The main reasons for the feeling of hunger after eating and how to deal with it. How to satisfy the feeling of hunger? Causes of constant hunger

Physiological hunger in humans occurs only after 3-4 hours. The desire to snack after a hearty meal means it's time to listen to your body.

If you crave any particular foods, it may mean that you are deficient in a particular micronutrient. For example:

  • pulls to eat something fatty - the body lacks calcium;
  • cravings for salt means lack of chlorine or sodium;
  • if you want to taste sweet - lack of sulfur, phosphorus or chromium.

However, hunger can be generalized.

Before you panic, think about what it could be connected with. If you are on a low-calorie diet, then a constant feeling of hunger after eating is the norm. Other causes of the problem include:

  • state of stress;
  • lack of sleep;
  • lack of fluid in the body;
  • pregnancy;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • excessive consumption of calories due to active sports or mental activity;
  • wrong diet.

The last factor means that the body needs vitamins or other trace elements. Perhaps you are eating the wrong way, leaning on carbohydrates and forgetting about proteins or fruits.

The most serious cause of constant hunger is health problems. Possible diseases:

  • violation of the digestive tract;
  • imbalance of the endocrine system, hormonal failure;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • genetic disorders.

If the feeling of hunger is not associated with the above reasons, it's time to see a doctor.

Feeling hungry after eating: what to do

When you are sure that there are no health problems, you should reconsider your lifestyle and diet. If, while dieting, you constantly want to eat, this method of losing weight is not suitable for you. At the first breakdown, the body will more than make up for the losses. Consult a nutritionist for a diet that works but is not painful.

Eliminate the source of stress, get enough sleep and drink enough water. Failure to comply with these rules causes a false sense of hunger. And be sure to review your diet. Food should be balanced, nutritious and healthy. If you're low on calories, fill them up with protein and slow carbs, not sweets.

There are many reasons for the constant feeling of hunger. And if this is not a symptom of disease, then your body is giving you a signal - you are doing something wrong, it's time to make positive changes in your life.

There are contraindications, consult your doctor.

The feeling of hunger is inherent in all people. Its appearance is associated with an empty stomach and a decrease in the concentration of nutrients in the blood. But if the occurrence of hunger from time to time is a normal phenomenon, then constant hunger gives a person discomfort, threatens health, and in some cases is a symptom of the disease. Consider the most common causes of constant feeling of hunger.

Reason #1. Nutritional deficiency.

Some people go on a low-calorie diet and are surprised that they are constantly hungry. But in this situation, its appearance will be natural, especially in the first 3-4 days after the restriction of the diet. An increase in hunger is a method the body uses to get a person to go in search of food.

What to do? Use a less restrictive weight loss diet. Apply the principle of fractional nutrition. This is necessary to maintain sufficient levels of nutrients in the blood to avoid hunger. Take anorexigenic drugs.

Reason number 2. Diabetes mellitus of the first type.

The initial symptoms of type 1 diabetes are characterized by a triad: polyphagia, polydipsia, polyuria. The first term is a significant increase in food intake. At the same time, a person does not gain weight, but, on the contrary, loses weight.

The feeling of hunger comes from a lack of insulin. Glucose enters the blood but cannot enter the cells. As a result, a person eats, but his tissues do not receive energy, and the body "requires" food again and again.

What to do? Go to the clinic and take a blood test for glucose. When diagnosing diabetes mellitus, be observed by an endocrinologist. Type 1 diabetes usually requires daily insulin injections. From the first days of treatment, the constant feeling of hunger will disappear.

Reason number 3. Improper treatment of diabetes.

Lowering the level of glucose in the blood is one of the main mechanisms for the occurrence of hunger. The goal of diabetes treatment is to maintain a stable plasma sugar concentration. But sometimes the doctor makes a mistake with the dosage of insulin, and then the glucose level drops below normal. Considering that such an overdose is chronic (a person receives too much insulin every day), the concentration of sugar in the blood is constantly reduced, and the person feels hungry.

This effect can cause some hypoglycemic drugs that are used in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. If metformin or acarbose cannot provoke hypoglycemia, then sulfonylurea derivatives (glibenclamide) can do this in case of overdose. The mechanism of action of this group of drugs is based on stimulation of insulin secretion by the pancreas.

What to do? Contact an endocrinologist and complain to him about a constant feeling of hunger, weakness, dizziness (the main symptoms of hypoglycemia). Take a blood test for glucose. Based on the data received, the doctor will adjust the treatment, after which the problem will be solved.

Reason number 4. Hyperphagic stress response.

Some people respond to stressors by eating large amounts of food. This happens if a person is regularly exposed to stress, and does not have sufficient psychological stability to resist them.

What to do? Resolve family conflicts. Change job. Undertake psychological training aimed at increasing stress resistance. Take sedatives. As a last resort, contact a psychiatrist for medical help.

Reason number 5. Pregnancy.

Constant hunger and a change in taste preferences is a reason to take a pregnancy test. In this physiological state, the woman's body experiences an increased need for calories. Enhanced nutrition is necessary for the normal development of the fetus.

What to do? Eat often. Rejoice in the imminent birth of the baby.

Reason number 6. Increased need for food.

Constant hunger may be associated with an increased need for food. Possible causes: increased physical activity, a period of rehabilitation after a serious illness, injury or surgery.

What to do? Satisfy your need for food. There is nothing wrong with constant hunger, if the increase in food intake does not cause obesity.

Reason number 7. Taking medications.

Some medicines can increase hunger. Among them are herbal tinctures (ginseng, wormwood), hormones (prednisolone - constantly taken for autoimmune diseases, most often for joint pathology), some psychotropic drugs, anabolic steroids and many other drugs. Perhaps one of them you are constantly taking.

What to do? Read the instructions for the drug you are taking. Contact your doctor and ask for a replacement medication.

Reason number 8. Endocrine pathology.

Some endocrine diseases can lead to increased appetite for hunger. This is either due to an acceleration of metabolism and an increase in the need for food, or due to a violation of the mechanisms of regulation of satiety. Thyrotoxicosis (increased activity of the thyroid gland), hormone-producing tumors of the adrenal glands or hypothalamus can lead to constant hunger.

What to do? Contact a doctor. Get blood tests for hormones.

Reason number 9. Pathology of the gastrointestinal tract.

The feeling of hunger may be associated with a violation of the absorption of nutrients in the gastrointestinal tract. A person eats, but only a small part of the food is absorbed into the blood, and therefore full saturation does not occur. As a result, the patient is forced to suffer from hunger, while the food passes through the intestines in transit. Such violations are possible:

  • after removal of a section of the small intestine;
  • due to a genetically determined deficiency of certain enzymes (hereditary enzymopathies);
  • due to the gradual destruction of the villi of the small intestine (celiac disease, chronic enteritis).

What to do? Take note of the information. If a section of the intestine has been removed to the patient, or he has been suffering from celiac disease since childhood, the person knows about it, and he is already being observed by doctors about this.

Reason number 10. Mental disorders.

Many mental illnesses are accompanied by a person's desire to overeat and a constant feeling of hunger. Sometimes this is associated with an eating disorder, and in some cases this condition occurs due to a malfunction of the centers of hunger and satiety in the hypothalamus.

What to do? Contact a psychiatrist. He will prescribe behavioral therapy and psychotropic drugs.


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The human body is a very complex structure, which, with its proper functioning, allows you to live, work, walk, and have fun normally. Any of its failures make themselves felt through the supply of impulses through the brain, which signal certain problems in the body. A person whose body has failed for some reason feels a certain discomfort in the area of ​​​​the problem organ, and his well-being deteriorates significantly. Such messages of the body should make a person think about his health, take measures to eliminate the problem, so that life goes back to normal.

How to eliminate hunger pains with gastritis?

Physiological needs are natural functions that a person receives at birth, and they are designed to ensure that he removes his waste products from the body in a timely manner, replenishes it with the ingredients necessary for normal functioning, and does not forget about the need for sleep as the main indicator of rest. If at least one of these processes fails, the human body and the patient himself suffer from unpleasant symptoms. Consider in this article the reasons for the appearance of a feeling of hunger, which signals a malfunction in the body when it occurs against the backdrop of a recent meal.

Physiological features of the manifestation of hunger

A normally functioning body sends impulses about the need to eat approximately 3 to 4 hours after eating, slight deviations may be depending on the individual characteristics of the person. The stomach, as the main organ of the digestive tract, is responsible for supplying an impulse to the cerebral cortex.

Most often, the urge to eat with the normal functioning of the organs of the digestive tract is not characterized by painful symptoms, it is expressed by sucking in the pit of the stomach, which disappears immediately after eating. As soon as the right amount of food enters the stomach, filling it up to standard sizes, the organ sends impulses to the cerebral cortex about satiety, and the feeling of hunger disappears.

However, the occurrence of a repeated desire to eat with painful symptoms immediately after eating or after a few hours signals certain ones that can have different causes and, accordingly, consequences. Such a manifestation of the body is called in medicine "hungry pains." Consider the causes of their manifestation and accompanying symptoms.

Causes of hunger pains

Most often, hunger pains signal to a person that he has such a disease as gastritis. At the initial stage, a person who does not know about his diagnosis sometimes does not even pay attention to the constant desire to eat, does not perceive it as a problematic manifestation of the body. However, over time, the uncomfortable signals of the stomach are characterized by more intense pain, the patient increasingly feels severe spasms in the epigastric region, sometimes radiating to the hypochondrium. The feeling of hunger after eating with gastritis can be manifested by painful sensations of varying strength and tendency: persistent pulling symptoms, sharp manifestations or spasmolytic, continuous sharp pain.

Hunger pains most often have the following causes:

  • increased secretion of the stomach, which is explained by an increase in the acidity of gastric juice;
  • infection with pathogens that provoke inflammation of the gastric mucosa;
  • hormonal imbalance in the digestive organs;
  • irrational nutrition, which may be characterized by eating unhealthy foods, an unbalanced diet for weight loss;
  • addictions as aggressors for the environment of the stomach;
  • ingestion of toxic substances and their negative impact on the digestive tract;
  • regular stress surges that provoke an imbalance in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • irregular meals preceding the disease with frequent fasting or systematic overeating;
  • any stage;
  • failures in the functioning of the duodenum.

It is worth noting that the feeling of hunger with gastritis can appear at any time of the day, even when the patient has eaten a lot. Most often, if you want to eat a very short time after eating, while such a desire is accompanied by painful and painful symptoms, then this may signal the presence of a developing or advanced stomach ulcer. Manifestations of hunger about three hours after eating signals the presence of problems with the duodenum.

In addition, a constant desire to eat can often be the cause of premenstrual syndrome in women, an indicator of physical or moral exhaustion of the body.

Associated symptoms

Hungry pains in gastritis often have concomitant symptoms, which additionally signals to the patient about malfunctions in the functioning of the body, namely the organs of the digestive tract.

A painful feeling of hunger may be accompanied by such manifestations of the body:

  1. Appetite is sharply reduced, up to its complete absence.
  2. Irregular stool.
  3. Constantly disturbing, often with bouts of sour vomiting.
  4. Flatulence, supplemented by bloating, regular heartburn and belching.

The above symptoms, together with hunger pains that appear after a recent meal, are the consequences of inflammatory processes of various stages in the digestive organs. Accordingly, ignoring such manifestations is more than dangerous to health, they can be serious.

Eliminating hunger pains in itself is a complex process, since for this it is not enough just to eat, you need to find the cause of this phenomenon and treat it. It is practically impossible to diagnose the cause and stage of the development of the disease on your own, for this you need to contact a medical institution, where the attending doctor will prescribe the necessary tests and examinations, based on the results of which the doctor will be able to make a diagnosis.

Features of treatment

In medicine, there is no such thing as a "treatment of hunger pains." Most often, the previous diagnosis of the cause of the symptom and further medical measures aimed at its elimination are practiced.

However, before the diagnosis is made, the patient is recommended to eliminate the symptoms with the help of special in the form of emergency therapy. Regardless of the official diagnosis, doctors recommend eliminating pain syndromes with the use of analgesics or pain medications that will help reduce symptoms. The patient will feel better for a certain time after taking analgin, No-shpa or Papaverine. The use of tablets is not recommended on an empty stomach, therefore, in parallel, in order not to feel like eating, it is necessary to take a small portion of food, which consists of easily digestible ingredients and is allowed for gastritis.

Additionally, to eliminate the cause of constant hunger, you can take drugs that help stabilize the secretory functions of the stomach. For this purpose, take Rennie, Gastal or Ranitidine.

Often, doctors prescribe complex antibiotic treatment for hunger pains if it is established that their cause is the progression of pathogenic microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract in the patient or with obvious intoxication of the body. Klacid, Clarithromycin or Amoxiclav is prescribed in such cases. It is worth noting that it is strictly forbidden to prescribe antibiotics on your own, due to their active effect and a lot of side effects.

Additional aspects of treatment

In the complex therapy of hunger pains, non-traditional methods of treatment are often used, which have a positive effect on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract and help stabilize their work. These include decoctions of St. John's wort or chamomile as the most popular herbs for treating stomach problems. Cucumber juice and a decoction of flax seeds help well.

In parallel with medical prescriptions and folk remedies, doctors insist that patients follow a special therapeutic diet, without which it is practically impossible to cure problems with the organs of the digestive system. It is necessary to give preference to dishes only from healthy and easy-to-digest ingredients, without the addition of spices. The diet should be as balanced as possible so that the body, even with sparing nutrition, receives all the components necessary for normal life.

Also, patients note a slight decrease in pain after eating a little food. In the treatment of gastritis or concomitant diseases, doctors recommend eating fractional small portions, however, regularly and often. This will help regulate the functioning of the digestive system and reduce the manifestation of hunger pains. In addition, the rejection of bad habits and a healthy lifestyle will have a beneficial effect not only on the digestive tract, but also on the patient's well-being in general.

Summing up

Hunger pain is a syndrome that most often occurs as a symptomatology associated with diseases of the digestive tract. Such manifestations of the body require mandatory and urgent visits to special medical institutions for the appointment of a rational integrated treatment. Remember, self-treatment attempts can have serious and dangerous consequences for health.

If the body lacks glucose, a person experiences a constant feeling of hunger, i.e. When blood glucose levels fall, appetite increases. When sugar rises, this feeling disappears.

Sugar receptors (indicators) send signals to the hypothalamus about its level in the blood. The hypothalamus is located in the central part of the brain. In it, the received data is processed and then transferred to the saturation center, which regulates appetite with the help of two types of hormones.

One type contains substances that, having received information, reduce metabolic processes, the other contains substances that increase metabolism and reduce appetite.

Not the last role is assigned to insulin. This hormone is constantly synthesized by the pancreas, which throws it out if it is necessary to increase the glucose content.

Causes the desire to eat, as established by Canadian scientists, the hormone neuropeptide Y, produced by the hypothalamus and fat cells.

Researchers need to confirm that it works like a hypothalamic, but until now they have not done so. But, according to domestic sources, a vicious circle is formed, i.e. compounds that make you feel this way are produced more when you store fat.

In our time, we can say that the mechanisms for controlling satiety and hunger have not been studied enough, therefore, we can talk about the reasons that make us feel a constant feeling of hunger as possible.

Excessive consumption of sweets is the main one.

Sugary foods contain refined carbohydrates, which lead to a sharp rise in blood glucose levels, and the same sharp drop. A person who wants to constantly eat is forced to snack, which leads to weight gain, hormonal imbalance, etc. The only correct way out of this situation is proper nutrition, which should be switched to immediately.

Proper nutrition can prevent "glucose jumps" due to the normalization of digestive functions. To overcome sugar cravings, it is recommended to eat fruits containing safe sugars: apples, peaches, plums, etc.

Does the diet affect the constant feeling of hunger?

With an interval between meals of more than 5 hours, people constantly feel hungry. A person who ignores the nutritional needs of the body, i.e. receiving energy in the active phase (day), loading himself with chores and forgetting to eat during the evening, when activity subsides, he cannot resist instincts, and eat everything in a row, trying to make up for the daily lack of food. The constant eating of huge portions at night is fraught with weight gain and the manifestation of a constant feeling of hunger.

Nutritionists of the world are unanimous in their opinion that the body needs portioned nutrition for normal functioning, which the body must constantly receive, at least 4 times a day.

Insufficient rest and disruption of night sleep is the cause of a constant feeling of hunger.

In a complex physiological system, which is the human body, an important role is assigned to the hormonal background. Hormones constantly control his work, including appetite. The satiety hormone ghrelin is responsible for increasing appetite and is produced in the stomach when it is empty. Hunger hormone - leptin, produced by fat cells, reduces appetite if its level rises.

When a person constantly spends little time on sleep, he feels sleepy, caused by a lower level of leptin and an increase in ghrelin. This imbalance leads to a rapid increase in appetite, so even immediately after eating, the feeling of a constant desire to eat is tormented. To normalize the balance of hormones, therefore, to get rid of the constant feeling of hunger, it is recommended to sleep well, and then follow the above recommendations.

The pregnancy paradox

Women are well aware of the constant feeling of hunger that occurs in early pregnancy (men know about it firsthand). Everything is easily explained here: the growing body inside the expectant mother needs nutrients and vitamins, so the amount of food eaten by the mother increases. The body helps to “keep” the balance that meets the needs of the unborn baby.

In addition, in the first half of pregnancy, women are "tormented" by toxicosis. The condition is explained by the fact that: the food eaten is poorly absorbed, causing nausea, vomiting, sometimes even "indomitable" (then pregnant women are hospitalized).

But, even if the constant increased appetite of pregnant women is considered the norm, food intake cannot be ignored, since an excessive increase in weight can provoke diseases in expectant mothers, and may already be a sign of their manifestation: reduced hemoglobin (anemia), etc.

Weight gain is constantly monitored by a gynecologist and future mothers, for whom they make up an individual menu that includes foods rich in minerals and vitamins.

Other reasons leading to a constant feeling of hunger

Hunger is controlled by many factors: the level of insulin in the blood, the amount of nutrients supplied with food, the signals given by the cells of the stomach, hormones, lipids entering the brain in the center of hunger, i.e. control is carried out by a coordinated system.

In the light of recent research, the constant feeling of hunger, sometimes appearing immediately after eating, is caused by a failure of the control mechanism.

Causes of constant hunger that occurs after eating:

Rapid "absorption" of food. It does not allow the satiety center to "catch" the satiety signal, that is, by the time it arrives at the center, the person's condition can be described as a "feeling of overeating." This happens when watching TV, ie. when the work of the brain is aimed at memorizing the transmitted information and is “distracted” from determining the moment of “satiation”. The brain cannot determine at the time that enough food has been eaten, so it continues to send signals to the brain about insufficient saturation. This is called the psychological component of food.

The constant feeling of hunger is associated with the use of drugs and alcohol.

Constant stress. Scientists neurophysiologists state that the role of ghrelin extends further. It is released during emotional overwork, which is of a chronic nature.

The following recommendations help to keep under control the constant biological feeling of not being full:

  • Food during the day should be consumed in small portions.
  • It must be thoroughly chewed to maintain an optimal level of glucose, thereby reducing the intensity of hunger.
  • The menu includes complex carbohydrates (fruits) and protein foods, reducing the intake of fatty foods.
  • Dishes (plates) should be used in soothing colors and smaller than usual sizes in order to visually enlarge a small portion.
  • Follow the diet and rest regimens in parallel.

If you follow the advice, in a short time it is really possible to overcome the constant feeling of hunger.

Video: How to beat the constant feeling of hunger?

Nature, during the creation of man, endowed him with all the important and necessary opportunities that allow you to control the process of eating food (so that a person does not forget to eat), sleep and body cleansing.

The feeling that makes a person eat is one of these super-powers that controls the center of nutrition. The location of this center is the cerebral cortex. This center is divided into 2 sections:

  1. The sector responsible for saturation.
  2. Hunger sector.

When there is an impact on these areas, an impulse enters the brain that the person is satiated, or needs to be saturated with nutrients. Next, we will talk about what causes hunger, and how to get rid of the constant thirst to eat some delicious food.

What causes the feeling of hunger?

Since all the signals that are responsible for human nutrition go to the brain, the sources can be represented as:

  • Intestinal tract, when a signal is transmitted along the nerve endings.
  • Blood, according to the composition of which a detailed analysis can be obtained.

As we have already said, the causes of hunger can be of a different nature, but the most common are:

In a normal state, the process of hunger is as follows:

  1. There is an impulse to replenish the energy reserve.
  2. The man is eating.
  3. The next impulse arises, which notifies the person about the replenishment of the energy reserve.
  4. The feeling of hunger disappears.

If the constant feeling of hunger has become a serious problem, we can already say that one of the links in the above process has broken off. At the same time, the patient wants to eat all the time, and if he is not helped and the root cause of this condition is not found, there is a risk of obesity and other associated pathological processes. To understand the essence of the problem as much as possible, it is necessary to know the sequence of processes that cause a feeling of hunger.

Stomach pain and hunger

The source that gives a signal about the feeling of hunger is the stomach, through the peripheral nerve endings of which the impulse goes to the hypothalamus, in which the balance of glucose and other plasma components is compared. After that, the mechanism responsible for starting a chain reaction of neurochemical transformations that cause rumbling in the stomach, a feeling of sucking in the stomach, etc. comes into operation. In parallel with this process, biochemical transformations occur that make every effort to maintain internal balance (fat breakdown, acceleration of glucose production etc.).

After such a long-awaited food has entered the stomach, it sends a signal to the brain. The processes that occur in the center of saturation have a more complex scheme, which doctors call secondary saturation. In order for the stomach to send an impulse to the brain about its filling (when the glucose levels have reached the required norms), it is necessary to wait a certain time after the meal. Such a gradient may vary depending on the pace at which a person absorbed food, the amount of carbohydrates, physiology and other indicators.

The primary signals that come to the brain during saturation are the nose (when the food is smelled), the eyes (when they see it), the mouth (when the food is felt). After that, after stretching the gastric tissue (when the cavity is filled with products), the stomach also responds. After such signals, information about satiety reaches the brain, after which you can stop eating.

I would also like to mention that you can often hear the expression "a person seizes his grief." There is some truth in this phrase. Very often, when a person is worried about psychological negaraz, or problems of the endocrine system, the body focuses too much on the need to get food. Saying goodbye to such a disease is very problematic!

Symptoms of hunger

As we have already said, the feeling of hunger comes to a person when the stomach begins to give signals about the lack of "fuel". If a person feels satisfactory and is not bothered by any pathologies, he should have a desire to refresh himself 10-12 hours after eating. When hunger occurs, the stomach begins to shrink in the form of spasms, the duration of which does not exceed 30-40 seconds. Then there should be a break, after which the spasmodic pain will resume. After a certain time, the appearance of cramping sensations becomes permanent and is felt with greater intensity.

Also, a person is worried about another concomitant symptom - a feeling of sucking in the pit of the stomach, making loud sounds. Please note that emotional outbursts can dull hunger, but for a short time. As medical statistics show, people with high blood sugar (diabetes) are more likely to feel hungry.

Despite the fact that such a feeling as hunger is a completely normal feeling for any person, but its constant appearances can be the first herald of a serious pathology, both organic and psychological in nature. But do not immediately panic, because the desire to eat can be a pleasant sign of the good news that the girl will soon become a mother.

How to get rid of the feeling of hunger?

Are you constantly haunted by the desire to chew something? Has the weight gone beyond all permissible norms for a long time? Of course, at the same time, a person rushes about in search of an answer to the question “How to get rid of hunger?” First of all, you need to go to a doctor who will identify possible causes and, if necessary, refer the patient to a specialist of a narrower profile.

The table below shows the advice of specialists who should minimize or completely save a person from "hungry persecution".

Type of disease: Advice:
Recommendations of nutritionists in the normal state of the patient, which is not accompanied by psychological disorders and pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract:
Eat more fiber or increase the amount of fiber-rich foods.
Drink plenty of clean water when you're hungry.
Choose the right dishes, the plates should not be large and not have a bright color (especially yellow and red, which increase appetite).
Eat slowly and chew your food thoroughly (this will allow the stomach to send a satiety signal to the brain in a timely manner, and you will not simply fill the stomach with unnecessary food).
Eat where it is supposed to (kitchen, dining room).
Do not eat while reading books, watching TV, etc.
When on a diet, try not to be too restrictive in food.
After a meal, do not sit at the table for a long time (this may tempt you to try something else, despite feeling full).
It is better to eat while sitting.
Reduce the number of meals and foods that increase appetite.
While working, try to keep everything edible out of sight.
Maintain between meals intervals of about 3.5-4 hours.
Don't eat 2 hours before bed.
Tips for patients with psychological dependence: If constant bouts of hunger occur against the background of psycho-emotional dependence, it will not be possible to do without the advice of psychologists and neuropathologists. Only a consultation and examination by a highly qualified specialist will make it possible to draw up a set of measures that will help save the patient from an irresistible desire.
With an imbalance of the endocrine system: If the feeling of hunger is caused by an incorrect hormonal background, pathologies of the thyroid gland or gastrointestinal tract, only an endocrinologist and a gastroenterologist will help eliminate the problem, who will find the root cause of the disease and prescribe a therapeutic course.

In conclusion, I would like to add that despite the cause of hunger, it is possible to eliminate it. If therapeutic measures are developed by a doctor, it will be possible to return a person to a normal state without compromising his health. Do not self-medicate, so as not to aggravate the situation and not expose your body to more significant danger!

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