Recipes for aromatic compositions. Aromas of essential oils for relaxation and sleep. Insomnia, stress, irritability, anger

Aromatherapy is an ancient science that originated many centuries ago and once forgotten, returned to the civilized world to get rid of diseases, early aging and harmful drugs.

Aromatherapy is translated simply - treatment with aromas, but behind this word is not only the fight against infections and headaches. Aromas are able to heal the body and soul, with their help it is easy to cheer up, increase mental capacity, make the body lose weight, improve the condition of hair and skin. Aromatherapy with essential oils covers many areas of human activity, and occupies not the last place in the list of women's hobbies, not only in an independent role, but also as a component of other hobbies.

What is aromatherapy and what is its secret

Aromatherapy is often referred to exclusively as a traditional medicine, but this misconception. Treatment with essential oils is also used in traditional medicine, because it is a serious science, originating many centuries ago. Unfortunately, many recipes have been lost for the simple reason that all kinds of “quackery” were banned at the beginning of the 20th century.

Only at the end of the last century, this direction began to be revived again, and today, thanks to the opportunity to exchange experience and raw materials with other countries, many recipes from all over the world have been collected.

The secret of aromatherapy is that essential oils affect the olfactory and physical level- such a double blow defeats bacteria and viruses, against which no drugs have yet been invented.

Aroma oils tend to penetrate deeply into the skin, bringing other substances with them - this is used in cosmetology and medicine when creating creams, gels, and rubbing agents.

Volatile substances of aromatic oils affect psycho-emotional state. A well-composed composition or even one essential oil can increase efficiency, neutralize fatigue, eliminate headache.

Where are essential oils used at home?

Aromatherapy at home is used for aromatization of rooms, for treatment, for cosmetic purposes and as one of the trendy hobbies. Conventionally, there are three methods of using aromatherapy:

  • outer;
  • interior;
  • inhalation.

Most often, essential oils are used in the treatment colds, making inhalations, adding oil to the bath or local baths. There are also many ways that involve inhaling aromas on a strictly scheduled basis. This is how they treat depression, obesity, memory problems.

The second popular method is massage, in which case oil is added to the rubs, fat or oil. Longer treatment methods involve a precise effect - the application of aroma oils to certain points of the body. It is important to remember that essential oils should not be applied to the skin pure form , previously they are bred in vegetable oils.

Aromatization of rooms is done not only to create a pleasant atmosphere in the house, but also setting more serious tasks: disinfecting the house from germs and viruses during a flu epidemic or if there is already a patient in the house, restoring the body after serious illnesses and operations, loss of appetite.

Used for flavoring special devices- aroma lamps. You need to use them correctly:

  1. Pour clean water into the top container.
  2. Drop a few drops of ether into the water (for starters, no more than three).
  3. Put a tea candle in a capsule in the lower compartment and set it on fire.
  4. Do not leave unattended, add water if necessary.
  5. Use no more than two hours in a row.

If a headache or other ailments occur during aromatization, you should immediately extinguish the candle, pour out the water and ventilate the room.

Only a doctor can prescribe internal use, in no case do not try to follow recipes from dubious sources!

Aroma oil preparation methods

Aromatic oils are obtained from almost all types of plants: stems, roots, wood, leaves, petals, buds. It is very difficult to isolate the most valuable product from a plant, because it is contained in a meager amount.

There are two main ways to prepare essential oils:

  • enfleurage - a glass plate is covered with fat, spread on the fat of plants, pressed on top with a second plate, greased, and left. Thus, the esters turn into fat, from which they then prepare medicinal products;
  • distillation - parts of plants are boiled in water, after which the resulting broth is passed through a coil, during which the most valuable ethers are separated from the liquid. The remaining water is also considered a valuable product, as it contains aromatic substances and beneficial plant extracts.

Making essential oils at home is also possible, but available citrus fruits, lavender, mint, and conifers are best suited for this.

How to buy a quality aroma oil

It is recommended to purchase essential oils in specialized places, you should not buy at low prices, offered by merchants in underground passages and shops selling everything and everything. Remember that a low-quality product, which in best case turns out to be artificially flavored vegetable oil, not only will not bring the expected benefits, but can also cause an allergic reaction, headache, nausea.

When shopping, consider these tips:

  1. If the bottles cost the same - this is bad sign. Methods of obtaining and value of all essential oils differ. For example, the cost of products from citrus, coniferous and eucalyptus is low, but oils such as neroli and rose cannot be cheap. From 100 kg of rose petals, only 30 ml of oil is obtained, and from 100 kg of eucalyptus leaves, about 3 kg of fragrant raw materials are obtained.
  2. Vials should be made of dark opaque glass, as light and sunlight are detrimental to the most valuable content.
  3. Expensive oils, as a rule, are packed in small containers - up to 2 ml, and more affordable ones - in vials up to 10 ml.
  4. Examine the package and find on it information about the manufacturer and the inscription: "100% Essential Oil" or "100% pure".
  5. The content should be free of sediment and impurities, but a difference in shades is acceptable.
  6. The aroma can be multifaceted - the notes gradually change, replacing each other.
  7. Put a drop on a paper towel and let dry - the presence of a greasy stain indicates that the ether is diluted with vegetable oil.

The most useful essential oils and their uses

A month is not enough to cover the properties of a huge list of esters and figure out what health problems aromatherapy helps with, so we will focus only on some of the most accessible and useful types and methods of using essential oils in aromatherapy.

Lavender- wonderful depressant that normalizes mood and promotes healthy sleep. Among the people, the aroma of lavender is considered family - it is recommended for peace in the house, marital gatherings, joint evenings. In addition, lavender is an effective moth fighter, place sachets of this plant in your woolen and fur closet to protect clothes from damage.

Grapefruit- the aroma of youth, it is believed that its smell rejuvenates not only the one who inhales it, but also makes people look younger in the eyes of others. Grapefruit is ideal for creative work, enhances mindfulness and increases intelligence.

sweet orange- this wonderful aroma contributes, so be sure to get yourself a bottle if you want to lose weight. Also sweet smell tones, improves immunity and relieves stress.

Tea tree- the strongest natural antiseptic fighter against bacteria and viruses. Oil painting tea tree it is possible to disinfect water for washing; on its basis, healing rinses are prepared for infections in the throat, washing wounds, and toothaches. Healers claim that this valuable product even fights against HPV, the drugs for which official medicine until I figured it out.

rose oil It is a source of delightful aromas and a popular ingredient in cosmetics and soaps. It is recommended to be adopted by overly modest and insecure women, pleasant aroma enhances sensuality and makes the lady tender.

Ylang Ylangbeneficial features this amazing oil for aromatherapy lie in the rejuvenating effect on the skin. It is believed that the pleasant aroma of the hood magical plant increases attraction in both sexes. Try to use it as an antidepressant and you will get rid of insecurity, anxiety, anxieties. This plant is used for children to relieve them of night terrors.

Neroli- a source of attractive aroma, which is a must for every woman. Neroli acts on men on a subconscious level, helps to get rid of impotence and frigidity, rejuvenates, smoothes wrinkles, fights redness of the skin and vascular network.

Popular aromatherapy recipes for beginners

It is important to remember that esters penetrate deep into the skin and hair, taking other ingredients with them, so they it is not recommended to add to ready-made cosmetics containing in addition to useful components, preservatives and dyes.

Hair care

The easiest but most effective way to use essential oils in hair care is. This procedure makes the hair healthy and shiny, prevents brittleness and split ends.

The technology is very simple: you need to apply literally two or three drops of oil to a wooden comb or brush made of natural bristles and gently comb clean, dry hair for two minutes without affecting the skin. The frequency is individual - from daily to weekly procedures. It all depends on the condition of the hair and personal tolerance.

To prepare rejuvenating water for washing, it is enough to add three drops of oil, for example, grapefruit or ylang-ylang, to a liter of water passed through the filter and rinse your face with this healing liquid. The procedure must be done every day, forgetting about tap water.

And spirits;

It is better for beginners to start with theory and with ready-made proven recipes. It is important to remember that essential oils are concentrates, almost all of them are forbidden to be applied to the skin undiluted, as this is fraught with burns. Aroma oils can cause allergies, so you should start using tests and minimum dosages.

We hope that you will find time to immerse yourself in the world of aromatherapy in order to find health, beauty and good mood!

Aromatherapy is a pleasant and uncomplicated science. Today, the magazine "" will tell you how to properly conduct an aromatherapy session at home and get a lot of positive emotions.

First, let's take a look at it together:

What is aromatherapy?

Most sources define aromatherapy as a kind of art, designed to strengthen and harmonize the spiritual and physical health person. Aromatherapy activates the innate resources of recovery and healing of the body.

It is believed that aromatherapy is aimed at maintaining human immunity, managing its cognitive and emotional state. In fact, aromatherapy is a universal and “drug-free” method of influencing health.

Specialists in the field of aromatherapy (let's call them professional aromatherapists) still do not guarantee a 100% recovery in the treatment of serious diseases. It is important to remember that aromatherapy is not exactly a medical science.

Say more, many doctors deny positive influence fragrances on health and call aromatherapy a pseudoscience based on the placebo effect. Although who in modern world will argue with amazing properties placebo? A man is what he believes in.

But doctors who practice aromatherapy will tell you about ninety percent effectiveness of this method in combination with therapeutic treatment. Such results can be achieved, of course, under the supervision of a qualified specialist.

Aromatherapy includes several types of exposure:

"Air diffusion": distribution of aromas in the air through aroma lamps, incense in the room to eliminate unpleasant odors, harmonization of the emotional background, increased libido and even air disinfection;

"Local" application on the skin: rubbing aromatic oils into the skin during massage and other cosmetic and medical procedures(including taking baths);

Inhalation: direct inhalation of aromas with physio-emotional disorders, i.e. emotional exhaustion, depression, fatigue, including some respiratory diseases(ARI, cold, runny nose, cough)

Thus, aromatherapy can be carried out at home and in beauty salons. By the way, many Thai, Indian and Turkish SPA-salons are based on the beneficial effects of aromatherapy.

What to do if you really want to try the effect of aromatherapy on yourself, but you don’t know where to start? Then read on and you will be able to independently conduct an aroma session at home *good*

When Aromatherapy Shouldn't Be Done

First, you need to carefully consider the doctor's recommendations regarding the need for an aroma session. Aroma sessions are strictly contraindicated:

  • persons suffering from any type of allergy (food allergy, allergy to household chemicals, cosmetics, dust, wool, pollen, fungal/mold spores; allergic rhinitis; rash, urticaria; especially bronchial asthma etc.) and at least once in a lifetime who had Quincke's edema;
  • pregnant and lactating women, as well as those who have undergone chemotherapy (in this case aromatherapy is possible ONLY under the supervision of a specialist);
  • persons with high blood pressure;
  • persons suffering from epilepsy.

Choosing the type of aromatherapy

To start an aromatherapy session at home, you will need (optional):

  • oil burner
  • humidifier with aroma oil container
  • electric table lamp/sconce
  • aroma pendant
  • aroma candles
  • aroma sticks
  • aroma stones

No, of course, you do not need to run to the store and buy everything at once. Enough what you like best, or what is on this moment in your apartment.

Perhaps you are now wondering, what is still better to use from this list? To eliminate your doubts on this or that occasion, we will make short review for all of the above devices.

Oil burner

Aroma lamp is the most convenient and effective option. There are many aroma lamps on the market today. The color, shape, material can be chosen for every taste and even in the style of any interior. The aroma lamp consists of two levels: the first level is for a candle-tablet, the second is for a liquid (water, aroma oil).

The aroma lamp is convenient to use for aromatherapy at home. You need to light a candle and pour some water and a couple of drops of aromatic oil into the bowl. And you can enjoy your aromatherapy session. By the way, you can not add water, but in this case the aroma will be more saturated, and the oil will smoke more strongly.

Do not leave even a small light near children, animals, or people with cognitive disabilities. Remember: your safety must come first!


There are a lot of humidifiers, as well as aroma lamps. There is something for every taste and budget. The cost is mainly affected by the number of square meters that the humidifier is able to "irrigate", or, in other words, the volume of the humidifier.

Also pay attention to the number of hours that the humidifier can work uninterruptedly in economy mode. The humidifier is convenient to use for aromatherapy and can be left unattended for a long time. Safe for children and pets.

The benefits of it are twofold: humidification of the air in the room and air diffusion of aroma oil. For the latter function, some humidifiers have a special container where you can pour the aroma oil.

However, you can do without this additional function. It is enough to drop a couple of drops of oil into the water tank itself or directly into the water, which is subsequently poured into the humidifier tank. Here are some tricks. Comfortable, economical and safe home use. But more expensive than aroma lamps.

Electric lamp\sconce

Perhaps the most a budget option(although not in terms of energy saving). If you don’t want to spend money on a humidifier and an aroma lamp, then you can drop a couple of drops of your favorite oil directly onto an incandescent lamp (sadly, energy-saving lamps are not suitable for air diffusion of oil).

The effect will be more intense, but not as long as in previous cases. Suitable for quick aromatization of the room.

Aroma pendant

This little thing combines two pluses: a stylish decoration and a personal inhaler. There are a great variety of aroma medallions on the market: from ceramics to precious stones.

Thanks to its elegant form (made in the form of a vase with a narrow neck), the fragrance lasts up to 3 days and has a narrow focus (despite the fact that just 1-3 drops of oil are enough to drop into it).

It can be worn around the neck, hung in the car or in the closet. Just do not forget to periodically bring it to your face - the effect will be more distinct. The pendant can also be useful in creating your own unique fragrance.

This talisman pendant can be used not only for aromatherapy at home, but also at work, on the street and wherever you see fit.

aroma candles

Aroma candles already contain essential oils in their composition, so you won’t have to spend extra money on some kind of oil.

Choose the most nice smell, or one that is recommended to you by a specialist, and light it to your heart's content. Just do not forget, please, about fire safety *victory*

aroma sticks

The aroma sticks are also impregnated with oils. Choose according to the same principle as aroma candles. The smell of aroma sticks is more intense and persistent.

The stick is set on fire and extinguished, therefore it is safer to use.

aroma stones

Yes, there are also aroma stones. They are made mainly from environmentally friendly porous natural materials: clay, pumice, gypsum and even ... dough!

Therefore, such useful things can be made independently. A couple of free minutes, creativity and imagination will do their creative work

Here is a brief overview of aromatherapy devices at home. We hope our magazine "" helped you decide on the choice of the right "aroma assistant" *yu*

Choosing an essential oil

Now let's talk about essential oils - the quintessence of the intended aroma session. There are many different oils and it is important to know the difference between them. So, read the labels carefully: some jars have the inscription "100% natural essential oil" or "100% essential oil", and some - "cosmetic essential oil" or "100% aromatic", "100% pure", "100 % essential oil”, “100% concentrated”, or even “mineral oil” (and this is no longer a vegetable, but a processed product). The difference is not only in price, but also in content.

cosmetic oil

Cosmetic oil is a product already diluted with base oil. This oil gives a fast, but unsaturated and "quickly volatile" aroma.

Of course, it costs less. This oil is intended for bath procedures: adding to a barrel of water, to a broom in the steam room, to the bath. In general, intended for local application", let's say. The risk of burns with this oil is minimal (but still there!).

natural essential oil

100% natural essential oil is expensive. Just the same it is intended for air diffusion. The effect of this type of oil is persistent, rich and long-lasting. It is dangerous to apply on the skin in its pure form: burns and allergic reactions are possible. Therefore, immediately read the following paragraph about our recommendations for use.

Precautions for using essential oils at home:

  • Categorically it is forbidden to use essential oils internally.
  • Do not use 100% natural essential oil directly on the skin and mucous membranes shells. Oils with a higher phenol content (cinnamon, for example) can irritate the skin, eyes, and mucous membranes.
  • Aromas are contraindicated for hypertensive patients lavender and rosemary.
  • Read labels carefully instructions for use and purpose of oils.
  • Is always follow prescriptions and recommended doses oils to avoid headaches, nausea, vomiting, nervous breakdown.
  • remember, that any essential oil can cause an allergic reaction you, your family members, children, animals and all those who are close to you during the aroma session.
  • Do not use oil near open flames due to its high volatility.

Here are the basic rules that you should be guided by if you still decide to try an aromatherapy session at home. Do not spoil your aroma session: take care in advance to eliminate all interfering factors.

Useful properties of oils and aromatherapy recipes

The purpose of aroma oils is different. Each fragrance affects the emotional or cognitive perception. Oils affecting emotional sphere, are able to control your mood, including fatigue, stress, sadness, joy, libido. You can independently create your mood for a specific situation or a minute of life.

The magazine "" presents to your attention aromas that can affect your emotional background:

Insomnia, stress, irritability, anger

They will help you get rid of negative emotions oils of orange, geranium, lavender, cinnamon, rose, chamomile, cloves, lemon balm, frankincense, valerian, basil, cypress, sandalwood.

Aroma recipe for insomnia and stress

An aromatherapy recipe at home will help you calm down: mix 3 drops of oils such as verbena, chamomile, tangerine, grapefruit in an aroma lamp and enjoy a delicate fruity aroma.

If you want to fall asleep, then use a mixture of 3 drops of sage, lemon balm and lavender. Then sweet dreams will not keep you waiting.

Depression, drowsiness, sadness, fatigue, migraine

For all of these ailments, use cinnamon, orange, geranium, rose, bergamot, ginger, ylang-ylang, patchouli, eucalyptus, lavender, for aromatherapy at home, peppermint, lemon, lime, thyme, marjoram, myrrh, nutmeg, neroli, sage, grapefruit and even ... sagebrush(despite the bitter notes, this herb is considered a strong natural antidepressant)!

aroma recipe for depression

This aroma recipe will help you drive away depression, blues and drowsiness: mix 3 drops of rose, orange, cloves and neroli in an aroma lamp. You can use this recipe in the morning, at the very beginning of the day.

natural aphrodisiacs

It is important to think about who you want to help turn on: yourself or your beloved man.

Aroma aphrodisiacs for men

Increase male desire will help sandalwood, ginger, almond, cypress, juniper, cardamom and even you will be surprised lavender.

Aroma aphrodisiacs for women

Jasmine, ylang-ylang, geranium and vanilla increase female libido.

Aphrodisiacs for both

If you want to make both of you "tremble with desire" then use patchouli, nutmeg, sage, neroli, rose, rosemary.

Aroma aphrodisiac recipes

Here are a couple of aromatherapy recipes for you and your man.

For him: combine 2 drops of sage, marjoram, lavender and litsea.

For you: mix 4 drops each of ylang-ylang, jasmine, grapefruit and sandalwood oils.

Aromatherapy for diseases

As for cognitive perception, it is, first of all, your physical state. Since it is known that it is our brain that controls all vital processes in the body.

Your health depends on your thoughts. Essential oils and recipes for aromatherapy at home will also help dispel the clouds over your health.

Disinfection of the room with aromatic oils

Why did we decide to start with disinfection? Because the air you breathe is very important for your health. And if the air is polluted with bacteria (and viruses - in the presence of "influenza" at home), then it is necessary to clean it.

You will be helped citrus and coniferous oils , as well as tea tree oil, chamomile, neroli, geranium, eucalyptus, clove, thyme. These oils are great for colds and flu.

The next aroma recipe will save you from a cold

Mix 1 drop each of lavender, thyme, peppermint and tea tree oils in an aroma lamp. Eucalyptus and sage can be substituted for lavender and thyme.

Diseases of the nasopharynx

Defeat diseases respiratory tract help get rid of cough and runny nose oils of lemon, lime, tea tree, fir, cedar, lavender, verbena, Chinese magnolia vine, geranium.

Aromatherapy for the respiratory tract

To normalize the work of the respiratory tract, to disinfect the room, a recipe for an aromatherapy mixture at home will help you: mix 2 drops of sage, lemon, pine and rosemary in an aroma lamp.

Temperature drop

It often happens that it is not possible to bring down the temperature of the sick person. In combination with other activities, you can use aromatherapy at home. Help oils of peppermint, eucalyptus, lavender. Chamomile, basil, cypress, rosemary and juniper help induce sweating. Such oils can be used both for air diffusion and for topical application: a couple of drops of oil are added to a container with water, which is subsequently wiped on the patient.

Pain in joints and muscles

Baths with oils will help to calm the pain a little and relieve the created nervous tension. thyme, lemon, lime, rosemary, lavender, marjoram.

Massage with aromatic oils from rheumatism, recipe

There is even an aromatherapy massage recipe for rheumatism: combine 100 ml of base oil (olive, linseed, coconut, cedar, apricot, jojoba, peach, avocado or regular baby oil). cosmetic oil) with 10 drops of essential oils of pine, juniper and rosemary. Rub the problem area with the resulting mixture.

Digestive tract disorders

Cope with "gastrointestinal" problems will help peppermint oil and chamomile. Just remember that it is impossible to use essential oil inside without consulting a specialist. Better inhale for your health

Cardiovascular disorders

Relieve "heart pain", restore the work of blood vessels will help rose oil . Even the ancient Greeks noticed that this oil copes well with nervous disorders, excitability and stress.

Also help chamomile, valerian, lemon balm, frankincense. If you have an elevated blood pressure Avoid scents of rosemary, lavender and "chypre" oils - bergamot, patchouli, sandalwood, etc.

Aromatherapy and problem skin

At this point we will talk not only about acne oily skin. Although we will also touch on them. Problem skin can also be called dry, and withering, and sensitive.

Even wounds and abrasions on the skin can be attributed here. Aromatherapy at home offers recipes for many ailments. We look:

Oily skin

Oily skin, as well as sensitive skin, needs special care. Add a couple of drops to a single portion of your favorite cream lavender oil. However, keep an eye on your skin: some of the ingredients in your cream can react with the oil and cause allergies.

aging skin

Fading and mature skin can also "bloom" from lavender. To do this, you can use the aromatherapy recipe: take 1 yolk, 1 teaspoon of honey and 2-3 drops of lavender oil. Mix everything and apply on prepared skin for 15 minutes. Again, beware of allergies. By the way, lavender is good for abrasions, small wounds, burns.

Pimples and purulent wounds

Tea tree oil(point application) promotes the healing of acne and purulent wounds. For combination skin, tea tree oil is also useful: take 2 teaspoons oatmeal and cosmetic clay, add 2 drops of the above oil and mix with a spoonful of kefir or yogurt. Stir and apply on the prepared face for 15 minutes.

Vascular asterisks

Vascular asterisks on the face can be defeated with bitter orange oil or, in other words, . It must be applied directly to problem areas. The oil is also indicated for eczema, herpes, neurodermatitis and dermatosis.

As you can see, it is very easy to relax, find a good mood and get rid of diseases by immersing yourself in the world of aromas! Enjoy your home aromatherapy sessions with pleasure and benefit!

Aromatherapy offers us unique recipes self-help to restore and promote health, which will help to do without drugs or supplement the main treatment.

We strengthen immunity: pour daily on the feet cold water, wipe dry and rub, massaging the soles, lavender, lemon, orange or mint. Eucalyptus, thyme, rosemary, geranium are especially effective.

Rub mixture: mix 10 ml of carrier oil and any of the above essential oils (3-5 drops) or their composition (3-5 oils).

It is better to do the procedure before going to bed. After rubbing, put on socks (preferably cotton) and go to bed.

We clean the air. If someone in your environment at the office or at home has the flu or other viral disease, sage, anise, eucalyptus, orange and other oils with bactericidal properties will help to clean and disinfect the air.

For antiseptics and air aromatization, use aroma lamps, aroma medallions, atomizers (wet treatment), sachets. In addition to protecting against infection, aromas will dispel sadness and cheer you up.

Precaution: Be sure to make sure that others do not have allergies and hypersensitivity to those that you are going to use for flavoring.

Cold. Once a day, rub the chest, neck, back with an oil composition. To prepare it, mix 3 drops of thyme, eucalyptus (5 drops), tea tree (2 drops), base oil (dessert spoon).

Headache can be called different reasons: overload or stress, sinusitis, malnutrition, food allergies, diseases of the ears, eyes or teeth, . In any case, with frequent, sudden and severe pain, you should seek medical advice.

Marjoram, lavender, chamomile oils will help relieve pain (it also acts as a general sedative).

Pain in sinusitis- Eucalyptus and peppermint oils will relieve puffiness and bring relief.

Migraine pain retreat before the oils of rosemary, lemon balm, lavender. It is also advisable to exclude foods that can provoke a migraine: red wine, chocolate, coffee, cheese.

How to use:

  • Mix peppermint (3 drops), lavender (2 drops) with a teaspoon of carrier oil. Rub the mixture into temporal regions.
  • Mix lavender, marjoram and peppermint oils (2 drops each) with lemon balm (1 drop), moisten a handkerchief with this mixture and inhale deeply 3 times.
  • Gently rub lavender oil (2 drops) into the temple areas, behind the ears, into the back of the head. Try not to bring close to your eyes.
  • Mix the selected mixture (12 drops) with 30 ml of carrier oil (that's 5 teaspoons). Apply the resulting composition to the skin of the face and neck.
  • Prepare a strong brew of green tea, add lavender oil (1-2 drops) to it. Soak a washcloth in the solution and apply to the temples and behind the ears. Keep the compress for up to 20 minutes. Then wrap your head warmly with a scarf or towel, drink sweet tea.
  • For recurring migraine headaches, keep lemon oil handy. Rub it into the temples (1-2 drops) when pain occurs.
  • Well help baths with oils of lavender, chamomile, marjoram (each 3 drops).
  • Will help stop a migraine attack drops from the common cold "Pinosol", containing essential oils. To do this, soak the ear sticks with Pinosol, gently insert them into the nose and lie down for 5-7 minutes. After removing the sticks, do not blow your nose for a while to prolong the action of the oils.

Fever (high temperature) will take the following recipes:

  • lemon balm essential oil: mix 5-7 drops with 1 teaspoon of honey and warm water(500 ml). Wipe the back, neck, chest, limbs of the patient with this solution. Place a washcloth soaked in the solution on your forehead.
  • in 1 teaspoon of honey, dissolve 3 drops of eucalyptus, 2 drops of peppermint and lavender, 1 drop of geranium, mix all this with cold water (600 ml). Moisten the wipes and apply on the forehead for 10-15 minutes, the area of ​​the elbows, inguinal, popliteal. Repeat the procedure 4 times within an hour until the fever subsides.

Otitis (inflammation of the ear): apply compresses with tea tree or lavender oil.

For pain: mix olive oil (1 teaspoon) with 1 drop of lemon balm and 1 drop of tea tree.

Make a cotton wick, soak with the resulting mixture and insert into the ear.

The parotid region can be lubricated with the same mixture.

Premenstrual tension syndrome can manifest itself in the form of depression, decreased performance, swelling of the hands and feet, pulling pains in the lower abdomen, tension of the mammary glands, irritability, nervousness.

A lot of women suffer from it, which often affects their loved ones, partners, and colleagues. So, learn to help yourself in these difficult days.

Relieve pain sensations:

rub into the temporal and lumbar region oil lemon wormwood or lavender (2-3 drops mixed with 1 teaspoon of carrier oil).

Foot bath.

We take 3 tbsp. spoons of marsh cudweed, lemon balm, rose petals, pour boiling water (2 l), leave for 30 minutes, add rose oil (1-2 drops). Pour the infusion into a basin and take a foot bath for 20 minutes, the water temperature is 37 ° C.

After the bath, massage the arches of the feet and the inner edges of the heels with lavender oil or Asterisk (Vietnamese balm).

Tea will help with nervousness, irritability, nervous tension, bad dream:

mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of lemon balm herb, narrow-leaved fireweed, common cuff. Pour 1 tbsp. a spoonful of collecting a glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes. Drink freshly brewed tea 2-3 times a day.


Insect bites

Stings of wasps and bees may cause a general allergic reaction organism.

To prevent its development, remove the sting as soon as possible, and apply to the bite site. cold compress by soaking the fabric with a mixture of cold water with chamomile essential oil (1-2 drops). Do a compress for two days, up to 4 times a day. Read more about how to properly compress -.

Spiders, fleas, bed bugs. We prepare a solution of 2 drops of chamomile, lavender (3 drops), and alcohol (1 teaspoon). We make applications 3 times a day to the bite site.

Mosquitoes and midges. Itching and inflammation will help to remove the application of a mixture of thyme oil (3 drops) with 3% vinegar or lemon juice(1 teaspoon). After application, smear the bite site with lavender oil.

mosquito bites can provoke malaria, prevention of this serious disease is essential. Lubricate the bites with lavender oil. If the bites are numerous, a general bath with essential bactericidal oils will help you feel better.

Repels mosquitoes, midges, mosquitoes and other insects aromatic composition of thyme, lavender, peppermint and cloves, 4 drops each.

  • Mix 5 drops of this composition with 1 teaspoon of carrier oil and lubricate all exposed areas of the body.
  • Add 2 drops of the mixture to your regular lotion and rub this solution on your body under your clothes.
  • Put a tampon moistened with a mixture of oils (5 drops) at night near the bed.

Skin itching will remove a mixture of eucalyptus (3 drops), peppermint (2 drops) and 1 teaspoon of carrier oil.

Blister. lubricate sore spot, without opening, 3-4 times during the day with geranium oil. Apply a sterile dressing.

Injury. A mixture of lavender (1 drop), geranium (2 drops), chamomile (2 drops) will help relieve pain. Add a teaspoon of vegetable oil to essential oils, soak a cloth with the mixture and apply the application on the bruise.

Burn. Treat the burn area lavender oil and apply a sterile dressing.

Heatstroke. Mix eucalyptus (3 drops), peppermint (3 drops), chamomile (2 drops), lavender (2 drops) and 1 teaspoon honey. Dissolve in cold water(600 ml). Do lotion for an hour on the face, forehead, head every 5 minutes.

Sunburn. On the burned skin, apply with light movements a mixture of 5 drops of lavender, eucalyptus and chamomile (3 drops each), 4 drops of peppermint and base oil (1 tablespoon).

Sunstroke. Every 5-10 minutes, make cold lotions on the face, head, neck, and chest for an hour. To do this, dissolve 5 drops of eucalyptus and lavender, mixed with 1 teaspoon of emulsifier, in cold water (600 ml).

Important! When using essential oils to promote and restore health, be sure to study and safety technology. It will not be superfluous to listen to your body, if you do not, then recovery is unlikely to be successful.

Sources: Aromatherapy. Essential oils and methods of their use at home "Kudryashova L.V.," Inhaling a marvelous aroma: aromatherapy is pleasant and easy way treatment” Lavrenova G.V.

Elena Valve for the Sleepy Cantata project

To date, one of the most popular ways to restore health and vitality is aromatherapy, which is a type of alternative medicine which studies the effect of odors on human body. Aromatic oils act as "smells", which contribute to the improvement of physical and mental state. Now home aromatherapy is gaining more and more popularity, elementary knowledge of the basics of which turns the healing process into an exciting and easy task.

Types of oils

The key to success at home is an excellent knowledge of the types of essential oils, as well as their properties, which implies the achievement of the desired result:

  • Cleansing. They have the same effect not only on external level, improving the condition of the skin and hair, but also on the inside - by removing toxic elements from the body. This task is well done: geranium, rosemary, lemon, sage.
  • Exciting. awaken sexual attraction and desire, acting as aphrodisiacs: ylang-ylang, jasmine, cardamom, sandalwood, bergamot.
  • Tonic. Increase vigor and energy: lemon balm, mint, cinnamon, thyme, ginger.
  • Relaxing. Effectively relieve nervous and anxious conditions: oregano, frankincense, chamomile, myrrh.
  • Harmonizing. Contribute to the restoration of internal balance and harmony: mimosa, tangerine, orange, marjoram.
  • Firming. Raise local protective functions, and also have a beneficial effect on general immunity: mint, cedar, vetiver.
  • refreshing. They charge with tone and vigor:, lavender, immortelle.
  • Stimulants. Responsible for the active work of all glands and body systems: coriander, cloves, eucalyptus, verbena.
  • soothing. Set up in a peaceful and relaxed way: dill, vanilla, bigardia.

Before a direct review of home aromatherapy methods, it is advisable to take into account the following important points that will help to avoid unpleasant consequences and emotions:

  1. Aromatic essential extracts are quite saturated mixtures with an intense and specific odor, for which reason the possibility of individual intolerance to these products should be taken into account. In order to identify sensitivity to a particular essential oil, it is useful to conduct a kind of test, the essence of which boils down to soaking a napkin or a small handkerchief with a few drops oil composition. After fixing the smell, it must be inhaled for two days. In the absence of any allergic phenomena in the form of skin redness, sneezing, runny nose, lacrimation and others, you can safely apply.
  2. Be sure to follow the dosage and recommendations for the use of aromatic mixtures.
  3. Do not use or apply to skin surfaces pure essential oils. In case of accidental contact with the skin, vegetable oil should be used, which neutralizes the concentrated composition. At the same time, it is worth knowing that ethers are not amenable to dissolution in an aqueous medium, as a result of which they cannot be removed with water.
  4. The internal use of oils in aromatherapy at home should be carried out after consultation with a specialist. At the same time, it is highly recommended not to rely on advice from various unconfirmed sources, since the information contained in essential mixtures substances can seriously damage the internal mucous membranes.
  5. Ethers must be stored in cold store. In this case, the storage container should be made of dark glass with a tight-fitting lid.
  6. Oils that have expired, as well as mixtures that have been stored in the absence of appropriate regulations, become unusable.

Also, in order not to harm yourself, read about when you should not use essential oils.

Methods of application and recipes

In terms of home aromatherapy, there are two main ways to use essential oils:


In this case, it is important to first consult with a specialist who will prescribe the necessary dosages. In addition, some types of esters are simply not suitable for ingestion, and those that are suitable must be diluted with base oil, honey or jam.


Externally, the use of essences in aromatherapy at home is distinguished by a variety of methods:

1. Inhalation

They are very light and at the same time effective way home aromatherapy. There are cold and hot inhalations:

  • Cold. In this case, it becomes possible to inhale aromatic vapors directly from the vial. To do this, it is enough to take 5 to 10 breaths. This method of aromatherapy is characterized by simplicity and ease of use, but it should be borne in mind that frequent exposure to air on the oil reduces its shelf life, which is why it makes sense to use by special means in the form of aromatic lamps, pendants, stones. You can involve a spray bottle in the process of aromatizing the premises, into which you first need to pour a little water, and then dilute a couple of drops of essential oil in it.
  • Hot. The presented type of inhalation is indispensable for diseases upper paths respiration, bronchi and lungs. The essence of such procedures boils down to boiling water, into which a few drops of the selected aromatic oil. Inhalation of therapeutic vapors is carried out under dense tissue material for 10 minutes, after which it is useful to wrap up and relax a bit. In the presence of diseases of the throat, it is necessary to breathe through the mouth, in case of lesions of the nasopharynx - through the nose.

2. Aromatic baths

Another fairly effective method of conducting home aromatherapy , which is also divided into types:

a) General aroma baths

To prepare such baths, it is necessary to use an emulsifier, the task of which is to promote the dissolution of essential oils:

  • A few drops of the aromatic mixture is added to a bath filled with water. The calculation of drops should be carried out from a ratio of 1:20, where 20 is liters.
  • To prepare the emulsifier, honey, salt, alcohol, kefir, cream of a fatty consistency, polysorbates are mixed.
  • The resulting emulsifier in the amount of one teaspoon is mixed with esters, after which the finished composition is added to the bath.
  • Acceptance time water procedures is 20 minutes.
b) Local aroma baths

Under local aromatic baths are understood:

  • Sitz baths

Such aromatherapy at home becomes relevant with the development of diseases affecting the genitourinary system, as well as the anus. Here, too, one cannot do without an emulsifier, however, only honey must be used as components for its preparation, sea ​​salt and polysorbate, since milk and alcohol products are not suitable:

  1. Water is poured into the basin warm temperature, to which a mixture of essential oils with an emulsifier is added. The ratio should be as follows: a drop of oil to 3 liters of water.
  2. In a bath diluted in this way, you just need to sit down and wait 15 minutes.
  3. After this time period, rinse with clean water.

Because diseases genitourinary system and anus may be different, it is important to understand the types of essential essences:

- from thrush:, lavender, myrrh;

- from urethritis:, lavender;

- from hemorrhoids: lemon, cypress, juniper.

  • Baths for hands and feet

In home aromatherapy, they are used as cosmetic or medicinal products at skin diseases fungal type or to relieve fatigue:

  1. The ratio of the amount of water and esters should be equal to a couple of drops of oil per liter of water.
  2. In the presence of fungal skin lesions, the emulsifier should not contain dairy products.
  3. At the end of the procedure, there is no need to rinse your feet and hands. It is enough to wipe them with a towel, spread with cream, and also put on gloves and socks for the purpose of warming.

c) Aromatic massage

It becomes indispensable and relevant in the fight against cellulite or in an effort to achieve skin rejuvenation. As massage mixtures are used different kinds vegetable oils mixed with essential essences:

  1. For the purpose of body massage, the composition is prepared by mixing 30 drops of esters with 50 ml of vegetable oil.
  2. For a facial massage, 10 drops of esters are enough for a similar amount of herbal mixture.
  3. Acupressure type massage is carried out using a more concentrated composition.

d) Compresses

A fairly common method of conducting home aromatherapy , which can be of several types:

  • Hot

They are used in the presence of spasmodic pain, seals after injections, as well as bruises and injuries:

  1. AT base oil in the amount of one teaspoon, 3 drops of essential essence are diluted.
  2. The resulting mixture is added to hot water.
  3. In the solution, gauze is wetted, which is then applied to the painful area.
  4. From above, the gauze is covered with polyethylene and a cotton layer, which are fixed with a bandage.
  5. The lagging compress is replaced by a new one.

Hot compresses are not suitable for temperature, inflammation processes and skin diseases.

  • Cold

Indicated for bleeding, inflammation, temperature:

  1. A similar oil mixture is prepared as with hot compresses.
  2. The composition is wetted with a towel, which is then applied to the sore spot.
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