Essential oil ylang ylang instruction. The use of ylang-ylang essential oil as an aphrodisiac. Aromatherapy with ylang ylang oil

The legendary ylang-ylang essential oil has long been used not only in aromatherapy sessions, but also in cosmetology, perfumery, and even in medicinal purposes. If you learn how to use the product correctly, you can significantly improve the quality of your skin and nails. Ether of ylang-ylang helps with weight loss, and nice smell oils will be a wonderful fragrance for your home.

What is ylang ylang oil

Ylang-ylang oil is obtained from the plant of the same name, namely from its inflorescences. Interestingly, there are two types of ether:

  • designed for use in household chemicals, since it is obtained 6 hours after the start of distillation;
  • obtained after only 60 minutes after a special treatment, intended for use in perfumery and cosmetology.

Ylang-ylang oil is part of the world-famous perfume "Chanel No. 5".

Ylang-ylang oil is made from the inflorescences of the eponymous plant.

For personal care, you should buy ylang-ylang oil in a dark bottle with the inscription "extra" on the package. The product itself usually has a yellowish tint and a sweet, rich smell.

Ylang Ylang oil has a yellowish tint

Ylang Ylang Essence Properties

Essential oil Ylang Ylang has both medicinal and cosmetic effects:

  1. Soothes nervous system.
  2. Normalizes the respiratory process.
  3. Eliminates spasms.
  4. It has an anticonvulsant and antispasmodic effect for any pain.
  5. Facilitates the manifestations of menopause.
  6. Regulates menstrual cycle.
  7. Normalizes the work of sebaceous and sweat glands.
  8. Prevents premature aging skin.
  9. Increases the concentration of collagen in cells.
  10. Treats acne.
  11. Normalizes blood pressure.
  12. Promotes relief during exacerbation of eczema and dermatoses.
  13. It has an anti-inflammatory effect on the skin.
  14. Increases the ability of cells to regenerate.
  15. Helps strengthen nails.
  16. Helps.
  17. Fights hair loss.
  18. Helps to restore the skin after excessive cooling or prolonged exposure to the sun.
  19. Protects against insect bites.

Ylang-ylang oil in cosmetology

Ylang-ylang oil is actively used in cosmetology as a component in care products.

Residents of countries where ylang-ylang grows use this ester in cosmetic purposes. To do this, they mix the product with coconut or palm oil.

For skin

Ylang-ylang oil is used in.

Enrichment of cosmetics

To make a cream or gel cleanser even more effective, add just a drop of ylang-ylang ester to it before use. After that, the product will have not only moisturizing and nourishing, but also a leveling, smoothing and rejuvenating effect. You can enrich cosmetic products with ether regularly, without interruption.

Against dry skin

Take a quarter of an avocado and mash it with a fork to the consistency of sour cream. Add 3 ml of ylang-ylang ether to the gruel. You can pour a little into the mask rose oil(5 ml). Apply the product on the skin of the face, and after half an hour wash with running water. Use the mask twice a week.

Avocado porridge is easy to make with a fork or blender.

Mask for problem skin

Take jojoba oil as a base. Mix it with ylang-ylang ether in a ratio of 10:2. Apply the resulting product on your face for half an hour. After this time, rinse the skin with running water. The mask can be done twice a week on an ongoing basis.

Jojoba oil combined with ylang-ylang ester is great for fighting acne

Salt peeling for oily skin

Take 10 g of coarse salt. It must be soaked in grape seed oil or olive oil. Add a drop of ylang-ylang ester to the resulting mixture. Massage your face for two minutes with a homemade scrub. The tool is quite strong, so do not use it more than once every two weeks. The course is two months, then you need to take a break for 10 days and you can repeat the complex (if necessary).

Sea salt is perfect for making a natural scrub.

Rejuvenating mask

To prepare the mask, you will need the following products:

  • 1 tbsp peach oil;
  • 10 ml of natural honey;
  • 1 tbsp sour cream;
  • 1 tbsp oatmeal;
  • 3 drops of ylang ylang essential oil.

First you need to combine the ingredients. Then you need to generously apply the resulting product on the face and leave for half an hour. Then rinse your skin warm water. Apply the mask twice a week regularly, without interruption.

Natural honey promotes skin rejuvenation

For nails

Ylang-ylang essential oil strengthens the nail plate, protects it from delamination, bacteria and fungal infections.

Fingernail massage

Mix six drops of ylang ylang essential oil with a teaspoon of almond oil. Massage the resulting substance on your fingernails for ten minutes. It is recommended to do the procedure several times a week on an ongoing basis.

Almond oil combined with ylang-ylang ester strengthens nails

Toenail massage

Take ylang-ylang oil and coconut oil in a ratio of 1:6. Combine the ingredients and massage your toenails. A quarter of an hour will be enough. The procedure can be performed daily on an ongoing basis.

Coconut oil is ideal for strengthening toenails

For weight loss

Ylang Ylang essential oil promotes weight loss because it removes excess liquid from the body and reduces appetite. In addition, the tool activates metabolic processes. There are three most common options for using ylang-ylang ether for weight loss:

  1. Ether bath.
  2. Aromatherapy session.
  3. Massage with oil.

Ylang-ylang essential oil reduces appetite, so the waist circumference gradually decreases

aromatic bath

Fill up the bath hot water and add the following ingredients to it:

  • 3 drops of bergamot oil;
  • 4 drops of myrrh oil;
  • 1 drop of ylang ylang

This procedure not only regulates appetite, but also fights cellulite at an early stage. You can take an aromatic bath several times a week for twenty minutes. The course is 10 sessions, then you need to pause for 7 days and repeat the set of procedures.

Bergamot oil is known for its ability to regulate appetite.

Add a couple of drops of ylang-ylang essential oil diluted in water to the aroma lamp. The room will fill up pleasant aroma and your appetite will noticeably decrease. You can breathe the smell of ylang-ylang daily, breaks in such therapy are not needed.

An aroma lamp with a couple of drops of ylang-ylang will create a relaxing atmosphere and curb your appetite.

Aromatic massage

For massage, you need to purchase a base oil (olive, peach or coconut) and add ylang-ylang ether to it in a ratio of 5:1. Warm the mixture in the palms of your hands and actively knead the whole body, giving Special attention problem areas. Regularly performing this procedure will help you get rid of skin irregularities and excess water in tissues, due to which the volume of the waist and hips will noticeably decrease. Massage is usually done in a course of 10-15 sessions. After a two-week break, you can repeat the set of procedures.

Olive oil is ideal for full body massage

Using oil as an aphrodisiac

Essential oil of ylang-ylang is considered a strong aphrodisiac and deservedly so. The tool has a noticeable positive influence on potency and sexual desire. To take advantage of this property of the oil, you can take a bath with the addition of five drops of ether together with your partner or give each other a massage, as described above. Another option is an aroma lamp. Just add ylang-ylang oil to the water and you will immediately plunge into the atmosphere of romance. You can also buy perfume with the addition of the famous ether and use it before a date. There are no restrictions on the number of uses of ylang-ylang oil as an aphrodisiac, there is no need to take breaks. Use the remedy as needed.

It is interesting that earlier in the harems, women were scented with ylang-ylang ether in order to become more attractive.

The perfect complement to a romantic evening - an aroma lamp with ylang-ylang essential oil

Ylang Ylang in Aromatherapy

Ylang Ylang oil is often used in aromatherapy. Ether is used to lower blood pressure, relieve stress and reduce the manifestations of menopause.

As an antidepressant

Add a few drops of ylang ylang oil to one liter of water. Pour the resulting liquid into a spray bottle and periodically spray it into the air of the room in which you spend most time. negative thoughts will visit you less often. You can use this method as needed, you do not need to take breaks.

In addition to aromatizing the room, you can apply ylang-ylang oil to the skin - one drop in the temple area will be enough.

To lower blood pressure

For rapid decline blood pressure, it is necessary to apply ylang-ylang ether to the temples, behind the ears and on the bends of the elbows. Apply remedy as needed.

In no case should ylang-ylang oil be used by hypotensive patients.

To reduce the manifestations of menopause

Get an aroma pendant and put 2 ml of ylang-ylang essential oil into it. Wear jewelry throughout the day. Thanks to this technique, you will almost cease to feel the tides. Use the air as needed, breaks in this case are not needed.

Aroma pendant with ylang-ylang essential oil will reduce the manifestations of menopause


  1. Pregnancy (especially the first trimester).
  2. Hypotension (low arterial pressure).

Also, when using ylang-ylang essential oil, it is necessary to observe the following measures precautions:

  • before use, you need to test for sensitivity: apply a few drops of ether to the bend of the elbow and observe the reaction within a day (if there is no irritation, you can safely use the remedy);
  • Do not use ylang ylang oil pure form(an exception is the need to quickly lower blood pressure);
  • be careful not to get the ether in your eyes;
  • do not use ylang-ylang oil unnecessarily and strictly follow the terms of application.

A variety of essential oils have firmly entered our lives. They concentrate the useful volatile substances of plants and are used in aromatherapy. One of the most popular floral oils is extracted from the inflorescences of the tropical ylang-ylang tree. These flowers are in demand, primarily for their aphrodisiac properties, but also for others. useful qualities they have a lot.

Ylang Ylang (Cananga odorata) is a tree native to South and Southeast Asia, with gentle and beautiful flowers from which valuable essential oil is obtained. The smell of ylang-ylang is sweet and rich, but not cloying, with slightly spicy notes, belongs to the floral-fruity. The oil is used in the perfume industry, for cosmetic purposes, aromatization of rooms, massage.

Beautiful greenish-yellow flowers with long petals adorn wedding ceremonies and festive festivities in Indonesia and the Philippines.

Oil active ingredients:

  • organic acids;
  • fatty alcohols (geraniol, linalool, etc.);
  • terpenes, phenols benzyl acetate (components that create aroma).

The areas of application of ylang-ylang essential oil are very extensive.

Normalization of the emotional state

Ylang Ylang acts as an antidepressant. The smell of this plant relieves anxiety and irritation, improves falling asleep, makes sleep deep and full. The sweet aroma of flowers relaxes, helps to reduce muscle tension, therefore it is recommended to use it for massage of the cervical-collar area and back.

With PMS and during menopause, ylang-ylang essential oil reduces the severity negative emotions: apathy, outbursts of anger, depression, tearfulness.

This plant is used at wedding ceremonies for a reason: ylang-ylang creates an atmosphere of celebration and joy, awakens sensuality and attraction, helps to relax, which was appreciated not only by the inhabitants of Indonesia and other countries of Southeast Asia, but also by Europeans.

Skin care

Ylang Ylang regulates sebum production and tightens pores. Due to this property, the oil is used in the care of skin prone to oiliness and inflammation (acne). Along with this, it relieves peeling and irritation, helps with eczema, dermatitis and dandruff.

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The anti-aging properties of ylang-ylang oil are also known. With regular use, it tones, tightens the skin, smoothes fine wrinkles, improves complexion.

Aromatization of premises

Ylang Ylang is an antiseptic, it suppresses many pathogenic microorganisms Therefore, it is used for deodorization and disinfection of indoor air. This property is especially valuable in winter, during a surge viral diseases. In summer, the fragrance of ylang-ylang repels insects.

Improvement of the body

Essential oil relieves spasms of vascular smooth muscles and internal organs therefore helps with coughing and bronchospasm, normalizes blood pressure.

It is believed that the ability to relax smooth muscle it is also useful for impotence, because when using oil, smooth muscles cavernous bodies relax, and rushes into them more blood. Consequently, the erection is enhanced.

Precautionary measures

Ylang-ylang oil should not be used in the following situations:

  • First trimester of pregnancy and childhood;
  • Hypotension ( systolic pressure below 90 mm Hg. Art.);
  • And the main contraindication is an allergy to this plant.

To check how the body tolerates the product, you need 1 tsp. base oil mix with 2 drops of essential oil and apply to the skin. If after 24 hours there is no irritation, redness and itching, then there is no allergy.

Precautionary measures:

  • Essential oils in undiluted form are not applied to the skin, especially damaged, avoid contact with the eyes;
  • An excessive amount of oil leads to headaches, dizziness, nausea, suffocation, tachycardia - it is important to observe the amount of the product indicated in a particular recipe and not use it more than 2 times a week.

When compiling aromatic compositions, it is important to observe the compatibility of oils, otherwise you can get an inharmonious, irritating smell. Ylang Ylang doesn't go well with tea tree. But he creates excellent compositions with all citrus and flower aromas.

Use as an aphrodisiac

Ylang Ylang has long been used as an aphrodisiac. This is a versatile fragrance, suitable for both men and women.

Essential oil is used to create an intimate environment. To do this, they aromatize the room, add it to the bath, which is taken before a romantic date or together, enrich cosmetics for skin care. The aroma of ylang-ylang helps to create a relaxed romantic atmosphere, relax and move away from everyday life.

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This plant is also used in the treatment sexual disorders: frigidity, premature ejaculation, psychogenic impotence. Here, the aroma of a tropical flower plays an auxiliary role, as one of the elements of therapy. It increases self-confidence, relieves shyness, exacerbates sensuality, spurs sexual attraction and enhances the pleasant sensations of intimacy.

A wonderful tropical flower is able to reconcile after a quarrel, improve marital relations rekindle lost feelings.

As already mentioned, ylang-ylang as an aphrodisiac improves blood circulation. intimate organs. This also applies equally to men and women. To enhance sensuality, a drop of oil can be added to intimate cosmetics. However, remember that you can not apply it to the mucous membranes - this can cause severe irritation!

Healthy Recipes

To aromatize a room with an area of ​​18-20 m², a ceramic aroma lamp is used. Pour a little into it hot water and add 3-4 drops of essential oil. The candle is lit for 20-30 minutes.

It is more effective to use combinations of oils. If the goal is to relax and fall asleep, this combination is suitable: clary sage + lavender + ylang-ylang (1 + 3 + 2 drops). For a date and creating a romantic atmosphere: grapefruit (bergamot) + chamomile + ylang-ylang (1 + 3 + 2 drops).

Essential oil-aphrodisiac ylang-ylang is used in aromatic compositions to attract the attention of the opposite sex. Suitable for a man such a recipe: ylang-ylang + cypress, marjoram, ginger, cedar, sandalwood (3-4 types to choose from).

A woman will feel more attractive if she uses ylang-ylang + jasmine, geranium, myrrh, rosewood, damask rose.

To envelop yourself in an enticing aroma, you need to take a bath with a combination of these oils. To do this, they are added drop by drop to a glass of milk or cream, thoroughly stirred and poured into water. Milk (cream) creates an emulsion that will allow the oils to be evenly distributed in warm water rather than settle as a sticky film on the skin. After such a bath, they immediately wipe themselves with a towel, there is no need to take a shower.

Ylang-ylang oil takes pride of place among other esters in terms of the number of useful properties for humans. It has found its application in medicine and cosmetology. In addition, ylang-ylang oil is a powerful aphrodisiac that can help attract the attention of a potential partner, restore mental strength, find harmony and love.

Ylang-ylang oil: general characteristics

The source of ylang-ylang essential oil is the flowers of the tree of the same name, which grows in the Philippine and Comoros Islands, Madagascar and Indonesia. This ether has long been used to maintain the beauty of the hair and body. And only in late XIX centuries, its medicinal properties were discovered.

Ylang Ylang essential oil has a bright spicy aroma, it is often used as a natural flavor for expensive teas and oriental sweets.

Currently healing properties ylang-ylang ether is found active use in cosmetology, aromatherapy and the treatment of many ailments

Extract ylang ylang oil different ways steam distillation. The type and duration of the procedure affect the value of the product, according to which it is classified as follows:

  • Extra class. The highest grade is obtained within the first hour of distillation. This oil is used in perfumery and medicine.
  • Second grade. It takes more time to receive such an ether - about three hours. The main consumer of this product is the cosmetics industry.
  • Third grade. The duration of the extraction procedure this oil- up to 6 hours. The concentration of the extract here is low. Oil has the least value and is used in household chemicals.

The chemical composition of the ether

The composition of the product includes the following substances:

  • α-pinene;
  • β-bisabolic;
  • α-curcumene;
  • linalool;
  • geraniol;
  • nerol;
  • α-terpineol;
  • nerolidol;
  • phytol;
  • benzyl alcohol;
  • methylheptenone;
  • n-cresol;
  • eugenol;
  • isoeugenol;
  • safrole;
  • isosafrole;
  • methyl salicytate;
  • formic, acetic, valeric and benzoic acids.

How to choose and store ylang ylang oil

Buy only oil premium, since it contains the maximum concentration useful substances. The ether must have a gentle yellow, pleasant floral aroma, not too thick consistency. Store the oil in the refrigerator (in a hermetically sealed container).

You need to purchase ether only at a pharmacy or a specialized store. The first thing you should pay attention to is the composition of the product and the expiration date.

Contraindications to the use of the drug

Contraindications to the use of ylang-ylang oil are:

  • allergy or individual intolerance to the product;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • asthma;
  • age up to 12 years;
  • low blood pressure.

In addition, in order to avoid the appearance of burns on the skin and mucous membranes, essential oil cannot be used in its pure form. Before use, the ether is mixed with other ingredients. Violation of the recommended norms in the use of this remedy can provoke the appearance of headaches, nausea and dizziness.

An overdose of ylang ylang oil can cause nausea and headache, in order to avoid such consequences, it is forbidden to use it undiluted

The use of ylang-ylang oil in medicine

The use of essential oils in modern medicine due to the content in their composition of substances with proven therapeutic properties.

With neurosis, insomnia, loss of strength

The treatment of insomnia, neurosis or loss of energy can be carried out in one of three different ways:

  • 1-3 drops of ylang-ylang essential oil are applied to the aroma medallion, which is worn around the neck. It's worth wearing until it gets better. general condition.
  • A few drops (about eight for a room of 15 m²) of ylang-ylang ether are added to the aroma lamp.
  • 6-8 drops of oil are mixed with honey, sea salt (two tablespoons each) and a liter of milk. The resulting mixture is added to the bath. The duration of the procedure is no more than 20 minutes.

The oil helps to relieve emotional overstrain, feelings of anger, increased anxiety. Its aroma calms, gives strength, causing a feeling of peace and serenity.

Aroma baths with the use of ylang-ylang ether are recommended for depression, stressful conditions some diseases of the nervous system

For cardiovascular diseases

The medicinal substances contained in the oil enter the body through the skin and breathing. Ylang-ylang ether promotes:

  • normalization of blood flow;
  • stabilization of the work of the heart during arrhythmia;
  • vasodilation;
  • improve tissue oxygen supply.

To facilitate flow cardiovascular disease aroma massages with the addition of this oil are used, special attention is paid to the back and chest. To do this, add 5-8 drops of ylang-ylang essential oil to your favorite massage base. Essential oils have a high penetrating ability, are able to activate the nutrition of body cells, improving metabolism.

In addition to massage, it is useful to take aroma baths (pour 8–10 drops into the bath, while the water should not be higher than 38 degrees) or simply add 3–4 drops of ether to aroma lamps.

Therapeutic massages

Massages using ylang-ylang concentrate can fight many diseases and ailments. 2-3 drops of ether are added to 2-3 tablespoons of the base product (olive, almond, burdock or other oil) and applied with massage movements to the following areas of the body:

  • on the joints and lower back for pain and inflammation, as well as for prevention;
  • on muscles during convulsions and muscle pain from increased loads;
  • on whiskey for headaches and migraines;
  • per area chest with breathing problems and increased nervousness, to facilitate the course of infectious diseases.

For Women's Health

Ylang Ylang Oil is ideal remedy for girls suffering from severe PMS, as well as for women with the first signs of menopause. It has the necessary women's health properties like:

  • reduces the pain of menstruation;
  • soothes;
  • straightens the cycle
  • reduces sensitivity to hot flashes in menopause.

1-2 drops of oil are added to a spoonful of honey and washed down with juice or tea. Aromatherapy works the same way. Baths with the addition of esters of ylang-ylang, cypress and lemongrass (5-6 drops each) will help get rid of PMS and gain strength.

Massage of the lower abdomen and back with a mixture of oils can eliminate sexual fatigue in women. To do this, mix two tablespoons of apricot and almond oils, add 5-6 drops of esters of ylang-ylang, ginger, peppermint.

For dryness and irritation intimate area you need to add a drop of ylang-ylang ether and 2 drops of ether tea tree in 10 ml of oil grape seed. The mixture is applied after a shower at night as a local massage agent.

The inscription "extra" on the packaging of ylang-ylang oil indicates that this ester contains maximum amount useful substances

The use of ylang-ylang oil in cosmetology

The unique properties of ylang-ylang oil have found their application not only in medicine, but also in modern cosmetology.

For hair

An effective way to restore shine to hair by saturating it with a floral scent is aroma combing. To do this, a few drops of oil are applied to a comb made of natural materials (preferably made of wood). Thanks to this procedure, the blood circulation of the scalp improves, and the aroma of ylang-ylang soothes and fills with strength. Measured combing of hair can be called meditation to improve the general condition of the body.

Ylang-ylang essential oil is also successfully used as a component of various masks:

Essential oil improves blood circulation of the scalp, which reduces hair loss, stimulates nutrition hair follicles. If there is no time for masks, you can simply add 2-3 drops of ether to shampoo, conditioner or rinse water, pouring it into a basin. Keep your hair in such water for 1-2 minutes. They will gain shine, softness and a pleasant aroma.

Essential oil should be added to purchased cosmetic products immediately before use, squeezing the product into the palm of your hand, since changing the composition of the shampoo or balm may affect its shelf life.

The unique composition of ylang-ylang oil provides nutrition to the stem structure of the hair to the very cut line, has a beneficial effect on the bulbs, activating the growth of strands

For body

To increase the elasticity of the skin and its additional nutrition, you need to add 6-8 drops of ylang-ylang oil to the bath. The combination of ether with sea salt, milk and honey is especially effective. The water temperature should not exceed 39 ° C, and the duration of the procedure - 20 minutes.

Massages are used for the same purposes. problem areas skin with almond oil (10 teaspoons) with the addition of esters of ylang-ylang and geranium (10 drops each). Such rubbing is especially effective for restoring skin tone on the chest and abdomen after childbirth, lactation or during sharp decline weight.

For face

Ylang Ylang essential oil is used to enrich facial masks:

Cosmetologists do not recommend adding ylang-ylang essential oil to ready-made creams and face masks in order to avoid unexpected reactions on sensitive skin. To care for the area around the eyes, this ether should be used with caution so as not to cause irritation of the mucous membrane. One drop of the concentrate is added to the base oil (almond, sea ​​buckthorn oil or wild rose) and apply to this area for 15-20 minutes, blotting the excess with a napkin. Ylang-ylang ether is undesirable to use on dry skin - there is a risk of overdrying it. But for normal, oily and combination epidermis, it is ideal.

Components of home masks can cause allergies, so before use, you need to make sure that there are no backlash on them

For eyebrows and eyelashes

Ylang-ylang concentrate is able to restore eyebrows after various cosmetic procedures such as removal or staining. 1-2 drops of ether are added to oil (burdock, almond or wheat germ). The mixture is applied to the eyebrows for 15 minutes 1-2 times a week, washed off a small amount mild shampoo.

For cuticles and nails

Ylang-ylang ether perfectly fights stratification of nails, nourishes the cuticle, strengthens and restores the nail plate after extension, and also has bactericidal and antifungal effects. For nail care, you need to take 5 ml of oil (almond, sea buckthorn, burdock or apricot), add 2-3 drops of ylang-ylang concentrate. You should rub the resulting mixture into the nail for 2-3 minutes, then remove excess oil with a paper towel. You can carry out the procedure 1-2 times a week. To strengthen the nails, it is useful to do baths. For this, a teaspoon sea ​​salt dissolved in a glass of water, add 3-4 drops of ylang-ylang ether. Keep your hands in the water for 15-20 minutes.

Ylang-ylang oil can also be used for nails (baths with the addition of ether will be especially beneficial for the health of the nail plate)

The magical properties of the ether

Connoisseurs magical properties esters are diverted to ylang-ylang oil special place. It is believed that this tool is distinguished by the ability to attract love. Ylang-ylang oil has been used as an aphrodisiac since time immemorial. In Indonesia, they still strew the bed of the newlyweds with the petals of this plant. There is a belief that the aroma of ylang-ylang flowers will preserve love, harmony and happiness in the family, and will also contribute to a speedy conception. Oil helps women realize their own attractiveness and sexuality.

Currently, ylang-ylang ether is the main component of erotic massage formulations. To prepare a massage oil with this effect, you need to take three tablespoons of apricot and almond oils, then mix them with concentrates of ylang-ylang, ginger and mint (10 drops each). Massage should be performed with smooth, slightly pressing movements, special attention should be paid to the area in the lower abdomen.

Essential oil of ylang-ylang is called a sexual oil or ether with an increased erotic effect.

Many perfume companies use ylang-ylang in their compositions. It is believed that this fragrance was created for passionate natures who dream of love adventures.

Video: using ylang-ylang oil as an aphrodisiac

Romance in every sound. Just imagine, ylang-ylang oil is made from flowers collected from the tree of the same name in the summer, always at dawn.

And the flower itself with its yellow petals looks like the sun.

People have long discovered the beneficial properties of the plant. Since ancient times it has been used as healing agent, beauty medicine and aphrodisiac.

Aphrodisiac characteristics

Confirmed positive properties oils from yellow flowers and modern science. Now scientists are sure that the secret of the oil is in its composition:

  • nerol,
  • farnesol,
  • nerolidol,
  • eugenol,
  • geraniol,
  • linalool,
  • safrole,
  • ylangol.

How to recognize true oil?

It is almost weightless, very fluid and light yellow.

The smell of an essential oil can be described as:

  • festive,
  • warm,
  • exciting,
  • affectionate,
  • candy flower.

7 main properties of oil:

Advantages and disadvantages

Ylang Ylang oil is different a wide range actions. It is applied:

  • in cosmetology,
  • in medicine,
  • in aromatherapy,
  • in sex therapy

This oil has contraindications!

  1. It cannot be used in its pure form.
  2. Do not apply internally.
  3. There is a certain dosage, exceeding which is dangerous.
  4. Avoid contact with eyes.
  5. Oil lowers pressure.

Compatibility with essential oils

The oil can be used in combination with aromatic mixtures. You need to combine it according to the degree of volatility. There are three of them. And preferably, choose one from each group. Although you can use up to 5 oils for the effect.

So the oil goes well with the following essential oils:

  • bergamot,
  • lemongrass,
  • rosewood,
  • grapefruit,
  • petitgrain,
  • patchouli,
  • jasmine
  • cassia oil,
  • rose oil,
  • orange,
  • lavender,
  • lemon,
  • lemon balm
  • neroli,
  • santala,
  • citronella.

The effect of oil on the body

Even the ancients noticed the effect of Ylang-Ylang on the body. Now, according to the breadth of its impact, it is called an "extra" class oil.

Emotional Impact

On the emotional level oil relieves stress, soothes and envelops with a special aura of fabulousness. Conducive to dreams. With the first molecules of a weightless sweet aroma, you absolutely do not want to be angry and afraid and worried. Self-confidence comes, I want to act, to comprehend the unknown and interesting. Sharpens intuition. Some experience serene happiness.

Erotic impact

This is perhaps the most common function of Ylang Ylang oil. And all because no other plant has such an effect on a person in the sexual sphere. Hence the second name - "sexy oil". The erotic effect enhances sex drive . Moreover, it affects both men and women.

Before experimenting on a partner, you need to find out about possible individual intolerance. Otherwise, your romantic evening may end up in the hospital.

An overdose of the smell can make you feel dizzy and even give you a headache. And for a slight excitement and the desired mood, a few drops are enough.

Bioenergetic impact

Due to its composition, this oil fills the lack of energy in the body. It is especially effective to apply it to those places where the blood pulsates. Wrist, elbow, neck, chest. With the first drops of Ylang-Ylang oil, a thirst for life and knowledge opens up, I want to start all over again. And you will definitely have enough strength.

magical effect

This effect is most described in the literature. A love potion based on the Ylang-Ylang flower could not leave indifferent even the hardest heart. Oh, how many upheavals, intrigues, betrayals and seductions happened under the influence of an intoxicating aroma.
And today, a woman leaving a trail of this fragrance does not go unnoticed.

In truth, the magical effect of one nondescript yellow flower, which allows you to become a real queen of flowers in the blink of an eye!

Medicinal properties

Scented Tree Oil, another name for Ylang Ylang, relieves children of nightmares.

It is also widely used in medicine:

  • It's a sedative for the nervous system,
  • Restores strength, saves from irritability.
  • Returns memory.
  • Treats depression.
  • In combination with other drugs, it treats encephalomyelitis, arthritis, rheumatism and gout.
  • Lowers blood pressure, excessive muscle tone.
  • It normalizes the menstrual cycle.
  • Relieves cough and runny nose.
  • Helps with infections and mouth ulcers.
  • Eliminates loss of appetite and bloating.
  • Regulates the work of the sebaceous glands.
  • It is indicated in the treatment of boils, carbuncles and even scabies.
  • Normalizes breathing and pulse rate.


For hair

  1. The oil has incredible properties. After the first application, you will notice changes for the better. Hair becomes strong, shine appears. One of the most popular procedures with this magic elixir- aroma combing.
  2. The tool is also used to prevent hair loss, scalp infections and improve hair growth.
  3. For maintaining healthy look hair, prevent hair loss and split ends.

For facial skin

  1. For dry skin care.
  2. For oily or oily skin
  3. It will help to restore the elasticity of fragrant tree oil and mature skin.

There are many advantages to this procedure. This is an improvement in blood microcirculation, nourishment of the skin, and, as a result, rejuvenation, thanks to its properties.

from various diseases

Sexologists advise

It has already been proven that regular and safe sex has a positive effect on health! Increase your attractiveness in the eyes of a partner, especially after 20 years family life, to return the former sensuality again, Ylang-ylang will help.

  • 2 drops essential oil
  • 2 drops of lemongrass (or lemon)
  • 150 milliliters of water.

Spray in the evening through a spray bottle in the bedroom 2 hours before bedtime.

You can also make oil for erotic massage.

  • 15 ml base oil, olive or linseed,
  • 5 drops of Ylang Ylang oil.

Normal sleep and mental balance

We also use a spray bottle.

  • a tablespoon of alcohol
  • 2 drops lemongrass oil
  • 2 drops ylang ylang
  • 3 drops of lavender essential oil,
  • water.

We use this mixture as an air freshener.

Internal use of oil

With caution, you can take the oil and inside. It will help with insomnia nervous states, to reduce blood pressure and pulse rate.

Mix 2 drops of ether with 1 teaspoon of honey. You need to drink tea with lemon or kefir. And take no more than 2 times a day.

We treat the heart

Miracle oil also helps with diseases of cardio-vascular system. Perfectly normalizes coronary blood flow, puts in order the work of the heart muscle during coronary disease and arrhythmias.

If you have tachycardia and arrhythmia, Ylang-ylang is applied to the area solar plexus. You can make a mixture of oils:

  • lavender 2 ml,
  • marjoram 2 ml,
  • ylang-ylang 1 ml.

We apply 3-4 times a day, for 10 days.

We treat stress

Within 3 weeks, 4-5 times a day, a mixture of:

  • 2 ml mandarin oil,
  • 1ml ylang-ylang,
  • 1 ml petitgrain.

Contraindications and dosages


  • individual intolerance to the substances contained in the oil.
  • allergy,
  • bronchial asthma,
  • pregnancy,
  • early age
  • low blood pressure.

The oil is not recommended for children under 3 years of age.

Oil cost

It is better to buy all oils in a pharmacy or in specialized stores. The issue price is from 150 rubles per 10 milliliters. The price depends on the manufacturer and intermediaries. The use of different companies does not reduce the properties of the oil.

People buy oil depending on the desired effect. If they need a "love potion", then they go to adult stores. If the oil is planned to be used internally, then they prefer to choose certified pharmacies.

Summing up

The essential oil of the fragrant tree, or in the people - Ylang-ylang, is one of the most time-tested remedies. There is hardly a person in the whole wide world who has never heard of the love properties of a small yellow flower. The application bears fruit.

And today, women are willing to experiment and use its charming components for their seductive purposes.

Centuries pass, and scientists are still discovering more and more medical secrets and properties of Ylang-ylang. Now it is included in complex treatment from a lot of diseases, even completely far from the sexual sphere.

And, if you decide to try the miracle oil for the first time, know that it has been tested on people for more than one millennium, and that it also has contraindications.

Erotic properties of oil:

Even the name of this evergreen tree sets you in a romantic mood, and the aroma of its flowers takes you to the world of feelings and desires.

And it is not surprising that the essential oil of ylang-ylang serves as the basis for perfumery fragrances of famous world brands, dragging them into the world of dreams and fantasies. What secrets are hidden in the flower petals of this bewitching plant, which drives you crazy with its beauty, attractiveness, and ability to connect destinies?

And it is true. From a large number essential oils with a variety of useful properties and qualities, the ether of ylang-ylang stands out, perhaps, as the main hypostasis. It serves as a powerful aphrodisiac.

In Malaysia, Indonesia luxurious flowers of this tree they lay out the bed of the newlyweds, firmly believing that evil spirits will never visit a nascent family. And, of course, they use the exciting aroma of flowers to overcome shyness on their wedding night. BUT local women, attracting the attention of potential suitors, flavor their hair with a mixture coconut oil with ylang ylang oil.

The evergreen tropical tree Ylang-ylang (another name is Kananga) grows in Burma, Indonesia, the Philippines, sometimes it reaches a height of 40 meters, blooms with beautiful yellow-green flowers. It exudes the strongest odor at night, when it is pollinated by nocturnal moths. At the end of the flowering period, a multi-leafed fruit is formed, which consists of dark green fruitlets, blackening as they ripen.

The name "Ylang-ylang" has a number of translations, but all variants are permeated with a romantic mood, poetry and literally breathe the aroma of sensuality.

From the Filipino language, this name is often translated as "flutter", "flower of all flowers", from the Malay language - hanging flowers. The tree is also called "fragrant" and "poor man's jasmine". Apparently, due to the rather low price.

But be that as it may, the aroma of cananga flowers really enchants and envelops. And it is natural that the world leaders in perfumery products actively use this mysterious and sweet smell.

Suffice it to recall the rating success of the famous perfume Chanel No. 5, in which the aroma of ylang-ylang magically combines with the aroma of rose, sandalwood, patchouli, cinnamon, vanilla, to get a three-dimensional idea of essential properties beautiful flower.

Variety of uses for ylang-ylang ether

For the nervous system

From the fruits of such a mysteriously fragrant tree, using the method of "water-steam distillation", an essential ylang-ylang oil is obtained, which has a variety of interesting properties.

If in ancient times the use of oil was limited by its ability to fight infections and as a remedy for insect bites, then in modern times, nevertheless, to a greater extent, ylang-ylang ether is used for problems and malfunctions of the nervous system and genital area.

Ylang Ylang essential oil has a pronounced ability to release nervous overload, bad mood, orients a person to a positive perception of the surrounding reality.

If you combine 1 drop of oil rosewood, 3 drops lavender oil, 2 drops of ylang-ylang oil, using an aroma lamp, you can quickly relieve tension and extinguish a surge of negative emotions.

For depression, it is also good to use the same flavoring agent, combining orange, geranium, ylang-ylang esters in a 3: 1: 3 ratio. Or use the same proven method in the form of an aroma bath, dissolving 6-7 drops of essential oil in an emulsifier (yogurt, kefir) and combining the mixture with water.

Applying ylang-ylang, and using its energy, you can tune in to right thoughts, eliminate the effects of stress, raise vitality.

Even in neuropsychology, the use of ylang-ylang oil is known as effective remedy to prevent epileptic seizures.

To improve relationships

Noting positive impact oils on the nervous system, it becomes clear why the elixir of ylang-ylang is recognized in the world as a real love potion. He turns timid and shy people into bold and determined people. It dissolves self-doubt in its fragrance, thereby creating conditions for the development of relationships between a man and a woman.

If there are disagreements and distrust and misunderstanding penetrate into the relationship of two, ylang-ylang oil will help restore feelings, fill communication with warmth and tenderness.

Therefore, a romantic meeting of two lovers will not interfere with an aroma lamp with the addition of two drops of ylang-ylang oil. Such aromatization will have an even greater effect when combining oils of orange, sandalwood, patchouli, taken in equal proportions.

The beneficial effects of ylang-ylang ether have been noted in the treatment of frigidity, impotence and other sexual disorders.

Ylang Ylang Oil as a Healing Elixir

But, apart from romance, ylang-ylang essential oil also has medicinal properties helping to weaken and eliminate various ailments.

Useful properties of ylang-ylang oil

  • Reduces pressure in hypertensive patients and increases hypotension, relieves headache (apply to the solar plexus area 3-4 times a day a mixture of oils of ylang-ylang, petitgrain, hazelnut, lavender, taking 4 drops of each oil).
  • Helps with gastrointestinal disorders.
  • Reduces the pulse rate (for various arrhythmias, apply 3 drops of a mixture of ylang-ylang, lavender and marjoram oils with a ratio of 1:2:2 to the solar plexus area).
  • Facilitates the course of menopause.
  • Corrects the menstrual cycle (you can try to use baths, massages with the addition of ylang-ylang aroma).
  • Relieves back pain by providing an anticonvulsant effect.
  • Used to treat wounds.

The well-known fact of the occurrence of ylang-ylang etherol in the composition of the drug "MotionEaze", used for the treatment seasickness will force incredulous people to be more attentive to the properties of the oil. It is also justified to use essential oil for dizziness of various origins.

If you take oil to normalize the pulse, pressure, with insomnia, then it is recommended to combine two drops of ylang-ylang ether with an emulsifier (kefir, honey) and take it with juice, tea with lemon.

For face

Good results are obtained by the use of ylang-ylang ester in various areas cosmetology. The amazing properties of the oil attract many women who have already encountered age problems and having various types skin.

Ylang Ylang Elixir:

  • Stops premature aging of the skin;
  • returns skin velvety and elasticity;
  • Promotes cell regeneration;
  • Relieves inflammation, acne;
  • Relieves eczema and different kind dermatitis;
  • Strengthens nails and softens cuticle skin.

Using the ether of ylang-ylang, and combining it with various complementary oils(orange, neroli, pine, clove, cypress), you can achieve positive changes in the skin of the face in a short time.

Moisturize the skin

A mask of avocado and ylang-ylang oil will help in this case. The fruit is softened, a drop of fragrant elixir and a drop of rosewood oil are added to it. The mask is applied for a third of an hour and washed off with water.

As a fruit base, you can use the pulp of persimmon, banana or melon.

Fighting acne

Jojoba oil and two drops lemon oil and ylang ylang. This composition is lubricated problem areas, and after 0.5 hours the mask is washed off with cold water.

Skin youth mask

For such a mask, you will need to take a large spoonful of olive oil and peach oil, 1 tsp. sour cream, and the same amount of honey and oatmeal. Two drops of ylang-ylang oil are added to the mix and applied in a thick layer on the surface of the face and décolleté for a third of an hour.

The external image of any woman is a symbiosis of a clean, well-groomed, healthy complexion and the same hair, which is supposed to be taken care of no less carefully. Ylang Ylang Essential Oil is designed to provide this natural support. female beauty. And a woman who pays attention to the hairstyle, the structure of the hair, their appearance health, will make the necessary efforts to extend attractive appearance their curls.

Eliminate hair loss

In purified water (200 g) add 3-4 drops of ylang-ylang essential oils. The mixture should be placed in a spray bottle, shaken and applied daily to the hair. This procedure allows you to regenerate cells, improves hair structure, stimulates their growth.

Moisturize dry hair

Mix a few drops of ylang-ylang oil, chamomile oil and about a glass of avocado pulp and apply to hair for 1/2 hour, then wash everything off.

Achieve healthy hair shine

For the magical radiance and beauty of your hair, you can prepare a lotion from a liter pure water, add 5 drops of ylang-ylang essential oils, a tablespoon lemon juice better than freshly squeezed.

Regularly rinse your hair with this composition after washing.

How to buy ylang-ylang oil, ether price

When buying ylang-ylang oil, you need to know that this oil is extracted in several stages. The first stage in the process of water distillation gives an hour later an "extra" oil, which is used in perfumery.

Further, in the second stage, after three hours from the start of the distillation process, grade1 oil is obtained, which is used in cosmetics. And in the following hours, there is already cheap oil used in lotions, shampoos, and soaps.

Therefore, when purchasing an oil, pay attention to the degree of quality of the essential oil, if possible. The network of online stores offers prices for 10 ml, ranging from 100 rubles to 1.5 thousand.

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