Actual problems of maintaining and strengthening the health of the adult population. V modern problems of prevention


Prevention is a set of measures aimed at ensuring high level people's health, their creative longevity, elimination of the causes of diseases, incl. improvement of working conditions, life and rest of the population, protection environment.

Prevention levels: primary, 2nd, 3-ton. The main tasks of gig education of the population: I. introduction of the mass of honey and gig knowledge; 2. instilling health skills in the population. 3. education in people of a sense of responsibility for personal and public health. 4. attraction of the population to active participation in the gig education of the population. 5. Promoting a healthy lifestyle as a factor in the health of the population. The main goals of gig education of the population: I. raising the level of dignity of the culture of the population. 2. Preservation and strengthening of health, increase in working capacity, longevity, education healthy family. P doing work up to gig nurturing takes part: the staff of medical institutions is a direct official duty.

Primary prevention: Primary P. - a system of social, medical, hygienic and educational measures aimed at preventing diseases by eliminating the causes and conditions for their occurrence and development, as well as increasing the body's resistance to exposure adverse factors the surrounding natural, industrial and domestic environment. Unlike secondary P., aimed at early detection diseases, prevention of relapses, progression of the disease process and its possible complications, the goal of primary P. is to maintain health, prevent exposure harmful factors natural and social environment capable of causing pathological changes in the body. Secondary: maintaining health healthy, effective secondary P. of non-communicable diseases also includes measures of primary P. This provision once again indicates the unity of preventive activities in the field of health protection, and in this regard, despite the difference in initial goals, primary and secondary P. can be considered as two stages of a single preventive process designed to ensure a high level of public and individual health, as well as the implementation of the main economic function of health care - the preservation and enhancement of labor resources society based on the prevention of morbidity and disability. This staging is quite clearly expressed in terms of the goals and orientation of each of the mentioned forms of preventive activity in relation to the preservation of labor resources: primary P.'s measures are intended to prevent morbidity, secondary P. is aimed at preventing disability and the development of severe forms of the disease, in which the ability to work is either lost or is significantly limited. Tertiary prevention: prevention of recurrence of the disease, reduction of MTD, increase in life expectancy, prevention of disease aggravation.

Individual and public prevention. Individual P. includes measures to prevent diseases, preserve and promote health, which are carried out by the person himself, and practically come down to compliance with the norms healthy lifestyle life, to personal hygiene, hygiene of marriage and family relations hygiene of clothes, shoes, rational litany and drinking regime, hygienic education of the younger generation (Baby , toddler age, preschool age, School age, Adolescence). rational regime of work and rest, active occupation physical culture(Healing, Charging, Sports, Physical culture), etc.

Public law includes a system of social, economic, and legislative systems. educational, sanitary-technical, sanitary-hygienic, anti-epidemic medical events systematically carried out by state institutions and public organizations in order to ensure the comprehensive development of the physical and spiritual forces of citizens, the elimination of factors that adversely affect the health of the population. Public P.'s measures are aimed at ensuring a high level of public health, eradicating the causes of diseases, creating optimal conditions collective life, including working conditions, recreation, material support, housing and living conditions, expanding the range of food and goods consumer goods, as well as the development of health care, education and culture, physical culture. The effectiveness of public health measures largely depends on the conscious attitude of citizens to the protection of their own health and the health of others, on the active participation of the population in the implementation of preventive measures It depends on how fully each citizen uses the opportunities given to him by society to strengthen and maintain health.

The practical implementation of social P. requires legislative measures, constant and significant material costs, as well as joint action all levels of the state apparatus, medical institutions, enterprises of industry, construction, transport, agro-industrial complex, etc.

Objectives: 1. organizing and conducting evidence-based activities for vocational education (education, population, knowledge 2. analysis of cause-and-effect relationships m / y with the health of the population, its life expectancy and san culture, the level of medical care, the environmental situation. 3. implementing information support 4. Organization, control and analysis of the activities of departments, medical prevention rooms of health care facilities 5. Provision of con-health and rehabilitation activities on the issues of maintaining and strengthening the health of the population.


Lifestyle - the leading generalized factor that determines the main trends in changes in health, is considered as a type of active human life. The structure of the lifestyle with its medical and social characteristics includes: 1) labor activity and working conditions; 2) household activities (type of dwelling, living space, living conditions, time spent on household activities, etc.); 3) recreational activities aimed at restoring physical strength and interaction with the environment; 4) socio-leadership activities in the family (care for children, elderly relatives); 5) family planning and relationships between family members; 6) formation of behavioral characteristics and socio-psychological status; 7) medical and social activity (attitude towards health, medicine, attitude towards a healthy lifestyle). Lifestyle is associated with such concepts as standard of living (the structure of income per person), quality of life (measured parameters characterizing the degree of material security of a person), lifestyle (psychological individual characteristics behavior), way of life (national-social order of life, way of life, culture).

P promotion of healthy lifestyles and gig education of the population

Organization of propaganda.

Healthy lifestyle promotion methods n gig of education of the population: combined, visual method of propaganda, method of oral propaganda (method of the heard word), method of printed propaganda (method of the visible word), pictorial method. Means of oral propaganda method(lecture, conversation, evening of questions and answers, radio). Means of the printed propaganda method: (book, brochure, memo, leaflet, slogan, dignity bulletin, magazine articles, satire window). Means of visual method: natural objects. planar means, volumetric means. Flat means of the visual method of propaganda: diagrams, tables, photos, slides, posters. To the voluminous means of the visual method of propaganda: model, dummy, model. Types of posters: propaganda (minimum text, maximum drawings), propaganda (vice versa) Means of the combined method of propag Key words: television, film, theatre, stage, exhibition. The work on promoting a healthy lifestyle and gigantic education of the population in a medical institution is carried out by head of the medical institution.

137. Prevention as one of priority areas public health protection. Issues of prevention in legislative documents.

138. The purpose and objectives of prevention. Levels and types of prevention. stages of prevention. Criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of prevention.

139. Risk factors and "anti-risk", definition of risk factors. Classification of risk factors and their practical significance.

140. Prevention strategies. Preventive screening of the population: definition, purpose, types.

141. Lifestyle, influence of lifestyle on individual and public health. Healthy lifestyle.

Box 6. Critical non-infectious and infectious diseases

as a medical and social problem.

142. Diseases of the circulatory system as a medical and social problem in the Russian Federation and abroad. Primary and general morbidity, mortality, age-sex and regional characteristics: level, dynamics, structure. Temporary incapacity for work, disability.

143. Risk factors for circulatory system diseases, population prevention strategy and high risk strategy.

144. Organization medical care in diseases of the circulatory system. Rehabilitation of patients.

145. Malignant neoplasms as a medical and social problem in the Russian Federation and abroad. Primary morbidity and prevalence, mortality, age-sex regional features: level, dynamics, structure.

146. Risk factors malignant neoplasms and their prevention. Improving the fight against oncological diseases(epidemiological studies).

147. Cancer registry. Group medical examination increased risk and cancer patients.

148. Tuberculosis as a medical and social problem: morbidity, disability, mortality.

149. Reasons for the growth of tuberculosis in the Russian Federation, the impact of socio-economic factors on the incidence. Regional features of the prevalence of tuberculosis.

150. System of measures to combat tuberculosis. Tuberculosis dispensary, its functions.

151. Prevention of tuberculosis. WHO program and federal program for the fight against tuberculosis in Russia.

152. Neuropsychiatric diseases as a medical and social problem. Primary morbidity and prevalence, mortality, age and sex characteristics: level, dynamics and structure.

153. Alcoholism, drug addiction and substance abuse as a medical and social problem. Distribution dynamics, age and sex characteristics, medical and social consequences. Organization of the fight against alcoholism, drug addiction and substance abuse in the Russian Federation.

154. Injuries as a medical and social problem, types of injuries. Level, structure and dynamics of traumatism.

155. Temporary disability, disability and mortality due to injuries and poisoning. Injury prevention.

156. Organization of trauma care in the Russian Federation. Work injury investigation.

157. Children's injuries: types, level, structure, dynamics and age-sex features. Prevention of child injury.

Block 7. Fundamentals of planning, marketing, management, economics

And health care financing

158. Health care planning: basic planning methods, tasks, types of plans.

159. Fundamentals of marketing in health care. Marketing research. Business plan.

160. Health economics: definition, goals, objectives. Types of health care efficiency.

161. Methods economic analysis activities of health care facilities, methods for assessing the economic efficiency of health care.

162. Financing of health care in the conditions of budget-insurance medicine. Sources of financing. Use of public funds.

163. Health care financing under health insurance. The role of the Federal and territorial funds of compulsory medical insurance.

164. Budget and estimates of health facilities.

165. Paid medical services. Pricing in healthcare and types of prices for medical services.

166. Management (management) in health care: goals, principles and mechanisms of management.

167. Standardization in health care. Types of standards.

Block 8. Health care in foreign countries.

1. Prevention as one of the priority areas of public health protection. The health of the population is due to the complex influence of factors that determine the way of life of a h / ka and the state of its habitat - the atmosphere. air, soil water, the level of well-being of society, etc. Factors that are potentially dangerous to h / ka health and contribute to the occurrence of diseases are called risk factors (Socio-economic; Social-hygienic; Social-biological; Ecological- hygienic; Medical-organizational). Revealing a fact. risk and profile of chronic diseases contributes to maintaining health and improving the quality of life of the population. Taking this into account, the most important task of state authorities is to develop a set of measures aimed at correcting and eliminating risk factors for their occurrence. Medical prof-ka-complex of prof-x measures, implemented through the s / o system. individuals; State-covers large groups of the population; Collective - with groups of individuals with similar risk factors and Family. Primary a professional complex of medical and non-medical measures aimed at preventing the appearance of those or other diseases and deviations in the state of health. (reducing the influence of harmful environmental factors on org / m h / ka; forming. healthy lifestyle, prevention of occupational diseases, accidents, and deaths at working age, immunoprofessional testing. Secondary- a complex of medical, social, sanitary hygienic, psychologist and other measures aimed at early detection of obstructions, as well as preventing their exacerbations, complications and chronicity (target sanitary hygiene education of patients and members of their families with knowledge and skills related to a specific disease; conducting medical examinations in order to identify diseases on early stages development; conducting courses of professional treatment). Tertiary (rehabilitation) - a complex of medical, psychologist, teacher, social measures aimed at restoring impaired physiology, social functions of org / ma, quality of life and working capacity of patients and disabled people. This is achieved by developing a network of centers for restorative medicine and rehabilitation, as well as sanatorium-resort institutions.

V. Improving the health of the population. Modern problems of prevention.

2. Lifestyle. One of the most important components of primary prevention is the formation of a healthy lifestyle (HLS), which includes favorable living conditions for a person, the level of his culture and hygiene skills, which allow maintaining and strengthening health, maintaining an optimal quality of life. The most important areas for the formation of a healthy lifestyle are: - propaganda factors contributing to the preservation of health: personal hygiene, occupational hygiene, rest, nutrition, physical education, sexual hygiene, medical social activity, environmental hygiene, etc. - promotion of measures to prevent factors that adversely affect health: excessive consumption food with insufficient physical activity, alcohol abuse, drug use, tobacco smoking, observance of certain ethnic rituals and habits, etc. her4 tt t g nipper mpm

Modern problems of prevention. The health of the population is due to the complex influence of factors that determine the way of life of a person and the state of his environment - atmospheric air, water, soil, the level of well-being of society, etc. Some factors positively affect the state of health of the population, others have a negative impact. Factors potentially dangerous to human health and contributing to the occurrence of diseases are called risk factors. Risk factors are potentially health-threatening factors that increase the likelihood of disease, its development and adverse outcome. The most common and manageable risk factors in the adult population are: low physical activity; unbalanced diet (excess consumption table salt, saturated fats, lack of proteins, trace elements, vitamins, etc.); bad habits(smoking, alcohol abuse, drug use, etc.); psychological maladaptation (high psycho-emotional load, fatigue at work, a sense of fear, hostility, social insecurity, etc.). Elimination or mitigation negative impact risk factors for public health is the basis of primary prevention and the formation of a healthy lifestyle. The set of preventive measures implemented through the health care system is called medical prevention. Medical prevention in relation to the population is individual, group and population (mass). Individual prevention is preventive measures with individuals; group - with groups of people with similar risk factors; population - covers large groups of the population (population) or the population as a whole. In addition, a distinction is made between primary, secondary and tertiary prevention, or rehabilitation. Problems of improving the health of the population by significantly reducing the prevalence of social significant diseases, creating conditions and forming motivation for a healthy lifestyle last years are attracting more and more attention at the state level. In this regard, the "Concept of demographic policy Russian Federation for the period up to 2025" provides for the solution of the following tasks: the formation of various groups of the population, especially the younger generation, motivation to lead a healthy lifestyle by raising awareness of citizens through the media about the impact on health negative factors and the possibility of their prevention. Attracting citizens to physical culture, tourism and sports, organizing recreation and leisure, regardless of place of residence, as well as developing mechanisms to support public initiatives aimed at improving the health of the population; development of measures aimed at reducing the amount of alcohol consumed, regulation of the production, sale and consumption of alcoholic products, implementation of preventive programs in educational institutions aimed at preventing alcohol consumption and tobacco products children and teenagers; creation effective system prevention of socially significant diseases, prevention of factors of their development; security barrier-free environment habitats for persons with disabilities, the development of a rehabilitation industry aimed at ensuring maximum socialization of persons with disabilities; introduction of comprehensive health and rehabilitation programs to reduce the time for recovery of health after past illnesses and injuries, development of services provided by sanatorium organizations and health-improving institutions. Thus, a rationally built prevention system gives a high social and economic effect by preventing premature death, morbidity with temporary disability, disability, reducing the cost of paying social benefits, etc. Definition of the concept of "disease prevention", "medical prevention" Medical prevention - type of activity of the health service, mainly primary care, aimed at early detection and reduction of the risk of developing diseases, as well as reducing negative impact on the health of factors of the internal and external environment. Medical prevention is part of a wide range of interdepartmental measures aimed at improving the health of the population and preventing diseases. In medical prevention, a multidisciplinary approach is used to assess and manage the risk of developing diseases within the framework of the health service at the population, group and individual levels. Prevention of diseases (diseases prevention) - measures aimed at preventing diseases: the fight against risk factors, immunization, slowing down the development of the disease and reducing its consequences (WHO, 1999). This is one of the main tasks of the health service. Many areas of preventive activity in practical health care have not been implemented and remain only declared. Under the new financing conditions, medical preventive services are often not paid for in the compulsory health insurance system, which also hinders their implementation in real practice. Types of prevention 3 types of prevention. Primary prevention is a system of measures to prevent the occurrence and impact of risk factors for the development of diseases (vaccination, rational mode work and rest, rational quality nutrition, physical activity, environmental protection, etc.). A number of primary prevention activities can be carried out nationwide. Secondary prevention is a set of measures aimed at eliminating pronounced risk factors that, when certain conditions(stress, weakened immune system, excessive loads to any other functional systems organism) can lead to the onset, exacerbation and recurrence of the disease. Most effective method secondary prevention is medical examination as complex method early detection of diseases, dynamic monitoring, targeted treatment, rational consistent recovery. Some experts propose the term tertiary prevention as a set of measures for the rehabilitation of patients who have lost the opportunity to fully function. Tertiary prevention aims at social (formation of confidence in one's own social suitability), labor (the possibility of restoring work skills), psychological (restoration of behavioral activity) and medical (restoration of the functions of organs and body systems) rehabilitation. PRIMARY PREVENTION - predominantly social The goal is the preservation and development of conditions conducive to improving the health of both the individual and the population as a whole, as well as preventing the adverse effects of conditions and lifestyle on health. Primary prevention is aimed at shaping people's need for a healthy lifestyle. SECONDARY PREVENTION - medical-social and socio-medical Based on the functioning of multi-level screening systems. It is aimed at the earliest possible detection of deviations in human life in order to carry out the appropriate correction. TERTIARY PREVENTION - medical (nosological) Aimed at preventing exacerbations during the course of the disease, transition mild disease(or stages) in more serious disease(or stage).

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More on the topic 84. Modern problems of prevention. Definition of the concept of "disease prevention", "medical prevention". Types (stages) of prevention.:

  1. Prevention, definition, principles, modern problems. Types, levels, directions of prevention.
  2. 13. Steps of medical prevention. Secondary prevention: principles, tools.

Prevention - component medicine, a system of measures to prevent diseases, maintain health, increase life expectancy.

Types of prevention:

a) individual - includes a rational mode and hygienic behavior of a person

b) public - a system of state, public and medical measures to protect public health

For health reasons, there are:

1. Primary prevention - a system of offensive measures aimed at eliminating the conditions and causes that cause the disease. Its tasks: activation of the body's defenses, prevention of the negative effects of risk factors on human health.

2. Secondary prevention - a set of medical measures of a defensive nature, aimed at early detection of diseases, prevention of relapses, progression of the pathological process.

3. Tertiary prevention - an element of secondary, rehabilitation of patients, disabled people who have lost the opportunity to fully live.

Prevention principles:

1) continuity of preventive measures (throughout life, starting in the antenatal period)

2) differentiated nature of preventive measures

3) mass prevention

4) scientific nature of prevention

5) the complexity of preventive measures (participation in the prevention of medical institutions, authorities, public organizations, the population)

Prevention levels:

a) state - legislative measures aimed at improving the financial situation of people, their cultural level

b) public (work collective) - the creation of an optimal microclimate in the team, adequate working conditions.

c) family

d) individual - everyone is responsible for their own health.

Directions of prevention:

1) behavioral

2) sanitary and hygienic

3) functional biological

4) health-improving

Modern problems of prevention:

1) should be aimed not only at protecting health, but mainly at strengthening health, at protecting the health of healthy people. Formula of health - health depends on:

a) lifestyle (50%);

b) the state of the environment (20%);

c) genetic factors (20%);

d) medical measures, medicine (10%)

Sanology is the science of the health of the healthy.

2) active participation of the population in prevention

3) strengthening the public orientation of prevention

Reasons for strengthening prevention at the present stage:

1) the type of pathology changes: from epidemic (infection) to non-epidemic

2) unfavorable course of viral pathology

3) unfavorable trends in the dynamics of demographic processes

4) the physical and neuropsychic health of the population (especially children) is deteriorating.

WHO: "The health of the nation is in the womb of pregnant women"; "Sick parents cannot give birth healthy child"; "Each subsequent generation is more sick than the previous ones."

5) increasing the aggressiveness of the environment

Lifestyle(WHO) - a set of decisions made by a person that affect his health. Lifestyle characterizes life in general, is based on the interaction of living conditions and characteristics of individual behavior, is determined by socio-cultural factors and personal characteristics.

    National prevention programs. Their role in improving the health of the population.

The most optimal form of integrated work is national prevention programs.

A comprehensive national prevention program was adopted by the Council of Ministers, it is based on measures to overcome risk factors and promote a healthy lifestyle. Prevention programs are funded from the health budget.

Programs are divided into: a) territorial b) sectoral

Program requirements:

a) definition of the theme of the program;

b) definition of its ultimate goal;

c) setting the objectives of the program;

d) control over the implementation of the program.

Program structure:

1) Measures for the protection of the environment - health and environment:

2) Production, working conditions and human health;

3) Lifestyle and human health;

4) Improving the quality and efficiency of medical care for the population and improving management.

Currently, 14 prevention programs are being implemented:

1. State Program (GP) of the Republic of Belarus "On Overcoming the Consequences of the Chernobyl Disaster".

2. Presidential program "Children of Belarus" (until 2005)

3. SE "Strengthening the material and technical base of the institutions of the RO RB"

4. SE "Tuberculosis"

5. SE "Prevention of HIV infection"

6. SE "Health of the people"

7. GP on Overcoming Disability and Rehabilitation of the Disabled

8. GP of National Action to Prevent and Combat Drunkenness and Alcoholism

9. GP of Comprehensive Measures to Combat Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking

10. GP on the formation of a healthy lifestyle (HLS).

11. GP demographic security of the Republic of Belarus

12. GP "Diabetes"

13. SE "Cardiology"

14. SE "Oncology"

The role of national prevention programs in promoting public health- national programs allow:

1) approach the solution of prevention problems using not only health resources, but also the resources and capabilities of other departments and ministries

2) organize the interaction of specialists at the international level

3) involve public organizations and the population in general in the program

    Hygienic education and upbringing, definition, basic principles. Methods and means of hygienic training and education.

measures aimed at raising the level of sanitary and hygienic culture of the population in order to preserve and strengthen its health, increase efficiency and life expectancy.

GOV is based on data from medical, psychological, social and economic sciences.

GOV order, 1992:

1) the head doctor of the health facility is responsible for organizing all the work of the GOV

2) each doctor at the reception must carry out professional work

3) 6 hours of material in this area were introduced into biology at school

GOV objects: society as a whole, family, individual.

Goals of the GOV: to create a mindset aimed at protecting health; instill in people the desire for a healthy lifestyle; determine the attitude to everyday behavior.

Basic principles of work on GOV:


Relevance of the topic

Targeting a specific audience

Mass work

Accessibility to the audience.

Methods and means of forming a healthy lifestyle:

1. oral propaganda

a) individual impact - conversations, briefing, consultation, telephone consultation, personal correspondence

b) impact on a group of people - lecture, conversation, group discussion, round table talk, quiz, coursework

2. printed propaganda - brochure, booklet, magazine, bulletin, calendar, leaflet, memo, wall newspaper

3. visual propaganda

a) planar - poster, drawing, diagram, drawing, diagram, photograph, filmstrip, slide

b) three-dimensional - model, model, sculpture, mannequin, natural (macro- and micro)

4. combined - television, radio, cinema, museum, stationary exhibition

Sanitary Bulletin Requirements: a) Whatman sheet b) monotheme c) 2 components: drawing and text; the text is formed so that the patient sees the picture, can and wants to read to the end

Lecture Requirements: a) monotheme b) duration 40-45 minutes c) relevance d) attunement to the audience e) 100% mastery of the material e) be ready to switch to another option of communication with the audience.

    Family planning. Definition. Modern problems. Medical organizations family planning services in the Republic of Belarus.

Family planning- a set of medical and social measures aimed at reducing morbidity, mortality, maintaining the health of the population in order to give birth to healthy and desired children.

Planning principles:

Prevention of unwanted pregnancy in women under 19 years of age and after 35-40 years of age

Compliance with birth intervals of 2.0-2.5 years

Prevention of abortions in women at risk (in 2001, the Republic of Belarus issued a resolution on the list of medical indications for abortion (15 indications) + a list of social indications (10 indications)

Hygiene of sexual education of adolescents

premarital counseling

Widespread introduction of modern methods of contraception into practice in order to improve pregnancy planning

Family planning agencies:

1. Women's consultation

2. Medical genetic consultation

3. Marriage and family counseling

4. Republican Scientific and Practical Center "Mother and Child"

Modern problems of family planning:

1) a decrease in the birth rate to the level of few children (there are more often 1-2 children in a family, which does not ensure simple reproduction of the population)

2) dangerous interruptions of pregnancies (especially the first one), which later lead to infertility, miscarriage, inflammatory processes (after an abortion, complications during pregnancy and childbirth occur 3 times more often), an increase in the frequency of oncology (abortion in women 20-24 years of age doubles the incidence of breast cancer).

3) non-compliance with the proper interval of 2.0-2.5 years between births (children born with an interval between pregnancies of 1 year die 2 times more often than children born with an interval of 2 or more years)

4) early onset of sexual activity (direct relationship between early onset of sexual activity before the age of 19, especially with many partners, and the incidence of cervical cancer).

Planning Service Goals:

Training of medical and paramedical personnel on family planning

Directed hygiene education on family planning

Improving the health status of the population, treating diseases, solving issues and problems

Tasks of the planning service:

Prevention of unwanted pregnancy, treatment of infertility and sexually transmitted diseases

Prevention of early and late labor

Ensuring optimal intervals between births

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