softening of the upper tissues, as with a long stay in water
  4. soreness
  5. itching of the head of the penis
  • erosive. With this form of balanitis, dark red and bluish defects of the upper skin membranes of the head of the penis appear - erosions.
  • ulcerative. This form of the disease is expressed by the appearance of deep ulcers with a purulent coating around the edges.
  • Chronic balanitis has such a feature in which there is a constant manifestation of an acute form of the disease that cannot be cured.
  • Balanitis obliterans characterized by the presence of whitish round spots and dense keratin foci on the head and the inside of the foreskin. Skin maceration is also observed.
  • Gangrenous form has characteristic features in the form of deep damage to the tissues of the penis in the form of advanced ulcerative balanitis.

What are the reasons for the appearance of such an ailment? Failure to comply with basic hygiene rules that create the best conditions for the reproduction of microbes and the development of infection. A weakened body and reduced immunity also play an important role in the development of this disease. With a careless attitude to one's own health and the lack of proper treatment for simple balanitis, the disease passes into more severe forms: ulcerative, chronic, erosive, gangrenous, and only balanitis obliterans is an independently acquired disease. Doctors still cannot find out the causes of this form of the disease.

Another reason for the appearance of inflammation of the head of the penis can be severe infections of the body, endocrine disorders, a consequence of dermatological diseases, or a deficiency in immunity.


An infectious disease of the urine - the reproductive system, where the causative agent is fungi of the genus Candida, also have in symptomatic manifestations such a factor as red dots on the penis. Along with rashes, other signs can be noted:

  • White discharge from the urethra, leaving a plaque
  • Swelling and inflammation of the head of the penis
  • Redness of the head, foreskin and urethral opening
  • severe itching
  • Ulcers and erosion

You can get candidiasis during sexual intercourse without contraception, at home, when using common objects such as a towel, wearing synthetic underwear, with prolonged antibiotic therapy.

herpes virus

Men who are carriers of type 2 herpes virus also have a history of skin manifestations on the head of the penis. It can be both red dots and vesicles and sores. But the defeat of herpes viridae HSV-2 is characterized, in addition to this, by a number of other symptoms:

  • Scabies
  • Mucus discharge from the urethra
  • Pain and burning during urination
  • Spread of vesicular - ulcerative rash throughout the genital area: penis, scrotum, anus
  • Swelling of the inguinal lymph nodes
  • Chills, temperature

The main causes of infection with the virus are unprotected intimate relationships and the contact route of infection: touching with a rash, for example. It is also possible to transmit herpes by airborne droplets.

Chlamydia, trichomoniasis, ureaplasmosis and mycoplasmosis

All these infections of various pathogenic flora in advanced forms lead to balanitis, as they are infectious inflammations caused by bacteria:

Treponema pallidum is a long, thin, protective bacterium that causes syphilis. It is possible to become infected with this disease through close contact: sexual intercourse of any orientation (vaginal, anal or oral), intrauterine (from mother to baby), with blood transfusion. The symptomatology of syphilis has on its list red spots on the penis, which quickly develop into decaying ulcers, and after 2 months the patient's entire body is covered with a rash. Without proper treatment, syphilis can be fatal.

  • Burning and pain when going to the toilet
  • Abundant urethral discharge, up to purulent
  • Inflammation of the head of the penis, urethral opening and foreskin

Gonorrhea can be treated with simple antibiotics.


This viral sexually transmitted disease is also marked at the initial stage by a red rash on the penis. Then the rash develops into warty growths on a thin stalk, releasing a liquid with an unpleasant odor. This is one of the most popular diseases today. In the treatment, special highly toxic compresses, a laser, surgery, antiviral drugs and immunostimulants are used.


The manifestations of this dermatological disease are truly multifaceted. Genital psoriasis is not a sexually transmitted disease, but it is rather difficult to diagnose, since red rashes on the head of the penis and the inner edge of the prepuce are not accompanied by peeling, as in classic psoriasis. The causes of this disease may be the following reasons:

  1. Violation of the nerve endings in the spine
  2. Dysfunction of organs located in the pelvic area
  3. Stress and depression
  4. Classic psoriasis of any other localization

mother-of-pearl glands

The presence of pink bumps located along the edges of the head of the penis, similar to pimples, is not a pathological manifestation. These are pearlescent papules that have nothing to do with sexually transmitted diseases. These glands appear during puberty, and remain only in 30% of the stronger sex. These bumps are harmless and not dangerous. But if they start to bother: they itch, hurt, swollen, reddened and swollen lymph nodes, then you should consult a doctor to examine these pimples and to exclude any infectious disease.


If you have red dots on the penis, you need to contact a dermatologist, urologist or venereologist, for the speedy diagnosis and identification of the causes of this rash, as well as for the timely treatment of the disease. To avoid infection with various infections, you should:

  • Maintain hygiene
  • Use contraceptives
  • Use personal items
  • Wear underwear made from natural fabrics
  • Maintain health and support immunity

Red spots on the head of the penis in men are signs of infectious and inflammatory processes in its tissues and tissues of the genitourinary tract.

Causes their occurrence can be various factors - it can be both external agents and endogenous pathologies. Among the likely causes of spots endogenous origin, allergic processes and endocrine disorders can be distinguished ( diabetes). Allergies can be caused by contact toxic substances. Most often, these are components of household chemicals (detergents, shower gel, soap, shampoo, washing powder, etc.).

The smallest particles of these substances remain on the laundry and can cause allergic contact dermatitis. What causes the appearance on the skin of the genitals and head penis spotted red rash.

An allergic reaction can occur to the components of spermicidal substances, lubricant gels, lubricants inside the condom. In such cases spots on the head appear after sex.

Such a reaction after intimacy can also follow if the partner suffers from bacterial vaginosis caused by gardnerella.

In violation of the endocrine function of the pancreas, carbohydrate metabolism is disturbed. This can lead to skin symptoms, including itching and a red rash on the genitals.

Often the cause of rashes in the form red dots, itching, redness of the genitals is simply poor hygiene. That is, a rare change of underwear, insufficiently frequent water procedures, low culture of sexual life. External causes include, first of all, infections of the genitourinary tract, in particular, sexually transmitted infections.

Red spots on the head with genital infections

May appear with the following infections:

  • Ureaplasmosis and mycoplasmosis. Infections caused by mycoplasmas occur with itching, hyperemia of the tissues of the penis, their swelling, often with a rash on the head of the red spots. These symptoms are due to inflammatory infiltration and irritation of the mucosa.
  • Candidiasis. Infection caused by yeast-like fungi occurs with severe itching of the mucosa glans penis and education on it small red spots, as well as an abundant thick white coating of a consistency similar to cottage cheese.
  • Red pimples on the head of the penis may be the result of a herpes infection. In this case, the rash first looks like growing papules, then vesicles, which subsequently dry out, turning into yellowish-brown crusts. In the phase of papules and vesicles, the rash is very painful, there is itching and burning in the affected area.
  • Red spots on the head of the penis found in circinary balanoposthitis, which is a consequence of the presence of chlamydia in the body. This form of inflammation can also occur with Reiter's syndrome. A characteristic feature of such spots is the presence of clearly defined boundaries.

red cock head observed in a disease such as nonspecific balanoposthitis.

Its development is provoked by a conditionally pathogenic microflora that lives on the mucous membrane of the genitourinary tract. These are staphylococci, streptococci, E. coli, enterococci, etc.

Tissue hyperemia is accompanied by local edema, discharge from the urethra when it is inflamed.

How to establish the cause of the appearance of red spots on the head?

To understand what caused the disease, what exactly provoked it, is possible only by contacting a competent specialist.

Which doctor diagnoses and heals such pathologies?

This may be a urologist or a dermatovenereologist.

What tests are needed when red spots appear on the head?

After the examination, the doctor will take a smear from the patient from the urethra, in some cases, the contents of the loose elements.

Also, for research, blood, urine, prostate juice, sperm may be needed. The resulting material is examined using light or fluorescent microscopy, bacteriological culture, seroreactions or PCR.

Treatment of red spots on the head penis depends, first of all, on what reason they are provoked. If an unfavorable symptom is provoked by an infectious process, in particular a non-specific bacterial or sexual infection, the patient is prescribed antibiotics.

This is necessary for a rash caused by urea and mycoplasma infection, chlamydia, activation of nonspecific bacterial flora.

Enzyme preparations are prescribed to increase the effectiveness of antibiotics.

Red spots with gardnerellosis accompanied by the formation of a grayish-white plaque with an unpleasant smell of fish, itching and soreness of the mucosa.

Treatment in this case involves the use of systemic and external antibacterial agents. These are tablets, local applications, washing with antiseptic solutions, treatment with creams and ointments. It is important that the sexual partner also undergoes treatment at the same time.

Since it is the dysbiosis of the vagina that is the cause of the excessive reproduction of gardnerella and their transmission to a man during sex.

With genital herpes, the patient needs the appointment of antiviral agents - external and systemic action.

With thrush, topical application of antimycotic agents in the form of creams or ointments is prescribed. Sometimes it is necessary to take systemic antifungal drugs (fluconazole and its derivatives).

How to anoint red spots on the head?

For the relief of inflammatory processes, itching, soreness, burning, removing redness and local edema, patients are prescribed the use of local creams, gels, ointments, sprays. They have an external anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, wound healing, antipruritic and antihistamine effect.

With poor hygiene, the treatment of red spots on the head is, first of all, in establishing its normal level. This is the regular adoption of water procedures, the frequent change of underwear, a high culture of sexual life.

Along with hygiene measures, local treatments of the genital mucosa are carried out with anti-inflammatory and antiseptic solutions, creams.

With allergies, red spots are treated with the appointment of antihistamines (2,3 and 4 generations) - suprastin, astemizole, diazolin, loratadine, etc. Therapy may include topical application of antiallergic ointments (glucocorticoid, sinaflan).

Along with therapeutic measures, it is imperative to exclude contact with a causally significant allergen and stop further sensitization of the body.

In chronic balanoposthitis, prolonged tissue inflammation can lead to narrowing of the foreskin. In this case, the treatment may consist in surgical intervention - in its circumcision.

Most often, such a way out has to be resorted to when the etiology of the disease is not clear and it is impossible to choose an effective tactic for its treatment.

Often, such phenomena are observed in violations of local tissue immunity.

Along with etiotropic therapy, patients are prescribed drugs that stimulate the mobilization of protective forces and increase the nonspecific resistance of the body. These are immunomodulators, adaptogens, biostimulants. Against the background of taking antibiotics, hepaprotectors are prescribed, which protect the liver from intoxication, and probiotics, which prevent the development of intestinal dysbacteriosis.

If red spots appear on the head of the penis, contact the competent venereologists of our medical center.

The formation of red dots on the head of the male organ is an unpleasant symptom that indicates the onset of the disease in a man. As a rule, such symptoms cause panic and anxiety in men. However, do not panic ahead of time, sometimes redness and dots on the genitals can occur due to the most common irritation.

However, it is important not to lose sight of the problem and still be examined by a specialist. Infections of the genitourinary system are dangerous because they can spread inflammation to all organs and disrupt the work of many important organs, while delivering a lot of discomfort to a man.

Causes of red dots on the head

Before a specific treatment can be determined, an accurate diagnosis must be made. Red dots on the head of the penis are a symptom of many diseases, varying in degree of damage. As a rule, it is impossible to understand on your own what the cause of redness is, for this it is necessary to take tests and conduct a series of laboratory tests. That is why it is important to consult a urologist.

All possible causes of the appearance of red dots are divided into infectious and non-infectious. The first option is the most dangerous, since the presence of infection indicates inflammation of the organs of the genitourinary system. In addition, some infections can cause serious harm to men's health. In the second option, the problem, as a rule, can be easily solved even at home.

Non-infectious causes of redness

A common non-infectious cause of the formation of red dots on the glans penis of a man, if the symptom appears without itching, is considered to be a weakening of the body's immune defenses. In the body of every man in a small amount there are viruses and bacteria.

As soon as the body experiences difficulties, stressful situations, lack of sleep, constant fatigue, immunity begins to decline, protection from harmful microorganisms weakens. At this time, fungi are especially activated. Often in difficult life periods, men suffer from thrush, the main symptom of which is small red dots on the head. Sometimes the disease is accompanied by itching and burning.

Also, the reason that red dots appeared on the head may be the most common non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. As a rule, this happens to men who rarely freshen their underwear and neglect to wash their intimate areas. If a man does not wash for a long time, bacteria begin to multiply on the mucous membrane of his penis, which causes skin irritation, which is expressed in redness.

Intimate hygiene should be observed and specialized products should be used for this, ordinary soap can cause irritation in less protected areas of the skin.

Particular attention should be paid not only to personal hygiene products, but also to intimate gels, lubricants, creams and condoms. These products today are presented unusually widely, and low-quality goods are very common. Therefore, it is very important to use hypoallergenic products and high quality substances. Lubricants are better to choose water-based, they are less irritable.

Underwear should also be of high quality, preferably the use of natural fabrics. You should not choose panties that are too tight, wearing them may cause scuffs and, accordingly, irritation and redness on the skin.

Infectious causes of redness


Sometimes diseases, including thrush, appear in the body not due to a decrease in immunity, but due to unprotected sexual intercourse. In this case, in addition to red dots on the glans penis, a man also has itching. Moreover, the symptoms are supplemented by a curd-like discharge, burning, and the presence of a sour smell. This situation signals the need for an early visit to the doctor, since the fungus is a rather dangerous infection and it is not recommended to delay its treatment.


Another cause of skin irritation is psoriasis. This is a very serious ailment, which is accompanied by rashes on the head in the form of red dots, which are outlined by clear boundaries, as well as itching. A distinctive feature of this infection is that over time, the red spots dry out and may even crumble.

Similar formations can spread not only on the genitals, but throughout the body. Psoriasis comes from severe skin infections, so the treatment of red dots is directly related to the treatment of dermatitis. In this case, in addition to the urologist, it is advisable to contact a dermatologist.


Often the cause of redness becomes genital herpes. This is a very unpleasant infection, which is characterized not only by red spots, but also by the formation of bubbles that gradually burst. The patient experiences severe itching, scratches the bubbles, which leaves traces in the future.

Herpes is a sexually transmitted disease. This infection has a strong effect on the entire body. As a rule, the patient experiences a serious deterioration in the condition. In this case, the infection can spread to other organs. The sooner an appeal to a doctor occurs and treatment is prescribed, the faster the disease will begin to recede and stop multiplying.


Another terrible disease, the symptom of which can be red spots and dots on the head of the male organ, is syphilis. This is a really dangerous infection that can lead to irreversible consequences.

As a rule, syphilis appears on the genitals as one small spot that increases with time. Then the spot becomes an ulcer with dense edges. In no case should the treatment of syphilis be delayed, since the disease can even cause the loss of some organs. It is desirable to treat syphilis in the early stages of development, then it is as fast as possible and manages with minimal losses.

All of these infections are most often spread sexually. Understanding that the infection came from a partner is quite simple, since red dots appear on the head after unprotected sex. Some infections can even be transmitted through oral sex.

What could be the reasons for the appearance of red dots on the head

What is balanitis?

A rash on the head of the penis in a man can occur, including due to such an ailment as balanitis. This disease extends to the head of the penis, as well as to the foreskin. In the latter case, the variant of the disease will be called balanoposthitis. The cause of balanitis is constant irritation on the skin of the genital organs. Such redness can be caused by:

  • Means and preparations containing various chemicals that affect the skin.
  • Fungal infections.
  • The reproduction of bacteria and the resulting diseases.

The characteristic signs of balanitis is a rash on the head of the penis, usually presented in the form of small red dots. In addition, redness may be accompanied by noticeable swelling. A man will experience itching and even pain during intercourse. In more advanced cases, blue erosions and ulcers containing pus appear.

Balanitis requires timely treatment, since complications appear very quickly with it. In addition, even a complete cure for balanitis and balanoposthitis does not guarantee absolute health in the intimate area, often diseases reappear.

In most cases, balanitis occurs in men who do not take care of themselves and neglect intimate hygiene. In such an environment, bacteria actively multiply and provoke the appearance of infection and its spread throughout the body. Of particular importance here is also the general condition of the body of a man. Often a weakened immune system becomes the catalyst for the infection process.

Other causes of redness and rashes on the genitals

A rash on the penis in a man can also appear as a concomitant symptom of other infectious diseases. The most common diseases are:

  • Psoriasis.
  • Ureaplasmosis.
  • Chlamydia.
  • Mycoplasmosis.
  • Infection caused by the human papillomavirus.
  • Trichomoniasis.

As a rule, men often get venereal diseases due to the fact that they lead a promiscuous sex life, have many partners and do not protect themselves. In addition, often the representatives of the stronger half neglect going to the doctor with minor symptoms, believing that everything will go away by itself. Therefore, more serious infections develop in the future.

Treatment of red spots on the head of the penis

Red rashes on the glans penis are easily treated with proper diagnosis. Indeed, choosing an effective therapy, knowing which infection caused the irritation, is quite simple. Any experienced doctor will be able to choose exactly those drugs that are suitable for a particular patient.

It is important to understand that reluctance to go to the doctor and undergo an examination will only worsen the situation. Infections of the genitourinary system are complex and dangerous in that it is impossible to determine them without testing. Therefore, it is simply impossible to get rid of redness on your own. Improper treatment can only accelerate the development of the infection.

In a situation where the doctor has found out that the cause of red spots on the reproductive organ is the usual decrease in the immune defense of the male body, basically the specialist prescribes special immunomodulatory drugs. If the reason lies elsewhere, then you should slightly adjust your behavior, start monitoring your body and follow the rules for caring for the intimate area. You can also change underwear, or pick up other means for intimate hygiene.

In the presence of an infection, it is necessary to take antibacterial drugs that will help eliminate the causative agent of the disease. The duration and treatment regimen in this case is determined only by the doctor. Therapy may additionally also include means to increase immune protection. Sometimes antibacterial drugs are used in the form of tablets, sometimes in the form of ointments and creams.

As a rule, drug treatment gives quick results, after a couple of weeks a man will be able to return to normal life, including sexual life. The exception is syphilis, which takes at least a month to heal. Moreover, at the end of treatment, the patient needs to undergo additional examinations over the following years in order to prevent recurrence of the disease.

How to treat red spots on the head of the penis

Prevention of the appearance of redness on the penis

Of course, it is simply impossible to protect yourself from absolutely all infections. However, some preventive measures still help to protect yourself from certain diseases. Any self-care man who is concerned about his health must observe the following rules:

  • Follow the rules for the care of the intimate area, use specialized care products for the genitals.
  • Do not share towels and other hygiene items with other people.
  • Have a permanent sexual partner, refuse casual sexual contacts, use contraceptives at every contact.
  • If you find any symptoms on the genitals that were not there before, you should immediately consult a doctor and inform your sexual partner about the problem so that he can also be examined.
  • Try to strengthen the immune system, drink vitamins, use folk recipes to strengthen the body's immune defenses.
  • Eat a balanced diet, include in the diet as many vegetables and fruits as possible, as well as foods containing fiber.
  • During therapy, it is advisable to refuse sexual relations, or use condoms.

These rules do not contain anything complicated and are feasible for every man. It is important to monitor your health in order to continue to feel like a real strong man.

The appearance of red spots and dots on the head of the male member, which do not itch, do not hurt and do not bring any discomfort, should push the man to visit a specialist. Small red dots on the head can indicate both mechanical damage to the delicate skin of the penis, and the presence of some pathologies, which are very dangerous for the health of both the man himself and his sexual partner.

In order to prescribe a competent treatment, a specialist needs to identify the main cause of the appearance of spots on the head, having studied all the patient's complaints. A man can help the doctor in diagnosing a particular disease on his own. To do this, you need to listen to your own feelings, study all the additional symptoms and answer the following questions:

  • Then there were red spots on the head of the penis? (As a rule, the onset of symptoms is preceded by sexual intercourse, a change in diet, exposure to open water, the use of new cosmetics and lubricants).
  • Have any general signs of disease appeared along with the spots on the penis? (fever, discharge from the urethra, red dots appeared on other parts of the body, does it itch, etc.).
  • Are there any signs of urinary tract disease, such as problems with urination, pain in the lower abdomen?
  • Is there any dynamics in the appearance of spots or one spot on the head in men (periodic appearance, increase in the number or size of dots).

Before a man seeks the help of a specialist, he needs to have an idea of ​​​​what exactly he may face. To do this, you need to study all the possible reasons in detail. Experts conditionally divide the causes of red spots on the head into infectious and non-infectious.

Non-infectious causes of spots and red dots on the head of the penis do not pose a particular danger to the health of a man. Proper diagnosis and treatment, as well as the elimination of predisposing factors, will help relieve a man from this symptom.

It is worth noting that the spots that are caused by non-infectious causes do not pose a threat to the male sexual partner.

Among the most common causes of spots on the penis are:

  • various damage to the head of the penis;
  • allergic reactions;
  • non-compliance with personal hygiene standards;
  • precancerous conditions;
  • immune, autoimmune and other pathologies.

Injury to the head of the penis

On the head of the penis, a lot of blood vessels and small capillaries are concentrated. If red spots appear on the head of the penis, which are not accompanied by itching, it can be assumed that the vessels are overflowing with blood, as well as small capillary ruptures and hemorrhages. This can lead to intense impact on the head, for example, during violent sex, including oral. Such spots normally disappear on their own within 8-24 hours, sometimes accompanied by minor discomfort and do not entail negative consequences.

Also, microtrauma can be caused by a disease such as phimosis. It should be noted that this pathology is rare in older men, however, cases of phimosis are also known in this group of patients. Phimosis develops due to the physiological structure of the penis, when the foreskin is so narrowed that the man is not able to expose the head.

In addition, trauma to the head can occur due to exposure to hard materials. So, with a long ride on a bicycle or in the saddle, the head rubs against the material. Another example is wearing jeans and trousers made of thick fabric without underwear.

Thermal or chemical damage to the head occurs when chemicals, too hot water, melted wax, etc., get on it.

Symptoms of damage to the glans penis are:

  • red spots on the head and foreskin;
  • slight inflammation of the spots;
  • touch discomfort.

Important: if the red dots on the penis do not go away a day after the damage or are accompanied by itching, fever and general malaise, then a visit to a specialist is required!

Allergic reaction

Red spots on the head may be a manifestation of an allergic reaction, which is classified as allergic dermatitis. Dermatitis can develop both from a local effect on the head, and from the ingestion of an allergen into the body with food or while taking medications.

Important: an allergy to a particular substance can be acquired. If earlier a man did not experience allergic reactions, then this does not mean at all that over time the body will not respond to a possible allergen.

The cause of the development of allergies, the manifestation of which are red dots on the head of the penis, may be:

  • vaginal and anal lubricants;
  • cosmetic preparations;
  • shower gels;
  • soap;
  • powder that is used to wash underwear;
  • synthetic fibers;
  • latex (latex condoms);
  • foods used for food (especially exotic);
  • drugs for oral and topical use.

Additional symptoms of an allergic reaction include:

  • itching, which does not always occur;
  • the appearance of spots on other parts of the body.

If the effect of the allergen on the genitals is not eliminated, swelling of the penis, eczema may form.

Other factors

  1. Failure to comply with hygiene standards.

The most common cause of red spots on the head of the penis is a banal non-compliance with hygiene standards. In men who neglect hygiene, it is often possible to find rashes on the genitals. This is due to exposure to various kinds of bacteria that multiply rapidly in the absence of regular hygiene procedures.

  1. non-communicable diseases.

The appearance of red spots without itching may be the result of diabetes, reduced immunity, stress. Also, a symptom may indicate a lack of vitamins, trace elements and anemia in the body.

Red spots on the penis with no itching may appear with a disease such as erythroplakia. Pathology is characterized by thinning of the upper layer of the epidermis and the appearance of red, bleeding spots on the head.

A swollen red spot on the head or foreskin can indicate precancerous pathologies or the cancer itself. Also, often such a speck or the area around it peels off. This condition does not have additional manifestations, therefore, if a symptom appears, an urgent consultation with a doctor is necessary.

infectious causes

Infectious causes are diseases that are usually transmitted through sexual contact. Such pathologies can be caused by various pathogens, namely fungi, bacteria and viruses.

All STDs must be treated to avoid serious complications and dangerous consequences. The lack of necessary therapy leads to the spread of infections throughout the body, sepsis and even death.

Below are the most common diseases, one of the symptoms of which are rashes and spots on the head of the penis.

What is a thrush?

A fungal disease that is transmitted during sexual contact by an infected woman, and can also be the result of a decrease in immunity. The main symptoms of the disease are the presence of one or more red spots on the head, curdled discharge from the urethra, which accumulate under the foreskin, and a whitish coating on the head.

In addition to the fact that with thrush, red spots appear on the head of the penis, the disease is accompanied by a sour smell from the penis and sometimes itching.

If you suspect candidiasis, a man should contact a specialist for additional examinations. Treatment of thrush should be carried out by both a man and his partner, and during therapy they are strongly recommended to refrain from sexual intercourse.

Chlamydia disease

A disease that is transmitted from an infected sexual partner. Red spots on the head of the penis begin to appear 10-30 days after infection and are the result of irritation of purulent discharge from the urethra.

In addition to red dots on the head of the male organ and purulent discharge, chlamydia is accompanied by pain in the lumbar region, scrotum and perineum. As a rule, red dots on the head do not hurt, and there is no itching.


Spots on the head of the penis with trichomoniasis are also the result of irritation of the mucosa. The main signs of pathology are mucous / mucopurulent discharge from the urethra, painful urination, the head of the penis is slightly swollen.

Most often, pathology in men is asymptomatic. However, if the symptoms are pronounced, then it begins to disturb the patient 4-20 days after sexual contact with an infected partner.

What is syphilis?

One of the most dangerous sexually transmitted diseases with an incubation period of 3 to 7 weeks. The first symptom of syphilis in men is the appearance of a red spot on the head of the penis (at the very beginning it resembles a small pimple), which will soon turn into a round hard ulcer. Such an ulcer is painless, does not itch (it can occasionally itch), but after a while it has a negative effect on the inguinal lymph nodes, which is manifested by their significant increase and compaction. These symptoms characterize the first stage of the disease, when adequate treatment helps to get rid of the disease.

Further, after 2-3 months, in the absence of therapy, syphilis flows into the second stage. Signs of complications are the appearance of ulcers and spots all over the body, similar to those on the head of the penis, as well as fever, an increase in all lymph nodes and excruciating headaches. Sometimes the disease provokes hair loss, the formation of large warts on the penis and near the anus. A man experiences pain when urinating, discharge from the urethra appears.

Diagnostic methods

Only a specialist can identify the cause of the appearance of red spots on the head of the penis without itching. A man who has this symptom should seek the advice of a venereologist or urologist, who, after an initial examination and history taking, will determine diagnostic measures.

The most commonly used clinical tests are:

  • allergy tests;
  • blood test for STDs;
  • clinical studies of urine;
  • bacterial culture of a smear from the urethra;
  • PCR diagnostics.

According to individual indicators, ultrasound of the prostate gland, biopsy and cytological examination of discharge from the urethra can be performed.

Treatment Methods

After determining the cause that caused the appearance of red dots on the glans penis, the specialist will develop an individual treatment strategy for the patient.

In case of mechanical damage to the head, it is recommended to exclude a traumatic external factor. If a man has phimosis, treatment is carried out by an operative method. If an allergy is detected, a man is recommended to exclude contact with the allergen and undergo a course of treatment with antihistamine drugs.

Infectious diseases are treated with medication, depending on the type of pathogenic flora that caused the pathology. So, antibiotics, antifungal and antiviral drugs are widely used. In addition, with concomitant additional symptoms, symptomatic treatment is carried out, which includes antipruritic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Important: the treatment of infections transmitted through intimacy should be carried out by both partners at the same time.

Red spots on the head of the penis is not always a harmless symptom. It should be understood that this symptom may indicate serious infectious diseases that, if left untreated, can harm not only the patient's body, but also cause the development of the disease in a sexual partner. Do not engage in self-diagnosis and self-treatment. Trust your health

Red spots and a small rash on the head of the penis can be the main symptoms of many diseases. Often such rashes are the only thing that worries a man.

The most common cause is balanitis (inflammation of the head of the penis). Less often - dermatological diseases, allergic reactions, oncology.

Table 1 - Main causes of symptoms
Bacterial infection (nonspecific balanoposthitis)Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, Gardnerella vaginalis
protozoal infectionTrichomoniasis
VirusesPapillomaviruses, genital herpes
Benign dermatosesPlasmacytic balanitis
Circinary balanitis
Lichen planus
Precancerous conditionsBowenoid papulosis
Erythroplasia of Queira
penis cancer
Taking a number of drugs (salicylates, warfarin, etc.)
mechanical injury
Allergic balanitis

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    1. Candidiasis

    Infection of a man with fungi of the genus Candida usually occurs during unprotected intercourse with a woman who is suffering. The disease develops over several days and is accompanied by reddening of the head of the penis, the appearance of small red dots or, conversely, red spots with a whitish coating, itching (optional), dryness and peeling.

    A man may be disturbed by swelling of the head, difficulty and pain when retracting the foreskin, discomfort during sex, and pain during urination. well treated with local antifungal drugs (ointments and creams based on clotrimazole, miconazole).

    In addition, daily hygiene of the genitals, change of underwear, refraining from sex for the period of treatment are recommended. With persistent infection, frequent relapses, it is necessary to exclude diabetes mellitus (glucose profile, glucose tolerance test, determination of the level of glycated hemoglobin), immunodeficiencies, and.

    2. Genital herpes

    It is a viral infection transmitted from an infected person during unprotected sex and is most common among young men 14-49 years of age. Infection often occurs from a virus carrier who does not have any symptoms. The first signs may appear a few weeks after infection and include fever, general weakness, decreased vitality.

    First, red spots appear on the head, on which, after a few hours, bubble rashes appear, filled with a clear liquid. At the time of their appearance, a man may feel soreness and burning, they often itch.

    The bubbles burst and turn into superficial erosions (similar to herpes on the lips). They are covered with a crust and gradually heal. Therapy includes the appointment of antiviral drugs: acyclovir, valaciclovir or famciclovir.

    3. Papillomas and warts

    Papillomas and genital warts are benign neoplasms that occur. It is transmitted during sex (oral, vaginal, anal). The maximum incidence is recorded at the age of 15-25 among sexually active persons.

    The first signs of the disease appear several weeks or months after infection. Papillomas are pink dome-shaped protrusions of the skin. Neoplasms may be flesh, red or brown. Genital warts with their growths resemble cauliflower.

    Formations can occur on the shaft of the penis, foreskin, scrotum, skin of the perineum and around the anus. In most cases, their appearance is not accompanied by any symptoms, less often a man may be bothered by itching, discomfort.

    The treatment is complex and includes the removal of neoplasms with the help of local preparations or surgical micro-operation and systemic immunotherapy (Panavir, Interferon-alpha).

    Rice. 1 - Multiple genital warts of the glans penis

    4. Contact dermatitis

    The appearance of red dots on the head may be a sign of contact dermatitis (simple or allergic). An allergy can develop to almost any known chemical.

    Most often, the reaction occurs on spermicides (components in the composition of contraceptives), lubricants, washing powders, men's shower gels, soap. Contact dermatitis can also develop when wearing tight, synthetic underwear, after violent or prolonged sex (especially when the partner's vulva and vagina are dry).

    In addition to redness, a small rash, a man is concerned about moderate soreness, dry skin and swelling. The described symptoms disappear when contact with the allergen is limited, sexual rest is prescribed, and reparative ointments (Dexpanthenol, Bepanten) are prescribed. Allergic reactions are quickly stopped by ointments with glucocorticoids (Advantan, Elocom, etc.)

    5. Plasmacytic (Zoon) balanitis

    Rice. 2 - Zoon-balanitis

    Benign non-venereal disease of the penis, which is characterized by the appearance of a single red-orange, well-demarcated plaque on its head. Most often it develops in middle-aged and elderly men who have not passed through.

    The exact cause of the pathology has not been established, however, phimosis, constant irritation and mechanical damage to the skin are recognized as the main predisposing factors.

    In addition to a plaque, a man may not be disturbed by anything, less often there are pains and burning sensations when urinating. Circumcision eliminates manifestations, and local ointments based on glucocorticosteroids, 5% imiquimod are also used in the treatment.

    6. Circinary balanitis

    It occurs in 12-70% of men with () and is characterized by the appearance of well-demarcated, moist, red spots with an uneven contour on the head of the penis.

    In circumcised patients, the eruption has a dry, scaly surface and may mimic psoriasis lesions. Most often, the skin around the external opening of the urethra is involved in the pathological process.

    Rice. 3 - Circinary balanitis

    7. Psoriasis

    Psoriasis is a chronic disease. Lesions appear as well-demarcated areas of bright red with scales of exfoliated skin.

    The process can involve both individual parts of the penis and the entire skin of the perineum. The diagnosis is usually established after examination by a dermatologist (typical signs are the psoriatic triad, the localization of plaques, the progressive nature of the course of the disease).

    The treatment is combined, long-term, includes mandatory correction of lifestyle and nutrition, topical application of glucocorticoids, salicylates, ultraviolet irradiation and other methods.

    Rice. 4 - Psoriatic eruptions on the penis

    8. Lichen planus

    In about 25% of patients, the skin of the penis may also be involved in the process. The head is affected most often: pale pink or purple-pink papules with a flat surface and shine are determined on it.

    They tend to merge and form round or annular plaques. Scales are visible on their surface; when treated with vegetable oil, dots and stripes appear (Wickham's symptom).

    Usually, rashes are also found on other parts of the body: the trunk, arms, forearms, shins, and in the oral cavity. In rare cases, they ulcerate.

    The diagnosis is based on the examination data; if the diagnosis is in doubt, a biopsy of the papules is performed.

    Rice. 5 - Lichen planus

    9. Taking medications

    The appearance of red dots, spots on the head may be associated with the constant use of antibiotics (especially tetracycline, sulfonamides), salicylates, Phenacetin, Co-trimoxazole and some other drugs.

    The rashes are clearly defined, round or oval in shape and bright red in color, a bubble with liquid may form in the center of the spot.

    In most cases, discontinuation of the drug leads to a gradual resolution of the rash. Sometimes the appointment of glucocorticoid ointments is required. Healing is accompanied by the formation of age spots.

    10. Precancerous conditions

    10.1. Bowenoid papulosis

    The disease develops against the background of infection. Rashes in the form of papules, multiple, small, appear on the head and foreskin and gradually merge into one large, flat plaque, their color is red-brown or gray-brown. Bowenoid papulosis can transform into cancer.

    The main method of treatment is surgical excision / cauterization of the affected areas (CO2 laser, cryodestruction).

    10.2. Erythroplasia of Queira

    Malignant tumor of the head of the penis in situ (non-invasive tumor). The foreskin may also be involved in the pathological process (single or multiple neoplasms of red color, with clear edges, are determined on the skin).

    The disease affects men who have not undergone circumcision. Over time, the tumor may grow deep into the tissues. The main treatment is surgical excision. Also, the patient is recommended to perform circumcision.

    11. Squamous cell skin cancer of the penis

    This form accounts for 95% of all malignant tumors of the penis. The peak incidence is 40-50 years. Risk factors - phimosis, balanitis obliterans and other precancerous conditions, frequent change of sexual partners, infection.

    Squamous cell carcinoma is almost never found in men after circumcision. Red compacted areas with fuzzy contours may appear on the skin of the head, in some cases the tumor protrudes significantly above the skin.

    The germination of the tumor is accompanied by its superficial ulceration, bleeding. Examination and treatment are prescribed by an oncologist. The treatment regimen depends on the stage of the tumor and may include surgical excision, radiation, chemotherapy, or laser removal of the tumor.

    Rice. 6 - Squamous cell carcinoma of the head of the penis

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